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The likelihood of Gaussian realizations, as generated by the Cholesky simulation method, is analyzed in terms of Mahalanobis distances and fluctuations in the variogram reproduction. For random sampling, the probability to observe a Gaussian realization vector can be expressed as a function of its Mahalanobis distance, and the maximum likelihood depends only on the vector size. The Mahalanobis distances are themselves distributed as a Chi-square distribution and they can be used to describe the likelihood of Gaussian realizations. Their expected value and variance are only determined by the size of the vector of independent random normal scores used to generate the realizations. When the vector size is small, the distribution of Mahalanobis distances is highly skewed and most realizations are close to the vector mean in agreement with the multi-Gaussian density model. As the vector size increases, the realizations sample a region increasingly far out on the tail of the multi-Gaussian distribution, due to the large increase in the size of the uncertainty space largely compensating for the low probability density. For a large vector size, realizations close to the vector mean are not observed anymore. Instead, Gaussian vectors with Mahalanobis distance in the neighborhood of the expected Mahalanobis distance have the maximum probability to be observed. The distribution of Mahalanobis distances becomes Gaussian shaped and the bulk of realizations appear more equiprobable. However, the ratio of their probabilities indicates that they still remain far from being equiprobable. On the other hand, it is observed that equiprobable realizations still display important fluctuations in their variogram reproduction. The variance level that is expected in the variogram reproduction, as well as the variance of the variogram fluctuations, is dependent on the Mahalanobis distance. Realizations with smaller Mahalanobis distances are, on average, smoother than realizations with larger Mahalanobis distances. Poor ergodic conditions tend to generate higher proportions of flatter variograms relative to the variogram model. Only equiprobable realizations with a Mahalanobis distance equal to the expected Mahalanobis distance have an expected variogram matching the variogram model. For large vector sizes, Cholesky simulated Gaussian vectors cannot be used to explore uncertainty in the neighborhood of the vector mean. Instead uncertainty is explored around the n-dimensional elliptical envelop corresponding to the expected Mahalanobis distance.  相似文献   

A multivariate probability transformation between random variables, known as the Nataf transformation, is shown to be the appropriate transformation for multi-Gaussian kriging. It assumes a diagonal Jacobian matrix for the transformation of the random variables between the original space and the Gaussian space. This allows writing the probability transformation between the local conditional probability density function in the original space and the local conditional Gaussian probability density function in the Gaussian space as a ratio equal to the ratio of their respective marginal distributions. Under stationarity, the marginal distribution in the original space is modeled from the data histogram. The stationary marginal standard Gaussian distribution is obtained from the normal scores of the data and the local conditional Gaussian distribution is modeled from the kriging mean and kriging variance of the normal scores of the data. The equality of ratios of distributions has the same form as the Bayes’ rule and the assumption of stationarity of the data histogram can be re-interpreted as the gathering of the prior distribution. Multi-Gaussian kriging can be re-interpreted as an updating of the data histogram by a Gaussian likelihood. The Bayes’ rule allows for an even more general interpretation of spatial estimation in terms of equality for the ratio of the conditional distribution over the marginal distribution in the original data uncertainty space with the same ratio for a model of uncertainty with a distribution that can be modeled using the mean and variance from direct kriging of the original data values. It is based on the principle of conservation of probability ratio and no transformation is required. The local conditional distribution has a variance that is data dependent. When used in sequential simulation mode, it reproduces histogram and variogram of the data, thus providing a new approach for direct simulation in the original value space.  相似文献   

The application of spectral simulation is gaining acceptance because it honors the spatial distribution of petrophysical properties, such as reservoir porosity and shale volume. While it has been widely assumed that spectral simulation will reproduce the mean and variance of the important properties such as the observed net/gross ratio or global average of porosity, this paper shows the traditional way of implementing spectral simulation yields a mean and variance that deviates from the observed mean and variance. Some corrections (shift and rescale) could be applied to generate geologic models yielding the observed mean and variance; however, this correction implicitly rescales the input variogram model, so the variogram resulting from the generated cases has a higher sill than the input variogram model. Therefore, the spectral simulation algorithm cannot build geologic models honoring the desired mean, variance, and variogram model simultaneously, which is contrary to the widely accepted assumption that spectral simulation can reproduce all the target statistics. However, by using Fourier transform just once to generate values at all the cells instead of visiting each cell sequentially, spectral simulation does reproduce the observed variogram better than sequential Gaussian simulation. That is, the variograms calculated from the generated geologic models show smaller fluctuations around the target variogram. The larger the generated model size relative to the variogram range, the smaller the observed fluctuations.  相似文献   

