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A Lagrangian model is used to evaluate source regions of particles collected in the sediment traps at the DYFAMED(Dynamique des Flux Atmosphériques en Méditerranée) station by tracking particles backwards from March 1 to August 31, 2001. The analysis suggests that source regions depend on the flow fields, the settling speed of the particles, and the deployment depths of the traps. Monthly variation is observed in the distribution patterns of source regions, which is caused by the currents. The source regions are located around the traps and up to hundreds of kilometers away. As the settling speed increases with the particle diameters, the distance to the source regions decreases. The vertical flux can be approximately estimated in 1D for the particles with diameters larger than 500 μm. Furthermore, traps moored at various depths at the DYFAMED can collect particles that originated from different regions in the Ligurian Sea.  相似文献   

A programme to determine the immediate impact of a new nickel refinery on sediment metal levels in Halifax Bay, North Queensland was begun in May, 1975. The results indicate that within three weeks of the initiation of continuous refinery discharge to the Bay, area levels of at least one element (cobalt) had been significantly increased. In addition, samples taken from nearshore river mouth stations located near the plant also showed relatively high levels of nickel which may not be attributable to the plant's effluent discharge. The field data together with laboratory experiments suggest that future levels of cobalt, nickel and iron may be expected to increase significantly in Halifax Bay as a direct result of the refinery.  相似文献   

It is important to examine the ratio of measured to total sediment discharge to determine the error in measured sediment transport rates from depth-integrated samplers. The ratio of measured to total sediment discharge as well as the ratio of suspended to total sediment discharge are examined based on the Modified Einstein Procedure. Both ratios reduce to a function of the ratio of shear velocity, u*, to the fall velocity, ω, of suspended material, u*/ω, and the ratio, h/ds, of flow depth, h, to the median grain size of bed material, d50. In rivers transporting fine material (such as silt or clay), the ratio of suspended to total load is a function of the ratio, h/d50. In this study, it is found that the ratio of measured to total load becomes a simple function of flow depth. For fine sediment transport, with a Rouse number (Ro) <0.3, at least 80% of sediment load is in suspension when h/d50>15, and at least 90% of sediment load is measured from depth integrating samples when h>1m. Detailed measurements from 35 river stations in South Korea demonstrate that sand sizes and finer fractions predominantly are transported in suspension. Also, at least 90% of sand and finer fractions are transported in suspension in gravel and sand bed rivers when the discharge is larger than the mean annual discharge.  相似文献   

We have studied bacterial abundance and production in samples from sediment traps deployed for 1 and 100 days in several areas of the shelf and slope regions of the Middle Atlantic Bight, U.S.A. By making a series of assumptions about bacterial growth at the expense of POC in traps, we have estimated that the turnover time of organic particles collected in traps during long deployments is slow (mean 1500 ± 300 days), if only bacterial activity is considered. However the abundance and biomass of bacteria in traps is very high, ranging from 3 to 30 × 1011 cells gC?1, i.e., 0.3 to 3% of the POC is bacterial carbon. Fifteen to 88% of the particles in traps were colonized by bacteria, but usually about half the particles had only 0 to 1 cell attached. Growth of bacteria was observed at all scales relevant to these trap deployments; over periods ranging from hours to weeks, at rates of 0.01 to 0.3 d?1. In spite of slow growth, bacteria appeared to be physiologically active in that [3H]adenine and [3H]thymidine were incorporated more rapidly into RNA and protein than into DNA. Total incorporation rates were high. We conclude that even relatively old (ca. 1 y) POC in sediment traps supports high levels of active bacterial biomass, but that POC decomposition is slow, so that bacteria may not be the principal agents of POC turnover following collection.  相似文献   

Studies were initiated in May 1975 to determine the impact of a new nickel refinery on ambient mercury level in sediments taken from Halifax Bay, Australia. Although mercury levels were relatively low in all samples, surface sediments were found to contain 2.5–3.0 times the mercury concentration of subsurface samples. However, surface sediment samples collected adjacent to the refinery outfall within the first three weeks of continuous discharge showed significant increases in mercury levels when compared with surface samples taken from areas not affected by the refinery.  相似文献   

