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The deep ocean piezosphere accounts for a significant part of the global ocean,hosts active and diverse microbial communities which probably play a more important role than hitherto recognized in the global ocean carbon cycle.The conventional biological pump concept and the recently proposed microbial carbon pump mechanism provide a foundation for our understanding of the role of microorganisms in cycling of carbon in the ocean.However,there are significant gaps in our knowledge and a lack of mechanistic understanding of the processes of microbially-mediated production,transformation,degradation,and export of marine dissolved and particulate organic matter(DOM and POM)in the deep ocean and the ecological consequence.Here we propose the POM-DOM piezophilic microorganism continuum(PDPMC)conceptual model,to address these important biogeochemical processes in the deep ocean.We propose that piezophilic microorganisms(bacteria and archaea)play a pivotal role in deep ocean carbon cycle where microbial production of exoenzymes,enzymatic breakdown of DOM and transformation of POM fuels the rapid cycling of marine organic matter,and serve as the primary driver for carbon cycle in the deep ocean.  相似文献   

Nitrate assimilation is a process where bacteria utilize nitrate as a nitrogen source and synthesize it into organic nitrogen. We found that nitrate-assimilating bacteria (NAB) are widely distributed in various marine environments, from surface to the deep ocean and sediment, which indicates that NAB are significant to the oceanic nitrogen cycle. Comparative genomic analysis revealed nitrate-assimilating genes (nasA) in these marine heterotrophic NAB showed different gene arrangements and diverse regulation systems. Summary on recent findings will contribute to understanding the process of nitrate assimilation in NAB and their ecological significance in the nitrogen cycle. A systematic analysis of a number of studies on bacterial nitrate assimilation in marine ecological systems was conducted to clarify directions for future research.  相似文献   

Anaerobic ammonium oxidation(anammox) is a relatively new pathway within the N cycle discovered in the late 1990 s. This eminent discovery not only modified the classical theory of biological metabolism and matter cycling, but also profoundly influenced our understanding of the energy sources for life. A new member of chemolithoautotrophic microorganisms capable of carbon fixation was found in the vast deep dark ocean. If the discovery of the chemosynthetic ecosystems in the deep-sea hydrothermal vent environments once challenged the old dogma "all living things depend on the sun for growth," the discovery of anammox bacteria that are widespread in anoxic environments fortifies the victory over this dogma. Anammox bacteria catalyze the oxidization of NH_4~+ by using NO_2~- as the terminal electron acceptor to produce N_2. Similar to the denitrifying microorganisms, anammox bacteria play a biogeochemical role of inorganic N removal from the environment. However, unlike heterotrophic denitrifying bacteria, anammox bacteria are chemolithoautotrophs that can generate transmembrane proton motive force, synthesize ATP molecules and further carry out CO_2 fixation through metabolic energy harvested from the anammox process. Although anammox bacteria and the subsequently found ammonia-oxidizing archaea(AOA), another very important group of N cycling microorganisms are both chemolithoautotrophs, AOA use ammonia rather than ammonium as the electron donor and O_2 as the terminal electron acceptor in their energy metabolism. Therefore, the ecological process of AOA mainly takes place in oxic seawater and sediments, while anammox bacteria are widely distributed in anoxic water and sediments, and even in some typical extreme marine environments such as the deep-sea hydrothermal vents and methane seeps. Studies have shown that the anammox process may be responsible for 30%–70% N_2 production in the ocean. In environmental engineering related to nitrogenous wastewater treatment, anammox provides a new technology with low energy consumption, low cost, and high efficiency that can achieve energy saving and emission reduction. However, the discovery of anammox bacteria is actually a hard-won achievement. Early in the 1960 s, the possibility of the anammox biogeochemical process was predicted to exist according to some marine geochemical data. Then in the 1970 s, the existence of anammox bacteria was further predicted via chemical reaction thermodynamic calculations. However, these microorganisms were not found in subsequent decades. What hindered the discovery of anammox bacteria, an important N cycling microbial group widespread in hypoxic and anoxic environments? What are the factors that finally led to their discovery? What are the inspirations that the analyses of these questions can bring to scientific research? This review article will analyze and elucidate the above questions by presenting the fundamental physiological and ecological characteristics of the marine anammox bacteria and the principles of scientific research.  相似文献   