Two Artifacts of Probability Field Simulation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Probability field simulation is being used increasingly to simulate geostatistical realizations. The method can be faster than conventional simulation algorithms and it is well suited to integrate prior soft information in the form of local probability distributions. The theoretical basis of probability field simulation has been established when there are no conditioning data; however, no such basis has been established in presence of conditioning data. Realizations generated by probability field simulation show two severe artifacts near conditioning data. We document these artifacts and show theoretically why they exist. The two artifacts that have been investigated are (1) local conditioning data appear as local minima or maxima of the simulated values, and (2) the variogram model in range of conditioning data is not honored; the simulated values have significantly greater continuity than they are supposed to. These two artifacts are predicted by theory. An example flow simulation study is presented to illustrate that they affect more than the visual appearance of the simulated realizations. Notwithstanding the flexibility of the probability field simulation method, these two artifacts suggest that it be used with caution in presence of conditioning data. Future research may overcome these limitations.  相似文献   

Adding Local Accuracy to Direct Sequential Simulation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Geostatistical simulations are globally accurate in the sense that they reproduce global statistics such as variograms and histograms. Kriging is locally accurate in the minimum local error variance sense. Building on the concept of direct sequential simulation, we propose a fast simulation method that can share these opposing objectives. It is shown that the multiple-point entropy of the resulting simulation is related to the univariate entropy of the local conditional distributions used to draw simulated values. Adding local accuracy to conditional simulations does not detract much from variogram reproduction and can be used to increase multiple-point entropy. The methods developed are illustrated using a case study.  相似文献   

The all-important process of data integration calls for algorithms that can handle secondary data often defined as nonlinear averages of the primary (hard) data over specific areas or volumes. It is suggested to approximate these nonlinear averages by linear averages of a nonlinear transform of the primary variable. Kriging of such nonlinear transforms, followed by the inverse transform, allows exact reproduction of all original data, both of point support and nonlinear volume averages. In a simulation mode, the previous cokriging provides the mean and variance of a conditional distribution from which to draw a simulated value, which is then backtransformed into a simulated value of the primary variable. The nonlinear averaged data values are then reproduced exactly. The direct sequential simulation algorithm adopted does not call for using any Gaussian distribution.  相似文献   

Sequential Gaussian simulation (sgsim), Gaussian truncated simulation (gtsim), and probability field simulation (pfsim) are three algorithms frequently used for conditional stochastic simulation. They were developed independently and are seen as different algorithms in applications. This paper establishes that gtsim and pfsim can be bridged by a simple quantile transform between Gaussian and uniform distributions. As for the sgsim algorithm, the normal score back-transform can be seen as a series of truncations of the simulated Gaussian field. All three algorithms are shown to be applicable to both continuous and categorical variables. In practice, gtsim can be most often replaced by the more CPU-efficient pfsim algorithm.  相似文献   

Stochastic sequential simulation is a common modelling technique used in Earth sciences and an integral part of iterative geostatistical seismic inversion methodologies. Traditional stochastic sequential simulation techniques based on bi-point statistics assume, for the entire study area, stationarity of the spatial continuity pattern and a single probability distribution function, as revealed by a single variogram model and inferred from the available experimental data, respectively. In this paper, the traditional direct sequential simulation algorithm is extended to handle non-stationary natural phenomena. The proposed stochastic sequential simulation algorithm can take into consideration multiple regionalized spatial continuity patterns and probability distribution functions, depending on the spatial location of the grid node to be simulated. This work shows the application and discusses the benefits of the proposed stochastic sequential simulation as part of an iterative geostatistical seismic inversion methodology in two distinct geological environments in which non-stationarity behaviour can be assessed by the simultaneous interpretation of the available well-log and seismic reflection data. The results show that the elastic models generated by the proposed stochastic sequential simulation are able to reproduce simultaneously the regional and global variogram models and target distribution functions relative to the average volume of each sub-region. When used as part of a geostatistical seismic inversion procedure, the retrieved inverse models are more geologically realistic, since they incorporate the knowledge of the subsurface geology as provided, for example, by seismic and well-log data interpretation.  相似文献   

