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刘升发 《台湾海峡》1997,16(2):229-232
本文报道芽腺属吸虫一新种,即矶鲈芽腺吸虫,新种LecithocladiumparapristipomatissP.nov.,虫体大小1.24~1.74×0.25~0.45mm;虫卵18~22×9~12μm。  相似文献   

Two new species of Hatschekia Poche, 1901 are described from New Zealand specimens of Allomycterus jaculiferus (Cuvier, 1818) and Lepidopus caudatus (Euthrasen, 1878) respectively. Comment is made on the need for revision within the genus Hatschekia.  相似文献   

刘升发 《台湾海峡》2002,21(1):37-44
拟囊腔吸虫 ,新种Saccocoelioideslizaesp .nov .发现于棱 Lizacarinatus的消化道 .同已知种相比 ,无论虫体大小还是各器官的形态结构及分布 ,新种与S .magniovatusSzidat,1 954和Saccocoelioidesbeauforti(Hanter&Thomas,1 961 ;Over streef,1 971 )最为相似 .但S .magniovatus没有前咽 ,虫卵 (0 .0 95~ 0 .1 1 4× 0 .0 41~ 0 .0 60 )较大且卵黄腺几乎呈“V”形 ;而Saccocoelioidesbeauforti的食道较长 ,肠叉位于腹吸盘之后 ,肠管止于卵巢之后 ,虫卵里的毛蚴不具眼点 .  相似文献   

Two new species of Naticidae ( Mollusca, Gastropoda) collected from the coast of China are described: Cryptonaitca huanghaien- s/s sp. nov. and Sinum vittatum sp. nov. The morphological characteristics between the new species were described and the related information was provided. The similarities and differences between the new species and related species were also compared and discussed. The new species Cryptonaitca huanghaiensis differed from Cryptonaitca hirasei and Cryptonaitca andoi in outer shape, operculum and radula. The new species Sinum vittatum is similar to Sinumjaponicum (Lischke, 1869), but the shell of the former is flat-elliptical in shape, spire very small, slightly convex. While the latter is flat-globular in shape, apex light brown in color, without a brown band on the body whorl. The comparison results revealed that Cryptonaitca huanghaiensis and Sinum vittatum were two new species from the coast of China. Specimens studied were obtained from collections in the Marine Biological Museum, Chinese Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

探讨并殖吸虫螺类宿主自然资源。发现采自福建北部的沼蜷属螺Paludomus一新种,命名为闽北沼蜷。参照《医学贝类学》和相关文献进行形态描述。正模(FJ6135)壳高18.15 mm,壳宽13.46 mm,壳口高14.05 mm,壳口宽8.04 mm。产地武夷山九曲溪。螺层5层,顶层及原壳层多缺失,螺面呈绿褐色,各螺层宽度上向体螺层增长迅速,体螺层大而膨胀,其高度上约占全部高度的4/5。齿舌中央齿呈尖峰状,中部支齿大而突出。内缘齿单支而宽大,两侧缘各有3或5枚不甚突出小齿,分布不对称,排列公式:3-1-3,3-1-5(3),7,5。本新种可与黔沼蜷(P.quianensis Liu et al,1994)、带沼蜷(P.cinctus Liu et al,1994)比较鉴别。  相似文献   

Amomg the 30 known species of the algal family Prasiolaceae (Prasiolales, Chlorophyta), nine marine species have been found in marine environments but none in China seas. We reported here two new species Prasiola fangchengensis Luan et Ding sp. nov. and Prasiola volcanica Luan et Ding sp. nov. from subtropical coastal water of southern China.  相似文献   

We characterised seasonal and ontogenetic changes in diet and prey energy density of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in Lake Rotoiti, New Zealand, to better understand the prey requirements of trout in central North Island lakes. Common smelt (Retropinna retropinna) was the dominant prey item of rainbow trout larger than 200 mm (77.8% of diet by weight), followed by kōura (freshwater crayfish Paranephrops planifrons; 6.3%), common bully (Gobiomorphus cotidianus; 5.5%), and kōaro (Galaxias brevipinnis; 3.4%). Juvenile rainbow trout (<200 mm) consumed amphipods, aquatic and terrestrial insects, oligochaetes, tanaid shrimps, and smelt. Trout consumed kōaro only in autumn and winter; consumption of other species did not vary seasonally. The maximum size of smelt consumed increased with increasing trout size, but trout continued to consume small smelt even as large adults. Consumption of larger prey items (kōaro and kōura) also increased with increasing trout size. This study indicates the importance of smelt for sustaining rainbow trout populations, as predation on other species was relatively low. These findings provide a basis for bioenergetic modelling of rainbow trout populations in lakes of the central North Island of New Zealand.  相似文献   

