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The crystallization sequence, nucleation density and crystal index (n = nucleation density/mode) of tonalitic enclaves from different granitoids of the Hercynian orogeny indicate that they are pieces of magma partially crystallized in the interior of synplutonic bodies of basic magma, which was injected into a silicic magma chamber. A rapid cooling stage can be identified from the high nucleation density and high n-values of minerals. A final stage of slow cooling, is identified by a low nucleation density and low n-values. At this stage a residual melt crystallized in thermal equilibrium to the cooling rate of the whole magma chamber. Thermal equilibrium and convection are necessary conditions for mixing. Enclaves can be interpreted as the remaining, non-disaggregated portions of an early injected mafic magma, which in turn underwent hybridization during injection. Their presence indicates the existence of magma mixing processes and the possibility that the host granitoid was a hybrid rock.
Zusammenfassung Die Kristallisationsabfolge, Keimdichte und der Kristallindex (n = Keimdichte/Modus) von tonalitischen Einschlüssen verschiedener Granitoide des variszischen Orogens zeigen, daß sie Teile eines Magmas sind, das teilweise im Inneren von basischen synplutonischen Magmenkörpern auskristallisierte und in eine silikatische Magmenkammer injiziert wurde. Eine Zeit schnellen Abkühlens kann an Hand der hohen Keimdichte und der niedrigen n-Werte festgestellt werden. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt kristallisierte eine Restschmelze unter thermischen Gleichgewichtsbedingungen und der Abkühlungsgeschwindigkeit der ganzen Magmenkammer aus. Thermisches Gleichgewicht und Konvektion sind für das Mischen notwendig. Einschlüsse können als nichtzerfallene Reste eines früh injizierten mafischen Magmas angesehen werden, welches während der Injizierung eine Hybridisierung erfuhr. Ihre Gegenwart zeigen das Vorhandensein von Magmenmischungsvorgängen und die Möglichkeit, daß der Muttergranitoid ein Hybridgestein war, an.

Resumen La secuencia de cristalización, densidad de nucleación e índice cristalino (n = densidad de nucleación/moda) de enclaves tonalíticos de diferentes granitoides hercínicos, indican que dichos enclaves representan fragmentas de magma parcialmente cristalizados en el interior de cuerpos simplutónicos de magma básico, que originalmente fue inyectado en una cámara magmática félsica. Se puede identificar una etapa de enfriamiento rápido a partir de los altos valores de n y alta densidad de nucleación de los minerales. Una etapa final de enfriamiento lento es detectada por una baja densidad de nucleación y bajos valores de n de determinados minerales. Un líquido residual cristalizó en esta etapa lenta en equilibrio térmico y a la misma tasa de enfriamiento que toda la cámara magmática en conjunto. Equilibrio térmico y convección son condiciones necesarias para que se produzca mezcla. Los enclaves pueden ser interpretados como porciones no hibridadas de magma que han sido homogéneamente distribuidos dentro del granitoide encajante. Su presencia indicaría la existencia de procesos de mezcla de magmas y la posibilidad de que el granitoide encajante sea una roca híbrida.

, (n = /) , , , . . . . , , . , , , , .

