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We consider nine earthquakes in the Koyna-Warna reservoir region on the western side of the Peninsular India. The deviatoric moment tensors of these earthquakes have been evaluated by minimizing the least-squares misfit between observed and synthetic seismograms. We use broadband seismograms of observatories at KARD and PUNE which are at distances of nearly 50 and 150 km, respectively, from the epicenters. Both surface wave inversion and the difference between the arrival times of SH and SV show the presence of an anisotropic crust. However, we have obtained an equivalent isotropic structure by improving the published crustal structures of this area through inversion of surface wave group velocity data. The deviatoric moment tensors of the earthquakes are decomposed into two components: double-couple and compensated linear vector dipoles (CLVD). The double-couple components of all the nine earthquakes show normal faulting with minor strike slip; the T axis is consistently subhorizontal with an average azimuth of 260.6° and the P axis is nearly vertical. The fault planes of six events give average strike direction and dip, respectively as 194.0° and 51.8° and are associated with the main fault of the area. The other three events lie in the southern part of this area and have strike direction between SSE and SE which is parallel to the tectonic features in this part. The CLVD component is generally within 20 percent of the total moment tensor. Recent studies show that anisotropy can produce source mechanism with CLVD up to 30 percent and can also cause high pore fluid pressure leading to fault instability more rapidly compared to conventional mechanism in an isotropic medium. It appears that the anisotropic crust, noted in the present work, is generating the CLVD component and also gives the proper environment to trigger earthquakes by reservoirs through pore fluid pressure.  相似文献   

由矩张量反演得到的北部湾地震的震源机制   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
1994年12月31日和1995年1月10日,在北部湾海域发生了MS=6.0和MS=6.1地震.运用广义反射-透射系数矩阵方法计算格林函数,利用中国数字地震台网(CDSN)记录的两次地震的长周期体波资料,用频率域矩张量反演方法得到了这两次地震的震源机制.反演结果表明,这两次地震都是以剪切位错为主的事件,它们都是在相同的构造环境下,受到同一断裂的构造运动所控制,在北西-南东向为主压应力、北东-南西向的主张应力的作用下发生的.连续发生的MS=6.0,6.1地震,与菲律宾海板块和欧亚板块沿近北西-南东向碰撞有关.MS=6.0地震发生后震源区应力场发生了明显的变化,MS=6.1地震的发生与MS=6.0地震的发生引起的应力场调整有一定的联系.  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth - Abstract—The digital seismic network in Kamchatka deployed in 2006–2010 provided a fundamental possibility for calculating seismic moment tensor...  相似文献   

地震矩张量反演在地震快速反应中的应用   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
利用地震矩张量反演的方法,对1996年11月~1998年1月发生于我国境内的10次MS5.2地震的震源机制进行了快速测定,并以地震震源参数简报的形式将测定结果及时发送中国地震局震情值班室和有关省地震局,在大震的快速反应中发挥了作用.  相似文献   

中国数字地震台网(CDSN)1997年以来承担我国国内及周边国家发生较大地震的地震矩张量震源参数速报任务,以中国地震局测定的震中参数为基准,用CDSN台站记录的数字波形资料反演地震的震源参数,将结果上报给中国地震局。同时在CDSN的网  相似文献   

邱毅  金星  李军  朱耿青  邵平荣  徐嘉隽 《地震》2014,34(2):65-73
震后快速得到地震矩张量, 可以更好地为烈度速报、 应急救援和震后趋势判定等服务。 本文基于中国区域地震台网现状, 对Dreger的矩张量反演方法进行改进。 结合区域地震速报系统, 将系统触发、 地震相关信息与地震波形记录获取、 矩张量反演计算和最佳解挑选等过程实现自动化, 建立了地震矩张量快速自动反演系统。 将该系统在线运行于福建地震台网, 实现了对闽台地区中等强度地震的矩张量在线快速自动反演。 将反演结果与其他研究机构的结果对比, 验证了本文方法的可靠性。  相似文献   

