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Potential Correlation between the Decadal East Asian Summer Monsoon Variability and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation 下载免费PDF全文
YU Lei 《大气和海洋科学快报》2013,6(5):394-397
This study discusses the potential contribution of the Pacific decadal oscillation(PDO)to the weakening of the East Asian summer monsoon(EASM)and the evident correlation between the positive PDO and"Southern flood and Northern drought(SFND)"summer rainfall pattern over East China.The mechanism behind this contribution is also discussed. 相似文献
Two Northward Jumps of the Summertime Western Pacific Subtropical High and Their Associations with the Tropical SST Anomalies 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1 下载免费PDF全文
Based on the pentad mean ridgeline index of the western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH), the authors identified the two northward jumps of the WPSH from 1979 to 2008 and revealed their associations with the tropical SST anomalies. The authors show that the northward jumps, especially the second jump, exhibited remarkable interannual variability. In addition, the authors find that the two northward jumps were mutually independent and were influenced by the SST anomalies in the different regions of the tropical Pacific. The first jump was positively correlated with the SST anomalies in the tropical central Pacific from the preceding winter to June. In contrast, the second jump was positively related to ENSO in the preceding winter, but this correlation tended to weaken with the decay of ENSO and disappeared in July. Instead, a positive correlation was found in the Indian Ocean. We therefore suggest that ENSO plays an indirect role in the second jump through the capacitor effect of the Indian Ocean. 相似文献
东亚夏季风降水年代际变异模态及其与太平洋年代际振荡的关系 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
利用全球陆地月平均降水资料、英国气象局哈德莱中心的月平均海表温度距平(SSTA)资料及NCEP/NCAR再分析大气环流资料,探讨东亚夏季风降水年代际变率及其与太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)的联系。研究指出:东亚夏季风降水年代际变异模态以及PDO均在1976年前后呈现显著的年代际转折,并且东亚夏季风降水与PDO在年代际尺度上具有较好的相关关系。PDO能够在对流层低层激发出与年代际东亚夏季风环流较为相似的大气环流异常特征,表明东亚夏季风环流的年代际变化可能受大气外强迫因子PDO在对流层低层的外源强迫作用影响,最终导致东亚夏季风降水发生年代际变化。 相似文献
季节内振荡影响西太平洋副热带高压两次北跳的机制 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
夏季期间,西太平洋副热带高压(简称副高)存在两次明显的北跳,其中第一次北跳导致华南前汛期结束、江淮梅雨建立,而第二次北跳则意味着江淮梅雨结束、华北雨季开始。本文基于观测资料和再分析数据,利用快速傅里叶变换和合成分析方法,深入探讨不同时间尺度季节内振荡对气候态和异常年副高两次北跳的影响机制。结果表明:在季节内尺度上,平常年和异常年影响副高两次北跳的季节内振荡的主导周期不同。气候态上,以10~20天和准60天为主;第一次北跳异常年和第二次北跳偏早年,以30~60天为主;第二次北跳偏晚年,则呈现出10~20天和30~60天两个主导周期。不论气候态还是异常年,东亚—热带西北太平洋地区低频振荡在年循环背景下均呈现出明显的北传特征,这是导致副高发生两次北跳的重要原因之一。而印度季风区低频振荡在东北向传播过程中所引起的西风东伸是造成副高第一次北跳更为明显的原因。源自澳大利亚高压的冷空气入侵所激发的暖池对流的准双周振荡则是造成气候态和偏晚年副高第二次北跳更为显著的原因。由于前期春季西北印度洋海温出现异常,造成局地低频振荡发生位相迁移,进而导致副高第一次北跳发生异常。而副高第二次北跳异常则是因为ENSO改变了暖池地区季节内振荡的尺度和振幅所造成的。 相似文献
In this study,the impacts of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) on the western Pacific warm pool (WPWP) were investigated.Our results show that the WPWP is linked with the PDO and the AMO at multiple time scales.On the seasonal time scales,the WPWP and the PDO/AMO reinforce each other,while at decadal time scales the forcing roles of the PDO and the AMO dominate.Notably,a positive PDO tends to enlarge the WPWP at both seasonal and decadal time scales,while a positive AMO tends to reduce the WPWP at decadal time scales.Furthermore,the decadal variability of the WPWP can be well predicted based on the PDO and AMO. 相似文献
