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Sea-surface magnetic profiles exhibit coherent short wavelength “micro-anomalies” (or “tiny wiggles”) superimposed to the main anomalies due to reversals. In this study, we investigate the nature and distribution of these tiny wiggles on oceanic crust formed during the  42 Myr-long period following the Cretaceous Normal Superchron. To this end, we compute stacks of anomaly profiles from different areas in the Indian and the Pacific oceans. Using a simple method based on upward continuation, we demonstrate that, the tiny wiggles are consistent worldwide although their patterns exhibit different resolutions at different spreading rates. They are therefore confidently ascribed to past fluctuations of the geomagnetic dipole moment. A high resolution record of these fluctuations is obtained by selecting and stacking profiles from areas with the highest spreading rates. Modeling the micro-anomalies as short magnetic polarity intervals yields durations for these intervals generally shorter than 10 kyr, likely too short to be indeed “true” subchrons. Moreover, the number of detected tiny wiggles clearly depends on the spreading rate. These results support geomagnetic intensity fluctuations as being the cause of most tiny wiggles, as also suggested by recent magnetostratigraphic data. The tiny wiggles are uniformly distributed within chrons, indicating that paleointensity fluctuations are neither inhibited after, nor enhanced before, a reversal beyond a “blind” zone of about 10 km (corresponding to 80 to 250 kyr depending on the spreading rate) for which the anomalies due to reversals prevent the detection of tiny wiggles. Most tiny wiggles probably represent a filtered record of a uniform secular variation regime, as suggested by their uniform spatial distribution over the whole investigated period.  相似文献   

The paper analyzes previously published results of studies of detailed records of geomagnetic reversals in sedimentary and volcanic sequences of the Paleozoic in the Siberian and Eastern European platforms. It is shown that the processes of geomagnetic reversals, both in the Early Paleozoic and at the end of this era, are well described by a model in which the transitional field is controlled by an equatorial dipole. During a reversal, this dipole maintained a magnetic field at the Earth’s surface whose intensity amounted to about 20% of the intensity before and after the reversal. The equatorial dipole existed before and during the reversal and was responsible for the deviation from antipodality of paleomagnetic poles of adjacent polarity chrons (the so-called reversal bias). The position of the equatorial dipole axis during the Paleozoic correlates with the supposed geometry of convective motions in the mantle at that time.  相似文献   

The frequency distribution of intervals between Cenozoic geomagnetic reversals approximates a power law, while their occurrence over time shows temporal clustering of short and long intervals. Application of the Aggregate Variance and Absolute Value methods suggest long-range dependence in this time series, a possible indication that the geodynamo operates as a self-organised complex system. This hypothesis may allow the Cretaceous superchron to be considered as an integral part of the ordinary reversal regime attested in the Cenozoic record.  相似文献   

Paleomagnetic records of the Gauss-Matuyama reversal were obtained from two loess sections at Baoji on the Chinese Loess Plateau. Stepwise thermal demagnetization shows two obvious magnetization components. A low-temperature component isolated between 100 and 200–250°C is close to the present geomagnetic field direction, and a high-temperature component isolated above 200–250°C reveals clearly normal, reversed, and transitional polarities. Magnetostratigraphic results of both sections indicated that the Gauss-Matuyama reversal consists of a high-frequency polarity fluctuation zone, but the characteristic remanent magnetization directions during the reversal are clearly inconsistent. Rock magnetic experiments demonstrated that for all the specimens with normal, reversed, and transitional polarities magnetite and hematite are the main magnetic carriers. Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility indicates that the studied loess sediments have a primary sedimentary fabric. Based on virtual geomagnetic pole latitudes, the Gauss-Matuyama reversal records in the two sections are accompanied by 14 short-lived geomagnetic episodes (15 rapid polarity swings) and 12 short-lived geomagnetic episodes (13 rapid polarity swings), respectively. Our new records, together with previous ones from lacustrine, marine, and aeolian deposits, suggest that high-frequency polarity swings coexist with the Gauss-Matuyama reversal, and that the Gauss-Matuyama reversal may have taken more than 11 kyr to complete. However, we need more detailed analyses of sections across polarity swings during reversals as well as more high-resolution reversal records to understand geomagnetic behavior and inconsistent characteristic remanent magnetization directions during polarity reversals.  相似文献   

