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中国北方中生代大规模成矿作用的期次及其地球动力学背景   总被引:170,自引:67,他引:170  
本论述了中国北方(包括华北、东北及长江中下游地区)金属矿床的空间分布特点,分析和讨论了主要成矿区带(长江中下游、小秦岭-熊耳山、西秦岭、华北克拉通北缘和大兴安岭南段)及一些大型矿集区(胶东、鲁西和乌奴格吐-甲乌拉)中矿化组合和成矿期次以及地球动力学背景。提出中国北方大规模成矿作用出现在200~160Ma,140Ma左右和120Ma左右三个峰期。通过对中生代地球动力学演化的分析研究,认为三大成矿事件所对应的地球动力学背景分别为后碰撞造山过程、构造体制大转折晚期和岩石圈大规模快速减薄。在200~160Ma时期主要表现为大厚度岩石圈局部伸展有关的岩浆一热成矿,在140Ma左右时期成矿表现为与深源花岗质岩石有关的斑岩一夕卡岩矿床,而120Ma左右时期的成矿是在岩石圈快速减薄过程有大量地幔流体参与成矿作用。  相似文献   

Tectonic deformation in the Pyrenees is the result of an essentially continuous process which has a discontinuous effect in the style of deformation and consequently, in the sedimentary record. Tecto-sedimentary discontinuities can be correlated on a regional scale, allowing the differentiation of tecto-sedimentary cycles and depositional sequences. The relations between tectonics and sedimentation in the Pyrenees are expressed in the Mesozoic and Tertiary cyclicity.Ten tecto-sedimentary cycles have been distinguished. They are controlled by basin-forming and basin-modifying tectonics (rifting, wrenching, convergence) and are related to different successive basin-types.A first group of cycles corresponds to the episodic rifting: post-Hercynian interior fracture basin (cycle 1), spreading of the Ligurian Ocean (cycle 2), spreading of the central North Atlantic Ocean (cycle 3) and rifting of the Bay of Biscay in the context of the rotation of Iberia (cycle 4). A second group corresponds to the opening of the North Atlantic Ocean and to the change in the trajectory of Iberia along a W-E direction (cycle 5). The third group corresponds to prevailing wrench conditions grading from strike-slip plate displacement (cycle 6) to progressive oblique convergence (cycle 7). The fourth group of cycles (8, 9 and 10) corresponds to the generalization of convergence conditions; cycle 8 is the transition from wrench to foreland basin; cycle 9 corresponds to the development of migrating foreland basins in relation to thrust sheet emplacement; cycle 10 includes the unconformable clastic wedge ahead of the last thrust.These tecto-sedimentary cycles include one or several depositional sequences in which sedimentation is controlled by the interrelations between local tectonics, subsidence, eustacy and sediment supply. The analysis and definition of these sequences is given for the Cretaceous and Tertiary cycles. The depositional sequences from the Cretaceous wrench basin are essentially related to eustacy (sea level rise) together with subsidence during cycle 6, and wrench structuring during cycle 7. The depositional sequences from the foreland basins (cycles 8, 9 and 10) are related to changes in the type of basin.  相似文献   

The Paleozoic to Early Mesozoic geology of the eastern Klamath Mountains (N California) is characterized by three major magmatic events of Ordovician, Late Ordovician to Early Devonian, and Permo-Triassic ages. The Ordovician event is represented by a calc-alkalic island-arc sequence (Lovers Leap Butte sequence) developed in the vicinity of a continental margin. The Late Ordovician to Early Devonian event consists of the 430–480 Ma old Trinity ophiolite formed during the early development of a marginal basin, and a series of low-K tholeiitic volcanic suites (Lovers Leap Basalt—Keratophyre unit, Copley and Balaklala Formations) belonging to intraoceanic island-arcs. Finally, the Permo-Triassic event gave rise to three successives phases of volcanic activity (Nosoni, Dekkas and Bully Hill) represented by the highly differentiated basalt-to-rhyolite low-K tholeiitic series of mature island-arcs. The Permo-Triassic sediments are indicative of shallow to moderate depth in an open, warm sea. The geodynamic evolution of the eastern Klamath Mountains during Paleozoic to Early Mesozoic times is therefore constrained by the geological, petrological and geochemical features of its island-arcs and related marginal basin.

