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长江口南支涨潮槽新桥水道冲淤变化的定量计算 总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5
根据1861~2002年100多年中的15幅海图资料,以GIS技术为支持,建立不同时期长江口水下数字高程模型(DEM),对长江河口南支涨潮槽新桥水道进行了冲淤变化的定量计算,并对比计算了多年来新桥水道0m岸线和5m等深线以及横断面的演变.计算结果显示在所研究的区域内自1861年以来新桥水道冲淤过程明显被分为三个阶段:1861~1926年的66a间新桥水道区域经过一段时间的冲刷后又重新产生淤积,总容积变化不大;1926~1958年的33a间新桥水道在不断的冲刷中总容积由2.603亿m3增长到5.076亿m3;1958年至今的45a时间里水道容积基本保持在平均5.02亿m3.1926年新桥水道10m等深线已经形成一定的格局.1947年5m等深线向上延伸,扁担沙已经不再与崇明岛相连;1958年上下扁担沙的5m等深线基本连成一体,可以认为此时新桥水道已经形成.从新桥水道的横断面变化来看,其主泓不断发生变化,主泓经历了向北移的过程,移动约为1.1~2.8km. 相似文献
崇明岛南岸发育有六滧涨潮槽,研究其演变过程对于崇明世界级生态岛港口建设、通航安全和岸滩稳定具有重要意义。为此,在长江口北港中上段2000、2004、2008、2012和2018年海图水深数据的基础上,分别于2018年7月利用SeaBat 7125、2019年7月利用M80无人艇搭载的SeaBat T50-P多波束测深系统以及ADCP对六滧涨潮槽开展了水下地形和流速的测量工作,分析工程影响下六滧涨潮槽的演变特征。结果表明:六滧涨潮槽淤浅,外侧沙脊冲刷剧烈,槽内落潮优势明显。其原因为流域来沙减少、以青草沙水库为主体工程的南北港分流口整治及长江大桥的修建导致了北港中上段主槽冲刷、主流北移。同时,六滧涨潮槽局部水动力条件增强,槽内的丁坝坝头局部冲刷加剧,并且奚家港东侧岸滩出现侵蚀,需引起重视。 相似文献
中国河口湿地的一般特点 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
河口湿地以其独有的海陆生态交错区的功能而引起各方研究。本文可口湿地的概念和特征后,分别论述了我国四大河口湿地:长江河口湿地、黄河河口湿地、珠江河口湿地和辽河河口湿地的组成、沉积物特点、环境以及生物资源等,并指出了目前河口湿地开发利用的状况及今后开发目标。 相似文献
基于ADCP走航观测得到长江河口北槽弯道附近3个横向断面(AD3、AD5和AD6)的流速资料,采用涡度方法,本文计算、分析了弯道环流与混合在垂直横向上的时空分布、影响因素及其重要性。3个横向断面上均存在由不规则界面分开的二层结构的横向环流。半拉格朗日余流的计算结果显示:(1)小潮期间,AD3、AD5和AD6断面呈现表层向海、底层向陆的纵向环状半拉格朗日余流;大潮期间,呈现表、底层均向海的纵向半拉格朗日余流;(2)小潮期间,AD3断面呈现表层向北导堤、底层向南导堤的横向环状半拉格朗日余流;大潮期间,AD3断面中间区域呈现表层向北导堤、底层向南导堤的、而断面两端区域则呈现表层向南导堤、底层向北导堤的横向环状半拉格朗日余流;(3)小、大潮期间,横向断面AD5和AD6均呈现表层向北导堤、底层向南导堤的横向环状半拉格朗日余流;(4)"纵向半拉格朗日余流"在–0.2—0.7m/s;横向半拉格朗日余流"在–0.15—0.2m/s;(5)纵向半拉格朗日余流在横向上有明显变化。对弯道环流的进一步分析表明:(1)斜压梯度、内部摩擦致混合和底部摩擦致混合这三项各自的纵向分量是驱动纵向环流形成的主要因素,"纵向动量的横向重新分布项"次之,离心力和地转的影响可忽略;(2)横向斜压梯度和内部摩擦致混合项是驱动横向环流形成的主要因素,离心力、地转和底部摩擦致混合次之;(3)横向环流可能通过"纵向动量的横向重新分布项"减弱纵向动量,从而可能减弱纵向环流。 相似文献
利用多种先进室内外测量仪器进行河口现场观测和室内电镜扫描获得相关资料,对长江河口北槽河道细颗粒泥沙絮凝的水沙环境、絮团的微观形态结构、絮团的粒径组成及其主要影响因素进行了综合分析和讨论。结果表明,北槽河道具有非常适宜细颗粒泥沙絮凝的潮流、盐度、含沙量和悬沙颗粒粒径等基本环境条件。北槽河道悬沙絮团形态多样,主要包括松散状絮团、蜂窝状絮团和密实状絮团。絮团主要由细粉砂和黏土类细颗粒泥沙组成,表面多粗糙不平,结构或密或疏。絮团粒径变化与潮周期动力过程密切相关,具有周期性变化特征。涨、落憩时絮团粒径较大,涨、落急时絮团粒径较小。絮团粒径涨憩大于落憩,小潮大于大潮。垂向上,絮团粒径由表层至底层逐渐增大。周期性潮流流速对北槽河道悬沙絮团粒径变化起到了控制作用。北槽细颗粒泥沙絮凝作用,是导致疏浚航道发生回淤的主要原因之一。 相似文献
