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This paper reports a study on soil development in loamy marine sediments on both sides of the Oslofjord (Vestfold, Østfold). This region has been subject to steady glacio-isostatic uplift during the whole Holocene. Hence, land surface age continuously increases from the coast inland. Several sea level curves, based on radiocarbon datings, enable estimation of land surface age for all locations. Clay illuviation starts in less than 1650 years. E horizons become lighter with age, but their lower boundary stays around 40 cm for more than 10 000 years. Albeluvic tongues develop between 4600 and 6200 years. Initially, they form along intersections of cracks. As preferential flow and leaching along the cracks continues, the tongues increase in length and width, progressively consuming the prisms between the cracks in the upper Bt horizon. The Fed/Fet ratios (weighted means of the upper meter) show a clear linear increase with soil age and may be used for “pedo-dating”, i.e. for estimating the ages of non-dated land surfaces covered with similar sediments. In contrast, the logarithmic decrease of base saturation and pH, with rapid changes in the first time but only very slight changes between 2000 and 10 000 years, makes these parameters unsuitable for “pedo-dating”.  相似文献   

Soil and stream sediment sampling have been the primary geochemical exploration tools in the Appalachian piedmont to date. However, the great thicknesses of soil and saprolite found in the region coupled with the dense vegetation frequently encountered favor biogeochemistry as an alternative or supplemental method since deep-rooted plants sample closer to bedrock. To evaluate this method, an orientation survey was performed in which soils and vegetation at 17 sites north of Mineral, Virginia, were sampled and analyzed for Ag, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn. The traverse included stations over the host rocks of massive sulfide mineralization, as well as over apparent “barren” country rock. Samples were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry using standard digestion and analytical techniques.Both A- and B-horizon soil metals generally appear to be reliable indicators of mineralization, with soils developed over sulfides showing up to three-fold enrichment in metal content relative to the average soils developed on the country rock. Correlation of metal concentrations in vegetation to soil metal concentrations reveal plant concentrations expressed on a dry-weight basis correlate stronger and more frequently to soil metals than do ash-weight concentrations. Copper shows some promise in selected organs and species, Ag appears fair but data are limited to one organ of one species, and plant Pb seems totally unresponsive to soil metal concentrations perhaps because foliar absorption is an important plant uptake mechanism here. However, Zn and Cd in organs of the oak group, especially mature leaves and twigs of the current year's growth show the greatest promise as prospecting tools. They correlate well with soil metals and when compared directly to the geology they reliably reflect mineralization. Although results using White oak were slightly less profound than those obtained from the Black-Red oak group, White oak may be preferred as it is a single, more widespread, easily-identifiable species. Copper and especially Zn although essential elements to plants, do not appear to be “difficult” elements for biogeochemical prospecting in the Appalachian piedmont.  相似文献   

