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The effects of plate rheology (strong plate interiors and weak plate margins) and stiff subducted lithosphere (slabs) on the geoid and plate motions, considered jointly, are examined with three-dimensional spherical models of mantle flow. Buoyancy forces are based on the internal distribution of subducted lithosphere estimated from the last 160 Ma of subduction history. While the ratio of the lower mantle/upper mantle viscosity has a strong effect on the long-wavelength geoid, as has been shown before, we find that plate rheology is also significant and that its inclusion yields a better geoid model while simultaneously reproducing basic features of observed plate motion. Slab viscosity can strongly affect the geoid, depending on whether a slab is coupled to the surface. In particular, deep, high-viscosity slabs beneath the northern Pacific that are disconnected from the surface as a result of subduction history produce significant long-wavelength geoid highs that differ from the observation. This suggests that slabs in the lower mantle may be not as stiff as predicted from a simple thermally activated rheology, if the slab model is accurate.  相似文献   

自2009年入冬以来北半球经受了创记录的严寒侵袭,联合国IPCC报告的权威性受到质疑。地球气候变化趋向陷入纷争的境地。从地质学和考古学的视角,以更长的时间周期去认识和了解气候变化规律和成因机制,或许对将来气候的长期预报有所启示。地球在漫长的演化史中经历了以千万年计的"地质气候旋回"、千百年计的"史前气候周期"及近现代以百年计的"世纪气候波动"。不同级次的周期均为内在自然因素所制约,CO2含量在地球演化史中趋于波动下降过程,当代的CO2浓度和气温均处于地质史的低点。人类活动可能在百年尺度内存在对气候和生态环境的影响。自20世纪初开始至今近百年升温趋向中,令人关注的是在中国曾有1941年、1969年、2009~2010年之交极度低温的出现,"低温节点"时距约为30~40年,似与海洋存在数十年为变化周期之说相近。由此引发对人为因素导致持续增温的质疑。2009年入冬以来的严寒是否为近百年升温波动周期的终结抑或只是次级的突变因素所致,尚有待观察。但自然因素主导的周期波动规律不可逆转,不能被未经实证而被夸大了的"人为因素"所左右。  相似文献   

The composition of the Earth's atmosphere is thought to have been highly modified by surface microbiotas and modulated around quantities of gases optimized for growth of these microbiotas. Three diagrams are presented: The first shows a probable order of appearance of major metabolic pathways in microbes that interact with sediment and atmosphere. It is based on evolutionary considerations and was devised independently of the fossil record. The second diagram shows the qualitative emissions and removals of atmospheric gases by obligately anaerobic organisms; it approximates those processes thought to have dominated the Earth's atmosphere in Archean times. The third diagrams gaseous emissions and removals by the major groups of organisms, including oxygen-releasing and utilizing forms. Biological gas exchange processes thought to have dominated the atmosphere since the Proterozoic are thus represented.  相似文献   

We have investigated the application of the F-ratio test, a standard statistical technique, to the results of relative plate motion inversions. The method tests whether the improvement in fit of the model to the data resulting from the addition of another plate to the model is greater than that expected purely by chance. This approach appears to be useful in determining whether additional plate boundaries are justified. We confirm previous results favoring separate North American and South American plates with a boundary located between 30°N and the equator. Using Chase's global relative motion data, we show that in addition to separate West African and Somalian plates, separate West Indian and Australian plates, with a best-fitting boundary between 70°E and 90°E, can be resolved. These results are generally consistent with the observation that the Indian plate's internal deformation extends somewhat westward of the Ninetyeast Ridge. The relative motion pole is similar to Minster and Jordan's and predicts the NW-SE compression observed in earthquake mechanisms near the Ninetyeast Ridge.  相似文献   

Previous studies of plate dynamics suggest that, at consuming plate boundaries, driving forces (negative buoyancy) acting on the slab are counterbalanced by viscous forces, proportional to the consumption velocity and resisting the downgoing motion into the mantle. New observations on the geometry of subduction zones may help test this equilibrium theory. A condition for local equilibrium of the driving and resistive forces is that the consumption velocity (V) remains constant along a given trench. From this condition, a geometrical property of the shape of trenches and island arcs on the sphere is inferred: the consuming margin of two plates should follow segments of helices about the axis of rotation of their relative motion. A comparison of the shape of island arcs and trenches with helices supports this inference.  相似文献   

