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Tourist farms in Lower Silesia, Poland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In view of the small size of most Polish farms, attempts have been made to encourage diversification into rural tourism. The paper examines the progress made in Lower Silesia which has good resources for domestic and international tourism. Thanks to the promotional work of the Agricultural Consultative Centres over a hundred farms are now providing services. They do not generate a large share of the farm income but business is expanding and some areas are becoming very popular. Thus a base has been established for future expansion. Further development depends on easier access to credit and government support for ecological agriculture. Better promotion is also needed to increase interest in rural tourism in Poland and attract more visitors from abroad. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

 About 50 million tonnes/year of waste rock from coal-mining is generated in the limited area of the thickly populated Upper Silesian Coal Basin (USCB) in Poland. There are 380 coal-mining waste dumps, including 76 active dump sites covering over 2,000 ha. About 15-16 million tonnes/year of waste rock is being reused for civil engineering purposes in the same area. This brings about a problem of ground water deterioration by constituents leached from waste rock exposed to atmospheric conditions. The major factors determining the ground water contamination potential from waste rock are chloride salinity, sulfur content and acid generation potential. The concept behind the presented studies was to provide data for correct evaluation and prediction of contaminant release from the waste rock, based on the characterization of coal-mining waste properties, as well as on long-term laboratory, lysimetric and field studies. The results show that coal-mining waste dumps can be a long-term source of ground water contamination, lasting for decades and increasing with time. Ground water down-gradient from the disused 15–30-years-old part of the studied dump displays high and increasing acidification, high TDS, SO4, and the highest, still increasing concentrations of Mn, Fe and Zn. Cost-effective and efficient pollution control measures, similar to the presented design and construction elements of the dump site, can mitigate the negative environmental impacts. Received: 3 July 1997 · Accepted: 9 September 1998  相似文献   

Measurements of the directions of remanent magnetization of samples from sixty nine sites in the volcanic igneous rocks of Lower Silesia are reported. The activity spanned the time from Oligocene to Pliocene or Pleistocene, the magnetic data suggest the possible equivalence of the onset of vulcanity in Poland and East Germany. The stratigraphic control is too poor to permit the distinction of a sequence of magnetic zones.
Zusammenfassung An Proben aus vulkanischen Eruptivgesteinen von 69 Lokalitäten in Niederschlesien nahmen die Autoren Messungen der Richtungen remanenter Magnetisierung vor. Die Vulkantätigkeit umfaßte die Zeit vom Oligozän bis Pliozän oder Pleistozän. Die magnetischen Daten lassen vermuten, daß der Vulkanismus in Polen und Ostdeutschland gleichzeitig einsetzte. Die Stratigraphie ist noch zu wenig bekannt, um eine Folge magnetischer Zonen aufzustellen.

Résumé Les mesures de l'aimantation rémanente sur les échantillons prélevés de 69 sites dans les roches volcanique de Basse Silésie ont été faites. L'activité volcanique a duré de l'Oligocène jusqu'au Pliocène ou même Pleistocène; les résultats magnétiques indiquent qu'il est possible que le commencement du volcanisme en Pologne et Allemagne de l'est date de la même époque. La stratigraphie est mal connue et il n'est pas encore possible d'établir une série de zones magnétiques.

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Contribution no. 45, Geology Department, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio 44106.  相似文献   

Barium and radium discharged from coal mines in the Upper Silesia, Poland   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
 Waters discharged from coal mines in the Upper Silesia in Poland cause contamination of rivers and their sediments. Saline waters discharged from coal mines of the southern region contain elevated barium and radium. The discharge of these elements can be reduced by treating these waters with sulphates in mine workings. Sources of sulphate used in treatments include gypsum, anhydrite and industrial wastes such as: fly ash, slags and flotation tailings. Gypsum and anhydrite are used in the coal mine workings as components of the fire protection walls. Industrial wastes from power plants are stored in the mine workings as fire- and methane-protection agents. Sulphates precipitate barium and radium from saline waters inflowing into the mine workings. The waters can be treated by flowing them through old mine workings. In this case, the source of sulphates is the natural oxidation of pyrite. Mining activities and the natural process of desulphurisation of the Carboniferous rocks reduce the amount of barium and radium that is discharged in the southern region of Upper Silesia. The processes for reducing the environmental impact of toxic discharges from the mines should be monitored. Received: 3 July 1997 · Accepted: 27 March 2000  相似文献   

