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<正>Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have been increasing due to human activities since the Industrial Revolution, resulting in continuous warming of the global climate system and significant drought over a large parts of global land, both have shown a non-linear growth trend in recent decades(Berg et al., 2017; Zhou et al., 2019; IPCC, 2021).  相似文献   

Global warming and its climatic and environmental effects have mainly been investigated in terms of the absolute warming rate. Little attention has been paid to the contribution of absolute warming rate to variability on various time scales of surface air temperature(SAT), which may be a more direct index for measuring the ecoclimatic effect of warming trend. The present study analyzed the role of secular warming trend in the variations of global land SAT for 1901–2016. Less than one-third of annual SAT variations were contributed by the warming trend over large parts of the globe generally. The ratios were up to two-thirds over eastern South America, parts of South Africa and the regions around the southwestern Mediterranean and Sunda islands where the absolute warming rate was moderate but the endemic species were undergoing exceptional loss of habitat. The ratios also exhibited smallest seasonal difference over these regions. Therefore, the ratio of the warming trend to the SAT variations may be a better measure compared to the absolute warming rate for the local ecoclimate. We should also pay more attention to the regions with high ratio, not only the regions with the high absolute warming rate.  相似文献   

Solar activity is regulated by the solar dynamo. The dynamo is a non-linear interplay between the equatorial and polar magnetic field components. So far, in Sun–climate studies, only the equatorial component has been considered as a possible driver of tropospheric temperature variations. We show that, next to this, there is a significant contribution of the polar component. Based on direct observations of proxy data for the two main solar magnetic fields components since 1844, we derive an empirical relation between tropospheric temperature variation and those of the solar equatorial and polar activities. When applying that relation to the period 1610–1995, we find some quasi-regular episodes of residual temperature increases and decreases, with semi-amplitudes up to ~0.3 °C. The present period of global warming is one of them.  相似文献   


太阳活动对全球气候的影响一直是人们关心的热门话题,尤其是太阳活动对海温和降水的影响吸引更多学者的目光.本文通过研究全球0~700 m海温对太阳射电通量(Solar Radio Flux,缩写为SRF)的响应,发现全球海温对太阳活动响应具有空间分布不均匀性特征,显著响应的地区集中在太平洋和南大西洋,显著响应的层次主要在0~200 m.利用响应太阳活动显著区域的海温资料,定义一个响应太阳活动的海温异常指数,研究该指数与同期和滞后1年全球冬夏季降水的相关分布,发现指数高时夏季热带中太平洋降水增多,南北半球中高纬地区降水增加,呈带状分布,南极地区降水显著减少;我国江南东部地区、青藏高原和山东半岛降水减少.冬季热带中部太平洋和东南太平洋地区降水增多,赤道西太平洋降水明显偏少,北极地区降水显著偏多,热带西太平洋和孟加拉湾降水减少,南北两个半球中高纬度地区降水增多;我国华南地区广西和广东西部、海南一带降水增多,东北地区降水减少,青藏高原地区降水显著增加.当海温异常指数低时,情况相反.研究结果表明,海温异常通过影响降水放大了太阳活动的作用.由此推测,在考虑夏季降水的预测问题时,由太阳活动引起的太平洋和大西洋海温异常对降水的影响应该引起重视.


Since the discovery of a striking correlation between 1-2-2-2-1 filtered solar cycle lengths and the 11-year running average of northern hemisphere land air temperatures, there have been widespread speculations as to whether these findings would rule out any significant contributions to global warming from the enhanced concentrations of greenhouse gases. The solar hypothesis (as we shall term this assumption) claims that solar activity causes a significant component of the global mean temperature to vary in phase opposite to the filtered solar cycle lengths. In an earlier article we have demonstrated that for data covering the period 1860–1980 the solar hypothesis does not rule out any significant contribution from man-made greenhouse gases and sulphate aerosols. The present analysis goes a step further. We analyse the period 1579–1987 and find that the solar hypothesis—instead of contradicting—appears to support the assumption of a significant warming due to human activities. We have tentatively corrected the historical northern hemisphere land air temperature anomalies by removing the assumed effects of human activities. These are represented by northern hemisphere land air temperature anomalies calculated as the contributions from man-made greenhouse gases and sulphate aerosols by using an upwelling diffusion-energy balance model similar to the model of Wigley and Raper, 1993 employed in the Second Assessment Report of The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). It turns out that the agreement of the filtered solar cycle lengths with the corrected temperature anomalies is substantially better than with the historical anomalies, with the mean square deviation reduced by 36% for a climate sensitivity of 2.5°C, the central value of the IPCC assessment, and by 43% for the best-fit value of 1.7°C. Therefore our findings support a total reversal of the common assumption that a verification of the solar hypothesis would challenge the IPCC assessment of man-made global warming.  相似文献   

