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Henry's law coefficients of 15 alkyl nitrates, keto-, hydroxy-, and dinitrates of atmospheric interest have been measured, mostly over the temperature range 1–25°C. The compounds are stable in aqueous solution. Where literature data were available, Henry's law coefficients are in very good agreement. It is concluded that dissolution in cloud and rain water is not an important loss process for alkyl mononitrates in the atmosphere. The residence times of the more soluble bifunctional organic nitrates, however, are significantly affected or even controlled by washout and rainout. Gas chromatographic analysis of bifunctional nitrates in preconcentrated atmospheric samples may be adversely affected by the adsorptive properties of these compounds.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature on the solubility of PAN and on its hydrolysis rate in near-neutral and slightly acidic water were studied in a bubble column apparatus. The results obtained are a Henry's law coefficient H=10–9.04±0.6 exp[(6513±376)/T] M atm–1, and a first-order hydrolysis rate constant k=106.60±1.0 exp[(–6612±662)/T] s-1, which was independent of pH in the range 3.2pH6.7. The products formed are nitrite and nitrate in approximately equal proportions under near-neutral conditions. At a pH<4, nitrite is oxidized in a secondary reaction, and nitrate becomes the only product at low pH. Previously measured deposition velocities of PAN on stagnant water surfaces are shown to be hydrolysis rate limited.  相似文献   

The climatology and interannual variability of sea surface salinity(SSS) and freshwater flux(FWF) in the equatorial Pacific are analyzed and evaluated using simulations from the Beijing Normal University Earth System Model(BNU-ESM).The simulated annual climatology and interannual variations of SSS, FWF, mixed layer depth(MLD), and buoyancy flux agree with those observed in the equatorial Pacific. The relationships among the interannual anomaly fields simulated by BNU-ESM are analyzed to illustrate the climate feedbacks induced by FWF in the tropical Pacific. The largest interannual variations of SSS and FWF are located in the western-central equatorial Pacific. A positive FWF feedback effect on sea surface temperature(SST) in the equatorial Pacific is identified. As a response to El Ni ?no–Southern Oscillation(ENSO),the interannual variation of FWF induces ocean processes which, in turn, enhance ENSO. During El Ni ?no, a positive FWF anomaly in the western-central Pacific(an indication of increased precipitation rates) acts to enhance a negative salinity anomaly and a negative surface ocean density anomaly, leading to stable stratification in the upper ocean. Hence, the vertical mixing and entrainment of subsurface water into the mixed layer are reduced, and the associated El Ni ?no is enhanced. Related to this positive feedback, the simulated FWF bias is clearly reflected in SSS and SST simulations, with a positive FWF perturbation into the ocean corresponding to a low SSS and a small surface ocean density in the western-central equatorial Pacific warm pool.  相似文献   

We propose a new turbulence closure model based on the budget equations for the key second moments: turbulent kinetic and potential energies: TKE and TPE (comprising the turbulent total energy: TTE = TKE + TPE) and vertical turbulent fluxes of momentum and buoyancy (proportional to potential temperature). Besides the concept of TTE, we take into account the non-gradient correction to the traditional buoyancy flux formulation. The proposed model permits the existence of turbulence at any gradient Richardson number, Ri. Instead of the critical value of Richardson number separating—as is usually assumed—the turbulent and the laminar regimes, the suggested model reveals a transitional interval, , which separates two regimes of essentially different nature but both turbulent: strong turbulence at ; and weak turbulence, capable of transporting momentum but much less efficient in transporting heat, at . Predictions from this model are consistent with available data from atmospheric and laboratory experiments, direct numerical simulation and large-eddy simulation.  相似文献   

针对受体模型对大气PM2.5中二次无机、有机气溶胶不能给出有效源贡献的问题,建立了一种基于污染源清单的化学质量平衡(Inventory-Chemical Mass Balance,I-CMB)颗粒物源解析受体模型,代入北京市近年的污染物排放数据进行了解析应用。结果表明,燃煤是北京大气PM2.5的最大来源(占比约28.06%),其余依次为机动车(19.73%)、扬尘(17.88%)、工业(16.50%)、餐饮(3.43%)、植物(3.40%)。相比于传统的化学质量平衡法(Chemical Mass Balance,CMB),I-CMB的源解析过程对源成分谱的要求较低、抗干扰性更强,计算结果均衡、详尽,比较适合我国当前大气PM2.5控制的需求。  相似文献   

Aerosol depolarization ratio and aerosol optical depth (AOD) were measured at Chungli (24.58° N, 121.1° E), Taiwan during the period from 2002–2004. The depolarization ratios of background aerosol have values mostly less than 0.06. The maximum AOD in the altitude range of 0.7 to 2km occurs in the summer (June–August) while between 2 and 5km, the spring (March–May) shows the maximum. The former is mainly related to strong convection and humidity; however the latter is due to anthropogenic aerosols transported from East China and Southeast Asia based on calculations of backward trajectories. This seasonal variation of AOD inferred from different transport mechanisms and aerosol compositions which are supported by the height distributions of aerosol extinction and origins.  相似文献   