Occurrence and distributions of geochemical markers on vegetation and in soils covering two self-heating coal waste dumps were investigated with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC–MS) and compared with those of bitumen expelled on the coal waste dump surface. Presence of biomarkers, alkyl aromatic hydrocarbons, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and such polar compounds as phenols indicate that components of self-heating coal wastes indeed migrate to soils and plants surface and their characteristic fingerprints can be applied in passive monitoring to investigate migration of contaminants from self-heating coal wastes. Moreover, results allow to discriminate between the Upper- and Lower Silesian coal basins, notwithstanding value shifts caused by heating. Mechanisms enabling the migration of geochemical compounds into soils include mixing with weathered coal-waste material, transport in gases emitted due to self-heating and, indirectly, by deposition of biomass containing geochemical substances. Transport in gases involves mostly lighter compounds such as phenols, methylnaphthalenes, methylbiphenyls, etc. Distributions and values of geochemical ratios are related to differences in their boiling temperatures in the case of lighter compounds but preserve geochemical features in the case of heavier compounds such as pentacyclic trierpanes.  相似文献   

To discriminate possible anthropogenic and lithogenic sources of Pb in Lower Silesia (SW Poland), the Pb isotope composition was investigated in a spectrum of rocks and anthropogenic materials as well as within 10 soil profiles. Silicate rocks in Lower Silesia have 206Pb/207Pb ratios that vary from 1.17 for serpentinites to 1.38 for gneisses, and this variability is reflected in the isotope composition of the mineral soil horizons. The Pb isotope composition of coals, ores and anthropogenic materials (slags and fly ashes) is rather uniform, with 206Pb/207Pb ratios ranging from 1.17 to 1.18. Similar ratios were observed in ore and coal samples from Upper Silesia. The O soil horizons also have uniform 206Pb/207Pb ratios of 1.17–1.18 and the heterogeneity of the 206Pb/207Pb ratios increases with depth in the soil profiles. Five soils, with varying Pb concentrations, analysed far from contamination centres, show consistent, approximately 2-fold enrichment in Pb concentration from the C to A horizons, which is consistent with natural re-distribution of Pb within the profiles. The increase in the Pb concentration is accompanied by a decrease in 206Pb/207Pb ratios, also attributed to natural Pb isotope fractionation. Four soil profiles from industrial areas show variable enrichments in Pb concentrations and these are attributed to anthropogenic input from air-borne pollutants or even slag particles at smelting sites. The implication is that a lithogenic Pb source can deviate from the basement rock composition, and detailed isotope characteristics of the geological background and natural enrichments in soils are often needed to determine the lithogenic/anthropogenic proportions of Pb in soils.  相似文献   

The Kupferschiefer in Poland has an increased U content. The facies high in organic matter are significantly enriched in U. The maximum values of U are mostly in the lower part of the Kupferschiefer sequence. The mean (x) U content in the Kupferschiefer from the Lubin-Sieroszowice district is 61.5 ppm and from the rest of the Polish Zechstein basin is about 26 ppm. Thorium occurs only in small quantities (x) = 1.5 and 5 ppm respectively). The high variance of U and Th in the Kupferschiefer is due to multistage diagenetic processes. The main U carrier is thucholite. The investigated thucholite showed a Th-content below 0.36 ppm. Thucholite with uraninite exolutions showed small (up to 1.0 wt.%) admixtures of U and thucholite without microscopically visible exsolutions (up to 37.85 wt.% U). The phosphates showed significant amounts of U (up to 0.24 wt.). The U content in the Kupferschiefer is significantly lower than in black shales from other part of the world. Uranium in the Lubin district is not economic.  相似文献   

 The natural process of sulphate reduction takes place in the Rontok Pond. During the reduction the concentration of sulphate in the pond water decreases. The changes of δ34S in the pond water are typical for bacterial reduction. The reduction process in the Rontok Pond causes dissolution of barium and the radium from the pond sediments into the water. Concentrations of barium and 226Ra in the discharged water from the Silesia Coal Mine are lower than in water flowing out of the Rontok Pond into the Vistula River. The opposite trend is observed for iron and also Zn, Co, Ni, Mn, Al and Cu because of the precipitation of ferric hydroxide in the stream. The reduction process, which causes dissolution of barium and radium in water, can explain the release of these elements into the Vistula River. The dissolution of toxic elements can be reduced by the precipitation of non-toxic deposits on the sediment of Rontok Pond. Received: 3 July 1999 · Accepted: 27 March 2000  相似文献   