Marine microbes are major drivers of marine biogeochemical cycles and play critical roles in the ecosystems. Aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria(AAPB) are an important bacterial functional group with capability of harvesting light energy and wide distribution, and appear to have a particular role in the ocean's carbon cycling. Yet the global pattern of AAPB distribution was controversial at the beginning of the 21 st century due to the defects of the AAPB enumeration methods. An advanced time-series observation-based infrared epifluorescence microscopy(TIREM) approach was established to amend the existing AAPB quantitative deviation and led to the accurate enumeration of AAPB in marine environments. The abundance of AAPB and AAPB% were higher in coastal and continental shelf waters than in oceanic waters, which does not support the idea that AAPB are specifically adapted to oligotrophic conditions due to photosynthesis in AAPB acting a supplement to their organic carbon respiration. Further investigation revealed that dependence of AAPB on dissolved organic carbon produced by phytoplankton(PDOC) may limit their competition and control AAPB distribution. So, the selection of carbon sources by AAPB indicated that they can effectively fractionate the carbon flow in the sea. Enlightened by these findings, the following studies on the interactions between marine microbes and DOC led to the discovery of a new mechanism of marine carbon sequestration—the Microbial Carbon Pump(MCP). The conceptual framework of MCP addresses the sources and mechanism of the vast DOC reservoir in the ocean and represents a breakthrough in the theory of ocean carbon sequestration.  相似文献   

The full spectrum of volatile sulfur compounds was detected in the water column of the permanently stratified meromictic Lake Cadagno. Besides hydrogen sulfide it included methanethiol, carbonyl sulfide, dimethyl sulfide, carbon disulfide, and dimethyl disulfide. Their distribution in the water column suggests that these compounds are of biogenic origin. Except for carbon disulfide which is present in all layers of Lake Cadagno, these volatile organic sulfur compounds are restricted to the anoxic part of the lake. For methanethiol, dimethyl sulfide, and carbon disulfide maximum concentrations were observed in the redox transition zone and in the sediment porewater. Carbon disulfide is the most abundant volatile organic sulfur compound with concentrations of up to 60 μmol L–1. The concentrations of the methylated sulfides are in the nmolar range. Although their concentrations varied during the summer months, seasonal trends of the concentrations of volatile organic sulfur compounds did not follow a consistent pattern. The restriction of most sulfur species to the anoxic layers of the lake indicates that their production originates from anaerobic microbial degradation of biomass and not from its release from a specific precursor like dimethylsulfoniumpropionate as in marine environments.  相似文献   

Elemental sulfur in northern South China Sea sediments and its significance   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Elemental sulfur(ES) is one of the intermediates in the inorganic sulfur cycle and thus plays a key role in the fractionation of stable sulfur isotopes in different reservoirs and the marine environment. In this study, solid ES is discovered in sediments near the Jiulong Methane Reef in the northern South China Sea by scanning electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy. Combining the morphology and distribution of ES, pyrite concentrations, and sulfur isotopes, we conclude that:(1) solid ES coexists with pyrite microcrystals and sulfide(oxyhydr)oxides as well as clay minerals, and they are mainly distributed on the surface of mineral aggregates;(2) ES mainly occurs within and near the sulfate-methane transition zone(SMTZ) despite little morphological diversity;(3) ES formation might be related to hydrogen sulfide oxidation and is therefore linked with fluctuations in the SMTZ. Within the SMTZ, hydrogen sulfide is produced and pyrite precipitates because of enhanced anaerobic oxidation of methane coupled with dissimilatory sulfate reduction. This enhances the efficiency of the inorganic sulfur cycle and provides favorable conditions for ES formation. The discovery of solid ES in sediments near the Jiulong Methane Reef suggests an important relationship with SMTZ fluctuations that could have implications for the evolution of methane hydrate in the South China Sea.  相似文献   