近10年来,太平洋年代际振荡(PDo)因其对全球气候系统的深远影响而得到广泛的研究。PDo指的是在太平洋的气候变率中具有类似ENSo空间结构但周期为10-30年的一种振荡,当北太平洋中部海面温度异常增暖(冲却)时,热带太平洋中部和东部以及北美沿岸常同时伴随有同等幅度的异常冷却(增暖)。总体而言,有两类观点分别认为PDO起源于确定的海气耦合过程或起源于大气的随机强迫。确定性起源论强调,一个海气耦合系统内部的物理过程可以提供一个正反馈机制以增强一初始扰动,及一个负反馈机制以促使振荡位相发生逆转;海洋环流的动力演变过程决定了振荡的时间尺度。随机性起源论则强调,因为大气活动没有一个特定的时间尺度,其时间尺度谱实际上对应于白噪音谱,所以大气对海洋的强迫是随机的;而海洋常在低频谱段有最大的响应振幅,其对应的周期约为十几年或几十年。作试图系统性地理解PDO在观测、理论和数值方面的研究现状,从而为当前研究提供一个有用的背景性参考。 相似文献
太平洋年代际振荡研究进展(英) 总被引:16,自引:3,他引:16
近10年来,太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)因其对全球气候系统的深远影响而得到广泛的研究。PDO指的足在太平洋的气候变率中具有类似ENSO空间结构但周期为10-30年的一种振荡,当北太平洋中部海面温度异常增暖(冷却)时,热带太平洋中部和东部以及北美沿岸常同时伴随有同等幅度的异常冷却(增暖)。总体而言,有两类观点分别认为PDO起源于确定的海气耦合过程或起源于大气的随机强迫。确定性起源论强调,一个海气耦合系统内部的物理过程可以提供一个正反馈机制以增强一初始扰动,及一个负反馈机制以促使振荡位相发生逆转;海洋环流的动力演变过程决定了振荡的时间尺度。随机性起源论则强调,因为大气活动没有一个特定的时间尺度,其时间尺度谱实际上对应于白噪音谱,所以大气对海洋的强迫是随机的;而海洋常在低频谱段有最大的响应振幅,其对应的周期约为十几年或几十年。作者试图系统性地理解PDO在观测、理论和数值方面的研究现状,从而为当前研究提供一个有用的背景性参考。 相似文献
本文利用OAFlux资料研究了1958~2015年北半球冬季太平洋蒸发量在不同厄尔尼诺—南方涛动(ENSO)和太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)位相下的分布特征,并从水汽收支的角度分析了蒸发量异常的成因,结果表明:ENSO主要影响热带东太平洋、副热带西北太平洋和中纬度北太平洋中部的蒸发量。El Ni?o(La Ni?a)时水汽在北太平洋中部异常辐散(辐合),有利于当地大气水汽含量减小(增大),造成蒸发量增大(减小);副热带西北太平洋异常的水汽辐合(辐散)有利于蒸发量减小(增大);除此以外,蒸发量在热带东太平洋蒸发量增大(减小)则主要是降水量增大(减小)导致。与此同时,ENSO对上述海区蒸发量的影响还受到PDO的调控,当PDO处于暖(冷)位相时,El Ni?o(La Ni?a)造成蒸发量异常程度在中纬度北太平洋中部显著增大,这主要是由降水量增大(减小)引起的大气水汽含量减小(增大)所致,此时对应着风暴轴异常增大(减小);当PDO处于冷(暖)位相时,El Ni?o(La Ni?a)造成的蒸发量异常程度在副热带西北太平洋和热带东太平洋显著增大,而这与湿度变化引起的水汽平流异常程度增大紧密相关。 相似文献
2009年夏季西太平洋副热带高压北抬原因初探 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
利用数值模式再分析数据和常规观测资料,分析研究2009年6-8月西太平洋副热带高压(以下简称副高)连续5次北抬至偏北位置,且异常稳定维持,造成江淮流域干旱少雨(空梅)之缘由.通过合成、相关等分析方法探讨西风带、副热带、热带主要大气环流系统之间的相互影响和作用,并利用全型涡度方程探讨副高北抬和强度维持的主要机制.结果表明:(1)西风带波动的传播与副高变化关系密切,西太平洋副高的北抬过程起始于中段副高(140°~160°E)强度加强;(2)副高北抬之前孟加拉湾东部有明显的对流活动,对于副高的北抬和加强有一定的指示意义,而副高南侧的对流活动与副高北抬之间是一种伴随关系;(3)涡度场变化分析可知,副高北抬的关键因素是中高纬度槽脊变化引起的东亚沿海负涡度的增加. 相似文献
Interannual variations of the Bay of Bengal summer monsoon (BOBSM) onset in association with El Ni?o?Southern Oscillation (ENSO) are reexamined using NCEP1, JRA-55 and ERA20C atmospheric and Hadley sea surface temperature (SST) reanalysis datasets over the period 1900?2017. Decadal changes exist in the dependence of the BOBSM onset on ENSO, varying with the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). A higher correlation between the BOBSM onset and ENSO arises during the warm PDO epochs, with distinct late (early) onsets following El Ni?o (La Ni?a) events. In contrast, less significant correlations occur during the cold PDO epochs. The mechanism for the PDO modulating the ENSO?BOBSM onset relationship is through the variations in SST anomaly (SSTA) patterns. During the warm PDO epochs, the superimpositions of the PDO-related and ENSO-related SSTAs lead to the SSTA distribution of an El Ni?o (La Ni?a) event exhibiting significant positive (negative) SSTAs over the tropical central?eastern Pacific and Indian Ocean along with negative (positive) SSTAs, especially over the tropical western Pacific (TWP), forming a strong zonal interoceanic SSTA gradient between the TWP and tropical Indian Ocean. Significant anomalous lower tropospheric easterlies (westerlies) together with upper-tropospheric westerlies (easterlies) are thus induced over the BOB, favoring an abnormally late (early) BOBSM onset. During the cold PDO epochs, however, the superimpositions of PDO-related SSTAs with El Ni?o-related (La Ni?a-related) SSTAs lead to insignificant SSTAs over the TWP and a weak zonal SSTA gradient, without distinct circulation anomalies over the BOB favoring early or late BOBSM onsets. 相似文献
