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Jökulhlaups (glacial outburst floods) are common hazards in many glaciated environments. However, research on the controls on the sedimentological and geomorphological impact of jökulhlaups is rare. Developing a more comprehensive understanding of flood impacts may be useful for hazard identification, prediction and mitigation. This study determines the controls on the sedimentological and geomorphological impact of a jökulhlaup in January 2002 at Kverkfjöll, northern Iceland. This jökulhlaup, caused by geothermal activity, reached a peak discharge of 490 m3s?1 as recorded at a permanent gauging station 40 km downstream from the glacier snout. However, reconstructed peak discharges in the proximal part of the jökulhlaup channel near the glacier snout indicate a peak discharge of 2590 m3s?1. The jökulhlaup hydrograph was characterized by a rapid rising stage and a more gradual falling stage. As a result, sedimentary and geomorphological impacts included poorly sorted, structureless, matrix‐supported deposits; massive sand units; clast‐supported units; ice‐proximal cobbles, rip‐up clasts and kettle‐holes; and steep‐sided kettle‐holes. These features are proposed to be characteristic of rapid rising stage deposition. Additionally, large‐scale gravel bars and bedload sheets prograded and migrated during the rapid rising stage. The development of these bedforms was facilitated by high bedload transport rates, due to high discharge acceleration rates during the rapid rising stage. During the more prolonged falling stage, there was sufficient time for sediment incision and erosion to occur, exhuming cobbles, ice blocks and rip‐up clasts, and creating well‐defined terrace surfaces. This study provides a clearer understanding of hydrological and sedimentological processes and mechanisms operating during jökulhlaups, and helps to identify flood hazards more accurately, which is fundamental for hazard management and minimizing risk.  相似文献   

This paper presents geomorphological and sedimentological evidence for three large‐scale floods to the west of the ice‐capped volcano Katla around the time of Norse settlement or Landnám (AD 870–930). These glacial outburst floods (jökulhlaups), the most recent prehistoric events in a series of Holocene floods in the Markarfljót valley, are securely dated by tephrochronology and radiocarbon dating to between c. AD 500 and c. AD 900. The environmental impact of these events would have been extensive, affecting both the highlands and about 40–50 km2 of the coastal lowlands where about 15 of the 400 or so landnám farms in Iceland were sited. An awareness of environmental conditions and landscape stability around the time of the Norse colonisation of Iceland is important to understand the earliest settlement patterns because of the different constraints and opportunities that they represent.  相似文献   

Terminus geometry, ice margins, and surface elevations on Rabots glaciär were measured using differential GPS during summer 2011 and compared with those similarly measured in 2003. Glacier length over the eight years decreased by ~105 m corresponding to 13 m a?1, a rate consistent with ice recession over the last several decades. Measured changes in surface elevations show that between 2003 and 2011 the glacier's volume decreased by ~27.6 ± 2.6 × 106 m3, or 3.5 ± 0.3 × 106 m3 a?1. This compares favorably with an estimate of ?28.1 ± 2.6 × 106 m3 based on a mass‐balance approach. The rate of volume loss appears, however, to have significantly increased after 2003, being substantially greater than rates determined for the intervals 1959–80, 1980–89, and 1989–2003. This increase corresponds to a sustained interval of more negative summer balances. Previous work suggests that as of 2003 Rabots glaciär had not yet completed its response to a ~1°C warming that occurred c. 1900, and thus the current marked increase rate of ice loss might reflect the effect of recent, or accelerated regional warming that occurred during the last decade superimposed on its continued response to that earlier warming.  相似文献   

Here we present datasets from a hydroacoustic survey in July 2011 at Lake Torneträsk, northern Sweden. Our hydroacoustic data exhibit lake floor morphologies formed by glacial erosion and accumulation processes, insights into lacustrine sediment accumulation since the beginning of deglaciation, and information on seismic activity along the Pärvie Fault. Features of glacial scouring with a high‐energy relief, steep slopes, and relative reliefs of more than 50 m are observed in the large W‐basin. The remainder of the lacustrine subsurface appears to host a broad variety of well preserved formations from glacial accumulation related to the last retreat of the Fennoscandian ice sheet. Deposition of glaciolacustrine and lacustrine sediments is focused in areas situated in proximity to major inlets. Sediment accumulation in distal areas of the lake seldom exceeds 2 m or is not observable. We assume that lack of sediment deposition in the lake is a result of different factors, including low rates of erosion in the catchment, a previously high lake level leading to deposition of sediments in higher elevated paleodeltas, tributaries carrying low suspension loads as a result of sedimentation in upstream lakes, and an overall low productivity in the lake. A clear off‐shore trace of the Pärvie Fault could not be detected from our hydroacoustic data. However, an absence of sediment disturbance in close proximity to the presumed fault trace implies minimal seismic activity since deposition of the glaciolacustrine and lacustrine sediments.  相似文献   

