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Zircon U–Pb ages and trace elements were determined for granulites and gneiss at Huangtuling, which are hosted by ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks in the Dabie Orogen, east-central China. CL images reveal core–rim structure for most zircons in the granulites. The cores show oscillatory zoning, relatively high Th/U ratios, and HREE enriched patterns, consistent with a magmatic origin. They gave a weighted mean 207Pb/206Pb age of 2766 ± 9 Ma, interpreted as dating magma emplacement of the protolith. The rims are characterized by sector or planar zoning, low Th/U ratios, negative Eu anomalies and flat HREE patterns, consistent with their formation under granulite-facies metamorphic conditions. Zircon U–Pb dating yields a weighted mean 207Pb/206Pb age of 2029 ± 13 Ma, which is interpreted to record a metamorphic event, possibly during assembly of the supercontinent Columbia. The gneiss has a protolith age of 1982 ± 14 Ma, which is younger than the zircon age of the granulite-facies metamorphism, suggesting a generally delay between HT metamorphism and the intrusion of post-collisional granites. A few inherited cores with igneous characteristics have 207Pb/206Pb ages of 2.90, 3.28 and 3.53 Ga, suggesting the presence of Mesoarchean to Paleoarchean crustal remnants in the Yangtze Craton. A few Cretaceous metamorphic ages were also obtained, suggesting the influence of post-collisional collapse in response to Cretaceous extension of the Dabie Orogen. It is inferred that the recently discovered Archean basement of the Yangtze Craton occurs as far north as the Dabie Orogen.  相似文献   

The Yunkai Terrane is one of the most important pre-Devonian areas of metamorphosed supracrustal and granitic basement rocks in the Cathaysia Block of South China. The supracrustal rocks are mainly schist, slate and phyllite, with local paragneiss, granulite, amphibolite and marble, with metamorphic grades ranging from greenschist to granulite facies. Largely on the basis of metamorphic grade, they were previously divided into the Palaeo- to Mesoproterozoic Gaozhou Complex, the early Neoproterozoic Yunkai ‘Group’ and early Palaeozoic sediments. Granitic rocks were considered to be Meso- and Neoproterozoic, or early Palaeozoic in age. In this study, four meta-sedimentary rock samples, two each from the Yunkai ‘Group’ and Gaozhou Complex, together with three granite samples, record metamorphic and magmatic zircon ages of 443–430 Ma (Silurian), with many inherited and detrital zircons with the ages mainly ranging from 1.1 to 0.8 Ga, although zircons with Archaean and Palaeoproterozoic ages have also been identified in several of the samples. A high-grade sillimanite–garnet–cordierite gneiss contains 242 Ma metamorphic zircons, as well as 440 Ma ones. Three of the meta-sedimentary rocks show large variations in major element compositions, but have similar REE patterns, and have tDM model ages of 2.17–1.91 Ga and εNd (440 Ma) values of −13.4 to −10.0. Granites range in composition from monzogranite to syenogranite and record tDM model ages of 2.13–1.42 Ga and εNd (440 Ma) values of −8.4 to −1.2. It is concluded that the Yunkai ‘Group’ and Gaozhou Complex formed coevally in the late Neoproterozoic to early Palaeozoic, probably at the same time as weakly to un-metamorphosed early Palaeozoic sediments in the area. Based on the detrital zircon population, the source area contained Meso- to Neoproterozoic rocks, with some Archaean material. Palaeozoic tectonothermal events and zircon growth in the Yunkai Terrane can be correlated with events of similar age and character known throughout the Cathaysia Block. The lack of evidence for Palaeo- and Mesoproterozoic rocks at Yunkai, as stated in earlier publications, means that revision of the basement geology of Cathaysia is necessary.  相似文献   

