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It has recently been suggested that periodic influxes of hot but heavy magma into the base of a basaltic magma chamber can remain isolated from the rest of the chamber while the new magma cools and crystallization proceeds. When thermal equilibrium is almost complete, the suspended crystals settle out and the residual, less dense liquid can then mix with the fluid above. In the present paper the basic fluid-dynamical processes underlying this model have been investigated in laboratory experiments using aqueous solutions. The lower layer was hot KNO3 solution, for which saturated solutions become less dense as the temperature decreases. With a cold, deeper layer of less dense NaNO3 or K2CO3 above the lower layer, there was strong convective transfer of heat through a sharp interface separating the layers, at a rate which is predicted here drawing on previous studies carried out with oceanographic applications in mind. Once crystallization began, non-equilibrium effects became important and the observed temperatures differ somewhat from those predicted. In the experiments crystals grew mainly from the bottom rather than while in suspension, but this is not an essential aspect of the model. The important fact is that the density of the residual liquid in the lower layer decreased until it became equal to that of the upper layer, and then the interface broke down so that the two layers mixed thoroughly together, leaving a layer of KNO3 crystals at the base. No crystallization at all occurred when the hot input liquid was forced to mix initially with the cold solution already in the chamber.  相似文献   

The rotation of the Earth is predicted to have a strong influence on the convective motions in basaltic magmas which cool at high and intermediate latitudes on the Earth's surface. Convection in layers greater than 100 m deep is characterised by large Taylor numbers and small Rossby numbers, for which laboratory experiments provide evidence of strong rotationally-induced flows. In the case of convection driven by either thermal or compositional buoyancy fluxes from horizontal top or bottom boundaries Coriolis forces induced by the Earth's rotation are expected to cause the turbulent convective motions to form into intense vortices whose axes tend to be close to the vertical. These vortices should be tall and thin, be very unsteady, and have rapid vertical motion in their cores. Earth's rotation is likely to have little or no effects on convection in very shallow convecting layers ( < 100 m) of basaltic magmas or in chambers of more viscous (granitic) magmas. When convection is driven by horizontal density differences (such as those produced by cooling or crystallization at sloping or vertical walls or by simple lateral variation of layer depth) in basaltic chambers of order 10 km or greater in width the rotation of the Earth may cause relatively rapid horizontal (geostrophic) circulation over the lateral scales of the chamber. These predictions involve some extrapolation of fluid dynamical principles from laboratory to magma chamber conditions. Speculative comments on some possible petrological implications are included.  相似文献   

A mechanism, of formation of magma chambers that feed volcanoes is discussed. Heat conditions and dimensions of magma chambers which have existed for more than several thousand years may become stable. The approximate equations of heat balance of these chambers are derived by calculating the temperatureT 1 of the magma entering chambers and the radiia of chambers. Calculations show that the radius of the shallow « peripheral » chambers of the Avachinsky volcano is less than 3–3.5 km. Possible maximum radii of « peripheral » magma chambers were estimated for the Kamchatkan volcanoes of medial size. The temperature difference in their chambers may reach 100–200 °C. This method can be applied to the calculations of « roots » of central-type volcanoes.  相似文献   

Hawaiian volcanoes pass through a sequence of four eruptive stages characterized by distinct lava types, magma supply rates, and xenolith populations. Magma supply rates are low in the earliest and two latest alkalic stages and high in the tholeiitic second stage. Magma storage reservoirs develop at shallow and intermediate depths as the magma supply rate increases during the earliest stage; magma in these reservoirs solidifies as the supply rate declines during the alkalic third stage. These magma storage reservoirs function as hydraulic filters and remove dense xenoliths that the ascending magma has entrained. During the earliest and latest stages, no magma storage zone exists, and mantle xenoliths of lherzolite are carried to the surface in primitive alkalic lava. During the tholeiitic second stage, magma storage reservoirs develop and persist both at the base of the ocean crust and 3–7 km below the caldera; only xenoliths of shallow origin are carried to the surface by differentiated lava. During the alkalic third stage, magma in the shallow subcaldera reservoir solidifies, and crustal xenoliths, including oceanic-crustal rocks, are carried to the surface in lava that fractionates in an intermediate-depth reservoir. Worldwide xenolith populations in tholeiitic and alkalic lava may reflect the presence or absence of subvolcanic magma storage reservoirs.  相似文献   

