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银鱼生产的发展是通过银鱼的引种来实现的,银鱼的引种主要是采取向水体投放受精卵的方式来完成,受精卵又是通过人工繁殖而获得银鱼的人工繁殖不同于常规养殖鱼类,因其一经捕起很快就会死亡而不能进行人工催产因此银鱼人工繁殖的亲本是在银鱼的繁殖季节从天然水体中捕捞而获得,而大量的性成熟好的、可以立即进行人工受精的亲本只能在产卵高峰期才能捕获得到.所以了解并掌握银鱼的性腺发育规律和产卵时期对银鱼的人工繁殖十分重要 1992年4月至1996年5月在湖北省徐家河水库对近太湖新银鱼的性腺发育规律和产卵时期进行了长期的研究,并从1995年5月至1996年4月(银鱼的一生)周年标本中逐月进行了组织切片通过对近太湖新银鱼(Neosalanx pseudotaihuensis)卵细胞的组织学研究表明该鱼为分批产卵类型根据卵巢外部形态和内部组织结构,建议将近太湖新银鱼的卵巢划分为六个阶段;从卵巢每月发育期趋势和卵细胞大小以及卵的成熟度得出近太湖新银鱼的产卵期为3-5月,其中4月中旬至5月中旬为产卵高峰期;根据体长频率分布来看,近太湖新银鱼产完最后一批卵就死亡,因此,它的寿命仅一年从其周年体长和成熟系数分布并结合秋季大捕捞大量样本的检查,得出近太湖新银鱼只有春季产卵群  相似文献   

白龟山水库银鱼移植试验   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
盖玉欣  王玉芬 《湖泊科学》1995,7(4):374-378
1987年一次性向白龟山水库投放太湖新银鱼有效受精卵21×10~4粒,后形成强大种群生产力,1991~1993年累计生产银鱼190t,创经济效益500余万人民币。太湖新银鱼具有生命周期不长、食物链较短、适应环境能力较强、容易捕捞等优点,是“填补”移植驯化的理想对象。白龟山水库生态系中鱼类区系组成不够饱和,存有空闲小生境,饵料竞争比较缓和,敌害压力较小,是移植驯化银鱼的适宜水体。白龟山水库银鱼食性组成中以桡足类和枝角类为主;分布遍及全库,尤以上、中游水草区为最多。1991年全库银鱼相对资源蕴藏量为108920kg,即1.56×10~(?)尾。1991年约有29.5%的浮游动物被银鱼利用转化成为银鱼产品,生物学效益较高。综合考虑银鱼的繁殖和生长,在现有捕捞强度下,捕捞生产宜安排在11月~翌年2月为宜。  相似文献   

近太湖新银鱼不仅在形态上与太湖新银鱼很相似,而且它们的个体大小、生长速度、食性等方面也十分相近。近几年在湖北地区的湖泊、水库相继发现了近太湖新银鱼,并在湖北省广水市徐家河水库成为优势种类,形成了较大生产规模。从目前研究的结果来看,近太湖新银鱼也是适宜我国湖泊、水库移植的银鱼种类。  相似文献   

湖北省水库与湖泊银鱼移植与增殖试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在受试水库、湖泊中,移植与增殖二种银鱼,即近太湖新银鱼和太湖新银鱼。经三种人工采卵受精技术的比较试验,采用半干法人工受精最为理想。经多种受精卵运输方法的比较试验,采用塑料袋充氧运输最为理想。经散撒受精卵和网箱孵化的比较实验,采用网箱孵化最为理想。经不同放流鱼苗技术的比较实验,采用鱼苗平游后放流最为理想。经不同季节、不同开捕时间的比较实验,二种银鱼的合理捕捞时间为秋冬季,严禁在春季捕捞;最合理的开捕时间为国庆节前后。近太湖新银鱼和太湖新银鱼的人工采卵授精时间为3月上旬和4月上旬,严禁在非繁殖盛期采卵。银鱼的捕捞强度应控制在资源量的2/3或3/4范围内。  相似文献   

道观河水库大银鱼移植生物学效应─2.摄食生态   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
根据1995年3月至1997年6月在道观河水库采集的大银鱼和浮游动物指标对不同生长期大银鱼的食物种类、主要食物出现率,肠充塞度以及鳃耙结构和饵料基础浮游动物进行了分析,得出大银鱼鳃惮距随体长增大而增大,所摄物亦由小到大;大银鱼食物种类与其环境中的饵料基础种类呈相反消长关系;肠充塞度与生长呈正相关关系。  相似文献   

