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Photometry of HD 155638=V792 Her has been analyzed to determine the elements of this totally eclipsing RS CVn binary. The light variation outside eclipse was found to have a period of 27d.07±0d.07, which is slightly different from the 27d.5384±0d.0045 orbital period. Analysis of the eclipses was achieved by a modification of the Russell-Merrill technique. With the aid of radial velocity measures, absolute elements were obtained for the hot and cool stars, respectively;R h=2.58R ,R c=12.28R ,M h=1.40M ,M c=1.46M ,i=80o.61 and velocity semi-amplitudesK c=48.36 km s–1±0.79 km s–1, andK h=50.50 km s–1±0.33 km s–1. The apparent magnitudes areV h=9 m .73 andV c=8 m .48. The distance to HD 155638 was estimated to be 310 parsecs.  相似文献   

BUSS observations of the profiles of two well observed spectral lines in the ultraviolet spectrum of CMi (Procyon; F5 IV–V) are analysed with a Fourier transform method in order to determine values of various parameters of the velocity field of the upper photosphere. We find a microturbulent line-of-sight velocity componentL = 0.9 ± 0.4 km s–1, a macroturbulent velocity componentL M = 5.3 ± 0.2 km s–1, and a rotational velocity componentv R sini=10.0±1.2 km s–1. In these calculations a single-moded sinusoidal isotropic macroturbulent velocity function was assumed. The result appears to be sensitive to the assumed shape of the macroturbulence function: for an assumed Gaussian shape the observations can be described withv R sini=4 km s–1 andL M = 11.6 ± 2.7 km s–1. A comparison is made with other results and theoretical predictions.  相似文献   

Photographic image-tube spectra (150 Å mm–1, 4500 Å-7000 Å) of the type I supernova (1974g) in the Sc galaxy NGC 4414 obtained at phases+ 14 days and + 40 days past maximum light have been reduced to absolute flux. The positions of various spectral features and the overall appearance of the spectra of SN 1974g closely match previously observed type I SN spectra at similar phases. An electronographic isophotal map of NGC 4414 is presented, and an accurate position of SN 1974g given. A distance to NGC 4414 of 15 Mpc was determined from the recessional velocities and the diameters of Hii regions; while the absolute magnitude at maximum light of SN 1974g was found to beM B(max)=–19.0. Estimates of the radius of the expanding photosphere of SN 1974g, cetermined by two independent methods, giveR1015 cm in the early post-maximum phases. The time of outburst,t=–25 days, has been estimated for SN 1974g. By assuming the broad emission feature observed at 6480 Å to be H, very rough estimates of the electron density and the mass of ionized hydrogen in the expanding supernova envelope are given. The total (observed) luminous energy of SN 1974g was 1051 erg.  相似文献   

The helium and nitrogen enrichment of the atmospheres of early B-type stars during the main sequence (MS) evolutionary phase is re-analysed. It is confirmed that the effect depends on both the aget and the stellar massM. For example, the helium abundanceHe/H increases by 0.04 (60–70% of initial value) for stars withM=8–13M and by 0.025 (about 30%) for stars withM=6M . The nitrogen abundance rises by three times forM=14M and by, two times forM=10M . According to the latest theoretical computations, the observed appearance of CNO-cycled material in surface layers of the stars can be a result of the rotationally induced mixing, in particular, of the turbulent diffusion. Carbon is in deficiency in B stars, but unexpectedly does not show any correlation with the stellar age. However it is shown that the total C+N abundance derived for early B stars conflicts with the theory.Basing on modern data the helium enrichment is first examined in O-type MS stars, as well as in components of binaries. As compared with early B stars, the He abundance for more massive O stars and for components of binaries show a different relation with the relative aget/t MS . Namely during short time betweent/t MS 0.5 and 0.7 a sharp jump is observed up toHe/H=0.2 and more. In particular, such a jump is typical for fast rotating O stars (v sini200 km s–1),. Therefore the effect of mixing depends on massM, relative aget/t MS , rotational velocityv and duplicity.The mass problem (the discrepancy betweenM ev andM sp ) is also analysed, because some authors consider it as a possible evidence of early mixing, too. It is shown that the accurate data for components of binaries lead to the conclusion that the discrepancy is less than 30%. Such a difference can be removed at the expense of theM ev lowering, if the displacement of evolutionary tracks, owing to the rotationally induced mixing is taken into consideration.  相似文献   

The open star cluster NGC 6067 was investigated by the strip method on charts of photographs with different exposure times taken with the 1-m Schmidt telescope of the European Southern Observatory. Because of the large distance (1820 pc) of the cluster its luminosity function is known up to date only betweenM v =–4.5 andM v =+1.5. In this paper it is continued toM v =4.4 and further extrapolated by means of 2 variants. The cluster contains 419 respectively 476 stars with total masses of 1453 resp. 1483. On account of its radius of 5.9 pc the cluster is a rather extended object, which can be described by the generalized density law of Schuster withn=4.42 and the central star density 8.9 stars pc–3. The mean velocity of the stars amounts to 1.03 km s–1, the massbrightness relation is 0.031 in solar units.

