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Partitioning of heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Zn) in marine sediments collected from various sites in Hong Kong waters were determined using sequential extraction method. Sediments from Kellette Bank, located in Victoria Harbour, had higher metal concentrations especially Cu and Zn than most other sites. Slightly over 20% of total Cu and Cr existed as readily available forms in Peng Chau and Kellette Bank. At most sampling sites, over 15% of the Cu existed as the exchangeable form indicating that Cu could be readily released into the aqueous phase from sediments. A significantly higher percentage of Pb and Zn was associated with the three non-residual fractions. Hence, there is a greater environmental concern for remobilization of Pb and Zn compared with Cr. The high amount of residual Cd (>50%) and the relatively lower Cd content indicate that little environmental concern is warranted for the remobilization of Cd. Distribution of metals in sediments collected from different depth at Kellette Bank shows that metal concentrations decreased with profile depth. The levels of Pb and Zn associated with the two readily available fractions increased sharply in the surface sediment. These metals represented the pollutants, which were introduced into the area in the mid-eighties through early nineties as a result of rapid economic and industrial development in the territory. As significant portions of these metals were bound to the readily available phases in the surface sediments, metal remobilization could be a concern. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

This paper presents Cu–Zn–As geochemical data from stream sediment surveys carried out in the three main watersheds of the Coquimbo Region of Chile. This mountainous semiarid realm occupies an area of 40,656 km2 between 29° and 32°S. Given that the area has a long historical record of mining activities, important environmental disturbances were expected. However, despite the detection of three major geochemical anomalies for Cu, Zn, or As, only one can be unmistakably linked to the development of mining–metal recovery procedures (Andacollo–Panulcillo). An investigation of the other two anomalies (Elqui and Hurtado) reveals three major causes that fully or partially account for them: (1) the type of ore deposit and associated hydrothermal alteration; (2) the regional structural setting (intensity of fracturing); and (3) climate–landscape. Cu–Au–As epithermal deposits/prospects along the so-called El Indio belt are here regarded as the sources of both the Elqui and Hurtado anomalies. The strong advanced argillic alteration present in some of the epithermal deposits/prospects of the El Indio belt may have induced the loss of the buffering capacity of rocks, and therefore favoured metal dispersion during later oxidation–leaching of sulphides. This applies to the Elqui and Hurtado anomalies. Conversely, given that the potassic, propylitic and phyllic alterations do not affect the buffering capacity of rocks, only minor metal dispersion is observed in relation to the Los Pelambres porphyry copper deposit. Besides, the epithermal belt is located within a highly fractured Andean domain (3,000–4,000 m of altitude), which may have conditioned the fast unroofing of ore deposits, contributed to enhanced circulation of meteoric waters, and eventually, to strong oxidation, and leaching of metals. Metal dispersion is aggravated during rainy years in response to strong El Niño episodes.  相似文献   

Atacamite, a copper hydroxychloride, is an important constituent of supergene oxide zones of copper deposits in northern Chile, whereas in similar deposits elsewhere, it is rare. In Chile, it has generally been assumed to be a primary constituent of the supergene zones. There are two difficulties with this supposition. The first is that atacamite requires saline water for its formation, whereas supergene oxidation was caused by percolating, oxygenated meteoric water, mainly rainwater. The second is that atacamite dissolves rapidly or undergoes phase change when exposed to fresh water. Supergene enrichment of copper deposits in northern Chile extended over a long period, 44 to 9 Ma, being terminated by the onset of hyperaridity. During this period, there was at least intermittent rainfall, exposing previously formed atacamite to dissolution or phase change. Furthermore, atacamite-bearing oxide zones in several deposits are directly overlain by thick Miocene alluvial gravels; the stream waters that transported these gravels would have permeated the oxide zones. In some deposits, atacamite-bearing assemblages occur both in the oxide zones and in contiguous gravels. We suggest that atacamite-bearing oxide assemblages are more likely to have been a replacement of preexisting oxide phases after the onset of hyperaridity at about 9 Ma. A hyperarid climate made possible evaporation and concentration of chloride in meteoric waters. In this paper, we discuss another source of saline waters to modify oxide zones. Dewatering of the Domeyko Basin expelled brines along faults, some of which had earlier guided the location of porphyry deposits. At the Spence porphyry copper deposit, saline waters, which δD vs δ 18O isotope analyses identify as basinal brines, are presently rising through the deposit, then flowing away along the base of the covering gravels. Compositions of these waters lie within the stability fields of atacamite and brochantite, the two minerals that comprise the oxide zone. Evidence is presented for other porphyry deposits, Radomiro Tomic and Gaby Sur, that basinal brines may have been involved in the late formation of atacamite.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic influence, mainly due to urban and industrial activities, may affect fluvial environments and soils, via atmospheric contamination and liquid and solid waste.Continuing previous works on stream sediments and soils, the Gran La Plata area was chosen. In this area, located in the Northeast of Buenos Aires Province (Argentina), several streams and soils were sampled. The streams have similar characteristics, although some of them have a higher input of pollutants (fluvial effluents, fly ashes, solid wastes, etc.). The studied soils have different pedological development.Magnetic and chemical studies were carried out in the laboratory. Analyses of the results indicated that the behavior of magnetic parameters can be related to the variations of heavy metal contents in stream sediments but there is not a good correlation in soils. The comparison between both environments (stream-sediment and soils) reveals a different impact of pollutants. Magnetite, especially PSD grains, seems to be the main carrier for both environments.  相似文献   

