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Absolute values of the emission cross sections for five vibrational bands in the Meinel system of N2+,A2πu to X2Σg+, excited by electron impact are presented. From these, a value was obtained for the total excitation cross section of the A2πu state at 100 eV of 26·5 × 10−18 cm2. The results are compared with those of other workers and with theory. Collisional transfer of the excitation energy from the levels of the A2πu state was also observed with a transfer cross section of approximately 10−14 cm2.  相似文献   

Measurements of N2+ and supporting data made on the Atmosphere Explorer-C satellite in the ionosphere are used to study the charge exchange process
The equality k = (5 ± 1.7) × 10?10cm3s?1. This value lies close to the lower limit of experimental uncertainty of the rate coefficient determined in the laboratory. We have also investigated atomic oxygen quenching of O+(2D) and find that the rate coefficient is 2 × 10?11 cm3s?1 to within approximately a factor of two.  相似文献   

Inspection of recent spectra presented by Sivjee (1983) show evidence of the 0–4 and 0–5 bands of the N2(c41Σu+a1Πg) Gaydon-Herman system. In conjunction with earlier spectra, it is now possible that this band system is a significant auroral component, with an intensity approx. 7% that of the N2 2P system. The absence in aurorae of the potentially far stronger N2(c41Σu+X1Πg) system is discussed. It is that the O2(A3Σu+X3Σg) band system is indiscernible in Sivjee's auroral spectra, under conditio the foreground nightglow is expected to be clearly visible. On the other hand, at least one relatively strong O2(A3Δua1Δg) band appears to be present in these spectra.  相似文献   

Recent rocket observations of the N2 V-K (Vegard-Kaplan) system in the aurora have been reinterpreted using an atmospheric model based on mass spectrometer measurements in an aurora of similar intensity at the same time of year. In contrast to the original interpretation, we find that population by cascade from the C3Πu and B3Πg states in the A3Σu+v=0,1 levels, as calculated using recently measured electron excitation cross sections, accurately accounts for the observed relative emission rates (IV-K/12PG0.0). In addition there is no need to change the production rate of A 3 Σ u+ molecules relative to that of C3Πuv=0 as a function of altitude in order to fit the profile of the deactivation probability to the atmospheric model. Quenching of A 3 Σ u+ molecules at high altitudes is dominated by atomic oxygen. The rate constants for the v=0 and v=1 levels are 8 × 10−11 cm3 sec−1 and 1.7 × 10−10 cm3 sec−1 respectively, as determined using the model atmosphere mentioned above. Recent observations with a helium cooled mass spectrometer suggest that conventional mass spectrometer measurements tend to underestimate the atomic oxygen relative concentration. The rate coefficients may therefore be too large by as much as a factor of 3. Below 130 Km we find that it is possible to account for the deactivation in bright auroras by invoking large nitric oxide concentrations, similar to those recently observed mass spectrometrically and using a rate constant of 8 × 10−11 cm3 sec−1 for both the v=1 levels. This rate constant is very nearly the same as that measured in the laboratory (7 × 10−11 cm3 sec−1). Molecular oxygen appears not to play a significant role in deactivating the lower A 3 Σ u+ levels.  相似文献   

It is proposed that energy transfer from excited O2 contributes to the production of O(1S) in aurora. An analysis is presented of the OI5577 Å emission in an IBC II+ aurora between 90 and 130 km. The volume emission rate of the emission at these altitudes is consistent with the production rate of O(1S) by energy transfer to O(3P) from N2 in the A3Σ2+ state and O2 in the A3Σu+, C3Δc1Σu? states, the N2A state being populated by direct electron impact excitation and BA cascade and the excited O2 states by direct excitation. Above the peak emission altitude (~105 km), energy transfer from N2A is the predominant production mechanism for O(1S). Below it, the contribution from quenching of the O2 states becomes significant.  相似文献   

It is proposed that the available measurements of the O2(b1Σg+ ?X3Σg?) atmospheric bands both in the nightglow and in the laboratory indicate that the excitation mechanism is a two-step process rather than the direct three body recombination of atomic oxygen. It is shown that such a two-step mechanism can explain observations of the atmospheric bands both in altitude and intensity.  相似文献   