In the Central Iberian Zone (CIZ) of the Iberian Massif large volumes of granitoids were emplaced during the post-collisional stage of the Hercynian orogeny (syn- to post-D3, the last ductile deformation phase). Twelve granitic units and a quartz monzodiorite were selected for a U–Pb zircon and monazite geochronological study. They represent successive stages of the D3 event. The Ucanha-Vilar, Lamego, Sameiro and Refoios do Lima plutons are coeval (313±2 Ma, 319±4 Ma, 316±2 Ma and 314±2 Ma, respectively) and belong to the earliest stage. Later on the Braga massif was emplaced, its different units yielding the same age: 309±3 Ma for the Braga granite, 309±1 Ma for the Gonça granite and 311±5 Ma for a related quartz monzodiorite. The Braga massif is subcontemporaneous with the Agrela and Celeirós plutons (307±3.5 Ma and 306±2 Ma, respectively), in agreement with field data. The Briteiros granite is younger (300±1 Ma), followed by the emplacement of the Peneda–Gerês massif (Gerês, Paufito, Illa and Carris granites). The Gerês granite, emplaced at 296±2 Ma, seems to represent a first magmatic pulse immediately followed by the intrusion of the Paufito granite at 290±2.5 Ma. For the Carris granite a minimum emplacement age of 280±5 Ma was obtained. Based on these results the following chronology is proposed: (1) syn-D3 biotite granitoids, 313–319 Ma; (2) late-D3 biotite-dominant granitoids, 306–311 Ma; (3) late- to post-D3 granitoids, ca. 300 Ma; (4) post-D3 granitoids, 290–296 Ma. These chronological data indicate that successive granitic intrusions were emplaced in the CIZ during a short time span of about 30 Ma that corresponds to the latest stages of the Hercynian orogeny. A rapid and drastic change occurred at about 300 Ma, between a compressive ductile tectonic regime (D3, ca. 300–320 Ma) associated to calc-alkaline, monzonitic and aluminopotassic plutonism and a fragile phase of deformation (D4) which controlled the emplacement of the subalkaline ferro-potassic plutonism at 290–296 Ma.  相似文献   

云开地区前寒武纪变质基底主要是以片麻岩类为代表的高州杂岩和以浅变沉积岩类为代表的云开群,均不同程度受到了后期加里东期和印支期构造-岩浆事件的改造。对高州杂岩中1个变粒岩(YK1016)和1个黑云斜长片麻岩(YK1014-3)、云开群中1个黑云斜长片麻岩(YK1017-1)样品进行了锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年。样品YK1016中获得的不一致曲线上下交点年龄分别为(1 035±43)Ma和(437±30)Ma(n=16,MSWD=1.3),上交点年龄与10个谐和点207Pb/206Pb加权平均年龄(970±30)Ma(MSWD=0.22)一致,解释为其形成年龄。样品YK1014-3获得的206Pb/238 U表观年龄范围为949~2 395 Ma,主要集中在1 000~1 200 Ma,9个最年轻且谐和的分析点207Pb/206Pb加权平均年龄为(970±32)Ma(MSWD=0.53),对其最大沉积年龄进行了约束。样品YK1017-1获得的206Pb/238 U表观年龄范围为650~2 383 Ma,也主要集中在1 000~1 200 Ma,最年轻且谐和的碎屑锆石年龄将其时代约束在650 Ma。结合云开地区变质基底中已有的高精度年龄数据,认为高州杂岩形成时代为中元古代晚期—新元古代早期,云开群的形成时代为新元古代晚期。另外,研究结果及云开地区已有的数据表明,该区除出露Grenville期岩石外,新元古代变沉积岩中还存在大量Grenville期(900~1 350 Ma)碎屑锆石,部分晶形较好具岩浆起源,这一现象从云开地区一直延伸到华夏东部;但在华夏地块由南往北,Grenville期锆石呈减少趋势,新元古代锆石(820~860 Ma)逐渐增多。这些暗示华夏地块南缘存在一个由南东向北西推进的Grenvillian造山带,和(或)在华夏地块内部存在略晚于Grenville期的构造-岩浆事件。  相似文献   