Changes in lake-water pH, alkalinity and colour were inferred from diatoms in surface sediment samples and sediment samples from pre-industrial times from 118 northern Swedish lakes. This palaeolimnological study does not support the hypothesis that there is a large-scale modern acidification in the two northernmost counties of Sweden; pH had decreased significantly in eight lakes, while five had a significant increase. Partial least-squares regression of changes in water chemistry in relation to catchment characteristics was performed to evaluate the causes of the acidity status. Furthermore, temporal trends were assessed from long sediment cores from five acidic lakes. The results suggest that the presently acid lakes have faced a long-term acidification trend over several thousand years due to soil-forming processes and vegetation development. However, due to the acid sensitivity of the region, future acidification trends in northern Swedish lakes should be carefully observed and assessed.  相似文献   

Mapping and laboratory analysis of the sediment—landform associations in the proglacial area of polythermal Storglaciären, Tarfala, northern Sweden, reveal six distinct lithofacies. Sandy gravel, silty gravel, massive sand and silty sand are interpreted as glaciofluvial in origin. A variable, pervasively deformed to massive clast‐rich sandy diamicton is interpreted as the product of an actively deforming subglacial till layer. Massive block gravels, comprising two distinctive moraine ridges, reflect supraglacial sedimentation and ice‐marginal and subglacial reworking of heterogeneous proglacial sediments during the Little Ice Age and an earlier more extensive advance. Visual estimation of the relative abundance of these lithofacies suggests that the sandy gravel lithofacies is of the most volumetric importance, followed by the diamicton and block gravels. Sedimentological analysis suggests that the role of a deforming basal till layer has been the dominant factor controlling glacier flow throughout the Little Ice Age, punctuated by shorter (warmer and wetter climatic) periods where high water pressures may have played a more important role. These results contribute to the database that facilitates discrimination of past glacier thermal regimes and dynamics in areas that are no longer glacierized, as well as older glaciations in the geological record.  相似文献   

A 9000-year carbonate-rich sediment sequence from a small hard-water lake in northernmost Sweden was studied by means of multi-component stable carbon isotope analysis. Radiocarbon dating of different sediment fractions provides chronologic control and reveals a rather constant hard-water effect through time, suggesting that the lake has remained hydrologically open throughout the Holocene. Successive depletion of 13C in fine-grained calcite and carbonate shells during the early Holocene correlate with a change in catchment vegetation from pioneer herb communities to boreal forest. The vegetational change and associated soil development likely gave rise to an increased supply of 13C-depleted carbon dioxide in groundwater recharging the lake. This process is therefore believed to be the main cause of decreasing values of 13C in dissolved inorganic carbon of the lake and thereby in limnic carbonates. Strongly 13C-depleted sedimentary organic matter may be related to enhanced kinetic fractionation during photosynthetic assimilation by means of proton pumping in Characean algae. This interpretation is supported by a substantial offset between 13C of DIC as recorded by mollusc shells and 13C of fine-grained calcite.  相似文献   

The timing of clastic sedimentation in two glacial‐fed lakes with contrasting watersheds was monitored using sequencing sediment traps for two consecutive years at Allison Lake (Chugach Range, Alaska) and four months at Shainin Lake (Brooks Range, Alaska). Shainin Lake is a weakly stratified lake fed by distant glaciers, whereas Allison Lake is more strongly stratified and fed predominantly by proximal glaciers. At Shainin Lake, sediment accumulation started in late June and reached its maximum in mid‐August, just before lake mixing and during a period of low river discharge. The grain size of the sediment reaching the sediment trap in Shainin Lake was homogenous throughout the summer. At Allison Lake, pulsed sedimentation of coarse particles during late summer and early fall storms were superimposed on the fine‐grained sedimentation pattern similar to that observed at Shainin Lake. These storms triggered underflows that were observed in the thermal structure of the lake and deposited abundant sediment. The sequencing sediment traps reveal a lag between fluvial discharge and sediment deposition at both lakes, implying limitations to interpreting intra‐annual sedimentary features in terms of inflow discharge.  相似文献   

