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Regional landslide-hazard assessment for Seattle, Washington, USA   总被引:13,自引:6,他引:13  
Landslides are a widespread, frequent, and costly hazard in Seattle and the Puget Sound area of Washington State, USA. Shallow earth slides triggered by heavy rainfall are the most common type of landslide in the area; many transform into debris flows and cause significant property damage or disrupt transportation. Large rotational and translational slides, though less common, also cause serious property damage. The hundreds of landslides that occurred during the winters of 1995–96 and 1996–97 stimulated renewed interest by Puget Sound communities in identifying landslide-prone areas and taking actions to reduce future landslide losses. Informal partnerships between the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the City of Seattle, and private consultants are focusing on the problem of identifying and mapping areas of landslide hazard as well as characterizing temporal aspects of the hazard. We have developed GIS-based methods to map the probability of landslide occurrence as well as empirical rainfall thresholds and physically based methods to forecast times of landslide occurrence. Our methods for mapping landslide hazard zones began with field studies and physically based models to assess relative slope stability, including the effects of material properties, seasonal groundwater levels, and rainfall infiltration. We have analyzed the correlation between historic landslide occurrence and relative slope stability to map the degree of landslide hazard. The City of Seattle is using results of the USGS studies in storm preparedness planning for emergency access and response, planning for development or redevelopment of hillsides, and municipal facility planning and prioritization. Methods we have developed could be applied elsewhere to suit local needs and available data.  相似文献   

In late-June, 1998, a series of thunderstorms dropped 16.5 cm (6.5 in.) of rain in a 72-h period over southeastern Ohio, causing extensive flooding, six deaths, and 179 million dollars in property damage. The storms also triggered more than 60 shallow landslides along a 64 km (40-mi) stretch of Interstate 77 between Buffalo and Marietta, Ohio. Almost all of the landslides were translational, occurring along the contact between colluvial soils and the underlying bedrock (shales, claystones, mudstones). Six sites were selected in the affected area for a detailed study of the shallow landslides. At each site, a record was made of the stratigraphy, slope geometry, number of landslides, landslide dimensions, hydrologic conditions, and influence of vegetation on landslide distribution. Both colluvial soils and underlying bedrock were sampled for laboratory investigations, which included determination of natural water content, grain size distribution, Atterberg limits, permeability, slake durability, and shear-strength parameters. Data from laboratory tests were used to perform sensitivity and stability analyses with respect to varying slope angles, strength parameters, and thicknesses of saturated colluvial soil. The results of the study indicate that the shallow landslides along Interstate 77 occurred when the colluvial soils reached 90% to 100% saturation, depending upon the slope angles.  相似文献   

Mapping landslide susceptibility in Travis County, Texas, USA   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A geographic information system (GIS) was used to construct a landslide hazard map for Travis County, Texas. The County is experiencing rapid growth, and development has encroached into unstable terrain that is vulnerable to landslides. Four layers of data were superimposed to create the landslide hazard map. Slope was given the most emphasis, followed by geology, vegetation, and proximity to faults. The final map shows areas of low, medium, and high landslide susceptibility. Areas of high susceptibility occupy stream and reservoir banks, rock escarpments, and agricultural land. The landslide hazard map can be a useful geologic criterion for land use planning. Planners can use the map to allocate appropriate land uses to unstable terrain, and to identify existing structures at risk from landslide activity. The methods presented in this paper can be adapted to other counties in the U.S. and elsewhere. Results of this study suggest that geographic information systems can effectively compile and overlay several data layers relevant to landslide hazards.  相似文献   

A global database of 2,626 rainfall events that have resulted in shallow landslides and debris flows was compiled through a thorough literature search. The rainfall and landslide information was used to update the dependency of the minimum level of rainfall duration and intensity likely to result in shallow landslides and debris flows established by Nel Caine in 1980. The rainfall intensity–duration (ID) values were plotted in logarithmic coordinates, and it was established that with increased rainfall duration, the minimum average intensity likely to trigger shallow slope failures decreases linearly, in the range of durations from 10 min to 35 days. The minimum ID for the possible initiation of shallow landslides and debris flows was determined. The threshold curve was obtained from the rainfall data using an objective statistical technique. To cope with differences in the intensity and duration of rainfall likely to result in shallow slope failures in different climatic regions, the rainfall information was normalized to the mean annual precipitation and the rainy-day normal. Climate information was obtained from the global climate dataset compiled by the Climate Research Unit of the East Anglia University. The obtained global ID thresholds are significantly lower than the threshold proposed by Caine (Geogr Ann A 62:23–27, 1980), and lower than other global thresholds proposed in the literature. The new global ID thresholds can be used in a worldwide operational landslide warning system based on global precipitation measurements where local and regional thresholds are not available..  相似文献   