The full moment tensor is a mathematical expression of six independent variables; however, on a routine basis, it is a common practice to reduce them to five assuming that the isotropic component is zero. This constraint is valid in most tectonic regimes where slip occurs entirely at the fault surface (e.g. subduction zones); however, we found that full moment tensors are best represented in transform fault systems. Here we present a method to analyze source complexity of earthquakes of different sizes using a simple formulation that relates the elastic constants obtained from independent studies with the angle between the slip and the fault normal vector, referred to as angle \( \theta \) ; this angle is obtained from the full moment tensors. The angle \( \theta \) , the proportion of volume change \( \left( k \right) \) and the constant volume (shear) component \( \left( T \right) \) are numerical indicators of complexity of the source; earthquakes are more complex as \( \theta \) deviates from \( \pi /2 \) or as T and k deviate from zero as well. These parameters are obtained from the eigensolution of the full moment tensor. We analyzed earthquakes in the Gulf of California that exhibit a clear isotropic component and we observed that the constant volume parameter T is independent of scalar moments, suggesting that big and small earthquakes are equally complex. In addition, simple models of one single fault are not sufficient to describe physically all the combinations of \( \theta \) in a source type plot. We also found that the principal direction of the strike of the Transform Fault System in the Gulf of California is following the first order approximation of the normal surface of the full moment tensor solution, whereas for deviatoric moment tensors the principal direction does not coincide with the strike of the Transform Fault System. Our observations that small and large earthquakes are equally complex are in agreement with recent studies of strike-slip earthquakes.  相似文献   

利用双差定位法对江苏地区2009-2015年地震记录进行重新定位。结果显示,重新定位后的结果比原有定位精度有了较好的改进,地震序列在空间分布上更加集中;从平面分布上看,重新定位后的地震更加集中于断裂带附近,较多地震呈丛集状出现;从震源深度分布看,研究区内重新定位后地震震源深度有明显收敛,大多集中在5~20km,表明研究区孕震层基本位于地壳的中上部。同时通过对江苏省不同时期发生的几个震群地震构造活动进行分析(分析各个地震序列的走向、是否产生新的断裂带、与原有断裂带走向是否一致等问题),认为其具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

The sea-surface height anomalies derived from Simple Ocean Data Assimilation (SODA) during 1958–2001, Topex/Poseidon satellite during 1993–2001 and the SODA heat content anomalies (125 m depth) during 1958–2001 are filtered into annual and biennial Rossby wave components using a two-dimensional Finite Impulse Response filter. The filtered Rossby wave components (both annual and biennial) in the southern Pacific and Indian Oceans have considerable strength and variability. The propagation of annual and biennial Rossby waves in the Indonesian through-flow region [12.5°S–7.5°S] of the Indian Ocean is in phase with the southern Pacific Ocean waves. So it is speculated that the Pacific Ocean influences the Indian Ocean, especially through the region 17.5°S to 7.5°S and thus the southern Pacific Rossby waves could be an unexplored contributor to the Indian Ocean Rossby waves. We also carried out Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and wavelet analysis on the tide gauge sea-level data along the Australian coast to support our claim. Filtered annual and biennial components of SODA heat content anomalies (125 m depth) also support these findings.  相似文献   

A modelling of the observed macroseismic intensity of historical and instrumental earthquakes in southern Spain is proposed, with the aim of determining the macroseismic parameters for seismic hazard evaluation in a region in which the characterization of intensity distribution of seismic events shows different levels of difficulty referable to the complex faults system of the area in study. The adopted procedure allows an analytical determination of epicenters and principal attenuation directions of earthquakes with a double level of verification with reference to the maximum shaking area and structural lineaments of the region, respectively. The analyses, carried out on a suitable number of events, highlight, therefore, some elements for a preliminary characterization of a seismic zonation on the basis of the consistency between seismic intensity distribution of earthquakes and corresponding structural framework.  相似文献   

Abstract Eocene (Middle) and Cretaceous (Campanian) radiolarian faunas from the basement rocks of the southern part of South Andaman Island in the northeastern Indian Ocean affirm the sedimentological hiatus that encompassed part of the Paleocene to Early Eocene ages in these islands, and its extension northward to Indoburma region and south to the outer islands of the Sunda Arc.  相似文献   

The Central Indian Tectonic Zone (CITZ) is a major tectonic feature extending across the Indian subcontinent. It was formed in the Paleoproterozoic when the Bastar Craton and the Bundelkhand Craton were sutured together. This region is recognized in the geological record as a persistent zone of weakness with many tectonothermal events occurring over geologic time. The weakness of this region may have caused the late Cretaceous/early Tertiary Deccan volcanism to have been localized in the CITZ. The zone is still tectonically active, as evidenced by sustained levels of seismic activity. This paper presents the first systematic investigation of the resistivity structure of the CITZ using multiple magnetotelluric (MT) transects. Two-dimensional (2D) resistivity models were generated for five north–south profiles that cross the CITZ and encompass an area of ~60,000 km2. The models were based on the joint inversion of transverse electric (TE), transverse magnetic (TM) and tipper (Hz) data. All the profiles showed a low resistive (10–80 Ωm) middle to lower crust beneath the CITZ with a crustal conductance of 300–800 S. The presence of an interconnected fluid phase and/or hydrous/metallic minerals appears to be the most likely explanation for the elevated conductivity that is observed beneath the CITZ. The presence of fluids is significant because it may indicate the cause of persistent weakness at crustal depths. A northward dip of both the crustal conductive layer and coincident seismic reflections favor a northward polarity of the subduction process associated with the formation of the CITZ.  相似文献   

