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In this paper the Marine Fish Community Index (MFCI) for the assessment of ecological status of marine environment is proposed. The MFCI was divided into 4 typologies: Rocky subtidal; shallow, intermediate and deep soft-bottoms. Based on the typical community associated to each typology and the DPSIR analysis performed, a set of metrics were selected and tested through a multiple correlation matrix (Pearson’s coefficient) and the core ones included in the index. The MFCI was applied in all typologies and the scores obtained with each metric were analyzed. In order to test the robustness of the MFCI the final ecological value of each zone was recalculated by removing successively one metric at a time. The MFCI showed a sensitive and robust response in the ecological status assessment. Since it incorporates both functional and structural community information, the MFCI can be useful in the context of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive as well as in other contexts of conservation and sustainable management of the marine environment.  相似文献   

Benthic macroinvertebrates communities are the most consistently emphasized biotic component of aquatic ecosystems and are one of the biological indicators required for assessment by the European Water Framework Directive. In this context, several indices based on these communities have been developed in order to assess ecological quality of estuarine systems. In the present work we used AMBI, M-AMBI, BENTIX and BAT to distinguish ecological status of five small estuarine systems of the Portuguese south and southwest coasts. Although indices outputs did not differ between systems and sampling seasons, results indicated that the metrics in which these indices are based could differentiate community structures as a result of two main gradients that force these communities: the natural variability, and the anthropogenic impact.  相似文献   

The Water Framework Directive requires the assessment of the ecological status of transitional waters considering the fish component. An original methodology, based on a pressure-impact approach, was established to develop a multimetric fish-based index to characterize the ecological quality of French estuaries. An index of contamination, based on the chemical pollution affecting aquatic systems, was used as a proxy of anthropogenic pressure. The fish metric selection was based on their response to disturbances tested via statistical models (generalized linear models) taking into account sampling strategy and estuarine features. Four metrics, for which discriminating responses to level of pressure were demonstrated, were retained to constitute the estuarine multimetric fish index. This new tool appeared particularly relevant to detect the contamination effects on fish communities in estuaries. It could help managers to take decisions in order to maintain or reach the good status required by the Water Framework Directive for 2015.  相似文献   

Fish-based indices monitor changes in surface waters and are a valuable aid in communication by summarising complex information about the environment (Harrison and Whitfield, 2004). A zone-specific fish-based multimetric estuarine index of biotic integrity (Z-EBI) was developed based on a 13 year time series of fish surveys from the Zeeschelde estuary (Belgium). Sites were pre-classified using indicators of anthropogenic impact. Metrics showing a monotone response with pressure classes were selected for further analysis. Thresholds for the good ecological potential (GEP) were defined from references. A modified trisection was applied for the other thresholds. The Z-EBI is defined by the average of the metric scores calculated over a one year period and translated into an ecological quality ratio (EQR). The indices integrate structural and functional qualities of the estuarine fish communities. The Z-EBI performances were successfully validated for habitat degradation in the various habitat zones.  相似文献   

In recent times many benthic indices have been proposed to assess the ecological quality of marine waters worldwide. In this study we compared single metrics and multi-metric methods to assess coastal and transitional benthic status along human pressure gradients in five distinct environments across Europe: Varna bay and lake (Bulgaria), Lesina lagoon (Italy), Mondego estuary (Portugal), Basque coast (Spain) and Oslofjord (Norway). Hence, 13 single metrics (abundance, number of taxa, and several diversity and sensitivity indices) and eight of the most common indices used within the European Water Framework Directive (WFD) for benthic assessment were selected: index of size spectra (ISS), Benthic assessment tool (BAT), Norwegian quality index (NQI), Multivariate AMBI (M-AMBI), Benthic quality index (BQI), (Benthic ecosystem quality index (BEQI), Benthic index based on taxonomic sufficiency (BITS), and infaunal quality index (IQI). Within each system, sampling sites were ordered in an increasing pressure gradient according to a preliminary classification based on professional judgement. The different indices are largely consistent in their response to pressure gradient, except in some particular cases (i.e. BITS, in all cases, or ISS when a low number of individuals is present). Inconsistencies between indicator responses were most pronounced in transitional waters (i.e. IQI, BEQI), highlighting the difficulties of the generic application of indicators to all marine, estuarine and lagoonal environments. However, some of the single (i.e. ecological groups approach, diversity, richness) and multi-metric methods (i.e. BAT, M-AMBI, NQI) were able to detect such gradients both in transitional and coastal environments, being these multi-metric methods more consistent in the detection than single indices. This study highlights the importance of survey design and good reference conditions for some indicators. The agreement observed between different methodologies and their ability to detect quality trends across distinct environments constitutes a promising result for the implementation of the WFD’s monitoring plans. Moreover, these results have management implications, regarding the dangers of misclassification, uncertainty in the assessment, use of conflicting indices, and testing and validation of indices.  相似文献   