A detailed geochemical-petrological examination of layer 2 basalts recovered during Leg 37 of the DSDP has revealed that the original distribution, form and abundance of igneous sulfide have been profoundly altered during low-grade oxidative diagenesis. The net result appears to have been a rather pervasive remobilization of igneous sulfide to form secondary pyrite accompanied by a bulk loss of sulfur equivalent to about 50–60% of the original igneous value, assuming initial saturation. It is suggested that during infiltration of seawater into the massive crystal-line rock, igneous sulfide has experienced pervasive oxidation, under conditions of limited oxidation potential, to form a series of unstable, soluble sulfur species, primarily in the form of SO32? and S2O32?. Spontaneous decomposition of these intermediate compounds through disproportionation has resulted in partial reconstitution of the sulfur as secondary pyrite and the generation of SO42? ion, which, due to its kinetic stability, has been lost from the basalt system and ultimately transferred to the ocean. This model not only satisfies the geochemical and petrological observations but also provides a suitable explanation for the highly variable δ34S values which characterize secondary sulfides in deep ocean floor basalts.  相似文献   

The genus Vibrio, belonging to Gammaproteobacteria of the phylum Proteobacteria, is a genetically and ecologically diverse group of heterotrophic bacteria, that are ubiquitous in marine environments, especially in coastal areas. In particular, vibrios dominate, i.e. up to 10% of the readily culturable marine bacteria in these habitats. The distribution of Vibrio spp. is shaped by various environmental parameters, notably temperature, salinity and dissolved organic carbon. Vibriospp. may utilize a wide range of organic carbon compounds, including chitin (this may be metabolized by most Vibrio spp.), alginic acid and agar. Many Vibrio spp. have very short replication times (as short as ~10 min), which could facilitate them developing into high biomass content albeit for relatively short durations. Although Vibriospp. usually comprise a minor portion (typically ~1% of the total bacterioplankton in coastal waters) of the total microbial population, they have been shown to proliferate explosively in response to various nutrient pulses, e.g., organic nutrients from algae blooms and iron (Fe+) from Saharan dust. Thus, Vibrio spp. may exert large impacts on marine organic carbon cycling especially in marginal seas. Genomics and related areas of investigation will reveal more about the molecular components and mechanisms involved in Vibrio-mediated biotransformation and remineralization processes.  相似文献   

We report new data on oxygen isotopes in marine sulfate (δ18OSO4), measured in marine barite (BaSO4), over the Cenozoic. The δ18OSO4 varies by 6‰ over the Cenozoic, with major peaks 3, 15, 30 and 55 Ma. The δ18OSO4 does not co-vary with the δ34SSO4, emphasizing that different processes control the oxygen and sulfur isotopic composition of sulfate. This indicates that temporal changes in the δ18OSO4 over the Cenozoic must reflect changes in the isotopic fractionation associated with the sulfide reoxidation pathway. This suggests that variations in the aerial extent of different types of organic-rich sediments may have a significant impact on the biogeochemical sulfur cycle and emphasizes that the sulfur cycle is less sensitive to net organic carbon burial than to changes in the conditions of that organic carbon burial. The δ18OSO4 also does not co-vary with the δ18O measured in benthic foraminifera, emphasizing that oxygen isotopes in water and sulfate remain out of equilibrium over the lifetime of sulfate in the ocean. A simple box model was used to explore dynamics of the marine sulfur cycle with respect to both oxygen and sulfur isotopes over the Cenozoic. We interpret variability in the δ18OSO4 to reflect changes in the aerial distribution of conditions within organic-rich sediments, from periods with more localized, organic-rich sediments, to periods with more diffuse organic carbon burial. While these changes may not impact the net organic carbon burial, they will greatly affect the way that sulfur is processed within organic-rich sediments, impacting the sulfide reoxidation pathway and thus the δ18OSO4. Our qualitative interpretation of the record suggests that sulfate concentrations were probably lower earlier in the Cenozoic.  相似文献   