Nonlinear dynamics of surface and internal waves in a stratified ocean under the influence of the Earth's rotation is discussed. Attention is focussed upon guided waves long compared to the ocean depth. The effect of rotation on linear processes is reviewed in detail as well as the existing nonlinear models describing weakly and strongly nonlinear dynamics of long waves. The influence of rotation on small-scale waves and two-dimensional effects are also briefly considered. Some estimates of the influence of the Earth's rotation on the parameters of real oceanic waves are presented and related to observational and numerical data.  相似文献   

王陈燕  游为  范东明 《地球物理学报》2019,62(11):4142-4155



Moment tensor solutions for 70 clustered events of the 1997 West Bohemia microearthquake swarm, as calculated by two different methods, are given. The first method is a single-event, absolute moment tensor inversion which inverts body-wave peak amplitudes using synthetic Green functions. The second method is a multiple-event, relative method for which Green functions are reduced to 2 geometrical angles of rays at the sources. Both methods yield similar moment tensors, which can be divided into at least two or three different classes of focal solutions, indicating that, during the swarm activity, different planes of weakness were active. The major source component of most events is a double couple. However, the deviations from the double-couple mechanisms seem to be systematic for some classes of solutions. Error analysis was based on transforming the estimate of the standard deviation of amplitudes extracting from the seismograms into confidence regions of the absolute moment tensor. They show that the non-DC components are significant at a fairly high confidence level.  相似文献   

李蔚 《山西地震》2005,(4):37-39
从2004年12月印度洋发生地震海啸造成的灾难中得到启示,从完善我国的应急救援、防灾救灾体系、法律法规体系,预测系统、快速反应预警系统以及启动应急预案、组建应急指挥体系、组织应急救援队伍、实施应急救援等方面,阐述了建立应急救援指挥机构和各种应急队伍的必要性,绘制了灾害处理应急流程图,分析了应急队伍所应承担的任务,提出在我国应尽快建立地震海啸预警机制的建议。  相似文献   

—The plate boundary between Iberia and Africa has been studied using data on seismicity and focal mechanisms. The region has been divided into three areas: A; the Gulf of Cadiz; B, the Betics, Alboran Sea and northern Morocco; and C, Algeria. Seismicity shows a complex behavior, large shallow earthquakes (h < 30 km) occur in areas A and C and moderate shocks in area B; intermediate-depth activity (30 < h < 150 km) is located in area B; the depth earthquakes (h 650 km) are located to the south of Granada. Moment rate, slip velocity and b values have been estimated for shallow shocks, and show similar characteristics for the Gulf of Cadiz and Algeria, and quite different ones for the central region. Focal mechanisms of 80 selected shallow earthquakes (8 mb 4) show thrust faulting in the Gulf of Cadiz and Algeria with horizontal NNW-SSE compression, and normal faulting in the Alboran Sea with E-W extension. Focal mechanisms of 26 intermediate-depth earthquakes in the Alboran Sea display vertical motions, with a predominant plane trending E-W. Solutions for very deep shocks correspond to vertical dip-slip along N-S trends. Frohlich diagrams and seismic moment tensors show different behavior in the Gulf of Cadiz, Betic-Alboran Sea and northern Morocco, and northern Algeria for shallow events. The stress pattern of intermediate-depth and very deep earthquakes has different directions: vertical extension in the NW-SE direction for intermediate depth earthquakes, and tension and pressure axes dipping about 45 ° for very deep earthquakes. Regional stress pattern may result from the collision between the African plate and Iberia, with extension and subduction of lithospheric material in the Alboran Sea at intermediate depth. The very deep seismicity may be correlated with older subduction processes.  相似文献   

应用中国数字地震台网(CDSN)记录的长周期体波波形数据,反演了1988年11月6日中国云南省澜沧-耿马MS7.6地震的矩张量,求得了其震源机制和震源时间过程.反演结果表明,断层面解的一个节面是右旋走滑断层,另一个节面是左旋走滑断层;震源时间过程较简单,持续时间约15 s;标量地震矩为6.41020 Nm.根据地质资料、区域构造、野外观测和余震震中分布,确认走向313的节面是地震断层面,主压应力轴位于几乎水平的南北向.   相似文献   

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