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青藏高原东北缘上地幔各向异性研究   总被引:8,自引:13,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
通过分析位于青藏高原东北缘的区域数字地震台网30个台站的远震SKS波形资料,采用最小切向能量的网格搜索法和叠加分析方法求得每一个台站的SKS快波偏振方向和快、慢波的时间延迟,获得了青藏高原东北缘上地幔各向异性图像.从得到结果看,青藏高原东北缘的各向异性快波方向基本上呈NW-SE方向,并有一顺时针旋转趋势,快、慢波时间延迟是0.70~1.51 s.青藏高原东北缘的SKS快波偏振方向与区域内主要构造断裂走向基本一致;各向异性快波偏振方向变化与区域内最小平均主压应力方向变化相似,也与由GPS测量得到的速度场方向变化相似.研究表明青藏高原东北缘上地幔物质在区域构造应力场的作用下,发生了顺时针旋转的形变以至流动,使得上地幔中橄榄岩的晶格排列方向平行于物质形变或流动方向,上地幔变形和上覆地壳变形可能存在垂直连贯变形特征.  相似文献   


本文利用径向和切向接收函数后方位角加权叠加方法分析了中国地震科学台阵探测项目二期资料, 确定了青藏高原东北缘海原断裂和西秦岭北缘断裂邻近区域地壳各向异性参数.结果显示, 研究区地壳各向异性快波方向表现出强烈的横向不均匀性, 快慢波延迟时间平均值为0.44 s; 快波方向受断裂带影响显著, 走滑断裂带附近快波方向和断层方向一致性较强, 逆冲断裂附近快波方向和断层方向差别较大或垂直; 晚中新世以来形成的海原断裂、香山—天景山断裂等多个走滑断裂附近地壳各向异性强度明显小于其他区域, 且形成时间更早的海原断裂方向和快波方向一致性更强.这种断裂附近各向异性强度和方向的分布特征也是该区域构造演化过程中逆冲断裂向走滑断裂转化的反映.陇中盆地快波各向异性结果复杂且没有明显规律性分布特征可能反映出该次级地块保留了较老构造过程中残存的化石各向异性.本研究结果表明东北缘地区高原扩展主要以连续流变模式为主, 在走滑断裂带附近存在局部侧向挤出, 但是侧向挤出影响的地壳变形范围较小.


依据穿过巴颜喀拉地块的北部、秦岭地块、祁连地块、海原弧形构造区和鄂尔多斯地块的玛沁-兰州-靖边人工地震剖面的P波、S波的速度结构和泊松比结构,对青藏高原东北缘的地壳组成进行研究,并探讨其动力学过程. 首先,系统地归纳总结出一套将地震测深得到的原位P波速度校正到实验室温压条件下波速的具体可行的方法,利用大地热流值求取地壳不同深度的温度是该方法的关键. 然后,将上述剖面的原位P波速度校正到600 MPa和室温条件下,结合泊松比与相同温压条件下的实验室岩石波速测量结果进行对比,确定研究区的岩性组成. 结果表明,青藏高原东北缘地壳平均P波校正波速为6.43 km/s,地壳整体像上地壳一样呈酸性. 巴颜喀拉地块和秦岭地块南部的下地壳底部缺失校正速度Vp>6.9 km/s的基性岩,下地壳中酸性互层,下地壳整体呈酸性. 其他地块下地壳底部有2~10 km厚的校正速度Vp>6.9 km/s的基性岩,下地壳整体呈中性. 最后,根据青藏高原东北缘地壳结构和组成的研究成果,支持地壳增厚主要发生在下地壳的观点;提出巴颜喀拉地块和秦岭地块南部曾发生过下地壳拆沉作用,并导致高原的加速隆升.  相似文献   