Based upon the 1970 aero-photo topographic map, and TM/ETM satellite images taken in 1991 and 2000, the authors artificially interpreted boundaries of lake and glaciers in Nam Co Catchment, and quantified lake-glacier area variations in different stages by “inte-grated method” with the support of GIS. Results show that from 1970 to 2000, lake area in-creased from 1942.34 km2 to 1979.79 km2 at a rate of 1.27 km2/a, while glacier area de-creased from 167.62 km2 to 141.88 km2 at a rate of 0.86 km2/a. The increasing rate of lake in 1991–2000 was 1.76 km2/a that was faster than 1.03 km2/a in 1970–1991, while in the same period of time, the shrinking rates of glaciers were 0.97 km2/a and 0.80 km2/a respectively. Important factors, relevant to lake and glacier response to the climate, such as air tempera-ture, precipitation, potential evapotranspiration and their values in warm and cold seasons, were discussed. The result suggests that temperature increasing is the main reason for the accelerated melting of glaciers. Lake expansion is mainly induced by the increase of the gla-cier melting water, increase of precipitation and obvious decrease of potential evapotranspi-ration. Precipitation, evaporation and their linkages with lake enlargement on regional scale need to be thoroughly studied under the background of global warming and glacier retreating.  相似文献   

Land-use history, soil erosion, lake trophy and lake-level fluctuations during the last 3000 years were reconstructed through a multidisciplinary palaeolimnological study (pollen, plant macrofossils, diatoms, physical and chemical analysis, magnetic measurements and radiometric methods) of a small eutrophic lake in southern Sweden (Bjäresjösjön, Scania). There are striking responses in diatom, chemical, sediment yield and magnetic records to land-use changes documented by pollen analysis or historical sources, and to lake-level changes identified from sedimentary changes. Our multidisciplinary approach assists interpretation of the processes controlling long-term changes and separation of the effects of different factors (land-use changes, lake-level fluctuations) on individual biostratigraphical records. Climate has controlled processes in the lake indirectly, through lake-level fluctuations, from the Late Bronze Age to the Viking Age (700 BC-AD 800). Since the Viking Age, land-use controlled most of the changes observed in the lake's development and soil erosion processes. Major changes in lake development occurred during the last 200 years, due to a drastic increase in soil erosion and water eutrophication during a period of agricultural modernization.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to analyse the spatial variability of meso‐scale precipitation in Scania and to assess the influence of synoptic scale atmospheric circulation. The modes of spatial variation are revealed by EOF analysis of monthly precipitation totals between 1963 and 1990, which were obtained from a dense rain‐gauge network in Scania, southern Sweden. The influence of local physiography on the spatial distribution of precipitation is assessed by GIS techniques using a digital elevation model of Scania. The relation to synoptic scale atmospheric circulation is analysed using regional circulation indices and weather types. It is shown that the daily precipitation distribution in the area is significantly influenced by synoptic scale pressure patterns. Nevertheless, the covariability of the monthly precipitation within Scania is high. About 80% of the precipitation variability is connected to the passage of low‐pressure centres over or close to the region, which are likely to produce precipitation over the whole area. A wind‐direction dependency found in the distribution indicates that there might be a limit between precipitation regimes within the landscape. Topography greatly influences the spatial distribution in Scania. The distribution of land and surrounding sea is also an important factor and makes the relationship between physiography and precipitation rather complex. The physiographical effects vary over a single year. The dampening effect of the sea on the atmospheric temperature influences the local stability in coastal areas and results in seasonally dependent precipitation patterns.  相似文献   

