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基于关系数据库的CA模型扩展和时空模拟实验研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
具备时空计算特征的元胞自动机(CA)模型与地理信息系统(GIS)集成在地理过程模拟方面具有很大的优势,但标准CA在邻居规则等方面的严格定义制约了CA对真实世界的模拟能力,在分析了元胞空间关系和元胞邻居描述的基础上,该文提出元胞邻居不仅存在几何空间上的邻接形式,还存在空间上不邻接但属性上相关的邻居形式,传统思路的模型扩展很难完全解决CA的局限性,基于关系数据库来定义和选择元胞邻居是一种有益的理论尝试,以时空为载体的文化革新扩散系统具有多空间扩散形式和遗传特征,相对于标准CA基于关系数据库的CA扩展模型可以更真实地对其进行时空模拟,笔者以服装传播为典型案例做实验研究,取得了比较满意的实验结果,认为基于关系数据库的CA扩展模型比较适用于具有多空间扩散形式的复杂系统的过程模拟。  相似文献   

基于扩展CA的文化传播时空模拟研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
罗平  何素芳  伍兆强  杜清运 《热带地理》2002,22(4):371-374,381
文化传播影响因素复杂,具有空间上的相邻、不相邻、选择、随机等扩散形式和时间上的遗传特征,其时空模拟必须借助复杂系统研究方法。元胞自动机模型(CA)与GIS集成在地理过程模拟方面具有很大的优势。文中在分析元胞空间关系和元胞邻居描述的基础上,提出元胞邻居存在几何间上的邻接形式和空间上不邻接但属性上相关的邻居形式。据此,通过对文化革新扩散的实质、空间形式、影响因素等分析,对立了基于邻居扩展CA的文化传播系统模型,并利用该模型对文化传播现象进行了实验研究,取得了比较满意的实验结果。  相似文献   

城市土地利用演化的实质是人为干预下城市生态景观的自组织机制作用过程;元胞自动机(CA)所独有的特征和构模方式使其在模拟复杂性系统如城市系统等方面表现出强大的模拟能力。利用ASTER影像数据,在CA模型下对福州市2010年和2020年的城市用地进行了模拟。从而为城市规划提供决策支持服务,对真正合理地利用城市土地,实现城市可持续发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

黄土高原正负地形的不同组合特征反映了黄土地貌的发育程度,黄土小流域正负地形的演化则是黄土高原地貌形态发育的缩影。该文采用地理元胞自动机的建模方法,对室内黄土小流域正负地形的演化过程进行建模与模拟。实验通过多次训练神经网络,自动获取转换规则,简化了构建元胞自动机模型的难度,同时,模拟的结果总精度达88.5%。研究表明,该方法可以反映黄土小流域正负地形演化过程中其沟谷扩张、沟头向前以及黄土陷穴的发育特点,对黄土高原地貌发育研究具有重要意义和可鉴性。  相似文献   

基于Logistic回归的CA模型改进方法——以广州市为例   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
聂婷  肖荣波  王国恩  刘云亚 《地理研究》2010,29(10):1909-1919
基于Logistic回归的CA模型因其结构简单和数据要求相对较小的优势,被广泛应用于城市模拟领域,但数据的空间自相关性影响了模型机制挖掘与模拟精度。通过将影响城市发展演变的各种约束条件划分为强制和普通约束条件,以及运用主成分分析降低普通约束条件的数据相关性,构建了改进型Logistic回归CA模型,并在2000~2008年广州市城市增长模拟研究中进行应用。结果表明:与传统型Logistic回归CA模型相比,改进型Logistic回归CA模型在模型拟合度和精度上均有4%左右的提高。其中约束条件划分对非城市像元模拟精度约有6%的提高,对整体精度有3%的提高。更为重要的是,降低数据相关性后,Logistic回归CA模型对于城市扩展机制的解释更符合实际。本研究旨在寻求一种简单可行且易于构建的CA模型,探求城市发展机理,为城市规划管理提供更为准确的科学依据。  相似文献   

基于CA的城市增长与土地增值动态模拟方法探讨   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18  
城市增长与土地增值是一种时空动态变化的复杂地理过程,如何有效地模拟这一过程是该研究领域的一个重要问题。基于GIS的元胞自动机模型,具有模拟地理时空演化过程的能力。该文首先对CA模型进行扩展,再与GIS集成,提出一种模拟城市增长与土地增值时空间动态过程的新方法,并以四川省德阳市为例进行分析。  相似文献   