长江河口北槽水沙过程对航道整治工程的响应 总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1
北槽大型航道整治工程确定了南北槽分汊口分流界线, 阻碍了北槽和邻近滩槽的水沙自由交换过程, 使北槽水沙动力过程发生调整。基于工程前后北槽主槽纵向同步水沙观测数据的统计分析表明:入口段落潮优势显著减弱;上段枯季时落潮优势显著减弱, 而洪季时落潮优势有所增强;中段(弯曲段拐点附近)落潮优势略有减弱;下段落潮优势明显加强。北槽主槽水沙纵向输移机制分析表明:欧拉余流、潮泵作用、斯托克斯效应和垂向环流为悬沙输移的主要驱动力, 其中欧拉余流输沙指向海, 斯托克斯输沙和垂向环流输沙指向陆, 而潮泵输沙随着季节而变化。洪季, 欧拉余流输沙和潮泵输沙在工程前后的变化使大潮期河床冲淤由中段和下段普遍落淤转化为中上段集中落淤。枯季, 工程前后稳定的潮流辐散输沙作用使大潮期河床以冲刷为主, 但工程后在入口段和上段潮泵的向上游输沙占优势, 使悬沙在入口段落淤。 相似文献
河口地区航槽开挖后槽内流速变化 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
根据河口挖槽的特点进行水槽与挖槽设计,并在宽水槽试验的基础上,通过因次和线型分析,得出顺直挖槽和斜挖槽后统一的流速计算公式,公式计算值与实测值为接近,本文公式已用于实际航道回淤预报计算中。 相似文献
长江河口主槽地貌形态观测与分析 总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1
人类活动可以改变流域至河口的泥沙输运与沉积。尽管一些近期的研究已经调查了长江河口的形态演变,然而,流域和河口工程如何影响河口河床的形态演变仍然是不清楚的。该文利用2010年至2015年多波束测深系统和浅地层剖面仪等先进现场测量仪器的长江口主槽走航测量资料,并结合主槽表层沉积物资料,分析了近年来人为强干扰下的长江河口主槽底床微地貌形态,以理解近期人类活动对河口的影响。结果显示:近年来长江河口主槽底床上除了存在平床、沙波、冲沟和冲刷痕等常见微地貌形态外,还存在着疏浚痕和凹坑等人为微地貌形态。在流域和河口大型工程的共同影响下,近年来南北港中上段、横沙通道和南槽上段均受到不同程度的冲刷,其主槽底床上呈现出不同程度冲沟和冲刷痕等侵蚀性微地貌。而由于疏浚工程的影响,南港下段、圆圆沙航槽和北槽航道底床上出现了大范围的疏浚痕和凹坑。近年来包括南槽上段、北槽主槽中段和下段的局部区域和北港拦门沙河段局部区域在内的长江河口最大浑浊带的河床沉积物有粗化趋势。南北港中上段和横沙通道的大部分区域均发育了大量沙波微地貌;总体上,长江河口沙波的波高在0.12~3.12 m,波长在2.83~127.89 m,波高/波长在0.003~0.136,长江河口中上段的沙波尺度(波高的均值为0.91 m,波长的均值为20.08 m)大于密西西比河下游(波高的均值为0.87 m,波长的均值为17.62 m),且两区域沙波的几何形态差异性较小。 相似文献
Seawater Intrusion in Semi-Closed Convergent Estuaries (Case Study of Moroccan Atlantic Estuaries): Application of Salinity Analytical Models 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Salinity is an important parameter influencing the water quality of estuaries, and can constitute a serious problem to society due to the need for freshwater for industry and agriculture. Therefore, the determination of salt intrusion length in estuaries is a challenge for managers as well as scientists in this field. The managers tend to use