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<正>1 Introduction The Huize Zn-Pb district is located in the tectonic composite position,became one of the important production areas of zinc,lead and germanium in China.In the Huize lead-zinc deposit,the interlayer faults are most  相似文献   

云南富乐厂铅锌矿床是滇东北矿集区东南部的典型矿床之一。在矿区进行大比例尺构造填图的基础上,运用构造成矿动力学的理论和方法,筛选典型断裂构造进行力学性质的鉴定,对不同期次、不同方向的断裂特征进行了系统阐述,初步划分了构造期次,总结了构造体系。认为该区断裂经历了晋宁期-澄江期近东西向的挤压作用,印支期-燕山早期北西-南东向挤压作用及后期燕山中晚期-喜马拉雅期的北东-南西向挤压作用的过程。晋宁-澄江期构造作用为该区成矿提供了有利的地质背景,印支期-燕山早期为该矿成矿主期,北东向压扭性断裂和北西向的扭张性断裂使得流体充填、富集成矿;后期近东西向的扭性断裂为破矿构造。通过矿区构造与成矿关系的研究,为隐伏矿预测与深部勘查提供了依据。  相似文献   

云南会泽超大型铅锌矿床规模大、品位富、伴生有用元素多 ,暗示其成矿环境较为特殊。本文分析该矿床原生矿体中矿石矿物的硫同位素组成和脉石矿物方解石的 REE含量 ,结合前人的碳、氢、氧、铅同位素分析资料和成矿年代测试结果 ,探讨矿床成矿流体的来源。矿床原生矿体中的硫化物均富集重硫 ,其δ34 S值集中于13‰~ 17‰之间 ,且有 δ34 S黄铁矿 >δ34 S闪锌矿 >δ34 S方铅矿 ,表明成矿流体的硫已达到平衡 ;硫化物的 δ34 S值与矿区和区域地层中膏盐层的δ34 S值相近 ,暗示成矿流体中的硫主要来自地层海相硫酸盐的还原 ,热化学还原是地层海相硫酸盐形成还原态硫的主要还原机制。矿区脉石矿物方解石的 REE含量相对高于本区各时代碳酸盐地层 ,低于非碳酸盐地层和峨眉山玄武岩 ,其 REE配分模式和有关 REE参数也与地层和峨眉山玄武岩存在明显差异 ;进一步分析结果显示 ,矿床成矿流体是一种壳 -幔混合流体 ,伴随峨眉山玄武岩岩浆活动过程中地幔流体 (包括地幔去气和岩浆去气形成的流体 )参与了矿床成矿流体的形成  相似文献   

大兴安岭东南部太平山地区断裂控矿作用及控矿应力场   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方曙  王永祥  李立新 《矿床地质》2004,23(1):107-114
根据控矿断裂构造的分期配套及其交切关系研究 ,发现大兴安岭东南部太平山地区内生金属矿床的形成与中生代多次转换的区域构造应力场及其所形成的断裂直接相关。太平山地区在中生代经历了 4期具不同区域构造应力场的控矿构造运动 :①晚侏罗世晚期至早白垩世早期 ,形成NEE走向的矿化隐爆角砾熔岩带 ;②早白垩世晚期 ,造成了大量近EW (或NWW )和NW (或NNW )走向的共轭张_张扭性断裂 ,该期为主成矿期 ;③晚白垩世 ,形成并复活了近SN向 (或NNE向 )和NE65°的两组共轭张扭性断裂 ,沿断裂充填了中酸性脉岩和铁矿 ;④晚白垩世之后 ,发育NNW向挤压的区域构造应力场  相似文献   