具备时空计算特征的元胞自动机 (CA)模型与地理信息系统 (GIS)集成在地理过程模拟方面具有很大的优势 ,但标准CA在邻居规则等方面的严格定义制约了CA对真实世界的模拟能力。在分析了元胞空间关系和元胞邻居描述的基础上 ,该文提出元胞邻居不仅存在几何空间上的邻接形式 ,还存在空间上不邻接但属性上相关的邻居形式。传统思路的模型扩展很难完全解决CA的局限性 ,基于关系数据库来定义和选择元胞邻居是一种有益的理论尝试。以时空为载体的文化革新扩散系统具有多空间扩散形式和遗传特征 ,相对于标准CA基于关系数据库的CA扩展模型可以更真实地对其进行时空模拟 ,笔者以服装传播为典型案例做实验研究 ,取得了比较满意的实验结果。认为基于关系数据库的CA扩展模型比较适用于具有多空间扩散形式的复杂系统的过程模拟。  相似文献   

城市土地利用演化CA模型的扩展研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
城市土地利用演化的实质是人为干预下城市生态景观的自组织机制作用过程。根据城市土地利用演化生命机制概念,构建基于地理特征的城市土地利用演化CA模型,并以深圳特区为试验区域进行实证研究。结果表明,基于城市生命机制和地理特征的城市土地利用演化CA模型,可以有效地进行城市土地利用演化的时空模拟与预测。  相似文献   

多智能体与元胞自动机结合及城市用地扩张模拟   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:12  
杨青生  黎夏 《地理科学》2007,27(4):542-548
运用多智能体(Agent)和元胞自动机(CA)结合来模拟城市用地扩张的方法,将影响和决定用地类型转变的主体作为Agent引进元胞自动机模型中,Agent在CA确定的城市发展概率的基础上,通过自身及其周围环境的状况,综合各种因素的影响做出决策,决定元胞下一时刻的城市发展概率。运用Agent的决策结果,对CA模型中以随机变量体现的不确定性通过Agent决策行为给予地理意义的新解释。以城市郊区—樟木头镇为例,对1988~1993年城市用地扩张进行了模拟研究,取得了良好的模拟效果。  相似文献   

Landscape metrics have been widely used to characterize geographical patterns which are important for many geographical and ecological analyses. Cellular automata (CA) are attractive for simulating settlement development, landscape evolution, urban dynamics, and land-use changes. Although various methods have been developed to calibrate CA, landscape metrics have not been explicitly used to ensure the simulated pattern best fitted to the actual one. This article presents a pattern-calibrated method which is based on a number of landscape metrics for implementing CA by using genetic algorithms (GAs). A Pattern-calibrated GA–CA is proposed by incorporating percentage of landscape (PLAND), patch metric (LPI), and landscape division (D) into the fitness function of GA. The sensitivity analysis can allow the users to explore various combinations of weights and examine their effects. The comparison between Logistic- CA, Cell-calibrated GA–CA, and Pattern-calibrated GA–CA indicates that the last method can yield the best results for calibrating CA, according to both the training and validation data. For example, Logistic-CA has the average simulation error of 27.7%, but Pattern-calibrated GA–CA (the proposed method) can reduce this error to only 7.2% by using the training data set in 2003. The validation is further carried out by using new validation data in 2008 and additional landscape metrics (e.g., Landscape shape index, edge density, and aggregation index) which have not been incorporated for calibrating CA models. The comparison shows that this pattern-calibrated CA has better performance than the other two conventional models.  相似文献   

Cellular automata (CA), which are a kind of bottom-up approaches, can be used to simulate urban dynamics and land use changes effectively. Urban simulation usually involves a large set of GIS data in terms of the extent of the study area and the number of spatial factors. The computation capability becomes a bottleneck of implementing CA for simulating large regions. Parallel computing techniques can be applied to CA for solving this kind of hard computation problem. This paper demonstrates that the performance of large-scale urban simulation can be significantly improved by using parallel computation techniques. The proposed urban CA is implemented in a parallel framework that runs on a cluster of PCs. A large region usually consists of heterogeneous or polarized development patterns. This study proposes a line-scanning method of load balance to reduce waiting time between parallel processors. This proposed method has been tested in a fast-growing region, the Pearl River Delta. The experiments indicate that parallel computation techniques with load balance can significantly improve the applicability of CA for simulating the urban development in this large complex region.  相似文献   

