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Many empirical models have been used widely for designing hydrocyclones in industry. These empirical models consist of a set of design equations. Most of the design equations are based on the correlations obtained experimentally, using dimensionless similarity numbers. These equations have their limitations due to the specific systems used for model development. Therefore, in many cases, they cannot be used with confidence to predict the design of an individual separator, or the overall plant configuration that is required to meet different user requirements. A modified version of the existing design equations presented by previous researchers was developed. The design equations, describing four fundamental parameters: pressure drop, flow recovery to underflow, corrected cut size and classification function, were modified by fitting with set of experimental data to obtain the system-specific constant parameters. These modified design equations were then called, the fine-tuned design equations. Four sets of fine-tuned design equations describing all the fundamental parameters were constructed and used to predict the separation performance of many hydrocyclone operational systems at the Dow Chemical Company, Texas, USA. The performance of these equations is evaluated, and the limitations of their use are discussed, thus providing useful insights into hydrocyclone design.  相似文献   

The methods of deriving Fe O and Ti O_2 contents from the Clementine spacecraft data were discussed,and an approach was developed to derive the content from the measurements using the Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M~3) instrument on Chandrayaan-1.The density of lunar bedrock was then modeled on the basis of the derived Fe O and Ti O_2 abundances.The Fe O and Ti O_2 abundances derived from the M~3 data were compared with the previous results of the Clementine data and were in good agreement.The Fe O abundance data also agreed well with the Lunar Prospector data,which were used as an independent source.The previous Clementine and newly M~3 derived abundances were compared with the laboratory measured Fe O and Ti O_2 contents in the Apollo and Luna returned samples.The Clementine derived Fe O content was systematically 1%–2%lower than the laboratory measurements in all the returned samples.The M~3 derived content agreed well with the returned Apollo samples and was within±2.8%of the laboratory measurements.The Clementine derived Ti O_2abundance was systematically 0.1%–4%higher than the laboratory measurements of the returned samples.The M~3 derived Ti O_2 agreed well (±0.6%) with the laboratory measurements of the returned samples,except for samples with high Ti O_2content.However,these results should be carefully interpreted because the error range requires verification.No error analysis was provided with the previous Clementine derived contents.  相似文献   

This paper introduces sequential limit analysis (SLA) as a method for modelling large plastic deformations of purely cohesive materials such as undrained clay. The method involves solving a series of consecutive small‐deformation plastic collapse problems using finite element limit analysis, thus ensuring high levels of accuracy, efficiency, and robustness. The techniques needed to develop an SLA implementation for two‐dimensional (plane strain) problems are described in detail, including model geometry updating routines, treatment of rigid bodies, interfaces and boundaries, and periodic remeshing and interpolation of field variables. A simple total stress‐based constitutive model is used to account for strain softening and strain rate effects. Extensive verifications and validations are performed using analytical solutions and physical model test results, comparing both collapse loads and failure mechanisms, to demonstrate the effectiveness of the SLA approach. Additional solution quality checks on the bracketing discrepancy between lower‐bound and upper‐bound limit analysis solutions, and on the incompressibility of the rigid‐plastic material, are also presented.  相似文献   

Hazard assessment of dangerous natural phenomena is critical because of their evident results concerning loss of human life and property, especially in dense populated areas. Earthquakes are probably the most devastating phenomenon since their immediate and long-term consequences are severe. This study is focused on the earthquake data analysis in different regions of Greece, characterised by different seismicity levels. In specific, a novel model is proposed based on evolutionary computation methods, such as symbolic regression by genetic programming and genetic algorithms in order to elucidate preliminary hidden mathematical relations and patterns found in the seismological signals under study. Furthermore, the model is calibrated using reverse engineering and closes the loop from the data collection to initial hypothesis. In this way, the model formation is achieved. The presented simulation results qualitatively and quantitatively reveal some of the fundamental characteristics of each studied geographical region located in Greece that stem from its geodynamic properties.  相似文献   

对线性体图像进行分析,提出了一种基于扫描图像的线性体统计分析方法。通过对节点及其信息进行提取,快速抓住线性体的总体拓扑结构,并以节点信息为指引对线性体进行跟踪和识别,解决了复杂的线性体交叉问题。对识别出的线性体,通过直线拟合的方法,精确计算得到其长度、方位等信息。算法的主要特点是直接对扫描图进行运算,不需要矢量化,充分利用栅格图像的特点实现信息的快速获取,算法还具有精度高、抗噪性好和适应性强的特点。  相似文献   