青藏高原东北缘由于受到多个构造块体的共同约束,表现出复杂的地球物理特性和地质特性,本文利用甘肃数字地震台网(2001—2008年)的观测资料,采用系统分析方法(SAM),进行地壳剪切波分裂分析,获得研究区内18个台站共1005条记录的剪切波分裂参数.研究结果表明,青藏高原东北缘介质各向异性在空间上存在差异,慢剪切波延迟时间表明了地壳介质各向异性的强弱变化特征,快剪切波平均偏振方向则反映了本区区域构造应力的空间变化特征.分析认为,祁连山—河西走廊活动构造区直接受青藏地块与阿拉善地块间相互作用,与青藏地块构造应力一致;甘东南活动构造区的应力环境主要受到内部活动断裂的共同作用,具有局部构造应力的特征.  相似文献   

This study investigated the crustal attenuation structures of Sg and Lg waves of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. We collected ML amplitude data recorded at 168 permanent stations between 1985 and 2016 and 11 temporary broadband stations between 2014 and 2016. Detailed Q0 variation maps of Sg and Lg waves were obtained by applying ML amplitude tomography. The average Q0 values of the Sg and Lg wave were 440 and 220, respectively. Relatively high attenuation anomalies of both waves appeared in the central and eastern regions of the Bayan Har Block and the east edge of the Qiangtang Block, which may be related to partial melting, high geotemperature, and strong tectonic processes. High attenuation anomalies were also found in the Qilian Orogenic Belt and Hetao Graben, which may be related to their active tectonic behavior and densely distributed faults. The relatively low attenuation anomalies of both waves were revealed in the Alax and Ordos blocks, Qaidam, Tarim, Qinghai Lake, and Gonghe basins, which can be explained by the tectonically stable properties and ancient composition of geological elements. These results indicate that the path between the highly attenuated lower crust of the Bayan Har Block and the Qilian Orogenic Belt is obstructed by three adjacent low attenuated areas (i.e., the Qilian, Qinghai Lake, and Gonghe basins); thus, it appears unlikely that a crustal flow channel from the interior of the Tibetan Plateau to the Qilian Orogenic Belt will form.  相似文献   

3-D simulations of mantle convection allowing for continental crust are explored to study the effects of crustal thickening on lithosphere stability and of continents on large-scale mantle flow. Simulations begin with a crustal layer within the upper thermal boundary layer of a mantle convection roll in a 1 × 1 × 1 Cartesian domain. Convective stresses cause crust to thicken above a sheet-like mantle downwelling. For mild convective vigor an initial crustal thickness variation is required to induce 3-D lithospheric instability below the zone of crustal convergence. The amplitude of the required variation decreases with increasing convective vigor. Morphologically, instability is manifest in formation of drip-like thermals that exist within the large-scale roll associated with initial crustal thickening. A strong surface signature of the drips is their ability to cause deviations from local Airy compensation of topography. After the initial thickening phase, the crustal accumulation that forms serves as a model analog to a continent. Its presence leads to mantle flow patterns distinctly different from the steady-state roll that results in its absence. Large lateral thermal gradients are generated at its edge allowing this region to be the initiation site for continued small-scale thermal instabilities. Eventually these instabilities induce a restructuring of large-scale mantle flow, with the roll pattern being replaced by a square cell. Although preliminary and idealized, the simulations do show the fluid dynamical plausibility behind the idea that significant mantle variations can be generated along the strike of a largely 2-D mountain chain by the formation of the chain itself. The ability of a model continent to cause a change in fundamental convective planform also suggests that the effects of continental crust on mantle convection may be low-order despite the seemingly trivial volume of crust relative to mantle.  相似文献   