A computer model of mid-ocean ridge basalt generation using trace element geochemistry has been developed. The model simulates a periodically replenished, continually cooled and fractionated magma chamber, with periodic lava extrusion. Primitive basalts from the ocean floor are used to generate likely evolution paths for the magma chamber. The steady state variant of this model has led to the isolation of several variables which critically affect the basalt composition. Although the fraction of cumulates is an important parameter, other variables such as the volume of incoming magma batches, their frequency, and the volume of the mixing cell, play a critical part especially on slow-spreading ridges. The growing magma chamber model uses random number generators to simulate the initiation and growth of a chamber. This model predicts a rapid increase in incompatible element concentrations, immediately after chamber initiation on a fast-spreading ridge. This would occur in situations such as propagating rifts and may help in the understanding of ferrobasalt generation.  相似文献   

Previous laboratory experiments investigating the fluid dynamics of replenished magma chambers have been extended to model effects resulting from the release of gas. Turbulent transfer of heat between a layer of dense, hot and volatile-rich mafic magma overlying cooler more evolved magma can lead to crystallization and exsolution of volatiles in the lower layer. Small gas bubbles can cause the bulk density to decrease to that of the upper layer and thus produce sudden overturning and initiate mixing, followed by further exsolution of gas and explosive eruption. These processes have been modelled in the laboratory using a chemical reaction between sodium or potassium carbonate and nitric acid to release small bubbles of CO2. We have investigated both the initial overturning produced by gas release in the lower layer, and the subsequent evolution of gas due to intimate mixing of the two layers. The latter experiments, in which the reactants remained isolated in the two layers until overturning occurred, demonstrated unambiguously that the fluxes of chemical components across the interfaces between convecting layers are very slow compared to the flux of heat. This shows that the evolution of layers of magma of different origins and composition can take place nearly independently of each other. The magmas can coexist in the same stratified chamber, until their bulk densities become equal and they mix together. The processes illustrated in these experiments could occur in H2O-bearing magmas such as in the calcalkaline association and in CO2-bearing mafic magmas such as in silica undersaturated suites.  相似文献   

在过去的20年里,探测和勾画岩浆囊的科学有了长足的进步。多种地震技术,包括速度和衰减的层析成像,地震活动性映像,反射和折射,势场技术,如重力,大地测量和电磁观测,都提供了关于在几个火山下面的岩浆囊的大小,形状和物理状态的有用信息。本文对这些技术进行了讨论和综述。我国已在P波波速层析成像方面开展了一系列工作。特别是在云南地区已得到了该省及其邻近地区的三维速度图像。由于现有台网不够密集,获得的速度图像分辨较低。尽管如此,在腾冲地区从20km到450km深度都有低速度结构的显示。要想系统地研究腾冲火山地区的火山构造和地震活动性,以及探测该地区的岩浆囊,必须在该地区布设较密集的地震观测台网。  相似文献   

