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Changes of landscape structure in Estonia during the Soviet period   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Ülo Mander 《GeoJournal》1994,33(1):45-54
The development of land-use structure during the Soviet period (1940–1991) has been analyzed. The main trends in land-use dynamics have been a decrease in the percentage of agricultural land and an increase in the share of forests. The most important driving factors of such a shift have been the land reforms of 1940, 1949 (collectivization followed by deportations), and 1989; and urbanization and concentration of agricultural production. Changes in land-use structure on the county level reflect well the socio-economic and political changes in Estonian society. An especially significant decrease in agricultural lands took place during the first ten years of collectivization. In coastal areas it has been combined with state political activities. Natural conditions also play an important role, particularly in local changes of land-use structure. The concentration of agricultural production, which is greater in the eastern part of Estonia (Upper Estonia), has caused many environmental problems. Likewise, land amelioration is one of the reasons for environmental disturbances. It has shifted agricultural activities from former arable lands to marginal areas (natural grasslands, wetlands). That is one of the reasons for nutrient cycling disturbances in agricultural landscapes. Despite many disturbances, Estonia has a well- developed network of ecologically compensating areas consisting of nature protection areas, forests, wetlands, and coastal waters. It is important to maintain this ecological network during privatization.  相似文献   

A.V Smoliak 《Geoforum》1972,3(1):55-60
The author examines in her article the destinies of over a score of small peoples of the North inhabiting the northern outlying regions of the USSR who have, during the Soviet period, traversed a path of rapid progress in their economy and culture. Data from the two most recent censuses (1959 and 1970) are adduced to show the numbers of these peoples.  相似文献   

We assessed fish assemblage stability over the last half century in Lake Pontchartrain, an environmentally degraded oligohaline estuary in southeastern Louisiana. Because assemblage instability over time has been consistently associated with severe habitat degradation, we attempted to determine whether fish assemblages in demersal, nearshore, and pelagic habitats exhibited change that was unrelated to natural fluctuations in environmental variables (e.g., assemblage changes between wet and dry periods). Collection data from three gear types (trawl, beach seine, and gill nets) and monthly environmental data (salinity, temperature, and Secchi depth) were compared for four collecting periods: 1954 (dry period), 1978 (wet period), 1996–1998 (wet period), and 1998–2000 (dry period). Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) revealed that although the three environmental variables were significantly associated with the distribution and abundance patterns of fish assemblages in all habitats (with the exception of Secchi depth for pelagic samples), most fish assemblage change occurred among sampling periods (i.e., along a temporal gradient unrelated to changing environmental variables). Assemblage instability was the most pronounced for fishes collected by trawls from demersal habitats. A marked lack of cyclicity in the trawl data CCA diagram indicated a shift away from a baseline demersal assemblage of 50 yr ago. Centroid positions for the five most collected species indicated that three benthic fishes, Atlantic croaker (Micropogonias undulatus), spot (Leiostomus xanthurus), and hardhead catfish (Arius felis), were more dominant in past demersal assemblages (1954 and 1978). A different situation was shown for planktivorous species collected by trawls with bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli) becoming more dominant in recent assemblage and Gulf menhaden (Brevoortia patromus) remaining equally represented in assemblages over time. Changes in fish assemblages from nearshore (beach seine) and pelagic (gill net) habitats were more closely related to environmental fluctuations, though the CCA for beach seine data also indicated a decrease in the dominance ofM. undulatus and an increase in the proportion ofA. mitchilli over time. The reduced assemblage role of benthic fishes and the marked assemblage change indicated by trawl data suggest that over the last half century demersal habitats in Lake Pontchartrain have been impacted more by multiple anthropogenic stressors than nearshore or pelagic habitats.  相似文献   

In the East China Sea (ECS), there are some mud areas, including the south coastal mud area, the north coastal mud area, and the mud area to the southwest of Cheju Island. X-ray fluorescence (XRF) techniques and Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry (TIMS) were used to study the high-resolution sedimentary record of Pb concentrations and Pb stable isotopic compositions in the past one hundred and fifty years in the coastal mud of the ECS. Pb concentrations of a ^210Pb dating S5 core in the study area have increased rapidly since 1980, and reached the maximal value with 65.08 μg/g in 2000, corresponding to the fast economic development of China since the implementation of the "Reform and Open Policy" in 1978; ^206Pb/^207Pb ratios generally had stabilized at 1.195 from 1860 to 1966, and decreased gradually from 1966 to 2000, indicating that the anthropogenic source Pb contribution to the ECS has increased gradually since 1966, especially since 1980. Pb concentrations decreased distinctly from 2000 to 2003 and ^206Pb/^207Pb ratios increased from 2001 to 2003, corresponding closely to the ban of lead gasoline from 2000 in China. From 1950 to 2003, there occurred four distinct decrease events of ^206Pb/^207Pb, possibly responding to the Changjiang River (Yangtze River) catastrophic floods in 1998, 1991, 1981 and 1954; from 1860 to 1966, there were two decrease periods of ^206Pb/^207Pb, which may respond to the catastrophic floods of Changjiang River in 1931 and 1935, and 1870. As a result of the erosion and drowning by the catastrophic floods, the anthropogenic lead accumulated in soil and water environments over a long period of time was brought into the Changjiang River, then part of them was finally transported into the ECS, which leads to changes in Pb stable isotopic composition.  相似文献   