The importance of establishing the ecological quality of estuarine systems has been widely acknowledged and led to the development of several fish community-based multimetric indices. Nevertheless, a question rose about the accuracy of these tools when natural disturbance is acting upon the organization of the systems’ communities. Four multimetric indices were used to examine their ability to differentiate the ecological status of five small estuarine systems (southern Portugal), and also to test if they reflected the level of anthropogenic pressures. Fish assemblages from Mira, Odeceixe and Aljezur (in the Southwest coast), Gilão and Bensafrim (in the South coast) estuaries were sampled seasonally for one year, and anthropogenic sources of pressure were identified and quantified. We found that although the applied indices provided information on ecological condition differentiation among systems, they are unable to explain different classes of ecological status in systems with equivalent pressure levels.  相似文献   

The implementation of the European directive (ELD) 2000/60/EC has produced the development of several biotic indices based in benthic communities. These indices try to summarise ecological quality status of different communities. However, a universal index that works in all situations is difficult to establish, because there are several sources of variation. Therefore, there is the need for testing and validation of these indices which is required for making management decisions on different scales, and in different regions and communities. In this study we test one of these indices, BOPA index, developed by Dauvin and Ruellet [Dauvin, J.C., Ruellet, T., 2007. Polychaete/amphipod ratio revisited. Marine Pollution Bulletin 55, 215-224] in five locations affected by sewage disposal. These disposals are often released via outfall into shallow subtidal habitats, leading to a common source of pollution in coastal marine environments. BOPA index provides a valuable overview of the gradient status of a benthic environment, discriminating between stations more affected by discharge. Nevertheless, BOPA index, used to establish the ecological quality status, seemed to overestimate the status and hence there is the need to calibrate the thresholds between EcoQs classes as defined for these medium-to-fine sand communities, which are characteristics of shallow sublittoral soft-bottoms of the north-western Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

A major issue for water resource management is the assessment of environmental degradation of lotic ecosystems. The overall aim of this study is to develop a multi-metric fish index for the cyprinid streams of the Caspian Sea Basin (MMICS) in Iran. As species diversity and composition as well as population structure in the studied streams are different to other regions, there is a substantial need to develop a new fish index. We sampled fish and environmental data of 102 sites in medium sized streams. We analysed human pressures at different spatial scales and determined applicable fish metrics showing a response to human pressures. In total, five structural and functional types of metrics (i.e. biodiversity, habitat, reproduction, trophic level and water quality sensitivity) were considered. In addition, we used 29 criteria describing major anthropogenic human pressures at sampling sites and generated a regional pressure index (RPI) that accounted for potential effects of multiple human pressures.For the MMICS development, we first defined reference sites (least disturbed) and secondly quantified differences of fish metrics between reference and impaired sites. We used a Generalised Linear Model (GLM) to describe metric responses to natural environmental differences in least disturbed conditions. By including impaired sites, the residual distributions of these models described the response range of each metric to human pressures, independently of natural environmental influence.Finally, seven fish metrics showed the best ability to discriminate between impaired and reference sites. The multi-metric fish index performed well in discriminating human pressure classes, giving a significant negative linear response to a gradient of the RPI. These methods can be used for further development of a standardised monitoring tool to assess the ecological status and trends in biological condition for streams of the whole country, considering its complex and diverse geology and climate.  相似文献   

Several biotic indices have been proposed for the assessment of the ecological status of benthic macroinvertebrates in marine waters, although none have been generally accepted. When it comes to assessing highly stressed natural environments, such as estuaries, the controversy and uncertainty is much higher than for any given normal index. In this article, we test the behavior and suitability of different biotic indices proposed under the perspective of the Water Framework Directive (S, H, AMBI, M-AMBI, BQI, W-statistic, Taxonomic distinctness) for the assessment of estuaries in northern Spain. The low species richness and dominance of a few tolerant species in the characteristic community of these estuaries presented a challenge to the application of the biotic indices tested. Combined approaches that integrate different aspects of water quality and ecosystem functionality could increase the reliability of the ecological assessment of these transitional waters.  相似文献   

A habitat approach was promoted in the framework of ecological status assessment of transitional waters, assuming the importance of habitat heterogeneity to the overall system status. The approach was applied to the use of fish-based multimetric indices by adapting them to seagrass and marsh habitats in the Venice lagoon, Italy, through selection of appropriate metrics and reference conditions. While for marsh habitats, no clear patterns resulted, the index response for seagrass was consistent with the habitat degradation and loss recorded in the lagoon between 2002 and 2005 and with the higher habitat disturbance in southern and central lagoon sub-basins. The assessment of individual habitats is presented as a first step in the process of evaluating the overall condition of a Mediterranean lagoon environment, which should also take account of the diversity of habitats and their availability within the system to properly define an overall index of ecological status.  相似文献   