A consistent plate-tectonic model is proposed for the area, consisting of six main stages:

1. (1) development during Ordovician times of a calc-alkalic island-arc in the vicinity of a continental margin;

2. (2) extrusion during Late Ordovician to Silurian times of a primitive basalt-andesite intraoceanic island-arc suite, which terminated with boninites, the latter suggest rifting in the fore-arc, followed by the breakup of the arc;

3. (3) opening and development of the Trinity back-arc basin around 430–480 Ma ago;

4. (4) eruption of the Balaklala Rhyolite either in the arc or in the fore-arc, ending in Early Devonian time with intrusion of the 400 Ma Mule Mountain stock;

5. (5) break in volcanic activity from the Early Devonian to the Early Permian; and

6. (6) development of a mature island-arc from the Early Permian to the Late Triassic.

The eastern Klamath Mountains island-arc formations and ophiolitic suite are part of the “Cordilleran suspect terranes”, considered to be Gondwana margin fragments, that have undergone large northward translations before final collision with the North American craton during Late Mesozoic or Cenozoic times. These eastern Klamath Mountains island-arcs could be associated with the paleo-Pacific oceanic plate that led to accretion of these allochthonous terranes to the American margin.  相似文献   

Over 1 km thick Mesozoic sedimentary sequence is exposed over a wide area in the Upper Indus basin of north Pakistan along the western margin of the Indian Plate. The Mesozoic sequence is comprised of clastic facies in the lower part, while carbonate facies are dominant in the upper part. About 200 m thick mixed sequence of interbedded sandstone, siltstone, clay, and carbonaceous shale represents the lower Jurassic Datta Formation in the Salt and Trans Indus Ranges in North Pakistan. The Datta Formation constitutes important reservoir horizons in a number of oil fields in the western Himalayan foreland basins where it is encountered at a depth of about 4 km in various wells. The Datta Formation is described from different parts of the range front to understand the internal architecture of various sedimentary facies and their depositional system. The thickness and lithofacies assemblages of the Datta Formation change in different parts of the range front as well as in subsurface of the Upper Indus basin. The Datta Formation represents a coarsening upward deltaic sequence in most parts of the basin. On the basis of lithological variations and sedimentary structures, a number of depositional facies have been recognized which include channel belt facies, floodplain/abandoned channel facies, swamp facies, and lagoonal facies. Further north, in the Kalachitta and Hazara regions, the siliciclastic facies change to more complex assemblages of interbedded bauxite, silcrete, marl, and some limestone. These sediments represent deposition in a delta-plain setting of a fluvial-dominated delta with northwestward flowing channels.  相似文献   


The Guerrero suspect terrane composed of Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous sequences, extends from Baja California up to Acapulco and is considered to be coeval with the Late Mesozoic igneous and sedimentary arc sequences of the Greater Antilles, Venezuela and Western Cordillera of Colombia. New geological, petrological and geochemical data from central and southern Mexico, led us to propose a new model for the building of the Alisitos-Teloloapan arc. This arc, partly built on the Pacific oceanic lithosphere and partly on continental fragments, could be related to the subduction of an oceanic basin - the Arperos basin - under the Paleo-Pacific plate. This subduction was dipping southwest.

At the beginning of the magmatic activity of the oceanic segment of this arc, depleted tholeiitic basalts were emitted in a submarine environnement below the CCD. While subduction was going on, the arc magmas evolved from LREE depleted tholeiites to slightly LREE enriched tholeiites and then, to calc-alkaline basalts and andesites enriched in LREE and HFSE. Concurrently, the arc sedimentary environment changed from deep oceanic to neritic with the deposition of Aptian-Albian reefal limestones, at the end of the arc building. In the continent-based segment, the arc magmas are exclusively differentiated calc-alkaline suites depleted in HREE and Y, formed of predominantly siliceous lavas and pyroclastic rocks, emitted in a sub-aerial or shallow marine environment.