The data on the amplitude of variations in the direction and paleointensity of the geomagnetic field and the frequency of reversals throughout the last 50 Myr near the Paleozoic/Mesozoic and Mesozoic/Cenozoic boundaries, characterized by peaks of magmatic activity of Siberian and Deccan traps, and data on the amplitude of variations in the geomagnetic field direction relative to contemporary world magnetic anomalies are generalized. The boundaries of geological eras are not fixed in recorded paleointensity, polarity, reversal frequency, and variations in the geomagnetic field direction. Against the background of the “normal” field, nearly the same tendency of an increase in the amplitude of field direction variations is observed toward epicenters of contemporary lower mantle plumes; Greenland, Deccan, and Siberian superplumes; and world magnetic anomalies. This suggests a common origin of lower mantle plumes of various formation times, world magnetic anomalies, and the rise in the amplitude of geomagnetic field variations; i.e., all these phenomena are due to a local excitation in the upper part of the liquid core. Large plumes arise in intervals of the most significant changes in the paleointensity (drops or rises), while no correlation exists between the plume generation and the reversal frequency: times of plume formation correlate with the very diverse patterns of the frequency of reversals, from their total absence to maximum frequencies, implying that world magnetic anomalies, variations in the magnetic field direction and paleointensity, and plumes, on the one hand, and field reversals, on the other, have different sources. The time interval between magmatic activity of a plume at the Earth’s surface and its origination at the core-mantle boundary (the time of the plume rise toward the surface) amounts to 20–50 Myr in all cases considered. Different rise times are apparently associated with different paths of the plume rise, “delays” in the plume upward movement, and so on. The spread in “delay” times of each plume can be attributed to uncertainties in age determinations of paleomagnetic study objects and/or the natural remanent magnetization, but it is more probable that this is a result of the formation of a series of plumes (superplumes) in approximately the same region at the core-mantle boundary in the aforementioned time interval. Such an interpretation is supported by the existence of compact clusters of higher field direction amplitudes between 300 and 200 Ma that are possible regions of formation of world magnetic anomalies and plumes.  相似文献   

Recent analyses of the geomagnetic reversal sequence have led to different conclusions regarding the important question of whether there is a discernible difference between the properties of the two polarity states. The main differences between the two most recent studies are the statistical analyses and the possibility of an additional 57 reversal events in the Cenozoic. These additional events occur predominantly during reverse polarity time, but it is unlikely that all of them represent true reversal events. Nevertheless the question of the relative stabilities of the polarity states is examined in detail, both for the case when all 57 “events” are included in the reversal chronology and when they are all excluded. It is found that there is not a discernible difference between the stabilities of the two polarity states in either case. Inclusion of these short events does, however, change the structure of the non-stationarity in reversal rate, but still allows a smooth non-stationarity. Only 7 of the 57 short events are pre-38 Ma, but the evidence suggests that this is a real geomagnetic phenomenon rather than degradation of the magnetic recording or a bias in observation. This could be tested by detailed magnetostratigraphic and oceanic magnetic surveys of the Paleogene and Late Cretaceous. Overall it would appear that the present geomagnetic polarity timescale for 0–160 Ma is probably a very good representation of the actual history, and that different timescales and additional events now represent only changes in detail.  相似文献   

Reversals and excursions of Earth's geomagnetic field create marker horizons that are readily detected in sedimentary and volcanic rocks worldwide. An accurate and precise chronology of these geomagnetic field instabilities is fundamental to understanding several aspects of Quaternary climate, dynamo processes, and surface processes. For example, stratigraphic correlation between marine sediment and polar ice records of climate change across the cryospheres benefits from a highly resolved record of reversals and excursions. The temporal patterns of dynamo behavior may reflect physical interactions between the molten outer core and the solid inner core or lowermost mantle. These interactions may control reversal frequency and shape the weak magnetic fields that arise during successive dynamo instabilities. Moreover, weakening of the axial dipole during reversals and excursions enhances the production of cosmogenic isotopes that are used in sediment and ice core stratigraphy and surface exposure dating. The Geomagnetic Instability Time Scale (GITS) is based on the direct dating of transitional polarity states in lava flows using the 40Ar/39Ar method, in parallel with astrochronologic age models of marine sediments in which oxygen isotope and magnetic records have been obtained. A review of data from Quaternary lava flows and sediments gives rise to a GITS that comprises 10 polarity reversals and 27 excursions that occurred during the past 2.6 million years. Nine of the ten reversals bounding chrons and subchrons are associated with 40Ar/39Ar ages of transitionally-magnetized lava flows. The tenth, the Gauss-Matuyama chron boundary, is tightly bracketed by 40Ar/39Ar dated ash deposits. Of the 27 well-documented geomagnetic field instabilities manifest as short-lived excursions, 14 occurred during the Matuyama chron and 13 during the Brunhes chron. Nineteen excursions have been dated directly using the 40Ar/39Ar method on transitionally-magnetized volcanic rocks and these form the backbone of the GITS. Excursions are clearly not the rare phenomena once thought. Rather, during the Quaternary period, they occur nearly three times as often as full polarity reversals.  相似文献   