滑坡频度-降雨量的分形关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
降雨-滑坡关系是对降雨引发的滑坡进行预报的一个重要基础。本文根据中国浙江省1990~2003年期间有明确日期和坐标记录的1414个滑坡数据和基本覆盖浙江全部陆地区域的1257个雨量站记录的日降雨量数据,研究了滑坡频度-降雨关系。研究结果表明,降雨引发滑坡的频度与降雨量之间遵循分形的幂指数关系,并且在两个尺度的降雨量范围内具有不同的标度指数。按照幂指数关系拟合的两条滑坡累计频度-降雨关系线交点(拐点)处的降雨量(Rin)指出了引发75%左右滑坡的累计降雨阀值的上边界(以THCR表示)。对1d、4d、6d和11d这4个累计降雨时段的研究表明,引发75%左右滑坡的累计降雨阀值分别为205mm(1d)、273mm(4d)、294mm(6d)、315mm(11d)。  相似文献   

Modeling of rainfall-triggered shallow landslide   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
By integrating hydrological modeling with the infinite slope stability analysis, a rainfall-triggered shallow landslide model was developed by Iverson (Water Resour Res 36:1897-1910, 2000). In Iverson’s model, the infiltration capacity is assumed to be equivalent to the saturated hydraulic conductivity for finding pressure heads analytically. However, for general infiltration process, the infiltration capacity should vary with time during the period of rain, and the infiltration rate is significantly related to the variable infiltration capacity. To avoid the unrealistically high pressure heads, Iverson employed the beta-line correction by specifying that the simulated pressure heads cannot exceed those given by the beta line. In this study, the suitability of constant infiltration capacity together with the beta-line correction for hydrological modeling and landslide modeling of hillslope subjected to a rainfall is examined. By amending the boundary condition at ground surface of hillslope in Iverson’s model, the modified Iverson’s model with considering general infiltration process is developed to conduct this examination. The results show that the unrealistically high pressure heads from Iverson’s model occur due to the overestimation of infiltration rate induced from the assumption that the infiltration capacity is identical to the saturated hydraulic conductivity. Considering with the general infiltration process, the modified Iverson’s model gives acceptable results. In addition, even though the beta-line correction is applied, the Iverson’s model still produces greater simulated pressure heads and overestimates soil failure potential as compared with the modified Iverson’s model. Therefore, for assessing rainfall-triggered shallow landslide, the use of constant infiltration capacity together with the beta-line correction needs to be replaced by the consideration of general infiltration process.  相似文献   

降雨诱发浅层滑坡渐进破坏分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王正宇  樊辉 《贵州地质》2021,38(4):443-448
为分析降雨诱发浅层滑坡的演变过程。本文以湖南湘西古丈滑坡为例,基于Green-Ampt入渗模型,进行了降雨诱发浅层滑坡渐进破坏分析。研究结果表明:在强降雨作用下,滑坡的失稳破坏主要是由于前缘土体以及中前部土体的局部破坏,而逐渐发展为整体破坏。并且,受滑坡地形影响,地形平缓的区域虽然湿润锋下渗较快,土体抗剪强度较低,但由于土体饱和带的渗流作用较小,而重力提供垂直于滑面的分力较大,该部分稳定性较为良好,故湿润锋对于滑坡稳定性的影响还应该根据不同地形条件加以分析。渐进式滑坡破坏分析方法对滑坡的监测和防治具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

Over the past decade, land development activities on hillsides in northern Utah have resulted in a significant increase in landslide activity throughout the region. The majority of recent landslides are shallow and they occurred on cut gentle slopes especially during spring and early summer due to snowmelt induced elevated groundwater tables. The geologic material documented at numerous landslide sites is a soft gray-green completely decomposed Norwood Tuff. The present study addresses the mechanism of a shallow landslide in completely decomposed Norwood Tuff based on field, laboratory and numerical investigations. Detailed slope surface geometry obtained from laser-scan surveys together with strength and stress–strain parameters derived from laboratory triaxial tests on undisturbed samples of completely decomposed Norwood Tuff collected from the landslide site are employed with finite-element modeling to examine the effects of ground surface deformation patterns on the yielding behavior of the slide mass. The numerical results indicate a gradual retreat of the yield zone with progressive landslide deformation, which eventually becomes concentrated within the accumulation zone of the landslide, compared to a well-developed yield zone within the entire slide mass at the onset of landslide movement. Limit equilibrium stability analyses along potential sliding surfaces of extent limited within the yield zone of the displaced slide mass produce lower safety factors than an analysis based on the original sliding surface comprising the entire slide mass.  相似文献   