Abstract: Crystalline limestone of the Sako-nishi area in the Kamioka Zn-Pb mine, central Japan, is depleted in 18O and 13C toward the center of mineralization due to interaction with hydrothermal fluids with a dominant meteoric water component. The relationship between isotopic composition and mineral assemblage, texture, the chemical composition of the minerals, and the bulk chemical composition in the limestone was examined. A decrease in the δ18OSMOW value correlated with: (1) increase of fine-grained calcite which is enriched in Mn and exhibits a bright cathodoluminescence, (2) progressive hy-drothermal alteration of clinopyroxene in the original limestone into tremolite within the weakly-altered zone, and into chlorite and actinolite within the strongly-altered zone, (3) dominance of hydrothermal chlorite in altered limestone having δ18O values of less than 10%. This chlorite was enriched in Fe compared to mafic minerals in the unaltered limestone. The enrichment of Fe and Mn was more conspicuous in calcite and chlorite in skarn deposits. The occurrence and chemical composition of hydrothermal minerals in the limestone, skarn, and ore indicate that the 18O–depleted zones were formed in the later stage from fluids, which were responsible for mineralization and skarnization, and for Fe and Mn enrichment. The Al, Mn, and Fe contents, and the ratios of Mg/(Mg+Mn+Fe), Al/Mg, and Mn/Sr in the hydrochloric acid leachate of limestone varied with decreasing δ18O and δ13C values, reflecting increases in high-Mn calcite and high-Fe chlorite. These indexes were useful for the identification of hydrothermally altered limestone. Furthermore, the potential score weighted by each index was more effective and accurate means of detecting promising mineralization zones. An anomalous potential score due to the presence of hydrothermal minerals in the outcropping limestone occurred along the Atotsu–1GO fault. This structure indicates that the skarn deposits of the Sako-nishi area belong to Mozumi-type Zn–Pb skarn deposits, in which fissures and faults served as major passages for the hydrothermal fluid. High-Mn carbonate and high-Fe chlorite widely occur in base-metal vein deposits and Zn-Pb type skarn deposits. Leaching of altered rock with hydrochloric acid in addition to stable isotope composition and cathodoluminescence imaging is effective for geochemical exploration for hydrothermal deposits because it makes possible the detection of the elemental composition of hydrothermal minerals such as chlorite and carbonate and because of the rapidity and convenience of analysis.  相似文献   

蚀变白云岩是会泽超大型铅锌矿床的赋矿围岩。通过矿区调研和近矿围岩典型剖面精细测量,矿区蚀变中-粗晶白云岩从颜色上可分为4种类型:肉红中粗晶白云岩、米黄色针孔状粗晶白云岩、灰白孔洞状粗晶白云岩、纯白色粗晶白云岩;前三者与矿体产出关系密切,从远矿到近矿依次为:肉红中粗晶白云岩→米黄色针孔状粗晶白云岩→灰白孔洞状粗晶白云岩→铅锌矿石;总结了3个带主要矿物组合、组构特征,认为3个带在白云石重结晶程度、显微构造、黄铁矿、晶洞充填物及裂隙等具明显差异,据此可作为辨识赋矿白云岩的重要标志。同时,对比了摆佐组白云岩(矿化粗晶白云岩、粗晶白云岩、白云石化灰岩)主量元素变化特征,分析了近矿蚀变白云岩主量元素及其比值与矿体距离的相关性,以及CaO与其他主量元素相关性,确定了热液蚀变参数有SiO2、MgO/CaO、K2O/CaO、Al2O3/TFe等,为找矿预测提供理论依据。  相似文献   

本文通过研究早阳金矿重点工作区构造变形现象,分析其构造变形几何学、运动学特征,区分构造活动期次,探讨与金成矿相关的构造期次。早阳金矿大地构造位置位于秦岭商丹缝合带与勉略缝合带之间,属南秦岭构造带,银杏坝-神河韧性滑脱逆冲推覆带。该金矿位于安康北部金成矿带内,为新发现的金矿床,且其控矿构造、赋矿层位、矿体围岩岩性等特征均与带内其它金矿不同。早阳金矿区构造变形复杂,经历多期构造事件叠加,发育区域性北西西向逆掩推覆、构造置换、韧性剪切带、掩卧褶皱等,与金成矿相关的构造活动为北西西向韧性剪切活动,近南北向挤压造成的北西西向脆性断裂为含金热液提供上侵通道。  相似文献   

云南会泽铅锌矿区地下水化学和同位素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
宋煜  李保珠 《地质学报》2018,92(5):1081-1089
本文通过调查和采样测试,分析云南会泽铅锌矿区地下水的水化学特征,划分其水化学类型;根据不同水文年、不同埋深δ2 H和δ18 O的变化,分析了地表水体与地下水的相互关系,认为矿区中部含水层受到地表水的入渗,地表水与深部岩溶水的混合作用加大,中部岩溶含水层水力活动范围不断扩大,相对长江流域同位素分布规律,矿区降雨中重同位素偏富,深部岩溶水有显著的埋深效应,季节效应不明显。提供了一个矿区地下水水化学和同位素研究实例,对同类研究有借鉴价值。  相似文献   