Slip partitioning along major convergent plate boundaries   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Along plate boundaries characterized by oblique convergence, earthquake slip vectors are commonly rotated toward the normal of the trench with respect to predicted plate motion vectors. Consequently, relative plate motion along such convergent margins must be partitioned between displacements along the thrust plate interface and deformation within the forearc and back-arc regions. The deformation behind the trench may take the form of strike-slip motion, back-arc extension, or some combination of both. We observe from our analysis of the Harvard Moment Tensor Catalog that convergent arcs characterized by back-arc spreading, specifically the Marianas and New Hebrides, are characterized by a large degree of slip partitioning. However, the observed rates, directions, and location of back-arc spreading are not sufficient to account for degree of partitioning observed along the respective arcs, implying that the oblique component of subduction is also accommodated in part by shearing of the overriding plate. In the case of the Sumatran arc, where partitioning is accommodated by strike-slip faulting in the overriding plate, the degree of partitioning is similar to that observed along the Marianas, but the result is viewed with caution because it is based on a predicted plate motion vector that is based on locally derived earthquake slip vectors. In the case of the Alaskan-Aleutian arc, where back-arc spreading is also absent, the degree of partitioning is less and rotation of slip vectors toward the trench normal appears to increase linearly as a function of the obliquity of convergence. If partitioning in the Alaskan-Aleutian arc is accommodated by strike-slip faulting within the upper plate, the positive relationship between obliquity of convergence and the rotation of earthquake slip vectors to the trench normal may reflect that either (1) the ratio of the depth extent of strike-slip faults behind the trenchZ s to the subduction thrustZ t increases westward along the arc, (2) the dip of the subduction thrust increases westward along the arc, or (3) the strength of the subduction thrust decreases westward along the arc.  相似文献   

The geoid shows an antisymmetric departure from the spheroid of best fit. A single zero-elevation contour divides its surface into nearly equal strips in one of which the elevation is everywhere positive and in the other everywhere negative. These two areas are interleaved roughly like the strips covering a tennis ball. This pattern may indicate global single-cell convection in the mantle. It is argued that on this convection hypothesis, the upcurrents underlie the low-geoid strip, although the opposite view could be supported. No simple relation is to be expected between the proposed whole-mantle convection and plate motions, because other constraints act on plates and because the asthenosphere will partially decouple the whole-mantle motions from the lithosphere. However, the proposed whole-mantle convective system is consistent with rapid northwestward motion of the Pacific plate, with fast spreading of the East Pacific Rise and with slow spreading of the North Atlantic Ridge. Seismological velocity anomalies in the mantle, while highly relevant to whole-mantle convection, do not at present decide for or against the hypothesis here advanced.  相似文献   

Summary The discovery of paleoplates buried in the upper mantle leads to an interpretation of the subduction as a discontinuous process running in cycles and shifting the place of its operation in or against the direction of ocean floor spreading. This mechanism explains the distribution of calc-alkaline volcanism of different age in fossil convergent plate boundaries. The establishment of regular spatial correlation of the aseismic gap in the Wadati-Benioff zones with the distribution of calc-alkaline volcanism enables to reconstruct fossil plate boundaries and to define allochtonous terranes in apparently homogeneous continental plates. The hampering effect of the ocean floor morphology and of the fragments of continental plates approaching the trench, which substantially influences the rates of subduction and the geodynamic history of active continental margins in different domains along the trench, allows us to understand the complicated geological development of continental wedges in fossil convergent plate margins. The establishment of the segmented nature of active subduction zones and the dramatic morphology of the lower limit of the active subducted slab along the trench help us to interpret extensive lateral gaps in volcanic chains overlying active as well as fossil subduction zones.  相似文献   

Wang  Qiang  Hao  Lulu  Zhang  Xiuzheng  Zhou  Jinsheng  Wang  Jun  Li  Qiwei  Ma  Lin  Zhang  Long  Qi  Yue  Tang  Gongjian  Dan  Wei  Fan  Jingjing 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2020,63(12):1992-2016
Science China Earth Sciences - Adakitic rocks are intermediate-acid magmatic rocks characterized by enrichment in light rare-earth elements, depletion in heavy rare-earth elements, positive to...  相似文献   

The synorogenic intrusive activity of the eastern part of the Seiland province evolved from tholeiitic basalt low in K and Ti, through high-K calc-alkaline magmas and possible transitional basalt, to alkaline olivine basalt and picrite; finally, highly differentiated alkaline magmas and carbonatites were emplaced. For intrusive rocks with equivalent SiO2 contents, K2O, K2O + Na2O and K2O/Na2O increased with time, and the degree of iron enrichment in basaltic suites dimished. The western part of the province shows no equivalent evolution, tholeiitic magmas being emplaced at the same time as calc-alkaline magmas to the east.The magmatism is believed to have stemmed from a diapiric complex established in the mantle above a Benioff zone dipping to the east beneath the deforming Andean-type margin of the Baltic plate. Tectonic shortening of the continental edge and rearward movement of the underthrust plate relative to the asthenosphere resulted in migration of the plate junction, steepening of the seismic zone, and increasing depth to the magmagenetic region.  相似文献   