The search for petroleum has evolved into a highly sophisticated technology where today almost every scientific discipline known is being brought to bear upon the endeavour. Yet, the use of geochemical hydrocarbon exploration remains a peripheral exploration tool. The trend toward scientific integration has led the petroleum explorationist to the point of being a specialist. It would seem that our petroleum scientists have focussed their interests mainly on the investigation of principles and less on their ultimate purpose of discovering new and larger oil and gas reserves. So, it is not by chance, that leading geochemists have been speaking more and more freely of the necessity to integrate our tools of exploration and thereby do a better job. The theoretical basis for hydrocarbon geochemistry is complex, and, as with all exploration tools, the problems and difficulties of interpreting the data will never be completely eliminated.This article considers the importance of using the ΔC method in geochemical hydrocarbon exploration which has been employed successfully for over 40 years. The addition of carbon-isotope ratios and trace-element analysis to this method has added a new dimension to geochemical hydrocarbon exploration. The theoretical basis of the ΔC method has been presented earlier by the author and will only be touched upon briefly here.Very simply, the basis of all geochemical hydrocarbon exploration is based on the much debated premise that the lighter hydrocarbon gases and their components migrate vertically from a trap through the overlying sedimentary pile to the surface. Upon reaching the surface, through oxidation, they leave their signatures in one form or another that can be detected by physicochemical methods. These physicochemical signatures are discernable as “geochemical haloes”.From soil samples, collected from 2–3 m deep, what is measured is the result of absorption and adsorption by soil particles that are altered to CO2 by oxidation and form a unique, stable, carbonate system with the surface and near-surface material. This is unlike other carbonate systems and when subjected to a differential thermal technique, dissociates into CO2 surface material is cumulative and indicates where maximum hydrocarbon leakage has taken place over the life span of the material sampled. It is durable and unaffected by pressure and temperature variation or recent hydrocarbon contamination.Values are expressed in terms of millivolts which are proportional to the CO2 given off by the dissociation of the carbonate system under standard conditions. Frequency curves are constructed for all values for the determination of significant contour levels above the normal geochemical background for mapping.After significant ΔC anomalies are located, they can be further verified by use of carbon-isotope ratios. As methane migrates to the surface from underlying hydrocarbon accumulations, there is a progressive selection or fractionation that causes enrichment of the carbon-13 isotope. The methane, thus reaching the near-surface, is isotopically lighter. When oxidized in accordance with the equation CH4 + 2O2 → 2H2O + CO2, the carbon having been converted to carbon dioxide, is taken up in the pore-filling carbonate cements that are found in the near-surface soils and sediments.High carbon dioxide values (ΔC) in the geochemical halo are related the δ 13C carbon-isotope ratios from underlying hydrocarbon accumulations. This is observed over fields containing hydrocarbon accumulations where δ 13C values in the pore-filling carbonate cements become increasingly negative (lighter) toward the crests of traps (i.e. exhibiting lower ΔC values). This indicates enrichment of 12C relative to the PDB standard. Whereas, positive values of δ 13C indicate depletion in 12C or enrichment in 13C (i.e. exhibiting higher ΔC values away from the crests of the traps).The observed ΔC anomalies and δ 13C anomalies leave an indelible pattern in the near-surface sediments and soils which are herein referred to as geochemical hydrocarbon haloes.Trace-element associations, that form organometallic compounds, are found “haloed” or concentrated over or around underlying hydrocarbon reservoirs. These associations seem to have occurred from vertically migrating methane that has acted as a “carrier” sweeping up the trace elements on the pathways to the surface. Vanadium, nickel, chromium, iron, cobalt, copper, manganese, strontium, barium are various trace element ratios seen to also halo and indicate subsurface hydrocarbon accumulations.An example presented from the Ocho-Juan Field, a producing reef field, located in Scurry and Fisher Counties, Texas shows that the combination of ΔC, δ 13C and trace-element analysis from near-surface soil sampling is a significant step forward in improving geochemical hydrocarbon exploration methods.  相似文献   

Soils can possess heritage characteristics and can be classified according to their “cultural value”. “Pedosites”, likewise “geosites”, are important for science and teaching, for tourism and recreation, provide elements in the Environmental Impact Analysis, and enhance the awareness of population towards the value of the land where they live. Pedosite richness and diversity are a resource of a territory that should be evaluated and considered in land planning. The methodology used to evaluate and group pedosites of Italy, and the software developed to collect such information and create a specific geodatabase, are presented in this paper as an example for use in other countries. An Italian geodatabase storing 726 pedosites was created. Soil profiles as cultural heritage were: (i) palaeosols, (ii) soils from archaeological and palaeontological sites, (iii) soils displaying natural or anthropic processes and benchmarks of classifications. Pedosites as soilscapes were: (i) cultural landscapes; (ii) soilscapes determining the amenity of a panorama; (iii) soilscapes in fragile environmental balance; (iv) soilscapes that contribute to the outliving of particular ecosystems. The criteria for the evaluation of pedosites and the suggestions for their protection were indicated as follows: (i) area and (ii) type of scientific interest, (iii) state of conservation, (iv) type and (v) intensity of risk, (vi) level of knowledge, (vii) geological age, (viii) protection and (ix) proposed protection, (x) accessibility, (xi) visibility, (xii) exposure, (xiii) observability. The geodatabase can be used at different scales. Two maps, at national and local levels, exemplify the methodology and show how to use the geodatabase for didactic purposes or the creation of integrated Geoparks. Pedosite indices of diversity highlight the greater pedosite variety in the soil regions of Mediterranean Italy.  相似文献   