黎夏  叶嘉安  刘涛  刘小平 《地理研究》2007,26(3):443-451
元胞自动机(Cellular Automata,简称CA)已越来越多地用于地理现象的模拟中,如城市系统的演化等。城市模拟经常要使用GIS数据库中的空间信息,数据源中的误差将会通过CA模拟过程发生传递。此外,CA 模型只是对现实世界的近似模拟,这就使得其本身也具有不确定性。这些不确定因素将对城市模拟的结果产生较大的影响,有必要探讨CA在模拟过程中的误差传递与不确定性问题。本文采用蒙特卡罗方法模拟了CA误差的传递特征,并从转换规则、邻域结构、模拟时间以及随机变量等几个方面分析了CA不确定性产生的根源。发现与传统的GIS模型相比,城市CA模型中的误差和不确定性的很多性质是非常独特的。例如,在模拟过程中由于邻域函数平均化的影响,数据源误差将减小;随着可用的土地越来越少,该限制也使城市模拟的误差随时间而减小;模拟结果的不确定性主要体现在城市的边缘。这些分析结果有助于城市建模和规划者更好地理解CA建模的特点。  相似文献   

Traditional urban cellular automata (CA) model can effectively simulate infilling and edge-expansion growth patterns. However, most of these models are incapable of simulating the outlying growth. This paper proposed a novel model called LEI-CA which incorporates landscape expansion index (LEI) with CA to simulate urban growth. Urban growth type is identified by calculating the LEI index of each cell. Case-based reasoning technique is used to discover different transition rules for the adjacent growth type and the outlying growth type, respectively. We applied the LEI-CA model to the simulation of urban growth in Dongguan in southern China. The comparison between logistic-based CA and LEI-CA indicates that the latter can yield a better performance. The LEI-CA model can improve urban simulation accuracy over logistic-based CA by 13.8%, 10.8% and 6.9% in 1993, 1999 and 2005, respectively. Moreover, the outlying growth type hardly exists in the simulation by logistic-based CA, while the proposed LEI-CA model performs well in simulating different urban growth patterns. Our experiments illustrate that the LEI-CA model not only overcomes the deficiencies of traditional CA but might also better understand urban evolution process.  相似文献   

Simulation models based on cellular automata (CA) are widely used for understanding and simulating complex urban expansion process. Among these models, logistic CA (LCA) is commonly adopted. However, the performance of LCA models is often limited because the fixed coefficients obtained from binary logistic regression do not reflect the spatiotemporal heterogeneity of transition rules. Therefore, we propose a variable weights LCA (VW-LCA) model with dynamic transition rules. The regression coefficients in this VW-LCA model are based on VW by incorporating a genetic algorithm in a conventional LCA. The VW-LCA model and the conventional LCA model were both used to simulate urban expansion in Nanjing, China. The models were calibrated with data for the period 2000–2007 and validated for the period 2007–2013. The results showed that the VW-LCA model performed better than the LCA model in terms of both visual inspection and key indicators. For example, kappa, accuracy of urban land and figure of merit for the simulation results of 2013 increased by 3.26%, 2.96% and 4.44%, respectively. The VW-LCA model performs relatively better compared with other improved LCA models that are suggested in literature.  相似文献   

城市元胞自动机扩展邻域效应的测量与校准研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
城市元胞模型由于在定量分析与预测城市动态的潜力而受到众多研究者的持续关注.邻域规则是主导城市元胞模型模拟过程的关键组件.研究表明,不同土地利用组合间存在显著的邻域效应,且邻域效应具有惯性、排斥和吸引等影响.然而,传统城市元胞模型主要考虑的是特定分辨率下较小窗口的邻域范围.本文尝试刻画更大窗口的邻域效应及其对元胞模型的影响.基于测量的扩展邻域因子,应用粒子群优化算法校准大窗口邻域规则,并创建了考虑扩展邻域效应的城市元胞模型.为验证模型有效性,将其应用于模拟厦门市1995-2010年期间的城市扩张动态.与3×3摩尔邻域的逻辑回归模型相比较,1995-2010年期间的建设用地模拟精度从80.7%提高到83.9%,总体精度从87.8%提高到89.6%,Kappa系数从70.0%提高到74.5%,表明考虑扩展邻域效应的城市模型取得了更好的模拟效果.  相似文献   

