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马里亚纳弧前的橄榄岩被认为是SSZ型蛇绿岩的现代等同物,记录了弧下地幔与俯冲流体的交代反应,其中的角闪石被认为是俯冲流体交代的产物.电子探针的数据表明角闪石主要包括透闪石和镁闪石两种,其中前者具有低的钠含量,后者则具有明显高的钠、铝含量,但Mg#较低.角闪石的组成反映了俯冲流体具有高硅、钙、铝、钠等元素的特征.形成成分...  相似文献   

描述了来自马里亚纳南部前弧的橄榄岩,并对其中的组成矿物进行了电子探针分析,结果显示来自马里亚纳南部前弧橄榄岩中普遍含角闪石,这些角闪石主要为镁角闪石-透闪石系列,其中Al2O3含量变化范围大约为0~10%。橄榄岩中尖晶石的化学组成变化规律与角闪石的出现及其成分有着较好的耦合关系:出现富Al2O3角闪石的橄榄岩中的尖晶石富Al贫Cr;贫Al2O3角闪石大量出现的橄榄岩中尖晶石相对贫Al富Fe3+。这暗示马里亚纳弧下地幔楔橄榄岩经历了两期比较明显的交代作用:①早期较高温压条件下富Al和Ca的含水流体(熔体)的交代作用,消耗斜方辉石,形成富Al2O3角闪石,并引起尖晶石的富Al贫Cr的成分演化;②晚期较低温压条件下富Ca的含水流体(熔体)的交代作用,继续交代残余的斜方辉石,形成贫Al2O3角闪石,并使尖晶石发生富Fe3+贫Al。  相似文献   

马里亚纳海槽作为正在活动的典型弧后盆地,是研究俯冲作用对岩浆作用和壳幔动力学影响的理想场所。通过对采自该海槽中南部的样品进行系统的岩石地球化学特征对比与研究,并结合前人已发表的岩石地球化学数据,探讨了马里亚纳海槽中南部的地幔富集(亏损)程度、地幔熔融程度、地幔熔融深度以及俯冲物质的加入程度。结果表明:(1)马里亚纳海槽中南部主要发育一套中低钾钙碱性系列玄武岩、玄武质安山岩;(2)海底岩石富集了大离子亲石元素、轻稀土元素,亏损高场强元素、重稀土元素;(3)将马里亚纳海槽沿扩张中心分为三段,对每段地幔熔融的程度和深度进行计算并且消除地幔不均一性的影响,发现在15°N和18°N附近二者呈现负相关关系,其余地区则呈现正相关关系,证明海槽存在两种地幔熔融模式;(4)微量元素比值显示海槽受多种俯冲组分影响,并且马里亚纳海槽南部的南段可能存在另一个富水熔体端元,可能是导致海槽扩张速率较快的原因。对俯冲物质的加入程度进行计算,发现靠近15°N与18°N俯冲组分的影响变弱,这进一步表明,马里亚纳海槽火山岩的变化可能是由于类似N-MORB的地幔源区与类似岛弧的地幔源区混合造成的;俯冲物质是控制地幔熔融程度的主要因素,并且扩张速率与地幔富集/亏损程度等也发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

锥形海山是马里亚纳弧前区非火山成因的海山。它是由俯冲的太平洋板块对仰冲板块的上推作用,地壳下的上地幔物质底辟侵入的结果。海山顶部的岩石是由蛇纹石化超镁铁质方辉橄榄岩组成。其主要矿物成分为斜方辉石、橄榄石、尖晶石、磁铁矿、蛇纹石和碳酸盐。手标本呈显晶质块状构造,薄片中呈粒状、残留状、筛网状及斑状变晶结构。岩石化学特征表现为:低Si和Al,高M/F值,含水,亏损了所有过渡金属。岩石的成因属超基性岩浆直接结晶,后经海水的参入,在热液作用下普遍发生蛇纹石化和碳酸盐化。  相似文献   

