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The Fucino basin (Central Italy) is one of the largest intramountain alluvial plain in the Apennines range. It has a tectonic origin related to the presence of important systems of faults located in its northern and eastern edges. Some of these faults are still active and capable of generating strong seismic events. Site effects related to the soft soils filling the basin can be very important. In this paper we show the preliminary results of a seismic network installed in the Fucino area in order to collect information about site amplification effects and geometry of the basin. We analyze ambient seismic vibrations and recordings of about 150 local earthquakes mainly related to the seismic sequence of the April 6th 2009 Mw 6.3 L’Aquila event. Moreover the strongest events of L’Aquila sequence were analyzed at the three permanent strong-motion stations operating in the area. Using standard spectral techniques we investigate the variation of resonance frequencies within the basin. The ground motion recorded in the Fucino plain is mainly characterized by strong energy at low-frequencies (f < 1 Hz) affecting both horizontal and vertical components. This is particularly evident for stations deployed in correspondence of very thick deposits of sedimentary filling, where a significant increase of ground-motion amplitude and duration is likely caused by locally generated surface waves. The amplification at low-frequencies (<1 Hz) on the horizontal components can reach up a factor of 10 in comparison to nearby stiff sites. However, we found evidences of seismic amplification phenomena also for stiff sites surrounding the basin, including stations of the Italian strong motion network. The independent geological information and the shallow shear-velocity profiles available for the basin can be combined with resonance frequencies for deriving representative geological sections to be used as base for future numerical 2D–3D modeling of the basin.  相似文献   

Providing quantitative microzonation results that can be taken into account in urban land-use plans is a challenging task that requires collaborative efforts between the seismological and engineering communities. In this study, starting from the results obtained by extensive geophysical and seismological investigations, we propose and apply an approach to the Gubbio basin (Italy) that can be easily implemented for cases of moderate-to-low ground motion and that takes into account not only simple 1D, but also more complicated 3D effects.  相似文献   

In the Bolsena volcanic district (Vulcani Vulsini) near the little town of Pitigliano, at the border between Latium and Tuscany, a lava sheet showing quite peculiar geological features has been examined in all its macro and microscopic aspects. Such volcanic deposit is an interesting example of the uncommon products originated by the Quaternary alkaline mediterranean volcanism. The Pitigliano sheet was erupted from the NW section of the Latera caldera, and covered an area of about 6×12 km mantaining an extremely small thickness (from a feet to few yards). This sheet is normally made of a leucitic lava entirely so densely microvesiculated as to be better called pumice. At the flanks, and expecially at the front of the sheet, the rock gets a piperno-like or welded tuff aspect. The different facies and the transitions between them have been carefully studied and interpreted.  相似文献   

Evaluation of liquefaction potential using neural-networks and CPT results   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this research, a reliable Cone Penetration Test data set was gathered with a wide range of parameters. This data was incorporated in a Neural-Networks computer software called STATISTICA Neural-Networks. The back propagation algorithm with a multilayer perceptron network is utilized to analyze the liquefaction occurrence in different sites. In this study, different sets of effective parameters for the neural-network analyses are selected such that to reduce the noise and to obtain more accurate results.Considering the relative importance of effective parameters in liquefaction assessment, it is indicated that σ0, σ′0 together play a more important role than what previously was assumed and hence the relative importance of the qc and seismic parameters are decreased compared with the previous works. The results presented here have more accuracy than previous works while at the same time, the range of the parameters used in this study is much wider than what was previously used. This range of parameters makes the proposed method applicable for practical purposes.  相似文献   

In this study, surface and subsurface geologicaldata are integrated with seismological data in orderto reconstruct a structural model for theSeptember-October 1997 Colfiorito earthquakes. Theseismic sequence is mainly controlled by two majorSW-dipping normal faults outcropping in the area (M.Pennino-M. Prefoglio and M.Civitella-Preci faults).The activated faults detach, at depth, on a commoneast-dipping low-angle normal fault, the AltotiberinaFault (AF). The AF is interpreted as the base of anactive hangingwall block which is stretching towardNE. The decrease in maximum depth of the earthquakefoci from the Colfiorito area (about 8 km) to theSellano area (about 6 km), suggested by the available seismological data, could be related to the eastward-deepening geometry of the AFdetachment. The seismic fault planes, inferred fromfocal mechanisms and aftershock distributions, arecharacterised by a moderate dip (average 40°)toward SW, which appears to be independent from thepresence of pre-existing thrust planes.  相似文献   

