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The estimate of seismic site effects by experimental approaches is based on different assumptions aimed at simplifying the complex actual site conditions and related uncertainties.However,the reliability of the results can increase if the experimental data is focused on quite strong seismic sequences and the on-site acquisition of a large number of signals is deemed strategic for the assessment of the expected phenomena.Based on these considerations,the ground motion at the Red Zone sector of Amatrice hill,violently struck by the 2016-2017 Central Italy seismic sequence,was analyzed via an observational approach.A large set of weak motions(moment magnitude Mw 2.5-3.9)was analyzed in this study by means of standard(SSR)and horizontal to vertical(HVSR)spectral ratio techniques.The results from the experimental analysis of the site effects by using weak motion and noise signals show a significant amplification at the top of Amatrice hill with a remarkable polarization of the motion and changes in spectral shapes according to the topographic setting of the relief.  相似文献   

The paper is devoted to the investigation of seismic response of the masonry structure and describes experiences with modelling of boundary conditions during the test of large heavy model on 6DOF shaking table. The main aim of the research was how to increase dynamic resistance capacity of old masonry buildings including the medium and strong seismic effects. The results of theoretical and numerical analyses are compared including initial forecasting calculations made before any test started. The emphasis is given to the boundary conditions reached during the excitation of the large masonry model via shaking table. Strengthening and retrofitting procedures and their effects are discussed when special fibre mortar is used for repair and strengthening of masonry parts of structure.  相似文献   

Following the increase in seismic activity which occurred near Isernia (Molise, Central Italy) in January 1986, a digital seismic network of four stations with three-component, short-period seismometers, was installed in the area by the Osservatorio Vesuviano. The temporary network had an average station spacing of about 8–10 km and, in combination with permanent local seismic stations, allowed the accurate determination of earthquake locations during an operating period of about one month. Among the 1517 detected earthquakes, 170 events were selected with standard errors on epicentre and depth not greater than respectively 0.5 and 1.5 km. The most frequent focal depths ranged between 4 and 8 km, while the epicentres distribution covered a small area NE of Isernia of about 10 km2. A main rupture zone could not be clearly identified from the spatial distribution of the earthquakes, suggesting a rupture mechanism involving heterogeneous materials. The activity was characterized by low energy levels, the largest earthquake, on January 18, 1986, havingM D =4.0. The time sequence of events and pattern of seismic energy release revealed a strong temporal clustering of events, similar to the behaviour commonly associated with seismic swarms.  相似文献   

The 1976 Friuli seismic sequence is known for itscomplexity, with several unusually large aftershocksoccurring in the epicentral area. The source region, where the northeastern part of the Alpine chain meetsthe northern Dinaric chain, is characterized by a complexcompressional tectonic regime. Previous studies have not clearly identified which of the two main tectonic systems was activated, in part due to the limited precision of derived earthquake parameters, such as hypocentral coordinates and focal mechanisms. We review the locations for the 10 largest events of the sequence, including theSeptember 16, 1977 and April 18, 1979 earthquakes andwe compute their centroid moment tensors. Source parameters are calculated using intermediate period surfacewaves and the modification of the Harvard centroid-moment tensoralgorithm proposed by Arvidsson and Ekström (1998). A summary of all available geological, geodetic and seismological data show that most of the earthquakes may be associated with the Periadriatic overthrust and other related thrust faults. Based on their locations and focal mechanisms only two ofthe early aftershocks (May 7, 1976 and May 9, 1976) appear instead to have occurred on Dinaric structures.  相似文献   

During the ML = 5.6 and 5.8 earthquakes occurredin central Italy on 26 September 1997 the historiccentre of Nocera Umbra, lying on top of a 120 m highhill, was diffusely damaged (VII-VIII degrees of MCSintensity). Some recently built houses in the modernpart of the town suffered an even higher level ofdamage. A temporary seismic array was deployed toinvestigate a possible correlation between localamplifications of ground motion in this area and theobserved pattern of damage. After a geologic andmacroseismic survey, eight sites were selected asrepresentative of different local conditions, such astopographic irregularities, sharp hard-to-softlithology transitions, alluvium-filled valleys, andboth undisturbed and deformed rocks.Horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratios for bothmicrotremor and earthquake recordings, as well asspectral ratios referred to undisturbed rock sites,were used to quantify local variations of groundmotion. In spite of the diffuse damage in the historiccentre of Nocera Umbra, a small amplification isobserved at the stations on the hill's top. Thissuggests that the higher vulnerability of the ancientbuildings mainly accounts for the diffuse damage inthat part of the town. In the frequency band ofengineering interest (1 to 10 Hz) the largestamplifications of ground motion are found at softsites: in the Topino river valley, where many episodesof severe structural damage occurred, spectralamplification is significant over a broad frequencyband ranging from 2 Hz to more than 20 Hz. Inparticular, in the central part of the valley highamplification (> 4) is found from 3 to 10 Hz,reaching a maximum of 20 around 4 Hz. At the edge ofthe valley, close to the soil-to-rock transition,amplification is as large as 10 in a frequency bandranging from 4 to more than 20 Hz. A significantamplification (by a factor of 10 around 10 Hz) isobserved also at one of the rock sites, possibly dueto the presence of a cataclastic zone related to theactivity of a regional fault that altered themechanical properties of the rock.  相似文献   