A new method for driving a One-Dimensional Stratiform Cold (1DSC) cloud model with Weather Research and Fore casting (WRF) model outputs was developed by conducting numerical experiments for a typical large-scale stratiform rainfall event that took place on 4-5 July 2004 in Changchun, China. Sensitivity test results suggested that, with hydrometeor pro files extracted from the WRF outputs as the initial input, and with continuous updating of soundings and vertical velocities (including downdraft) derived from the WRF model, the new WRF-driven 1DSC modeling system (WRF-1DSC) was able to successfully reproduce both the generation and dissipation processes of the precipitation event. The simulated rainfall intensity showed a time-lag behind that observed, which could have been caused by simulation errors of soundings, vertical velocities and hydrometeor profiles in the WRF output. Taking into consideration the simulated and observed movement path of the precipitation system, a nearby grid point was found to possess more accurate environmental fields in terms of their similarity to those observed in Changchun Station. Using profiles from this nearby grid point, WRF-1DSC was able to repro duce a realistic precipitation pattern. This study demonstrates that 1D cloud-seeding models do indeed have the potential to predict realistic precipitation patterns when properly driven by accurate atmospheric profiles derived from a regional short range forecasting system, This opens a novel and important approach to developing an ensemble-based rain enhancement prediction and operation system under a probabilistic framework concept.  相似文献   

A nested regional climate model has been experimentally used in the seasonal prediction at the China National Climate Center (NCC) since 2001. The NCC/IAP (Institute of Atmospheric Physics) T63 coupled GCM (CGCM) provides the boundary and initial conditions for driving the regional climate model (RegCM NCC). The latter has a 60-km horizontal resolution and improved physical parameterization schemes including the mass flux cumulus parameterization scheme, the turbulent kinetic energy closure scheme (TKE) and an improved land process model (LPM). The large-scale terrain features such as the Tibetan Plateau are included in the larger domain to produce the topographic forcing on the rain-producing systems. A sensitivity study of the East Asian climate with regard to the above physical processes has been presented in the first part of the present paper. This is the second part, as a continuation of Part I. In order to verify the performance of the nested regional climate model, a ten-year simulation driven by NCEP reanalysis datasets has been made to explore the performance of the East Asian climate simulation and to identify the model’s systematic errors. At the same time, comparative simulation experiments for 5 years between the RegCM2 and RegCM NCC have been done to further understand their differences in simulation performance. Also, a ten-year hindcast (1991–2000) for summer (June–August), the rainy season in China, has been undertaken. The preliminary results have shown that the RegCM NCC is capable of predicting the major seasonal rain belts. The best predicted regions with high anomaly correlation coefficient (ACC) are located in the eastern part of West China, in Northeast China and in North China, where the CGCM has maximum prediction skill as well. This fact may reflect the importance of the largescale forcing. One significant improvement of the prediction derived from RegCM NCC is the increase of ACC in the Yangtze River valley where the CGCM has a very low, even a negative, ACC. The reason behind this improvement is likely to be related to the more realistic representation of the large-scale terrain features of the Tibetan Plateau. Presumably, many rain-producing systems may be generated over or near the Tibetan Plateau and may then move eastward along the Yangtze River basin steered by upper-level westerly airflow, thus leading to enhancement of rainfalls in the mid and lower basins of the Yangtze River. The real-time experimental predictions for summer in 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004 by using this nested RegCM NCC were made. The results are basically reasonable compared with the observations.  相似文献   

陈春  陶丽 《大气科学学报》2023,46(4):615-629
本研究评估了现有热带气旋(Tropical Cyclone,TC)潜在生成指数(Genesis Potential Indice,GPI)对北大西洋和西北太平洋热带气旋生成频数(TC Genesis Frequency,TCGF)时空特征的表征能力。结果表明,现阶段使用的GPIs能较好地再现两个海盆TCGF的空间分布和季节循环特征,以及北大西洋TCGF的年际变化,但几乎不能模拟西太平洋TCGF年际时间尺度上的变化。利用美国联合飓风警报中心(Joint Typhoon Warming Center,JTWC)提供的1979—2017年热带气旋最佳路径数据集和ERA-Interim再分析数据,对西北太平洋GPI进行了改进。考虑到相对涡度在西北太平洋对热带气旋生成的重要作用,将绝对涡度分离为相对涡度和地转涡度(f),移除相对湿度,使用多元线性回归的方法构建了GPIWNP。与现有GPIs相比,改进后的GPIWNP不仅对西北太平洋TCGF的空间分布和季节循环有较好的模拟能力,并且可以再现其年际变化特征。  相似文献   

A precipitation system developed continuously along the western coastline of the Korean Peninsula and created considerable precipitation both along the coast and inland on 26 July 2011. In this study, the causes for this nearshore convective system are investigated from observations and the results of model experiments. Three-dimensional radar fields clearly show that a change of wind at the surface border played an important role in the development of the nearshore convection system. The simulation results, which are very similar to the observations, show that the surface border generated and maintained the convergence zone. The roughness change enhanced the convergence, and the interaction between the deepening cold pool and downward flow maintained the convergence zone. The surface mechanical discontinuity affected by the roughness change between sea and land formed the convergence (gradient of wind stress),which induced momentum transfer to the upper layer. The cold pool created a steep gradient of potential temperature and provided the reason for the propagated convergence zone with the downward flow. The maximum value of the surface change factor, which comprises the influencing factors for the long-lasting convective system, reflects the enhancement of the system at the coast.  相似文献   

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