More than 14% of China is covered by limestone, giving rise to the world's most spectacular karst landscapes comprising pinnacles, cones and towers.  相似文献   

The mode and nature of ice-flow mechanism leading to ice-lobe formation during deglaciation is described. These mechanisms are deduced primarily from their geomorphological and stratigraphical effects: the arc-like formations fringing the ice lobes, certain patterns of landform elements, and in some cases the stratigraphical signs indicating ice-marginal readvance or lack of it. Several ice-lobe creation mechanisms are presented along with the associated landform patterns they produce. The theory encompassing the fan-like ice flows, the ice-lobe formation, and the arc formations fringing them is applied to the deglaciation in Soviet Karelia and adjacent Finland. Deglaciation proceeded here from the southeast to the northwest, and complex arc formations derived from the major ice lobes. The Finnish Lake District lobe, the North Karelian lobe, the Kuusamo lobe, and the other lobes in northeastern Finland were in general metachronously formed.  相似文献   

Understanding the manner and degree to which topography in active mountain ranges reflects deformation of the Earth's surface remains a first order goal of tectonic geomorphology. A substantial body of research in the past decade demonstrates that incising channel systems play a central role in setting relationships among topographic relief, differential rock uplift rate, and climatically modulated erosional efficiency. This review provides an introduction to the analysis and interpretation of channel profiles in erosional mountain ranges. We show that existing data support theoretical expectations of positive, monotonic relationships between channel steepness index, a measure of channel gradient normalized for downstream increases in drainage area, and erosion rate at equilibrium, and that the transient response to perturbations away from equilibrium engenders specific spatial patterns in channel profiles that can be used to infer aspects of the forcing. These aspects of channel behavior lay the foundation for a series of case studies that we use to illustrate how focused, quantitative analysis of channel morphology can provide insight into the spatial and temporal dynamics of active deformation. Although the complexities of river response to climate, lithology, and uplift patterns mean that multiple interpretations of topographic data alone will always possible, we show that application of stream profile analysis can be a powerful reconnaissance tool with which to interrogate the rates and patterns of deformation in active mountain belts.  相似文献   

从地球化学勘查的角度,以摩洛哥的自然地理、地形地貌、水文气候等特征为依据,结合多年在摩洛哥从事地球化学调查工作的认识,划分了摩洛哥地球化学景观,绘制了摩洛哥地球化学景观分区图。将摩洛哥全境划分为6个一级地球化学景观区:森林覆盖区、半干旱高山区、湿润—半湿润中低山丘陵区、干旱—半干旱中低山丘陵区、干旱荒漠戈壁区、沙漠覆盖区;并根据海拔和切割强度,进一步将湿润—半湿润中低山丘陵区和干旱—半干旱中低山丘陵区两个一级景观区划分为4个二级景观区:丘陵区、低山区、浅切割中山区、中—深切割中山区,在此基础上提出了在摩洛哥进行地球化学调查工作的建议。  相似文献   

The varved sediments of the Santa Barbara Basin off southern California, offer a unique opportunity to study the changes in oceanographic conditions of this nearshore area during the last 8000 yr. Quantitative analysis of Radiolaria found in recent surface sediment samples from the eastern North Pacific allows the identification of four “assemblages” which can be related to the physical oceanography of the California Current. Two assemblages are associated with the southerly flowing California Current, one with the main stream of the current (California Current Assemblage) and the other with the offshore flow along northern California (Central Assemblage). The two other assemblages are associated with the subtropical region of the eastern North Pacific (Subtropical Assemblage) and one found mostly off the coast of Baja California (Baja Assemblage). Analysis of the Radiolaria found in the varved sediments of a core from the Santa Barbara Basin give an 8000-yr continuous record of these four assemblages. The California and Baja Assemblages show only minor fluctuations in their importance in the sediments of the Santa Barbara Basin. The California Assemblage, however, shows a steady increase during this time period. Prior to 5400 yr B.P. the Radiolaria were predominately subtropical in character, whereas after 5400 yr B.P. the Central Assemblage becomes more important. Since 5400 yr B.P. most of the changes in the radiolarian fauna consist of fluctuations in the importance of these two assemblages. Past sea-surface temperatures for the month of February were calculated using the transfer function technique of J. Imbrie and N. G. Kipp (1971, In “The Late Cenozore Glacial Ages” L. K. Turekian, Ed.), (Chap. 5, Yale Univ. Press, New Haven, Conn.). The time series of paleotemperature estimates show major changes in the average February temperature of Santa Barbara Basin waters. The range of estimated temperatures (12°C) exceeds that of the historical observations of February temperatures in the Santa Barbara Basin but does not exceed the observed range for the California Current region. The intervals from 800 to 1800 yr B.P. 3600 to 3800 yr B.P. and 5400 to the end of the record appear to have been generally warmer than today. Comparison of the Holocene record of alpine glacial advances with the radiolarian assemblage and paleotemperature time series shows that the initiations of advances was coincident with a decrease in sea-surface temperatures and an increase in the importance of the Central Assemblage in the Santa Barbara Basin. The terminations of these advances were not marked by any consistent characteristic in the Santa Barbara Basin time series.  相似文献   