青藏高原东北缘重力异常多尺度横向构造分析   总被引:2,自引:6,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
孟小红  石磊  郭良辉  佟拓  张盛 《地球物理学报》2012,55(12):3933-3941
本文研究了青藏高原东北缘地区布格重力异常特征,采用优化滤波法和归一化总水平梯度垂直导数法对研究区重力异常进行多尺度分离和横向构造分析.分离出的多尺度重力异常特征表明:1) 青藏高原东北缘地区大致以东经106°线为界,有一条醒目的重力异常梯级带,即贺兰山—六盘山—川滇南北构造带的北段,其东西两侧布格重力异常特征在形态和走向上截然不同,意味着两侧密度结构和构造特征存在明显差异. 2) 鄂尔多斯地块内部定边以北,重力异常高带走向由北东向转为近南北向,推测定边附近存在一个密度或构造界面,其两侧物质组成和构造特征具有差异,对比大尺度重力异常和中尺度重力异常,表明异常特征的这种差异主要是由上地幔深部结构引起的. 3) 青藏高原东北部各块体深部边界位置与地表构造分布不同,反映出该区构造复杂,深浅构造差异大. 4) 由于印度—欧亚板块碰撞及随后印度板块持续向北的挤压作用,造成青藏高原东北缘中、下地壳物质在巨大的北东向推挤力和鄂尔多斯刚性块体阻挡的共同作用下,沿着相对软弱的秦岭造山带方向蠕动.依据多尺度重力异常及其横向构造特征,综合推断出研究区内五条断裂带,即秦岭地轴北缘断裂带、海原—六盘山断裂带、香山—天景山断裂带、烟筒山断裂带和青铜峡—固原断裂带,并分析了它们在地壳深部的可能展布特征.  相似文献   

利用青海地震台网和甘肃地震台网2007-2009年记录的远震波形资料,提取S波接收函数和SKS分裂参数,得到了青藏高原东北缘的三维岩石圈厚度分布和上地幔各向异性特征.S波接收函数结果表明:昆仑-阿尼玛卿缝合带以南的松潘-甘孜地块东北缘和西秦岭造山带下方岩石圈较薄,厚度为125~135 km;昆仑-阿尼玛卿缝合带以北具有较厚的岩石圈,在昆仑和祁连地块下方岩石圈厚达145~175 km,并向柴达木盆地(175~190 km)和克拉通(鄂尔多斯南部约为170 km、阿拉善南缘约为200 km)下方增厚.上地幔各向异性结果显示:东北缘地区的SKS快波偏振方向为NW-SE向,与前人得到的昆仑断裂带南侧的快波方向存在较大差异,南侧自高原内部呈顺时针旋转,表明昆仑断裂带可能为上地幔变形的转换带.SKS快、慢波延迟时间为0.8~1.9 s,且在昆仑-阿尼玛卿缝合带以北,延迟时间与岩石圈厚度呈正相关关系,推断该区各向异性主要来源于地幔盖层的初期伸展变形.  相似文献   

在青藏高原东北缘祁连山造山带至阿拉善地块之间完成了一条372 km的大地电磁剖面,通过二维反演计算,获得了沿剖面180 km深的壳幔电性结构模型,结合研究区地质和地球物理资料开展综合分析,研究结果表明:(1)剖面自南向北所经过的祁连山造山带、走廊过渡带和阿拉善地块对应3种壳幔电性结构模型:东祁连壳幔高-低-高阻似层状电性结构、河西走廊壳幔低阻带状电性结构和阿拉善南缘壳幔高-低-高阻层状电性结构.(2)剖面所经过的主要断裂带在电性结构上表现为低阻异常带或电性梯度带,并且止于中上地壳或消失于下地壳低阻层中.除这些分布于中上地壳的断裂系统以外,在下地壳至上地幔顶部还存在两条切割莫霍面的壳幔韧性剪切带:西华山北缘壳幔韧性剪切带和阿拉善南缘壳幔韧性剪切带.其中,西华山北缘壳幔韧性剪切带可能是1920年海原8.6级地震发生的深部背景之一;而阿拉善南缘壳幔剪切带可能是卫宁北山燕山晚期和喜山期幔源岩浆上升到地壳浅部或喷出到地表的通道,为在该区域寻找晚中生代至新生代含矿隐伏岩体提供了深部电性结构依据.(3)由若干形状不规则、彼此不相连的"碎块状"极高阻块体组成的中上地壳与"似层状"的中下地壳低阻层共同构成的地壳电性结构,是引起青藏高原东北缘强烈破坏性地震最佳的地壳电性结构组合之一.印度板块向欧亚板块俯冲碰撞楔入引起青藏高原块体向北东方向运移与阿拉善地块向南的俯冲碰撞楔入,是青藏高原东北缘强震活动带产生的动力学背景.  相似文献   