The Chisone Valley is located in the internal NW Alps, in the Pinerolese District, an area characterized by present low to medium seismicity. Fine-grained sediments (sand, silt and clay with interbedded gravel) crop out in the lower Chisone Valley: they were first interpreted as glaciolacustrine deposits, and then as a lacustrine infilling of the valley floor probably due to differential uplifting of the valley mouth. Review of this data, together with new field and palynological observations, lead us to refer the lacustrine deposits to approximately the Lower Pleistocene (Villafranchian). In many outcrops, the lacustrine deposits show strong soft-sediment deformation such as convolute laminations, water-escape structures and disrupted beds, some of them associated with folds and faults (cm to dm in size); only two sites show metric to decametric folds and faults trending E-W and N-S. Detailed structural analysis conducted along a recently exposed section (Rio Gran Dubbione site) shows several soft-sediment deformation features on the limbs of mesoscale folds. Because of their intimate structural association, the origin of these minor structures seems to be connected to synsedimentary activity on reverse and normal faults (m to dm in size) affecting the lacustrine deposits in the same locality. Soft-sediment deformation features can be interpreted as possible paleoseismites. If so, the present seismicity of the Pinerolese District, which is the major area of such activity in NW Italy, cannot be considered an isolated episode in the geological evolution of the region; even if there is no supporting evidence for continuous seismicity, the deformations in the lacustrine sediments of the Chisone Valley testify to Early Pleistocene seismic activity, probably related to the recent tectonic evolution of the internal side of the NW Alps.  相似文献   

In the Tyrrhenian region of central Italy, late Quaternary fossil travertines are widespread along two major regional structures: the Tiber Valley and the Ancona-Anzio line. The origin and transport of spring waters from which travertines precipitate are elucidated by chemical and isotopic studies of the travertines and associated thermal springs and gas vents. There are consistent differences in the geochemical and isotopic signatures of thermal spring waters, gas vents and present and fossil travertines between east and west of the Tiber Valley. West of the Tiber Valley, δ13C of CO2 discharged from gas vents and δ13C of fossil travertines are higher than those to the east. To the west the travertines have higher strontium contents, and gases emitted from vents have higher 3He/4He ratios and lower N2 contents, than to the east. Fossil travertines to the west have characteristics typical of thermogene (thermal spring) origin, whereas those to the east have meteogene (low-temperature) characteristics (including abundant plant casts and organic impurities). The regional geochemical differences in travertines and fluid compositions across the Tiber Valley are interpreted with a model of regional fluid flow. The regional Mesozoic limestone aquifer is recharged in the main axis of the Apennine chain, and the groundwater flows westward and is discharged at springs. The travertine-precipitating waters east of the Tiber Valley have shallower flow paths than those to the west. Because of the comparatively short fluid flow paths and low (normal) heat flow, the groundwaters to the east of the Tiber Valley are cold and have CO2 isotopic signatures, indicating a significant biogenic contribution acquired from soils in the recharge area and limited deeply derived CO2. In contrast, spring waters west of the Tiber Valley have been conductively heated during transit in these high heat-flow areas and have incorporated a comparatively large quantity of CO2 derived from decarbonation of limestone. The elevated strontium content of the thermal spring water west of the Tiber Valley is attributed to deep circulation and dissolution of a Triassic evaporite unit that is stratigraphically beneath the Mesozoic limestone. U-series age dates of fossil travertines indicate three main periods of travertine formation (ka): 220-240, 120-140 and 60-70. Based on the regional flow model correlating travertine deposition at thermal springs and precipitation in the recharge area, we suggest that pluvial activity was enhanced during these periods. Our study suggests that travertines preserve a valuable record of paleofluid composition and paleoprecipitation and are thus useful for reconstructing paleohydrology and paleoclimate.  相似文献   