Summary Petrographic, geochemical and isotopic data are reported for the mafic microgranular enclaves occurring in a calc-alkaline Oligocene pluton outcropping near Xanthi town in northern Greece. The intrusion is composed of dominant granodiorites with minor tonalites and quartz diorites. Mafic enclaves occur in large swarms concentrated near the margins of the pluton. They have fine-grained porphyritic textures and contain the same minerals as their granodioritic and tonalitic host rocks (Pl, Qtz, Bt, Hb1, Kfs ± Ap, Zrn, Mt, Spn) but in totally different modal proportions. Chemical compositions range from mafic to intermediate and are characterized by higher abundance of Na2O) and lower contents of CaO and Sr with respect to an average basaltic magma with a similar SiO2 content. The initial Sr isotopic ratios, ranging from 0.7061 to 0.7063, are similar to those of the enclosing rocks (0.7062-0.7063). Field evidence, as well as petrographic and geochemical data, suggests that the analyzed enclaves derived from disruption of synplutonic intrusions of cogenetic mafic magma. The Xanthi pluton could represent ascent of a zoned magma body, with a silicic cap (granodiorite, tonalite, quartz diorite) having intruded first followed by the deeper more mafic levels as syn-intrusive dikes.
Mafische mikrogranulare Enklaven aus dem Xanthi Pluton, Nord-Griechenland: Ein Beispiel von mafisch-felsischer Magma-Wechselwirkung
Zusammenfassung Petrographische, geochemische und Isotopen-Daten für mafische mikrogranulare Enklaven in einem kalk-alkalischen oligozänen Pluton, der in der Nähe der Stadt Xanthi in Nord-Griechenland aufgeschlossen ist, werden präsentiert. Die Intrusion besteht hauptsächlich aus Granodioriten mit untergeordneten Tonaliten und QuarzDioriten. Mafische Enklaven kommen in großen Schwärmen, besonders an den Rändern des Plutons vor. Sie zeigen feinkörnige prophyritische Texturen und enthalten diesselben Minerale wie ihre granodioritischen und tonalitischen Wirtsgesteine (P1, Qtz, Bt, Hb1, Kfs ± Zrn, Mt, Spn), aber in vollkommen verschiedenen modalen Verhältnissen. Chemische Zusammensetzungen schwanken von mafisch bis intermediär und werden durch höhere Gehalte an Na2O und niedriger Gehalte von CaO und Sr, verglichen mit durchschnittlichem Basaltmagma mit ähnlichem SiO2-Gehalt, gekennzeichnet. Die Strontium-Initiale schwanken von 0,7061 bis 0,7063, und sind denen der umgebenden Gesteine (0,7062-0,7063) ähnlich. Geländebefunde, wie auch petrographische und chemische Daten, zeigen, daß die analysierten Enklaven auf das Aufbrechen von synplutonischen Intrusionen cogenetischen mafischen Magmas zurückgehen. Der XanthiPluton könnte dem Aufstieg eines zonierten Magmenkörpers zuzuordnen sein, mit einem Si-reichen Dach (Granodiorite, Tonalite, Quarzdiorite), das zuerst intrudiert ist, gefolgt von den tiefer angesiedelten, mehr mafischen Gesteinen als syn-intrusive G:ange.

With 7 Figures  相似文献   

Ustica Island, southern Tyrrhenian Sea, is constituted of Quaternary alkaline volcanics. A variety of enclaves representative of deep to supra-crustal settings were recently found in a hawaiitic lava flow. Enclaves consist of: (i) Ultramafic meta-cumulates, i.e. clinopyroxenites and wherlites characterized by variably deformed porphyroclastic to granoblastic textures. (ii) Mafic cumulates, i.e. gabbros (± amphibole) and troctolites, the first often characterized by frequent amphibole breakdown coronas (olivine + Ti-augite + plagioclase + magnetite + ilmenite + rhönite) in response to an H2O decrease during the ascent, while the troctolites interpreted as meta-cumulates. (iii) Microsyenites, consist of anorthoclase and Fe-clinopyroxene organized in a granular sub-ipidiomorphic texture. Amphibole is absent in Ustica lavas and is found only in some old, now exposed, sub-intrusive volcanic bodies. This evidence suggests a late appearance of amphibole on the liquidus, at a high crystal content that inhibits further ascent of the magma. The importance of the amphibole as a medium pressure liquidus phase in Ustica mafic magmas is in the bearings on the geochemistry of lavas e.g. in buffering Na and Ti abundances, in trace elements partitioning, etc.Density measurements pointed out higher values for clinopyroxenites (3160 to 3300 kg/m3) than for gabbros (ca. 2900 kg/m3). Given the density contrast between enclaves and host lavas (2790 kg/m3) and assuming appropriate rheological models, we calculated a minimum ascent rate of 0.01 m/s, corresponding to an ascent time in the range of 5–29 days for a depth of entrapment of 25 km.  相似文献   