Thus, taking into account this above mentioned model, the Cretaceous volcanic series, accreted to the margins of cratonal America, in Colombia, Venezuela, Greater Antilles and Mexico, could be related to the same west-south-west dipping subduction of oceanic basins, fringing the North and South American continental cratons and connected directly with the inter-American Tethys. While the subduction was proceeding, this magmatic arc drifted towards the North and South American cratons and finally, collided with the continental margins at different periods during the Cretaceous.  相似文献   

柳永清  金小赤 《地质通报》2002,21(8):592-595
通过对凌源盆地含2个中生代生物群的地层序列及相关地层的野外调查研究,基本查明了产出地的地质背景及构造特征,阐述了凌源盆地含中生代生物群的地层层序及其与周边地区中生界的对比关系。西台子和帽子山一带含热河生物群的地层对应白垩系义县组,确定含道虎沟生物群沉积层序的地质年代还需进行更深入的工作。  相似文献   

As the majority of the data on Quaternary sediments from the North Sea Basin are seismostratigraphical, we analysed the Elsterian Swarte Bank Formation, the Late Saalian Fisher Formation and the Late Weichselian (Dimlington Stadial) Bolders Bank Formation in order to determine genesis and provenance. The Swarte Bank Formation is a subglacial till containing palynomorphs from the Moray Forth and the northeastern North Sea, and metamorphic heavy minerals from the Scottish Highlands. The Fisher Formation was sampled from the northern and central North Sea. In the north, it is interpreted as a subglacial till, with glaciomarine sediments cropping out further south. These sediments exhibit a provenance signature consistent with the Midland Valley of Scotland, the Eocene of the North Sea Basin, the Grampian Highlands and northeast Scotland. The Bolders Bank Formation is a subglacial till containing palynomorphs from the Midland Valley of Scotland, northern Britain, and a metamorphic heavy‐mineral suite indicative of the Grampian Highlands, Southern Uplands and northeast Scotland. These data demonstrate that there was repeated glaciation of the North Sea Basin during the Middle and Late Pleistocene, with ice sheets originating in northern Scotland. There was no evidence for a Scandinavian ice sheet in the western North Sea basin. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The giant East China Mesozoic metallogenic province hosts some of the World’s largest resources of tungsten, tin, molybdenum, antimony and bismuth. Ores of gold, silver, mercury, lead, zinc, copper, uranium and iron are also of major importance. The province and its constituent metallogenic belts or regions (South China; Middle–Lower Yangtze River Valley; East Qinling–Dabie; Interior of North China Craton; Yan-Liao and North-east China) are the products of several pulses of igneous activity and mineralisation between ~240 and ~80 Ma. Each successive stage has produced a distinctive suite of deposits that can be readily related to the geodynamic evolution of the region during the Mesozoic. This geodynamic evolution is linked to a complex series of tectonic events, involving far-field-subduction, plate collisions, crustal thickening, post-collision collapse and rifting.  相似文献   

Identification of the Late Mesozoic carbonatite province in Central Asia is herein discussed. Its regional extent and distribution is investigated, and the areas with manifestations of carbonatite magmatism are described. It is shown that they were developed in terranes with heterogeneous and heterochronous basements: Siberian (Aldan Shield) and North China cratons; Early Paleozoic (Caledonian) and Middle–Late Paleozoic (Hercynian) structures of the Central Asian fold belt (Transbaikal and Tuva zones in Russia; Mongolia). Irrespective of the structural position, the carbonatites were generated within a relatively narrow time interval (150–118 Ma). The geochemical (Sr, LREE, Ba, F and P) specialization of carbonatites of the province is reflected in their mineral composition. Some rocks of the carbonatite complexes always include one or more distinctive minerals: fluorite, Ba–Sr sulfates, Ba–Sr–Ca carbonates, LREE fluorocarbonates, or apatite. Compared to counterparts from other age groups (for example, Maimecha–Kotui group in North Asia), these carbonatites are depleted in Ti, Nb, Ta, Zr and Hf. It is shown that the Sr and Nd isotope composition of carbonatites correlates with the geological age of the host crust. Rocks of carbonatite complexes associated with cratons are characterized by the lowest εNd(T) and highest ISr(T) values, indicating that their formation involved an ancient lithospheric material. Carbonatite magmatism occurred simultaneously with the largest plateau basalts 130–120 Ma ago in rift zones in the Late Mesozoic intraplate volcanic province of Central Asia. This interval corresponds to timing of global activation of intraplate magmatism processes, suggesting a link of the carbonatite province with these processes. It is shown that fields with the carbonatite magmatism were controlled by small mantle plumes (“hot fingers”) responsible for the Central Asian mantle plume events.  相似文献   