The increasing use of unstructured grids for reservoir modeling motivates the development of geostatistical techniques to populate them with properties such as facies proportions, porosity and permeability. Unstructured grids are often populated by upscaling high-resolution regular grid models, but the size of the regular grid becomes unreasonably large to ensure that there is sufficient resolution for small unstructured grid elements. The properties could be modeled directly on the unstructured grid, which leads to an irregular configuration of points in the three-dimensional reservoir volume. Current implementations of Gaussian simulation for geostatistics are for regular grids. This paper addresses important implementation details involved in adapting sequential Gaussian simulation to populate irregular point configurations including general storage and computation issues, generating random paths for improved long range variogram reproduction, and search strategies including the superblock search and the k-dimensional tree. An efficient algorithm for computing the variogram of very large irregular point sets is developed for model checking.  相似文献   

Direct Sequential Simulation and Cosimulation   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Sequential simulation of a continuous variable usually requires its transformation into a binary or a Gaussian variable, giving rise to the classical algorithms of sequential indicator simulation or sequential Gaussian simulation. Journel (1994) showed that the sequential simulation of a continuous variable, without any prior transformation, succeeded in reproducing the covariance model, provided that the simulated values are drawn from local distributions centered at the simple kriging estimates with a variance corresponding to the simple kriging estimation variance. Unfortunately, it does not reproduce the histogram of the original variable, which is one of the basic requirements of any simulation method. This has been the most serious limitation to the practical application of the direct simulation approach. In this paper, a new approach for the direct sequential simulation is proposed. The idea is to use the local sk estimates of the mean and variance, not to define the local cdf but to sample from the global cdf. Simulated values of original variable are drawn from intervals of the global cdf, which are calculated with the local estimates of the mean and variance. One of the main advantages of the direct sequential simulation method is that it allows joint simulation of N v variables without any transformation. A set of examples of direct simulation and cosimulation are presented.  相似文献   

Numerical Method for Conditional Simulation of Levy Random Fields   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Stochastic simulations of subsurface heterogeneity require accurate statistical models for spatial fluctuations. Incremental values in subsurface properties were shown previously to be approximated accurately by Levy distributions in the center and in the start of the tails of the distribution. New simulation methods utilizing these observations have been developed. Multivariate Levy distributions are used to model the multipoint joint probability density. Explicit bounds on the simulated variables prevent nonphysical extreme values and introduce a cutoff in the tails of the distribution of increments. Long-range spatial dependence is introduced through off-diagonal terms in the Levy association matrix, which is decomposed to yield a maximum likelihood type estimate at unobserved locations. This procedure reduces to a known interpolation formula developed for Gaussian fractal fields in the situation of two control points. The conditional density is not univariate Levy and is not available in closed form, but can be constructed numerically. Sequential simulation algorithms utilizing the numerically constructed conditional density successfully reproduce the desired statistical properties in simulations.  相似文献   

Many variogram (or covariance) models that are valid—or realizable—models of Gaussian random functions are not realizable indicator variogram (or covariance) models. Unfortunately there is no known necessary and sufficient condition for a function to be the indicator variogram of a random set. Necessary conditions can be easily obtained for the behavior at the origin or at large distance. The power, Gaussian, cubic or cardinal-sine models do not fulfill these conditions and are therefore not realizable. These considerations are illustrated by a Monte Carlo simulation demonstrating nonrealizability over some very simple three-point configurations in two or three dimensions. No definitive result has been obtained about the spherical model. Among the commonly used models for Gaussian variables, only the exponential appears to be a realizable indicator variogram model in all dimensions. It can be associated with a mosaic, a Boolean or a truncated Gaussian random set. In one dimension, the exponential indicator model is closely associated with continuous-time Markov chains, which can also lead to more variogram models such as the damped oscillation model. One-dimensional random sets can also be derived from renewal processes, or mosaic models associated with such processes. This provides an interesting link between the geostatistical formalism, focused mostly on two-point statistics, and the approach of quantitative sedimentologists who compute the probability distribution function of the thickness of different geological facies. The last part of the paper presents three approaches for obtaining new realizable indicator variogram models in three dimensions. One approach consists of combining existing realizable models. Other approaches are based on the formalism of Boolean random sets and truncated Gaussian functions.  相似文献   