Landslides - Geomorphological analysis of landslide processes in mountainous terrains with difficult access has benefited from virtual representation of topography through the use of...  相似文献   

A rainfall-induced shallow landslide is a major hazard in mountainous terrain, but a time-space based approach is still an unsettled issue for mapping rainfall-induced shallow landslide hazards. Rain induces a rise of the groundwater level and an increase in pore water pressure that results in slope failures. In this study, an integrated infinite slope analysis model has been developed to evaluate the influence of infiltration on surficial stability of slopes by the limit equilibrium method. Based on this new integrated infinite slope analysis model, a time-space based approach has been implemented to map the distributed landslide hazard in a GIS (Geographic Information Systems) and to evaluate the shallow slope failure induced by a particular rainfall event that accounts for the rainfall intensity and duration. The case study results in a comprehensive time-space landslide hazard map that illustrates the change of the safety factor and the depth of the wetting front over time.  相似文献   

2008年汶川大地震触发了数以万计的崩塌和滑坡,特别是沿发震断裂分布一系列大型的高速远程滑坡。为了探索地震诱发大型高速远程滑坡运动速度的反演方法,以汶川大地震典型高速远程滑坡为例,在野外调查和室内分析的基础上,结合前人的研究成果,对沿映秀-北川断裂展布的5个典型滑坡的速度进行了反演和计算。结果表明,5个滑坡的最大速度均大于50m/s,其中大光包滑坡速度最大,其下部滑体的最大速度约为300m/s,上部滑体凌空飞行的初速度高达165.6 m/s。同时,对上述滑坡的视摩擦系数进行了计算,4个滑坡的视摩擦系数介于0.16~0.4之间。这一研究的目的在于为类似地区地震滑坡的速度、最大位移量的预测和风险评估提供基础数据,对于类似地区的防灾减灾具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

四川汶川Ms 8 级地震触发的典型滑坡的风险指标反演   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2008年汶川大地震触发了数以万计的崩塌和滑坡,特别是沿发震断裂分布一系列大型的高速远程滑坡。为了探索地震诱发大型高速远程滑坡运动速度的反演方法,以汶川大地震典型高速远程滑坡为例,在野外调查和室内分析的基础上,结合前人的研究成果,对沿映秀-北川断裂展布的5个典型滑坡的速度进行了反演和计算。结果表明,5个滑坡的最大速度均大于50m/s,其中大光包滑坡速度最大,其下部滑体的最大速度约为300m/s,上部滑体凌空飞行的初速度高达165.6 m/s。同时,对上述滑坡的视摩擦系数进行了计算,4个滑坡的视摩擦系数介于0.16~0.4之间。这一研究的目的在于为类似地区地震滑坡的速度、最大位移量的预测和风险评估提供基础数据,对于类似地区的防灾减灾具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

Landslides are common throughout the Ecuadorian Andes, but their causal and controlling factors and their roles in landform development have not yet been systematically investigated. This paper reports observations and hypotheses arising from a reconnaissance study of the Tandayapa Valley in the Cordillera Occidental, approximately 30 km west of Quito. This study area is characterised by high local relief (ca. 800 m) associated with dissected mountainous terrain, high annual rainfall (>2,000 mm), and secondary-succession wet montane ‘cloud forest’. Regolith cover is extremely thin on the very steep (45 to >60°) upper main valley slopes, but there are thick accumulations of tephra on the slope crests and ridgetops. These deposits show periods of soil development separated by deposition events. Natural landslides in this environment comprise rare large deep-seated bedrock failures and occasional shallow failures on the steep upper slopes where potentially unstable thicknesses of tephra have accumulated. Landslides associated with construction of roads and forest trails are more common. Back-analysis of one road-cut landslide, using field and laboratory data to characterise the in situ weathered material where possible, indicated that natural shallow failures are unlikely in the absence of a surficial cover of tephra. By analogy with another mountainous tropical landscape, it is suggested that long-term landform development can be explained in terms of channel incision, driven by uplift, producing steep lower valley slopes that eventually exceed bedrock failure thresholds. Therefore, large deep-seated landslides appear to control valley slope form development, whilst the shallow landslides contribute to general denudation.  相似文献   