We use paleomagnetic data to map Mesozoic absolute motion of North America, using paleomagnetic Euler poles (PEP). First, we address two important questions: (1) How much clockwise rotation has been experienced by crustal blocks within and adjacent to the Colorado Plateau? (2) Why is there disagreement between the apparent polar wander (APW) path constructed using poles from southwestern North America and the alternative path based on poles from eastern North America? Regarding (1), a 10.5° clockwise rotation of the Colorado Plateau about a pole located near 35°N, 102°W seems to fit the evidence best. Regarding (2), it appears that some rock units from the Appalachian region retain a hard overprint acquired during the mid-Cretaceous, when the geomagnetic field had constant normal polarity and APW was negligible.We found three well-defined small-circle APW tracks: 245–200 Ma (PEP at 39.2°N, 245.2°E, R=81.1°, root mean square error (RMS)=1.82°), 200–160 Ma (38.5°N, 270.1°E, R=80.4°, RMS=1.06°), 160 to 125 Ma (45.1°N, 48.5°E, R=60.7°, RMS=1.84°). Intersections of these tracks (the “cusps” of Gordon et al. [Tectonics 3 (1984) 499]) are located at 59.6°N, 69.5°E (the 200 Ma or “J1” cusp) and 48.9°N, 144.0°E (the 160 Ma or “J2” cusp). At these times, the absolute velocity of North America appears to have changed abruptly.North America absolute motion also changed abruptly at the beginning and end of the Cretaceous APW stillstand, currently dated at about 125 and 88 Ma (J. Geophys. Res. 97 (1992b) 19651). During this interval, the APW path degenerates into a single point, implying rotation about an Euler pole coincident with the spin axis.Using our PEP and cusp locations, we calculate the absolute motion of seven points on the North American continent. Our intention is to provide a chronological framework for the analysis of Mesozoic tectonics. Clearly, if APW is caused by plate motion, abrupt changes in absolute motion should correlate with major tectonic events. This follows because large accelerations reflect important changes in the balance of forces acting on the plate, the most important of which are edge effects (subduction, terrane accretion, etc.). Some tectonic interpretations: (1) The J1 cusp may be associated with the inception of rifting of North America away from land masses to the east; the J2 cusp seems to mark the beginning of rapid spreading in the North Atlantic. (2) The J2 cusp signals the beginning of a period of rapid northwestward absolute motion of western North America; motion of tectonostratigraphic terranes in the westernmost Cordillera seems likely to have been directed toward the south during this interval. (3) The interval 88 to 80 Ma saw a rapid decrease in the paleolatitude of North America; unless this represents a period of true polar wander, terrane motion during this time should have been relatively northward.  相似文献   