云南会泽超大型富锗铅锌矿位于扬子地块西南缘、川滇黔铅锌成矿区小江深断裂东侧,受北东向断褶构造控制。尽管会泽铅锌矿研究程度高,但作为矿区外围找矿重点区域的小竹箐勘查区地质研究程度较低。基于构造岩中金属元素组合晕(MEAHFZ)找矿方法,通过地质测量和构造解析,认为该勘查区具有良好的成矿地质条件,其构造样式为银厂坡左行斜冲走滑断层及其上盘的倒转倾伏背斜组成的断褶构造,与矿山厂、麒麟厂矿床控矿构造样式基本一致。结合已有研究成果,厘定印支期以来该勘查区构造体系成生发展为北东构造带—晚南北构造带—东西构造带。在此基础上,基于地表 1:10000构造地球化学、蚀变岩相精细填图及重力剖面勘查,绘制了铅-锌-镉元素组合和铅、锌单元素异常综合图,结合该区的重力异常,发现其综合异常沿银厂坡断裂上盘上震旦统灯影组、下石炭统摆佐组中的北北东—北东向压扭性层间断裂带分布,进而圈定了Ⅰ、Ⅱ和Ⅲ号重点找矿靶区。该成果不仅为该勘查区工程验证指明了方向,而且对同类矿床深部和外围找矿预测具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

脉金矿床控矿条件及源区性质刍议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前对脉金矿床,特别是大型金矿床的形成研究已取得重要进展,它在时间和空间上具有明显的一致性表明:大型脉金矿床的形成与特定的地质背景有密切关系,矿源具有深源性质,而与探矿岩系金的丰度值基本无关。  相似文献   

The Huize ore field, which is the most famous high‐grade Mississippi Valley‐type Zn‐Pb ore field in China, consists of the Kuangshanchang and Qilinchang deposits. The Sm‐Nd isotopic compositions of gangue calcite were analyzed to constrain the timing of mineralization. Eight calcite samples from the No. 6 orebody in the Qilinchang deposit have Sm and Nd concentrations of 1.82–25.93 and 15.25–79.02 ppm, respectively, and yielded an age of 225 ± 9.9 Ma with epsilon Nd =?10.6 and MSWD = 0.13. Five calcites from the No. 1 orebody in the Kuangshanchang deposit contain 2.37–2.90 ppm Sm and 8.18–16.85 ppm Nd, and yielded an age of 228 ± 16 Ma, with epsilon Nd =?10.6 and MSWD = 0.28. These two ages are close to the age of the Emeishan flood basalt, which is ca 255 Ma, and agree with the reported 40Ar/39Ar plateau and isochron ages of the native copper mineralization related to the Emeishan flood basalt in this region, which are 226–228 Ma. Moreover, previous study shows that the magnitude of uplift resulting from the Emeishan flood basalts is >1000 m. It indicates that the Kuangshanchang and the Qilinchang deposit formed during the same geological event and originated by fluid migration during uplift resulting from the Emeishan flood basalt.  相似文献   

李赛赛 《地质与勘探》2013,49(4):609-619
穆家河钒矿床产于南秦岭下寒武统水沟口组第一岩性段,含矿岩石主要为硅质岩夹( 炭质) 泥岩。钒矿体严格受层位控制,呈层状、似层状产出,沿走向、倾向上延伸均较稳定。通过物相分析、X - 射线衍射测试及电子探针分析,穆家河钒矿床中钒主要有三种赋存状态: 存在于钒云母中、以胶体状态存在的 V - Fe 氧化物、以氧化物集合体形式存在的 V - Ti,其中以钒云母为主。①钒云母的标型为2M1 型,化学式为 K( Al,V)2( Si,Al)4O10( OH)2或( K,Ba,Na)0. 75( Al,Mg,Cr,V)2( Si,Al,V)4O10( OH,O)2,呈片状、条带状产出,其 V2O5含量最高可达到 22. 68%,钒以类质同相形式替代云母中的铝; ②胶体状态存在的 V - Fe 氧化物,呈草莓状、圆球状、星点状、环状产出,颗粒直径小于 10μm,化学组成主要为 V、Fe、O,其中含钒最高可达到10. 09%,不含水,为胶体老化后形成的非晶质体; ③ V - Ti 氧化物集合体呈浸染状、星散状分布于岩石基质中,它最初是以胶体形式沉积,在后期成岩及地质演化过程中,其中钛的氧化物结晶形成锐钛矿、板钛矿等。  相似文献   

河南栾川Mo多金属矿集区构造地球化学特征及找矿预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙社良 《地质与勘探》2013,49(3):405-416
栾川Mo多金属矿集区位于华北陆块南缘与北秦岭造山带的结合部。本文在对栾川Mo多金属矿集区地质特征、构造控岩控矿特征总结的基础上,运用数学地质的方法对矿集区构造裂隙地球化学特征进行分析,根据构造地球化学异常特征圈出有利找矿靶区,工程验证取得明显的找矿效果。这表明构造地球化学-数学地质方法具有良好的找矿效果,为栾川Mo多金属矿集区开展深部矿产勘查工作提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