The reproduction of the non-stationary distribution and detailed characteristics of geological bodies is the main difficulty of reservoir modeling. Recently developed multiple-point geostatistics can represent a stationary geological body more effectively than traditional methods. When restricted to a stationary hypothesis, multiple-point geostatistical methods cannot simulate a non-stationary geological body effectively, especially when using non-stationary training images (TIs). According to geologic principles, the non-stationary distribution of geological bodies is controlled by a sedimentary model. Therefore, in this paper, we propose auxiliary variables based on the sedimentary model, namely geological vector information (GVI). GVI can characterize the non-stationary distribution of TIs and simulation domains before sequential simulation, and the precision of data event statistics will be enhanced by the sequential simulation’s data event search area limitations under the guidance of GVI. Consequently, the reproduction of non-stationary geological bodies will be improved. The key features of this method are as follows: (1) obtain TIs and geological vector information for simulated areas restricted by sedimentary models; (2) truncate TIs into a number of sub-TIs using a set of cut-off values such that each sub-TI is stationary and the adjacent sub-TIs have a certain similarity; (3) truncate the simulation domain into a number of sub-regions with the same cut-off values used in TI truncation, so that each sub-region corresponds to a number of sub-TIs; (4) use an improved method to scan the TI or TIs and construct a single search tree to restore replicates of data events located in different sub-TIs; and (5) use an improved conditional probability distribution function to perform sequential simulation. A FORTRAN program is implemented based on the SNESIM.  相似文献   

Traditional simulation methods that are based on some form of kriging are not sensitive to the presence of strings of connectivity of low or high values. They are particularly inappropriate in many earth sciences applications, where the geological structures to be simulated are curvilinear. In such cases, techniques allowing the reproduction of multiple-point statistics are required. The aim of this paper is to point out the advantages of integrating such multiple-statistics in a model in order to allow shape reproduction, as well as heterogeneity structures, of complex geological patterns to emerge. A comparison between a traditional variogram-based simulation algorithm, such as the sequential indicator simulation, and a multiple-point statistics algorithm (e.g., the single normal equation simulation) is presented. In particular, it is shown that the spatial distribution of limestone with meandering channels in Lecce, Italy is better reproduced by using the latter algorithm. The strengths of this study are, first, the use of a training image that is not a fluvial system and, more importantly, the quantitative comparison between the two algorithms. The paper focuses on different metrics that facilitate the comparison of the methods used for limestone spatial distribution simulation: both objective measures of similarity of facies realizations and high-order spatial cumulants based on different third- and fourth-order spatial templates are considered.  相似文献   

A common assumption in geostatistics is that the underlying joint distribution of possible values of a geological attribute at different locations is stationary within a homogeneous domain. This joint distribution is commonly modeled as multi-Gaussian, with correlations defined by a stationary covariance function. This results in attribute maps that fail to reproduce local changes in the mean, in the variance and, particularly, in the spatial continuity. The proposed alternative is to build local distributions, variograms, and correlograms. These are inferred by weighting the samples depending on their distance to selected locations. The local distributions are locally transformed into Gaussian distributions embedding information on the local histogram. The distance weighted experimental variograms and correlograms are able to adapt to local changes in the direction and range of spatial continuity. The automatically fitted local variogram models and the local Gaussian transformation parameters are used in spatial estimation algorithms assuming local stationarity. The resulting maps are rich in nonstationary spatial features. The proposed process implies a higher computational effort than traditional stationary techniques, but if data availability allows for a reliable inference of the local distributions and statistics, a higher accuracy of estimates can be achieved.  相似文献   

A combination of factorial kriging and probability field simulation is proposed to correct realizations resulting from any simulation algorithm for either too high nugget effect (noise) or poor histogram reproduction. First, a factorial kriging is done to filter out the noise from the noisy realization. Second, the uniform scores of the filtered realization are used as probability field to sample the local probability distributions conditional to the same dataset used to generate the original realization. This second step allows to restore the data variance. The result is a corrected realization which reproduces better target variogram and histogram models, yet honoring the conditioning data.  相似文献   

