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Comparison of flowpaths to a well and spring in a karst aquifer   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Toran L  Herman EK  White WB 《Ground water》2007,45(3):281-287
The permeability of some karst aquifers consists of networks of poorly integrated conduits and dissolution-widened fractures. The flow includes conduit flow, especially during storm recharge, but lacks the focused recharge into single master conduits that occurs in more highly developed karst systems. The proportions of conduit and dispersed flow are difficult to quantify in such systems. This study examines the flowpaths in a small karst watershed, based on comparing the physical and chemical response to storm flow at both a spring and a well. By conducting continuous monitoring at both locations, a better understanding of the flowpaths in a poorly integrated network was obtained. A more permeable flowpath to the spring leads to faster storm response and lower ion concentrations. The flowpath to and from the well is more complicated. The higher ion content and slower storm response suggest slower, more dispersed flowpaths. However, the well has greater variation in ion chemistry. Periodic recharge may dilute well concentrations due to faster (conduit or fracture) flowpaths. Although karst systems such as this are difficult to characterize, applying a variety of geochemical and physical monitoring techniques at multiple locations illustrates that the flowpaths can vary in both space and time.  相似文献   

Changes in hydrologic flowpaths have important impacts on the timing, magnitude and hydrochemistry of run‐off during snowmelt in forested catchments, but how flowpaths are affected by variation in winter climate and the irregular presence of soil frost remains poorly understood. The depth and extent of soil frost may be expected to increase as snowpack decreases or develops later because of climate change. In this study, we used end‐member mixing analysis to determine daily contributions of snow, forest floor soil water and groundwater to stream run‐off during snowmelt under different soil frost regimes resulting from interannual and elevational variation at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in New Hampshire, USA. We observed greater routing of run‐off through forest floor flowpaths during early snowmelt in 2011, when the snowpack was deep and soil frost was minimal, compared with the early snowmelt in 2012 under conditions of deep and extensive soil frost. The results indicate that widespread soil frost that penetrated the depth of the forest floor decreased the flow signal through the shallowest subsurface flowpaths, but did not reduce overall infiltration of melt waters, as the contribution from the snow‐precipitation end‐member was similar under both conditions. These results are consistent with development of granular soil frost which permits vertical infiltration of melt waters, but either reduces lateral flow in the forest floor or prevents the solute exchange that would produce the typical chemical signature of shallow subsurface flowpaths in streamwater. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

广东数字遥测地震台网的台网系统监视平台,是为监视台网中心的运行和台站仪器状况而设计的,通过网络对实时地震数据收集、处理系统运行和台站状态进行图形化自动监视,当发生地震事件、断记或系统故障时该平台能自动报警。实践表明,它既减轻了监测值班人员的工作负担,又为仪器维修人员跟踪台站仪器故障提供了帮助。  相似文献   

The ability to describe variables in a health risk model through probability theory enables us to estimate human health risk. These types of risk assessment are interpreted as probabilistic risk assessment (PRA). Generally, PRA requires specific estimate of the parameters of the probability density of the input variables. In all circumstances, such estimates of the parameters may not be available due to the lack of knowledge or information. Such types of variables are treated as uncertain variables. These types of information are often termed uncertainty which are interpreted through fuzzy theory. The ability to describe uncertainty through fuzzy set theory enables us to process both random variable and fuzzy variable in a single framework. The method of processing aleatory and epistemic uncertainties into a same framework is coined as hybrid method. In this paper, we are going to talk about such type of hybrid methodology for human health risk assessment. Risk assessment on human health through different pathways of exposure has been attempted many a times combining Monte Carlo analysis and extension principle of fuzzy set theory. The emergence of credibility theory enables transforming fuzzy variable into credibility distribution function which can be used in those hybrid analyses. Hence, an attempt, for the first time, has been made to combine probability theory and credibility theory to estimate risk in human health exposure. This method of risk assessment in the presence of credibility theory and probability theory is identified as probabilistic-credibility method (PCM). The results obtained are then interpreted through probability theory, unlike the other hybrid methodology where the results are interpreted in terms of possibility theory. The results obtained are then compared with probability-fuzzy risk assessment (PFRA) method. Generally, decision under hybrid methodology is made on the index of optimism. An optimistic decision maker estimates from the \(\alpha\)-cut at 1, whereas a pessimistic decision maker estimates from the \(\alpha\)-cut at 0. The PCM is an optimistic approach as the decision is always made at \(\alpha\)=1.  相似文献   