In October and November 2002, the Molise region (southern Italy) was struck by two moderate magnitude earthquakes within 24 hours followed by an one month long aftershocks sequence. Soon after the first mainshock (October 31st, 10.32 UTC, Mw 5.7), we deployed a temporary network of 35 three-component seismic stations. At the time of occurrence of the second main event (November 1st, 15.08 UTC, Mw 5.7) the eight local stations already installed allowed us to well constrain the hypocentral parameters. We present the location of the two mainshocks and 1929 aftershocks with 2 < ML < 4.2. Earthquake distribution reveals a E-trending 15 km long fault system composed by two main segments ruptured by the two mainshocks. Aftershocks define two sub-vertical dextral strike-slip fault segments in agreement with the mainshock fault plane solutions. P- and T-axes retrieved from 170 aftershocks focal mechanisms show a coherent kinematics: with a sub-horizontal NW and NE-trending P and T-axes, respectively. For a small percentage of focal mechanisms (∼ 10%) a rotation of T axes is observed, resulting in thrust solutions. The Apenninic active normal fault belt is located about 80 km westward of the 2002 epicentral area and significant seismicity occurs only 20-50 km to the east, in the Gargano promontory. Seismic hazard was thought to be small for this region because neither historical earthquake are reported in the Italian seismic catalogue or active faults were previously identified. In this context, the 2002 seismic sequence highlights the existence of trans-pressional active tectonics in between the extensional Apenninic belt and the Apulian foreland.  相似文献   

A three-component digital seismic network has been installed along central Apennines since the end of 1991. Two seismic sequences having main shocks of magnitudes 3.9 and 3.7 were recorded in August 1992 and June 1994, respectively. A detailed analysis of these sequences, including multiplet relocation, fault-plane solutions and source parameter estimation, is performed in the present paper. A correlation analysis allowed us to recognize a number of correlated events in the two sequences which were used for relative locations using a master event technique. This analysis allowed to obtain a better alignment of epicentral data along two almost orthogonal directions, following an Apenninic and an anti-Apenninic trend. For the two sequences, fault-plane solutions were evaluated by using a first arrival technique, resulting in mechanisms with predominant normal faulting for the 1992 and 1994 swarms. S-wave polarization analysis allowed to check the stability of the previous solutions and to reduce their range of uncertainty. The same technique was also applied to derive the composite fault-plane solutions from the aftershocks, resulting in solutions which are in good agreement with those derived from the main shocks of both sequences. Source parameters were then derived from the three-component records of 28 well-recorded events with seismic moment in the range 8.5 × 1010–1.0 × 1014 Nm. Stress drops ranged in the interval 0.3–52.3 bar and source radii were of the order of 100 m. Their scaling relations are in good agreement with other results derived from the analysis of other Italian earthquakes that occurred in regions of predominantly normal faulting tectonics (Apennines and Calabrian arc).  相似文献   

对1/4比例的9层组合砌体房屋模型进行了拟静力试验,得到此类结构的有关抗震性能指标,在此基础上,对试验模型和原型房屋进行了非线性地震反应分析,探讨了此类房屋的动力反应特性,对组合砌体房屋的抗震能力作出了较为客观的评价,并对应采取的抗震措施提出了建议。  相似文献   

针对低烈度区砌体结构房屋抗震的需要,本文提出利用纤维砂浆带加固砌体墙的一种廉价抗震方案。运用有限元分析软件Ansys10.0进行数值模拟分析,探讨这种加固方案的可行性,并在此基础上进行试验研究。通过纤维砂浆带加固砌体墙片在低周反复荷载作用下的试验,对墙片的破坏特征、裂缝的发展过程、滞回特性、结构延性等技术指标进行对比分析,结果表明,采用纤维砂浆带加固砌体墙有助于提高墙体的开裂荷载,增加结构的延性,改善墙体的抗震性能。  相似文献   