The importance of ocean temperature to global biogeochemistry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Variations in the mean temperature of the ocean, on time scales from millennial to millions of years, in the past and projected for the future, are large enough to impact the geochemistry of the carbon, oxygen, and methane geochemical systems. In each system, the time scale of the temperature perturbation is key. On time frames of 1-100 ky, atmospheric CO2 is controlled by the ocean. CO2 temperature-dependent solubility and greenhouse forcing combine to create an amplifying feedback with ocean temperature; the CaCO3 cycle increases this effect somewhat on time scales longer than ∼5-10 ky. The CO2/T feedback can be seen in the climate record from Vostok, and a model including the temperature feedback predicts that 10% of the fossil fuel CO2 will reside in the atmosphere for longer than 100 ky. Timing is important for oxygen, as well; the atmosphere controls the ocean on short time scales, but ocean anoxia controls atmospheric pO2 on million-year time scales and longer. Warming the ocean to Cretaceous temperatures might eventually increase pO2 by approximately 25%, in the absence of other perturbations. The response of methane clathrate to climate change in the coming century will probably be small, but on longer time scales of 1-10 ky, there may be a positive feedback with ocean temperature, amplifying the long-term climate impact of anthropogenic CO2 release.  相似文献   

The influence of global warming in Earth rotation speed   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The tendency of the atmospheric angular momentum (AAM) is investigated using a 49-year set of monthly AAM data for the period January 1949–December 1997. This data set is constructed with zonal wind values from the reanalyses of NCEP/NCAR, used in conjunction with a variety of operationally produced AAM time series with different independent sources and lengths over 1976–1997. In all the analyzed AAM series the linear trend is found to be positive. Since the angular momentum of the atmosphere–earth system is conserved this corresponds to a net loss of angular momentum by the solid earth, therefore decreasing the Earth rotation speed and increasing the length of day (LOD). The AAM rise is significant to the budget of angular momentum of the global atmosphere–earth system; its value in milliseconds/century (ms/cy) is +0.56 ms/cy, corresponding to one-third of the estimated increase in LOD (+1.7 ms/cy). The major contribution to this secular trend in AAM comes from the equatorial Tropopause. This is consistent with results from a previous study using a simplified aqua-planet model to investigate the AAM variations due to near equatorial warming conditions. During the same time interval, 1949–1997, the global marine + land-surface tempera- ture increases by about 0.79 °C/cy, showing a linear correspondence between surface temperature increase and global AAM of about 0.07 ms per 0.1 °C. These results imply that atmospheric angular momentum may be used as an independent index of the global atmosphere’s dynamical response to the greenhouse forcing, and as such, the length of day may be used as an indirect indicator of global warming.  相似文献   

全球变暖背景下东亚气候变化的最新情景预测   总被引:60,自引:4,他引:60       下载免费PDF全文
在最新的SRES A2和B2温室气体排放情景下,利用国际上7个气候模式针对未来全球变暖的数值模拟结果,本文着重分析了东亚区域气候21世纪的变化趋势. 研究揭示:中国大陆年均表面气温升高过程与全球同步,但增幅在东北、西部和华中地区较大,且表现出明显的年际变化;全球年均表面气温增幅纬向上大体呈带状分布,两极地区最为明显,并在北极地区达到最大;此外,21世纪后半段北半球高纬度地区的年平均强升温幅度主要来自于冬季增温. 在21世纪前50年,温室气体含量的增加除在一定程度上会增加青藏高原大部分夏季降水量外,不会对中国大陆其余地区的年、季节平均降水量产生较大影响;但持续的温室气体含量增加将最终导致大陆降水量几乎是全域性的增加.  相似文献   