Lake sediments, in which abundant, continuous and high resolved signals are preserved, have the potential to recover the history of terrestrial environmental variation. The value of such paleo-environment signals depends firstly on tying them to accurate …  相似文献   

Fifty earthquakes that occurred in Hungary (central part of the Pannonian basin) with local magnitude $M_\textrm{L}$ ranging from 0.8 to 4.5 have been analyzed. The digital seismograms used in this study were recorded by six permanent broadband stations and 20 short-period ones at hypocentral distances between 10 and 327 km. The displacement spectra for P- and SH-waves were analyzed according to Brune’s source model. Observed spectra were corrected for path-dependent attenuation effects using an independent regional estimate of the quality factor Q S . To correct spectra for near-surface attenuation, the κ parameter was calculated, obtaining it from waveforms recorded at short epicentral distances. The values of the κ parameter vary between 0.01 and 0.06 s with a mean of 0.03 s for P-waves and between 0.01 and 0.09 s with a mean of 0.04 s for SH-waves. After correction for attenuation effects, spectral parameters (corner frequency and low-frequency spectral level) were estimated by a grid search algorithm. The obtained seismic moments range from 4.21×1011 to 3.41×1015 Nm (1.7?≤?M w ?≤?4.3). The source radii are between 125 and 1,343 m. Stress drop values vary between 0.14 and 32.4 bars with a logarithmic mean of 2.59 bars (1 bar = 105 Pa). From the results, a linear relationship between local and moment magnitudes has been established. The obtained scaling relations show slight evidence of self-similarity violation. However, due to the high scatter of our data, the existence of self-similarity cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

The ‘Tertiary Basin of Piedmont’ is a hilly region, mainly composed of marine sediments, such as marls, silts and sands. The slopes, largely devoted to grape production, are usually kept bare of vegetation and are thus prone to soil erosion processes. For two years we have measured soil loss in relation to rainfall on experimental plots located in vineyards. In all the plots considered erosion started with low rainfall intensities (0·07 mm/min), and above 0·4 mm/min the amount of soil loss dramatically increased (to over 1800 g/m in one event). Most of the erosion occurs during summer rainstorms, but the behaviour of the soil under erosive rainfalls is very different from one site to another, depending only in part upon the various rainfall rates, soil and geometrical characteristics of the plots. It can be seen that soil loss varies from nearly negligible values (20 g/m/yr) to unacceptably high levels (to over 4·7 kg/m/yr), according to the different types of land cultivation. Deep ploughing and heavy herbicide treatment give rise to accelerated erosion processes leading to soil losses much higher than in other vineyard plots in Europe.  相似文献   

Various authors, analysing the set of accelerograms recorded at Gubbio Piana (GBP) (central Italy), have demonstrated that strong amplification occurs at this accelerometric station, which is installed within an alluvial basin. In particular, Ambraseys et al. [(2005a), Bull Earthq Eng 3:1–53; (2005b), Bull Earth Eng 3:55–73] observed that the strong motion peaks at GBP greatly exceed the median values predicted by the attenuation relationships they derived for Europe. In this work, we analyse and discuss some characteristics of the ground motion recorded at the GBP station. We show that the ground motion parameters, such as peak-ground acceleration and peak-ground velocity, are strongly influenced by the presence of locally induced surface waves that produce both a lengthening of the significant shaking duration and an increase in the peak values with respect to a nearby bedrock site. The basin-induced surface waves are observed in the three components of motion and their effects on the peak values are particularly evident in the vertical component. In the frequency domain, the energy of the surface waves is mostly restricted to the frequency band 0.4–0.8 Hz for both the horizontal and vertical components. The horizontal and vertical Fourier amplitudes are also very similar, and this indicates that the H/V spectral ratio technique is not applicable to describing the site response due to the propagation of seismic wave in a complex 2D/3D geological structure. Finally, a preliminary polarization analysis shows that the directions of polarization, as well as the degree of elliptical polarization, exhibit a strong variability with time, that may be related to a complex propagation of Love and Rayleigh waves within the basin.  相似文献   