This study presents a seismic fragility analysis and ultimate spectral displacement assessment of regular low-rise masonry infilled (MI) reinforced concrete (RC) buildings using a coefficient-based method. The coefficient-based method does not require a complicated finite element analysis; instead, it is a simplified procedure for assessing the spectral acceleration and displacement of buildings subjected to earthquakes. A regression analysis was first performed to obtain the best-fitting equations for the inter-story drift ratio (IDR) and period shift factor of low-rise MI RC buildings in response to the peak ground acceleration of earthquakes using published results obtained from shaking table tests. Both spectral acceleration-and spectral displacement-based fragility curves under various damage states (in terms of IDR) were then constructed using the coefficient-based method. Finally, the spectral displacements of low-rise MI RC buildings at the ultimate (or near-collapse) state obtained from this paper and the literature were compared. The simulation results indicate that the fragility curves obtained from this study and other previous work correspond well. Furthermore, most of the spectral displacements of low-rise MI RC buildings at the ultimate state from the literature fall within the bounded spectral displacements predicted by the coefficient-based method.  相似文献   

In this paper, numerical insights on the seismic behavior of a non-isolated historical masonry tower are presented and discussed. The tower under study is the main tower of the fortress of San Felice sul Panaro, a town located near the city of Modena (Italy). Such a tower is surrounded by adjacent structural elements and, therefore, is not isolated. This historical monument has been hit by the devastating seismic sequence occurred in May 2012 in the Northern part of the Emilia region (the so-called “Emilia earthquake”), showing a huge and widespread damage. Here, in order to understand the behavior of the structure, its interaction with the adjacent buildings and the reasons of the occurred damage, advanced numerical analyses (both nonlinear static and dynamic) are performed on a 3D finite element model with different levels of constraint supplied by the adjacent structural elements and a detailed comparison between the simulated damage and the actual one is carried out. The results of the conducted numerical campaign show a good agreement with the actual crack pattern, particularly for the model of the tower that considers the adjacent structural elements.  相似文献   

通过4片碳纤维布加固混凝土小型空心砌块墙体在周期反复荷载作用下受力性能的试验,研究了用粘贴碳纤维布来增强混凝土小型空心砌块墙体抗震能力这种加固方法的有效性。本文研究了碳纤维布加固混凝土小型空心砌块墙体的受力特性,分析了碳纤维布不同用量对混凝土小型空心砌块墙体抗震加固效果的影响。在此基础上,本文提出了碳纤维布加固混凝土小型空心砌块墙体抗剪承载力的简化计算方法,可供实际抗震加固工程设计参考。  相似文献   

The Gubbio basin in Central Italy is a intermountain basin of extensional tectonic origin, typical of Central and Southern Apennines, characterized by moderate seismicity. The strongest recorded event within the area is a magnitude 5.7 earthquake which occurred on 29 April 1984 along the Gubbio fault, bordering the eastern side of the basin. The main objective of this study is to analyze the features of earthquake ground motion as related to basin-edge effects, by performing physics-based numerical simulations of the 1984 earthquake through a high-performance spectral element code. The simulated ground motions are found in reasonable agreement with the recorded motions when using the kinematic source model developed by Ameri et al. (Bull Seismol Soc Am 99:647–663, 2009), with a rise-time equal to 1 s and a nucleation point located in the middle of the fault. Pronounced differences were noted between records from the basin and adjacent sites at outcropping bedrock, owing to both the strong impedance contrast between soft alluvial sites and bedrock formations (lithostratigraphic amplification), as well as lateral discontinuities related to the 2D/3D geometry of the basin (generation of surface waves). Since the fault was located beneath the basin, 1D amplification effects were found to be more relevant than those associated with the generation of surface waves from the basin edge. Finally, an envelope delay spectrum was computed for the simulated ground motions, showing that surface waves are excited in the frequency band of 0.2–0.8 Hz with a significant increase of ground motion duration within the basin.  相似文献   