The Indosinian granites in the South China Block (SCB) have important tectonic significance for the evolution of East Asia. Samples collected from Hunan Province can be geochemically classified into two groups. Group 1 is strongly peraluminous (A/CNK > 1.1), similar to S-type granites, and Group 2 has A/CNK = 1.0–1.1, with an affinity to I-type granites. Group 1 has lower FeOt, Al2O3, MgO, CaO, TiO2 and εNd(t) values but higher K2O + Na2O, Rb/Sr, Rb/Ba and 87Sr/86Sr(t) than those of Group 2. Samples of both groups have similar LREE enriched pattern, with (Eu/Eu) = 0.19–0.69, and strongly negative Ba, Sr, Nb, P and Ti anomalies. Geothermobarometry study indicates that the precursor magmas were emplaced at high-level depth with relatively low temperature (734–827 °C). Geochemical data suggest that Group 1 was originated from a source dominated by pelitic composition and Group 2 was from a mixing source of pelitic and basaltic rocks with insignificant addition of newly mantle-derived magma. Eight granitic samples in Hunan Province are dated at the cluster of 243–235 and 218–210 Ma by zircon U–Pb geochronology. Together with recent zircon U–Pb ages for other areas in the SCB, two age-clusters, including 243–228 Ma just after peak-metamorphism ( 246–252 Ma) and 220–206 Ma shortly after magma underplating event (224 Ma), are observed. It is proposed that in-situ radiogenic heating from the over-thickened crust induced dehydrated reaction of muscovite and epidote/zoisite to form the early Indosinian granites in response to the isostatic readjustments of tectonically thickened crust. Conductive heating from the underplating magma in the postcollisional setting triggered the formation of late Indosinian granites. Such a consideration is supported by the results from FLAC numerical simulation.  相似文献   

New geological observations, recent published data and U–Pb SHRIMP zircon dating from the Karakoram Mountains along the Nubra and Shyok Rivers reveal that the initial subduction of the Tethyan oceanic lithosphere took place ~ 110 Ma beneath the Paleozoic–Mesozoic platform of the southern edge of the Asian Plate. This has produced the I-type plutons within the Karakoram Batholith Complex, well before the juxtaposition of the Asian Plate along the Karakoram Shear Zone. Within this shear zone, U–Pb zircon crystallisation ages of ~ 75 Ma from mylonitised granitoids and 68 Ma from undeformed Tirit granodiorite constrain the timing of suturing of the Karakoram terrain with the Trans-Himalaya between 75 and 68 Ma. Post-shearing leucogranite was episodically generated within frontal migmatised Karakoram Metamorphic Belt and emplaced between 20 and 13 Ma within the shear zone. Presence of a low resistivity zone as a possible indication of mid-crustal partial molten crust underneath the Higher Himalaya–Ladakh–Karakoram terrains manifests the impingement of the Indian Plate along the Main Himalayan Thrust at depth.

Physical continuity of the Baltoro granite belt into the Karakoram Batholith is established as well as the continuity of the Shyok suture as the Shiquanhe Suture Zone in western Tibet through the Chushul–Dungti sector. The Karakoram Shear Zone, therefore, displays a complex geological history of movements since ~ 75 Ma and plays a very significant role in the overall India–Asia convergence, rather than merely being a strike-slip fault for eastward extrusion of a segment of Asia in Tibet.  相似文献   

Compared to other Mo provinces, few studies focused on the South China Mo Province(SCMP), especially for Early Cretaceous Mo mineralization. The Lufeng porphyry Mo deposit in the SCMP is characterized by disseminated and veinlet-type mineralization in granite porphyry, gneiss, and rhyolite. In this study, six molybdenite samples yield a Re–Os isochron age of 108.0±1.8 Ma, which is consistent with the zircon U–Pb age of the granite porphyry(108.4±0.8 Ma). The coincidence of magmatic and hydrothermal activities indicates that Mo mineralization was associated with the intrusion of granite porphyry during the late Early Cretaceous. A compilation of U–Pb and Re–Os chronological data suggests that an extensive and intensive Mo mineralization event occurred in the SCMP during the late Early Cretaceous. The marked difference in molybdenite Re contents between Cu-bearing(85–536 ppm) and Cu-barren(1.3–59 ppm) Mo deposits of the late Early Cretaceous indicates that the ore-forming materials were derived from strong crust–mantle interactions. Together with regional petrological and geochemical data, this study suggests that late Early Cretaceous Mo mineralization in the SCMP occurred in an extensional setting associated with the roll-back of the Paleo-Pacific slab.  相似文献   