The largest global carbon-cycle perturbation in Earth history was recorded in the Ediacaran—a persistent negative shift in the global marine dissolved inorganic carbon(DIC) reservoir that lasted for ~25–50 million years, with a nadir of –12‰(i.e.,the Shuram Excursion, or SE). This event is considered to have been a result of full or partial oxidation of a large dissolved organic carbon(DOC) reservoir, which, if correct, provides evidence for massive DOC storage in the Ediacaran ocean owing to an intensive microbial carbon pump(MCP). However, this scenario was recently challenged by new hypotheses that relate the SE to oxidization of recycled continentally derived organic carbon or hydrocarbons from marine seeps. In order to test these competing hypotheses,this paper numerically simulates changes in global carbon cycle fluxes and isotopic compositions during the SE, revealing that:(1) given oxygen levels in the Ediacaran atmosphere-ocean of ≤40% PAL, the recycled continental organic carbon hypothesis and the full oxidation of oceanic DOC reservoir hypothesis are challenged by the atmospheric oxygen availability which would have been depleted in 4 and 6 million years, respectively;(2) the marine-seep hydrocarbon oxidation hypothesis is challenged by the exceedingly large hydrocarbon fluxes required to sustain the SE for 25 Myr; and(3) the heterogeneous(partial) DOC oxidation hypothesis is quantitatively able to account for the SE because the total amount of oxidants needed for partial oxidation(50%)of the global DOC reservoir could have been met.  相似文献   

Methane is a potent greenhouse gas. Continental margins contain large reservoirs of methane as solid gas hydrate and the dissolved and gaseous forms of methane. Submarine methane seeps along the global continental margins, including the coastal seas, have been estimated to contribute 0.01 to 0.05 Gt of carbon to the atmosphere annually, accounting for between 1% and 5% of the global methane emissions to the atmosphere. Much of this methane is exhausted via microbial anaerobic methane oxidation. Methane biotransformation in the ocean has effects on global climate change. This review mainly introduces the mechanisms of methanogenesis and methane oxidation and describes new findings that will provide information that will improve the understanding of the balance in terms of the generation, migration and consumption of methane in marine environments. Moreover, this review provides new insights into methane biogeochemical cycles and the effects of marine methane budgets on global climate.  相似文献   

Naturally occurring 210Po (half-life 138.4d) is the granddaughter of 210Pb (half-life 22.3a), both are members of 238U decay series and have been inten-sively utilized to study kinetic aspects of material cy-cling in the ocean[1]. Based on radioactive disequilibria in the 226Ra-210Pb-210Po system, oceanographical processes with different timescales have been widely studied. Rama et al.[2] first detected excess 210Pb rela-tive to its precursor 226Ra in surface waters, and considered this exc…  相似文献   

The biosphere interacts and co-evolves with natural environments.Much is known about the biosphere’s response to ancient environmental perturbations,but less about the biosphere’s influences on environmental change through earth history.Here,we discuss the roles of microbes in environmental changes during the critical Permian-Triassic(P-Tr)transition and present a perspective on future geomicrobiological investigations.Lipid biomarkers,stable isotopic compositions of carbon,nitrogen and sulfur,and mineralogical investigations have shown that a series of microbial functional groups might have flourished during the P-Tr transition,including those capable of sulfate reduction,anaerobic H2S oxidation,methanogenesis,aerobic CH4oxidation,denitrification,and nitrogen fixation.These microbes may have served to both enhance and degrade the habitability of the Earth-surface environment during this crisis.The integrated microbial roles have enabled the Earth’s exosphere to be a self-regulating system.  相似文献   

The inhibition of marine nitrification by ocean disposal of carbon dioxide   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In an attempt to reduce the threat of global warming, it has been proposed that the rise of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations be reduced by the ocean disposal of CO2 from the flue gases of fossil fuel-fired power plants. The release of large amounts of CO2 into mid or deep ocean waters will result in large plumes of acidified seawater with pH values ranging from 6 to 8. In an effort to determine whether these CO2-induced pH changes have any effect on marine nitrification processes, surficial (euphotic zone) and deep (aphotic zone) seawater samples were sparged with CO2 for varying time durations to achieve a specified pH reduction, and the rate of microbial ammonia oxidation was measured spectrophotometrically as a function of pH using an inhibitor technique. For both seawater samples taken from either the euphotic or aphotic zone, the nitrification rates dropped drastically with decreasing pH. Relative to nitrification rates in the original seawater at pH 8, nitrification rates were reduced by ca. 50% at pH 7 and more than 90% at pH 6.5. Nitrification was essentially completely inhibited at pH 6. These findings suggest that the disposal of CO2 into mid or deep oceans will most likely result in a drastic reduction of ammonia oxidation rates within the pH plume and the concomitant accumulation of ammonia instead of nitrate. It is unlikely that ammonia will reach the high concentration levels at which marine aquatic organisms are known to be negatively affected. However, if the ammonia-rich seawater from inside the pH plume is upwelled into the euphotic zone, it is likely that changes in phytoplankton abundance and community structure will occur. Finally, the large-scale inhibition of nitrification and the subsequent reduction of nitrite and nitrate concentrations could also result in a decrease of denitrification rates which, in turn, could lead to the buildup of nitrogen and unpredictable eutrophication phenomena. Clearly, more research on the environmental effects of ocean disposal of CO2 is needed to determine whether the potential costs related to marine ecosystem disturbance and disruption can be justified in terms of the perceived benefits that may be achieved by temporarily delaying global warming.  相似文献   