This work aims to understand the process of potential landslide damming using slope failure mechanism,dam dimension and dam stability evaluation. The Urni landslide, situated on the right bank of the Satluj River, Himachal Pradesh(India) is taken as the case study. The Urni landslide has evolved into a complex landslide in the last two decade(2000-2016) and has dammed the Satluj River partially since year 2013,damaging ~200 m stretch of the National Highway(NH-05). The crown of the landslide exists at an altitude of ~2180-2190 m above msl, close to the Urni village that has a human population of about 500.The high resolution imagery shows ~50 m long landslide scarp and ~100 m long transverse cracks in the detached mass that implies potential for further slope failure movement. Further analysis shows that the landslide has attained an areal increase of 103,900 ± 1142 m^2 during year 2004-2016. About 86% of this areal increase occurred since year 2013. Abrupt increase in the annual mean rainfall is also observed since the year 2013. The extreme rainfall in the June, 2013; 11 June(~100 mm) and 16 June(~115 mm),are considered to be responsible for the slope failure in the Urni landslide that has partially dammed the river. The finite element modelling(FEM) based slope stability analysis revealed the shear strain in the order of 0.0-0.16 with 0.0-0.6 m total displacement in the detachment zone. Further, kinematic analysis indicated planar and wedge failure condition in the jointed rockmass. The debris flow runout simulation of the detached mass in the landslide showed a velocity of ~25 m/s with a flow height of ~15 m while it(debris flow) reaches the valley floor. Finally, it is also estimated that further slope failure may detach as much as 0.80 ±0.32 million m^3 mass that will completely dam the river to a height of 76±30 m above the river bed.  相似文献   

泥流型黄土滑坡发生的条件除一般滑坡具有的条件之外,还应包括特殊的状态因素、触发因素及相应的驱动剪应力条件。通过对甘肃岷县永光村滑坡的现场勘察和实地调查,分析其成因,结果表明:永光村滑坡平面形态虽与泥流类似,但其具有滑坡形成区以及滑坡发生所需要的特殊的地形地貌、岩土体性质以及水文地质条件。永光村滑坡发育于沟道上游的黄土塬地带,临空面较大,滑坡剪出口位置高,具有较高的势能,滑坡体的主要岩土体是马兰黄土,黄土具有大孔隙结构,垂直节理发育,有利于地表水的下渗。下部为新近系泥岩,渗透系数低,为一相对隔水层。长期灌溉导致地下水位较高,黄土层存在软弱夹层,地下水位上升,导致其软化饱和,强度迅速降低,形成潜在滑动面。永光村滑坡亦具有圆弧形的滑坡后壁,滑坡后缘顶部分布有多条拉张裂缝,在前期发生降雨的外部条件下,在岷县“7·22”地震诱发下,发生了低角度、快速和远程的泥流型黄土滑坡,滑体在冲出沟口后形成了扇形堆积区。永光村滑坡是一种特殊的地震引发的泥流型黄土滑坡。目前,泥流型黄土滑坡的研究还处在探索阶段,是作为黄土滑坡分类的一种补充,建议进一步加强对此类灾害发生机理及其稳定性计算方法的深入研究。  相似文献   

预测滑坡强度是滑坡风险分析与控制的基础和关键.以黑方台为研究区,在野外调查的基础上,针对研究区35处滑坡几何参数的数理统计,系统地分析了滑距与滑坡几何特征参数的相关关系,并按照黄土滑坡、黄土-基岩滑坡分别建立了滑坡空间预测的一元回归和多元回归统计模型.在统计模型中,分别以原始边坡坡度、塌落角、滑体宽度等因素为自变量,以滑坡延伸角为因变量,采用单因素和多因素拟合的方法,实现滑坡强度的简便预测.  相似文献   

