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The direct precipitation of apatite in seawater is inhibited by Mg ions. The action of various factors on this precipitation is studied: addition of Ca, addition of F, reduction of pH and simultaneous effect of reduction of pH and addition either of F or of Ca. It is established that the reduction of the pH of seawater to 7 allows the precipitation of the apatite with a Ca/Mg ratio in the water of 1.2. The favourable environment for the settlement of natural apatite must then be either neutral or acid. This result is corroborated by the re-study of Gulbrandsen's equation. Such an acid environment with a high phosphorus content may be the result of oxidation of large quantities of organic matter due to previous intense biological activity. The acidity is probably brought about by bubbling of CO2.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2018,350(6):255-266
The Oued Togba and Sebkha Gezmayet units of the Adrar Souttouf Massif in the southern Moroccan Sahara are thought to represent tectonic fragments that may have an affinity to the Avalonian and Meguma terranes of eastern North America. Here we study siliciclastic rocks of the Sebkha Gezmayet unit with respect to their detrital zircon spectra. Beside the commonly used U–Th–Pb ages, several aspects of zircon morphology (length, width, roundness, surficial indicators of sedimentary transport, morphotype) are described. The detrital zircon age spectrum of the Sebkha Gezmayet unit resembles that of the already dated underlying igneous rocks. Occurrences of Early Devonian zircon ages are at odds with the magmatic history of the West African Craton but are common in the Avalonian and Meguma terranes, which were affected by the Appalachian orogenies. The scarcity of Mesoproterozoic detrital zircon grains corroborates the previously suggested Meguma terrane affinity of this part of the Adrar Souttouf Massif. Combining zircon morphology and isotopic data, we propose first assumptions on the sedimentary environments of the Sebkha Gezmayet unit during different periods of the Palaeozoic.  相似文献   

Isotopic measurements in polar ice core have shown a succession of rapid warming periods during the last glacial period over Greenland. However, this method underestimates the surface temperature variations. A new method based on gas thermal diffusion in the firn manages to quantify surface temperature variations through associated isotopic fractionations. We developed a method to extract air from the ice and to perform isotopic measurements to reduce analytical uncertainties to 0.006 and 0.020 for δ15N and δ40Ar. It led to a 16±1.5 °C surface temperature variation during a rapid warming (?70000 yr). To cite this article: A. Landais et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   

The Late Hercynian evolution in the French Massif Central corresponds to the transition from a LP–HT (M3 event at 314 ± 5 Ma) to a higher temperature metamorphism corresponding to the emplacement of the Velay granite dome (M4 event at 301 ± 5 Ma). This transition is outlined by the development of sillimanite folia, which represent planes of base-cation leaching, associated with ductile deformation. This evolution implies a counterclockwise retrograde PTt path under subsolidus conditions between M3 and M4. To cite this article: P. Barbey et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   

A new method of interpretation of the QC hysteresis (discharge–salinity) during high water is proposed using the data recorded on coastal brackish karstic springs with salinity inversely proportional to the discharge. The method, based on the QmerCT (seawater discharge–salinity) hysteresis, identifies the effect of the hydrodynamic changes on the flow and transport. Three phenomena are characterized: the emptying of the karstic conduit, the dilution by freshwater and the control of the seawater intrusion in the conduit by the hydraulic head variations. To cite this article: B. Arfib et al., C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   

The measurement of the horizontal component, H, of the geomagnetic field represents an important part of geomagneticians work from 1830 to the end of the 19th century. This measurement remained difficult at the required accuracy of 10?9T (1 nT or 1γ), till the advent of proton and optical pumping magnetometers in geomagnetic observatories, around 1955. The measurement of H consisted in determining the mutual torque between two cylindrical magnets, by measuring either oscillation periods or angular deviations. Poisson was the first, indisputably, to propose the general principle of the measurement, in 1825. But Gauss, some years later (1832), successfully operated his famous oscillation–deviation method, described since then in all the elementary manuals of physics. The computation of the mutual torque depends on the tri-dimensional distribution of the magnetization in each one of the magnets. In the absence of an accurate-enough knowledge of these distributions, Poisson, Gauss, and their successors showed how to make the computations with a minimum number of hypotheses on them. Nevertheless physicists, in particular French ones, worked on the ‘distribution of magnetism’ in magnets; the first of them was Coulomb. We come back to this question through experiments conducted in the magnetic observatory of Chambon-la-Forêt, France. To cite this article: B. Leprêtre, J.-L. Le Mouël, C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   