In the Carpathian Flysch, coal is present either as exotics of Carboniferous coal deposits or as autochthonous, thin layers of lustrous coal. This paper present the results of the studies of coal-bearing rocks that are coeval with the enclosing flysch sediments. These coals form lenses up to 0.15 m thick. Their morphology precludes an exotic origin. The main petrographic component is collinite with admixtures of poorly fluorescing telinite. Minor components are: exudatinite, sporinite, fusinite, micrinite and sclerotinite. Mineral matter consists of framboidal pyrite clay minerals and quartz.The random reflectance of telocollinite varies from 0.38% to 0.72%, which corresponds to subbituminous and bituminous ranks. Correlation between chemical analysis, coking properties and relfectance measurements, leads to the conclusion that boundary between subbituminous and bituminous coals should be defined by the following values: C=80wt%, VOLATILES=43wt%; calorific VALUE=32.3 MJ/kg; and Ro=0.56–0.57%.Atypical properties, such as: upper C value (75–80wt%); high volatile matter contents (over 43wt%) and low random reflectance (o about 0.38–0.57%) in subbituminous coals; low C value (about 80–82wt%); low reflectance (0.56–0.72%); and good coking properties, of the bituminous coals are attributed to quick coalification during increasing temperature as a result of tectonic stress.  相似文献   

王绪民  郭伟  余飞  易朝  孙霖 《岩土力学》2016,37(Z2):363-368
采用2次注入菌液方式,制备不同浓度营养盐处理的微生物诱导碳酸钙沉淀(MICP)胶结砂样。通过固结排水三轴试验和碳酸钙定量化学试验测定试样强度参数及碳酸钙(CaCO3)含量,分析了营养盐浓度对胶结砂物理力学特性的影响及碳酸钙沉淀量试样强度指标间的关系。结果表明,同等反应时间、同等体积营养盐溶液条件下,随着营养盐浓度的提高试样强度逐渐升高,且达到一定峰值后再下降;碳酸钙晶体分布形态较好条件下,变形模量随着试样干密度的增加而增加;碳酸钙晶体分布形态和沉淀含量共同影响MICP试样强度的提高,试验中0.5 M试样强度提高效果最好,碳酸钙含量、黏聚力、内摩擦角分别为6.03%、46.9 kPa和41.31°。  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2001,16(7-8):895-910
Coalbed gases in the Lower Silesian Coal Basin (LSCB) of Poland are highly variable in both their molecular and stable isotope compositions. Geochemical indices and stable isotope ratios vary within the following ranges: hydrocarbon (CHC) index CHC=CH4/(C2H6+ C3H8) from 1.1 to 5825, wet gas (C2+) index C2+=(C2H6+ C3H8+ C4H10+ C5H12) / (CH4+ C2H6+ C3H8+ C4H10+ C5H12) 100 (%) from 0.0 to 48.3%, CO2–CH4 (CDMI) index CDMI=CO2/(CO2+ CH4) 100 (%) from 0.1 to 99.9%, δ13C(CH4) from −66.1 to −24.6‰, δD(CH4) from −266 to −117‰, δ13C(C2H6) from −27.8 to −22.8‰, and δ13C(CO2) from −26.6 to 16.8‰. Isotopic studies reveal the presence of 3 genetic types of natural gases: thermogenic (CH4, higher gaseous hydrocarbons, and CO2), endogenic CO2, and microbial CH4 and CO2. Thermogenic gases resulted from coalification processes, which were probably completed by Late Carboniferous and Early Permian time. Endogenic CO2 migrated along the deep-seated faults from upper mantle and/or magma chambers. Minor volumes of microbial CH4 and CO2 occur at shallow depths close to the abandoned mine workings. “Late-stage” microbial processes have commenced in the Upper Cretaceous and are probably active at present. However, depth-related isotopic fractionation which has resulted from physical and physicochemical (e.g. diffusion and adsorption/desorption) processes during gas migration cannot be neglected. The strongest rock and gas outbursts occur only in those parts of coal deposits of the LSCB which are dominated by large amounts of endogenic CO2.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1999,14(2):187-196
High concentrations of several heavy metals were suspected in soils in an area of some contemporary and extensive historical mining and smelting of Pb and Zn near the town of Bytom. In order to investigate the spatial distribution of heavy metals, 152 soil samples were taken at high sampling density in an area of 14 km2 on a regular grid as well as along an 11 km transect. The samples were analysed for total Pb, Zn and Cd content by ICP-AES; a selection of samples were also analysed for total As content.Significant levels of contamination were found. Median topsoil concentrations (0–10 cm) for Pb, Cd, Zn and As were 430 μg g−1, 13 μg g−1, 1245 μg g−1 and 35 μg g−1, respectively. The detected levels of Pb, Zn and Cd were mostly in reasonable agreement with findings from a previous low-density study, but As concentrations were up to 6 times higher than had previously been reported for the area. Additional zones of particularly high concentrations could be identified for all 4 elements by this higher-density survey. Contaminant concentrations were generally found to decrease substantially with increasing depth, on average by a factor of 3.5 for Cd, 3.0 for Zn and 2.6 for Pb. However, significant subsoil contamination (40–50 cm) was also detected, in particular for Zn, Pb and As, which appeared to be enriched at depth in certain locations.To assess the potential availability of the metals to plants, the exchangeable fraction (0.5 M MgCl2) was estimated for Pb, Zn and Cd for 84 samples. Levels were strongly influenced by soil pH and were generally low for Pb (less than 1% of total, max 15.6%), moderate for Zn (less than 10% of total, max 32.4%), and high for Cd (mean 35% of total, max 59.8%). For Zn and Pb, there seemed to be a threshold pH value of about 6, below which a significant increase in the exchangeable fraction was observed. No such threshold value appeared to exist for Cd, which was found to be relatively labile even in slightly alkaline soils (mean of 27.6% exchangeable Cd in pH range 7–8).The detected levels of total metal contamination exceed various national and international thresholds, indicating the need for further investigation and an assessment of the suitability of the land for agricultural use, particularly in view of the high levels of exchangeable Cd.The pattern of spatial variation of the metals in the topsoil indicates that a variety of sources might be responsible for the contamination, historical mining and smelting probably being the most important.  相似文献   