新生代青藏高原的隆升改变了整个亚洲的构造格局,对气候、环境均产生了重要的影响,但高原的隆升扩展机制众说纷纭.青藏高原东南缘作为扩展前缘,其构造演化对了解整个高原的扩展机制具有重要的意义.本文总结了近年来对青藏高原东南缘地壳结构研究的最新进展,特别是2011年中国地震科学探测台阵计划开展以来,利用密集地震台阵取得的新成果,探讨了青藏高原东南缘地壳的结构与变形机制.这些研究发现青藏高原的地壳由高原向外围减薄,但在高原边界断裂附近存在地壳厚度突变带;下地壳中存在两个独立的低速异常,一个位于松潘—甘孜块体下方,被高原的边界断裂所围限,另一个位于小江断裂带下方,呈NE-SW向展布.我们认为青藏高原东南缘下地壳物质被边界(丽江—小金河)断裂所围限,并没有继续向边缘流出,但是地壳挤出产生的应力作用继续向东南方向传递,造成了小江断裂带附近的地壳变形.  相似文献   

The geological processes responsible for outward growth of the Tibetan Plateau are debated.The Qilian Mountains on the northeastern margin of the plateau comprise one of the youngest structural components of the plateau whose understanding is key to deciphering the broader geological evolution of the region.Here,based on a reprocessed deep seismic profile which was originally collected during the 1990 s across the northeast margin of the western Qilian Mountains and previous geological and geophysical data,we find evidence for decoupled crustal deformation that was partitioned by a decollement,in which lowercrustal deformation featured by local duplexing preceded upper-crustal deformation featured by imbricate thrusts.Furthermore,we propose that the Asian lithospheric mantle is being underthrust beneath the western Qilian Mountains,as inferred from patterns of lower crustal deformation which is marked by the Moho geometry.Integrating these results yields a better understanding of lithospheric deformation of western Qilian Mountains,northeastern margin of the plateau during the Cenozoic.  相似文献   




青藏高原东北缘岩石圈三维密度结构   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
王新胜  方剑  许厚泽 《地球物理学报》2013,56(11):3770-3778
综合重力观测资料和地震波走时资料反演了青藏高原东北缘岩石圈三维密度结构,并对该区岩石圈结构及动力学特征进行了讨论.首先利用收集到的P波近震和远震走时数据进行地震层析成像,得到研究区岩石圈三维P波速度结构.然后利用速度-密度经验关系式,将速度扰动转化为密度扰动建立研究区三维初始密度模型.最后利用分离的布格重力异常反演得到了岩石圈三维密度结构.反演结果表明:青藏高原东北缘地壳密度结构特征有利于地震孕育发生和地壳物质侧向流动;地壳内,密度异常等值线走向与地表断裂走向基本一致,进入地幔后,密度异常等值线走向发生了顺时针旋转,这表明青藏高原东北缘地壳和地幔具有不同的构造运动模式,暗示该区可能发生了壳幔解耦;80~100 km深度上,P波速度异常较密度异常明显偏低,推测该区可能发生了部分熔融或者岩石含水量的增加;印度板块俯冲和周围坚硬块体阻挡联合作用,使得青藏高原东北缘形成了强大的区域构造应力场,并导致深部软流圈热物质上涌,为该区壳幔解耦、部分熔融和P波速度降低创造了条件.  相似文献   


利用中国地震科学探测台阵项目二期(ChinaArray Ⅱ)81个台站的地震数据,使用时间域反褶积方法提取接收函数,挑选满足要求的高质量Ps震相,通过改进的剪切波分裂计算方法获取了53个台站共130对高质量各向异性参数对.地壳各向异性分析指出,研究区东南部地区地壳各向异性方向为NWW向,与XKS各向异性方向、GPS速度场三者近平行关系,说明该地区在青藏高原向欧亚大陆增生的过程中是一个耦合的连贯变形过程;位于研究区中、北部地区的地壳各向异性方向表现为NEE-SWW或E-W方向,与GPS速度场方向一致,而与XKS结果的偏振方向大角度相交,说明该地区受到青藏高原下地壳塑性管道流的影响,可能存在壳幔解耦作用.