六安地震与监测台网   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对六安地区历史上地震活动特点,分析多年来地震监测发展情况,认为要提高六安市防震减灾能力,应充分利用六安地区的地震监测资源和现代网络环境,开展地方地震监测工作。根据六安市地震台现状,提出了运用VPN技术,进行监测数据资源共享,建设六安市虚拟地震监测台网与应急指挥技术系统等技术方式,来提高六安市地震监测现代化水平与应急响应能力,以满足未来六安市防震减灾事业快速发展的需要。  相似文献   

Following the spill of fuel oils from the New Carissa in February 1999, approximately 300 km of beaches on the Pacific coast of North America were surveyed. A long-term observation program focused on the documentation of stranded tar balls in the vicinity of the spill site. Systematic beach surveys which were conducted over the period March 1999 to April 2001 and semi-logarithmic scale, time-series plots proved the most useful format for identifying trends. Beach monitoring continued through to August 2001. by which time 212 tar balls had been analyzed by GC/MS for their chemical characteristics. The samples of tar balls collected between February 1999 and August 2001 were qualitatively compared with New Carissa source oils (NCSO) and 101 (48%) were not consistent with NSCO. The presence of tar balls that are not related to an incident can confound attempts to define cleanup or endpoint criteria and to assess possible injury to natural resources.  相似文献   

This study presents a plan for seismic monitoring of a region around a potential nuclear power plant. Seismic monitoring is needed to evaluate seismic risk. The International Atomic Energy Agency has set guidelines on seismic hazard evaluation and monitoring of such areas. According to these guidelines, we have made a plan for a local network of seismic stations to collect data for seismic source characterization and seismotectonic interpretations, as well as to monitor seismic activity and natural hazards. The detection and location capability of the network were simulated using different station configurations by computing spatial azimuthal coverages and detection threshold magnitudes. Background noise conditions around Pyhäjoki were analyzed by comparing data from different stations. The annual number of microearthquakes that should be detected with a dense local network centered around Pyhäjoki was estimated. The network should be dense enough to fulfill the requirements of azimuthal coverage better than 180° and automatic event location capability down to ML?~?0 within a distance of 25 km from the site. A network of 10 stations should be enough to reach these goals. With this setup, the detection threshold magnitudes are estimated to be ML?=??0.1 and ML?=?0.1 within a radius of 25 and 50 km from Pyhäjoki, respectively. The annual number of earthquakes detected by the network is estimated to be 2 (ML?≥?~ ?0.1) within 25 km radius and 5 (ML?≥?~?0.1 to ~0.1) within 50 km radius. The location accuracy within 25 km radius is estimated to be 1–2 and 4 km for horizontal coordinates and depth, respectively. Thus, the network is dense enough to map out capable faults with horizontal accuracy of 1–2 km within 25 km radius of the site. The estimation is based on the location accuracies of five existing networks in northern Europe. Local factors, such as seismic noise sources, geology and infrastructure might limit the station configuration and detection and location capability of the network.  相似文献   

雅砻江数字水库地震台网技术系统按照流域化建设和运行模式,以科学合理的测震台站布设、多样化及时通信组网方式和现代化台网中心,构成一个台站流域化布局、地震数据传输通信方式多元化、监测成果实时共享的水库地震监测系统,为工程安全监测和区域防震减灾及相关研究工作提供准确详实的基础资料,并为同类工程及大规模水库地震台网的设计和建设提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Cost-effective network design for groundwater flow monitoring   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The extensive use of groundwater resources has increased the need for developing cost-effective monitoring networks to provide an indication of the degree to which the subsurface environment has been affected by human activities. This study presents a cost-effective approach to the design of groundwater flow monitoring networks. The groundwater network design is formulated with two problem formats: maximizing the statistical monitoring power for specified budget constraint and minimizing monitoring cost for statistical power requirement. The statistical monitoring power constraint is introduced with an information reliability threshold value. A branch and bound technique is employed to select the optimal solution from a discrete set of possible network alternatives. The method is tested to the design of groundwater flow monitoring problem in the Pomona County, California.  相似文献   