Two species of Nassarius Duméril, 1805 from the South China Sea are described and illustrated. The specimens are in the Nassariidae collection of the Marine Biological Museum of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao.Nassarius concavus sp. nov., from the sandy bottom at a depth of 180 m, resembles Nassarius glabrus Zhang and Zhang, 2014 in general shell morphology, but differs from the latter in having a smaller, more slender adult shell without axial ribs on the upper teleoconch whorls. Nassarius nanshaensis sp. nov., from the Nansha Islands at a depth of 56–147 m, is similar to Nassarius maxiutongi Zhang, Zhang and Li, 2019 in the shell sculpture, but differs in having a more slender shell with a higher spire, and fewer cusps on the rachidian tooth(9–11 vs. 13–17).  相似文献   

采自广东湛江湾海域软水母亚纲(Leptomedusae Claus,1877)、锥螅水母目(Conica Broch,1916)、和平水母科(Eirenidae Haeckel, 1879)、和平水母属(Eirene Eschscholtz,1829) 2新种,即大腺和平水母新种(E. macrogonia Huang, Sun et Liu,sp. nov.)和湛江和平水母新种(E. zhanjiangensis Huang, Zhang et Zao, sp. nov.)。其鉴别特征如下:(1)大腺和平水母,新种;伞扁于半球形,胶质中等厚;胃柄基部塔状,胃柄较长,伸出伞腔口外;垂管长度短于口唇,4个发达口唇边缘呈齿状皱褶;生殖腺发达波状弯曲,着生于辐管下伞部,从胃柄基部延伸到伞缘外;19~24条缘触手,5~8个缘疣,触手基部呈球状,无排泄乳突;每2条触手间或触手和缘疣间有1个平衡囊,每个平衡囊有1~2个平衡石;4条辐管,1条环管。(2)湛江和平水母,新种;伞半球形,胶质厚;胃柄基部呈塔形,末端变窄;垂管较长,约等于口唇长度,口唇边缘有齿状皱褶;生殖腺带状,从胃柄基部延伸至近伞缘;缘触手多,70~125条,触手基球有排泄乳突;平衡囊数目约为触手数的1/2;4条辐管,1条环管。  相似文献   

本文描述了中国福建省红树林湿地中自由生活海洋线虫的2个新种。Sabatieria conicoseta sp.nov.的主要特征是:具有短的锥形体刚毛、12-15个管状的肛前附器以及长度为12-15 μm的直的引带突起。Dorylaimopsis papilla sp.nov.的主要特征是:交接器中部具有角质化带状隔膜,近端头状具一小钩,其长度为肛门所在位置体直径的1.5–1.8倍,具有长度为37-40μm的背尾指向的引带突起。泄殖孔前具16-18个微型乳突状的肛前附器。  相似文献   

Medusae in 116 samples collected from the coastal waters of the northern Beibu Gulf during four seasonal oceanographic cruises from October 2017 to August 2018 were analyzed. In total, 34 species were identified. Two of the species are new to science, Proboscidactyla pentacanalis Xu, Chen & Yang sp. nov. and Helgicirrha apapillata Xu, Chen & Wang sp. nov., and three species are newly recorded in the Beibu Gulf, i.e., Hydractinia vacuolata Xu & Huang, 2006, Proboscidactyla flavicirrat...  相似文献   

Two new species of Pseudostomella from North Stradbroke Island, Australia, P. klauserae n. sp. and P. megapalpator n. sp., are characterised by scaled triancres, cuticular structures that until now were known only from one other member of the genus. The structure of the scaled triancres in both species is new: the triancre base is diamond‐ or triangular‐shaped with three shafts that arise to form feather‐like scales. P. klauserae n. sp. is characterised by scales arising from a diamond‐shaped triancre base, the distribution of cephalic papillae, and the abundance and distribution of anterior and lateral adhesive tubes. P. megapalpator n. sp. is distinguished by scales arising from a rounded‐triangular triancre base, large dorsal, digitiform papillae, and ventral adhesive tubes. The presence of two new species with scaled triancres allows for the formation of a novel species complex within the genus. An amended key to the species is included.  相似文献   

Nine species of Prionospio complex are recorded from China's waters,including one new species and six newly recorded species.Prionospio(Prionospio) pacifica sp.nov.,is characterized by having first and forth pairs of branchiae pinnate,second and third pairs of apinnate,ventral crest on Setiger 9 and dorsal crests on Setigers 10—25.Apoprionospio kirrae(Wilson,1990),Prionospio(Aquilaspio) convexa Imajima,1990,Prionospio(Minuspio) multibranchiata Berkeley,1927,Prionospio(Prionospio) bocki Sderstrm,1920,Prion...  相似文献   