Analysis of landscapes and soil covers from the outer to the inner part of a 75km×60km watershed in the South-Cameroon rainforest zone, characterized by important remnants of inherited ferricretes and stable hydrostatic base levels, indicates that the development of present landforms has not involved significant erosion by slope retreat because of the relative preservation of downslope residual ferricrete and that soil covers have vertically decayed under in situ geochemical process. To cite this article: D. Bitom et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2018,350(6):245-254
The Oulad Dlim Massif represents the northern segment of the Mauritanide belt that thrusts over the western margin of the Reguibat Shield, north of the West African Craton (WAC). This belt includes various metamorphic units of Archean, Neoproterozoic and Palaeozoic ages that were stacked and thrust eastward during the Variscan orogeny. The core of the Oulad Dlim Massif comprises the Adrar–Souttouf Metamafic Complex that represents a large tectonic unit made of high-grade mafic rocks and vast exposures of amphibolites. A characterisation of the metamorphism in these amphibolites is essential to understand the relationships of the Oulad Dlim Massif with the southern segments of the Mauritanide belt and to provide constraints on the geodynamic evolution of the western margin of the WAC. Here we determine the PT conditions of metamorphism of two samples of garnet amphibolites collected at the northernmost end of the Adrar–Souttouf Metamafic Complex. The samples show a main mineral assemblage of garnet + low-Ti pargasite + oligoclase + phengite + epidote + quartz + rutile ± paragonite ± K-feldspar. We calculated their PT conditions using the amphibole–plagioclase NaSi–CaAl exchange thermometer, and the garnet–amphibole–plagioclase–quartz and the amphibole–plagioclase Si–Al partitioning barometers. The thermobarometric results indicate that this mineral assemblage was formed at high-P amphibolite-facies conditions at 650–700 °C and 10–13 kbar. The observed stability of paragonite and phengite reveals fluid-absent conditions or the presence of a fluid phase with reduced H2O activity during the peak of metamorphism. We found no relicts of eclogite-facies mineral assemblage in the garnet amphibolites. This contrasts with the eclogite-facies metamorphism found due south in the Tarf Magneïna unit. This suggests that the northernmost end of the Adrar–Souttouf Metamafic Complex may have been buried to shallower depths than the units further south, probably during the Variscan orogeny. However, precise absolute radiometric dating of the high-P amphibolite-facies metamorphism is required to confirm these findings.  相似文献   

The frequency analysis of many log data permits to verify that their stochastic component show ‘power-law-type’ spectral densities, characteristic of 1/f noise. They can be modelled by fractional Brownian motions. Continuous Wavelet Transformation (CWT) provides us with very efficient methods to determine the local spectral exponents of these scaling laws. These new attributes are related to the local fractality of these signals. We first present some theoretical results and an application to a fractional Brownian motion. The second application concerns a dataset recorded in the MAR203 borehole. We show that clustering of these new pseudo-logs leads to a good resolution between different lithofacies. To cite this article: N. Zaourar et al., C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   


— Le système de piémont atlasique du Sud marocain, d’âge tertiaire, est constitué dans le secteur de Boudenib de deux unités distinctes. La llamada de Boudenib forme l’unité inférieure et se caractérise par d’importants encroûtements carbonatés, riches en dolomite et attapulgite. L’unité supérieure de la llamada du Cuir marque une reprise de l’érosion et le dépôt de matériaux relativement peu altérés.

Des silicifications affectent les différents faciès de l’unité inférieure, ainsi que les grès crétacés sous-jacents, et jalonnent une surface d’érosion intra-fonnationnelle. Ces silicifications sont précoces, puisque remaniées dans les dépôts ultérieurs. Les illuviations d’opale et les accumulations gramdaires intercalées entre les concrétionnements successifs de silice attestent d’environnements pédologiques. La silicification plus forte vers la partie supérieure des coupes, ainsi que l’association fréquente des faciés silicifiés avec des niveaux hioturhés et altérés sont également à rapporter à des dispositions pédologiques. Ce sont des silcréles pédogénétiques.