为了获取青藏高原东北缘至鄂尔多斯地块的壳幔电性结构,研究祁连造山带、鄂尔多斯地块及六盘山构造带的构造变形,布设一条甘肃陇西至陕西黄陵的近东西向大地电磁测深剖面,获取了91个大地电磁测深点的响应.经过对全剖面观测资料的数据处理、分析及二维反演,获得了剖面壳幔电性结构模型.研究结果表明:剖面横向可划分为三个区块,分别对应祁连造山带、六盘山构造带与鄂尔多斯地块;祁连造山带东段可能残存沟弧盆体系的构造格架,青藏高原北东向生长可能是在这一先存格架上的叠加与改造;六盘山构造带壳幔结构复杂,以中地壳拆离断层为界,上地壳发育拆离断层系统而下地壳挤压缩短增厚;鄂尔多斯地块成层性较好,地块总体较为稳定,但局部经历了与地幔上涌相关的物质与结构再造.  相似文献   

Using seismic data of about one year recorded by 18 broadband stations of ASCENT project,we obtained 2547 receiver functions in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau.The Moho depths under 14 stations were calculated by applying the H-κ domain search algorithm.The Moho depths under the stations with lower signal-noise ratio(SNR) were estimated by the time delay of the PS conversion.Results show that the Moho depth varies in a range of ~40–60 km.The Moho near the Haiyuan fault is vague,and its depth is larger than those on its two sides.In the Qinling-Qilian Block,the Moho becomes shallower gradually from west to east.To the east of 105°E,the average depth of the Moho is 45 km,whereas the west is 50 km or even deeper.Combining our results with surface wave research,we suggest a boundary between the Qinling and the Qilian Mountains at around 105°E.S wave velocities beneath 15 stations have been obtained through a linear inversion by using Crust2.0 as an initial model,and the crustal thickness that was derived by H-κ domain search algorithm was also taken into account.The results are very similar to the results of previous active source studies.The resulting figure indicates that low velocity layers developed in the middle and lower crust beneath the transition zone of the Tibet Block and western Qinling,which may be related to regional faults and deep earth dynamics.The velocity of the middle and lower crust increases from the Songpan Block to the northeastern margin of Tibetan Plateau.Based on the velocity of the crust,the distribution of the low velocity zone and the composition of the curst(Poisson's ratio),we infer that the crust thickening results from the crust shortening along the direction of compression.  相似文献   

青藏高原地壳变形加厚机制一直是地学界研究争论的热点问题.青藏高原目前仍然处在持续向外扩张之中,因此青藏高原的边界地带作为高原向外扩张的最前缘地区代表了高原最新的变形状态,是研究青藏高原地壳变形加厚的关键地区.本文以一条穿过青藏高原东北缘祁连山与酒西盆地结合部的深地震反射剖面为基础,结合前人地质、地球物理资料,通过细致的地质构造解译,获得青藏高原东北缘祁连山与酒西盆地结合部位地壳变形以壳内滑脱带为界上、下解耦.滑脱带位于壳内低速层的顶部,深度14~24 km.滑脱带之上的地壳部分以一系列南倾、北冲,并向下终止于滑脱带的逆冲断裂变形为主,指示了青藏高原向北的扩张方式;滑脱带之下的地壳以Moho面作为变形标志,指示了复杂的挤压缩短变形.据此我们推测上、下地壳的解耦缩短变形对青藏高原东北缘地壳的变形加厚起到了决定性的作用,甚至在整个青藏高原地壳的变形加厚过程中都起到了重要作用.  相似文献   

Geodynamic properties and evolution of the lithosphere on the north margin of the Tibetan Plateau are recently hot topics to geoscientists in the world. Have the northern plates been subducting underneath the Plateau? It is still an unsolved problem. One of the keys to solving this problem is to understand the genetic processes of Cenozoic magmas on the north margin of the Tibetan Plateau. However, there is no enough evidence supporting the subduction model. In contrast, a series of evidence indicates that collision-induced huge shearing faults and large-scale crust shortening played a main role in lithosphere motion on the north margin of the Tibetan Plateau. The mantle-derived igneous rocks strictly distribute at the intersections of large strike-slip faults on the north margin of the Plateau. Generation of magmas may be related to local extensional condition induced by strike-slipping faults, which lead to lithosphere gravitational instability and collapse, as well as upwelling of the deep hot material. Heat induced by shearing and carried by upwelling hot material may cause partial melting on H2O-bearing mantle.  相似文献   