Summary Late-hercynian granodiorites in the eastern Serre are calc-alkaline and peraluminous in composition; actinolitic-hornblende typically occurs in the mafic types, whereas muscovite occurs in the felsic ones. Magmatic microgranular enclaves and small metamorphic xenoliths are present in these granitoids. A petrographical study and microprobe analyses on plagioclase, biotite, amphibole, cordierite and cummingtonite in xenoliths and enclaves and in the host rocks were performed. The presence of sillimanitecordierite-biotite-hercynite and of cummingtonite-biotite-bearing xenoliths suggests that partial melting of a heterogeneous deep crust played an important role in the genesis of the granitoids. In contrast, the occurrence of microgranular enclaves suggests that a sub-crustal component might have been involved. Two alternative mechanisms are proposed to explain the magma genesis: i) mixing between subcrustal and crustal melts; ii) direct crustal genesis.
Metamorphe Xenolithe und mikrogranulare Einschlsse im Serre Granodiorit (Sükalabrien, Italien) und ihre Bezienhungen zur Granitoidgenese
Zusammenfassung Spätherzynische Granodiorite des östlichen Serre-Gebietes zeigen kalk-alkalische und peraluminöse Zusammensetzung. Aktinolithische Hornblende tritt typischerweise in den mafischen, Muskowit in den sauren Gesteinen auf. In den Granitoiden vorkommende, magmatische, mikrogranulare Einschlüsse und kleine metamorphe Xenolithe wurden petrographisch und mittels Mikrosondenanalytik an Plagioklas, Biotit, Amphibol, Cordierit und Cummingtonit untersucht. Sillimanit-Cordierit-Biotit-Hercynit-und Cummingtonit-Biotit- führende Xenolithe weisen darauf hin, daß der partiellen Aufschmelzung einer heterogenen Unterkruste eine bedeutende Rolle für die Genese der Granitoide zukommt. Mikrogranulare Einschlüsse weisen dagegen auf die Beteiligung einer subkrustalen Komponente hin. Zwei alternative Mechanismen werden für die Magmengenese diskutiert. i) Mischung von subkrustalen und Krustalen Schmelzen; ii) direkte krustale Genese.

With 6 Figures  相似文献   

Felsic magmatisms in the north of Indus-Tsangpo Suture Zone (ITSZ) in Ladakh range of northwest Indian Himalaya, referred herein Ladakh granitoids (LG), and associated magmatic rocks constitute the bulk of the Ladakh batholith. They have been characterized as Andean-type, calc-alkaline, largely metaluminous (I-type) to a few peraluminous (S-type) granitoids derived from partial melting of subducting materials. The LG can be broadly classified into coarsegrained facies with abundant mafics (hbl-bt), medium-grained facies with low content of mafics, and fine-grained leucocratic facies with very low amount of mafics. Mesocratic to melanocratic, rounded to elliptical, fine to medium grained, mafic to hybrid microgranular enclaves (ME) are ubiquitous in medium to coarse-grained LG. ME are absent or rare in the leucocratic variety of LG. In this paper different types of ME, and their field relation and microstructures with respect to felsic host LG are documented from northwestern, central, southeastern parts of the Ladakh batholith. Rounded to elongate ME of variable sizes (a few cm to metres across, mostly d<30 cm) commonly having sharp, crenulate, and occasionally diffuse contacts of ME with felsic host LG suggest that several pulses of crystal-charged mafic and felsic magmas coexisted, hybridized, and co-mingled into subvolcanic settings. Occurrence of composite ME (several small mafic ME enclosed into large porphyritic ME) strongly point to multiple mafic to hybrid magma intrusions into partly crystalline LG magma chambers. Synplutonic mafic dykes disrupted to form subrounded to angular (brecciated) mafic ME swarms commonly disposed in strike-length suggest mafic magma injections at waning stage of felsic magma evolution with large rheological contrasts. Pillowing of mafic melt against leucocratic (aplitic) residual melt strongly suggests mafic magma intrusion in nearly-crystallized condition of pluton. Although common mineral asemblages (hblbt-pl-kfs-qtz-ap-zrn-mt±ilm) of ME (diorite, quartzdiorite) and host LG (granodiorite, monzogranite) may relate to their cogenetic relation, fine to medium grained porphyritic (hybrid) nature and lack of cumulate texture of ME strongly oppose cognate origin for ME. Presence of plagioclase xenocrysts, quartz ocelli and accicular apatite in porphyritic ME strongly indicate mingling and undercooling of hybridized ME globules into relatively crystal-charged cooler host LG magma. Grain size differences of some ME, except to those of porphyritic ones, appear related to varying degrees of undercooling of ME most likely controlled by their variable sizes. Several smaller ME, however, lack fine-grained chilled margin probably because of their likely disaggregation from a large size ME during the course of progressive hybridization (mingling to mixing) leaving behind trails of mafic schlieren. Field and microstructural evidences at least suggest that Ladakh granitoids and their microgranular enclaves are products of multistage magma mingling and mixing processes concomitant fractional differentiation of several batches of mafic and felsic magmas formed in open magma chamber(s) of subduction setting.  相似文献   