A field survey was conducted to identify potential hyperaccumulators of Pb, Zn or Cd in the Beichang Pb/Zn mine outcrop in Yunnan Province, China. The average total concentrations of Pb, Zn, and Cd in the soils were up to 28,438, 5,109, and 52 mg kg−1, respectively. A total of 68 plant species belonging to 60 genera of 37 families naturally colonizing the outcrop were recorded. According to metal accumulation in the plants and translocation factor (TF), Silene viscidula was identified as potential hyperaccumulator of Pb, Zn, and Cd with mean shoot concentrations of 3,938 mg kg−1 of Pb (TF = 1.2), 11,155 mg kg−1 of Zn (TF = 1.8) and 236 mg kg−1 of Cd (TF = 1.1), respectively; S. gracilicanlis (Pb 3,617 mg kg−1, TF = 1.2) and Onosma paniculatum (Pb 1,837 mg kg−1, TF = 1.9) were potential Pb hyperaccumulators. Potentilla griffithii (Zn 8,748 mg kg−1, TF = 1.5) and Gentiana sp. (Zn 19,710 mg kg−1, TF = 2.7) were potential Zn hyperaccumulators. Lysimachia deltoides (Cd 212 mg kg−1, TF = 3.2) was a potential Cd hyperaccumulator. These new plant resources could be used to explore the mechanisms of Pb, Zn and/or Cd hyperaccumulation, and the findings could be applied for the phytoremediation of Pb, Zn and/or Cd-contaminated soils.  相似文献   

Supergene enrichment of Cu deposits in the Atacama Desert has played a critical role in making this the prime Cu-producing province of the world. Previously, this has been believed to have occurred exclusively over a long period from the middle Eocene to the late Miocene, which ended when climatic conditions changed from arid to hyperarid. Here, we report U-series disequilibrium ages in atacamite-bearing supergene assemblages that provide a new conceptualization on both the supergene enrichment process and the onset of extreme hyperaridity in the Atacama Desert. 230Th–234U ages of gypsum intergrown with atacamite in supergene veins from Cu deposits cluster at ~240 ka (Chuquicamata), 130 ka (Mantos Blancos, Spence), and 80 ka (Mantos de la Luna, Michilla). When coupled with previous data, these results indicate that supergene enrichment of Cu deposits did not cease after the onset of hyperaridity. We propose that supergene enrichment in the Atacama region developed in two main stages. The main phase, caused by downward circulation of meteoric waters in a semi-arid setting, was active from 45 until ~9 Ma, with a last pulse ca. 5 Ma in the southern Atacama Desert. During this phase, atacamite-bearing supergene assemblages were not preserved because atacamite requires saline water for its formation and rapidly dissolves when contacted by meteoric water. This was followed by a second stage starting at ~2–1.5 Ma and continuing until at least the late Pleistocene, when deep formation waters derived from the basement passed up through and modified the pre-existing supergene Cu oxide minerals. Atacamite has then been preserved in the prevailing hyperarid climate.  相似文献   

Geochemical field and laboratory tests of soils and stream sediments in an area of weak surficial lead-zinc mineralization resulted in the delineation of two anomalous zones. Lead-zinc values are exceptionally high, but downslope and downstream mobility is low.The metals occur in base-exchangeable positions (5%), with iron oxides (45–60%), in clay lattice positions (15–30%), as resistant minerals (2–5%), and in organic matter (up to 20%).Intense dissolution and redeposition of metals occurred probably close to their point of origin in residual soils.  相似文献   