simple and reliable tools for salinity variation. Although 2-D and 3-D numerical models are common tools for the prediction of salinity intrusion now, analytical models of salinity variation are much more efficient, and also require minimal sets of river data. In this paper, two analytical solutions, Brockway and Savenije used worldwide to assess longitudinal salinity variation in alluvial estuaries, are applied to the Moroccan Atlantic semi-closed estuaries, i.e., Sebou and Loukkos. The solutions are derived from salt convection-dispersion equations, with different assumptions for the dispersion coefficient. The estuaries' bathymetry is described by an exponential function. The performance of these two solutions was evaluated by comparing their results with field-measured salinity data. The Brockway model's salinity predictions performs well to observations especially in downstream reaches of the two estuaries (Sebou: R2 = 0.95, root mean square error [RMSE] = 1.50‰, normalized root mean square error [NRMSE] = 3.45‰; Loukkos: R2 = 0.95, RMSE = 1.13‰, NRMSE = 3.01‰), while the Savenije model outperformed the Brockway's model and is better to predict salt intrusion length and salinity variation along the two estuaries (Sebou: R2 = 0.97, RMSE = 1.15‰, NRMSE = 2.85‰; Loukkos: R2 = 0.98, RMSE = 0.95‰, NRMSE = 1.94‰). This revealed that both analytical solutions apply well to the estimation of salinity variation and the prediction of salt intrusion in these two estuaries. 相似文献
1998年夏季长江特大洪水入海的化学水文学特征 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
根据1998年夏季长江流域特大洪水期间黄海、东海的现场调查资料,讨论了洪水入海对黄海和东海陆架区化学水文学的影响。给出了迄今调查获得的长江冲淡水及其营养物质的最大扩展范围;发现了表层溶解氧和pH分布的一个突出现象,即在南黄海南部和东海北部的远岸海域存在一溶解氧和pH高值封闭区;指出浮游植物的光合作用主要发生在南黄海南端至东海北部海域,而不是在长江口门内。南黄海南部,东海北部和东海近岸海域过量无机氮的存在表明,与其它海洋生态系统不同,上述海域的初级生产可能是磷限制而非氮限制。 相似文献
XIE Wenhui YANG Shilun
Graduate Student State Key Lab of Estuarine Coastal Sediment Dynamics Morphodynamics East China Normal University Shanghai P. R. China.