We estimate velocity anisotropy factors from seismic traveltime tomographic data and apply a correction for anisotropy in the inversion procedure to test possible improvements on the traveltime fit and the quality of the resulting tomographic images. We applied the anisotropy correction on a traveltime data set obtained from the investigation of the foundation structure of a monumental building: a Byzantine church from the 11th century AD, in Athens, Greece. Vertical transverse isotropy is represented by one axis of symmetry and one anisotropy magnitude for the entire tomographic inversion grid. We choose the vertical direction for the symmetry axis by analysing the available data set and taking into account information on the character of the foundations of the church from the literature and past excavations. The anisotropy magnitude is determined by testing a series of values of anisotropy and examining their effect on the tomographic inversion results. The best traveltime fit and image quality are obtained with an anisotropy value (Vmax/Vmin) of 1.6, restricted to the high velocity structures in the subsurface. We believe that this anisotropy value, which is significantly higher than the usual values reported for near‐surface geological material, is related to the fabric of the church foundations, due to the shape of the individual stone blocks and the layout of the stonework. Inversion results obtained with the correction for anisotropy indicate that both the traveltime fit and the image quality are improved, providing an enhanced reconstruction of the velocity field, especially for the high‐velocity features. Based on this enhanced and more reliable reconstruction of velocity distribution, an improved image of the subsurface material character was made possible. In particular, the pattern and state of the church foundations and possible weak ground material areas were revealed more clearly. This improved subsurface knowledge may assist in a better design of restoration measures for monumental buildings such as Byzantine churches.  相似文献   

The recent 1997 Umbria-Marche, Central Italy, earthquake sequence allowed us to model recorded ground motions using a method developed by Beresnev and Atkinson [Bull Seism Soc Am 87 (1997) 67–84; Seism Res Lett, 69 (1998) 27–32; Bull Seism Soc Am 88 (1998) 1392–1401]. The method generalizes the stochastic ground-motion simulation technique, developed for point sources, to the case of finite faults. It subdivides the fault plane into subfaults and assumes each subfault to be a point source with a ω2 spectrum. Geometric spreading and regional anelastic attenuation are included in the model. The data include horizontal acceleration recordings from the SSN and ENEL databases of the 1997 Umbria-Marche events on 26 September, at 00:33 GMT, with Mw=5.7, and at 09:40 GMT, with Mw=6.0; and on 14 October at 15:23 GMT, with Mw=5.6. The strong motion simulations are performed using model parameters based on the results of previous studies, and adjusting the subfault size to calibrate the simulation model against recorded ground motions. Local site response is considered to account for observed amplification effects at specific recording sites (e.g. Nocera Umbra). A good agreement is found between the simulated response spectra and the recorded data, concluding that this method reproduces the salient ground-motion characteristics at different distances and azimuths.  相似文献   

我国抗震设计规范(GB50011-2001)规定在6、7、8度区,混凝土小砌块结构分别可以建七、六、五层。由于混凝土小砌块结构的最大优势在于10-20层(与混凝土框架或框架剪力墙结构比)。本文按1/4比例制作了10层混凝土小砌块结构模型,按7度设防要求实施构造措施,通过振动台试验研究模型结构的抗震性能。结果表明,模型结构完全能够满足在7度区“小震不坏,大震不倒”的要求。圈梁、构造柱以及水平拉结筋构成的约束体系抗震作用是明显的。试验利用砌块的非注芯孔灌注铁砂来模拟墙体出平面动力效应。在本模型的构造措施下,平出面反应不对结构破坏起控制作用。  相似文献   

The efficiency of improving the seismic resistance of old masonry buildings by means of seismic isolation and confining the structure with CFRP laminate strips has been investigated. Five models of a simple two-story brick masonry building with wooden floors without wall ties have been tested on the shaking table. The control model has been built directly on the foundation slab. The second model has been separated from it by a damp-proof course in the form of a PVC sheet placed in the bed-joint between the second and the third course, whereas the third model has been isolated by rubber isolators placed between the foundation slab and structural walls. Models four and five have been confined with CFRP laminate strips, simulating the wall ties placed horizontally and vertically at floor levels and corners of the building, respectively. One of the CFRP strengthened models has been placed on seismic isolators. Tests have shown that a simple PVC sheet damp-proof course cannot be considered as seismic isolator unless adequately designed. Tests have also shown that the isolators alone did not prevent the separation of the walls. However, both models confined with CFRP strips exhibited significantly improved seismic behavior. The models did not collapse even when subjected to significantly stronger shaking table motion than that resisted by the control model without wall ties.  相似文献   

Since masonry structures are prone to collapse in earthquakes, a novel joint reinforcement method with a polypropylene band(PP-band) and cement mortar(CM) has been put forward. Compared with the common reinforcement methods, this method not only facilitates construction but also ensures lower reinforcement cost. To systematically explore the influence of joint reinforcement on the seismic performance of masonry walls, quasi-static tests were carried out on six specimens with different reinforcem...  相似文献   

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