An unusual nodular form of monazite has been found to account for abnormally high levels of cerium in panned heavy mineral concentrates from stream sediments in several areas in Wales and pan of Exmoor. Textural features indicate a pre-metamorphic, diagenetic origin within Lower Palaeozoic shale or siltstone host-rocks but REE patterns show only minor variation, including relative enrichment in europium, from ‘average’ granitic monazite. The similarities between these occurrences, described for the first time from the British Isles, and those previously described from Brittany and elsewhere are discussed.  相似文献   

长江三峡库区土壤与水系沉积物Cd地球化学特征   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
对长江三峡库区段不同介质中Cd的分布特征和长江水系沉积物在垂向、横向剖面上的元素分布特征的研究发现,残坡积型土壤与长江干流水系沉积物Cd含量差异较大,水系沉积物具明显的高Cd异常;各个沉积时期的水系沉积物中均存在Cd异常,上游来源的Cd是引起三峡库区水系沉积物高Cd异常的主要因素;人类活动对土壤和水系沉积物中Cd的含量影响明显,在厂矿、码头、生活垃圾场等地区土壤中Cd的含量远高于一般地区土壤中Cd的含量,城市排污水系沉积物Cd的含量也高于长江干流水系沉积物Cd的含量。自然源是沿长江流域Cd异常普遍存在的根本原因,而人为源却有可能是高Cd异常主要沿长江干流及支流两岸大中城市分布的重要影响因素。  相似文献   

以彭州川芎种植区的菜园土、稻田翻耕土、稻田免耕土和旱地(未种过川芎和蔬菜)四种土壤为研究对象,探讨了不同耕作方式下川芎对土壤中Cd、Pb的富集特征。结果表明:在四种耕作方式下,菜园土中Cd、Pb含量显著高于其他三种土壤,分别为1.10mg·kg-1和29.78mg·kg-1;土壤Cd综合污染指数和Hacanson系数分别为3.76和133.07,处于重污染和强生态危害状态。稻田翻耕土、稻田免耕土和旱地三种类型土壤在Cd含量上差异显著,依次为稻田免耕土(0.86mg·kg-1)稻田翻耕土(0.59mg·kg-1)旱地(0.37mg·kg--1),在Pb含量上三者差异不显著。川芎植株对Cd的富集在菜园土中显著高于其他土壤,表现为菜园土稻田免耕土旱地稻田翻耕土;川芎植株对Pb的富集以在稻田免耕土中最大,依次为稻田免耕土旱地稻田翻耕土菜园土。在四种土壤中,川芎叶片对Cd、Pb的富集能力均大于根茎,其中川芎叶片对Cd的富集能力是根茎的1.37倍,对Pb的富集能力是根茎的1.42倍,二者对Cd的富集能力在菜园土中差异最大(叶/根为1.56),对Pb的富集能力在稻田免耕土中差异最大(叶/根为1.98)。川芎对Cd、Pb的富集主要受轮作作物种类和耕作措施的影响。  相似文献   

The Xiao River sewage irrigation area in Luancheng where wastewater from Shijiazhuang flows through was taken as the research area. Five groundwater monitoring wells were set perpendicular to Xiao River, the research reveals the migration law and distribution characteristics of poisonous metal lead, through collecting and analyzing soil samples at different depths, investigating lithologic structure and pollution. The result shows that soil type has great impact on vertical lead distribution in aeration zone, which means that lead concentrates more in clay than in sand. Lead migrates fast in silty soil and silty clay, but slow in sand. The content of lead soil adsorbed decreases with grain size increasing. The most important factor influencing the distribution of lead is the soil type.  相似文献   

通过对西天山二牧场一带1∶5万水系沉积物测量工作测试分析的16种元素地球化学分布特征、异常组合进行总结,发现二牧场一带的Au、As、Pb、Zn、Y、Mo、W、Sn等元素与西天山背景相比较富集,而Au、Ni、Co、Cr、Cu相对亏损;R型聚类分析以0.4为界,全区元素可分为四组;在对重要异常进行查证时发现铜矿点2处,铅锌矿点1处,铁矿点1处;对该地区的矿床类型及找矿方向进行了探讨,并圈定2处找矿远景区,提出3种矿床类型:火山热液改造型铜矿、中基性岩类磁铁矿、构造(热液)蚀变型铅锌矿。  相似文献   

Ingestion of enhanced zinc can cause memory impairments and copper deficiencies. This study examined the effect of zinc supplementation, with and without copper, on two types of memory. Rats raised pre- and post-natally on 10 mg/kg ZnCO3 or ZnSO4 in the drinking water were tested in a fear-conditioning experiment at 11 months of age. Both zinc groups showed a maladaptive retention of fearful memories compared to controls raised on tap water. Rats raised on 10 mg/kg ZnCO3, 10 mg/kg ZnCO3 + 0.25 mg/kg CuCl2, or tap water, were tested for spatial memory ability at 3 months of age. Significant improvements in performance were found in the ZnCO3 + CuCl2 group compared to the ZnCO3 group, suggesting that some of the cognitive deficits associated with zinc supplementation may be remediated by addition of copper.  相似文献   