云开地区加里东期花岗岩锆石U-Pb年龄及其地质意义   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
王磊  龙文国  周岱 《中国地质》2013,40(4):1016-1029
对云开地区1∶25万区调中划归前寒武纪或新元古代的(片麻状)花岗岩进行了锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年,获得的年龄分别为(443.3±2.6)Ma(样品1009,陆川县陆透水库东南)、(445.7±2.3)Ma(样品1010,陆川县月垌村)、(441.1±2.0) Ma(样品1012,高州市谢鸡镇)和(443.7±1.7)Ma(样品10108,信宜市朱砂镇),表明它们属于加里东期的产物而不是以往认为的前寒武纪基底或新元古代岩石.结合前人的研究表明,这些花岗岩主要由元古宙基底岩石发生深熔作用而成,是华南地区加里东期陆内造山作用的响应.随着云开地区前寒武纪基底中大量加里东期年龄的发现,说明加里东运动对该区的影响非常强烈,1∶25万区调中划归前寒武纪基底或新元古代的部分片麻状花岗岩应归属加里东期.云开地区前寒武纪基底主要是以片麻岩类为代表的高州杂岩和以变沉积岩类为代表的云开群,高州杂岩形成时代为中新元古代,云开群形成时代可能为新元古代.从整个华夏地块来看,存在古-中元古代结晶基底,但出露可能并不像以往认为的那么广泛.  相似文献   

The Mesozoic porphyry assemblage in the Jinduicheng area is a special molybdenum area in China, the Mo deposits, including the Jinduicheng, Balipo, Shijiawan, Huanglongpu, are distributed. The emplacement age and geochemical features of the granites in the Jinduicheng area can provide essential information for the exploration and development of the porphyry molybdenum deposit. In this study, we report LA–ICP–MS zircon U–Pb age and zircon Hf isotopic compositions of granite porphyries from the Jinduicheng area, and provide insights on the petrogensis and source characteristics of the granites. The results show that the zircon U–Pb ages of the Jinduicheng granite porphyry (143±1 Ma) and the Balipo granite (154±1 Ma), agree well with the Re–Os ages of molybdenite in the Jinduicheng molybdenum polymetallic deposit (139±3 Ma) and the Balipo molybdenum polymetallic deposit (156±2 Ma), indicating that the emplacement of granite porphyries occurred between Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous. Zircons granite from the Jinduicheng area give the εHf(t) values mainly ranging from ?10 to ?16, and ?20 to ?24, respectively, corresponding to two–stage model ages (tDM2: mainly focused on 1.86–2.0 Ga, and 2.2–2.6 Ga, respectively) of zircons of the granite from the Jinduicheng values. The ore–forming materials are mainly derived from crust, with minor mantle substances. Zircons of the granite from the Balipo area give εHf(t) values ranging from ?18 to ?20, ?28 to ?38, and ?42 to ?44, respectively, corresponding to two–stage model ages (tDM2: mainly focused on 1.88–3.0 Ga, and 3.2–3.90 Ga, respectively). the εHf(t) values of the Jinduicheng porphyry more than that of the Balipo porphyry, and two–stage model ages (tDM2) less than that of the Balipo porphyry, shows that he source of the porphyries originated from ancient lower crustal materials in the Jinduicheng area, and mixed younger components, more younger components contributed for the source of the Jinduicheng porphyry.  相似文献   