Reef-associated landforms are coupled to the health of the reef ecosystem which produces the sediment that forms and maintains these landforms. However, this connection can make reef-fronted coastlines sensitive to the impacts of climate change, given that any decline in ecosystem health (e.g. decreasing sediment supply) or changes to physical processes (e.g. sea level rise, increasing wave energy) could drive the sediment budgets of these systems into a net erosive state. Therefore, knowledge of both the sediment sources and transport mechanisms is required to predict the sensitivity of reef-associated landforms to future climate change. Here, we examine the benthic habitat composition, sediment characteristics (composition, texture, and age), and transport mechanisms and pathways to understand the interconnections between coastal morphology and the reef system at Tantabiddi, Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia. Benthic surveys and sediment composition analysis revealed that although live coral accounts for less than 5% of the benthic cover, coral is the dominant sediment constituent (34% on average). Sediment ages (238U/230Th) were mostly found to be thousands of years old, suggesting that the primary sediment source is relic reef material (e.g. Holocene reef framework). Sediment transport across the lagoon was quantified through measurements of ripple migration rates, which were found to be shoreward migrating and responsible for feeding the large shoreline salient in the lee of the reef. The derived sediment fluxes were comparable with previously measured rates of sediment production by bioerosion. These results suggest that sediment budgets of systems dependent on old (>103 years) source materials may be more resilient to climate change as present-day reef health and community composition (i.e. sources of ‘new’ carbonate production) have limited influence on sediment supply. Therefore, the vulnerability of reef-associated landforms in these systems will be dictated by future changes to mechanisms of sediment generation (e.g. bioerosion) and/or physical processes. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Isotopic analyses have been made on five species of planktonic foraminifera collected in two deployments of PARFLUX Mark II time-series sediment traps in the Panama Basin. The automated sampling system on the traps provided 4 one-month samples from 29 July to 16 November 1979 and 6 two-month samples from December 1979 to November 1980.The δ18O values of Globigerinoides ruber and Globigerinoides sacculifer in this region are primarily affected by a low-salinity surface layer that forms during the early winter. These species each show a 1‰ total range in δ18O. The δ18O values of the colder-water species Globorotalia menardii, Neogloboquadrina dutertrei, and Globorotalia theyeri show smaller seasonal changes in δ18O. The δ13C values of G. ruber and G. sacculifer exhibit small seasonal changes (0.35 and 0.4‰ respectively) despite large seasonal changes in surface water productivity. The colder-water species exhibit only slightly larger changes in δ13C (up to 0.55‰) throughout the year. All colder-water species exhibit minimum or near minimum δ13C values during February and March, which is the period of maximum upwelling and primary productivity. Seasonal variations in the flux of foraminifera in the water column at this location will have only a small effect on the isotopic composition of the sediment assemblage; extreme values of δ18O and δ13C do not occur during the periods which are associated with the high flux of foraminiferal tests.  相似文献   

Sediment traps were used to evaluate the frequency, cause, and relative intensity of sediment mobility/resuspension along the fringing coral reef off southern Molokai (February 2000-May 2002). Two storms with high rainfall, floods, and exceptionally high waves resulted in sediment collection rates>1000 times higher than during non-storm periods, primarily because of sediment resuspension by waves. Based on quantity and composition of trapped sediment, floods recharged the reef flat with land-derived sediment, but had a low potential for burying coral on the fore reef when accompanied by high waves. The trapped sediments have low concentrations of anthropogenic metals. The magnetic properties of trapped sediment may provide information about the sources of land-derived sediment reaching the fore reef. The high trapping rate and low sediment cover indicate that coral surfaces on the fore reef are exposed to transient resuspended sediment, and that the traps do not measure net sediment accumulation on the reef surface.  相似文献   

