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Significant progress has been made in understanding some of the basic mechanisms of force production and flow manipulation in oscillating foils for underwater use. Biomimetic observations, however, show that there is a lot more to be learned, since many of the functions and details of fish fins remain unexplored. This review focuses primarily on experimental studies on some of the, at least partially understood, mechanisms, which include 1) the formation of streets of vortices around and behind two- and three-dimensional propulsive oscillating foils; 2) the formation of vortical structures around and behind two- and three-dimensional foils used for maneuvering, hovering, or fast-starting; 3) the formation of leading-edge vortices in flapping foils, under steady flapping or transient conditions; 4) the interaction of foils with oncoming, externally generated vorticity; multiple foils, or foils operating near a body or wall.  相似文献   

In the course of monitoring and evaluating fish population in the seas, sonar systems have proved a practical and efficient measurement approach. The results obtained, however, from the use of sonar for monitoring fish migration in rivers have been somewhat disappointing-the most troublesome problems being the inability to recognize invalid targets. It has been proposed [1] that a high-resolution Doppler sonar which recognizes a valid target on the basis of its Doppler signature would be a solution to this problem. This paper examines the feasibility of such a target identification scheme. In particular, an examination is made of the nature of returns to be expected from a fish, and of interference sources-principally surface reverberation. From this it is concluded that the Doppler approach is indeed feasible, but that the use of a high-resolution pulsed system capable of separating multiple targets is only possible in a channel width of a few meters.  相似文献   

The opto-acoustic design of a liquid-filled conical acoustic lens is discussed. An approximate model of stacked cylindrical elements is used to estimate the focal line. Final optimization is to be achieved experimentally. Diffraction enables point hydrophones to cover a vertical range of60deg. An iterative optimization procedure yields cone angle and window aperture size that give diffraction patterns to accomplish this with 3-dB maximum loss at the extreme elevations. Baffles are positioned by a ray-tracing analysis to minimize internal acoustic reflections. Reflection losses <1 dB are predicted above the critical angle (for total internal reflection) at the water-window boundary.  相似文献   

Currently there is a strong interest in Cuba in improving the performance of the fisheries sector with respect to social, biological, and economic outcomes. Many important fishery resources appear to be overexploited, and previous fishery regulations have had mixed success in restoring fishery stocks. The current fishing pressure could also have adverse impacts on other valuable ecosystem services that support economic activities such as dive tourism and recreational fishing. A new State policy to expand cooperative enterprises to non-agricultural sectors provides an opportunity for fishery cooperatives to be created for the first time since the early years of the Cuban Revolution. This paper explores the potential ecological, social, and economic benefits of adopting fishery cooperatives as a co-management scheme for Cuba's marine fisheries. It concludes that well-designed fishery cooperatives can offer substantial benefits to the management of the fishery sector. Based on an analysis of the relative success of fishing cooperatives worldwide, guidelines are provided for the design of fishery cooperatives in Cuba.  相似文献   

This analysis documents the reasons for emerging interest in ecosystem-based fisheries management (EBFM) and relates this management model to others. It highlights the central challenges to EBFM in the tropical context and examines an ongoing project, Fisheries Improved for Sustainable Harvest (FISH), in the Philippines—likely the first EBFM project in the tropics. The Philippine legal and institutional context provides major governance challenges to EBFM, especially as management is scaled up. A monitoring framework with process and output criteria is applied to FISH to establish progress to date. Major institutional and governance challenges for EBFM will require monitoring, evaluation, and adaptation.  相似文献   

Victor W. Truesdale   《Marine Chemistry》2007,104(3-4):266-281
Aerated solutions of potassium iodide in de-ionised water, of between 5–20% (w/v), were exposed to ambient spring sunlight to estimate the rate of photochemical production of molecular iodine from iodide and oxygen in seawater. This rate cannot be measured directly as other reactions, for example the reduction of molecular iodine by organic matter, interfere. Also, a parallel photo-oxidation, initiated by organic matter in real seawater, may also occur. The experiments yield a half-life for iodide in tropical surface waters of about 29 months suggesting that the reaction is insignificant. At this rate it will not compete effectively against the reduction of molecular iodine by organic matter, and hence molecular iodine should not appear. The experiments also consider the photo-oxidation by nitrate, and iodate, a combination of nitrite and oxygen, and eliminate significant interference by chloride, bromide and the phosphate buffer. The rate of photo-oxidation with each of the first three oxidations is found to be first order with respect to oxidant concentration. The variation of photo-oxidation rate with pH is also studied, with a brief investigation without conventional oxidant, where electron cage complexes still promote photo-oxidation. The photochemical action spectrum for these reactions in sunlight is shown to extend between 300 and 425 nm. The photo-oxidation of iodide by iodate is more interesting to marine chemistry as the photo-reduction of iodate. Nevertheless, the reduction-rate is judged to be several orders too low to be significant in seawater. The mechanism of the reactions are discussed and lessons drawn on the stability of potassium iodide solutions used in iodate analysis. The KI actinometer is recommended to those studying other photochemical systems activated by UV-A light as it is linear and very simple and reliable.  相似文献   

Free waves (seiches) in a circular basin of variable depth are studied numerically within the framework of the linear theory of long waves taking into account the action of the Coriolis force. We determine the frequencies of axisymmetric and circular waves, study the structure of the modes of elevation of the free surface and wave velocities, and establish the dependences of the phase velocities of circular waves on the number of mode and wavelength. Translated by Peter V. Malyshev and Dmitry V. Malyshev  相似文献   