L’étude micrographique montre que la silicification procède par épigénie des argiles et des carbonates, ainsi que par des cristallisations dans les vides. C’est à partir des vides existants (fentes, bioturbations et porosité intergranulaire) que se développe la silicification, montrant ainsi le rôle primordial des circulations. En particulier, l’épigénie des carbonates par la silice semble limitée par la diffusion de la silice à partir des vides, où le renouvellement des solutions est assuré. Les séquences de cristallisation des différentes formes de silice (allant de l’opale vers les quartz automorphes) peuvent être interprétées en terme d’évolution du milieu au cours de la silicification. Au fur et à mesure que des dépôts de silice se font sur les parois des vides, les solutions nourricières sont isolées de la roche encaissante, elles se chargent alors moins en cations étrangers, et la cristallisation de plus grands cristaux peut intervenir.

Les silicifications se développent pendant une période de stabilité tectonique et s’installent dans un paysage de glacis et sous des climats chauds à saisons alternées. Leur reconnaissance à l’échelle régionale peut constituer un repère lithostratigraphique précieux.  相似文献   

Résumé L'étude statistique des composants minéraux et organiques, selon les méthodes de l'auteur, a été effectuée sur plus de 600 coupes minces régulièrement distribuées dans une série récifale de 225 m d'épaisseur. Elle a révélé des soulèvements et des subsidences encadrant des récifs et se traduisant par une succession de microfaciès clastiques dont les assemblages faunistiques sont très bien délimités au point de vue bathymétrique. Une comparaison avec les formations récifales actuelles est tentée sur la base des faunes périrécifales.  相似文献   

The southern termination of the left-lateral ‘Moyenne Durance’ Fault (FMD) consists in several segments, some being connected to WSW-trending south-verging reverse faults. To the south, the Aix fault is reactivated in a post-Oligocene strike-slip movement showing that these two faults might belong to the same system. This system seems to transfer, in turn, slip to the east-trending, south-verging Trévaresse reverse fault, allowing southward propagation of the Alpine deformation front in western Provence. Fault kinematics analysis shows lateral stress field change between the two faults. Strike-slip stress state is characterized by an average N150°E trending σ1 near the FMD termination, whilst strike-slip and reverse faulting stress states show north-trending σ1 to the south. To cite this article: P. Guignard et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   

International Journal of Earth Sciences - New U–Pb dating on zircon yielded ca. 470 Ma ages for the granitoids from the Lévézou massif in the southern French Massif...  相似文献   


Entre les moraines frontales du « Complexe des moraines internes» (Würm) bien représentées à l’ouest de Lyon (vallum morainique de Grenay et de Lagnieu) et les massifs alpins des Alpes bernoises et du Valais, aucun are morainïque majeur, pouvant marquer un ou plusieurs stades de stabilité du front glaciaire au COurs du retrait, n’ est bien individualisé. Seule une moraine de fond est reconnue, recouverte localement d’unités sédimentaires en position supra-moraini- °iUe donc contemporaines de la fonte glaciaire. Leur faciès et leur position dans la topographie montrent qu’il s’agit de formations déposées en marge du glacier, principalement dans les lacs juxta-glaciaires, au cours de la fonte progressive sur place, de culots indépendants constitués de glace rendue « morte » par un manque d’alimentation de l’amont. L’étagement de ces formations sur les versants des bassins topographiques permet de proposer 3 stades de l’évolution paléogéographique de la fonte du glacier würmien.  相似文献   