A study was carried out on a rural catchment located in northwest Spain to examine the sediment yield from the catchment by measuring suspended sediments during rainfall events. Within the catchment regular surveys were conducted to obtain data on the suspended sediment sources. Important variations in sediment load were detected at event scale (0·3–21·0 Mg); some of these can be explained in terms of event size, antecedent conditions, rainfall distribution and soil surface erosion. To study the variables controlling suspended sediment yield during the events in the catchment, several event and pre‐event variables were calculated for all events. The sediment load is strongly influenced by discharge variables. During the events discharge–suspended sediments were also analysed. When the soil surface was unprotected, the formation of rills and ephemeral gullies on agricultural land at the catchment head was an important source of suspended sediments in the catchment. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method to investigate the relative influence of waves, wind-induced currents and tidal currents on sediment mobility in coastal environment. It is based on the assumption that, knowing high uncertainties linked to sediment dynamics studies, simple sediment mobility indicators are sufficient tools to provide useful information. This method is based on five main steps: (1) assessing hydrodynamic conditions and related errors spatially and temporally for an area; (2) evaluating the bottom shear stress induced by these hydrodynamic conditions; (3) providing simple sediment mobility indicators; (4) analysing the sensitivity of these indicators to the existing hydrodynamic uncertainties; (5) interpreting indicators knowing their limits (identified in the sensitivity analysis). This methodology is applied to a test site on the inner shelf, seaward of the Pertuis Charentais region in France. Using wave (SWAN) and sea-level and currents (MARS-2DH) modelling, we study the spatial distribution of the relative contribution of waves, tides and wind-induced current in the non-cohesive sediment mobility under storm conditions. The deduced sediment dynamics indicators reveal the dominant action of waves in sediment initiation in the offshore area, in water depths of up to 60 m. The sensitivity study, performed in order to evaluate the validity of results, shows that the sediment mobility indicators still provide relevant information, even for hydrodynamic uncertainties of ±20% or furthermore when only a qualitative sedimentological knowledge of the area is available.  相似文献   

In high elevation cold regions of the Tibetan Plateau, suspended sediment transfer from glacier meltwater erosion is one of the important hydrological components. The Zhadang glacier is a typical valley‐type glacier in the Nyainqentanglha Mountains on the Tibetan Plateau. To make frequent and long period records of meltwater runoff and sediment processes in the very high elevation and isolated regions, an automatic system was installed near the glacier snout (5400 m a.s.l) in August 2013, to measure the transient discharge and sediment processes at 5‐min interval, which is shorter than the time span for the water flow to traverse the catchment from the farthest end to the watershed outlet. Diurnal variations of discharge, and suspended sediment concentration (SSC) were recorded at high frequency for the Zhadang glacier, before suspended sediment load (SSL) was computed. Hourly SSC varied from the range of 0.2 kg/m3 to 0.5 kg/m3 (at 8:00–9:00) to the range of 2.0 kg/m3 to 4.0 kg/m3 (at 17:00–18:00). The daily SSL was 32.24 t during the intense ablation period. Hourly SSC was linearly correlated with discharge (r = 0.885**, n = 18, p < 0.01). A digit‐eight hysteresis loop was observed for the sediment transport in the glacier area. Air temperature fluctuations influence discharge, and then result in the sediment variations. The results of this study provide insight into the responses of suspended sediment delivery processes with a high frequency data in the high elevation cold regions. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article is aimed at established sediment trap specialists as well as young learning scientists. The development of sediment trap techniques and hydrodynamics are briefly reviewed, with special emphasis on the experimental and in-situ trap calibration. The ongoing controversy within the trap community on the validity of flux data obtained by sediment traps can only be overcome by understanding the effects of hydrodynamics on the entrapping of settling particles in turbulent waters. A proper trap protocol is still missing. Also, the problems of entering swimmers and preservatives are not yet fully solved. Innovative ideas and robust data are needed to improve our knowledge on trapping efficiency, particle settling flux data, and the interpretation of lake and oceanic nutrient cycles. It is emphasized that controversial papers should be published when based on documented experiments and/or theory applied.  相似文献   

Shaking during the 1995 Kobe earthquake caused surface material to be more mobile in catchment areas in the Rokko Mountains, Kobe, where there are some active fault lines. As a result, there were many landslides associated with the earthquake. The sedimentation rate in a pond in the mountains increased several fold, then exponentially decreased with seasonality over several years. Six years after the earthquake there were no marked surface movements related to the earthquake, even though the sedimentation rates had increased slightly. A new steady state for the structure of the earthquake‐modi?ed surface had evidently been reached. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sediment causes a serious problem in relation to dam function. A cooperative sediment sluicing operation has been under way since 2017 to prevent sediment from accumulating in dams in the Mimi River,Miyazaki, Japan. To achieve a smooth and stable operation, it is very important to determine the sediment source and a sediment transport system to maintain the dam’s function. In the current study, the source and transport of sediment from the Mimi River basin have been analyzed with X-ray diffracti...  相似文献   