Mitteilungen Serie A.  相似文献   

The radial nonlinear pulsations of a model withM=0.8M ,M bol=–6 mag andT eff=5500 K have been studied. The pulsations are shown to exist in the form of the standing wave only in the innermost layers withR<0.2R ph. In the outer layers, the standing wave transforms into running waves, the frequency of which decreases with an increasingR. the pulsation period at the photosphere is found to be twice as long as the pulsation period atR<0.2R ph. The difference between the pulsation periods causes alternation of deep and shallow minima in the temporal dependences of the kinetic energy and radii and can be used to explain the nature of RV Tau variables. It is shown that at the distanceR>3R ph, the time-independent mass flux caused by shocks takes place. The rate of mass loss is found to beM10–4 M yr–1.  相似文献   

On the assumption that, at the moment of the supernova explosion, the presently nondegenerate companion of Her X-1 was a Main-Sequence star with polytropic indexn=3, it is found that the effects of impact and ablation cannot have removed more than about 10% of its pre-supernova mass. A remnant mass for a neutron star of 1.4M was adopted. The effects of impact and ablation were calculated in the manner given by Wheeleret al. (1975). Depending on the ejection velocity of the SN shell, it is found that with a pre-SN mass of 2.2M (i.e., the maximum possible value) for the non-degenerate component, the initial binary period was in the range 2–4 days.  相似文献   

A comparison between model atmosphere grids with and without metal blanketing has been performed in the low-temperature range (T eff=6000 K to 10000 K) and for different metal contents (logA=0, –1, –2;A=scaled solar abundance). ForA10–1 andT eff7000 K, the Johnson colour indicesU-B andB-V, together with the Strömgrenu-b, b-y and the bolometric correction (BC) are little affected by metal blanketing ( mag<0 . m 04). On the other hand, the trend of the physical quantities and them 1 andc 1 colour indices reflect the inadequateness of the models even withA=10–2 andT eff=9500 K, where hydrogen line blanketing is expected to dominate. This fact discourages once and for all the use of metal unblanketed atmospheres other than for comparison of colour indices or the calculation of bolometric corrections for Population II A-F spectral types.  相似文献   

Strong absorption satellite lines of CaI 6572 were found on spectrograms taken on three successive days just after the fourth contact of the 1971–72 eclipse of Zeta Aurigae. The radial velocities of the satellite lines are –88 km s–1, –74 km s–1, and –180 km–1, respectively, relative to the K-type primary star (K4 Ib). These absorptions should be due to a circumstellar cloud in which the column density of neutral calcium atoms is 1×1017 cm–2 and the turbulent velocities come to 20–50 km s–1. It is suggested that the cloud may be formed by the rocket-effect of the Lyman quanta of the B-type component (B6 V). We estimate the density in the cloud to be 2×1011 atoms cm–3 fors=10R K and 2×1010 atoms cm–3 fors=102 R K, wheres denotes the distance of the cloud from the K star andR K the K star's radius. The mass loss rate of the K-type component is also estimated to be about 10–7 M yr–1, assuming that the expansion of the K star occurs isotropically.  相似文献   

An efficient algorithm is presented for the solution of Kepler's equationf(E)=E–M–e sinE=0, wheree is the eccentricity,M the mean anomaly andE the eccentric anomaly. This algorithm is based on simple initial approximations that are cubics inM, and an iterative scheme that is a slight generalization of the Newton-Raphson method. Extensive testing of this algorithm has been performed on the UNIVAC 1108 computer. Solutions for 20 000 pairs of values ofe andM show that for single precision (10–8) 42.0% of the cases require one iteration, 57.8% two and 0.2% three. For double precision (10–18) one additional iteration is required. Single- and double-precision FORTRAN subroutines are available from the author.  相似文献   