Serpentine minerals in the gangue often interfere with the concentration of nickel sulfide ores. The influence of slime coatings of the serpentine minerals chrysotile and lizardite on the flotation of unoxidized pentlandite has been studied. In addition to microflotation testing at pH 9 with potassium amyl xanthate collector, electrophoresis and scanning electron microscopy have been used. The formation of a slime coating was found to be directly related to the surface charges on the slime and the sulfide mineral. Chemical additives which modified the slime surface charge, such as carboxy methyl cellulose, dextrin, sodium pyrophosphate and sodium silicate, were shown to be effective in reducing the adverse influence of the slime on the flotation of pentlandite.  相似文献   

田树刚  牛绍武 《地质通报》2010,29(203):173-187
通过实测冀北滦平梁根村-东沟村九佛堂组剖面,并在开展多学科系统研究的基础上,把剖面划分为3个岩性段,建立了系统的叶肢介生物地层6个组合,进行辽西九佛堂组—沙海组与冀北滦平九佛堂组的等时性对比;分析剖面的沉积相叠置特征,证明了剖面的沉积连续性和沉积旋回性变化,识别出剖面的3个浅湖相三级层序,重新厘定九佛堂阶的定义及其单位、界线层型。建议将“沙海阶”并入九佛堂阶,单位和界线层型定在冀北滦平盆地西北部梁根村-东山村之间;底界以叶肢介Eosestheria fuxinensis和E. jiufotangensis 的首现为标志。  相似文献   

田树刚  牛绍武 《地质通报》2010,29(0203):173-187
通过实测冀北滦平梁根村-东沟村九佛堂组剖面,并在开展多学科系统研究的基础上,把剖面划分为3个岩性段,建立了系统的叶肢介生物地层6个组合,进行辽西九佛堂组—沙海组与冀北滦平九佛堂组的等时性对比;分析剖面的沉积相叠置特征,证明了剖面的沉积连续性和沉积旋回性变化,识别出剖面的3个浅湖相三级层序,重新厘定九佛堂阶的定义及其单位、界线层型。建议将“沙海阶”并入九佛堂阶,单位和界线层型定在冀北滦平盆地西北部梁根村-东山村之间;底界以叶肢介Eosestheria fuxinensis和E. jiufotangensis 的首现为标志。  相似文献   