鄱阳湖产银鱼的繁殖生物学   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
陈国华  张本 《湖泊科学》1990,2(1):59-67
本文记述了鄱阳湖产太湖短吻银鱼(Neosalanx tangkahkeii taihuensis)、乔氏短吻银鱼(Neosalanx jordani)、雷氏银鱼(Reganisalanx brachyrostralis)等三种银鱼的成熟年龄、繁殖时期、生殖群体的体长、性比、生殖力、卵的特征等繁殖生物学资料,并记述了太湖短吻银鱼性腺成熟系数的周年变化、太湖短吻银鱼和乔氏短吻银鱼的产卵生态条件等。近二十年来鄱阳湖银鱼产量急剧下降的主要原因是产卵场遭到了严重破坏。银鱼生命周期仅一年,繁殖力强,认为加强繁殖保护、合理安排捕捞时间是恢复鄱阳湖银鱼资源的关键措施。  相似文献   

通过研究太湖湖鲚的年龄结构、食物组成,结合太湖鱼类渔获量统计和环境检测资料,分析了1973-2002年间太 湖湖鲚渔获量变化的规律、原因及与生物环境间的相互关系.结果表明:1994年后湖鲚渔获量正以平均年增1430t 的速度 上升;种群中0~ 个体占99.04±2.21%(2003年)、99.08±0.80%(2004年);而0~ 湖鲚主要以浮游动物为食,其中枝角 类占食物总个数的89.77.80±13.69%.分析发现:湖鲚渔获量与 TIN、TN、COD 间的正相关关系均达到显著水平;与翘嘴 红鲌、银鱼产量间的负相关关系达到极显著水平;种群低龄化趋势加剧与捕捞强度不断升高相一致;浮游动物现存量有随 湖鲚渔获量升高而降低的趋势.  相似文献   

太湖短吻银鱼移殖滇池试验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
1979-1985年对移入滇池后的太湖短吻银鱼个体、群体生态和资源变动情况进行了分析,结果表明:滇池全年均具有适合太湖短吻银鱼生长、繁殖的良好理化环境和丰富的饵料基础,因而缩短了它的生长周期和成熟周期.如1979年引进的银鱼,经几个月的生长,当年11月份就达到性成熟,孵出的仔鱼生长到次年8-9月份又成熟产卵,孵出的仔鱼生长到第三年4-5月份又成熟产卵,这样就形成了三个生殖群体,即春群、秋群和冬群,但寿命仍然是一年.因而其种群发展极快,1980-1986年总捕捞量达10000t,最高年产(1984年)达3200t,平均亩产达7.16kg,经济效益明显.  相似文献   

我国银鱼研究概况及其移植的生态管理准则   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文论述了我国银鱼的种类,分布,幼态持续现象,生态特性与移植增殖现状,并重点介绍了银鱼移植的生态管理准则-经济学准则,地理学准则,生物学准则和生态学准则。  相似文献   

保安湖沉水植被恢复及其渔业效益   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
通过消除对沉水植物生长有破坏作用的草食性鱼类和杂食性鱼类,在低水位的早春选择无风浪的天气移栽水草,于199年保安湖一个面积为3.3hm^2网栏湖汊成功地恢复了绝迹8个月的水草群落,秋季水草覆盖盖达50%,同时研究了在无鱼类摄食破坏的条件下苦草和黄丝草的生长动态。  相似文献   

基于COI基因序列的太湖新银鱼遗传多样性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张迪  雷光春  龚成  王忠锁 《湖泊科学》2012,24(2):299-306
利用线粒体细胞色素C氧化酶I(COI)分子标记分析长江中下游太湖新银鱼(Neosalanx taihuensis)8个地理种群132个样本的遗传多样性.该基因630 bp片段的碱基序列共检出8个核苷酸变异位点(变异率1.27%),其中局域性单倍型居多(75%),群体单倍型多样性较高(h=0.576±0.036),而核苷酸多样性较低(π=0.00112±0.00204).不同地理种群遗传多样性差异显著:有人工移植历史种群遗传多样性较高、隔离度较高的种群遗传多样性较低,但大部分的遗传变异来自于种群内(54.83%),反映出地理隔离和人为干扰对太湖新银鱼遗传格局影响显著.研究表明COI基因适于银鱼科鱼类物种鉴别和系统发育研究,同时可为同种种群间遗传关系分析提供一定的信息.  相似文献   