A second species of Neophrynichthys is described from 20 specimens collected from the Campbell Plateau, south of South Island, New Zealand. It differs from its sole congener, N. latus, in having 25–26 pectoral rays (versus 22–24), cirri on head more than twice as large, half as few (c. 50 versus >100), and generally absent from the mid‐region behind the eyes (versus being relatively dense), and in spotted colour pattern covering much less than 50% of the dorsal surface of the head (versus >50%). This new species is the sixth psychrolutid known from New Zealand. The genus Neophrynichthys is formally diagnosed by two synapomorphic characters unique among psychrolutids: having light spots on a dark ground colour and having an open fourth and fifth infraorbital, fifth and sixth cranial arch, medial extrascapular, and posterior tabular of the pterotic.  相似文献   

A new monstrilloid copepod species, Cymbasoma cheni sp. nov., from Meizhou Bay (an embayment in Fujian Province, southeastern China) is described and illustrated. The diagnostic character of the new species is the structure and armature of the fi fth leg, which is represented by a single lobe armed with three naked setae subequal in length. The new species closely resembles Cymbasoma bowmani Suárez- Morales and Gasca, 1998 in the structure of the fi fth legs, and the body proportions, including total body length, and relative lengths of the cephalothorax and the genital double somite. However, Cymbasoma cheni sp. nov. is distinguished by lack of cuticular ornamentation on the cephalothorax, the position of the oral papilla, and the structure of the fi fth leg with three naked setae. Although the structure of the fi fth legs is similar in Cymbasoma cheni sp. nov. and Cymbasoma quintanarooense (Suárez-Morales, 1994), the new species can be easily distinguished from Cymbasoma quintanarooense by the relative length of the antennule, diff erences in the genital double-somite and the ovigerous spines, and the shape of ocelli. This is the sixth record of this genus from China seas.  相似文献   

The samples of Anthomedusae were collected from the Guangdong coastal water,China.Three new species of Anthomedusae,i.e.Zhangiella condensum Huang,Zhang et Sun,sp.nov.,Hydractinia leizhouensis Huang,Zhang et Yang,sp.nov.,and Cladosarsia simplex Huang,Zhang et Ke,sp.nov.are described.All type specimens are deposited in College of Ocean and Earth Sciences,Xiamen University.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONEuphysorabelongstoChryTnorphidaeofAnthomedusaeofHydromedusae.fofarfourspeciesofEuphysorawererecordedinChina,i.e.,EuphysorabigelowiMaas1905(XuandZhang,1978),E.annulataKramp1928(~,1988),E.furcataKrarnp1948(~,1988)andE.gracilis(Brooks,1882)(JiangandChen,1994).ThroughstudyonEuphysorafromMinnan(SouthZhejiangProvince)--TaiwanBankfishinggroundandtheDatanBayofHongKongfrom1985,wehavefoundthreenewspeciesofEuphysora,i.e.,E.brunnesceatis,E.knidesandE.solidonema.Owingtothethre…  相似文献   

A new species belonging to the genus Haloschizopera Lang, 1944 (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Miraciidae, Diosaccinae) was identifi ed based on the samples collected from the East China Sea, near the off shore of Zhejiang Province, East China. The new species is closely related to H . pygmaea Norman & Sccot T., 1905 and shares a combination of the following features: A1 eight-segmented;A2 exp-2 with one distal seta, exp-3 with three setae;P1 endopodal segments subequal, enp-1 not exceeding exp-2;exp-3 of P3 with one inner seta, of P4 with two inner setae. The new species is characterized by the presence of one inner seta on P2 exp-3 of both sexes. It can also be distinguished from its congeners by the characters of female: P5 exopod subcircular, endopodal lobe extending beyond half-length of exopod;genital doublesomite ornamented with three dorsolateral rows of spinules on anterior part.  相似文献   

本文对我国沿海岸采集的褐藻门(Phaeopyta)短毛藻科(Elachistaceae)短毛藻属(Elachista Duby)海藻进行了分类学研究。发现2个新种,即长海短毛藻E.changhaiensis Luan et Ding sp.nov.和暗色短毛藻E.fusca Luan et Ding sp.nov.。文中对此2个种的形态特征进行了较详细的特征描述,并对新种提供了相应的英语特征描述,以及较完整的其他分类学信息,与相似种进行了比较。长海短毛藻藻体黄褐色,长同化丝直径7~22 μm,多室囊长95~150 μm,由23~38个小室组成;短同化丝长200~350 μm,由11~24个细胞组成。暗色短毛藻藻体暗褐色,长同化丝直径8~14 μm,多室囊分枝,长75~150 μm,由27~39个小室组成;短同化丝着生于长同化丝的基部,长0.13~0.33 mm,由5~13个细胞组成。模式标本保存在中国科学院海洋研究所海洋生物标本馆(AST)。  相似文献   

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