Elastic scattering and excitation transfer collision cross-sections in O(1S)-O(3P) collisions are calculated. These cross-sections are needed in determining the degree of thermalization of the O(1S) atoms in the nighttime thermosphere. A formula is given for the rate coefficient for the production of an O(1S) atom with a specific energy in collisions involving an O(1S) atom of a given initial energy and the ground state O(3P) atoms of a thermal gas. Effective elastic scattering and excitation transfer cross-sections are defined and calculated to be 1.71 × 10?15 cm2 and 6.67 × 10?16 cm2 respectively at a relative collision energy of 0.41 eV.  相似文献   

New measurements of the Herzberg I emission height profile in the night airglow are reported and indicate a peak emission height near 96 km in agreement with previous measurements. Using an atomic oxygen concentration profile determined from the oxygen green line profile measured on the same rocket it is concluded that the O2(A3Σu+) state is not excited in the direct three body recombination of atomic oxygen. It is suggested that the excitation mechanism is a two step process, similar to the Barth mechanism for the atomic oxygen green lineand that the excited intermediate state is C3Δu.  相似文献   

Electron impact excitation of vibrational levels in the ground electronic state and seven excited electronic states in O2 have been simulated for an International Brightness Coefficient-Category 2+ (IBC II+) night-time aurora, in order to predict O2 excited state number densities and volume emission rates (VERs). These number densities and VERs are determined as a function of altitude (in the range 80-350 km) in the present study. Recent electron impact excitation cross-sections for O2 were combined with appropriate altitude dependent IBC II+ auroral secondary electron distributions and the vibrational populations of the eight O2 electronic states were determined under conditions of statistical equilibrium. Pre-dissociation, atmospheric chemistry involving atomic and molecular oxygen, radiative decay and quenching of excited states were included in this study. This model predicts relatively high number densities for the metastable electronic states and could represent a significant source of stored energy in O2* for subsequent thermospheric chemical reactions. Particular attention is directed towards the emission intensities of the infrared (IR) atmospheric (1.27 μm), Atmospheric (0.76 μm) and the atomic oxygen 1S1D transition (5577 Å) lines and the role of electron-driven processes in their origin. Aircraft, rocket and satellite observations have shown both the IR atmospheric and Atmospheric lines are dramatically enhanced under auroral conditions and, where possible, we compare our results to these measurements. Our calculated 5577 Å intensity is found to be in good agreement with values independently measured for a medium strength IBC II+ aurora.  相似文献   

This VIRTIS instrument on board Venus Express has collected spectrally resolved images of the Venus nightside limb that show the presence of the (0,0) band of the infrared atmospheric system of O2 at 1.27 μm. The emission is produced by three-body recombination of oxygen atoms created by photodissociation of CO2 on the dayside. It is consistently bright so that emission limb profiles can be extracted from the images. The vertical distribution of O2() may be derived following Abel inversion of the radiance limb profiles. Assuming photochemical equilibrium, it is combined with the CO2 vertical distribution to determine the atomic oxygen density. The uncertainties on the O density caused by the Abel inversion reach a few percent at the peak, increasing to about 50% near 120 km. We first analyze a case when the CO2 density was derived from a stellar occultation observed with the SPICAV spectrometer simultaneously with an image of the O2 limb airglow. In other cases, an average CO2 profile deduced from a series of ultraviolet stellar occultations is used to derive the O profile, leading to uncertainties on the O density less than 30%. It is found that the maximum O density is generally located between 94 and 115 km with a mean value of 104 km. It ranges from less than 1×1011 to about 5×1011 cm−3 with a global mean of 2.2×1011 cm−3. These values are in reasonable agreement with the VIRA midnight oxygen profile. The vertical O distribution is generally in good agreement with the oxygen profile calculated with a one-dimensional chemical-diffusive model. No statistical latitudinal dependence of the altitude of the oxygen peak is observed, but the maximum O density tends to decrease with increasing northern latitudes. The latitudinal distribution at a given time exhibits large variations in the O density profile and its vertical structure. The vertical oxygen distribution frequently shows multiple peaks possibly caused by waves or variations in the structure of turbulent transport. It is concluded that the O2 infrared night airglow is a powerful tool to map the distribution of atomic oxygen in the mesosphere between 90 and 115 km and improve future Venus reference atmosphere models.  相似文献   