The sulfur isotope record in late Archean and early Paleoproterozoic rocks is of considerable importance because it provides evidence for changes in early Earth atmospheric oxygen levels and potentially constrains the origin and relative impact of various microbial metabolisms during the transition from an anoxic to oxic atmosphere. Mass independently fractionated (MIF) sulfur isotopes reveal late Archean and early Paleoproterozoic sulfur sources in different pyrite morphologies in Western Australia's Hamersley Basin. Multiple sulfur isotope values in late Archean pyrite vary according to morphology. Fine grained pyrite has positive sulfur MIF, indicating a reduced elemental sulfur source, whereas pyrite nodules have negative sulfur MIF, potentially derived from soluble sulfate via microbial sulfate reduction. The Hamersley Basin δ34S–Δ33S record suggests that the extent of oxygenation of the surface ocean fluctuated through the Late Archean from at least 2.6 Ga, more than 150 million yr before the Great Oxidation Event. In the early Paleoproterozoic, there is less distinction between pyrite morphologies with respect to sulfur isotope fractionation, and pyrite from the Brockman Iron Formation trends toward modern sulfur isotope values. An important exception to this is the strong negative MIF recorded in layer parallel pyrite in Paleoproterozoic carbonate facies iron formation. This may suggest that deeper water hydrothermal environments remained anoxic while shallower water environments became more oxidised by the early Paleoproterozoic. The results of the current study indicate that sulfide paragenesis is highly significant when investigating Archean and early Paleoproterozoic multiple sulfur isotope compositions and sulfur sources.  相似文献   

Global warming, the most severe faunal mass extinction and the shift of biogeochemical cycles were observed in the ocean across the Permian-Triassic boundary about 252 million years ago, providing an analog to understanding the modern oceans. Along with the progressive global warming, the biogeochemical cycle was documented to show a shift from the decoupled processes of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur prior to the mass extinction to the coupled biogeochemical processes during faunal mass extinction. The coupled biogeochemical cycle was further observed to shift from the coupled C-N processes during the first episode of the faunal mass extinction to the coupled C-N-S processes during the second episode, diagnostic of the progressive development of more deteriorated marine environmental conditions and the more severe biotic crisis across the Permian-Triassic boundary. The biogeochemical cycles could thus be an indication to the progressive collapse of marine ecosystems triggered by the global warming in Earth history. In modern oceans, the coupled C-N cycle triggered by the global warming was observed in some regions. If these local C-N processes develop and expand to the global oceans, the coupled C-N-S processes might be brought into existence and the marine ecosystems are inevitable to suffer from complete collapse as observed at 252 million years ago.  相似文献   

Hydrogen peroxide concentrations [H(2)O(2)] have been measured over the last two decades in multiple studies in surface waters in coastal, estuarine and oceanic systems. Diurnal cycles consistent with a photochemical production process have frequently being observed, with [H(2)O(2)] increasing by two orders of magnitude over the course of the day, from low nM levels in the early morning to 10(2)nM in late afternoon. Production rates range from <10 for off-shore ocean waters to 20-60nMh(-1) for near-shore coastal and estuarine environments. Slow night-time loss rates (<10nMh(-1)) have been attributed to biological and particle mediated processes. Diurnal cycles have also frequently been observed in fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) levels in surf zone waters monitored for microbial water quality. Measured peak peroxide concentrations in surface coastal seawaters are too low to directly cause FIB mortality based on laboratory studies, but likely contribute to oxidative stress and diurnal cycling. Peroxide levels in the surf zone may be increased by additional peroxide production mechanisms such as deposition, sediments and stressed marine biota, further enhancing impacts on FIB in marine bathing waters.  相似文献   