Professor State Key Lab of Estuarine Coastal Sediment Dynamics Morphodynamics East China Normal University Shanghai P. R. China. 《中国海洋工程》1999,(2)
-Based on historic topographic maps and field surveys,this paper mainly deals with the forma-tion and evolution of the Jiuduansha Shoal and the North Passage and South Passage in the ChangjiangEstuary.Jiuduansha Shoal originated from the partition of the south part of the Tongsha Shoal as the re-sult of connection of a flood channel and an ebb channel.The embryo of the North Passage was a floodchannel,and that of the South Passage was the lower reaches of the former South Channel.There weretwo basic kinds of change in erosion and accumulation since the formation of Jiuduansha Shoal:continu-ous change and periodic change.The former includes the broadening of the island area,accretion on thetidal marsh and tidal flat and downstream migration of the island.The latter includes cyclic erosion andaccumulation on the two river channel banks of the island and the North and South Passages.The islandand the two bifurcated river Passages interacted on each other in erosion and accumulation changes.Atpresent,the cou 相似文献
The Need for Definitions in Understanding Estuaries 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This paper considers what the definition/classification of estuaries has taught us and why there is a need for classification systems. It further considers why we need to define an estuary and its constituent parts, including the fundamental difficulty and dilemma of trying to define parts of a continuum, as a means to both understanding and managing that estuary. The review considers where an estuary starts and ends and the relative merits of defining estuaries in terms of their biology, physics, chemistry, geographic nature and socio-economic units. It briefly discusses the need for legal and planning definitions and the linkages between science and management. Following this, we present a generic framework for the definition, classification, monitoring, assessment, reporting and management of estuaries. In particular, it is argued that scientists should engage in the debate on the definition of estuaries for legal and socio-economic purposes. It is concluded here that as existing definitions will never be suitable for all needs, a different approach is required. The proposed ‘ Expert Judgement Checklist Approach ’ could provide guidance for those needing to define/delimit an estuary while still acknowledging the inherent variability of such systems. The proposed system mostly relates to the European, temperate estuary, but there are lessons here for estuaries worldwide. 相似文献
Nanxiaohong and Nangang main south channel are chosen as the typical flood and ebb channels. Hydrodynamics analysis based on field hydrological and sediment data is conducted with Gao-Collins model to analyse sediment transport trends. Also, the grain size distribution analysis of the bottom sediment sampled in Sep. 2001 is used as the base of the analysis. The result shows that the sediment in Nanxiaohong is from the rive mouth area. The sediment transports upwards with the flood flow which is stronger than the ebb flow, i.e., in the direction of SE-WN. The sediment in main south channel comes from upward. They transport downwards with the ebb flow. which is stronger than the flood flow, i.e., in the direction of WN-SE. The directions, sources and mechanism of sediment transport are identified according to comprehensive analyses of the observed data on hydrodynamics and sediment. 相似文献
Mangrove swamps and hypersaline saltflats fringe many estuaries in dry tropical climates, especially in Northern Australia. For most of the year these estuaries receive zero riverine freshwater input and thus, after the wet season, a steady increase in salinity occurs. In some locations the estuary becomes fully inverse, i.e. the salinity increases monotonically from the mouth to the head. In other locations, a salinity maximum zone separates the sea from low salinity water that persists at the head of the estuary throughout the dry season. Field data from five estuaries indicate that in short estuaries where a large area of saltflats and mangroves extends over the whole length of the estuary, the estuary becomes completely inverse with salinity rising to 55 within a couple of months. The evaporation and evapotranspiration over the saltflats and mangroves cause this rapid increase in salinity. Longer estuaries where a large area of salt flat exists only close to the mouth do not become completely hypersaline for the whole length of the estuary by the end of the dry season. A salinity-maximum is generated close to the river mouth but salinities of less than 10 persist in the upper reaches of the estuary until the end of the dry season, even though the estuary does not receive any further freshwater input. A simple analytical expression is presented that reproduces the changes in salinities in the estuaries studied. This model can be used to predict the formation of hypersaline conditions in other mangrove and saltflat fringed estuaries where freshwater flow is negligible. 相似文献