The northern part of the western Kunlun (southern margin of the Tarim basin) represents a Sinian rifted margin. To the south of this margin, the Sinian to Paleozoic Proto-Tethys Ocean formed. South-directed subduction of this ocean, beneath the continental southern Kunlun block during the Paleozoic, resulted in the collision between the northern and southern Kunlun blocks during the Devonian. The northern part of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean, located to the south of the southern Kunlun, was subducted to the north beneath the southern Kunlun during the Late Paleozoic to Early Mesozoic. This caused the formation of a subduction-accretion complex, including a sizeable accretionary wedge to the south of the southern Kunlun. A microcontinent (or oceanic plateau?), which we refer to as “Uygur terrane,” collided with the subduction complex during the Late Triassic. Both elements together represent the Kara-Kunlun. Final closure of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean took place during the Early Jurassic when the next southerly located continental block collided with the Kara-Kunlun area. From at least the Late Paleozoic to the Early Jurassic, the Tarim basin must be considered a back-arc region. The Kengxiwar lineament, which “connects” the Karakorum fault in the west and the Ruogiang-Xingxingxia/Altyn-Tagh fault zone in the east, shows signs of a polyphase strike-slip fault along which dextral and sinistral shearing occurred.  相似文献   

A hypothesis for effects of stable tectonic elements on chemical composition of Mesozoic granitoids in northeastern Asia is tested. Chemical compositional change of granitoid rocks is examined in nine-dimensional space of rock-forming oxides. Stable geologic structures of the region are outlined by trends of Euclidean distances between rock recognized as a standard in a space of major rock-forming oxides and composition of individual samples. A data-smoothing polynomial of the fourth order corresponds closely to the geology of the region. Chemically stable masses of quartz diorite are thought to be delivered directly from magmatic sources along deep faults. A great variety of acidic granites, which occupy for each analysis separate cells in the nine-dimensional classification, are presumed to be palingenetic in origin.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(11):1418-1444
Quaternary volcanic rocks in the Kuandian (KD), Longgang (LG), Changbaishan (CBS), Wangqing (WQ), and Jilin (JL) volcanic centres in eastern Liaoning and southern Jilin provinces contain mantle xenoliths of spinel-facies lherzolites and minor harzburgites. Among the study sites, the KD, LG, and CBS volcanic fields are located on the northeastern margin of the North China Craton (NCC), whereas the WQ and JL fields lie on the southern margin of the Xing'an–Mongolia Orogenic Belt (XMOB). The (Fo) components of olivine (Ol) and Cr# (=Cr/(Cr + Al)) of spinel, together with trace element abundance of clinopyroxene, suggest that the subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) in the study area has undergone a low degree (4–6%) of partial melting. The rocks do not show modal metasomatism, but clinopyroxene grains in selected samples show elevated large ion lithophile element compositions, suggesting that the mantle xenoliths underwent minor cryptic metasomatism by exchange with a silicate melt. Two-pyroxene thermometry yielded equilibration temperatures ranging from 740°C to 1210°C. The corresponding oxygen fugacity (fO2) was calculated to range from FMQ –2.64 to +0.39 with an average of –0.59 (n?=?53). The oxidation state is comparable to that of abyssal peridotites and the asthenospheric mantle. We failed to discover differences in equilibration temperatures and oxidation state between lherzolites and harzburgites, suggesting that partial melting did not affect fO2 values. In addition, similar fO2 of non-metasomatized and metasomatized samples suggest that metasomatism in the region did not affect fO2. Our data suggest that the present SCLM beneath the northeastern margin of the NCC and the southern margin of the XMOB are very similar and likely formed from a fertile asthenosphere after delamination of an old lithospheric keel below the NCC in response to the west-dipping subduction of the Pacific oceanic plate since early to middle Mesozoic time.  相似文献   