The Ceprano calvarium, found in 1994 in Italy and attributed to Homo cepranensis, is one of the most celebrated hominin remains of Europe. It was considered at least 700 ka-old until a recent investigation incorporating magnetostratigraphy and K-Ar ages from the literature assigned to the calvarium an age of ∼450 (+50, −100) ka. Here we pin down the age of the Ceprano calvarium to 353 ± 4 ka (±1σ external) by means of new 40Ar/39Ar dating on K-feldspars retrieved from the sediments that hosted the skull. In absence of evidence of reworking, this refined age sinks the conviction that H. cepranensis belonged to human evolution at the Brunhes–Matuyama boundary (c.a. 781 ka). Our refined age indicates that H. cepranensis lived in central Italy probably during the cold period of marine isotope stage (MIS) 10, and that despite his archaic morphology and lack of Neanderthal traits, he was contemporaneous with more advanced species such as H. heidelbergensis.  相似文献   

Subsurface geothermal exploration has considerably added to our knowledge of the Latera volcanic complex. A syenitic body is located about 2 km below the present-day surface; K-Ar data point a 0.9 Ma age. The primary magma was a silica-saturated trachyte; undersaturated, hauyne-bearing products are found near the carbonatic wall-rocks and have been interpreted as reaction products. Subsurface data from deep drilling and geophysical surveys suggest that the Latera caldera resulted from three main successive collapse phases: (i) formation of an old caldera, now buried, related to the eruption of ignimbrites from the syenitic magma chamber; (ii) sinking of the eastern sector as a consequence of the formation of the nearby Bolsena caldera (0.3 Ma); (iii) multistage formation of the present Latera caldera (0.16 Ma).  相似文献   

On September 26, 1997, at 00.33 h(GMT), a Mw 5.7 earthquake occurred in the axial zone of theUmbria-Marche Apennines of central Italy, in the Colfiorito basin area. At09.40 h (GMT), a Mw 6.0 earthquake again struck the area withinthe Colfiorito basin, a major intramontane basin filled with Quaternarycontinental deposits. The two main shocks, and the associated aftershockswere within a roughly NNW-SSE trending zone of largest damage (Imax10), in which ground deformation has been observed. Along this trend,Cello et al. (1997a) had mapped a few capable faults, showingtranstensional to pure extensional kinematics. Field inspection of themapped faults, carried out after the main shocks, revealed that some ofthem were locally reactivated (for lengths of several hundreds metres andsurface slip in the range of 2–8 cm) during the September 26, 1997earthquakes.  相似文献   

This paper presents an evaluation of the liquefaction potential of loess in Lanzhou, China, and Memphis, USA. The topography, stratigraphy, and genesis of loess in these two areas were investigated and compared. Several loess samples in each study area were taken and their physical indices were determined. In addition, the microstructures of these loess samples were investigated using an electron microscope, and dynamic triaxial tests were performed using an artificial seismic wave. The results of this investigation indicated that both Lanzhou loess and Memphis loess have a potential for liquefaction, but Memphis loess is less susceptible to liquefaction. Furthermore, Lanzhou loess and Memphis loess behave differently during ground shaking.  相似文献   