The problem of using surface geochemical exploration techniques in areas of very thick and electrically conductive weathering residuum is common to much of Australia. At the Elura deposit (New South Wales) a distinct electrogeochemical H+ anomaly can be detected in the top few cm of residual soil above about 100 m of conductive residual overburden. In the present paper the results of an investigation of the much more difficult problem of detecting sulfide mineralization beneath thick conductive transported overburden are described.The objective of the study was to demonstrate that sulfide mineralization beneath thick transported overburden can be detected by geochemical patterns in surface soils in the context of an electrogeochemical model of dispersion.The Thalanga massive sulfide deposit in northeast Queensland has at least 4 million tonnes of 15% combined Zn, Pb and Cu. The mineralized horizon lies at the contact between rhyolitic and dacitic rocks of the Cambro-Ordovician Mt. Windsor Volcanics. The deposit is covered by transported cemented Tertiary terrigenous clayey sandstones and grits; these are electrically conductive and vary in thickness from 0 to 70 m.Near-surface soil samples were collected along five traverses normal to the strike of mineralization. The traverses were located to give 0 m, 1 m, 30 m, 50 m, and 70 m overburden thicknesses; there is no known significant mineralization along the last traverse which is assumed to be background, and there is a small gossan where the overburden is absent.Dispersion patterns influenced by electrogeochemical processes should result in relatively low values for ions over massive sulfides with lateral peaks; this has been termed a “rabbit-ear” anomaly. “Rabbit-ear” anomalies in surface soils for H+, Cu, and Zn occur over the sulfide zone. The H+ pattern is better defined where there is a significant depth of overburden (where the anomaly is about 500 m wide). The Cu anomaly is 300–600 m wide, and the Zn anomaly is 450–675 m wide.Even where the overburden is 50 m thick, anomalous “rabbit-ear” anomalies for H+ and Zn are clearly identifiable, but the anomaly for Cu is a single peak of 20 ppm over the hanging wall. It is suggested that the results of this work convincingly demonstrate that at Thalanga surface soil samples may reliably be used to detect massive sulfide deposits - even where they are effectively blind beneath a considerable thickness of transported and conductive overburden. The processes of dispersion are speculated to be diffusion, and it is argued that the pattern-controlling mechanism is electrochemical.  相似文献   

Humic acids were extracted from six Paleosols (buried soils), ranging in radiocarbon ages from about 6000 to 29,000 yr. The N distribution (total N, amino acid-N, amino sugar-N, ammonia-N and “unknown” N) in each Paleosol humic acid was determined. After 6 M HCl hydrolysis, amino acid-N and ammonia-N decreased with increasing age but relative concentrations of “unknown” N increased. Aspartic acid, valine and serine were the most stable amino acids. Concentrations of amino sugars were very small, with concentrations of galactosamine exceeding those of glucosamine. The data showed that with increasing age, identifiable N components were converted to complex polymeric compounds whose identities still remain unknown. The different N-forms in HA's of geological times are valuable geochemical markers which provide useful information on the history of these soils.  相似文献   

In the Mt. Franks area of the Willyama Complex, microfabric evidence suggests that the alteration of andalusite to sillimanite has taken place by a process similar to that suggested by Carmichael (1969). Andalusite is pre- to syn-S2 in age. Alteration to “sericite” has resulted in the formation of “sericite” laths, some of which are crenulated about S2, and some which are syn- and post-S2. “Fibrolite” occurs in these andalusite—“sericite” aggregates within the sillimanite zone and is wholly embedded in “sericite”. “Fibrolite” is pre- to syn-S2 in age. This evidence is interpreted as suggesting that the formation of sillimanite from andalusite took place via a “sericite” phase.Further microfabric observations are interpreted to imply constant volume for the reaction aluminosilicate → “sericite”. This suggests a situation in which Al3+ is relatively mobile but Al4+ is relatively immobile. This suggestion differs from Carmichael's (1969) idea of Al3+ immobility.  相似文献   

The Richmond River Valley of northern N.S.W. contains a late Pleistocene succession dating back to approximately 250,000 yr B.P. Dinoflagellate and spore-pollen assemblages from the lowest interval, the lower “Dungarubba Clay” of Drury (1982), indicate deposition in a restricted estuarine environment at approximately 250,000 yr. Deposition in the overlying interval, the upper “Dungarubba Clay” and “Gundurimba Clay”, at approximately 120,000 yr B.P., began in a restricted estuary, but rising sea level caused inundation and deposition in a more open, marine-dominated environment. Dinoflagellate cyst assemblages from the last interglaciation (stage 5) are interpreted by analogy with those from the morphologically similar, modern Broken Bay, N.S.W. They are indicative of an open, marine-dominated environment and imply that barrier formation in the Richmond River Valley, and possibly elsewhere in northern N.S.W., did not commence until after the initial postglacial transgression. Synchronous changes in sea level and rainforest development suggest that there was no significant time lag between climate and sea-level change.  相似文献   