From mid-October to 22 November 2000, the western Liguria Region of Italy experienced prolonged and intense rainfall, with cumulative values exceeding 1000 mm in 45 days. The severe rainfall sequence ended on November 23 with a high-intensity storm that dumped more than 180 mm of rain in 24 h. The high-intensity event caused flooding and triggered more than 1000 soils slips and debris flows and a few large, complex landslides. Slope failures caused three fatalities and severe damage to roads, private homes, and agriculture. Large (1:13,000) and very large (1:5000) scale colour aerial photographs were taken 45 days after the event over the areas most affected by the landslides. Through the interpretation of the 334 photographs covering an area of 500 km2, we prepared a landslide inventory map that shows 1204 landslides, for a total landslide area of 1.6 km2. We identified the rainfall conditions that triggered landslides in the Armea valley using cumulative- and continuous-rainfall data, combined with detailed information on the time of landslide occurrence. Landslide activity initiated 8 to 10 h after the beginning of the storm, and the most abundant activity occurred in response to rainfall intensities of 8 to 10 mm per hour. For the Ceriana Municipality, an area where the landslides were numerous in November 2000, we also collected information about a historical event that occurred on 8–11 December 1910 and triggered abundant landslides resulting in severe economic damage. A comparison of the damage caused by the historical and the recent landslide events indicated that damage caused by the 1910 historical event was more diffused but less costly than the damage caused by the 2000 event.  相似文献   

Landslides are triggered by earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, and heavy continuous rainfall. For most types of slope failure, soil moisture plays a critical role because increased pore water pressure reduces the soil strength and increases stress. However, in-situ soil moisture profiles are rarely measured. To establish the soil moisture and landslide relationship, a qualitative comparison among soil moisture derived from AMSR-E, precipitation from TRMM and major landslide events was conducted. This study shows that it is possible to estimate antecedent soil moisture conditions using AMSR-E and TRMM satellite data in landslide prone areas. AMSR-E data show distinct annual patterns of soil moisture that reflect observed rainfall patterns from TRMM. Results also show enhanced AMSR-E soil moisture and TRMM rainfall prior to major landslide events in landslide prone regions of California, U.S.; Leyte, Philippines; and Dhading, Nepal.  相似文献   

虽然宣称地球已进入地震多发期目前学术界还存在不少争议,但不得不承认近期的破坏性强震发生的频率较以往高.强震诱发的滑坡灾害也越来越成为了地质学家们研究的热点.在对一个地区发出中长期地震预报之后,如果也能相应地对该地区的斜坡稳定性进行评价,从而预测地震时滑坡最可能发生的地段,这对于减轻震区人民的伤亡和财产损失将具有重要的意义.本文对目前常用的地震滑坡危险性评价方法进行了简要介绍,并以“5.12”汶川地震映秀震中区为例,运用Newmark方法对该区进行了地震滑坡危险性评价和编图示范,探讨了目前常用地震滑坡危险性评价方法的优缺点及今后区域性地震滑坡危险性评价的发展方向.  相似文献   

A warning system for rainfall-induced shallow failures   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
Pietro Aleotti   《Engineering Geology》2004,73(3-4):247-265
It is widely recognised that soil slips and debris flows are triggered by short intense storms. Owing its geologic, geomorphologic and climatic settings, the Piedmont Region (NW Italy) is highly prone to the occurrence of this kind of landslides. In the last two centuries, in fact, a total of 105 severe meteoric events which triggered shallow failures occurred and, of these, 18 events took place from 1990 to 2002. A fair number of rainfall thresholds have been proposed in the literature, defined both on empirical or on physical bases. Empirical thresholds are defined collecting rainfall data for landslide meteoric events and for events without landslides, while physical thresholds are based on numerical models that consider the relation between rainfall, pore pressure and slope stability. The main objective of this paper is the identification of the empirical triggering thresholds for the Piedmont Region. Four meteoric events were selected and analysed (November 4–5, 1994; July 7–8, 1996; April 27–30, 2000; October 13–16, 2000) because they supply a wide range of variation for both rainfall parameters (duration, intensity, cumulative rainfalls) and the number of induced landslides. In the intensity–duration plot, the critical limit is described by the equation: I=19D−0.50 (where I=rainfall intensity expressed in mm/h and D=rainfall duration expressed in hours). Such a limit is traced to envelop 90% of the points on the graph. In the NI–D diagram the triggering thresholds are given by the equations NI=0.76D−0.33 and NI=4.62D−0.79 (where NI=normalised intensity with respect to the annual precipitation, MAP, expressed in %, [(mm/h)/PMA]×100). In the article the different meaning of these thresholds is discussed. Finally, the diagram NI–NCR is proposed; the triggering threshold is given by the expression: NI=−0.09ln[NCR]+0.54 (where NCR is the normalised cumulative critical rainfall, [mm/PMA]×100). The application of the triggering thresholds as a fundamental element in a warning system dedicated to the safeguarding of population in landslide-prone areas is discussed. In detail an operating procedure which is presently being verified and tested in the studied area is described.  相似文献   

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