The Huize Zn–Pb–(Ag) district, in the Sichuan–Yunnan–Guizhou Zn–Pb–(Ag) metallogenic region, contains significant high-grade, Zn–Pb–(Ag) deposits. The total metal reserve of Zn and Pb exceeds 5 Mt. The district has the following geological characteristics: (1) high ore grade (Zn + Pb ≥ 25 wt.%); (2) enrichment in Ag and a range of other trace elements (Ge, In, Ga, Cd, and Tl), with galena, sphalerite, and pyrite being the major carriers of Ag, Ge, Cd and Tl; (3) ore distribution controlled by both structural and lithological features; (4) simple and limited wall-rock alteration; (5) mineral zonation within the orebodies; and (6) the presence of evaporite layers in the ore-hosting wall rocks of the Early Carboniferous Baizuo Formation and the underlying basement.Fluid-inclusion and isotope geochemical data indicate that the ore fluid has homogenisation temperatures of 165–220 °C, and salinities of 6.6–12 wt.% NaCl equiv., and that the ore-forming fluids and metals were predominantly derived from the Kunyang Group basement rocks and the evaporite-bearing rocks of the cover strata. Ores were deposited along favourable, specific ore-controlling structures. The new laboratory and field studies indicate that the Huize Zn–Pb–(Ag) district is not a carbonate-replacement deposit containing massive sulphides, but rather the deposits can be designated as deformed, carbonate-hosted, MVT-type deposits. Detailed study of the deposits has provided new clues to the localisation of concealed orebodies in the Huize Zn–Pb–(Ag) district and of the potential for similar carbonate-hosted sulphide deposits elsewhere in NE Yunnan Province, as well as the Sichuan–Yunnan–Guizhou Zn–Pb–(Ag) metallogenic region.  相似文献   

贵州省凯里地区铝土矿床控矿因素研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
凯里地区铝土矿是产于碳酸盐岩侵蚀面上的一水硬铝石型沉积矿床。该区域在地质历史时期,经历了多次地壳运动的复杂演变。铝土矿产于上泥盆统高坡场组(D3gp)白云岩侵蚀面上,含矿层位为中二叠统梁山组(P2l)。在阐述了该区铝土矿的成矿地质背景和矿床地质特征的基础上,对本区铝土矿床形成过程中的主要控矿因素进行了分析,认为该形成过...  相似文献   

胶东金矿集中区构造控岩控矿地质特征研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
本文对胶东构造体系进行了进一步划分,指出胶东中生代主要发育新华夏体系和华夏式构造系,而纬向构造体系,即EW向构造不发育的资料.在此基础上,对胶东金矿集中区构造控制矿带、矿床、矿脉、地球化学分布和物理化学条件等不同层次特征加以分析,提出的胶东金矿成矿期构造具有多层次控矿特点,新华夏系NEE向(泰山式)伴生构造控制胶东区域金矿带的展布;新华夏系NNE向区域剪切带控制金矿田产生部位;构造带断裂性质控制金矿矿床类别;构造断裂带的产状控制矿床矿体的倾伏侧伏规律;剪切构造两盘的运移特点和断裂组合形式控制矿脉的分布规律;构造变形岩相带控制的构造地球化学特征;构造控制成矿物理化学条件等认识.  相似文献   

河西地区初始水权分配问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈文  王启优 《地下水》2010,32(2):85-87
将水资源的配置纳入法律的调整范围内,才能达到合理、高效利用水资源的目的,这是水权及水资源配置需要研究的问题。在实践中,水权界定有助于解决现实用水矛盾。对初始水权分配进行研究,有利于节水型社会的建设,有利于水资源的可持续利用,对构建起和谐社会发挥重要作用。初始水权分配,应当遵循相关的原则和分配程序。对河西地区的初始水权分配,应当继续发挥行政配置的优势,同时在一定程度上引入“准市场”水票制的和公司式管理的机制。  相似文献   

通过桐溪金矿田矿区构造形迹特征的调查研究,及构造对该矿田矿体产出状态分布规律的制约作用分析,并以构造、蚀变、矿化演变的同步性解析为基础,推断NE向构造为矿区的主要导矿、容矿构造,NW向断裂为主要的容矿构造.结合矿石的化学成分及其稳定同位素的测试分析等,提出了桐溪金矿田经历了新元古代物源建造期、加里东前造山期和最终在印支-燕山期岩浆侵入期过程中成矿物质在有利的构造部位富集的多阶段成矿模式.  相似文献   

浅析前岭井田4煤层层滑构造及薄化带展布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对前岭煤矿部分采区层滑构造形态特征及展布规律的观测和研究,分析了该地段主采煤层薄化带及增厚带的展布方向和幅度,揭示了31~5煤层组中,软弱夹层及滑动构造发育情况,指出4煤层变薄及增厚的规律性,为矿井安全提供了超前地质信息。   相似文献   

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