In the shallow magma chambers of volcanoes, the CO2 content of most basaltic melts is above the solubility limit. This implies that the chamber contains gas bubbles, which rise through the magma and expand. Thus, the volume of the chamber, its gas volume fraction and the gas flux into the conduit change with time in a systematic manner as a function of the size and number of gas bubbles. Changes in gas flux and gas volume are calculated for a bubble size distribution and related to changes in eruption regimes. Fire fountain activity, only present during the first quarter of the eruption, requires that the bubbles are larger than a certain size, which depends on the gas flux and on the bubble content[1]. As the chamber degasses, it loses its largest gas bubbles and the gas flux decreases, eventually suppressing the fire fountaining activity. Ultimately, an eruption stops when the chamber contains only a few tiny bubbles. More generally, the evolution of basaltic eruptions is governed by a dimensionless number, τ * ≈ τgΔρaO2/(18μhc), where τ = a characteristic time for degassing; a0 = the initial bubble diameter; μ = the magma viscosity; and hc = the thickness of the degassing layer. Two eruptions of the Kilauea volcano, Mauna Ulu (1969–1971) and Puu O'o (1983—present), provide data on erupted gas volume and the inflation rate of the edifice, which help constrain the spatial distribution of bubbles in the magma chamber: bubbles come mainly from the bottom of the reservoir, either by in situ nucleation long before the eruption or within a vesiculated liquid. Although the gas flux at the roof of the chamber takes similar values for both eruptions, the duration of both the fire fountaining activity and the entire eruption was 6 times shorter at Mauna Ulu than during the Puu O'o eruption. The dimensionless analysis explains the difference by a degassing layer 6 times thinner in the former than the latter, due to a 2 year delay in starting the Mauna Ulu eruption compared to the Puu O'o eruption.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the methods and techniques of observation that can at present be applied to a seismic refraction study of active volcanoes with a view of determining the magma chamber location. A system of magma chambers has been outlined in the earth’s crust and transition layer between the crust and the mantle under the Tolbachik Volcano group. Magma chambers are dynamically related to each other. The feeding magma chambers of the newly-formed Tolbachik volcanoes and Plosky Tolbachik volcano are assumed to be interrelated through the transition zone between the crust and the mantle.  相似文献   

We investigate the interaction of thermal convection and crystallization in large aspect-ratio magma chambers. Because nucleation requires a finite amount of undercooling, crystallization is not instantaneous. For typical values of the rates of nucleation and crystal growth, the characteristic time-scale of crystallization is about 103–104 s. Roof convection is characterized by the quasi-periodic formation and instability of a cold boundary layer. Its characteristic time-scale depends on viscosity and ranges from about 102 s for basaltic magmas to about 107 s for granitic magmas. Hence, depending on magma viscosity, convective instability occurs at different stages of crystallization. A single non-dimensional number is defined to characterize the different modes of interaction between convection and crystallization.Using realistic functions for the rates of nucleation and crystal growth, we integrate numerically the heat equation until the onset of convective instability. We determine both temperature and crystal content in the thermal boundary layer. Crystallization leads to a dramatic increase of viscosity which acts to stabilize part of the boundary layer against instability. We compute the effective temperature contrast driving thermal convection and show that it varies as a function of magma viscosity and hence composition.In magmas with viscosities higher than 105 poise, the temperature contrast driving convection is very small, hence thermal convection is weak. In low-viscosity magmas, convective breakdown occurs before the completion of crystallization, and involves partially crystallized magma. The convective regime is thus characterized by descending crystal-bearing plumes, and bottom crystallization proceeds both by in-situ nucleation and deposition from the plumes. We suggest that this is the origin of intermittent layering, a form of rhythmic layering described in the Skaergaard and other complexes. We show that this regime occurs in basic magmas only at temperatures close to the liquidus and never occurs in viscous magmas. This may explain why intermittent layering is observed only in a few specific cases.  相似文献   