The sudden and catastrophic, or slow and continuous, release at surface of naturally occurring toxic gases like CO2, H2S and Rn poses a serious health risk to people living in geologically active regions. In general this problem receives little attention from local governments, although public concern is raised periodically when anomalous toxic-gas concentrations suddenly kill humans or livestock. For example, elevated CO2 concentrations have been linked to the death of at least 10 people in the central Italian region of Lazio over the last 20 years, while it was the CO2 asphyxiation of 30 cows in a heavily populated area near Rome in 1999 which prompted the present soil-gas study into the distribution of the local health risk. A detailed geochemical survey was carried out in an area of about 4 km2 in the Ciampino and Marino districts, whereby a total of 274 soil-gas samples were collected and analysed for more than 10 major and trace gas species. Data were then processed using both statistical and geostatistical methods, and the resulting maps were examined in order to highlight areas of elevated risk. General trends of elevated CO2 and Rn concentrations imply the presence of preferential pathways (i.e. faults and fractures) along which deep gases are able to migrate towards the surface. The CO2 and Rn anomalous trends often correspond to and are usually elongated parallel to the Apennine mountain range, the controlling structural feature in central Italy. Because of this fundamental anisotropy in the factors controlling the soil-gas distribution, it was found that a geostatistical approach using variogram analysis allowed for a better interpretation of the data. With regard to the health risk to local inhabitants, it was found that although some high risk areas had been zoned as parkland, others had been heavily developed for residential purposes. For example, many new houses were found to have been built on ground which has soil-gas CO2 concentrations of more than 70% and radon values of more than 250 kBq m−3. It is recommended that land-use planners incorporate soil-gas and/or gas flux measurements in environmental assessments in areas of possible risk (i.e. volcanic or structurally active areas).  相似文献   

Bulk atmospheric deposition of major cations (Na, K, Ca, Mg) and anions (Cl, F, SO4) were measured at 15 sites around an active volcano, Mount Etna, from 2001 to 2003. Their composition indicates several natural sources, among which deposition of plume-derived volcanogenic gas compounds is prevalent for F, Cl and S. Plume-derived acidic compounds are also responsible for the prevailing acidic composition of the samples collected on the summit of the volcano (pH in the 2.45–5.57 range). Cation species have complex origin, including deposition of plume volcanogenic ash and aerosols and soil-dust wind re-suspension of either volcanic or carbonate sedimentary rocks. Variation of the deposition rates during the March 2001–March 2003 period, coupled with previous measurements from 1997 to 2000 (Appl Geochem 16:985–1000, 2001), were compared with the variation of SO2 flux, volcanic activity and rainfall. The deposition rate was mainly controlled by rainfall. Commonly, about 0.1–0.9% of HF, HCl and SO2 emitted by the summit crater's plume were deposited around the volcano. We estimate that ∼2 Gg of volcanogenic sulphur were deposited over the Etnean area during the 2002–2003 flank eruption, at an average rate of ∼24 Mg day−1 which is two orders of magnitude higher than that typical of quiescent degassing phases.  相似文献   

Measurements of tritium and 18O concentrations in precipitation and runoff were used to provide further insight into the groundwater storage properties of the Wimbachtal Valley, a catchment area of 33.4 km2, extending between 636 and 2713 m a.s.l. in the Berchtesgaden Alps. The catchment includes three aquifer types: a dominant porous aquifer; a fractured dolomite; a karstic limestone aquifer. Employing a simple hydrological model, information about mean transit times of environmental tracers is derived for the groundwater runoff component and several karst springs from the application of the exponential and dispersion flow models to the isotopic input and output data. The mean transit times calculated from a dispersion model with transit times of 4.1 years for 18O and 4.2 years for tritium, which agree well, allow calculation of total (mobile + stagnant) groundwater storage volume, which is equivalent to 6.6 m of water depth. Direct runoff appears negligible as in many other cases.  相似文献   

In this paper we tested the applicability of the Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) technique through Single-Aliquot Regenerative-dose (SAR) protocol, on single grain quartz extracted from alluvial–coastal sediments. Five samples were collected from deposits belonging to a flight of seven orders of coastal–alluvial terraces outcropping in the area between Mt. Etna volcano and the Catania Plain (Sicily, southern Italy), at the front of the Sicilian fold and thrust system. After various performance tests, we obtained OSL ages ranging between 240 ± 12 and 80 ± 4 ka, consistent with the normal evolutionary model of a terraced sequence, moving from the highest to the lowest elevation. Obtained data allowed us to determine a mean uplift rate of 1.2 mm/year during the last 240 ka, mostly related to regional uplift processes coupled with sea-level changes. Moreover, terraces belonging to the two highest orders are folded, forming a large anticline. According to our results, the frontal thrust of the Sicilian chain was active between 236 and 197 ka ago, even though seismological and geodetic data suggest current activity to the back.  相似文献   

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