何青松  谭荣辉  杨俊 《地理学报》2021,76(10):2522-2535
元胞自动机(CA)作为城市时空动态模拟应用最广泛的模型,可以有效模拟填充式和边缘式城市扩张过程,但是在飞地式扩张模拟方面稍显不足。本文提出一种改进CA模型—APCA,在传统CA基础上利用近邻传播聚类(AP)搜寻城市扩散增长的“种子点”,实现城市增长扩散过程和聚合过程的同步模拟。以武汉市为研究区域,使用APCA模拟其在2005—2025年间城市扩张的时空过程。结果显示:① APCA在设置“种子点”数量为1~8个时模拟总体精度均高于Logistics-CA,当“种子点”数量为6时,模拟新增部分精度最高,达到0.5217;② 2015—2025年武汉市飞地型增长面积约为8.67 km2,占新增城市用地总面积比例为6.30%;③ 武汉市1995—2025年间“先扩散后聚合”的城市扩张过程符合城市增长相位理论。APCA在一定程度上了完善了传统二维平面CA框架,将城市扩张模拟维度由面维扩展到点维,为准确展现城市用地空间扩展规律提供参考。  相似文献   

Along with the gradually accelerated urbanization process, simulating and predicting the future pattern of the city is of great importance to the prediction and prevention of some environmental, economic and urban issues. Previous studies have generally integrated traditional machine learning with cellular automaton (CA) models to simulate urban development. Nevertheless, difficulties still exist in the process of obtaining more accurate results with CA models; such difficulties are mainly due to the insufficient consideration of neighborhood effects during urban transition rule mining. In this paper, we used an effective deep learning method, named convolution neural network for united mining (UMCNN), to solve the problem. UMCNN has substantial potential to get neighborhood information from its receptive field. Thus, a novel CA model coupled with UMCNN and Markov chain was designed to improve the performance of simulating urban expansion processes. Choosing the Pearl River Delta of China as the study area, we excavate the driving factors and the transformational relations revealed by the urban land-use patterns in 2000, 2005 and 2010 and further simulate the urban expansion status in 2020 and 2030. Additionally, three traditional machine-learning-based CA models (LR, ANN and RFA) are built to attest the practicality of the proposed model. In the comparison, the proposed method reaches the highest simulation accuracy and landscape index similarity. The predicted urban expansion results reveal that the economy will continue to be the primary factor in the study area from 2010 to 2030. The proposed model can serve as guidance in urban planning and government decision-making.  相似文献   

本文提出一种基于随机森林的元胞自动机城市扩展(RF-CA)模型。通过在多个决策树的生成过程中分别对训练样本集和分裂节点的候选空间变量引入随机因素,提取城市扩展元胞自动机的转换规则。该模型便于并行构建,能在运算量没有显著增加的前提下提高预测的精度,对城市扩展中存在的随机因素有较强的容忍度。RF-CA模型可进行袋外误差估计,以快速获取模型参数;也可度量空间变量重要性,解释各空间变量在城市扩展中的作用。将该模型应用于佛山市1988-2012年的城市扩展模拟中,结果表明,与常用的逻辑回归模型相比,RF-CA模型进行模拟和预测分别能够提高1.7%和2.6%的精度,非常适用于复杂非线性特征的城市系统演变模型与扩展研究;通过对影响佛山市城市扩展的空间变量进行重要性度量,发现对佛山城市扩张模拟研究而言,距国道的距离与距城市中心的距离具有最重要的作用。  相似文献   

The objective of this computational study was to investigate to which extent the availability and the way of use of historical maps may affect the quality of the calibration process of cellular automata (CA) urban models. The numerical experiments are based on a constrained CA applied to a case study. Since the model depends on a large number of parameters, we optimize the CA using cooperative coevolutionary particle swarms, which is an approach known for its ability to operate effectively in search spaces with a high number of dimensions. To cope with the relevant computational cost related to the high number of CA simulations required by our study, we use a parallelized CA model that takes advantage of the computing power of graphics processing units. The study has shown that the accuracy of simulations can be significantly influenced by both the number and position in time of the historical maps involved in the calibration.  相似文献   

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