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盱眙县是淮阴市矿产资源大县,矿业已成为盱眙经济的重要组成部分。介绍了近年来在矿产资源管理过程中依法治矿、规范办案的几点收获和体会。认为提高矿管工作水平必须加强队伍建设,强化执法意识;严格依法治矿,整顿矿业秩序,确保矿业秩序的根本好转。  相似文献   

要把乡镇矿业引导到科学采矿,使其持续健康地发展,不是轻而易举的事情,本文就实现科学采矿,提出三点看法,供大家讨论.1.要实现科学采矿,必须首先做到依法治矿依法治矿即实行采矿许可证制度:一是已经开办的乡镇矿要补办采矿许可证;二是尚未开办的要先办证再采矿.正是通过这一制度把正常的采矿秩序建立起来.依法治矿  相似文献   

近几年来,即墨市从有效保护和合理利用矿产资源出发,认真整顿矿业秩序,强化监督管理,坚持依法办矿、依法治矿,使矿业生产逐步走上了法制化的轨道.  相似文献   

崔伍 《河南地质》2010,(8):51-51
近日,郑州市惠济区国土资源局被惠济区委、区政府授予“国土资源宣传和依法治区工作先进单位”荣誉称号。  相似文献   

2010年12月4日是第10个全国法制宣传日,广西国土资源厅、南宁市国土资源局、南宁市法制办及南宁市青秀区依法治区办公室的工作人员走上街头,  相似文献   

许敏 《山东地质》2008,(11):19-20
随着档案法规的逐步完善,依法治档的社会环境不断提高,在开展土地管理工作过程中,会产生大量的土地档案资料,而土地档案又给土地管理工作提供丰富的土地信息和依据,这些丰富的土地信息和依据来源于土地档案的记载、存储。土地档案对依法管地、合理开发用地、地籍调查、权属确认、解决土地纠纷等都起到重要的作用。  相似文献   

丛林 《江苏地矿信息》2001,26(4):126-128
结合多年档案管理工作实践,针对目前不少地方和单位存在的对档案工作重视不够,缺乏有效管理手段,观念陈旧,封闭保守等现状,通过对依法治档重要性和必要性的阐述,从而提高对依照法律管理档案的认识。就进一步建立健全地方性法规,完善档案法规体系,适应改革开放和社会主义市场经济发展的需要,以及如何做好依法治档工作,加大档案执法检查力度提出了几点设想。  相似文献   

近年来,巩义市国土资源局坚持用严格的责任制度、血浓于水的大爱精神、依法治访的工作方式,全力维护群众利益,化解社会矛盾,使本部门信访案件大幅下降。该局先后被评为全国国土资源系统信访工作先进集体、全省国土资源系统信访工作优秀  相似文献   

《矿产资源法》实施一年多来,矿产资源勘查、开发利用的监督管理工作,沿着依法治矿的轨道逐步开展,并已取得一定成绩和效果。主要表现在:采用多种形式开展《矿产资源法》和“放开、搞活、管好”加快开发地下资源总方针的宣传活动,使广大干部和有矿业活动地方的群众,对矿产资源的国有观念、资源相对不足的国情观念和必须依法勘查、开采矿产资  相似文献   

《矿产资源法》颁布实施五周年,通过宣传贯彻,增强了广大干部、群众依法办矿的法制观念,推动了各项矿管工作的开展,依法办矿的矿山取得了采矿权,非法采矿的小矿山被关闭,违法行为受到查处,矿管部门的声望越来越高,促讲了依法治矿。宣传贯彻《矿产资源法》要领导首先学法,提高认识,加强领导,建立一支专兼结合的宣传队伍,采取多种形式有重点地进行宣传教育。我国、我省面临矿产资源形势是严峻的,浪费矿产资源的现象仍存在,要继续深入宣传贯彻《矿产资源法》。  相似文献   

Of all the materials required for construction of a new town, the only one that must be obtained locally is aggregate for concrete. Very large tonnages of sand and gravel, or crushed stone, will be needed. Their production must be planned for from the beginning, to avoid the conflicts in land use that have long plagued older communities that undergo expansion. Production of sand, gravel, and stone is now disallowed by zoning in most major urban corridors in the U.S.A., making it necessary to bring these materials from a distance, at higher costs than formerly. Yet some success has been achieved in fitting the aggregates industry into the urban picture. Two examples are cited, involving production of stone in New Jersey and gravel in southern California. Where planning is done from the start, areas of occurrence of sand, gravel, or good-quality stone must be set aside for extractive industry. It is the geologiest's responsibility to provide information on locality of occurrence, tonnage present, thickness of overburden, best way to exploit the deposit with minimum environmental effect, and feasible use of the area after it has been worked out. The possibility of obtaining stone from below ground should also be evaluated. Only by such advance planning, with geological input, can conflicts in land use and excessive cost of construction aggregate be avoided.  相似文献   