Carbon-dioxide releases associated with a mid-Cretaceous super plume and the emplacement of the Ontong-Java Plateau have been suggested as a principal cause of the mid-Cretaceous global warming. We developed a carbonate-silicate cycle model to quantify the possible climatic effects of these CO2 releases, utilizing four different formulations for the rate of silicate-rock weathering as a function of atmospheric CO2. We find that CO2 emissions resulting from super-plume tectonics could have produced atmospheric CO2 levels from 3.7 to 14.7 times the modern pre-industrial value of 285 ppm. Based on the temperature sensitivity to CO2 increases used in the weathering-rate formulations, this would cause a global warming of from 2.8 to 7.7 degrees C over today's global mean temperature. Altered continental positions and higher sea level may have been contributed about 4.8 degrees C to mid-Cretaceous warming. Thus, the combined effects of paleogeographic changes and super-plume related CO2 emissions could be in the range of 7.6 to 12.5 degrees C, within the 6 to 14 degrees C range previously estimated for mid-Cretaceous warming. CO2 releases from oceanic plateaus alone are unlikely to have been directly responsible for more than 20% of the mid-Cretaceous increase in atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   

We analyse the new ISCCP (International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project) D2 cloud data to ascertain if a connection between cosmic-ray flux and cloud cover exists. Despite a previous finding that total-cloud factor and cosmic-ray fluxes were correlated, our results indicate that only the low-level cloud follows solar activity over the full period, 1983–94. Using several proxies for solar activity and the radiative forcing calculated by Ockert-Bell (1992) for the ISCCP cloud types, we estimate the possible impact that such a solar–terrestrial connection may have on climate. We conclude that, possibly excluding the most recent decades, much of the warming of the past century can be quantitatively accounted for by the direct and indirect effects of solar activity.  相似文献   

It has become widely accepted that an increase in the infrared optical depth of the atmosphere must lead to an increase in the global surface temperature. It is demonstrated here that this need not be so, implying a limited predictive capability for modern climate models.  相似文献   

正In the context of continued greenhouse gas emissions, the Earth has experienced very rapid warming over the past several decades. As the main reservoir of the Earth’s climate system, the ocean transfers much of the extra heat, which leads to long-term atmospheric warming, from sea surface to the deep oceans (IPCC, 2019). Large-scale ocean circulation is one of the basic forms of sea water movement, which  相似文献   

Global plasmaspheric TEC and its relative contribution to GPS TEC   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The plasmaspheric electron content is directly estimated from the global positioning system (GPS) data onboard JASON-1 Satellite for the first time. Similarly, the ground-based GPS total electron content (TEC) is estimated using about 1000 GPS receivers distributed around the globe. The relative contribution of the plasmaspheric electron content to the ground-based GPS TEC is then estimated globally using these two independent simultaneous measurements; namely ground-based GPS TEC and JASON-1 GPS TEC. Results presented here include data from 3 months of different solar cycle conditions (October 2003, May 2005, and December 2006). The global comparison between the two independent measurements was performed by dividing the data into three different regions; equatorial, mid- and high-latitude regions. This division is essential as the GPS raypaths traverse different distances through the plasmasphere at different latitudes. The raypath length through the plasmasphere decreases as latitude increases. The relative contribution of the plasmaspheric electron content exhibits a diurnal variation that depends on latitude with minimum contribution (10%) during daytime and maximum (up to 60%) at night. The contribution is also maximum at the equatorial region where the GPS raypath traverses a long distance through the plasmasphere compared to its length in mid- and high-latitude regions. Finally, the solar cycle variation of plasmaspheric contribution is also reported globally.  相似文献   

Maps of a series of characteristics were calculated and constructed for RF territory, including mean values of changes in runoff depths (evaluated by the main climate models of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) due to greenhouse effect estimated for 2040–2070; root-mean-square deviations from these values; relative errors of the estimates; mean values of changes in the runoff depth for different scenarios of greenhouse gas emissions; absolute and relative deviations of these values from their means for scenarios and integration of models. Chronological forecasts of possible changes in the mean runoff values for the rivers of Volga, Northern Dvina, Pechora, Ob, Yenisei, Lena, Yana, Indigirka, Kolyma, and Amur up to 2100 are calculated, and the root-mean-square errors of these characteristics are evaluated for the maximum number of uncertainties in the forecast. The greenhouse effect is shown to be less significant, other factors being the same, for rivers with small drainage basins and rivers with small modulus of flow.  相似文献   