Improvements in the technology of laser ablation and ICP-MS instruments make LA-MC-ICPMS a rapid, precise and accurate method for U–Pb zircon geochronology. In this review we describe the main stages of the evolution of this in situ approach from the early 1990s to the present time. Some key points have been progressively improved. The crater size has been reduced to achieve real in situ measurements. The laser wavelength has been reduced as well as the duration of each pulse in order to lower inter-element fractionation. The blank from the gas has to be lowered as far as possible. Double focusing instruments and magnetic field sectors allow flat-topped peaks required for precise isotope ratio measurement to be obtained. The use of a multi-ion counting system significantly improves the sensitivity of the method and the static mode of integration favours the precision of measurement of the transient signal originating from a noisy laser ablated particle beam.Combining the use of a 213 nm UV laser and a MC-ICPMS equipped with a multi-ion counting system operating in static mode, the common precisions achieved for the key ratios 207Pb/206Pb and 206Pb/238U are better than 1% and 3% (2σ) respectively, including error propagation associated with standard normalization. Until now, the use of a zircon standard has remained necessary to ensure the accuracy of the calculated age. A strategy for common-Pb correction is proposed according to the age of the zircon and according to the Th/U ratio of the grains. After recording sixteen to twenty spot analyses the precision usually achieved on the age is about 1% and even significantly better for Proterozoic samples.In order to show the performance achieved by modern LA-MC-ICPMS geochronology, we tested four zircon samples covering a wide age range from 290 to 2440 Ma. These new age determinations can be compared in term of precision and accuracy since they have already been dated by reference methods (ID-TIMS and SHRIMP). Further developments in the technology of ion counters equipping modern MC-ICPMS and in laser systems will certainly be applied to a large field of geochronology studies in the near future as an alternative to SIMS for in situ age determination.  相似文献   

Zircon U-Pb ages of 163.8–100.4 Ma and 146.6–134.5?Ma are obtained for the granitoids from the Pearl River mouth basin, and from southern Guangdong Province, respectively. These new dating data accord well with the crystallization ages of Yanshanian granitoids broadly in the Nanling. The active continental margin of South China, as revealed by a combination of zircon U-Pb data, underwent a key granitoid-dominated magmatism in 165–100?Ma. Its evolution varied temporally, and spatially, registering under control of the paleo-Pacific slab subduction. The granitoids that occurred in 165–150?Ma broadly from the South China Sea to the Nanling are preferably related to two settings from volcanic-arc to back-arc extension, respectively. The activities of Cretaceous granitoids migrated from the southeastern Guangdong (148–130?Ma) to the Pearl River Mouth basin (127–112?Ma), corresponding to the model of a retreating subduction. The subduction-related granitoid magmatism in South China continued until 108–97?Ma. A tectonic transformation from slab-subduction to extension should occur at ~100?Ma.  相似文献   

Elemental, Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic and geochronological data are presented for the Taishan high-mg dioritic rocks (western Shandong) from the Eastern Block of the North China Craton in order to better understand the Archean tectonic evolution and crustal growth of the Craton. The rocks gave the zircon U–Pb age of 2536–2540 Ma. They show low SiO2 and Al2O3 contents, high MgO, mg-number, Cr, Ni, Y, Yb, Sr and Ba, enriched LILEs and LREEs, depleted HFSEs and HREEs with (Nb/La)N of 0.07–0.12. They exhibit Nd(t) values of 1.53–3.30, (206Pb/204Pb)i of 11.20–15.30, (207Pb/204Pb)i of 14.14–14.83 and (208Pb/204Pb)I of 31.10–33.93. Such geochemical features with an affinity to both a mantle- and crust-like source for the Taishan dioritic rocks are similar to those of the typical Archean sanukitoids, suggesting an origination from a sub-arc mantle wedge variably metasomatized by the slab-derived dehydration fluids and melts before 50–100 Ma of the emplacement of the Taishan sanukitoid plutons. It is proposed that the Taishan sanukitoids resulted from the sudden change of the downgoing slab from a flat subduction to subsequently steeper subduction in an active continental margin regime during Neoarchean time.  相似文献   