李治国  芦杰  史本林  李红忠  张延伟  李琳 《地理研究》2015,34(11):2095-2104
采用1:5万地形图、Landsat MSS/TM/ETM+/OLI遥感影像及数字高程模型数据,利用遥感和地理信息系统技术,并结合狮泉河、和田和于田3个气象站点1968-2013年的气温、降水量数据对松木希错流域的冰川、湖泊面积变化及其原因进行分析。结果表明:① 1968-2013年流域冰川面积不断退缩,由139.25 km2减少至137.27±0.02 km2,共减少1.98±0.02 km2,减少百分比为1.42%,2001年以后冰川退缩速度加快;② 1968-2013年松木希错面积不断扩张,由25.05 km2增加至32.62±0.02 km2,共扩张7.57±0.02 km2,扩张百分比为30.22%,且2001年之后扩张速率加快,在年代际上与冰川的退缩具有较好的耦合性;③ 1968-2013年湖面潜在蒸散量减少和降水增加分别是导致湖泊扩张的第一和第二影响因素,而升温引起的冰川、冻土融水增加有一定贡献,但影响较小且在年际尺度上不显著。  相似文献   

In Söderåsen, South Sweden, various geomorphological investigations indicate that small, local glaciers were initiated at very low altitudes within the Skäralid rock canyon during the Younger Dryas period. Wind polish on boulders indicates that this period was characterised by easterly winds and drifting snow. Some new field observations are presented and the Söderåsen Younger Dryas reglaciation hypothesis is tested by means of empirical knowledge on glacier equilibrium line climate and an analytic geographical information system (GIS) experiment. The GIS analysis demonstrates that the deeply incised rock canyon represents a pronounced radiation shelter, while the empirical analysis emphasises the importance of strong snow drift from the east during the winter. Together, the two analyses indicate that the inferred Söderåsen Younger Dryas reglaciation is possible from a palaeoclimatic point of view, although conditions for glaciation may have been marginal to those of rock glacier initiation.  相似文献   

The Sachette rock glacier is an active rock glacier located between 2660 and 2480 m a.s.l. in the Vanoise Massif, Northern French Alps (45° 29′ N, 6° 52′ E). In order to characterize its status as permafrost feature, shallow ground temperatures were monitored and the surface velocity measured by photogrammetry. The rock glacier exhibits near‐surface thermal regimes suggesting permafrost occurrence and also displays significant surface horizontal displacements (0.6–1.3 ± 0.6 m yr–1). In order to investigate its internal structure, a ground‐penetrating radar (GPR) survey was performed. Four constant‐offset GPR profiles were performed and analyzed to reconstruct the stratigraphy and model the radar wave velocity in two dimensions. Integration of the morphology, the velocity models and the stratigraphy revealed, in the upper half of the rock glacier, the good correspondence between widespread high radar wave velocities (>0.15–0.16 m ns–1) and strongly concave reflector structures. High radar wave velocity (0.165–0.170 m ns–1) is confirmed with the analysis of two punctual common mid‐point measurements in areas of exposed shallow pure ice. These evidences point towards the existence of a large buried body of ice in the upper part of the rock glacier. The rock glacier was interpreted to result from the former advance and decay of a glacier onto pre‐existing deposits, and from subsequent creep of the whole assemblage. Our study of the Sachette rock glacier thus highlights the rock glacier as a transitional landform involving the incorporation and preservation of glacier ice in permafrost environments with subsequent evolution arising from periglacial processes.  相似文献   

This study presents the decay of a small palsa complex between 1996 and 2000 in Sweden's southernmost major palsa bog. The outline of the palsa was mapped during three summers in 1996, 1999 and 2000 and an automatic weather station measured air temperature, precipitation, snow depth, wind speed and wind direction between 1997 and 2000. The decay of the palsa was enormous in the dome–shaped part of the palsa complex: the height decreased during the observation period from 2.3 m to 0.5 m. In 2000, the palsa dome had almost totally disappeared: only some peat blocks in a palsa pond were left. The decay of the palsa was complex with a number of degradational processes, of which the main processes were block erosion, thermokarst and wind erosion. Thermal melting has occurred along the edges of the palsa and possibly below the frozen core of the palsa since 1998/99. Wind erosion was observed during summer and the maximum estimated deflation was 80 cm. The decay of the palsa dome was especially large between 1999 and 2000, probably due to a high mean annual temperature, high summer precipitation and the warming influence of the large pond surrounding the palsa. The present climate in the palsa bog with a mean annual temperature of −0.8°C is not favourable for palsa development and maintenance, despite a strong wind regime which can provide suitable conditions for snowdrift.  相似文献   