The Fabry-Perot interferometer on Dynamics Explorer 2 was used as a low sensitivity photometer to study the O2 Atmospheric A band during the daytime. A study of the brightness of the emission showed that the assumed source of O2(b1Σg+) in the thermosphere, O(1D), can account for the observed intensity up to about 250 km but with a significantly different scale height. This combined with an enhanced brightness above this altitude suggests an additional source for this emission.  相似文献   

A simple vibrational relaxation model which reproduces the observed altitude integrated vibrational distribution of the Herzberg I bands in the nightglow is used to derive the altitude profiles of the individual vibrational levels at 1 km intervals in the 85–115 km height range. The possible errors associated with using rocket-borne photometer measurements of a limited number of bands in the O2(A3Σu+?X3Σg?) system to infer the total Herzberg I emission profile are assessed.  相似文献   

Measurements of the O2(A3Σ − X3Σ) Herzberg system in the night airglow have been made with the ESRO TD-1 satellite in the wavelength range 2400–3100 A. The slant emission rate varies from 3.5 to 15 kR, indicating an irregular structure of the atomic oxygen near the turbopause. A statistical maximum intensity is found near the tropic in the winter hemisphere. The intensity profile is consistent with excitation by three-body recombination of oxygen atoms. The observed total emission rate can be accounted for by reasonable atomic oxygen densities and an O2(A3Σ) production efficiency of about 20% if quenching by N2 occurs at the rate deduced from laboratory and other airglow measurements.  相似文献   

An analysis is presented of photometric measurements of the NI (λ = 520nm),OI(λ = 630nm)and other emissions made at Nord, where the invariant latitude is Λ = 80°4. The time variations of the intensities are interpreted in the following way by comparison with simultaneous ground based or satellite measurements.The N(2D) atoms formed in the dayside cleft are carried by the neutral wind in a plume across the polar cap, so that the ratio of λ(630 nm) to λ(520 nm) intensities decreases along the plume with increasing distance from the source region.In the polar cap, but outside the plume region, 630 nm emission is produced by electron impact of polar rain and by substorms that reach high latitudes. Ionization produced at the same time, especially by the substorms, will produce further 630 nm emission through dissociative recombination. In any case, the region outside the plume may be regarded as a source region, with a high value of the ratio I(630)I(520). This explains in part the diurnal variations, since this ratio is depressed as Nord crosses the dayside plume.The electron energy along the oval increases progressively from the dayside to the nightside. The intensity ratio increases with increasing electron energy because N(2D) is quenched more rapidly than O(1D). Thus the ratio rises progressively from noon to midnight.An effect of the interplanetary magnetic field is superimposed on this pattern : as its North-South component Bz increases, the oval contracts so that Nord becomes nearer from the cleft source and the intensity ratio increases on the dayside. The inverse effect is also observed. On the nightside, negative Bz is associated with substorms that produce poleward expansions of the poleward oval boundary, that brings more energetic precipitation to Nord. This causes the intensity ratio to increase with decreasing Bz in a way that is opposite to that for the dayside.  相似文献   

The yield of metastable nitrogen atoms in dissociative recombination of N2+ (v = 0, 1)ions has been tudied for different experimental conditions. In a first experiment, the branching ratio for N(2D) production was directly measured as being higher than 1.85; for N2+ (v = 0) this implies that 2D + 2D is the main reaction channel; for N2+ (v = 1) a minor channel could be 2P + 2D, 2P being then quenched toward 2D by electrons. In a second experiment, at higher electron densities, the influence of superelastic collisions was studied; a steady state analysis yields the quenching rate coefficient k4, of 2D towards 4S equal to 2.4 × 10?10 cm3 s?1for Te = 3900 K and shows that 2D + 2D is always the major channel of the reaction for N2+ (v = 1), 2D + 2P being a minor channel. All these results are in good agreement with thermospheric models but imply that N2+ dissociative recombination is a less important source for nitrogen escape of Mars.  相似文献   

Laboratory measurements of the reaction of O2+ with NO from thermal energy to 0.6 eV in an Ar buffered flow drift tube agree with similar measurements made earlier in the same drift tube with He buffer. Since the O2+ ions are substantially vibrationally excited in Ar and not in He it follows that the reaction is not enhanced by vibrational excitation of the O2+.  相似文献   

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