The life history of the amphipod Orchestia sp. cf. cavimana (Heller, 1865) was studied throughout the course of a year with monthly samplings and the use of pitfall traps along the shores of Lake Albano in central Italy. The data thus obtained showed two peaks in abundance (the first in June and the second in October) and a minimum capture frequency in February. Egg-bearing females were recorded in spring and late summer, whilst recruitment occurred from spring to autumn, with maximum in June and October. The data collected also indicated the presence of a positive correlation between the abundance of talitrids and both temperature and sediment moisture. Morphological analysis enabled the identification of four different cohorts (with a lifespan of the species of approximately 12–15 months) all four of which remained distinguishable throughout the course of the year. It, moreover, enabled sex determination in individuals of 5 or more millimetres. The subsequent distribution indicated that, when significant, the sex ratio was female biased and that maximum size was greater in males. In particular, maximum sizes were recorded in spring for both males and females and were of 17.5 and 13.0 mm, respectively. Furthermore, the total body length recorded for egg-bearing females was positively correlated with the number of eggs in their brood pouch.  相似文献   

The population dynamics and distribution of Daphnia pulicaria were studied in Lake Constance (Lower Lake). This Daphnia was absent in the year 2004, absent during most part of the year 2005 and absent in spring 2007 but present from November 2005 to July 2006. Abundance was high from January to late May of the year 2006; maximum abundance was 95,000 ind. m−2 (30 May). Males and ephippial females were observed in January and late May. Ovigerous females constituted between 30% and 70% of adult females from November 2005 to April 2006; in June and July their percentage decreased to <20%. Mean number of eggs per egg-bearing female ranged between 2 (in November 2005) and 9.8 (in April 2006) and maximum egg number was 20. Birth and growth rates were low (generally <0.15); death rate was highest in June (0.275). Females of D. pulicaria were larger than females of Daphnia galeata/hyalina but carried somewhat fewer eggs. D. pulicaria generally preferred the deep cool water layers. The species was abundant in the northern parts of the Lower Lake (Gnadensee and Zeller See), rare in the southern parts (Rheinsee) and absent in the Upper Lake. We conclude that the life history and occurrence of large-bodied D. pulicaria in Lake Constance can be governed by fish predation pressure. This suggestion is supported by analyses of stomach contents from Coregonus lavaretus; stomachs contained high proportions of D. pulicaria in the first half of the year 2006. The disappearance of D. pulicaria in early summer and the comparatively low proportion of adults for most part of the investigation period also indicate that fish predation is involved in the dynamics of this Daphnia. The preference for deep cool water can be strategy to reduce predation risk. The low density of D. pulicaria in the southern basin of Lower Lake (Rheinsee) may be explained by the influence of the Rhine River which flows through this basin.  相似文献   

In this study, monthly and annual Upper Blue Nile Basin rainfall data were analyzed to learn the rainfall statistics and its temporal and spatial distribution. Frequency analysis and spatial characterization of rainfall in the Upper Blue Nile Basin are presented. Frequency analysis was performed on monthly basin rainfall. Monthly basin average rainfall data were computed from a network of 32 gauges with varying lengths of records. Monthly rainfall probability distribution varies from month to month fitting Gamma‐2, Normal, Weibull and Log‐Normal distributions. The January, July, October and November basin rainfall fit the Gamma‐2 probability distribution. The February, June and December ones fit Weibull distribution. The March, April, May and August rainfall fit Normal distribution. The September rainfall fits Log‐Normal distribution. Upper Blue Nile Basin is relatively wet with a mean annual rainfall of 1423 mm (1960–2002) with a standard deviation of 125 mm. The annual rainfall has a Normal probability distribution. The 100‐year‐drought basin annual rainfall is 1132 mm and the 100‐year‐wet basin annual rainfall is 1745 mm. The dry season is from November through April. The wet season runs from June through September with 74% of the annual rainfall. October and May are transition months. Monthly and annual rainfalls for return periods 2‐, 5‐, 10‐, 25‐, 50‐ and 100‐year dry and wet patterns are presented. Spatial distribution of annual rainfall over the basin is mapped and shows high variation with the southern tip receiving as high as 2049 mm and the northeastern tip as low as 794 mm annual average rainfall. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