The composite Guerrero Terrane of western Mexico records much of the magmatic evolution of southwestern North America during Late Mesozoic time. The Guerrero includes three distinctive subterranes characterized by unique stratigraphic records, structural evolutions, and geochemical and isotopic features that strongly suggest they evolved independently. The eastern Teloloapan Subterrane represents an evolved intra-oceanic island arc of Hauterivian to Cenomanian age, which includes a high-K calc-alkaline magmatic suite. The central Arcelia–Palmar Chico Subterrane represents a primitive island arc-marginal basin system of Albian to Cenomanian age, consisting of an oceanic suite and a tholeiitic arc suite. The western Zihuatanejo–Huetamo Subterrane comprises three components that represent an evolved island arc-marginal basin-subduction complex system of Late Jurassic (?) –Early Cretaceous age built on a previously deformed basement. The Zihuatanejo Sequence includes a thick high-K calc-alkaline magmatic suite. The Las Ollas Complex consists of tectonic slices containing exotic blocks of arc affinity affected by high-pressure/low-temperature metamorphism included in a sheared matrix. The Huetamo Sequence consists mainly of volcanic-arc derived sedimentary rocks, including large pebbles of tholeiitic, calc-alkaline, and shoshonitic lavas. These sequences are unconformably underlain by the Arteaga Complex, which represents the subvolcanic basement. On the basis of available geology, geochemistry, geochronology, and isotopic data, we suggest that Late Mesozoic volcanism along the western margin of southern North America developed in broadly contemporaneous but different intra-oceanic island arcs that constitute a complex fossil arc-trench system similar to the present-day western Pacific island arc system.  相似文献   

It is now possible to use newly available information to extend the study of metallogenic provinces throughout the Cordillera of western North and South America, encompassing approximately one-half of the circle of fire surrounding the Pacific Ocean. This study confirms the concept that a theory of metallogenesis requires a primitive sub-crustal heterogeneity of metals. The study further indicates that, in this area, a subduction process related to a plate tectonic hypothesis is incompatible with observed relationships of tectonism, magmatism, and metallogenesis. Attempts to maintain this hypothesis undoubtedly hinder the development of metallogenic theory.  相似文献   

The Mesozoic geodynamic evolution of Transbaikalia has been largely controlled by the scissors-like closure of the Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean that separated Siberia from Mongolia-North China continents.Following the oceanic closure,the tectonic evolution of that region was characterized by collisional uplift and subsequent extension that gave rise to the formation of metamorphic core complexes.This complex tectonic setting prevailed simultaneously between 150 Ma and 110 Ma both in Transbaikalia,North Mongolia,and within the North China Craton.Published paleobotanical and paleontological data show that the oldest Mesozoic basins had formed in western Transbaikalia before the estimated age of extension onset.However no precise geochronological age is available for the onset of extension in Transbaikalia.The Tugnuy Basin,as probably the oldest Mesozoic basin in western Transbaikalia,is a key obj ect to date the onset of extension and following changes in tectonic setting.In this study,U-Pb(LA-ICP-MS) dating of detrital zircons from three key Jurassic sediment formations of the Tugnuy Basin are used to identify the potential source areas of the sediments,understand the changes in sediment routing and provide insights on the topographic evolution of western Transbaikalia.Our results show several significant changes in tectonic regime after the closure of the Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean.A wide uplifted plateau formed during the closure of the Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean,determining the Early Jurassic drainage system reaching the AngaraVitim batholith to the north and shedding sediments to the continental margin to the South.The following collisional event at the end of the Early Jurassic led to the uplift of the collision zone,which partially inverted the drainage system toward the North.A strike-slip displacement induced by the oblique collision initiated some of the early Transbaikalian depressions,such as the Tugnuy Basin at about 168 Ma.A phase of basin inversion,marked by folding and erosion of the Upper Jurassic sediments,could correspond to the short-term collision event that took place during the latest Jurassic-earliest Cretaceous in the eastern Central Asian Orogenic Belt.The following inversion in tectonic regime from compression to extension is consistent with the mid-lower-crustal extension that led to the formation of the numerous metamorphic core complexes throughout northeastern continental Asia during the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2000,13(4):189-245
3D stratigraphic geometries of the intracratonic Meso-Cenozoic Paris Basin were obtained by sequence stratigraphic correlations of around 1 100 wells (well-logs). The basin records the major tectonic events of the western part of the Eurasian Plate, i.e. opening and closure of the Tethys and opening of the Atlantic. From earlier Triassic to Late Jurassic, the Paris Basin was a broad subsiding area in an extensional framework, with a larger size than the present-day basin. During the Aalenian time, the subsidence pattern changes drastically (early stage of the central Atlantic opening). Further steps of the opening of the Ligurian Tethys (base Hettangian, late Pliensbachian;...) and its evolution into an oceanic domain (passive margin, Callovian) are equally recorded in the tectono-sedimentary history. The Lower Cretaceous was characterized by NE–SW compressive medium wavelength unconformities (late Cimmerian–Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary and intra-Berriasian and late Aptian unconformities) coeval with opening of the Bay of Biscay. These unconformities are contemporaneous with a major decrease of the subsidence rate. After an extensional period of subsidence (Albian to Turonian), NE–SW compression started in late Turonian time with major folding during the Late Cretaceous. The Tertiary was a period of very low subsidence in a compressional framework. The second folding stage occurred from the Lutetian to the Lower Oligocene (N–S compression) partly coeval with the E–W extension of the Oligocene rifts. Further compression occurred in the early Burdigalian and the Late Miocene in response to NE–SW shortening. Overall uplift occurred, with erosion, around the Lower/Middle Pleistocene boundary.  相似文献   