全球海表温度场中主要的年代际突变及其模态 总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11
用滑动t检验法对NOAA提供的改进扩展重建的全球海表温度场(1867~2005年)的年平均时间序列进行了年代际突变的定量检验。给出了几个年代际突变时期的时空分布,这些时期有:1894~1901年、1905~1909年、1920~1930年、1939~1945年、1954~1958年、1973~1979年和1994~1998年,并确定了全球海表温度年代际突变的时间,不仅发现了大家熟知的1924、1942和1976年左右的突变,还发现了1894、1907、1956年和最近的1997年的突变。分析表明,赤道太平洋和南太平洋是海温变化的敏感区的可能性较大,其次是北太平洋和南印度洋。用合成差分析得到了全球海表温度场的年代际模态的空间分布,1895~1906年和1908~1923年、1925~1941年和1943~1955年以及1977~1996年和1998~2005年这三对模态分别在大部分海域大体上存在较为明显的反位相结构,太平洋上各个时期均表现为PDO模态,只是强度和范围有所不同,大西洋的南北结构具有不对称性,增暖占主导地位。用滑动t检验法对PDO的年代际突变的信号进行了定量的检验,发现其年代际突变的时间依次为:1908、1924、1942、1956、1976和1997年,除了1894年的突变外,其余突变年份与上述全球海表温度场的年代际突变时间基本上是一致的,这说明PDO是全球海表温度场年代际突变的重要成员之一。假如存在1997年左右的突变,1998至今时段就是全球海表温度场一个新的年代际背景,就其年代际模态而言,目前的强度比1943~1955时段的年代际背景还要强;就PDO目前的强度来说, 与1909~1923和1957~1975这两个时段的强度大体相当。 相似文献
It is well known that on the interannual timescale, the westward extension of the western North Pacific subtropical high(WNPSH) results in enhanced rainfall over the Yangtze River basin(YRB) in summer, and vice versa. This study identifies that this correspondence experiences a decadal change in the late 1970 s. That is, the WNPSH significantly affects YRB precipitation(YRBP) after the late 1970 s(P2) but not before the late 1970 s(P1). It is found that enhanced interannual variability of the WNPSH favors its effect on YRB rainfall in P2. On the other hand, after removing the strong WNPSH cases in P2 and making the WNPSH variability equivalent to that in P1, the WNPSH can still significantly affect YRB rainfall, suggesting that the WNPSH variability is not the only factor that affects the WNPSH–YRBP relationship. Further results indicate that the change in basic state of thermal conditions in the tropical WNP provides a favorable background for the enhanced WNPSH–YRBP relationship. In P2, the lower-tropospheric atmosphere in the tropical WNP gets warmer and wetter, and thus the meridional gradient of climatological equivalent potential temperature over the YRB is enhanced. As a result, the WNPSH-related circulation anomalies can more effectively induce YRB rainfall anomalies through affecting the meridional gradient of equivalent potential temperature over the YRB. 相似文献
太平洋年代际振荡冷、暖背景下ENSO循环的特征 总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11
利用英国气象局哈德莱中心的月平均海温距平资料、美国Scripps海洋研究所联合环境分析中心(JEDAC)的海表和次表层海温观测资料以及NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,研究了太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)不同背景下ENSO循环的特征.结果表明,PDO为ENSO循环提供了一个年代际气候背景,在PDO的暖位相时期,El Nino事件发生的频率较高,强度较强;反之,在PDO的冷位相时期,La Nina事件发生的频率较高,强度较强.而且在不同的太平洋年代际振荡背景下,ENSO循环表现出不同的特征.在PDO冷位相时期,发生El Nino(La Nina)事件时,正(负)的SOTA从西太平洋沿温跃层向东传播,正(负)的SSTA从赤道东太平洋向西扩展到中太平洋,ENSO事件先在赤道东太平洋爆发.在PDO的暖位相时期,发生El Nino(La Nina)事件时,正(负)的SOTA首先出现在赤道中太平洋,然后沿温跃层向东传播,正(负)的SSTA从赤道中太平洋向东扩展到东太平洋,ENSO事件首先在中太平洋爆发.这为ENSO预测提供了新的线索. 相似文献