The Qichun granitoids exposed in the Dabie Orogen of China are composed of two types of rocks: porphyritic monzogranite (with variable schistosity) and syenogranite (without schistosity). The two types show large differences in geochemical characteristics. The porphyritic monzogranite is characterized by high Al2O3 content (15.73%), relatively high CaO (2.46%) and Na2O contents (Na2O/K2O=1.27), strong depletion in HREE and strong fractionation between LREE and HREE ((La/Yb)N=46.8), similar to some high Al2O3 Archaean TTG gneisses. Conversely, the syenogranite is characterized by relatively low Al2O3 (14.05%) and CaO (0.82%) contents, and higher K2O than Na2O (Na2O/K2O=0.81). The degree of fractionation between LREE and HREE is minor. The U–Pb SHRIMP zircon age of the porphyritic monzogranite is 841±15 and 824±27 Ma for the syenogranite. These ages are similar to the protolith emplacement ages of granitic gneisses in the Dabie Orogenic Belt. The existence of weakly to unmetamorphosed granitoids in the Dabie Orogen shows that the granitoids were situated in the back part of the subducted plate during collision and subduction between the Yangtze and the North China cratons, and may represent outcrops of the Yangtze basement.  相似文献   

The left-lateral strike-slip shearing along the Ailao Shan–Red River (ASRR) shear zone in the Southeastern Tibet, China, has been widely advocated to be a result of the Indian–Eurasian plate collision and post-collisional processes. The Diancang Shan (DCS) massif, which occurs at the northwestern extension of the Ailao Shan massif, is a typical high-grade metamorphic complex aligned along the ASRR tectonic belt. Structural and microstructural analysis of the plutonic intrusions in the DCS revealed different types of granitic intrusions spatially confined to the shear zone and temporally related to the left-lateral shearing along the ASRR shear zone in the DCS massif. The combined structural and geochronological results of SHRIMP-II and LA-ICP-MS zircon U/Pb isotopic dating have revealed successive magmatic intrusions and crystallization related to the Oligo-Miocene shearing in the DCS massif. The pre-, early- and syn-kinematic emplacements are linked to regional high-temperature deformation (lower amphibolite facies) at relatively deep crustal levels. The zircon U/Pb geochronological results suggest that the left-lateral ductile shearing along the ASRR shear zone was initiated at ca. 31 Ma, culminated between ca. 27 and 21 Ma resulting in high-temperature metamorphic conditions and slowed down at ca. 20 Ma at relatively low-temperatures.  相似文献   

The Yunmengshan Geopark in northern Beijing is located within the Yanshan range. It contains the Yunmengshan batholith, which is dominated by two plutons: the Yunmengshan gneissic granite and the Shicheng gneissic diorite. Four samples of the Yunmengshan gneissic granite give SHRIMP zircon U–Pb ages from 145 to 141 Ma, whereas four samples of the Shicheng gneissic diorite have ages from 159 Ma to 151 Ma. Dikes that cut the Yunmengshan diorite record SHRIMP zircon U–Pb age of 162±2 and 156±4 Ma. The cumulative plots of zircons from the diorites show a peak age of 155 Ma, without inherited zircon cores, and the peak age of 142 Ma for granite is interpreted as the emplacement age of the Yunmengshan granitic pluton, whose igneous zircons contain inherited zircon cores. The data presented here show that there were two pulses of magmatism: early diorites, followed c13 Ma later by true granites, which incorporated material from an older continental crust.  相似文献   