The nonlinear self-excited oscillations of the envelopes of low-massive highly luminous stars are described. The parameters for these models wereM=0.8M ,M bol=–5.5, –5.84 mag,T eff=4500, 5000, 5500 K. The oscillations have been found to consist of the standing wave pulsation near the envelope bottom and running waves in outer layers. The ratio of the standing wave frequency s to the average frequency of the running waves r increases with the stellar luminosity: s / r =1.7 whenM bol=–5.5 mag and s / r =2.4 whenM bol=–5.84 mag. The frequency of oscillations near the photosphere is found to be in close agreement with the critical frequency for running waves. Mass loss from these stars is caused by shocks. It has been shown that agreement between FG Sge's period change observed during the last decade and the period-luminosity relation for double shell stars takes place when FG Sge's luminosity isM bol=–5.96 mag.  相似文献   

Rapid proton capture is supposed to be responsible for the synthesis of a number of proton-rich nuclei. This process of hydrogen burning is considered here for mass elements, the atomic numbers of which range fromZ=10 toZ=20. The possible site for this process is assumed to be the outer envelope of the supernova at a proton number density (n p )ranging fromn p =1022 cm–3 ton p =1028 cm–3 at temperatures in the range ofT=2–3×109 K.The capture path is determined by considering that a dynamical equilibrium between (p, ) and (,p) reactions exists between the reacting nuclei. In this situation, the abundances of elements become proportional to the lifetime of + decaying nuclei at the waiting points.It is suggested that these rapid proton-capture reactions are responsible for the production of a number of nuclei in the rangeA40 during supernova outbursts.  相似文献   

We present the results of the photometric observations, in theUBVRJHKLMNQ system, of CH Cyg, made in the period 1978–1987. They have shown that from 1985 to 1987 dust condensed in its circumstellar envelope have taken place the condensation of the dust matter. In 1987 its mass and temperature were about 3×10–8 M and 800 K, respectively.  相似文献   

A detailed investigation of the evolution of low-mass binaries is performed for the case when the secondary fills its Roche lobe at the stage of core hydrogen exhaustion. The obtained results are compared with observational data for ultra-short periodic X-ray systems MXB 1820-30 and MXB 1916-05. In the frame of the proposed evolutionary scenario it is possible to obtain for MXB 1820-30 its periodP=11.4 min twice (see Figure 2). In the first case the parameters of the system are:M 2 0.13–0.15M ,X0.05–0.13, |P/P| (3.6–6.2) } 10–7 yr–1, M2 (4.1–9.6) } 10–9 M yr–1, for the second:M 2 0.08–0.09M ,X= 0, |P/P| (1.3–1.5) } 10–7 yr–1, M2 (1.4–1.8) } 10–8 M yr–1. It is suggested that MXB 1916-05 is the progenitor of the system MXB 1820-30 (M 2 = 0.1M,X 0.221,M 2 1.8 × 10–10 M yr–1).  相似文献   

Five outer planets are numerically integrated over five million years in the Newtonian frame. The argument of Pluto's perihelion librates about 90 degrees with an amplitude of about 23 degrees. The period of the libration depends on the mass of Pluto: 4.0×106 years forM pluto=2.78×10–6 M sun and 3.8×106 years forM pluto=7.69×10–9 M sun, which is the newly determined mass. The motion of Neptune's perihelion is more sensitive to the mass of Pluto. ForM pluto=7.69×10–9 M sun, the perihelion of Neptune does circulate counter-clockwise and forM pluto=2.78×10–6 M sun, it does not circulate and the Neptune's eccentricity does not have a minimum. With the initial conditions which do not lie in the resonance region between Neptune and Pluto, a close approach between them takes place frequently and the orbit of Pluto becomes unstable and irregular.  相似文献   

We report on eight X-ray bursts detected by ASTRON from the Rapid Burster (RB) on 13 and 28 April and 16 August, 1983. Six of them (trailing bursts), with durations of 1.5–2 min, rise times of 5–10 s and intervals of 1–1.5 hours, exhibit spectral softening during the burst decay and may be related to the type I bursts. Two of the bursts (triangle bursts) observed on 28 April at interval of 28 min with much longer rise times (30–50 s) and longer durations (3 min), do not show distinct spectral softening. Persistent flux from RB on 16 August was estimated asF p(2.0–2.4)×10–9 erg cm–2 s–1. Spectral evolution of two trailing bursts was investigated by fitting their spectra in consecutive time intervals with the blackbody (BB), isothermal scattering photosphere (SP) and thermal bremsstrahlung (TB) models. Around the burst maxima the SP model fits the data best whereas in the burst tails the TB model is generally better. The BB model is worse than at least one of the two others. Interpretation of the burst spectra in terms of the BB radiation leads to improbably small neutron star mass and radius (M<0.86M ,R NS<5 km) if the peak luminosity does not exceed the Eddington limit. Interpretation of the spectra around the burst maxima (3–15 s from the burst onset) in terms of an isothermal SP yields reasonable constraints onM,R NS, and distanceD. For instance, for the hydrogen photosphere we obtainedM=(1.0–2.1)M R NS=(7.1–16.4) km ifD=11 kpc. If one postulatesM=1.4M , thenD=(8.5–13) kpc for hydrogen photosphere; if, besides,D=11 kpc, thenR NS=(8.1–13.3) km. It follows also from the SP-interpretation that the photosphere radius may increase up to 20–30 km in maxima of the trailing bursts when the luminosity becomes close to the Eddington luminosity.  相似文献   