对我国载人潜器"蛟龙号"首次在马里亚纳海沟南部获取的沉积物柱状样(JL7KGC01A)进行了涂片观察、粒度、黏土矿物和稀土元素组成分析。结果表明:沉积物为典型深海黏土沉积。根据沉积物的粒度、黏土组分和稀土元素含量变化以及不同程度的δCe和δEu异常将该沉积物柱状剖面分为明显的上下两个沉积层段,即:1.8~2.41 m段与0.03~1.8 m两个层段。下部层段(1.8~2.41 m)相比上部层段(0.03~1.8 m),沉积物平均粒径较粗,蒙脱石/伊利石比值较高,稀土元素含量低且具有弱的Ce负异常和Eu正异常,表明该段沉积物受到较多的火山物质的影响。结合年代学分析认为研究区沉积物在2.2 Ma发生明显转变,2.2 Ma之前沉积物物源以附近火山物质为主,2.2 Ma之后物源仍以火山物质为主,但陆源物质供应逐渐增加。物源的转变暗示着本区在2.2 Ma之前火山活动较为频繁。  相似文献   

对采自太平洋洋中脊(277组)、印度洋洋中脊(159组)、马里亚纳海槽(53组)、马里亚纳岛弧(39组)、中南劳海盆(72组)共600组玄武岩数据进行了独立成分分析,从Sr-Nd-Pb五维同位素比值空间提取出占样本方差99%的3个独立成分(IC1,IC2,IC3),并利用这3个独立成分(ICs)与微量元素比值之间的相关...  相似文献   

本文首次对我国石榴石橄榄岩类岩石进行系统的岩石学和地球化学研究。通过对大别山地区两个不同类型岩体中的石榴石橄榄岩的岩石学、岩石化学、矿物化学和稀土元素地球化学研究,表明这类岩石属钙碱性系列超基性岩;与地幔成分相比,富集易熔元素,亏损难熔元素;利用矿物地质温压计估算其形成压力为2×10~9pa,成岩温度为600~700℃具有正铕异常和轻稀土元素富集特征 推测为地壳下部的超基性岩经深成变质而成。  相似文献   

马里亚纳弧前蛇纹岩泥火山被认为是认识俯冲作用的直接窗口,其发育的角砾状蛇纹岩富含的流体流动性元素(FMEs)记录了引起蛇纹石化作用的流体和俯冲带的流体-岩石相互作用及元素循环等信息。本文整理了马里亚纳弧前物源深度逐渐增加的5座蛇纹岩泥火山(Yinazao、Fantangisña、Asùt Tesoru、South Chamorro和Conical)发育角砾蛇纹岩的FMEs数据,通过不同泥火山、同一泥火山不同深度样品及同一块状样微区子样品间的FMEs特征对比,分析了蛇纹岩泥火山引起的蛇纹石化作用的流体性质、来源和形成机制。5座蛇纹岩泥火山角砾蛇纹岩的FMEs均较亏损地幔(DM)显示富集特征:B、Cs、As强烈富集(常>100×DM),Li、Rb、Sb中等富集(>10×DM),Ba、Sr、Pb弱富集(<10×DM)。浅源泥火山角砾蛇纹岩中B、Sr、Ba、Pb含量最高,且由浅源至深源泥火山其含量呈逐渐减少的趋势。而Li、Rb、Cs、As、Sb含量显示相反特征,浅源泥火山的角砾蛇纹岩中含量最低,且从浅源到深源泥火山其含量逐渐增加。不同泥火山角砾蛇纹岩FMEs具有系统性变化特征,反映了俯冲板片衍生流体是其发生蛇纹石化作用的主要流体。离海沟较近的泥火山下部俯冲板片成岩作用以蛋白石脱水为主,形成的板片衍生流体极富B,略富Li、Ba、Sr、Pb;离海沟较远的泥火山下部俯冲板片成岩或进变质作用主要为碳酸盐矿物分解和少量蚀变洋壳脱水及黏土矿物转化,板片衍生流体富Ba、Sr、Li、Rb、Cs;居于上述2类泥火山之间的泥火山,下部俯冲板片主要成岩作用为黏土矿物脱水及转化,板片衍生流体以富集B、Li、Rb、Cs、Ba为特征。海底以下深度<50 m的样品FMEs含量最高,指示海水风化对FMEs含量有一定影响,尤其是B、Sr。同一块角砾蛇纹岩不同微区结构的FMEs含量不同,纯蛇纹石区域其含量最高,指示蛇纹石化产物对FMEs有一定影响;绢石结构中Li、Rb、Cs含量高于橄榄石蚀变的蛇纹石,说明原始矿物类型也对部分FMEs富集有一定影响。  相似文献   