The majority of geostatistical estimation and simulation algorithms rely on a covariance model as the sole characteristic of the spatial distribution of the attribute under study. The limitation to a single covariance implicitly calls for a multivariate Gaussian model for either the attribute itself or for its normal scores transform. The Gaussian model could be justified on the basis that it is both analytically simple and it is a maximum entropy model, i.e., a model that minimizes unwarranted structural properties. As a consequence, the Gaussian model also maximizes spatial disorder (beyond the imposed covariance) which can cause flow simulation results performed on multiple stochastic images to be very similar; thus, the space of response uncertainty could be too narrow entailing a misleading sense of safety. The ability of the sole covariance to adequately describe spatial distributions for flow studies, and the assumption that maximum spatial disorder amounts to either no additional information or a safe prior hypothesis are questioned. This paper attempts to clarify the link between entropy and spatial disorder and to provide, through a detailed case study, an appreciation for the impact of entropy of prior random function models on the resulting response distributions.  相似文献   

The majority of geostatistical estimation and simulation algorithms rely on a covariance model as the sole characteristic of the spatial distribution of the attribute under study. The limitation to a single covariance implicitly calls for a multivariate Gaussian model for either the attribute itself or for its normal scores transform. The Gaussian model could be justified on the basis that it is both analytically simple and it is a maximum entropy model, i.e., a model that minimizes unwarranted structural properties. As a consequence, the Gaussian model also maximizes spatial disorder (beyond the imposed covariance) which can cause flow simulation results performed on multiple stochastic images to be very similar; thus, the space of response uncertainty could be too narrow entailing a misleading sense of safety. The ability of the sole covariance to adequately describe spatial distributions for flow studies, and the assumption that maximum spatial disorder amounts to either no additional information or a safe prior hypothesis are questioned. This paper attempts to clarify the link between entropy and spatial disorder and to provide, through a detailed case study, an appreciation for the impact of entropy of prior random function models on the resulting response distributions.  相似文献   

Based on the algorithm for gradual deformation of Gaussian stochastic models, we propose, in this paper, an extension of this method to gradually deforming realizations generated by sequential, not necessarily Gaussian, simulation. As in the Gaussian case, gradual deformation of a sequential simulation preserves spatial variability of the stochastic model and yields in general a regular objective function that can be minimized by an efficient optimization algorithm (e.g., a gradient-based algorithm). Furthermore, we discuss the local gradual deformation and the gradual deformation with respect to the structural parameters (mean, variance, and variogram range, etc.) of realizations generated by sequential simulation. Local gradual deformation may significantly improve calibration speed in the case where observations are scattered in different zones of a field. Gradual deformation with respect to structural parameters is necessary when these parameters cannot be inferred a priori and need to be determined using an inverse procedure. A synthetic example inspired from a real oil field is presented to illustrate different aspects of this approach. Results from this case study demonstrate the efficiency of the gradual deformation approach for constraining facies models generated by sequential indicator simulation. They also show the potential applicability of the proposed approach to complex real cases.  相似文献   

High-order sequential simulation techniques for complex non-Gaussian spatially distributed variables have been developed over the last few years. The high-order simulation approach does not require any transformation of initial data and makes no assumptions about any probability distribution function, while it introduces complex spatial relations to the simulated realizations via high-order spatial statistics. This paper presents a new extension where a conditional probability density function (cpdf) is approximated using Legendre-like orthogonal splines. The coefficients of spline approximation are estimated using high-order spatial statistics inferred from the available sample data, additionally complemented by a training image. The advantages of using orthogonal splines with respect to the previously used Legendre polynomials include their ability to better approximate a multidimensional probability density function, reproduce the high-order spatial statistics, and provide a generalization of high-order simulations using Legendre polynomials. The performance of the new method is first tested with a completely known image and compared to both the high-order simulation approach using Legendre polynomials and the conventional sequential Gaussian simulation method. Then, an application in a gold deposit demonstrates the advantages of the proposed method in terms of the reproduction of histograms, variograms, and high-order spatial statistics, including connectivity measures. The C++ course code of the high-order simulation implementation presented herein, along with an example demonstrating its utilization, are provided online as supplementary material.  相似文献   

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