Although “barkinite” has long been studied by many geologists, its geochemical characteristics and environment of deposition are still not known in detail. In order to study the petrography and geochemical characteristics of “barkinite”, coal samples from two Permian coal seams were taken from the Dahe mine, Guizhou Province. The samples were separated into maceral fractions, and then analyzed by microscopical, isotopic, Rock-Eval, and geochemical methods. The microscopical results indicate that “barkinite” occurs as four main types. According to their relationship to other maceral groups, “barkinite” is ostensibly formed under variably dry–wet or oxidizing–reducing conditions. The extract yield, isotope data and Rock-Eval values of “barkinite” are different from other macerals. Microscopical and geochemical results indicate that “barkinite” forms part of the liptinite group.  相似文献   

A study area in an arid region of southern New Mexico is in basin-and-range topography and includes both a river valley and a closed basin. Holocene soils occur in valley fills and low terraces between Pleistocene fans, in and near drainageways on the fan-piedmont, on ridges, and in dunes. Holocene soils suggest the character of initial development in soils that are much older and more complex, and record the beginnings of various soil horizons. Noncalcareous brown or reddish brown B horizons have formed in low-carbonate parent materials of stable sites. Incipient development of the argillic horizon and the Haplargids occurs at stable sites in very gravelly materials that are about 1–2000 yr old. The cambic horizon and Camborthids occur in adjacent low-gravel materials of the same age. The argillic horizon occurs continuously in soils of earliest Holocene, particularly in very gravelly materials. Where soils have been truncated, as in areas affected by landscape dissection, argillic and cambic horizons are usually absent and the soils are Torripsamments, Torriorthents, or Torrifluvents depending on content of sand, gravel, and organic carbon. In high-carbonate parent materials, noncalcareous, reddish brown B horizons have not formed at any time in the Holocene. Most of these soils are Torriorthents or Torrifluvents although an incipient calcic horizon has formed in some of the oldest Holocene soils; the latter are Calciorthids. Horizons of carbonate accumulation are the best and most common pedogenic indicators of soil age. Stage I carbonate horizons are a major feature of pedogenesis in the Holocene. Because of additions of carbonate from the atmosphere, carbonate horizons are morphologically similar whether they have formed in high or low-carbonate alluvium. The carbonate accumulations are illuvial.Some Holocene deposits apparently resulted from changes in climate. Others, such as the youthful deposits of coppice dunes, apparently were caused by man's introduction of cattle and subsequent overgrazing and seed dispersal.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional (2-D) resistivity and ground penetrating radar (GPR) surveys facilitate tracing of buried archaeological relics at the archaeological site of the Tell El Rabi'a, southwestern Cairo. These surveys also provide information on variations in depth of the groundwater table, which affect both exhumed and buried archaeological remains. The 2-D electrical resistivity profiles obtained show some high anomalies (up to 6900 Ω m). Based upon on-site calibration at partly exhumed sites, such anomalies are interpreted as pillar crowns and wall-like structures of hard limestone of the Hathour temple. The low background resistivities are interpreted to represent riverine deposits with differing moisture (or saturation) characteristics. The results of the GPR survey show three forms of high-amplitude radar anomalies, denoted as “P, H and R”. The “P” anomalies have semi-hyperbolic shapes, which suggest the presence of thin buried walls. The second, near-horizontal group of anomalies, “H”, may be either due to the presence of thick buried walls or arise from coincidental parallel alignment of survey lines with buried linear structures. The third group of GPR anomalies “R” is composed of chaotic reflections, and interpreted to depict buried stone-filled chambers. Some un-exhumed parts of the study area show weak radar reflections with occasional highly attenuated radar signals. These phenomena are ascribed to differing compaction and moisture characteristics of riverine soil layers. Recommendations with regard to archaeological site-excavation, preservation of archaeological relics, and soil conservation are submitted.  相似文献   