内蒙古长山壕金矿区花岗岩同位素年代学研究及地质意义   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
肖伟  聂凤军  刘翼飞  刘研 《岩石学报》2012,28(2):535-543
长山壕金矿床是近年来在内蒙古中西段找到的一特大型金矿床。尽管金矿化在中元古界白云鄂博群变质沉积岩内呈层状、似层状和透镜状产出,但是与各类花岗岩类侵入岩具有密切空间分布关系。本次研究采用LA-ICP-MS方法分别对有关花岗岩类侵入岩进行了系统年代学研究,花岗斑岩和二长花岗斑岩样品的锆石U-Pb年龄值分别为290.9±2.8Ma (MSWD=1.4)和287.5±1.9Ma (MSWD=2.4);2件黑云母花岗岩样品的年龄值分别为267.9±1.2Ma (MSWD=0.95)和274.0±2.3Ma (MSWD=1.4)。根据上述同位素年龄数据,同时结合金矿区野外地质调查和岩(矿)相学证据,可以认为,长山壕金矿区花岗斑岩和二长花岗斑岩及相关金矿床的形成时间为早二叠世早期,并且遭受到早二叠世晚期-中二叠世早期构造-岩浆活动的叠加改造,矿区切穿含金矿脉黑云母花岗岩体的存在就是很好的例证。强烈的中酸性岩浆作用为金矿床的形成提供了动力、热力和物质来源,初步研究结果表明,长山壕金矿床是海西期构造-岩浆作用及相关流体活动的产物,属于与侵入岩有关的中温热液脉型金矿床。  相似文献   

The paper presents original data on the inner structure, mineralogy, and geochemistry of the Late Paleozoic Burgasy quartz syenite massif in western Transbaikalia and mafic microgranular enclaves (MME) in its rocks. The composition of the mafic microgranular enclaves is close to that of phase-1 monzonitoids of this pluton, but the enclaves are not xenoliths of these rocks but were produced by the crystallization of an individual portion of dispersed hybridized basalt melt. The basaltoid nature of the enclaves follows, first of all, from the relict assemblage of calcic plagioclase (An 73–60) and clinopyroxene and from the magmatic dolerite and microgabbro textures of the rocks. The monzonitoid composition of the enclaves was caused by hybridism, which was responsible for the crystallization of quartz, potassic feldspar, and sodic plagioclase due to the introduction of silica, potassium, and some other components. Hybridism was restricted to a boundary crystallization layer in the deep portion of the magmatic chamber (near its bottom). The scatter of the enclaves throughout the whole volume of the pluton is explained by the density inversion of the hybrid layer and material transfer by convective flows. The mafic enclaves crystallized from basaltic melt of within-plate geochemical type. In spite of intense hybridism, the enclaves preserved typical compositional signatures of mafic magma related to the generation of granites in western Transbaikalia in the Late Paleozoic. The basaltoid nature of the mafic enclaves of the Burgasy Massif testifies that magma was simultaneously generated in the mantle and crust during the development of the Late Paleozoic province in the area.  相似文献   

Mafic microgranular enclaves (MMEs) in host granitoids can provide important constraints on the deep magmatic processes. The Oligocene-Miocene granitoid plutons of the NW Anatolia contain abundant MMEs. This paper presents new hornblende Ar-Ar ages and whole-rock chemical and Sr-Nd isotope data of the MMEs from these granitic rocks. Petrographically, the MMEs are finer-grained than their host granites and contain the same minerals as their host rocks (amphibole + plagioclase + biotite + quartz + K-feldspar), but in different proportions. The Ar-Ar ages of the MMEs range from 27.9 ± 0.09 Ma to 19.3 ± 0.01 Ma and are within error of their respective host granitoids. The MMEs are metaluminous and calc-alkaline, similar to I-type granites. The Sr-Nd isotopes of MMEs are 0.7057 to 0.7101 for 87Sr/86Sr and 0.5123 to 0.5125 for 143Nd/144Nd, and are similar to their respective host granitoids. These lithological, petrochemical and isotopic characteristics suggest that the MMEs in this present study represent chilled early formed cogenetic hydrous magmas produced during a period of post-collisional lithospheric extension in NW Anatolia. The parental magma for MMEs and host granitoids might be derived from partial melting of underplated mafic materials in a normally thickened lower crust in a post-collisional extensional environment beneath the NW Anatolia. Delamination or convective removal of lithospheric mantle generated asthenospheric upwelling, providing heat and magma to induce hydrous re-melting of underplated mafic materials in the lower crust.  相似文献   