In recent years, several sets of legislation worldwide (Oceans Act in USA, Australia or Canada; Water Framework Directive or Marine Strategy in Europe, National Water Act in South Africa, etc.) have been developed in order to address ecological quality or integrity, within estuarine and coastal systems. Most such legislation seeks to define quality in an integrative way, by using several biological elements, together with physico-chemical and pollution elements. Such an approach allows assessment of ecological status at the ecosystem level ('ecosystem approach' or 'holistic approach' methodologies), rather than at species level (e.g. mussel biomonitoring or Mussel Watch) or just at chemical level (i.e. quality objectives) alone. Increasing attention has been paid to the development of tools for different physico-chemical or biological (phytoplankton, zooplankton, benthos, algae, phanerogams, fishes) elements of the ecosystems. However, few methodologies integrate all the elements into a single evaluation of a water body. The need for such integrative tools to assess ecosystem quality is very important, both from a scientific and stakeholder point of view. Politicians and managers need information from simple and pragmatic, but scientifically sound methodologies, in order to show to society the evolution of a zone (estuary, coastal area, etc.), taking into account human pressures or recovery processes. These approaches include: (i) multidisciplinarity, inherent in the teams involved in their implementation; (ii) integration of biotic and abiotic factors; (iii) accurate and validated methods in determining ecological integrity; and (iv) adequate indicators to follow the evolution of the monitored ecosystems. While some countries increasingly use the establishment of marine parks to conserve marine biodiversity and ecological integrity, there is awareness (e.g. in Australia) that conservation and management of marine ecosystems cannot be restricted to Marine Protected Areas but must include areas outside such reserves. This contribution reviews the current situation of integrative ecological assessment worldwide, by presenting several examples from each of the continents: Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe and North America.  相似文献   

The effects of solid organic wastes from a marine fish farm on sediment was tested using macrobenthic fauna as biological indicators. Impact on benthic fauna was evaluated in the vicinity of a fish farm in the Tyrrhenian Sea (Western Mediterranean) between July 2001 and October 2002. Changes in benthic community structure were investigated using multivariate, distributional and univariate analyses (diversity indices, AMBI and M-AMBI). The results showed sharp disturbance of assemblages under the cages and no effects in the area more than 25 m from the cages. Sediment alterations were related to an increase in farmed biomass and its wastes, as well as to low current speed that allowed accumulation of organic matter on the sea floor. It was possible to follow the ecological succession from slightly altered assemblages to heavily polluted ones in the very short period of a single fish fattening cycle (15 months).  相似文献   

The European Water Framework Directive (WFD) establishes a framework for the protection and improvement of estuarine and coastal waters, trying to achieve 'good surface water status at the latest 15 years after the date of entry into force of this Directive'. One of the biological elements that should be analysed is the benthos and, as such, the WFD normative definitions describe the aspects of the benthic communities that must be included in the ecological status assessment of a water body. Therefore, it is essential to include, in the assessment, the different metrics that address those parameters identified in the normative definitions for each of the ecological status classes. In this contribution the use of the AMBI, richness and diversity, combined with the use, in a further development, of factor analysis together with discriminant analysis, is presented as an objective tool (named here M-AMBI) in assessing ecological quality status. This assessment requires previous classification of water bodies and typologies, together with the definition of reference conditions; this is undertaken in this contribution using historical data, expert judgement and multivariate analysis. The study has been undertaken by examining changes in benthic communities in the Basque Country, over the last decade, as a case-study, to demonstrate the accuracy and potential of these methodologies.  相似文献   

Diatom indices are used to evaluate the ecological status of rivers but they have been rarely applied in estuaries. This study aimed to identify the diatom species indicating the main environmental gradients and pressures in a highly stratified estuary; and to evaluate the applicability of existing freshwater diatom indices. Marine influence due to salt-wedge intrusion and sea water mixing appeared as the main factor affecting diatom community. Three diatom assemblages were identified: indicators of riverine conditions (without marine influence), indicators of estuarine conditions (heterogeneous conditions with higher conductivities due to marine influence) and those specifically indicating well-established salt-wedge situations. Nowadays, the main human pressure affecting diatom community in the Ebro Estuary is the hydrological alteration resulting from flow regulation and abstraction. Several limitations were encountered in the application of diatom indices (e.g. inverse response with nutrients; ecologically important species not considered). Therefore, their use in estuaries should be done cautiously.  相似文献   