Interdecadal Variations of the Western Pacific Subtropical High and Surface Heat Flux over East Asia and Their Relationship 下载免费PDF全文
The interdecadal variation of intensity of the western Pacific subtropical high(WPSH) during the period 1951-2001 is studied by using data from the National Climate Center(NCC),China Meteorological Administration.The characteristics of the circulations at 500 hPa and the surface heat flux over East Asia are also analyzed based on the NCEP/NCAR monthly reanalysis data.The results reveal that the WPSH and the circulations exhibit interdecadal variations around 1978,with enhancing intensities.The interseasonal persistence of the WPSH intensity alters correspondingly to some extent,which is more significant during 1978-2001 than during 1951-1978.The surface heat flux over East Asia also displays a remarkable interdecadal variation,which leads that of the WPSH intensity.The key variation areas of the surface sensible heat flux(SSHF) are mainly located over the eastern and western Tibetan Plateau around the late 1960s.However,the difference of the SSHF between the eastern and western Plateau exhibits a change in the mid 1970s,close to the time of the abrupt climate change of the WPSH intensity.The SSHF of the Plateau stably increases in the west and decreases in the east before the mid-late 1960s,while it stably increases in the east and decreases in the west after the mid-1970s.On the other hand,the key variation area of the surface latent heat flux(SLHF) is mainly situated over the West Pacific(WP),where the SLHF anomaly in spring changes from positive to negative in the south before 1978,but from negative to positive in the north after 1978;while in summer it turns from positive to negative all over the WP after 1978.The interdecadal variation of SLHF in both spring and summer corresponds well to the interdecadal variation of the WPSH intensity in the same season.The notable correlation between the WPSH intensity and SSHF(or SLHF) maintains without any change although each of these qnantities varies on the interdecadal scale. 相似文献
This study reveals that the interannual variability of the western edge of the western North Pacific(WNP)subtropical high(WNPSH) in early summer experienced an interdecadal decrease around 1990. Correspondingly, the zonal movement of the WNPSH and the zonal extension of the high-pressure anomaly over the WNP(WNPHA) in abnormal years possess smaller ranges after 1990. The different influences of the tropical SSTAs are important for this interdecadal change, which exhibit slow El Nino decaying pat... 相似文献
近57a夏季西太平洋副高面积的年代际振荡及其与中国降水的联系 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
利用1951—2007年NCEP/NCAR再分析资料及中国国家气候中心160站降水和环流特征指数,研究了近57 a来夏季平均的西太平洋副热带高压面积指数的气候变化特征及其对同期中国降水的影响。结果表明,在全球变暖的气候背景下,夏季副热带高压面积也表现出增大趋势,其中20世纪60年代中期和20世纪末显著增强,并呈现出准20 a的年代际周期变化特征。各周期中,中国同期降水及流场均出现较大调整:随着西太平洋副热带高压面积长期趋于增大,东亚夏季风异常偏弱,降水分布由"北多南少"转为"北少南多",而降水线性增长的区域则呈现出较上一周期明显北移的特征。 相似文献
Influence of Tropical Western Pacific Warm Pool Thermal State on the Interdecadal Change of the Onset of the South China Sea Summer Monsoon in the Late-1990s 下载免费PDF全文