The Cenomanian/Turonian Boundary Event (CTBE) at Wunstorf, north-west Germany, has been analysed palynologically by high resolution sampling to reconstruct changes in relative sea-level and water mass character within photic zone waters. Based on changes in the ratio of terrigenous sporomorphs to marine palynomorphs (t/m index), the distribution of the organic-walled algal taxa as well as of selected dinocyst taxa and groups the section can largely be subdivided into pre-“plenus-bed” and post-“plenus-bed” intervals, reflecting different stages of third-order relative sea-level cycles and/or changes in water mass influence in the photic zone. Accordingly, the pre-“plenus-bed” interval is placed in a transgressive systems tract starting at the “facies change” event (C. guerangeri/M. geslinianum ammonite Zone boundary) with the maximum flooding surface at the top of the “Chondrites II” bed (top of R. cushmani Biozone). A highstand systems tract is suggested from the base of the “plenus-bed” up the base of the “fish-shale” event. Within the “fish-shale” event interval, a transgressive systems tract is suggested to start at the base of the thin, grey-green marly interbed. The Cenomanian/Turonian boundary proper, as defined by the first occurrence of Mytiloides spp., as well as the lowermost Turonian are located within the initial phase of a transgressive systems tract. With respect to water mass characteristics within photic-zone waters, the pre-“plenus-bed” interval is predominantly characterized by warm water masses that changed gradually towards the deposition of the “Chondrites II” bed, where a strong influence of cool and/or salinity-reduced waters is indicated by various palynological proxies. Within the post-“plenus-bed” interval a mixture and/or alternation of warmer and cooler waters is indicated, with the warmer water influence increasing gradually towards and within the Lower Turonian stage. The increased proportions of prasinophytes within the “Chondrites II” bed and parts of the “fish-shale” interval may indicate availability of reduced nitrogen chemospecies, especially ammonium, within photic-zone waters as a function of a vertical expansion of the oceanic O2-minimum zone.  相似文献   

Northwestern Fujian Province is one of the most important Pre-Palaeozoic areas in the Cathaysia Block of South China. Metavolcano-sedimentary and metasedimentary rocks of different types, ages and metamorphic grades (granulite to upper greenschist facies) are present, and previously were divided into several Formations and Groups. Tectonic contacts occur between some units, whereas (deformed) unconformities have been reported between others. New SHRIMP U–Pb zircon ages presented here indicate that the original lithostratigraphy and the old “Group” and “Formation” terminology should be abandoned. Thus the “Tianjingping Formation” was not formed in the Archaean or Palaeoproterozoic, as previously considered, but must be younger than its youngest detrital zircons (1790 Ma) but older than regional metamorphism (460 Ma). Besides magmatic zircon ages of 807 Ma obtained from metavolcano-sedimentary rocks of the “Nanshan Formation” and 751–728 Ma for the “Mamianshan Group”, many inherited and detrital zircons with ages ranging from 1.0 to 0.8 Ga were also found in them. These ages indicate that the geological evolution of the study area may be related to the assembly and subsequent break-up of the Rodinia supercontinent. The new zircon results poorly constrain the age of the “Mayuan Group” as Neoproterozoic to early Palaeozoic (728–458 Ma), and not Palaeoproterozoic as previously thought. Many older inherited and detrital zircons with ages of 3.6, 2.8, 2.7, 2.6–2.5, 2.0–1.8 and 1.6 Ga were found in this study. A 3.6 Ga detrital grain is the oldest one so far identified in northwestern Fujian Province as well as throughout the Cathaysia Block. Nd isotope tDM values of eight volcano-sedimentary and clastic sedimentary rock samples centre on 2.73–1.68 Ga, being much older than the formation ages of their protoliths and thus showing that the recycling of older crust played an important role in their formation. These rocks underwent high grade metamorphism in the early Palaeozoic (458–425 Ma) during an important tectono-thermal event in the Cathaysia Block.  相似文献   

Vertical profiles of 210Po in soils near the Midwest uranium deposit and an associated surficial radioactive sandstone boulder train in northern Saskatchewan show a high 210Po background in air-dried forest litter (24 pCi/g) and Ah horizon soil (11 pCi/g) relative to lower soil horizons (<1 pCi/g). These high levels mask the 210Po signal from the radioactive boulders in the near-surface soil horizons. Only in the Bf and C horizons can the existence of the radioactive boulders be inferred from 210Po determinations. For comparative purposes profiles for 226Ra, U, Ni, and other trace elements are also presented.Escape of most of the Rn from near surface soils into the atmosphere, homogenization and decay of Rn, and precipitation of decay products back onto surface soils satisfactorily explain the field observations discussed here.Compared to the highly anomalous 222Rn signal in soil gases over this boulder train the 210Po contrast is very weak and is of little use for prospecting for this type of boulder train. The relatively high 210Po background in surficial materials relative to lower soil horizons dictates that great care be taken with the 210Po method; the deepest possible horizons should be sampled.  相似文献   