Fragmentation of magma containing gas bubbles is of great interest in connection with developing models for the formation of pyroclastics and for volcanic blasts (explosions). This paper considers the problem of fragmentation of highly viscous (>108 Pa s) or solidified magma containing bubbles with excess gas pressure. It is suggested that the fragmentation of magma be considered on the basis of the fragmentation wave theory proposed by Nikolsky and Khristianovich, which is generally applicable to gas-dynamic phenomena occurring in mines. Then it becomes possible to derive the equations of conservation for the fragmentation wave front which moves into a body of magma from its free surface. As a result, the velocity, N, of magma fragmentation, and the velocity, u, of the movement of the gas-pyroclastic mixture behind the fragmentation wave front, are determined. Calculations show that N can reach 5 m/s. Therefore the duration of the fragmentation of the magma body (blast duration) proves to be long. The suggested model explains the possibility of several explosions during the blast as a result of the fragmentation wave stopping, and accounts for the angular shape of pyroclasts by the brittle disruption of interbubble partitions during fragmentation wave propagation through the porous magma body. The initiation and cessation of fragmentation are defined by magma porosity, magma tensile strength, and the pressure differential between gas pressure in pores and the atmospheric pressure. The physical model of magma fragmentation developed explains the mechanism of energy release during volcanic blasts of the Vulcanian or Pelean types.  相似文献   

What controls the intrusion and extrusion frequencies associated with volcanoes is still poorly understood. I propose that for volcanoes at divergent plate boundaries, these frequencies may be largely determined by the tensile stress concentration around the magma chambers that feed them. This stress concentration is mainly a function of the applied tensile stress, associated with spreading, and the aspect (height/width) ratios of the chambers. High spreading rates and/or aspect ratios lead to high rates of tensile stress concentration around the chambers and to an increase in their intrusion frequencies. It is found that for chambers at the same depth in a volcanic zone, the one of the highest aspect ratio will normally intrude magma most frequently. Also, if the chambers are of equal aspect ratios, the one at the greatest depth will intrude magma most frequently. Because the extrusion frequency of a volcano is a fraction of its intrusion frequency, the extrusion frequency may also be largely determined by the rate of tensile stress concentration around the magma chamber that feeds the volcano. These results are applied to the divergent plate boundary in Iceland, where many of the volcanoes appear to be fed by “double chambers”, that is, shallow chambers fed by deep-seated chambers. It is found that, except when the aspect ratio of the deep-seated chamber is much less than that of the shallow chamber, the intrusion frequency of the shallow chamber is normally largely controlled by that of the deep-seated chamber. It is concluded that whereas the short-term (i.e., ≤103 yrs) extrusion frequencies of volcanoes at the plate boundary in Iceland may be similar to the dike intrusion frequencies of the source chambers, the long-term (i.e., ≥104 yrs) extrusion frequencies may be about ten times lower than the intrusion frequencies.  相似文献   

We present a model which accounts for the common, but paradoxical arrangement of composite intrusions (i.e. silicic core and mafic margins) on the basis of analogue experiments using gelatin and aqueous solutions. The present model involves simultaneous flow-out of the upper and lower magmas from a longitudinal crack along the chamber wall. Experimental results suggest that the mafic magma from the lower layer leaks from the side-wall of the chamber and travels faster than the silicic magma because of its lower viscosity, so that the mafic magma reaches the tip of the crack first. Once the mafic magma reaches the crack tip, then the rate of dyke propagation becomes determined by the viscosity of the less viscous mafic magma, and so it can advance rapidly. The viscous silicic magma can flow efficiently into the center of the dyke, being lubricated by the mafic magma margins. This model accounts for the common arrangement of composite intrusions and gives an efficient mechanism of flow of viscous silicic magmas.  相似文献   

Fujii and Uyeda (1974) postulated that viscous dissipation may lead to thermal instability and explosive eruptions in the case of volcanic conduits or dikes. Although their conclusions were based on a viscosity function which was valid over a very narrow temperature range, calculations presented here lead to the same result for critical dike width. A simple forced intrusion model, without viscous dissipation effects, is also developed and found to be sufficient to explain the observed width of volcanic conduits and dikes. The mechanism of thermal runaway may present problems for magma energy extraction.  相似文献   