The Hongshan quartz monzonite porphyry is one of the Yanshanian intrusions in the southern part of the Yudun Arc. Detailed zircon U–Pb data of four samples yielded ages of 78.8–80.7 Ma, indicating that the Hongshan intrusion was emplaced during the late stage of Late Cretaceous. The Hongshan intrusion shows shoshonitic and high‐K calc‐alkaline, with A/CNK = 0.64–1.14. The rocks show an obvious fractionation between light and heavy rare‐earth elements (average [La/Yb]N = 38.85), with negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.60–0.87), enrichment in large‐ion lithophile elements (Rb, Th, U and K) and depletion in high field‐strength elements (Nb, Ta and P). Rocks have high Sr and low Y content which are characteristics of adakitic rocks, suggesting magma derivation from thickened lower crust. In order to evaluate the nature of the source region, Hf isotope data of zircons were acquired through LA‐MC‐ICPMS. The negative and variable εHf(t) values demonstrate that the Hongshan intrusion was derived from ancient crust, without mantle‐derived components and is significantly different from the Triassic intrusions in the southern part of the Yudun Arc. The three Yanshanian intrusions in Hongshan, Relin and Tongchangou are remarkably similar in terms of geochronology, geochemistry and Hf isotopes. We therefore infer that these intrusions had the same magmatic source and we correlate the tectonics with northward subduction of Tethys underneath the Asian continent. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

李超  仝来喜  刘兆  黄小龙 《岩石学报》2020,36(3):871-892
云开地块早古生代的构造背景至今仍存有争论。对云炉-龙修一带出露的含石榴石紫苏花岗岩进行研究可为该区构造-变质演化提供重要制约。详细的岩相学研究表明紫苏花岗岩中存在两种成因的石榴石(石榴石Ⅰ和石榴石Ⅱ),并识别出该岩石保留了三阶段演化的矿物组合(M_1-M_3)。峰期前矿物组合(M_1)由紫苏辉石变斑晶中的包裹体矿物石榴石+黑云母+斜长石+钛铁矿+石英组成。峰期变质-深熔矿物组合(M_2)由基质中平衡共生的斑晶矿物石榴石Ⅰ+紫苏辉石+黑云母+石英+斜长石+钛铁矿构成。退变质矿物组合(M_3)以紫苏辉石和黑云母以及钛铁矿边部降温生成石榴石Ⅱ+石英冠状体("红眼圈")和黑云母+石英后成合晶为特征。传统地质温压计、平均温压法及在NCKFMASHTO模式体系下的相平衡模拟结果表明,紫苏花岗岩峰期前矿物组合形成条件为720℃/70kbar(M1),峰期变质-深熔结晶条件为835~810℃/65~58kbar(M_2),退变质条件为740℃/56kbar(M_3)。岩相观察和P-T计算结果表明紫苏花岗岩的形成可能反映了一条顺时针的P-T轨迹,且以峰期前略微减压并伴随明显的升温和峰期后具有近等压冷却(IBC)过程为特征。LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年代学结果显示锆石核部加权平均年龄为~431Ma,锆石边部加权平均年龄为~243Ma。我们认为峰期深熔作用和岩浆结晶石榴石Ⅰ的形成可能发生于早古生代(加里东期),而晚期退变质作用和变质重结晶石榴石Ⅱ的形成可能发生在早中生代(印支期)。本研究也表明云开地区含石榴石紫苏花岗岩的形成与早古生代扬子和华夏陆块碰撞后抬升过程有紧密联系,并遭受了早中生代印支期构造热事件的明显叠加。  相似文献   