The study of the fall velocity variation of fine sediment in estuarine areas plays an important role in determining how various factors affect the flocculation process.Previous experimental studies have focused solely on the relation between the median fall velocity and influencing factors,while in the current study,the variation of the fall velocity in quiescent water also was examined.The experimental results showed that the vertical distribution of sediment concentration was more uneven,and larger variations occurred earlier during the settling process under higher salinity and/or sediment concentration conditions.The fall velocity initially increased then decreased over time,peaking at~20 min after settling began,and stabilizing at a value similar to that in freshwater,regardless of the initial sediment concentration and salinity combinations.Along the water depth,the fall velocity increased monotonically with a gradually decreasing gradient.The median fall velocity increased then decreased with increased salinity.The salinity at which the peak fall velocity occurred depended on the initial sediment concentration.The relation between the median fall velocity and initial sediment concentration displayed an obvious two-stage pattern(i.e.,accelerated flocculation and decelerated,hindered settling) at higher salinities;whereas the maximum median fall velocity was observed at two consecutive sediment concentration values under lower salinity conditions.Finally,an empirical equation estimating the median fall velocity of cohesive fine sediment was formulated,incorporating the effects of both salinity and sediment concentration.  相似文献   

This paper uses numerical simulation of flood inundation based on a coupled one‐dimensional–two‐dimensional treatment to explore the impacts upon flood extent of both long‐term climate changes, predicted to the 2050s and 2080s, and short‐term river channel changes in response to sediment delivery, for a temperate upland gravel‐bed river. Results show that 16 months of measured in‐channel sedimentation in an upland gravel‐bed river cause about half of the increase in inundation extent that was simulated to arise from climate change. Consideration of the joint impacts of climate change and sedimentation emphasized the non‐linear nature of system response, and the possibly severe and synergistic effects that come from combined direct effects of climate change and sediment delivery. Such effects are likely to be exacerbated further as a result of the impacts of climate change upon coarse sediment delivery. In generic terms, these processes are commonly overlooked in flood risk mapping exercises and are likely to be important in any river system where there are high rates of sediment delivery and long‐term transfer of sediment to floodplain storage (i.e. alluviation involving active channel aggradation and migration). Similarly, attempts to reduce channel migration through river bank stabilization are likely to exacerbate this process as without bank erosion, channel capacity cannot be maintained. Finally, many flood risk mapping studies rely upon calibration based upon combining contemporary bed surveys with historical flood outlines, and this will lead to underestimation of the magnitude and frequency of floodplain inundation in an aggrading system for a flood of a given magnitude. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A 2-year investigation into shoreface morphodynamic behaviour off a high-energy headland-embayment coast in Northern Ireland reveals important process–response mechanisms that cannot be explained solely by existing conceptual models. Fourteen sequential bathymetric surveys, conducted every 1–2 months, show that morphologic (seabed) change is not directly related to oceanographic forcing—extensive nearshore and shoreface accretion and erosion occurs under fair-weather, modal and high-energy conditions. The main factors which seem to cause significant change are long-duration (swell) events coupled with onshore winds, availability of (recently) introduced sediment, surges and elapsed time between storms and the next scheduled survey. Several high-energy events over a short time period (<30 days) did not result in extensive seafloor changes, contrary to expectations. Net seabed change over 2 years shows an average to 0.6 m m?2 of shoreface accretion from the nearshore to 24 m depth. Net erosion was not observed anywhere, including the subaerial beach. Geologic evidence strongly suggests that the source of the significant volume (7.7×105 m3) of sediment introduced into the study area must have been derived from the lower shoreface and/or inner shelf, beyond 24 m depth.  相似文献   

两种激光粒度仪测量湖泊沉积物粒度结果的对比   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
湖泊沉积物粒度参数是湖泊沉积与环境演变研究中常用的环境指标,近年来激光粒度仪的发展和广泛使用更是促进了粒度指标的应用并在很大程度上提高了精度和效率.然而不同的激光粒度仪对于同一样品的测量会得到不同的结果,本文利用两种常见的激光粒度仪测量了西藏纳木错的两支岩芯,并对结果进行了对比分析.从仪器的重现性来看,Mastersizer2000型激光粒度仪要优于LS13320型激光粒度仪,而LS13320型激光粒度仪在对含量较少的细颗粒和粗颗粒的检测效果上优于Mastersizer2000型激光粒度仪;两种仪器得到的粒度参数d(0.1)和d(0.5)无论在变化趋势还是绝对数值上都较为相似,而d(0.9)的差异则较大.对比研究结果为利用湖泊沉积物粒度参数提取古环境信息研究提供了基础依据.  相似文献   

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