Macromolecular organic material, called “polymeric acids”, has been isolated from Black Trona Water by exhaustive dialysis and characterized as the sodium salt in 0.10 M sodium carbonate, pH 10, by several physico-chemical methods. Analysis by gel filtration chromatography on Sepharose-CL 6B indicates that the “polymeric acids” are polydisperse and composed of species of relatively high molecular weight ( 4 × 105, using proteins as standards). With this method, the range of molecular weights appears to be rather narrow. If “polymeric acids” are transferred from sodium carbonate, pH 10, into distilled water, selfassociation occurs and all species elute in the void volume. The weight-average molecular weight determined in 0.10 M sodium carbonate, pH 10, by the light scattering method is 1.7 × 105. Sedimentation velocity analysis at 20°C with the analytical ultracentrifuge gives a value for S20,w of 5.4 and the shape of the Schlieren patterns suggest a polydisperse sample with a relatively narrow range of sizes. Analysis of the molecular weight distribution by a sedimentation equilibrium method indicates that the range of molecular weights is 8 × 104 to 2.1 × 105. The partial specific volume ( ) of “polymeric acids” is 0.874 ml/g. Viscosity measurements yield a value for [η] of 2.5 ml/g, which indicates that the “polymeric acids” are compact (spherical or ellipsoidal) in shape.  相似文献   

Paleoecological records from two Holocene peat bogs in northern Germany are linked by two microscopic volcanic ash layers, correlated by petrology and geochemistry to explosive volcanism on Iceland. The younger “Microlite tephra” cannot be correlated to any known eruption, while the older tephra layer is identified as a deposit of the Hekla 3 eruption. The tephra layers are dated by an age–depth regression of accelerator mass spectrometry 14C ages that have been calibrated and combined in probability distributions. This procedure gives an age of 730–664 cal yr B.C. for the “Microlite tephra” event and 1087–1006 cal yr B.C. for the Hekla 3 event. Accordingly, the tephra layers were deposited during the late Bronze Age. At this time, human settlement slowly increased pressure on the environment, as indicated by changes in woodland pollen composition at the two bogs. The tephra-marker horizons further show that the palynologically defined transition from the Subboreal to the Subatlantic Period is synchronous in the investigated area. However, the macroscopic visible marker in peat, the change from fibrous to sapric peat, the “Schwarztorf-Weißtorf-Kontakt,” is asynchronous. Bog vegetation did not immediately react in unison to a climatic change at this pollen zone boundary; instead, the timing of vegetation change depended on the location within the bog.  相似文献   

Surface carbonate and land-derived deposits in the sea off southern Chile were investigated for their mineralogical and geochemical composition. The data were related to environmental features and compared with those of similar temperate and polar carbonate deposits from Tasmania, New Zealand, Arctica, and Antarctica. The mineralogy of the siliciclastic fraction is typical of cold areas and is mainly composed of chlorite, mica, quartz, feldspars and amphibole. The CaCO3 content varies from 30 to 90%; carbonate mineralogy is made up of low-Mg calcite, high-Mg calcite and minor amounts of aragonite. The Ca, Mg, Sr, Fe, and Mn contents of bulk carbonates and some selected skeletal hard parts are comparable to those of carbonates from Tasmania. The elemental composition is mainly related to carbonate mineralogy, skeletal components, and seawater conditions. The δ13C and δ18O values of carbonates are positive, and their field falls between the “seafloor diagenesis” and “upwelling water” trend lines, because the sediments are likely to be in equilibrium with waters of Antarctic origin. The mineralogical, elemental, and isotopic compositions of carbonates from southern Chile show better similarities with the “temperate” carbonates from Tasmania and New Zealand than with the “polar” carbonates from Arctica and Antarctica. Carbonate deposition is allowed by the low terrigenous input, the low SPM concentration and, probably, the upwelling of seawater from Antarctica.  相似文献   