A coal-based thermal power plant is situated on the bank of the Pandu River, which is a tributary to the Ganges near Kanpur. River sediments downstream from the ash pond outfall are contaminated by fly ash. In order to establish the role of soils and sediments in retaining fly ash-derived heavy metals, copper was investigated as a model metal. A maximum concentration of 70 ppm Cu could be leached from the fly ash, confirming that it is a major source of this metal. Soil samples and river sediments were examined for Cu adsorption in the natural state as well as after treatment with H2O2, EDTA, and H2O2 followed by EDTA. The organic fraction of the samples was determined, and it had a major control on removal of Cu from a solution with 10–4 M initial concentration. Further characterization of organic matter indicated that with reference to natural samples, the humic acid fraction had a copper enrichment factor in the range 9.1–15.1. The factor for fulvic acids, in contrast, was between 3.5 and 5.5. This leads to the conclusion that river deposits rich in humic acids would withstand relatively high metal loads. Only when the metal input exceeds the maximum retention potential, would the metal be fractionated into the aqueous phase and act as a potential biocide.  相似文献   

 The aim of this paper was to analyze the processing and transport of aluminum speciation through the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems of the Chesapeake Bay landscape. Stream waters were sampled in 14 different streams from the Susquehanna River watershed to the upper reach of Chesapeake Bay. The basic water quality data were documented and Al speciation was evaluated by modified MINEQL computer model. It was found that the increase in acidity in some of the stream waters near New York were closely linked with a marked decline in basic cation concentrations. In these areas, the sum of the toxic forms of Al3+ plus AlOH2+ and Al(OH)2 + concentrations exceeds the critical level of 5 μmol l–1. A potential threat from aluminum may occur. Received: 3 January 2000 · Accepted: 21 March 2000  相似文献   

李忠烈 《矿产与地质》2012,26(3):228-230
MARCIA铜矿位于智利海岸山脉成矿带,通过对矿区地层、地质特征、矿体特征与构造的关系等分析,对该矿区铜矿的形成机理进行了初步探讨,认为该矿区铜矿的形成与断裂关系密切,F2断裂是导矿和容矿断裂,该区找矿前景巨大.  相似文献   

In the area surrounding the El Teniente giant porphyry copper deposit, eight soil sites were sampled at three depth levels in the summer 2004. The sites were selected for their theoretical potential of being influenced by past SO2 emissions from the smelter and/or seepage from a now idle tailings impoundment. The soil mineralogy, grain size distribution, total organic matter contents, major element composition, cation exchange capacity, and Cu, Mo, Pb, Zn, As and SO4 2− concentrations were determined for all samples after nitric acid extraction and separate leaches by ammonium acetate (pH 7) and sodium acetate (pH 5). For water rinses, only Cu could be determined with the analytical set-up used. Cu and SO4 2− enrichment in topsoils was found at six sites either downwind from the smelter or within the combined influence of the smelter and the tailings impoundment. Both elements were released partially by ammonium and sodium acetate extractions. Due to the scarce background trace element concentrations of soil and rock outside the immediate mine area, assessment of trace element mobility for Mo, Zn, Pb and As was difficult. Arsenic was found to be concentrated in soil horizons with high smectite and/or organic matter contents. Mo appears to be linked to the presence of windblown tailings sediment in the soils. Mobilization of Mo, Zn, and As for the acetate extractions was minimal or below the detection limits for the AAS technique used. The presence of windblown tailings is considered to be an additional impact on the soils in the foothills of the El Teniente compound, together with the potential of acidity surges and Cu mobilization in topsoils after rainfalls. Two sites located at the western limit of the former SO2 saturated zone with strongly zeolitized soils and underlying rock did not show any Cu or SO4 2− enrichment in the topsoils, and remaining total trace element concentrations were below the known regional background levels.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine two central concepts of urban metabolism (‘system boundaries’ and ‘flows’), and explore how to approach them as a means to politicise urban metabolism research. We present empirical findings from two case studies of waste management, in Mexico City and Santiago de Chile, looking at: the materiality of waste flows, the actors involved in them, and how waste flows relate to issues of environmental justice. We argue that urban metabolism, as a methodology to understand urban sustainability, has the potential to produce knowledge to trigger urban transformations, and to analyse the social, political and environmental aspects of waste management in urban areas.  相似文献   

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