Two deep scientific boreholes, named Poigny 701 and Sainte-Colombe 702, located in the Paris Basin near Provins (Seine-et-Marne, France), recovered a complete Upper Cretaceous chalk succession. A correlation between the boreholes lithostratigraphy, reflexion seismic profiles and diagenetic patterns shows that major velocity variations measured in the seismic reflection profiles correspond to dolomitized chalk intervals. Dolomitisations occurred during early and burial diagenesis. The understanding of these complex diagenetic events has an important economic consequence on the static correction of the chalk formation in the Paris Basin. Optimisation of petroleum prospecting below chalk cover is thus possible. The chalk series of the 701 and 702 boreholes range from the Cenomanian to the upper Campanian. In this succession, micrite has a primarily biogenic origin; it consists of pelagic organisms, indicative of warm seawater with values around 25°C. Several hiatuses occur in the 701 borehole. These hiatuses indicate the existence of particular hydrodynamic conditions. Deep-water channels were locally recognised in the Paris Basin as in Normandy and Picardy. In the 702 borehole, massive dolomitisation affected the upper meters of sediment below the sea floor. This early phase of massive dolomitisation was induced by slow circulation of a magnesium-rich seawater mass, along the seawater/sediment interface. Thus, this area was a zone of intense marine circulation between the North-West infralittoral and the South-West bathyal domains, across the London-Paris Basin. Magnesium-rich seawater had as origin the recrystallisation of the biogenic peri-plateform carbonates. During both dolomitisation and dissolution of the calcite matrix of the massive dolomite, the calcite had cemented chalk around the massive dolomite body. After deposition, the chalk series was progressively compacted and lithified by burial calcite cement. During the late Campanian-Maastrichtian, the burial compaction of the chalk and thermal gradient reached their maximum, as compressive stresses from the Pyrenean orogenesis affected the Paris Basin. At this time, compaction of the massive dolomite induced the expulsion of magnesian-rich fluids into the underlying already compacted chalk series. In 702 borehole, a diffuse dolomitisation then affected strongly underlying the chalk series. In 701 borehole, this diffuse dolomitisation affected slightly the lower half of the chalk series. Laterally, dolomitisation decreases gradually and affected a only smaller thickness of the chalk series, disappearing laterally. During the progressive emergence of the Paris Basin, from the Paleogene to the Quaternary, the chalk series were partially invaded by continental fresh water. Thus partial dedolomitisation affected the massive dolomite, whereas total dedolomitisation affected only the upper first meters of it.Manuscrit reçu le 20 juin 2003 Révision acceptée le 9 septembre 2004  相似文献   


La coexistence de flores à cachet autunien et de flores à cachet Stéphanien dans une même formation et dans plusieurs bassins limniques du Paléozoïque supérieur du Massif central est attribuée.à des variations de paléoenvironnement : les flores “autuniennes” sont des flores méso- à xérophiles poussant sur les reliefs bordiers des bassins ou dans les zones hautes de ces derniers, alors que les flores “stéphaniennes” sont des flores hygrophiles des plaines d’inondation des zones basses. Le changement climatique qui marque le passage du Carbonifère au Per-mien, et qui se traduit par une certaine aridification, amène une évolution radicale de la composition des flores, les ensembles floristiques méso- et xérophiles devenant prédominants. Ceci démontre l’importance des conditions paléoécologiques sur la répartition et la succession des flores permocarbonifères. Il découle de tout ceci que la stratigraphie du Paléozoïque supérieur du Massif central, basée sur les successions de flores, n’est pas en mesure de fournir un cadre chronologique précis aux événements structuraux de l’époque.  相似文献   


Ce travail présente les processus qui ont contribué à la distribution des sédiments superficiels de la plateforme continentale du Rio Grande do Sul-Brésil. Cette plateforme est recouverte par quatre populations granulométriques : sable très grossier à moyen, sable fin à très fin, silt et argile. Un régime sédimentaire terrigène prédomine sur la plate-forme et le talus continental de la région étudiée, avec la présence considérable de sédiments reliques et palimpsestes. Les sédiments modernes sont restreints et liés à l’influence du fleuve de la Plata et de la lagune des Patos. La présence de sédiments grossiers au bord externe de la plate-forme continentale peut être expliquée par la conjonction de l’effet de seuil et des ondes internes qui ne permettent pas, dans les régions Nord et Sud, le dépôt de sédiments fins sur les sédiments plus grossiers. Dans la région centrale, ces effets sont réduits par la structure morphologique dénommée « Cône du Rio Grande », ce qui explique la présence de sédiments fins dans cette zone.  相似文献   

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