Northern landscapes are dominated by a mosaic of lakes and streams, yet only a limited number of studies have explored how these lake-stream networks influence streamflow regimes. In order to gain further insight into the hydrologic behaviour of lake-stream systems, we conducted a study using long-term streamflow data to investigate the annual-, seasonal- and event-scale streamflow regimes of a lake-stream network at the Turkey Lakes Watershed (TLW) in central Ontario, Canada. Streamflow metrics were compared for seven lake and 12 no-lake catchments within the TLW, in addition to 14 no-lake catchments from other forested landscapes. It was difficult to attribute patterns in annual streamflow regimes to the influence of lakes due to the confounding influence of catchment size; however, streamflow regimes appeared to be less flashy at locations with more lake influence. In addition, lake catchments showed high similarity in streamflow regimes across seasons, whereas no-lake catchments showed more similarity to lake catchments during wet seasons but less similarity during dry seasons. Event-scale streamflow regimes further downstream from lake outlets were associated with greater increases in peakflow response and hydrograph rise rate following rain events than locations closer to lake outlets. Antecedent conditions were also important for both the peakflow response and rise rate, but less so than the amount of rainfall during the event. Variability in streamflow across lake-stream networks appears to be driven by interactions between delayed contributions from lakes and relatively rapid runoff contributions from hillslopes and tributaries without lakes. In addition, streamflow regimes are influenced by temporal changes in lake storage deficits, which are a function of lake and catchment properties, as well as hydrometeorological conditions. Our results highlight that a network-scale perspective that incorporates lakes and streams is needed to understand how these landscapes will hydrologically respond to environmental change.  相似文献   

Photogrammetric monitoring of small streams under a riparian forest canopy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The recent advent of digital photogrammetry has enabled the modeling and monitoring of river beds at relatively high spatial resolution (0·01 to 1 m) through the extraction of digital elevation models (DEMs). The traditional approach to image capture has been to mount a metric camera to an aircraft, although non‐metric cameras have been mounted to a variety of novel aerial platforms to acquire river‐based imagery (e.g. helicopters, radio‐controlled motorized vehicles, tethered blimps and balloons). However, most of these techniques are designed to acquire imagery at flying heights above the riparian tree canopy. In relatively narrow channels (e.g. <20 m bankfull width), streamside trees can obscure the channel and limit continuous photogrammetric data acquisition of both the channel bed and banks, while still providing useful information regarding the riparian canopy and even spot elevations of the channel. This paper presents a technique for the capture and analysis of close‐range photogrammetric data acquired from a vertically mounted non‐metric camera suspended 10 m above the channel bed by a unipod. The camera is positioned under the riparian forest canopy so that the channel bed can be imaged without obstruction. The system is portable and permits relatively rapid image acquisition over rough terrain and in dense forest. The platform was used to generate DEMs with a nominal ground resolution of 0·03 m. DEMs generated from this platform required post‐possessing to either adjust or eliminate erroneous cells introduced by the extraction process, overhanging branches, and by the effects of refraction at the air–water interface for submerged portions of the channel bed. The vertical precision in the post‐processed surface generally ranged from ± 0·01 to 0·1 m depending on the quality of triangulation and the characteristics of the surface being imaged. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A field study of surface water and groundwater interactions during baseflow and stormflow conditions was performed at the Reedy Creek watershed in the Virginia Coastal Plain. Three estimates of the average saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) of the unconfined aquifer were in reasonable agreement (ranging from 0.0033 to 0.010 cm/s), indicating that baseflow in the creek is entirely from the drainage of shallow groundwater from the relatively thin (1–6 m thick) unconfined aquifer. This relatively permeable surficial aquifer was found to be underlain by dark, olive grey, clay-silt and diatomaceous Miocene deposits of low permeability known as the Calvert Formation, which is believed to function as a confining bed in the area. A chemical hydrograph separation technique was used to resolve the contributions of [old] (pre-event) and [new] (event) water to stormflow. Results from a major rainstorm indicated that old water dominated the stormflow response of the watershed, although the new water contribution approached 40% at the hydrograph peak. Stormflow at Reedy Creek appears to result from saturation overland flow from variable source areas which include the stream channels and a significant part of the riparian wetland area. This response appears to be attributable to the transient dynamics of the shallow groundwater flow system and to the formation of localized groundwater mounds which raise the water-table to the wetland surface.  相似文献   


浅海和俯冲海沟等海域,不仅是矿产和油气资源主潜力区,也是构造地震频发区,其浅表热流和深部温度信息对于了解板块俯冲和岩浆活动等过程至关重要.这些区域浅层地温场和热流场受到底水温度波动(BTV)强烈扰动,其背景热流需由长期观测来获取.在全面分析了国内外海底热流长期观测技术特点后,我们提出了系缆式海底热流长期观测方案,2013年起陆续开展了部分核心技术的预研究及一系列海底、湖底及浅孔试验.结果表明:(1)自主研制的长周期低功耗微型测温单元,在2~36℃的环境下可连续观测1年;系缆式投放与回收方案即使在地形陡峭、1.5 kn流速及无动力定位等条件下仍然可行.(2)南海北部BTV总体随水深变浅而增强,在浅水区对浅层地温场扰动不可忽略.例如,在水深2600~3200 m和850~1200 m海域分别为0.025~0.053℃(17天内)、0.182~0.417℃(2天内),而台西南盆地北坡(水深763 m)夏季的海底热流由浅表的0.69 W·m-2转变为0.83 m以深的-0.25~-0.05 W·m-2.(3)兴伊措和湖光岩玛珥湖BTV向深部传导过程中其幅度逐渐减弱、相位滞后,进而导致热流方向与强度随季节发生变化.而康定中谷浅层(7 m内)地温在不同深度处同步波动,且冬高(35~36℃)夏低(28~32℃).推测为夏季大量降雨所致;其热流浅部低(0.504 W·m-2)深部高(0.901 W·m-2),指示着鲜水河断裂带深部热流体上涌.这些预研究工作为后续系缆式海底热流长期观测系统的正式研制与应用奠定了扎实基础.