Realistic texture‐based modelling methods, that is microstructural modelling and micromechanical modelling, are developed to simulate the rock aggregate breakage properties on the basis of the rock actual microstructure obtained using microscopic observations and image analysis. The breakage properties of three types of rocks, that is Avja, LEP and Vandle taken from three quarries in Sweden, in single aggregate breakage tests and in inter‐aggregate breakage tests are then modelled using the proposed methods. The microstructural modelling directly integrates the microscopic observation, image analysis and numerical simulation together and provides a valuable tool to investigate the mechanical properties of rock aggregates on the basis of their microstructure properties. The micromechanical modelling takes the most important microstructure properties of rock aggregates into consideration and can model the major mechanical properties. Throughout this study, it is concluded that in general, the microstructure properties of rock aggregate work together to affect their mechanical properties, and it is difficult to correlate a single microstructure property with the mechanical properties of rock aggregates. In particular, for the three types of rock Avja, LEP and Vandle in this study, crack size distribution, grain size and grain perimeter (i.e. grain shape and spatial arrangement) show good correlations with the mechanical properties. The crack length and the grain size negatively affect the mechanical properties of Avja, LEP and Vandle, but the perimeter positively influences the mechanical properties. Besides, the modelled rock aggregate breakage properties in both single aggregate and inter‐aggregate tests reveal that the aggregate microstructure, aggregate shape and loading conditions influence the breakage process of rock aggregate in service. For the rock aggregate with the same microstructure, the quadratic shape and good packing dramatically improve its mechanical properties. During services, the aggregate is easiest to be fragmented under point‐to‐point loading condition, and then in the sequence of multiple‐point, point‐to‐plane and plane‐to‐plane loading conditions. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于典型相关分析的遥感影像变化检测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
多通道遥感影像由于通道之间相关性的影响,相对于单通道影像的变化检测更为困难,因此需要有效的集中分布在各个通道上的变化信息,构造出不同时相之间的差异影像,以便于变化信息的分析解译。针对多通道变化信息集中的难点和通道之间相关性的影响难以消除的问题,引入多元统计分析中的典型相关分析方法,将2个时相的多通道遥感影像示作2组多元随机变量,采用多元变化检测变换,对多个波谱通道上的所有差异信息或变化信息进行重组,分配到一组互不相关的结果变量中,最大限度地消除通道间的相关性对变化检测的不利影响,初步解决了差异影像构造的问题。  相似文献   

为了增加地下水开采水量,并且尽可能地减小地下水开采后的水位降深,在水源地下游设置地下截水坝,并且同时配合辐射井开采地下水。通过数值模型的计算及预测,截潜流工程不但可以有效地截取地下水径流,更大限度地利用地下水资源,而且可以有效地控制地下水位降深以及腾出地下库容,以便在洪水期容纳更多的洪水入渗。通过实际工程的检验表明:地下截水坝配合辐射井这种截潜流工程在地下水开采中具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

利用MATLAB图像处理与统计计算功能对碎屑岩进行粒度分析,可以较好地解决传统粒度分析方法中存在的测量结果不精确、费时费力等问题。首先对碎屑岩镜下图像进行灰度化、二值化、图像增强等处理,准确测量出碎屑岩中各类粒度数据,然后将粒度数据转换为粒度参数运用到沉积环境分析中,更为精确地判别沉积环境。分析结果表明,该方法不但与传统粒度分析方法结果一致,而且测量精度高,方法简单,操作便捷,适用性好。  相似文献   

我国在青藏高原开展了许多地质调查与矿产勘查工作,取得了大量的地质资料,但是这些珍贵的地质资料没有实现统一管理,不能实现共享,影响了为青藏高原经济社会发展的服务。因此,开展实测剖面数据库建设与数据Web发布系统的研究工作,可以全面摸清青藏高原地质资料数据分布情况,并通过基于WebGIS技术的实测地层剖面数据Web发布系统发布这些地质资料。通过这一系统,用户可以十分直观地了解已完成区域地质调查项目的实测地层剖面分布情况,了解每一条实测剖面的地理位置、所测地层、长度、生产单位、生产日期,观看剖面示意图,了解每一地层分段的岩石特征、化石种类、岩层厚度等,为用户提供地层剖面数据的检索与查询服务,以及地图查询、浏览、打印服务,同时还可以了解相关的地质背景知识。  相似文献   