While recycling of subducted oceanic crust is widely proposed to be associated with oceanic island, island arc, and subduction-related adakite magmatism, it is less clear whether recycling of subducted continental crust takes place in continental collision belts. A combined study of zircon U–Pb dating, major and minor element geochemistry, and O isotopes in Early Cretaceous post-collisional granitoids from the Dabie orogen in China demonstrates that they may have been generated by partial melting of subducted continental crust. The post-collisional granitoids from the Dabie orogen comprise hornblende-bearing intermediate rocks and hornblende-free granitic rocks. These granitoids are characterized by fractionated REE patterns with low HREE contents and negative HFSE anomalies (Nb, Ta and Ti). Although zircon U–Pb dating gives consistent ages of 120 to 130 Ma for magma crystallization, occurrence of inherited cores is identified by CL imaging and SHRIMP U–Pb dating; some zircon grains yield ages of 739 to 749 Ma and 214 to 249 Ma, in agreement with Neoproterozoic protolith ages of UHP metaigneous rocks and a Triassic tectono-metamorphic event in the Dabie–Sulu orogenic belt, respectively. The granitoids have relatively homogeneous zircon δ18O values from 4.14‰ to 6.11‰ with an average of 5.10‰ ± 0.42‰ (n = 28) similar to normal mantle zircon. Systematically low zircon δ18O values for most of the coeval mafic–ultramafic rocks and intruded country rocks preclude an AFC process of mafic magma or mixing between mafic and felsic magma as potential mechanisms for the petrogenesis of the granitoids. Along with zircon U–Pb ages and element results, it is inferred that the granitic rocks were probably derived from partial melting of intermediate lower crust and the intermediate rocks were generated by amphibole-dehydration melting of mafic rocks in the thickened lower crust, coupled with fractional crystallization during magma emplacement. The post-collisional granitoids in the Dabie orogen are interpreted to originate from recycling of the subducted Yangtze continental crust that was thickened by the Triassic continent–continent collision. Partial melting of orogenic lithospheric keel is suggested to have generated the bimodal igneous rocks with the similar crustal heritage. Crustal thinning by post-collisional detachment postdated the onset of bimodal magmatism that was initiated by a thermal pulse related to mantle superwelling in Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

作为理解华南构造演化的关键地区,在华南板块南缘的云开地体和越北的Song Chay地体发育了早中生代的向北东逆冲推覆的韧性变形.在云开地体,经历角闪岩相和绿片岩相变质的矿物指示了产状平缓的面理上发育明显的北东-南西向矿物拉伸线理.沿着这些矿物拉伸线理,具有上部指向北东的剪切变形.同位素年代学的定年结果指示了变形事件发生...  相似文献   

粤西云开地区基底变质岩的组成和形成   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
云开地块被认为是华南西南部一个重要的前寒武纪变质基底出露区,但对其基底组成的认识仍存在较大争议。本文对云开地块内基底变质岩进行了岩石地球化学、锆石U-Pb-Hf同位素分析。分析结果表明云开地块的基底主要由于新元古代-早古生代的变质沉积岩组成。它们具有比上地壳平均成分更高的Si O2和相对更低的Al2O3、Ca O、Na2O,岩石成熟度中等。微量元素与PAAS相似,但Sr、Cr、Ni等强烈亏损,高场强元素Nb、Ta轻度亏损,而大多数样品的Zr、Hf、Th、U等轻度富集,说明源区更富集长英质组分而贫镁铁组分。地球化学特征和碎屑锆石组成指示这套沉积岩形成于被动大陆边缘环境,源区既有古老的再循环物质,也有大量未经明显改造的新元古代岩浆物质。综合本文和前人的锆石U-Pb定年数据,云开地块基底变质岩原岩可以分为两组:第一组样品形成较早(时代上限为850~522Ma),总体年龄谱特征显示出与华夏南岭地区的亲缘性。这组样品的源区主要有4次岩浆作用(2700~2400Ma、1800~1400Ma、1150~900Ma、850~700Ma),均涉及到古老地壳再循环以及新生地壳的加入,但以再循环的物质为主。最主要的新生地壳生长发生在新太古代和Grenville期。而第二组样品的沉积时代在517Ma之后,具有与扬子南缘新元古代沉积岩的相似性。这组亲扬子沉积物的源区具有不同的4次岩浆事件(2600~2350Ma、2000~1750Ma、1700~1500Ma、900~750Ma),新太古代晚期-古元古早期岩浆主要涉及古老基底再循环。古元古晚期-中元古早期岩浆大多起源于新生地壳物质,而新元古代是最重要的新生地壳生长期,同时也涉及大量古老地壳物质的再循环。不同时代沉积岩的碎屑物质组成变化表明大概在522~517Ma之间云开沉积盆地和物源区受到一定程度的构造运动影响,使得源区由华夏地块变成扬子地块。这期构造事件很可能是早古生代造山事件的初始阶段。根据本文资料和其他证据我们认为云开地块归属于华夏板块,扬子与华夏地块的分界线至少在云开地块以北,且很可能在平乐与平南之间。  相似文献   

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