A lumped parameter model of open-frame unmanned underwater vehicles (UUV's) including the effects of propeller-hull and propeller-propeller interactions is presented. The identification of the model parameters consists of a least squares method using only on-board sensor data without requiring any towing tank tests. The identification scheme is based on separate tests for the estimation of drag and thruster installation coefficients, taking into account propeller-hull and propeller-propeller effects first and inertia parameters subsequently. The scheme has been experimentally implemented on ROMEO, the latest UUV developed by CNR-IAN. Experimental results show both the effectiveness of the proposed method and the relevance of the propeller-hull and propeller-propeller interactions that are usually neglected in standard UUV models  相似文献   

The topic of wave-seabed interaction is important for civil engineers with regard to stability analysis of foundations for offshore structures. Most previous investigations of such problems have simply assumed a seabed with uniform permeability, even if the evidence of variable permeability has been reported in the literature. This paper presents a finite-element model for investigating the wave-induced seabed response in a porous seabed, with variable permeability as a function of burial depth. The present finite formulation is established by using a combination of semi-analytical techniques and the Galerkin method. Based on the present numerical model, together with the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion, the wave-induced seabed instability is estimated. The numerical results indicate that variable permeability affects the wave-induced seabed instability significantly, especially for gravelled seabeds.  相似文献   

An adaptive control scheme for dynamic positioning (DP) of remotely operated underwater vehicles (ROV) is proposed based on a recently developed output feedback variable structure control (VSC) algorithm named VS-MRAC. Only position measurement is required. Precise modeling of the ROV is not needed and unmodeled perturbations can be effectively rejected. A simple method for discretizing the original continuous-time VS-MRAC is proposed based on dead-beat response. Other important practical implementation issues are considered. The performance is evaluated by simulation with a realistic ROV model and by full-scale experimental pool tests with an actual ROV  相似文献   

海洋内波是发生在海洋内部密度层化水层间的一种波动。海洋内波对潜艇活动的安全以及水中兵器的使用效能等有非常显著的影响。本文就海洋内波的国内外研究现状、已有成果以及研究海洋内波预报技术的必要性和可行性进行分析。  相似文献   

The long wave climbing a shore is studied assuming the shelf surface to be a tilted parabolic cylinder. Asymptotic formulae have been derived which permit extreme values of water surface elevation and velocity at the water's edge to be calculated, when the incident wave has an arbitrary form. For the case where the impinging wave is a simple harmonic, we have derived an accuration solution for evolution of the wave height at the water's edge.Translated by V. Puchkin.  相似文献   

We seek to determine if a small number of measurements of upper ocean temperature and currents can be used to make estimates of the drag coefficient that have a smaller range of uncertainty than previously found. We adopt a numerical approach using forward models of the ocean’s response to a tropical cyclone, whereby the probability density function of drag coefficient values as a function of wind speed that results from adding realistic levels of noise to the simulated ocean response variables is sought. Allowing the drag coefficient two parameters of freedom, namely the values at 35 and at 45 m/s, we found that the uncertainty in the optimal value is about 20% for levels of instrument noise up to 1 K for a misfit function based on temperature, or 1.0 m/s for a misfit function based on 15 m velocity components. This is within tolerable limits considering the spread of measurement-based drag coefficient estimates. The results are robust for several different instrument arrays; the noise levels do not decrease by much for arrays with more than 40 sensors when the sensor positions are random. Our results suggest that for an ideal case, having a small number of sensors (20–40) in a data assimilation problem would provide sufficient accuracy in the estimated drag coefficient.  相似文献   

Within the framework of the linear theory of long waves, with regard for the turbulent viscosity, we study the development of tidal currents in a basin of variable depth with two straits. The problem is solved numerically. The velocity field on the strait-basin boundary is regarded as known. The numerical analysis is performed for different depths of the straits. We study the influence of the geometric characteristics of the basin on the amplitudes of the profile of free surface and wave velocity and establish the dependences of the wave characteristics on the period of current velocities in the strait and the parameters of the basin. In particular, it is shown that the increase in the period of current velocities in the strait leads to significant changes in the level and structure of currents. __________ Translated from Morskoi Gidrofizicheskii Zhurnal, No. 4, pp. 3–12, July–August, 2007.  相似文献   

An influence of sea-bottom topography on the hydroelastic response of a Very Large Floating Structure (VLFS) is considered. When the floating structure is constructed near the shore, the sea-bottom topographical effect should be considered. In this study, the effect of sea-bottom topography is investigated for four different bottom cases. To calculate the sea-bottom effects rigorously, the finite-element method based on the variational formulation is used in the fluid domain. The pontoon-type floating structure is modeled as the Kirchhoff plate. The mode superposition method is adopted for the hydroelastic behavior of the floating structure.  相似文献   

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are a major contaminant of global extent in water resources and aquatic biota. Due to its high lipid solubility, PCBs fail to be degraded and, therefore, continue to bioaccumulate throughout the environment and food chain. To determine the impact of PCBs on the immune system of aged and juvenile Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes), fish were injected with the coplanar PCB congener 126 and examined after 3 and 14 days. PCB 126 produced oxidative stress in both age groups of fish 14 days post-injection; however, juvenile medaka appeared more susceptible than aged fish. Humoral immunity, as determined by antibody forming cell (AFC) numbers, was significantly depressed for up to 14 days post-injection in both age groups. These results demonstrate the sensitivity of the fish immune response for predicting PCB-induced immunotoxicity and identify age as a variable in determining adverse outcome.  相似文献   

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