通过实测冀北滦平梁根村-东沟村九佛堂组剖面,并在开展多学科系统研究的基础上,把剖面划分为3个岩性段,建立了系统的叶肢介生物地层6个组合.进行辽西九佛堂组-沙海组与冀北滦平九佛堂组的等时性对比;分析剖面的沉积相叠置特征,证明了剖面的沉积连续性和沉积旋回性变化,识别出剖面的3个浅湖相三级层序,重新厘定九佛堂阶的定义及其单位、界线层型.建议将"沙海阶"并入九佛堂阶,单位和界线层型定在冀北滦平盆地西北部梁根村-东山村之间;底界以叶肢介Eosestheria fuxinensis和E.jiufotangensis的首现为标志.  相似文献   

通过实测冀北滦平梁根村-东沟村九佛堂组剖面,并在开展多学科系统研究的基础上,把剖面划分为3个岩性段,建立了系统的叶肢介生物地层6个组合,进行辽西九佛堂组—沙海组与冀北滦平九佛堂组的等时性对比;分析剖面的沉积相叠置特征,证明了剖面的沉积连续性和沉积旋回性变化,识别出剖面的3个浅湖相三级层序,重新厘定九佛堂阶的定义及其单位、界线层型。建议将"沙海阶"并入九佛堂阶,单位和界线层型定在冀北滦平盆地西北部梁根村-东山村之间;底界以叶肢介Eosesthe-ria fuxinensis和E.jiufotangensis的首现为标志。  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of CHIME (chemical Th–U–Pb isochron method) dating of detrital monazites from Carboniferous sandstones in the Upper Silesia Coal Basin (USCB). A total of 4739 spots on 863 monazite grains were analyzed from samples of sandstone derived from six stratigraphic units in the sedimentary sequence. Age distributions were identified in detrital monazites from the USCB sequence and correlated with specific dated domains in potential source areas. Most monazites in all samples yielded ca. 300–320 Ma (Variscan) ages; however, eo-Variscan, Caledonian and Cadomian ages were also obtained. The predominant ages are comparable to reported ages of certain tectonostratigraphic domains in the polyorogenic Bohemian Massif (BM), which suggests that various crystalline lithologies in the BM were the dominant sources of USCB sediments.  相似文献   

 An evaluation of the influence of channel processes (erosion, accumulation, processing of channel sediments) on the dispersal of heavy metals in bottom sediments was carried out in the channels of the Sztoła and Biała Przemsza rivers in Upper Silesia, Poland. These rivers receive waters from a Zn and Pb mine. Mine waters transport a large amount of fine-grained sediments contaminated with heavy metals. The polluted material is accumulated in these stream courses and mixed with nearly homogeneous sandy sediment derived from erosion of the river banks and bed. Because these alluvia are easily set in motion, the distribution of heavy metal concentration in the channel in fraction <1 mm reflects differences in physical processes of sedimentation in its cross-section. The minimal values in active channel and maximal in the near-bank zone are typical for those channel sections where heavy metals, present in a solid state, are transported as a suspended load (normally the largest part of a polluted river course). In short sections heavy metals associated with the grains of a large mass which has accumulated in the active channel are transported as a bed load and the typical distribution pattern is reversed (in fractions both <1 mm and <0.063 mm). Such regularities can be disturbed in localities where strong, turbulent flow or frequent eddying occur and Mn oxides and hydrooxides and associated elements precipitate. The smallest variation in heavy metal concentration in the homogenous, fine-grained bank sediments which are trapped by plants below water level is a feature which recommends these localities as being the most suitable for monitoring of river pollution. Received: 11 November 1997 · Accepted: 12 March 1998  相似文献   

实测了冀北滦平西瓜园组李营-王家沟剖面和马圈村剖面,在开展多学科系统研究的基础上,把剖面划分为4个岩性段,建立了系统的叶肢介生物地层分带序列,进行辽西义县组与冀北西瓜园组的等时性对比,分析剖面的沉积相叠置特征,证明了剖面的沉积连续性和沉积旋回性变化,识别出剖面的4个三级层序,确定了义县阶的定义及其单位和界线层型。从而建议重新厘定“义县阶”的定义和层型,将冀北滦平李营一王家沟剖面作为下白垩统义县阶的单位层型,将冀北滦平马圈村大店子组一西瓜园组界线剖面作为义县阶的底界层型,将冀北滦平西瓜园组的时限范围定为义县阶;取消以张家沟大店子组时限范围所定的义县下亚阶,改为张家沟阶。  相似文献   

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