诺伊齐德勒湖欧飘和欧白鱼之间的食物资源分配   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘正文 《湖泊科学》1997,9(1):71-74
欧飘和欧白鱼是奥地利诺伊齐德勒湖敝水区的两优势种。本文研究了1994年6月至11月间欧飘和欧白鱼之间的食物资源分配。从6月到9月,欧飘和欧白鱼主食枝角类蒙古秀体溲和透明薄皮溲,生态位重叠度高,在10月和11月,欧飘主食桡足类刺北镖水蚤和昆虫,而欧白鱼转移到主食昆虫,生态位重叠降低,食物分配明显。  相似文献   

赵莉  雷腊梅  彭亮  韩博平 《湖泊科学》2017,29(1):193-199
拟柱孢藻(Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii)是热带地区普遍存在的蓝藻种类,已在广东省很多水库成为优势种类甚至形成水华,作为一种新的有害水华类型,目前对其成因研究甚少.以广东省江门市镇海水库为研究对象,于2014年11月—2015年10月期间对其进行逐月采样,观测理化因子和浮游植物组成,测定拟柱孢藻的丝体长度,初步探讨该水库拟柱孢藻优势形成的原因.数据表明,拟柱孢藻是镇海水库的绝对优势种,常年生物量较高,介于5.9~15.5 mg/L之间,平均生物量为11.3 mg/L,占浮游植物总生物量的93.5%.从季节上看,拟柱孢藻生物量在2—6月相对较高,最高生物量出现在6月,10月和11月生物量最低.拟柱孢藻的丝体长度具有显著的季节变化,与水温呈极显著负相关.相关性分析表明拟柱孢藻生物量与总氮、总磷浓度呈显著正相关,与氮磷比呈显著负相关,而逐步回归分析表明拟柱孢藻生物量的变化主要由总磷浓度决定,推测该藻对磷的超强吸收和储存能力在其生物量季节变动中起重要作用.  相似文献   

史小丽  范帆  张民  阳振  陈开宁 《湖泊科学》2020,32(5):1446-1453
2018年10月-2019年10月对巢湖西湖心水体浮游藻类群落结构以及水体和底泥蓝藻生物量进行了月度调查.结果表明:巢湖西湖心浮游藻类的主要优势种属为微囊藻属、席藻属、十字藻、卵形隐藻和鱼腥藻属.蓝藻优势种属在5-10月为微囊藻属,11-12月为鱼腥藻属,1-4月为席藻属.巢湖水体和底泥蓝藻生物量峰值分别出现在9月和2月,水体蓝藻的衰亡下沉会导致底泥蓝藻生物量的上升.巢湖蓝藻主要分布在水体,底泥蓝藻生物量相对较低,单位面积水柱与底泥蓝藻生物量6月的比值大于100,在11-3月相对较低,最低值小于2.底泥蓝藻主要分布在底泥表层0~2 cm.通过安装原位捕获器,监测了蓝藻在西巢湖湖心水柱和底泥中的垂直迁移过程和通量.结果表明:11月和2月蓝藻有明显从水柱向底泥迁移的过程;底泥蓝藻全年向水体的静态迁移量都很低,而动态迁移在11月和6月出现两个峰值,主要受底泥蓝藻生物量和再悬浮的影响.本研究结果表明削减巢湖西湖心底泥种源的最佳时期为10月至来年2月,但是由于底泥蓝藻生物量远远小于水柱蓝藻生物量,底泥蓝藻向水体复苏迁移的通量也较低,即使削减了底泥种源,也不能有效降低水体蓝藻生物量.  相似文献   

Distribution and abundance of zooplankton in the North Sea during the Autumn Circulation Experiment (October 1987–March 1988) were examined. From shipboard egg production incubations and the distributions of eggs, nauplii and females, the productivity of various copepod species was described. Against the background of surface temperature, salinity and chlorophyll-a distributions, major seasonal changes in plankton biomass distributions and specific production of copepods were seen. High biomass levels in October rapidly declined into November and January, especially in the north. These changes were followed by early (January/February) production and biomass increases in the southeastern North Sea. Although lowest between November and January, depending on species and location, production continued for many copepod species throughout the winter, despite low temperatures and large predator populations. It was concluded that winter survival of herring larvae and other predators was enhanced by herbivore production in the southeastern North Sea, and that in the north, low herbivore production, competition and predation decreased the probabilities of predator survival. Copepod overwintering strategies and the implications of winter herbivore production and predator abundance for later plankton production processes are discussed.  相似文献   

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