As the dominant primary producer in oligotrophic oceans, the unicellular picocyanobacterium Prochlorococcus is the smallest and most abundant photosynthetic phytoplankton in the world and plays an important role in marine carbon cycling.Cyanophages that infect Prochlorococcus influence the growth, carbon fixation, diversity, evolution, and environmental adaptation of their hosts. Here, we review studies on the isolation, genomics, and phylogenetic diversity of Prochlorococcus viruses and their interactions with Prochlorococcus. We also review the potential effects of Prochlorococcus viruses on biogeochemical cycling in the ocean.  相似文献   

刘洋  陈永娟  王晓燕  许康利 《湖泊科学》2018,30(5):1271-1283
由于人类活动的影响大量未经处理的废污水汇入城市河流,高浓度的污染物影响了河流中微生物对生物地球化学物质迁移和转化的介导作用.本文选取典型的城市河流——北运河作为研究区域,分析了北运河沉积物中氮素形态以及含量的空间和季节差异性,并结合克隆文库分子生物学的方法,探讨了氮素形态和含量的差异对好氧甲烷氧化菌(aerobic methane-oxidizing microorganisms,MOB)群落特征的影响.结果表明:北运河沉积物中铵态氮(NH_4~+-N)为氮素的主要存在形态,存在显著的空间差异,其含量在下游显著高于上游,但季节差异不显著.NH_4~+-N含量的空间差异对MOB的群落结构和群落分布有显著影响,对群落多样性影响不显著.NH_4~+-N含量的空间分布特征与MOB的群落聚类特征一致,NH_4~+-N对MOB群落分布的影响显著高于其他形态的氮素,其含量越高,则与MOB群落分布的响应关系越紧密.北运河中NH_4~+-N的来源影响了沉积物中MOB的主要来源,MOB高同源性菌群的来源与NH_4~+-N等主要污染物的来源一致.沉积物中MOB物种之间联系的紧密程度依赖于氮素的主要存在形态及其含量水平.NH_4~+-N含量较高的下游沉积物中微生物彼此之间关系及集聚程度更强,受外界环境变化的干扰程度更强,受人类活动引起环境变化的敏感程度更高.城市河流中氮素的形态和含量差异对甲烷的氧化过程有显著影响.探究城市河流沉积物中高含量的NH_4~+-N对甲烷产生及消耗的影响过程是控制河流温室气体排放的关键.  相似文献   

Ferric iron reduction was studied in a pilot-scale enclosure experiment for passive biological remediation of an acidic mine pit lake in Lusatia, Germany. The metabolic properties of prokaryotes involved in Fe(III) reduction may be important for the outcome of biological remediation, as chemolithotrophic Fe(III) reduction can counteract the desired pH increase, but heterotrophic Fe(III) reduction will provide the necessary Fe(II) for precipitation of sulfide minerals following sulfate reduction. Therefore, vertical profiles of sediment parameters related to iron and sulfur cycling were determined in conjunction with viable counts of different ferric iron-reducing micro-organisms using selective media. Findings were compared to an untreated reference site. The addition of organic matter stimulated ferric iron reduction and sulfate reduction in the enclosure and led to elevated pH and accumulations of ferrous iron and reduced sulfur compounds. Numbers of neutrophilic heterotrophic Fe(III) reducers increased during treatment, those of acidophilic heterotrophic Fe(III) reducers remained similar, and those of acidophilic chemolithotrophic Fe(III) reducers decreased. Zones of ferric iron-reducing activity corresponded well with microbial depth profiles; however, viable counts of neutrophilic or acid-tolerant Fe(III) reducers must have been underestimated based on the corresponding observed activity levels. Ferric iron reduction by chemolithotrophic acidophiles seemed to be of minor importance, so a lowering of pH values due to Fe(III) reducing activity is unlikely.  相似文献   

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