赵洪  伊丽娟 《城市地质》2013,(3):58-60,5
饱和砂土在地震荷裁作用下极易发生液化,对工程建筑造成危害。本文探讨了地震力作用下饱和砂土的液化机理。通过实例说明cFG桩和碎石桩共用具有明显的抗液化效果,并提出CFG桩和碎石桩抗液化,需进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   

红砂岩修筑浆砌石坝的岩土工程研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
红砂岩为中低强度岩层、岩相复杂多变,较易风化、软化。本文通过工程实践阐述了在红砂岩分布地区利用当地材料建造浆砌块石坝的岩土工程研究,开创了红砂岩筑坝的先例。  相似文献   

全国铁路大提速,现有铁路设施急需改造,新建铁路也将按照新的速度标准进行设计和施工。因此,铁路道碴必须按新的质量标准进行更换。市场需求迫切,容量空间巨大,我省此类石材资源具有量大、质优、区位分布合理等优势,应重视和加强铁路道碴石材资源的勘查评价,为四川铁路的全面提速,提供坚实的物质基础。  相似文献   

A North American perspective on land use and mineral aggregate production   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Land use conflicts involving natural aggregate producers often result in the sterilization of aggregate resources like crushed stone, sand and gravel when land management policies render potential resources inaccessible. Transport plays a major role in the cost structure of aggregates. Limiting the sources of aggregate, thereby increasing transport costs, will translate into unnecessary social costs. Sequential land use is examined for conventional aggregate and multiple land use for marine and recycled aggregates. The integration of aggregate production within the land management planning process would preserve the natural resource stock of aggregate and also be economically efficient.  相似文献   

在密山一带休物探震源孔,外遇地层为胶泥、沙土、风化岩、青石板及河流石等。为此研制了一系列新式钻头,包括98mm三牙轮钻头、98mm刮刀式PDC钻头及118mm砾石流沙炮眼防卡钻头,前2种钻头现场共应用930口井,创造了极好的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

在立井回填过程中,出现了回填高度不稳定、悬吊管受力变化幅度大等异常现象。分析认为:沙石回填沉降行为是影响回填高度不稳定、悬吊管受力变化幅度大的主要因素。利用模拟井筒进行沙石颗粒群沉降实验表明,细颗粒的存在,使井筒中出现明显软夹层,该层强度相对较低、含液量高,一般悬浮在井筒中,是影响回填高度不稳定的主要原因。  相似文献   

The study presented in this paper aimed to investigate the flexural behavior of geocell reinforcement by means of three-layered beam model testing. The geocell reinforcement was assumed to be a continuous beam sandwiched between two identical polywood beams. An analytical analysis was conducted to derive the closed-form solution to calculate the deflection of the three-layered beam model. A series of four-point bending tests using dead weights were carried out to test the three-layered beam models. Two geocell products of different dimensions and two types of infill materials, crushed stone and silty sand were tested in this study. Deflections of the layered beam models were measured along with the increment of applied loads. Testing results showed that the geocell reinforcement provides considerable resistance to flexural deformation, especially at higher load levels. The geocell with greater cell height to cell length ratio exhibited overall greater resistance to flexural deflection, especially when crushed stone was used as infill materials. Geocell reinforcements filled by crushed stone showed less flexural deformation than the geocells filled by silty sand. The modulus of the geocell reinforcement was calculated based on the closed-form solution and deflection measurements from the four-point bending tests. Ranges of elastic modulus were presented for the geocell reinforcement filled with compacted crushed stone and silty sand, which can be used as reference values for material property inputs in mechanistic-empirical design of geocell-reinforced pavements.  相似文献   

The charm of the Isle of Wight, so much appreciated by visitors and the local population alike, is very much a combination of its delightful scenery and unique assemblage of vernacular buildings. These buildings range from isolated farmhouses to elaborate manor houses, castles and churches all constructed using the indigenous stone resources of the island. Today, these stone buildings, many of which date back to medieval times, are increasingly in need of conservation repair to maintain them for future generations. Essential to such conservation work is the safeguarding of the island's indigenous building stone sources as many of the stones used are unique to the island and no longer quarried. Protecting these stone sources could also provide stone for new building projects which would help to further enhance the character of the island's towns and villages.  相似文献   

红层岩体以其岩体结构的软硬相间及软弱夹层发育而在边坡稳定方面表现为"易滑地层".瓦屋山水电站厂房区边坡为顺向坡,砂岩类岩石与黏土岩类岩石呈缓倾、互层状(倾角10°~20°)产出.构造与表生改造作用下,在这两类软硬相间的岩石界面上常形成分布较为连续的软弱夹层,这类岩体较易沿软弱夹层产生顺层滑动.地质历史时期,瓦屋山厂房区...  相似文献   

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