赵玥  韩巧玲  赵燕东  刘晋浩 《冰川冻土》2017,39(6):1307-1315
CT无损动态扫描技术在土壤领域的成功应用,为冻土内部结构及变化的定量化研究提供了有效手段。通过总结和分析现有关于冻土的基于CT断层扫描图像的研究成果,阐明CT扫描技术在冻土研究中的4个关键环节,即冻土样本的制备、冻土CT图像的获取、冻土CT图像处理及分析,并指出在现有CT技术条件下冻土研究中存在的问题,针对性提出了将先进的图像处理技术与高效的图像分析手段和冻土研究相结合的解决方案,为冻土内部结构的定量研究与分析提供技术指导,进而为CT无损动态扫描技术在冻土领域的广泛应用奠定基础。  相似文献   

基于数字图像的砂土压缩变形模式的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于数字图像处理技术,利用图像分析程序包PhotoInfor分析了侧限压缩条件下砂土各加荷阶段土体位移的产生、发展与演化全过程,发现砂土的位移场类似于抛物线形状,位移等值线呈轴对称分布,位移量最大的区域总是发生在上透水石的下底面中心处。单调加荷条件下,位移增量主要集中在局部变形带附近,其范围有继续延展和贯通的趋势,顶部、中部测点的土体位移与整体压缩量基本呈同步增长;顶部的土体位移量始终大于中部,加荷的中后期差别更加明显。与粉质黏土位移场进行对比试验分析,砂土内部的应力传递、变形模式以及荷载的影响范围均表现出明显的差异。上述研究为深入探讨基底压力的分布规律,利用宏观试验现象研究砂土细观结构变化的定量模型提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the geometry modelling and numerical analysis of microstructures of geomaterials employing the concept of image‐based engineering. The novel modelling and analysis techniques with digital images are incorporated with the mathematical homogenization method to study the interaction between individual phases, each of whose shape and spatial distribution are irregular. Owing to the distinctive features of these computational techniques, the evaluation of homogenized properties for geomaterials provides the reliable information about the micro‐ or macroscopic mechanical behaviours for engineering practice. It is, naturally, inevitable that engineers' demands on safety and efficient design place emphasis on quantitative estimates for these values. Thus, calibration accompanied with actual measurements comes within the scope of this study so that these properties would be realistic and practical from the engineering viewpoints. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为揭示沂沭断裂带深部结构及发生—发展过程,查清断裂切割深度及对岩石圈地幔的破坏,探讨沂沭断裂带的构造组合样式、运动方式、地壳稳定性及其对资源环境的约束作用,研究团队于2019年在沂沭断裂带南段沂南—莒县附近布设了一条长约60 km的深反射地震剖面,系统采集了沂沭断裂带和两侧地块的地震数据,对沂沭断裂带深部岩石圈精细结构进行了解剖.结果显示,该区岩石圈结构在横向上表现为以沂沭断裂带为界的块状结构特征,地壳厚度约30.8~39.5 km;莫霍面总体呈西浅东深态势,并被西倾的沂水—汤头断裂(F2)和昌邑—大店断裂(F4)错断,垂直落差达10.5 km.与浅部"两堑夹一垒"的构造组合样式不同的是,沂沭断裂带在深部剖面上表现为由沂水—汤头断裂(F2)和昌邑—大店断裂(F4)向上延伸与分叉散开的多条断裂组成"双枝状"构造组合样式.断裂带内被断层切割的界面反射波多呈向上的拱弧形,其构造形迹具有伸展、挤压和走滑并存的特征,推断这些界面为层间滑脱构造,它们指示了沂沭断裂带"多层滑移"构造运动方式.该断裂带不仅切穿了近地表、壳内地质界面,F2、F4断裂还向下切割莫霍面,深入岩石圈地幔,是深达地幔的深大断裂构造带,为地幔热物质的上涌提供了通道,对中生代的岩浆活动和内生成矿具有控制作用.地震剖面西端的铜井金矿成矿与沿F2断裂上侵的铜井杂岩体关系密切;剖面东端的火山机构保存完整,没有明显构造破坏痕迹,据此认为沂沭断裂带左行走滑主要发生在早白垩世青山期以前,其后水平滑移量应不大.从区域地质分布及地震反演结果看,昌邑—大店断裂(F4)明显将山东省分割为鲁西和鲁东两个地质构造单元,因此将其作为区域地质构造分界线是合理的.本项研究结果进一步加深了沂沭断裂带深、浅部结构的认识,为分析研究沂沭断裂带的深部过程和浅部构造响应及对资源环境的影响提供了资料约束.  相似文献   