The need to assess the environmental status of marine and coastal waters according to the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) encouraged the design of specific biotic indices to evaluate the response of benthic communities to human-induced changes in water quality. In the present study three of these indices, the traditional Shannon Wiener Index (H') and the more recently published AMBI (AZTI' Marine Biotic Index) and BQI (Benthic Quality Index), were tested along a salinity gradient in the southern Baltic Sea. The comparison of the three indices demonstrates that in the southern Baltic Sea the ecological quality (EcoQ) classification based on macrozoobenthic communities as indicator greatly depends on the biotic index chosen. We found a significant positive relation between species number, H', BQI and salinity resulting in EcoQ status of "Bad", "Poor" or "Moderate" in areas with a salinity value below 10 psu. The AMBI was less dependent on salinity but appear to partly overestimate the EcoQ status. Presently none of these biotic indices appear to be adjusted for application in a gradient system as given in the southern Baltic Sea. A potential approach describing how to overcome this limitation is discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, a marine Biotic Index (BI) for soft-bottom benthos of European estuarine and coastal environments is proposed. This is derived from the proportions of individual abundance in five ecological groups, which are related to the degree of sensitivity/tolerance to an environmental stress gradient. The main difference with previously published indices is the use of a simple formula that produces a continuous Biotic Coefficient (BC) – which makes it more suitable for statistical analysis, in opposition with previous discreet biotic indices – not affected by subjectivity. Relationships between this coefficient and a complementary BI with several environmental variables are discussed. Finally, a validation of the proposed index is made with data from systems affected by recent human disturbances, showing that different anthropogenic changes in the environment can be detected through the use of this BI.  相似文献   

The assessment of the ecological status, as required by the Water Framework Directive (WFD), plays an important role in coastal zone management, but only a small number of ecological indices are applicable on rocky bottoms. In this study, we apply a previously defined ecological quality index based on the cartography of littoral and upper-sublittoral rocky-shore communities (CARLIT), based on the sensitivity of algae dominated communities to anthropogenic impacts along a moderate urban gradient. We also apply this index in four Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), proposed as reference sites at a regional scale. After comparing the outputs with water variables and other quality indices, we can affirm that (1) the CARLIT index is suitable to detect different kinds of anthropogenic pressures, that (2) the choice of proper reference sites is a focal point in the fulfilment of the WFD (Water Framework Directive) and that (3) historical data are important to define reference conditions and the degradation of ecological status.  相似文献   

为了解向家坝水电工程对金沙江下游鱼类多样性的影响,基于2016—2018年邵女坪(库首)、绥江(库中)和桧溪(库尾)3个江段的鱼类群落调查数据,分析了向家坝库区鱼类物种、分类和功能多样性空间格局,结合蓄水前(2011年)和蓄水初期(2015年)的资料,探讨了蓄水后向家坝库区不同维度鱼类多样性的变化趋势。向家坝库区各江段以广适性的瓦氏黄颡鱼(Pelteobagrus vachelli)和静水性的(Hemiculter leucisculus)占优势,两者的数量百分比分别为30.15%±14.82%和13.91%±11.16%。非度量多维尺度分析显示,蓄水后向家坝库区库首邵女坪和库中绥江鱼类群落差异最小,库首邵女坪和库尾桧溪鱼类群落差异最大;库中绥江在蓄水前、蓄水初期和2016—2018年3个时期的鱼类群落差异均较大,表明蓄水后绥江江段鱼类群落经历了剧烈变化。库区不同江段鱼类Margalef丰富度指数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数均表现为:桧溪>邵女坪>绥江,鱼类分类多样性指数和分类差异指数均表现为:桧溪>绥江>邵女坪。库区鱼类摄食、运动和繁殖等不同维度的功能多样性(功能丰富度、功能均匀度、功能离散度)空间格局不同,但总体上库中绥江鱼类功能丰富度最高,功能均匀度最低。与蓄水前相比,绥江江段鱼类物种、分类多样性呈下降趋势,鱼类功能丰富度和均匀度也有下降趋势。蓄水后绥江江段鱼类群落主要功能性状发生了明显变化,如蓄水前以下位口、纺锤形体型鱼类占优势,蓄水后以端位口、侧扁形体型鱼类占优势。不同维度多样性指数侧重于鱼类多样性的不同方面,结合多种指数分析有利于更全面地了解鱼类群落对环境变化和外界干扰的响应。研究结果有助于深入了解水电工程建设对金沙江下游鱼类多样性的影响,为鱼类多样性保护提供依据,也可为长江“十年禁渔”效果评估提供本底资料。  相似文献   

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