Geomorphological investigations carried out on 15 tor-like features located on the Aurivaara plateau (North Sweden, 68° N) provide new insights in the greatly debated age of these landforms. Erratics and till trapped deep in the tor joints support a pre-Weichselian age for tor formation. Moreover, the occurrence of various weathering stages in allochtonous material, the joint width up to 1.5 m (requiring long-term weathering), and the frequent association of tors with pediment-like forms, suggest pre-Quaternary tor formation. The juxtaposition of fresh erratics and in situ old weathering features (mushroom rocks, concentrically weathered well-rounded corestones, and grus) indicates a predominantly cold-based regime for the Scandinavian ice sheet, with erratics carried by the overlying moving ice being repeatedly deposited on tor summits during deglaciation phases. The relationships between tors and ice action indicated for the Aurivaara plateau result in the proposal of a morphodynamical succession of five tor subtypes ranging from the preservation of well-rounded corestones still embedded in grus (suggesting negligible glacial erosion) to the almost complete removal of tor features by ice scouring. A comparison with tors in similar geological and topographical contexts from the unglaciated Dartmoor area allows a tentative evaluation of an average overall glacial erosion of 0–10 m on the northern Sweden plateaus, in sharp contrast with the 190 m overdeepening of the nearby Torneträsk basin. Thus, this case study of Swedish tors provides additional support to the recent interpretations of relict landscapes in previously glaciated areas and is in accordance with the classical «model» of glacial selective erosion established in the Nordic and Arctic mountains.  相似文献   

Water‐related diseases continue to pose major threats to children's survival and well‐being in many places in the developing world. This article develops a theoretical perspective on the ways in which children's vulnerability to water‐related disease hazard is produced within the everyday circumstances of livelihood and child care. Central to this analysis is the role that household resources play in mediating or shaping particular microenvironments of health risk. Further, the effects of local geographies of gender on how household resources are accessed and on how child care is structured are examined. Children's vulnerability is evaluated in a community in the District of Gilgit in northern Pakistan, a region presently undergoing tremendous social and economic transformation. The case study highlights household‐level response and adaptation to child health risks associated with diarrheal disease transmission and infection in this mountain environment. The case study draws from ethnographic fieldwork involving qualitative household microstudies and interviewing to elicit mothers' resource and risk‐response strategies in the context of changes in livelihood systems and household dynamics.  相似文献   

我国喜马拉雅山区冰碛湖溃决危险性评价   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11  
近年来,随着全球气候的变暖,冰碛湖溃决灾害正日益严重地威胁着人们生命和财产安全,在我国喜马拉雅山区尤其突出,对冰碛湖溃决灾害的研究也日益受到重视.基于大比例尺地形图、DEM和2004-2008年间的ASTER影像等数据,应用直接判别方法和基于事件树模型,通过确定不同类型冰碛湖溃决模式发生的定性描述和概率转换关系,对我国喜马拉雅山地区冰湖进行潜在危险性冰碛湖的识别和危险性冰碛湖溃决概率等级估算.结果显示,在2004-2008年间,我国喜马拉雅山区共有143个具有潜在危险性冰湖,其中溃决概率等级为"非常高"的44个、 "高"的47个、"中"的24个、"低"的24个、"非常低"的4个,溃决概率为"非常高"和"高"等级的91个潜在危险性冰碛湖亟需进一步进行溃决风险评价.  相似文献   

We have reconstructed mid–summer (July) temperatures using a master ring–width chronology of Scots pine ( Pinus sylvestris L.) for northern Fennoscandia, covering nearly the last two millennia. The chronology is constructed from 93 living trees and 275 dead trees collected between 68 and 70 N, 20 and 30 E. In standardization, negative exponential functions and, alternatively, regression lines were applied. Because of a strong autocorrelation in the data, we used a model structure including 2–year lagging and a 3–year leading predicter along with the master chronology in the transfer function. Over one–half of the dependent climate variance was retrieved in our final reconstruction model. We indicate the largest temperature anomalies of individual summers as well as longer–term temperature variability starting from ad 50.  相似文献   

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