A model is proposed describing the mechanical evolution of a shear zone along compressional and extensional plate boundaries, subject to constant strain rate. The shear zones are assumed as viscoelastic with Maxwell rheology and with elastic and rheological parameters depending on temperature and petrology. Stress and strain are computed as functions of time and depth. For both kinds of boundaries the model reproduces the existence of a shallow seismogenic zone, characterized by a stress concentration. The thickness of the seismogenic layer is evaluated considering the variations of shear stress and frictional strength on faults embedded in the shear zone. Assuming that a fault dislocation takes place, the brittle-ductile transition is assumed to occur at the depth at which the time derivative of total shear stress changes from positive to negative values. The effects of different strain rates and geothermal gradients on the depth of the brittle-ductile transition are studied. The model predictions are consistent with values inferred from seismicity data of different boundary zones.  相似文献   

Seismic gaps and plate tectonics: Seismic potential for major boundaries   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The theory of plate tectonics provides a basic framework for evaluating the potential for future great earthquakes to occur along major plate boundaries. Along most of the transform and convergent plate boundaries considered in this paper, the majority of seismic slip occurs during large earthquakes, i.e., those of magnitude 7 or greater. The concepts that rupture zones, as delineated by aftershocks, tend to abut rather than overlap, and large events occur in regions with histories of both long- and short-term seismic quiescence are used in this paper to delineate major seismic gaps.In detail, however, the distribution of large shallow earthquakes along convergent plate margins is not always consistent with a simple model derived from plate tectonics. Certain plate boundaries, for example, appear in the long term to be nearly aseismic with respect to large earthquakes. The identification of specific tectonic regimes, as defined by dip of the inclined seismic zone, the presence or absence of aseismic ridges and seamounts on the downgoing lithospheric plate, the age contrast between the overthrust and underthrust plates, and the presence or absence of back-arc spreading, have led to a refinement in the application of plate tectonic theory to the evaluation of seismic potential.The term seismic gap is taken to refer to any region along an active plate boundary that has not experienced a large thrust or strike-slip earthquake for more than 30 years. A region of high seismic potential is a seismic gap that, for historic or tectonic reasons, is considered likely to produce a large shock during the next few decades. The seismic gap technique provides estimates of the location, size of future events and origin time to within a few tens of years at best.The accompanying map summarizes six categories of seismic potential for major plate boundaries in and around the margins of the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean, South Sandwich and Sunda (Indonesia) regions for the next few decades. These categories range from what we consider high to low potential for being the site of large earthquakes during that period of time. Categories 1, 2 and 6 define a time-dependent potential based on the amount of time elapsed since the last large earthquake. The remaining categories, 3, 4, and 5, are used for areas that have ambiguous histories for large earthquakes; their seismic potential is inferred from various tectonic criteria. These six categories are meant to be interpreted as forecasts of the location and size of future large shocks and should not be considered to be predictions in which a precise estimate of the time of occurrence is specified.Several of the segments of major plate boundaries that are assigned the highest potential, i.e., category 1, are located along continental margins, adjacent to centers of population. Some of them are hundreds of kilometers long. High priority should be given to instrumenting and studying several of these major seismic gaps since many are now poorly instrumented. The categories of potential assigned here provide a rationale for assigning prorities for instrumentation, for future studies aimed at predicting large earthquakes and for making estimates of tsunami potential.Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory Contribution No. 2906.  相似文献   

Summary By means of the increased gravity measurements it is possible to compute gravimetrically the undulationsN of the geoid with regard to the used reference ellipsoid as well as the «absolute» deflection of the vertical components g and g . The quantities g and g enable us to transfer the astronomically observed coordinates of any points from the geoid to the reference ellipsoid and in this way compute without any triangulations the distances along the reference ellipsoid. And still more. With the aid ofN, g and g we can obtain a general Geodetic World System and convert the existing many systems to it.—The geoid study is no more any academical pastime, it can solve the most important problems of the practical geodesy.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to investigate the effect of implementing the experimentally determined GEMMA Moho depths (GOCE Exploitation for Moho Modeling and Applications), which are partly seismically estimated, in gravimetric geoid computation in Egypt. The window remove-restore technique has been proposed to avoid the double consideration of the topographic-isostatic masses in the neighbourhood of the computational point. The plate loading theory has been used to model the seismically determined Moho depths. A constant density contrast between the lower crust and the upper mantle has been postulated. The tailored geopotential model EGTGM2014 has been used for the long wavelength contributions of the Earth’s gravity field. A comparison with a geoid computed using the EGM2008 and Airy floating hypothesis has been made. For all cases, a gravimetric geoid for Egypt has been computed using Stokes’ integral in the frequency domain by 1-D FFT technique. The computed geoids are fitted to the GPS-levelling derived geoid using an optimum geoid fitting technique for Egypt introduced by the author. The results show that using the seismically determined Moho depths within the plate loading theory and the EGTGM2014 tailored geopotential model gives a geoid with external accuracy of about 16 cm.  相似文献   