The liquid being sampled from a draining reservoir of density-stratified fluid, such as an erupting zoned magma chamber, is derived from a relatively thin withdrawal layer adjacent to the level of the chamber outlet. This is a consequence of the buoyancy force associated with the density gradient inhibiting vertical motion so that the opportunity for widely separated density levels (compositions) to be tapped and mingled syneruptively is suppressed.Density gradients in zoned chambers of 0.02 – 10 kgm−3/m are suggested by data from caldera-forming eruptions. Viscosity gradients can be specified for a given density gradient using calculated relationships between viscosity and density. Published compositional and geothermometric data are used to show that zoned high-silica rhyolites decrease in viscosity upward because of the roofward concentration of dissolved volatiles. Other zoned calc-alkaline magmas increase in viscosity upward because of decreasing temperature and concentration of network modifying cations.A method is developed of calculating the scale of the withdrawal layer thickness, δ, for given kinematic viscosity, eruption rate, and density and viscosity gradients. The method is systematized by the identification of specific flow regimes describing the action of either viscous or inertial forces in balancing the buoyancy force. Thin withdrawal layers are favoured by small eruption rates, small viscosity, and by large density gradients. For particularly steep density gradients, however, the consequently large viscosity gradient plays a role in determining the withdrawal layer thickness. Withdrawal layer thicknesses of the order of 100 m are calculated for typical pyroclastic eruptions of zoned acid magma, and are mostly independent of the viscosity gradient.The vertical scale at which a zoned chamber is instantaneously being tapped during an eruption is equal to the scale of the withdrawal layer thickness. Thus, an eruption that causes collapse of a caldera block through a height that is less than that of the withdrawal layer scale will produce magmas from deeper levels than that to which the chamber roof sinks. In this case the eruption is said to oversample the chamber with respect to the amount of caldera collapse and will produce an essentially constant range of compositions throughout. Alternatively, if the caldera collapse distance is much greater than δ then the selective withdrawal process leads to successive levels of the chamber being “skimmed off” (on a scale δ). This allows the compositional stratigraphy of the chamber to be inverted by the eruptive process, with little opportunity for syneruptive mixing between diverse magma compositions. The geological record shows that most calderas associated with zoned magmas collapsed through vertical distances in excess of 100 m (the characteristic estimate for δ) and, in agreement with our modelling of selective withdrawal, show smooth correlations between composition, or temperature, and the order of eruption.  相似文献   

When a hot basaltic magma is emplaced into continental crust or a pre-existing silicic magma chamber, the processes of assimilation with fractional crystallization (AFC) are likely to control the liquid line of descent of the magma. These processes are particularly important at the floor of the magma chamber because evolved light liquids generated by floor melting readily mix with the overlying basaltic magma. In order to clarify the effects of temperature and composition of the floor on the AFC processes, we experimentally investigated simultaneous melting and crystallization of a NH4Cl–H2O binary eutectic system. In the experiments, evolution of temperature and compositional profiles of a hot solution overlying a cold solid mixture of variable initial temperatures and compositions were measured. The initial NH4Cl concentrations of solid and liquid are chosen to be higher than the eutectic composition, such that the density change of the experimental material by crystallization and melting is qualitatively the same as that of natural magmas and crusts. The results show that a mushy layer forms at the floor due to simultaneous crystallization and (partial) melting and that the liquid evolves due to mixing with liquids released by crystallization and melting. The ratio of melting mass to crystallization mass (M/C ratio) depends on the initial floor temperature and composition. As the initial floor temperature decreases, the rate of melting largely decreases, so that the M/C ratio becomes smaller. As the initial NH4Cl concentration of the solid floor decreases, the degree of partial melting of the floor increases; however, it does not necessarily result in an increase in the M/C ratio. The higher melt fraction of the mushy layer increases permeability within the mushy layer, so that vertical exchange between the liquid in the mushy layer and the more concentrated overlying liquid is enhanced. This effect promotes crystallization in the mushy layer, and decreases the M/C ratio. It is suggested that the M/C ratio during AFC processes depends on details of the mixing process in the liquid layer such as spacing and meandering of buoyant plumes.  相似文献   