M. C. Tate  D. B. Clarke 《Lithos》1997,39(3-4):179-194
Late Devonian (385−370 Ma) granitoid intrusions in the Meguma Zone of southwestern Nova Scotia represent two geographically separate magmatic suites that show subtly different lithological, geochemical and isotopic characteristics. “Central intrusions” crop out with satellite mafic-intermediate intrusions, range in composition from granodiorite to leucogranite, contain two micas, have exclusively peraluminous compositions (molar A/CNK 1.1-1.3), variably high values for FeOT (0.4–6.0 wt.%), Ba (5–980 ppm), Y (6–50 ppm), Pb (2–50 ppm), Ga (11–53 ppm), 87Sr/86Sri (0.7081-0.7130), δ18O (9.8–13.0) and δ34S (4.5–11.9), in conjunction with low values for εNd (−1 to −6.5). In contrast, “peripheral plutons” crop out with synplutonic mafic-intermediate intrusions, range in composition from tonalite to leucogranite, may contain minor hornblende, have dominantly peraluminous compositions (molar A/CNK 0.9-1.3), variably high concentrations of TiO2 (0.1-1.1 wt.%), Al2O3 (12.0–19.7 wt.%), CaO (0.2–4.9 wt.%), Sr (7–720 ppm), Cr (3–111 ppm) and V (1–136 ppm), higher εNd values (−2.0 to 3.2), and lower values for 87Sr/86Sri (0.7040-0.7079), δ188O (7.6–10.5) and δ34S (0–4.6). Such regional diversity is explained by inferring that upper crustal contamination dominated the central granitoid compositions and mixing with mantle-derived mafic-intermediate magmas dominated peripheral granitoid compositions. However, additional contributions from heterogeneous lower crust cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

Magma mixing can occur in a fluid manner to produce banded pumice or in a brittle manner to form enclaves. We propose that the critical control on mixing style is a competition between developing networks of crystals in the intruding magma that impart a strength to the magma and melting and disrupting those networks in the host. X-ray computed tomography analysis demonstrates that banded pumice from the 1915 Mt. Lassen eruption lacks crystal networks. In contrast, rhyodacite hosts with mafic enclaves from Chaos Crags contain well-developed networks of large crystals. We present a one-dimensional conductive cooling model that predicts mixing style, either ductile or brittle, as a function of magma compositions, temperatures, and the size of the intruding dike. Our model relies on three assumptions: (1) Mixing is initiated by the injection of a hot dike into a cooler magma body with a yield strength; (2) when magma crystallinity exceeds a critical value, 13 vol% plagioclase, the magma develops a yield strength; and (3) when total crystallinity exceeds 40 vol%, the magma has a penetrative crystal network and is effectively solid. Importantly, because the two magmas are of different compositions, their crystallinities and viscosities do not have the same variations with temperature. As the intruding magma cools, it crystallizes from the outside in, while simultaneously, host magma temperature near the intruder rises. Mixing of the two magmas begins when the host magma is heated sufficiently to (1) disrupt the crystal network and (2) initiate convection. If the shear stress exerted by the convecting host magma on the dike is greater than the yield strength of the dike margin (and dike crystallinity does not exceed 40 %), then fluid mixing occurs, otherwise enclaves form by brittle deformation of the dike. Application of the model to magma compositions representative of Lassen and Chaos Crags shows that emplacement of dikes <1 m thick should produce enclaves, whereas thicker dikes should generate fluid mixing and form banded pumice within days to weeks of emplacement. Similar relationships apply to other modeled magmatic systems, including Pinatubo, Unzen, and Ksudach/Shtuybel’ volcanoes. For all studied systems, the absolute size of the intruding dike, not just its proportion relative to the host, influences mixing style.  相似文献   