McKenna SA  Wahi A 《Ground water》2006,44(5):723-731
Three measurements of head at unique locations form a three-point estimator of the local magnitude and orientation of the hydraulic gradient. The relative head measurement error (RHME) is defined here as the measurement error normalized by the head drop across the three-point estimator. Monte Carlo simulation results show that estimators with base to height ratios between 0.5 and 5.0 and that are large enough to keep the RHME below 0.05 create the most accurate gradient estimates and provide criteria for identifying good estimators. These criteria are applied to an example ground water monitoring network design problem in the Culebra dolomite near the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant repository to both analyze temporal changes and modify and expand the current monitoring network. Limiting the three-point estimators to those that meet the shape and RHME criteria reduces the number of possible estimators by >50% and leads to approximately 1 order of magnitude decrease in the average estimated magnitude of the gradient relative to using all estimators. Application of these criteria also reduces the variability in estimated gradient magnitude and orientation between the two time periods of measurements. Redundant wells in the network are identified by removing each existing well in turn and determining which removals yield the smallest decrease in the number of acceptable estimators. Optimal new well locations are identified by mapping the increase in total number of acceptable estimators for a single new well placed in the study domain.  相似文献   

A method is presented to design monitoring networks for detecting groundwater pollution at industrial sites. The goal is to detect the pollution at some distance from the site’s boundary so that it can be cleaned up or hydrologically contained before contaminating groundwater outside the site. It is assumed that pollution may occur anywhere on the site, that transport is by advection only and that no retardation and chemical reactions take place. However, the approach can be easily extended to include designated (and uncertain) source areas, dispersion and reactive transport. The method starts from the premise that it is impossible to detect 100% of all the contaminant plumes with reasonable costs and therefore seeks a balance between the risk of pollution and network density. The design approach takes account of uncertainty in the flow field by simulating realisations of conductivity, groundwater head and associated flow fields, using geostatistical simulation and a groundwater flow model. The realisations are conditioned to conductivity and head observations that may already be present on the site. The result is an ensemble of flow fields that is further analysed using a particle track program. From this the probability of missing a contaminant plume originating anywhere on the terrain can be estimated for a given network. From this probability follows the risk, i.e. the expected costs of an undetected pollution. The total costs of the monitoring strategy are calculated by adding the risk of pollution to the costs of installing and maintaining the monitoring wells and the routinely performed chemical analyses. By repeating this procedure for networks of varying well numbers, the best network is chosen as the one that minimises total cost. The method is illustrated with a simulated example showing the added worth of exploratory wells for characterising hydraulic conductivity of a site.  相似文献   

A new method is developed to design a multi-objective and multi-pollutant sensitive air quality monitoring network (AQMN) for an industrial district. A dispersion model is employed to estimate the ground level concentration of the air pollutants emitted from different emission sources. The primary objective of AQMN is providing the maximum information about the pollutant with respect to (1) maximum coverage area, (2) maximum detection of violations over ambient air standards and (3) sensitivity of monitoring stations to emission sources. Ant Colony Optimization algorithm (ACO) and Genetic Algorithm (GA) are adopted as the optimization tools to identify the optimal configuration of the monitoring network. The comparison between the results of ACO and GA shows that the performance of both algorithms is acceptable in finding the optimal configuration of AQMN. The application of the method to a network of existing refinery stacks indicates that three stations are suitable to cover the study area. The sensitivity of the three optimal station locations to emission sources is investigated and a database including the sensitivity of stations to each source is created.  相似文献   

安徽省地震局建成1套服务于本省地震行业高速信息网络系统,各类设备500余套。为保障设备运转正常,需要及时发现并排除故障。实现网络设备监控信息可视化成为亟需解决的问题。Nagvis作为Nagios的展示组件,可采用多种模式对Nagios系统中的监控对象进行图形化展示。通过该技术实现安徽省地震局网络设备监控信息可视化,为运维人员及时提供网络设备运行状态,提高了网络运行质量和效率。  相似文献   

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