板块地震迁移链与汶川地震   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从1956年开始沿印度洋—亚洲和太平洋板块边界的地震迁移触发了2008年5月12日M8.0中国汶川地震。迁移链为东西两条,彼此相向迁移,在缅甸弧附近的中国大陆汇合,并触发地震。迁移持续约50年。与此相类似的迁移发生在1902—1957年,迁移触发了1950年西藏东部M8.5地震和1957年蒙古M8.3地震。预计1956—2008地震迁移可能尚未结束,可能会继续触发大地震。  相似文献   

大陆上用重力数据和GPS水准数据确定(似)大地水准面,海洋上用卫星测高数据确定(似)大地水准面.由于沿海地区和近岸海域往往缺少完好的重力数据,近岸海域卫星测高数据质量相对较差,两类大地水准面在陆海相接区域精度偏低且存在拼合差.纯几何方法拟合陆海局部区域大地水准面,不能顾及大地水准面的物理特性,拟合结果不稳定.顾及到大地水准面的物理特性,依据其在局部所应满足的数学物理方程,拟合陆海局部区域大地水准面问题,转化为Laplace第一边值问题.讨论了有限元法衔接陆海局部区域大地水准面的数学思想,给出了相应的数学模型.  相似文献   

A digitised tectonic model, initially built up for regionalization of Rayleigh waves, is applied to the geoid in order to define the mean geoid heights of the following regions: 3 oceanic regions, namely young oceans (0–30 Ma) middle-aged oceans (30–80 Ma) and old oceans (> 80 Ma); trenches and subduction zones; mountains; and shields. The relative importance of the deep sources is damped or enhanced by progressively removing or adding the lower or higher degrees of the geoid. A statistical approach allows us to quantify the success of the correlation between tectonics and these filtered geoids.Significant variations are observed in these correlations for oceanic regions (including subduction zones) with a cut-off between degree-2 and higher degrees. For degrees ? 3, a well-known trend is observed: high values correspond to young oceans (ridges) and low values to old oceans, high values are also obtained for subduction zones. On the contrary, and unexpectedly, for the degree-2 alone a trend reversal is observed: geoid lows are observed over ridges and geoid highs over old oceans; trenches give the same geoid amplitude than old oceans. Clearly this denotes a degree-2 convection pattern connected to plate tectonics. In addition it is shown that the minimum and maximum inertia axes of the surface distribution of young oceans, and independently of old oceans and trenches, coincide with the Earth's equatorial inertia axes (74°E and 164°E), i.e., with the equatorial extremes of the degree-2 geoid.Plate tectonics is uncorrelated with the polar anomaly of the degree-2 geoid, namely the flattening which is not accounted for by Earth rotation. A north-south axisymmetric convection with a degree-2 pattern is proposed to explain this extra flattening; this model is supported by the latitude dependence of the depth of oceanic ridges.  相似文献   

It is critical that a comprehensive terrestrial radiocarbon (14C) calibration curve is developed beyond 26 ka for high-precision calibration and correlation of climatic, environmental and archaeological records. Abundant sub-fossil New Zealand kauri (Agathis australis) wood, preserved in Oxygen Isotope Stage-2 and 3 peat swamps, provides an important resource for 14C calibration; nowhere else in the world does such an extensive collection of ancient wood exist. Although finite 14C ages beyond 50 ka are becoming routinely reported, few attempts have been made to demonstrate their accuracy or precision. Finite ages beyond 50 ka require optimization of all elements involved in sample preparation and 14C analysis. Here we discuss the methodology employed for optimizing the 14C dating of near-background wood samples by both benzene synthesis for liquid scintillation counting (LSC) or graphite synthesis for accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS). We report the mean background blank activities for both methods and present a statistical model for assigning blank standard errors when blank activity variation is over and above counting statistics. We also present duplicate analyses (using LSC and AMS) of nine successive samples of wood obtained from a sub-fossil kauri log near-background in age to investigate the significance of the measured blank levels and variability.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the basic definitions and the numerical techniques used nowaday in the estimation of the gradiometric geoid. After a first introductory paragraph, the so-called 3-steps remove/restore method is presented. The computation and the use of global models is analysed in Section 2; the computation of topographic corrections, with particular care to the residual terrain correction, is presented in Section 3; the central solution or estimation of the anomalous potential either by solving a Molodensky's problem, or by applying the collocation theory, is examined in Section 4; the restore step is finally presented in Section 5.  相似文献   

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