利用MapGIS组件技术,通过可视化语言Visual Basic编程完成了多元素化探剖面图的制作.利用此程序绘制几十条多元素剖面的数百条曲线费时仅几分钟,每条剖面均形成一个点(.wt)和线(.wl)文件,效率大为提高.  相似文献   

在燕山期、喜山期构造活动作用下,王窑区块发育北东向和南北向共轭剪切裂缝。针对该裂缝进行了统计分析,并利用离散裂缝网络模型对裂缝进行了随机模拟。模拟结果表明:研究区共轭裂缝北东向较为显著,且以高角度裂缝为主。裂缝对渗透率影响较为明显,将研究区的渗透率提高到20×10-3μm2,孔隙度增加约2%。  相似文献   

基于数字图像技术的土石混合体边坡稳定性分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
土石混合体作为自然界中常见的一类岩土体,尤其在我国西南地区存在着不同成因及规模的土石混合体边坡,这些边坡的稳定性问题对于工程在施工及运营期间的安全性有着重要的意义。在传统的边坡稳定性分析中,通常将土石混合体边坡视为均质土坡,忽略其内部块石的存在,这给计算结果带来了很大的误差。运用数字图像处理技术,对西南地区一土石混合体边坡进行分析,建立其细观结构模型。在此基础上,运用有限元强度折减法开展相应的稳定性研究。结果表明,块石的存在使边坡内部应力场分布变得极其不均匀,计算搜索得到的滑动带具有明显的绕石特征,考虑块石时计算得到的稳定系数要较等效均质土坡的稳定系数高。  相似文献   

微分相似优化(Differential Semblance Optimization,DSO)法是一种可以有效避免非线性最小二乘反演过程中不聚焦问题的速度反演方法.基于DSO原理的波动方程偏移速度分析将成像道集的聚焦或者拉平程度作为速度判定的准则,其目标泛函具有良好的凸性,可以有效避免局部极值问题,目标泛函的梯度较为光滑,并且对地震数据中低频成分的要求较低,对速度模型中背景速度的估计较为准确.一般情况下,DSO方法利用偏移距域共成像点道集建立目标泛函,文中利用角度域共成像点道集建立目标泛函对速度的准确性进行判定.模型试算结果表明,通过角道集可以更加直观地对速度的准确性进行判定,并且准确反映速度与深度的对应关系.  相似文献   

可膨胀波纹管技术主要用于解决复杂深孔井下事故频发、套管层次受限等技术难题。管串水力膨胀是该技术应用的关键环节,为了研究可膨胀波纹管水力膨胀中的力学特性,提高井下事故处理的成功率,本文采用有限元数值模拟与室内试验相结合的方式共同研究波纹管的水力膨胀过程。通过多次波纹管水力膨胀室内试验,对比有限元理论分析结果,得出二者对于波纹管水力膨胀力学特性曲线基本一致。可膨胀波纹管的弹性形变压力为0~2.5 MPa,管串压力处于3~9 MPa时截面关键点位移速率较大,可膨胀波纹管的水力膨胀压力为14 MPa,膨胀后波纹管截面尺寸外径最大均值Xmax 为136.98 mm,外径最小均值Xmin为104.58 mm,达到了波纹管机械膨胀对截面尺寸的要求,为波纹管野外试验及产业化应用提供了重要的理论依据与技术支撑。  相似文献   

考虑到潮流运动的非恒定性和非线性特征,基于潮流雷诺应力分布式,应用Prandtl混合长度和von Karman自相似理论,并结合潮流运动方程,推导了近底层潮流速垂向分布的双对数模式.然后,将该分布模式应用于英国大陆南部西Solent水道和江苏岸外西洋海域流速的实测资料,并与对数线性分布的计算成果相比较,获得了比较满意的结果.最后,对几种分布模式进行了讨论和比较,结果表明:在近岸水域采用对数或对数线性流速分布模式计算摩阻流速和粗糙高度往往会带来较大的偏差,双对数模式能使计算的结果更为合理.  相似文献   

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