Late Paleozoic and Early Mesozoic epochs in the formation history of the Central Asian Foldbelt are distinguished by high rare-metal productivity. A number of large REE, Ta, Nb, Zr, Be, Sn, Li, Mo, Re, and other deposits were formed at that time. As a rule, they are of the magmatic origin and related to the intrusions of highly evolved igneous rocks varying in composition from alkaline ultramafic with carbonatites to alkali and Li-F granites. In general, the occurrences of rare-metal magmatism are related to the rift zones of the Central Asian Rift System formed 310?C190 Ma ago and conjugated with a consecutive series of the Barguzin, Hangay, and Hentiy zonal igneous provinces characterized by the large batholiths in their centers and rift zones in the framework. Such a structure indicates that these provinces were formed above isometric mantle sources or plumes with participation of large-scale crustal anatexis. The evident links of rare-metal deposits to occurrences of mantle magmatism within the zonal igneous provinces show that plume sources played an important role in their formation.  相似文献   

This paper reports geochronological, geochemical, zircon U–Pb and Hf–O isotopic data of the Late Triassic and Early Jurassic intrusive rocks in the northeastern North China Craton (NCC), with the aim of reconstructing the tectonic evolution and constraining the spatial–temporal extent of multiple tectonic regimes during the early Mesozoic. Zircon U–Pb ages indicate that the early Mesozoic magmatism in the northeastern NCC can be subdivided into two stages: Late Triassic (221–219 Ma) and Early Jurassic (180–177 Ma). Late Triassic magmatism produced mainly granodiorite and monzogranite, which occur as a NE–SW-trending belt parallel to the Sulu–Jingji Belt. Geochemically, they are classified as high-K calc-alkaline and metaluminous to weakly peraluminous granitoids, and are enriched in large-ion lithophile elements (LILEs) and light rare earth elements (LREEs), and depleted in high-field-strength elements (HFSEs; e.g., Nb, Ta, Ti, and P) and heavy rare earth elements (HREEs), indicating an affinity to adakite. Combined with their εHf(t) values (−17.9 to −3.2) and two-stage model ages (2387–1459 Ma), we conclude that the Late Triassic granitoid magma in the northeastern NCC was derived from partial melting of the thickened lower crust of the NCC and was related to deep subduction and collision between the NCC and the Yangtze Craton (YC). The Early Jurassic magmatism is composed mainly of monzogranites, which are classified as metaluminous, high-K calc-alkaline, and I-type granite. Their εHf(t) values and two-stage model ages are −16.7 to −4.2 and 2282–1491 Ma, respectively. Compared with the Late Triassic granitoids, the Early Jurassic granitoids have relatively high HREE contents, similar to calc-alkaline igneous rocks in an active continental margin setting. These Early Jurassic granitoids, together with the coeval calc-alkaline volcanic rocks and gabbro–diorite–granodiorite association in the northeastern (NE) Asian continental margin, comprise a NNE–SSW-trending belt parallel to the NE Asian continental margin, indicative of the onset of Paleo-Pacific Plate subduction beneath Eurasia.  相似文献   

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