马里亚纳海槽沉积岩心主要元素的地球化学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吕成功 《海洋学报》1993,15(4):129-137
深海沉积物地球化学的早期研究工作证明,岩性不同的深海沉积物中主要元素的含量差别很大,而且某些深海沉积物所聚集的痕量元素则明显不同于大陆和近岸环境下的沉积[1].本文研究的61KL和57KL岩心是在1988年7~8月,中国-联邦德国马里亚纳海槽和西菲律宾海盆海洋地质联合调查期间取得的.对岩心样品进行了9种主要化学元素的分析.  相似文献   

Serpentinites, which contain up to 13 wt% of water, are important reservoirs for chemical recycling in subduction zones. In the past two decades, forearc mantle serpentinites were identified in different locations around the world. Here, we present petrology and whole rock chemistry of ultramafic and mafic rocks dredged from the Hahajima Seamount, which is located 24–40 km west to the junction of the Izu-Bonin Trench and the Mariana Trench. Nearly all the collected samples are extensively hydrated, and olivine grains in ultramafic rocks are replaced by serpentine minerals, with only one sample preserving remaining trace of orthopyroxene. Our new results show that the Hahajima serpentinized peridotite samples are all MgO-rich(~42 wt%), but have low contents in Al_2O_3, CaO, rare earth and high field strength elements, which is consistent with the overall depleted character of their mantle protoliths. Model calculations indicate that these Hahajima peridotite samples were derived from 10%–25% partial melting of the presumed fertile mantle source, which is generally lower than those of peridotites from Torishima Forearc Seamount, Conical Seamount and South Chamorro Seamount(mostly25%). All the serpentinites from these four forearc seamounts show strong enrichment in fluid-mobile and lithophile elements(Li, Sr, Pb and U). In details, Hahajima Seamount serpentinites do not have obvious enrichment in Cs and Rb, and display remarkably high abundances of U. These observations indicate that the serpentinization of Hahajima peridotites occurred by addition of seawater or low temperature seawater-derived hydrothermal fluid, without or with little contribution from slab-derived fluids. The geochemical signature of serpentinites from Hahajima Seamount could be interpreted as the result of the combination of extensive partial melting and subsequent percolation of seawater through the mantle wedge.  相似文献   

对大洋27航次在西太平洋马里亚纳海沟挑战者深渊获取的3个多金属氧化物样品进行了X射线矿物衍射分析、穆斯堡尔谱分析及地球化学元素分析,研究其矿物、地球化学特征差异。结果表明,所取样品处于多金属氧化物发育的初始阶段,具有独特的矿物地球化学特征:(1)相较于太平洋CC区及中太平洋海盆获取的多金属结核样品,本研究样品的矿物组成中含有异常高的石英、斜长石以及黏土矿物,而水羟锰矿和钙锰矿含量较低。(2)样品中铁相矿物主要为正方针铁矿(91.6%),另含少量纤铁矿(8.4%),推测是纤铁矿向更加稳定的正方针铁矿衍变的结果。(3)由于样品中深海黏土组分以及氧化物核心物质的混入,加上吸附金属氧化物时间较短,导致SiO2和Al2O3含量均高于正常结核,而Fe、Mn、Cu、Co、Ni等其余金属元素含量较低。(4)由于形成时间较短,样品中稀土元素含量相对较低,ΣREE仅约为0.4×10-3(一般太平洋CC区及中太平洋结核中稀土含量均大于1.0×10-3);加之海水氧化还原作用的降低以及研究区海底热液活动的影响,Ce元素未表现出多金属结核中常见的正异常。  相似文献   