A soil survey around the archaeological site of Harappa, Pakistan revealed alluvial deposits of five distinct ages based on relative position in the landscape and degree of soil profile development. the youngest deposit (age 1) is in the lowest landscape position and has received flood waters as recently as 1988. Soils there are in an incipient stage of development: only organic carbon and soluble salts have accumulated at the surface of the profile. the age 2 deposit has not undergone significant pedogenic change, but is in a slightly higher landscape position than the youngest deposit. Elevated concentrations of P, and the presence of sand-sized pottery and brick fragments, indicate that this deposit was derived at least partially from archaeological material. the presence of small, soft calcite nodules (Stage II) and some soluble salt translocation are the primary pedogenic changes observed in the age 3 deposit. the age 4 deposit shows evidence of both carbonate and gypsum accumulation. Presence of large gypsum nodules in deep By horizons suggests that a high groundwater table has altered these soils. the oldest deposit, age 5, forms a late Pleistocene stream terrace of the Ravi River. the soil formed in this deposit exhibits considerable carbonate accumulation, with large, dense nodules (Stage II + ) and an argillic horizon. A 14C date from pedogenic calcite gives an age of 7080 ± 90 years B.P., indicating a minimum age of early Holocene. the soil survey suggests that the ancient city of Harappa was built on an age 5 stream terrace remnant, surrounded by Holocene floodplains and a meandering channel of the Ravi River.  相似文献   

The Jinshajiang Suture Zone is important for enhancing our understanding of the evolution of the Paleo-Tethys and its age, tectonic setting and relationship to the Ailaoshan Suture Zone have long been controversial. Based on integrated tectonic, biostratigraphic, chemostratigraphic and isotope geochronological studies, four tectono-stratigraphic units can be recognized in the Jinshajiang Suture Zone: the Eaqing Complex, the Jinshajiang Ophiolitic Melange, the Gajinxueshan “Group” and the Zhongxinrong “Group”. Isotope geochronology indicates that the redefined Eaqing Complex, composed of high-grade-metamorphic rocks, might represent the metamorphic basement of the Jinshajiang area or a remnant micro-continental fragment. Eaqing Complex protolith rocks are pre-Devonian and probably of Early–Middle Proterozoic age and are correlated with those of the Ailaoshan Complex. Two zircon U–Pb ages of 340±3 and 294±3 Ma, separately dated from the Shusong and Xuitui plagiogranites within the ophiolitic assemblage, indicate that the Jinshajiang oceanic lithosphere formed in latest Devonian to earliest Carboniferous times. The oceanic lithosphere was formed in association with the opening and spreading of the Jinshajiang oceanic basin, and was contiguous and equivalent to the Ailaoshan oceanic lithosphere preserved in the Shuanggou Ophiolitic Melange in the Ailaoshan Suture Zone; the latter yielded a U–Pb age of 362±41 Ma from plagiogranite. The re-defined Gajinxueshan and Zhongxinrong “groups” are dated as Carboniferous to Permian, and latest Permian to Middle Triassic respectively, on the basis of fossils and U–Pb dating of basic volcanic interbeds. The Gajinxueshan “Group” formed in bathyal slope to neritic shelf environments, and the Zhongxinrong “Group” as bathyal to abyssal turbidites in the Jinshajiang–Ailaoshan back-arc basin. Latest Permian–earliest Middle Triassic synorogenic granitoids, with ages of 238±18 and 227±5–255±8 Ma, respectively, and an Upper Triassic overlap molasse sequence, indicate a Middle Triassic age for the Jinshajiang–Ailaoshan Suture, formed by collision of the Changdu-Simao Block with South China.  相似文献   

New radiocarbon dates, carbon and oxygen isotope analyses of mollusks and marl, and palynologic analysis have clarified age relationships at the Corry kettle bog in northwestern Pennsylvania. A 4000-yr difference in radiocarbon dates between basal peat and marl top, previously interpreted as caused by the presence of an unconformity, is reinterpreted as due to “hard-water effects” from carbonate bedrock and glacial deposits. A radiocarbon date of 14,000 yr from basal marl, previously used as a minimum age for glacial deposition, is also likely too old; instead a similar age is estimated for the base of the underlying lake clay. Radiocarbon dates on marl should be used with caution and supported by isotopic and pollen analyses.  相似文献   

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