A growing body of literature is concerned with urbanization processes in contemporary Vietnam and how the country’s globalizing cities of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City are increasingly becoming spaces of consumption. However, much less is known about how these changing spaces accommodate labour, and in turn support livelihoods. Using published empirical data on Hanoi’s informal waste collectors from 1992 [DiGregorio, M., 1994. Urban Harvest: Recycling as a Peasant Industry in Northern Vietnam. East–West Center, Hawaii, pp. 1–212] and my own data, including a survey of 575 waste collectors and 44 interviews, collected on Hanoi’s informal waste collectors in 2006, I explore the experiences of informal waste collectors (waste pickers and itinerant junk buyers) in Vietnam’s capital city of Hanoi. I argue that Vietnam’s globalizing economy and urban transition have been a catalyst for the growth of the informal waste collector population in Hanoi as well as a partial player in the gendering of this group and the work they undertake.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to relate current knowledge of sea-level history in Beringia to the Broecker-van Donk “Termination” concept of climatic and sea-level history. The Einahnuhtan transgression is thought to represent Termination III, which according to Broecker and van Donk, took place about 225,000 y.a. The Kotzebuan transgression is thought to represent a positive fluctuation that modulated the generally falling sea level during the ensuing 100,000 yr. Sea level probably fell to about ?135 m in the Bering Sea area during the maximum phase of the penultimate glaciation. The two Pelukian shorelines probably represent Termination II (about 125,000 yr BP in the Broecker-van Donk chronology) and one of the two positive fluctuations that modulated the generally falling sea level of early Wisconsinan time, about 105,000 and 80,000 y.a. according to Broecker and van Donk. Another positive modulation brought sea level to at least ?20 m, about 30,000 y.a. Sea level evidently fell to between ?90 and ?100 m during the late Wisconsinan regression, but a substantial part of the outer Bering shelf remained submerged. Submerged shoreline features at ?38m, ?30 m, ?24 to ?20 m, and ?12 to ?10 m represent stillstands or slight regressions that modulated Termination I, the late Wisconsinan, and early Holocene recovery of sea level.  相似文献   

Release of carbon from rocks during their weathering is closely linked to its global circulation. The contents and chemical forms of inorganic carbon in limestone, mudstone, granite and basalt as well as in their weathering and pedogenic products have been examined. The results show that a geochemical process of carbon release from the rocks in the early stage of weathering is followed by its accumulation in the subsequent weathering products. The environmental geochemical behavior of some heavy metals related to inorganic carbon release and its accumulation are also studied in this paper. Experimental results show that the capacity of manganese to associate with carbonates increases with increasing concentrations of the latter, but the behavior of copper is opposite to that of manganese. Translated by Chen Mingzhong, Chengdu Library, Academia Sinica.  相似文献   

New palynological and sedimentological data from St. Lawrence Island present a rare view into late-glacial and Holocene environments of the central Bering Land Bridge. The late glaciation was a time of dynamic landscape changes in south-central Beringia, with active thermokarst processes, including the formation and drainage of thaw lakes. The presence of such a wet, unstable substrate, if widespread, probably would have had an adverse impact on food sources and mobility for many of the large mammal populations. The establishment of Betula shrub tundra on the island suggests late-glacial summers that were warmer than present, consistent with regional paleoclimatic interpretations. However, the increasing proximity to the Bering Sea, as postglacial sea levels rose, modified the intensity of warming and prevented the establishment of deciduous forest as found in other areas of Beringia at this time. The mid- to late Holocene is marked by more stable land surfaces and development of Sphagnum and Cyperaceae peat deposits. The accumulation of organic deposits, decline of shrub Betula, and decrease in thermokarst disturbance suggest that conditions were cooler than the previous. A recent decline in peat accumulation at the study sites may relate to local geomorphology, but similar decreases have been noted for other arctic regions.  相似文献   

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