The pulsed plasma probe technique has been expanded to include simultaneous determinations of absolute electron density, density fluctuations, electron temperature, and mean-ion-mass with resolution limited only by probe geometry, sheath size, and telemetry. The technique has been designed to test for coupling of electron density variations and ion composition irregularities in multi-component plasmas by the comparison of electron density fluctuation power spectraP N(k) and a newly-developed diagnostic parameter, the mean-ion-mass fluctuation spectraM i/M iP M(k). In addition, the experiment extends satellite-borne irregularity spectral analyses down to the 5–20 m range while attempting to identify F-region plasma instability processes on the basis of characteristics inN e,T e, N e,P N,M i, andP M. Initial results demonstrate the expanded diagnostic capability for high spatial resolution measurements of mean-ion-mass and provide experimental evidence for the role of ion composition in multi-stepped plasma instability processes. Specific results include a spectral indexX n inP N=A nf–X n of 1.6–2.9 over the wavelength range from 1 km to 6 m under conditions identified with an unstable equatorial nighttime ionosphere. Simultaneous measurements ofM i/M i(P M=A M f –X m) andN e/N e(P N=A n f –X n) have shown a general behavior tending to lower power (A m<A n) and softer spectra (X m<X n) in ion mass fluctuations when compared with fluctuations in total plasma density. Limited analyses of the two power spectral elements raise hopes for the differentiation between plasma mechanisms that can lead to similar indices inP N.Paper originally submitted to the journalSpace Science Instrumentation.  相似文献   

The properties of the neutrino burst generated by massive 1.5–2M collapsing stellar iron-oxygen cores are discussed. Special attention is given to the neutrino heat conductivity theory which allows us to calculate the transport of neutrinos through the collapsing stellar core up to the formation and during the first seconds of cooling of a hot hydrostatic neutron star. The theoretical predictions seem to be in good agreement with both the KAMIOKANDE II and IMB data on the neutrino burst detected from SN 1987A. The most reliable constraint on the neutrino rest mass is shown to bem v <20–30eV, while the safest upper limit on the neutrino magnetic moment, µ v < 10–11 Bohr magnetons, results rather from the cooling of white dwarfs than from the SN 1987A neutrino data.Presented to the 13th International Conference Neutrino-88, Boston, U.S.A., 5–11 June, 1988.  相似文献   

Structures of Newtonian super-massive stars are calculated with the opacity for Comptor effectK 0/(1 + T), whereK 0=0.21(1 +X and =2.2×10–9K–1. The track of the Main-Sequence is turned right in the upper part of the HR diagram. Mass loss will occur in a Main-Sequence stage for a star with mass larger than a critical mass. The cause of mass loss and the expansion of the radius is continuum radiation pressure. The critical mass for mass loss is 1.02×106 M for a Population I star, and 1.23×105 M for Population III star. Mass loss rates expected in these stars are 3.3×10–3 and 4.0×10–3 M yr–1, respectively.Paper presented at the IAU Third Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting, held in Kyoto, Japan, between 30 September–6 October, 1984.  相似文献   

Towards the high-latitude cloud MBM 40, we identify 3 dense molecular cores of M0.2–0.5 M, and sizes of 0.2 pc in diameter embedded in the H I cloud of 8 M which is observed to be extended along the northeast–southwest direction. The molecular cloud is located almost perpendicularly to the H I emission. We confirm the previous result of Magnani et al. that MBM 40 is not a site for new star formations. We found a very poor correlation between the H I and the IRAS 100 μm emissions, but the CO (1–0) and 100 μm emissions show a better correlation of WCO/I100=1±0.2 K km s−1 (MJy sr−1)−1. This ratio is larger by a factor of ≥5 than in dense dark clouds, which may indicate that the CO is less depleted in MBM 40 than in dense dark clouds.  相似文献   

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