The transitional area between the northeastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, Ordos Block and Alxa Block,also being the northern segment of the North-South Seismic Belt, is characterized by considerably high seismicity level and high risk of strong earthquakes. In view of the special tectonic environment and deep tectonic setting in this area, this study used two seismic wide-angle reflection/refraction cross profiles for double constraining, so as to more reliably obtain the fine-scale velocity structure characteristics in both the shallow and deep crust of individual blocks and their boundaries in the study area,and further discuss the seismogenic environment in seismic zones with strong historical earthquakes. In this paper, the P-wave data from the two profiles are processed and interpreted, and two-dimensional crustal velocity structure models along the two profiles are constructed by travel time forward modeling. The results show that there are great differences in velocity structure,shape of intra-crustal interfaces and crustal thickness among different blocks sampled by the two seismic profiles. The crustal thickness along the Lanzhou-Huianbu-Yulin seismic sounding profile(L1) increases from ~43 km in the western margin of Ordos Block to ~56 km in the Qilian Block to the west. In the Ordos Block, the velocity contours vary gently, and the average velocity of the crust is about 6.30 km s-1; On the other hand, the velocity structures in the crust of the Qilian Block and the arclike tectonic zone vary dramatically, and the average crustal velocities in these areas are about 0.10 km s-1 lower than that of the Ordos Block. In addition, discontinuous low-velocity bodies(LVZ1 and LVZ2) are identified in the crust of the Qilian Block and the arc-like tectonic zone, the velocity of which is 0.10–0.20 km s-1 lower than that of the surroundings. The average crustal thickness of the Ordos Block is consistently estimated to be around 43 km along both Profile L2(Tongchuan-Huianbu-Alashan left banner seismic sounding profile) and Profile L1. In contrast to the gently varying intra-crustal interfaces and velocity contours in the Ordos Block along Profile L1, which is a typical structure characteristic of stable cratons, the crustal structure in the Ordos Block along Profile L2 exhibits rather complex variations. This indicates the presence of significant structural differences in the crust within the Ordos Block. The crustal structure of the Helan Mountain Qilian Block and the Yinchuan Basin is featured by "uplift and depression" undulations, showing the characteristics of localized compressional deformation.Moreover, there are low-velocity zones with alternative high and low velocities in the middle and lower crust beneath the Helan Mountain, where the velocity is about 0.15–0.25 km s-1 lower than that of the surrounding areas. The crustal thickness of the Alxa Block is about 49 km, and the velocity contours in the upper and middle-lower crust of the block vary significantly. The complex crustal velocity structure images along the two seismic sounding profiles L1 and L2 reveal considerable structural differences among different tectonic blocks, their coupling relationships and velocity structural features in the seismic zones where strong historical earthquakes occurred. The imaging result of this study provides fine-scale crustal structure information for further understanding the seismogenic environment and mechanism in the study area.  相似文献   


本研究收集青藏高原东北缘区域114个宽频带地震台站记录到的50个区域地震事件波形数据, 采用基于二次Wasserstein(W2)度量的全波形成像方法, 获得了10~100 s频带下该区域的高分辨率壳幔结构图像.结果显示, 秦岭造山带中下地壳呈高速特征, 表明高原内部弱物质未流入此处; 而从松潘—甘孜地块跨过昆仑断裂至秦祁地块内的中下地壳呈现低S波速、正径向各向异性(VSHVSV)和高泊松比异常, 暗示深部地壳物质存在水平流动.在秦祁地块中部, 深部地壳高速特性及负径向各向异性(VSHVSV)和低泊松比异常表明地壳流在此处已终止.此外, 龙日坝断裂在深部岩石圈表现为显著的结构异常分界线, 其可能代表了扬子块体西向楔入青藏高原的最前缘.


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