金厂沟梁-二道沟金矿田内花岗岩类侵入体SHRIMP锆石U-Ph定年结果表明,该区中生代以来到少经历了三次中酸性岩浆侵入作用,它们分别以西台子二长花岗岩、娄上含辉石石英闪长岩和西对面沟花岗闪长岩及闪长玢岩脉在218±4Ma(印支期)、161±1Ma(燕山早期)和126±1Ma(燕山晚期)的侵位为标志。花岗岩类的地球化学资料表明,这些花岗岩类侵入体形成与造山作用有关,为造山后或陆内拉张作用的产物。二道沟矿区成矿前或成矿期闪长玢岩脉的年龄126±1Ma限定了该区金矿化的最大年龄;结合前人有关年代学资料,认为本区金矿化应发生在126~118Ma。这说明金厂沟梁-二道沟金矿田的金矿床与我国胶东、小秦岭和辽东等地区的金矿床是同时形成的,再次证明燕山晚期是中国最重要而广泛的金成矿期。此外,在这些主要的金矿区内,金矿化时间上均具有与各自区内最晚一次花岗质岩浆作用同时或稍晚的特征,这可能指示金矿床是造山作用或区域构造-岩浆演化最晚期的产物。  相似文献   

Microgranular enclaves are common in the Jurassic Aligoodarz granitoids of western Iran. Enclaves Enclosed in Granodiorite (EEG) and Enclaves Enclosed in Tonalite (EET) are different but they overlap their hosts on variation diagrams. The EEG is compositionally intermediate between tonalite and granodiorite. Mixing between tonalitic and granodioritic magmas and fractional crystallization are two models examined as the origin of the EEG. Field, textural, mineralogical and chemical observations suggest that chemical equilibration, common in magma mixing, was not attained between the EEG and its host. This, together with other observations does not support magma mixing as a mechanism for forming the EEG. Alternatively, excessive nucleation of biotite ± Fe-Ti-oxides ± amphibole by rapid cooling at borders of a shallow magma chamber and later fragmentation and dispersal by dynamic arc plutonism best explains the EEG. However, channeling of a new magma into the nearly solid tonalitic host explains formation of the EET.  相似文献   

Microgranular enclaves from the Los Pedroches granodiorite (LPG) (Los Pedroches Batholith, Iberian Massif, Spain) have Sr-Nd isotopic and mineral chemical compositions close to those of their host. This similarity is not related to restite unmixing, as indicated by the igneous textures of the enclaves. A number of other geological and geochemical lines of evidence, including the high REE and HFSE contents of the microgranular enclaves relative to the host granitoid, strongly suggest that this similarity cannot be explained by magma mixing. Alternatively, a crystallization process by rapid cooling within the host granitoid magma could explain the geochemical and textural characteristics of the microgranular enclaves, including shape, grain size, mineralogy, texture, chemistry and Sr-Nd isotopic composition. Such a crystallization occurred at the walls of the magma conduits through which the granitic magmas were emplaced in the upper crust. This process should be considered as an alternative hypothesis to magma mixing for the generation of some microgranular enclaves, especially where no direct evidence exists for the presence of basic magmas coeval with granitoids, and where there is a lack of isotopic contrast between hosts and enclaves. As the process is favoured by feeder-dyke related emplacement, we suggest that abundance of microgranular enclaves can be related to the mechanism of emplacement of granitoid bodies.This revised version was published online in March 2005 with corrections to the accepted date.
Teodosio DonaireEmail:

We present field and petrographic data on Mafic Magmatic Enclaves (MME), hybrid enclaves and synplutonic mafic dykes in the calc-alkaline granitoid plutons from the Dharwar craton to characterize coeval felsic and mafic magmas including interaction of mafic and felsic magmas. The composite host granitoids comprise of voluminous juvenile intrusive facies and minor anatectic facies. MME, hybrid enclaves and synplutonic mafic dykes are common but more abundant along the marginal zone of individual plutons. Circular to ellipsoidal MME are fine to medium grained with occasional chilled margins and frequently contain small alkali feldspar xenocrysts incorporated from host. Hybrid magmatic enclaves are intermediate in composition showing sharp to diffused contacts with adjoining host. Spectacular synplutonic mafic dykes commonly occur as fragmented dykes with necking and back veining. Similar magmatic textures of mafic rocks and their felsic host together with cuspate contacts, magmatic flow structures, mixing, mingling and hybridization suggest their coeval nature. Petrographic evidences such as disequilibrium assemblages, resorption, quartz ocelli, rapakivi-like texture and poikilitically enclosed alkali feldspar in amphibole and plagioclase suggest interaction, mixing/mingling of mafic and felsic magmas. Combined field and petrographic evidences reveal convection and divergent flow in the host magma chamber following the introduction of mafic magmas. Mixing occurs when mafic magma is introduced into host felsic magma before initiation of crystallization leading to formation of hybrid magma under the influence of convection. On the other hand when mafic magmas inject into host magma containing 30–40% crystals, the viscosities of the two magmas are sufficiently different to permit mixing but permit only mingling. Finally, if the mafic magmas are injected when felsic host was largely crystallized (~70% or more crystals), they fill early fractures and interact with the last residual liquids locally resulting in fragmented dykes. The latent heat associated with these mafic injections probably cause reversal of crystallization of adjoining host in magma chamber resulting in back veining in synplutonic mafic dykes. Our field data suggest that substantial volume of mafic magmas were injected into host magma chamber during different stages of crystallization. The origin of mafic magmas may be attributed to decompression melting of mantle associated with development of mantle scale fractures as a consequence of crystallization of voluminous felsic magmas in magma chambers at deep crustal levels.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional mechanical model for sheet intrusions based on the elastic deformation around a pressurized elliptical hole is derived. After evaluating the effects of irregularities in contact shape, possible magma pressure distributions, regional boundary conditions, host rock properties, and interference from adjacent intrusions the model can be applied with confidence to understand many features associated with dike or sill emplacement. Three mechanisms for sheet intrusion propagation are extension fracturing, brittle faulting, and ductile faulting. This deformation is concentrated at the intrusion termination, the site of large principal stress differences and large stress gradients. In both brittle and ductile host rock the magma pressure needs only barely to exceed the regional stress acting normal to the intrusion's length for propagation to occur. Propagation direction is controlled by the regional stress orientation, interference from adjacent intrusions, planar discontinuities, and changes in host rock properties. The classic method of distinguishing dilational from non-dilational intrusions may not work because contacts are not planar or parallel and displacements are not everywhere perpendicular to the intrusion's length. Equations are derived for calculating the magma pressure for intrusions in relatively simple tectonic settings.  相似文献   

In the Archaean Murchison Province of Western Australia, granitoid batholiths and plutons that intruded into the ca. 2.7–2.8 Ga and ca. 3.0 Ga greenstone belts can be divided into three major suites. Suite I is a ca. 2.69 Ga monzogranite-granodiorite suite, which was derived from anatexis of old continental crust and occurs as syn-tectonic composite batholiths over the entire province. Suite II is a trondhjemite-tonalite suite (termed I-type) derived from partial melting of subducted basaltic crust, which intruded as syn- to late-tectonic plutons into the greenstone belts in the northeastern part of the province where most of the major gold deposits are situated. One of the Suite II trondhjemite plutons has a Pb−Pb isochron age of 2641±36 Ma, and one of the structurally youngest tonalite plutons has a minimum Pb−Pb isochron age of 2630.1±4.3 Ma. Suite III is a ca. 2.65–2.62 Ga A-type monzogranite-syenogranite suite which is most abundant in the largely unmineralised southwestern part of the province. Gold deposits in the province are mostly hosted in brittle-ductile shear zones, and were formed at a late stage in the history of metamorphism, deformation and granitoid emplacement. At one locality, mineralisation has been dated at 2636.8±4.2 Ma through a pyritetitanite Pb−Pb isochron. Lead and Sr isotope studies of granitoids and gold deposits indicate that, although most gold deposits have initial Pb isotope compositions most closely similar to those of Suite II intrusions, both Suite I and Suite II intrusions or their source regions could have contributed solutes to the ore fluids. These preliminary data suggest that gold mineralisation in the Murchison Province was temporally and spatially associated with Suite II I-type granitoids in the northeastern part of the province. This association is consistent with the concept that Archaean gold mineralisation was related to convergent-style tectonic settings, as generation of both Suite II I-type granitoids and hydrothermal ore fluids could have been linked to the dehydration and partial fusion of subducted oceanic crust, and old sialic crust or its anatectic products may also contribute solutes to the ore fluids. Integration of data from this study with other geological and radiogenic isotope constraints in the Yilgarn Block argue against direct derivation of gold ore fluids from specific I-type granitoid plutons, but favour a broad association with convergent tectonics and granitoid magmatism in the late Archaean.  相似文献   