The 1.0 Ma Kidnappers supereruption (~ 1200 km3 DRE) from Mangakino volcanic centre, Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand, produced a large phreatomagmatic fall deposit followed by an exceptionally widespread ignimbrite. Detailed sampling and analysis of glass shards and mineral phases have been undertaken through a proximal 4.0 m section of the fall deposit, representing the first two-thirds of erupted extra-caldera material. Major and trace element chemistries of glass shards define three distinct populations (types A, B and C), which systematically change in proportion through the fall deposit and are inferred to represent three magma types. Type B glass and biotite first appear at the same level (~ 0.95 m above base) in the fall deposit suggesting later tapping of a biotite-bearing magma. Plagioclase and Fe–Ti oxide compositions show bimodal distributions, which are linked to types A and B glass compositions. Temperature and pressure (T–P) estimates from hornblende and Fe–Ti oxide equilibria from each magma type are similar and therefore the three magma bodies were adjacent, not vertically stacked, in the crust. Most hornblende model T–P estimates range from 770 to 840 °C and 90 to 170 MPa corresponding to storage depths of ~ 4.0–6.5 km. Hornblende model T–P estimates coupled with in situ trace element fingerprinting imply that the magma bodies were individually well mixed, and not stratified. Compositional gaps between the three glass compositional types imply that no mixing between these magmas occurred. We interpret these data, coupled with the systematic changes in shard compositional proportions through the fall deposit, to reflect that three independent melt-dominant bodies of magma contributed large (A, ~ 270 km3), medium (B, ~ 90 km3) and small (C, ~ 40 km3) volumes (as reflected in the fall deposits) and were systematically tapped during the eruption. We propose that the systematic evacuation of the three independent magma bodies implies that there was tectonic triggering and linkage of eruptions. Our results show that supereruptions can be generated by near simultaneous multiple eruptions from independent magma chambers rather than the evacuation of a large single unitary magma chamber.  相似文献   

The relatively low rates of magma production in island arcs and continental extensional settings require that the volume of silicic magma involved in large catastrophic caldera-forming (CCF) eruptions must accumulate over periods of 10 5 to 10 6 years. We address the question of why buoyant and otherwise eruptible high-silica magma should accumulate for long times in shallow chambers rather than erupt more continuously as magma is supplied from greater depths. Our hypothesis is that the viscoelastic behavior of magma chamber wall rocks may prevent an accumulation of overpressure sufficient to generate rhyolite dikes that can propagate to the surface and cause an eruption. The critical overpressure required for eruption is based on the model of Rubin (1995a). An approximate analytical model is used to evaluate the controls on magma overpressure for a continuously or episodically replenished spherical magma chamber contained in wall rocks with a Maxwell viscoelastic rheology. The governing parameters are the long-term magma supply, the magma chamber volume, and the effective viscosity of the wall rocks. The long-term magma supply, a parameter that is not typically incorporated into dike formation models, can be constrained from observations and melt generation models. For effective wall-rock viscosities in the range 10 18 to 10 20 Pa s –1, dynamical regimes are identified that lead to the suppression of dikes capable of propagating to the surface. Frequent small eruptions that relieve magma chamber overpressure are favored when the chamber volume is small relative to the magma supply and when the wall rocks are cool. Magma storage, leading to conditions suitable for a CCF eruption, is favored for larger magma chambers (>10 2 km 3) with warm wall rocks that have a low effective viscosity. Magma storage is further enhanced by regional tectonic extension, high magma crystal contents, and if the effective wall-rock viscosity is lowered by microfracturing, fluid infiltration, or metamorphic reactions. The long-term magma supply rate and chamber volume are important controls on eruption frequency for all magma chamber sizes. The model can explain certain aspects of the frequency, volume, and spatial distribution of small-volume silicic eruptions in caldera systems, and helps account for the large size of granitic plutons, their association with extensional settings and high thermal gradients, and the fact that they usually post-date associated volcanic deposits.  相似文献   

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