A high-resolution seismic survey covering more than 2,000 km2 has revealed the processes responsible for the slope morphology and channel sedimentation across the forearc slope-basin of the Kurile Arc–NE Japan Arc collision zone, offshore from Tokachi (Hokkaido, Japan). The dominant slope contours parallel the trench but, in the middle and lower reaches of the southern slope, contours are convex-shaped with an offshore trend. This sector of the slope is traversed diagonally by the Hiroo submarine channel. The offshore-trending convex contours and the channel course have developed through the interplay of tectonic and sedimentary processes, including the development of anticlines, anticline-induced lobe sedimentation and channel avulsion. In its upper reaches, the channel is restricted by a topographic low associated with NNW–SSE-trending anticlines which developed within the upper and middle slope sectors during late Miocene uplift. The uplift timing and trend of these anticlines indicate that they resulted from collision, the channel sedimentology and slope morphology of the middle and lower slopes having been influenced by Pliocene uplift of NE–SW-trending anticlines. The trends of these anticlines parallel those of the Kurile Trench. The Pliocene and early Pleistocene strata of the middle and lower slopes consist of ponded lobe sediments deposited along the palaeo-Hiroo submarine channel on the landward side of the anticlines. As a lobe pile accumulated, the channel thalweg shifted to the north of the stack, allowing the channel to bypass the topographic high formed by the growing stack. Thick levee deposits built up along the channel course during the late Pleistocene and Holocene. These levees, along with the Pliocene and early Pleistocene lobes, are reflected in the present-day sigmoid-shaped, convex offshore-trending contours. Thus, the interplay of subduction- and collision-related anticlines, tectonic-related channel ponding, and avulsion has contributed to the slope morphology of the southern Kurile Trench.  相似文献   

The Wuqbah peridotites (Wuqbah massif, central Oman Ophiolite) constitute the mantle part of a complete ophiolitic sequence and their field deformation geometry is thought to reflect mantle dynamics in a fossil overlapping ridge settings (Girardeau et al., 2002). These peridotites comprise dominantly residual harzburgites and dunites. Nearly 70% of the harzburgites are clinopyroxene-free, and the rest contains less than 1%. The mineral chemistry of olivine, pyroxenes and spinel, and whole rock major and rare-earth element data, indicate that the Wuqbah peridotites are all strongly refractory and that they record a major percolation event, marked by strong enrichments in incompatible elements. At the massif scale, the Central Zone contains rocks with the most refractory features (20% melt extraction), as expected in an area of mantle upwelling. In the overlapping ridge senario, it corresponds to the overlap zone whose formation is discussed.  相似文献   

We present major and trace element data of lava recovered from the northern Yap Trench in the western Pacific and discuss their petrogenesis and tectonic implications within the framework of interactions between the Caroline Ridge and Yap Trench. Rocks were collected from both landward and seaward trench slopes and exhibited geochemical characteristics similar to backarc basin basalt (BABB) and mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB), including high Fe content, tholeiitic affinity, high TiO2 value at a given FeOT/MgO ratio, Ti/V ratio between 20 and 50, low Ba/Nb ratio and Th/Nb ratio, and trace element patterns commonly displayed by BABB and MORB, which are distinct from arc lava. These rocks seem to have been generated during mantle upwelling and decompression melting at a spreading center. However, compared with typical forearc lava produced by seafloor spreading in the Mariana forearc region, such as the early Eocene forearc basalts and late Neogene forearc lava in the southernmost Mariana Trench, the Yap Trench lava is derived from a more fertile mantle and feature a more minor subduction component; thus, they cannot be the products of forearc mantle decompression melting. We suggest that the landward slope lava represents backarc basin crust that was overthrust onto the forearc lithosphere during the collision of the Caroline Ridge with the Yap Trench (20–25 Ma), which played a key role in the evolution of the Yap subduction system. Moreover, the seaward slope lava represents the subduction plate crust that accreted onto the deep trench during the collision. This collision event resulted in the cessation of Yap Arc magmatism; thus, the Yap Trench volcanic rocks (<25 Ma) previously suggested to be arc magma products may actually represent the nascent island arc lava with a lower subduction component than in the mature Mariana Arc lava.  相似文献   

China''s 7000 m manned submersible JIAOLONG carried out an exploration cruise at the Mariana Trench from June to July 2016. The submersible completed nine manned dives on the north and south area of the Mariana Trench from the depth of 5500 to 6700 m, to investigate the geological, biological and chemical characteristics in the hadal area. During the cruise, JIAOLONG deployed a gas-tight serial sampler to collect the water near the sea bottom regularly. Five days later, the sub located the sampler in another dive and retrieved it successfully from the same location, which is the first time that scientists and engineers finished the high accuracy in-situ deployment and retrieval using a manned submersible with Ultra-Short Base Line (USBL) positioning system at the depth more than 6600 m. In this task, we used not only the USBL system of the manned submersible but also a compound strategy, including five position marks, the sea floor terrain, the depth contour, and the heading of the sub. This paper introduces the compound strategy of the target deployment and retrieval with the practical diving experience of JIAOLONG, and provides a promising technique for other underwater vehicles such as manned submersible or Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV) under similar conditions.  相似文献   

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