The Gaoligong belt is located in the southeastern margin of the Tibetan plateau, and is bound by the Tengchong and Baoshan blocks. This paper presents new data from zircon geochronology, geochemistry, and whole-rock Sr–Nd–Pb–Hf isotopes to evaluate the tectonic evolution of the Gaoligong belt. The major rock types analysed in the present study are granitic gneiss, granodiorite, and granite. They are metaluminous to peraluminous and belong to high-K, calc-alkaline series. Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA–ICP–MS) analyses of zircons from nine granitic rocks yielded crystallization ages of 495–487 Ma, 121 Ma, 89 Ma, and 70–63 Ma. The granitoids can be subdivided into the following four groups. (1) Early Paleozoic granitic gneisses with high εNd(t) and εHf(t) values of − 1.06 to − 3.45 and − 1.16 to 2.09, and model ages of 1.16 Ga to 1.33 Ga and 1.47 Ga to 1.63 Ga, respectively. Their variable 87Sr/86Sr and Pb values resemble the characteristics of the Early Paleozoic Pinghe granite in the Baoshan block. Our data suggest that the rocks were derived from the break-off of the Proto-Tethyan oceanic slab between the outboard continent and the Baoshan block, which induced the partial melting of Mesoproterozoic pelitic sources mixed with depleted mantle materials. (2) Early Cretaceous granodiorites with low εNd(t) and εHf(t) values of − 8.92 and − 4.91 with Nd and Hf model ages of 1.41 Ga and 1.49 Ga, respectively. These rocks have high initial 87Sr/86Sr (0.711992) and lower crustal Pb values, suggesting that they were derived from Mesoproterozoic amphibolites with tholeiitic signature, leaving behind granulite residue at the lower crust. (3) Early Late Cretaceous granites with low εNd(t) and εHf(t) values of − 9.58 and − 4.61 with Nd and Hf model ages of 1.43 Ga and 1.57 Ga, respectively. These rocks have high initial 87Sr/86Sr (0.713045) and lower crustal Pb isotopic values. These rocks were generated from the partial melting of Mesoproterozoic metapelitic sources resulting from the delamination of thickened lithosphere, following the closure of the Bangong–Nujiang Ocean and collision of the Lhasa–Qiangtang blocks. (4) Late Cretaceous to Paleogene granitic gneisses with low εNd(t) and εHf(t) values of − 4.41 to − 10 and − 5.95 to − 8.71, Nd model ages ranging from 1.08 Ga to 1.43 Ga, and Hf model ages from 1.53 Ga to 1.67 Ga, respectively. These rocks show high initial 87Sr/86Sr (0.713201 and 714662) and lower crustal Pb values. The data suggest that these rocks are likely related to the eastward subduction of the Neo-Tethyan Oceanic slab, which induced partial melting of Mesoproterozoic lower crustal metagreywacke. The results presented in this study from the Gaoligong belt offer important insights on the evolution of the Proto-Tethyan, Bangong–Nujiang, and Neo-Tethyan oceans in the southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

地处中亚造山带核心部位的南蒙古东戈壁省广泛出露晚古生代花岗质岩石,对其开展精确的同位素定年和岩石成因研究对深入认识和理解中亚造山带古生代地壳演化特征具有重要的科学意义.本次研究在扎门乌德和乌兰巴德拉赫地区新识别出了2个早石炭世花岗岩(337 Ma和332 Ma)和2个晚石炭世花岗岩(320 Ma和306 Ma).早石炭...  相似文献   

运用斜长石-角闪石温压计对华北地块北缘内蒙古隆起及燕山褶断带内不同时期花岗质侵入岩的结晶压力及侵位深度进行了估算.结果表明,晚古生代-早中生代期间,在内蒙古隆起及燕山褶断带之间,存在有强烈的差异性隆升及剥露过程,但这种差异性隆升及剥露在早侏罗世以来的表现则不明显.晚古生代-早中生代差异性隆升及剥露可能是导致内蒙古隆起上大量基底岩石出露、中-新元古代及古生代沉积盖层缺失及燕山褶断带中-新元古代及古生代沉积盖层大量保留的主要原因.内蒙古隆起强烈的隆升及剥露过程发生在晚石炭世-早侏罗世期间,其东部的剥露幅度比中东部明显偏小.晚古生代-早中生代期间内蒙古隆起的强烈剥露及其与燕山褶断带之间的差异性隆升可能与古亚洲洋板块向华北地块的俯冲、消减、碰撞及华北北缘区域性断裂(如平泉-古北口-赤城-尚义断裂、赤峰-围场-多伦断裂)的活动有关.燕山褶断带的强烈隆升与剥露发生则在晚侏罗世-早白垩世之后.晚侏罗世-早白垩世以来,华北地块北缘南北两侧均有一次明显的剥露过程,这一剥露可能与本区及中国东部地壳强烈伸展有关.  相似文献   

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