An interdecadal shift in the onset date of the South China Sea summer monsoon(SCSSM) is identified during the late 1990 s by using the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts Interim Reanalysis dataset. The mean onset date was brought forward by two pentads during 1999–2013 compared to that during 1979–1998. The large-scale atmospheric and oceanic change associated with this shift exhibits a significant interdecadal variation signal around 1998/1999, indicating that the shift during the late 1990 s is robust. Different from the well-known mid-1990 s shift, this shift carried more important systematical significance. Diagnostic analysis suggests that the earlier outbreak of the SCSSM was due to the interdecadal warming of the warm pool, which brought stronger convection anomalies and led to a weak western Pacific subtropical high(WPSH) during boreal spring(March–May). The earlier retreat of the WPSH was a direct cause of this shift. 相似文献
利用NCEP/NCAR逐日再分析资料,提出确定副高双脊线过程的定量指标,之后重点诊断研究1962年"二度梅"期间的双脊线过程.结果表明:1962年"二度梅"期间,由于季风槽的加强东伸,副高外围变形,在其南侧新生一条脊线,呈现双脊线结构.由此,提出亚洲季风槽的发展东移是副高双脊线形成的重要影响因子.分析表明,1962年的双脊线过程与1998年的双脊线过程相比,有同亦有异:两次双脊线过程与长江流域"二度梅"均有关联,但1998年双脊线过程结束后,北侧脊线消失,南侧脊线发展维持,使副高脊线异常偏南,造成"二度梅"的突然出现,而1962年双脊线过程结束后却是南侧脊线消失,北侧脊线维持并异常偏北,从而导致"二度梅"结束;在涡度场上,两次双脊线过程均有一高层对低层的"诱导"效应,同时500 hPa诱导生成的正涡度与低纬度北移而来的正涡度带打通合并、东伸,进而其两侧的负涡度带增强,形成双脊线.这些结果为西太平洋副热带高压双脊线的演变规律和机制的进一步研究提供了新的线索. 相似文献
This work examined the performance of 26 coupled climate models participating in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) in the simulation of the present-day temporal variability and spatial pattern of the western Pacifi c subtropical high (WPSH). The results show that most models are able to capture the spatial distribution and variability of the 500-hPa geopotential height and zonal wind fi elds in the western subtropical Pacifi c, but with underestimated mean intensity of the WPSH. The underestimation may be associated with the cold bias of sea surface temperature in the tropical Indian and western Pacifi c oceans in the models. To eliminate the impact of the climatology biases, the climatology of these models is replaced by that of the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis in the verifi cation, and the models reproduce the WPSH’s enhancement and westward extension after the late 1970s. According to assessment of the simulated WPSH indices, it is found that some models (CNRM-CM5, FGOALS-g2, FIO-ESM, MIROC-ESM, and MPI-ESM-P) are better than others in simulating WPSH. Then, the ensemble mean of these better models is used to pro ject the future changes of WPSH under three representative concentration pathway scenarios (RCP8.5, RCP4.5, and RCP2.6). The WPSH enlarges, strengthens, and extends westward under all the scenarios, with the largest linear growth trend projected in RCP8.5, smallest in RCP2.6, and in between in RCP4.5;while the ridge line of WPSH shows no obvious long-term trend. These results may have implications for the attribution and prediction of climate variations and changes in East Asia. 相似文献
利用1951—2008年东北地区夏季平均气温资料,分析了东北地区近58 a来东北地区夏季气温的变化趋势和突变特征,结果表明,东北夏季气温存在明显年代际变化的阶段性特征和总体增暖的趋势。对我国东北夏季气温与太平洋海温的相关分析表明,太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)由冷位相转为暖位相后,我国东北夏季气温与同期赤道中东太平洋海温相关减弱、与黑潮区海温相关增强,我国东北夏季气温与前期各季太平洋海温相关分布差异很大,海温关键区及相关强度都有所改变,这种相关关系的转变可能是造成近几年来利用太平洋海温预测我国东北夏季气温不确定性的原因之一。 相似文献