A study of the contribution to global climate change from China’s CO2 emission is conducted using the FIO-ESM v1.0 climate model. A series of sensitivity experiments are performed to identify two kinds of contributions to global climate change of China’s CO2 emission due to fossil fuel combustion: one is the pure contribution which is the historical climate response from the sensitivity experiment forced only by China’s CO2 emission, the other is the accumulative contribution which is proposed in this research and defined as the difference of historical climate responses between the experiments forced by all countries’ CO2 emission and other countries’ CO2 emission excluding China. The pure contribution approach considers the total CO2 discharged by China, while the accumulative contribution approach considers not only the discharge amount of China but also the discharge order of China and other countries. The latter is a more realistic approach to quantify the contribution of CO2 emission to the historical change of atmospheric CO2 concentration, surface air temperature (SAT), sea surface temperature (SST) and sea ice coverage in the Arctic. Model results show that from the accumulative perspective, the ratio of the contribution of CO2 emission from China for the increase of atmospheric CO2 concentration, SAT and SST, and the decrease of the sea ice coverage in the Arctic to that from all other countries excluding China varies from 8% to 92%, 5% to 95%, 9% to 91% and 18% to 82%, respectively. Here we take the contribution of China’s CO2 emission as an example, the contribution of CO2 emission from any other country or area can be evaluated by the same approach.  相似文献   

Stratospheric warming effects on the tropical mesospheric temperature field   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Temperature observations at 20–90 km height and 5–15°N during the winter of 1992–1993, 1993–1994 and 2003–2004, from the Wind Imaging Interferometer (WINDII) and Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) experiments on the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS) satellite and the Sounding the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry (SABER) experiment on the Thermosphere, Ionosphere, Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics (TIMED) satellite are analyzed together with MF radar winds and UK Meteorological Office (UKMO) assimilated fields. Mesospheric cooling is observed at the time of stratospheric warming at the tropics correlative with stratospheric warming events at middle and high latitudes. Planetary waves m=1 with periods of 4–5, 6–8, 10 and 12–18 days are found to dominate the period. Westward 7- and 16-day waves at the tropics appear enhanced by stationary planetary waves during sudden stratospheric warming events.  相似文献   

Hindcasting global temperature by evolutionary computation   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Interpretation of changes of global temperature is important for our understanding of the climate system and for our confidence in projections for the future. Massive efforts have been devoted to improve the accuracy of reproducing the global temperature by the available climate models, but the hindcasts are still inaccurate. Notwithstanding the need to further advance climate models, one may consider data-driven approaches, providing practically useful results in a simpler and faster way. Without assuming any prior knowledge about physics and without imposing a model structure that encapsulates the existing knowledge about the underlying processes, we hindcast global temperature by automatically identified evolutionary computation models. We use 60 years of records of global temperature and climate drivers, with training and testing periods being 1950–1999 and 2000–2009, respectively. This paper demonstrates that the global temperature observed in the past is mimicked with reasonably good accuracy. Evolutionary computation holds promise for modeling the global climate system, which looks hopelessly complex in classical perspective.  相似文献   

全球变暖减速与郭增建的“海震调温假说”   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
数值计算表明,潮汐形变和潮汐震荡是海流循环和季节性厄尔尼诺现象发生的原因.2004年12月26日印尼地震海啸后,全球低温冻害和暴雪灾害频繁发生.气候潮汐循环说和"深海巨震降温说"是一种合理的解释,2005~2008年全球气温因为强潮汐和地震海啸而降低.西方科学家也承认了这一客观事实:过去两年里,自然气候的变化抵消了全球气候变暖效应并将继续促使气温在2008年保持缓慢变化的趋势.气候潮汐循环说和海震调温说,阐明了冷气候、强潮汐和强震相互对应的物理机制,对2000年地球进入拉马德雷冷位相后的气候预测有重大科学意义.中国连续18年暖冬的终结是2000年地球进入拉马德雷冷位相和印尼发生地震海啸的合理结果.规律表明,在拉马德雷冷位相时期,全球强震、低温、飓风伴随拉尼那、全球性流感伴随厄尔尼诺将越来越强烈.地球自转、最强潮汐和特大地震都有准四年周期.特大地震可能发生在2000~2030年拉马德雷冷位相时期中的前18年左右.  相似文献   

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