The data that describe the long-term reversing behavior of the geodynamo show strong and sudden changes in magnetic reversal frequency. This concerns both the onset and the end of superchrons and most probably the occurrence of episodes characterized by extreme geomagnetic reversal frequency (>10–15 rev./Myr). To account for the complexity observed in geomagnetic reversal frequency evolution, we propose a simple scenario in which the geodynamo operates in three distinct reversing modes: i—a “normal” reversing mode generating geomagnetic polarity reversals according to a stationary random process, with on average a reversal rate of ~3 rev./Myr; ii—a non-reversing “superchron” mode characterizing long time intervals without reversal; iii—a hyper-active reversing mode characterized by an extreme geomagnetic reversal frequency. The transitions between the different reversing modes would be sudden, i.e., on the Myr time scale. Following previous studies, we suggest that in the past, the occurrence of these transitions has been modulated by thermal conditions at the core-mantle boundary governed by mantle dynamics. It might also be possible that they were more frequent during the Precambrian, before the nucleation of the inner core, because of a stronger influence on geodynamo activity of the thermal conditions at the core-mantle boundary.  相似文献   

The results of comparative analysis of the behavior of paleointensity and polarity (intervals between reversals) of the geomagnetic field for the last 167 Ma are presented. Similarities and differences in the behavior of these characteristics of the geomagnetic field are discussed. It is shown that bursts of paleointensity and long intervals between reversals occurred at high mean values of paleointensity in the Cretaceous and Paleogene. However, there are differences between the paleointensity behavior and the reversal regime: (1) the characteristic times of paleointensity variations are less than the characteristic times of the frequency of geomagnetic reversals, (2) the achievement of maximum values of paleointensity at the Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary and the termination of paleointensity bursts after the boundary of 45–40 Ma are not marked by explicit features in the geomagnetic polarity behavior.  相似文献   

A detailed analysis of the data on the intensity of the geomagnetic dipole and frequency of its reversals presented in the world’s paleointensity databases provided the arguments in favor of the hypothesis of the negative correlation between the average virtual dipole moment (VDM) and the frequency of the reversals on the interval from 5 Ma to 100 Ma ago. However, the statistical confidence level of this hypothesis is only 60–70%, which is far below 95%, the standard required confidence level of a hypothesis to be considered statistically reliable. At a high level of confidence (above 99%), the presence of a positive correlation between the mean value and variance of VDM for a number of intervals of stable polarity in the Cenozoic and Mesozoic is confirmed. This finding means that the distribution of VDM on these time intervals is certainly non-Gaussian and is rather described by the gamma- or lognormal law. At the same time, in contrast to the earlier intervals, the histogram of VDM for the Brunhes epoch is closer to the normal distribution. Compared our conclusions with the published results on the numerical modeling of the geodynamo, we found that they are consistent in terms of a probable negative correlation between the average VDM and reversal frequency, as well as the lack of correlation between the average VDM and the length of the interval of stable polarity.  相似文献   

The diffusion of the dynamo-generated magnetic field into the electrically conducting inner core of the Earth may provide an explanation for several problematic aspects of long-term geomagnetic field behavior. We present a simple model which illustrates how an induced magnetization in the inner core which changes on diffusive timescales can provide a biasing field which could produce the observed anomalies in the time-averaged field and polarity reversals. The Earth's inner core exhibits an anisotropy in seismic velocities which can be explained by a preferred orientation of a polycrystalline aggregate of hexagonal close-packed (hcp) iron, an elastically anisotropic phase. Room temperature analogs of hcp iron also exhibit a strong anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility, ranging from 15 to 40% anisotropy. At inner core conditions the magnetic susceptibility of hcp iron is estimated to be between 10−4 and 10−3 SI. We speculate here that the anisotropy in magnetic susceptibility in the inner core could produce the observed anomalies in the time-averaged paleomagnetic field, polarity asymmetry, and recurring transitional virtual geomagnetic pole (VGP) positions.  相似文献   

The behavior of the dipole magnetic moment of the geomagnetic field during the reversals is considered. By analogy with the reversals of the magnetic field of the Sun, the scenario is suggested in which during the reversal the mean dipole moment becomes zero, whereas the instantaneous value of the dipole magnetic moment remains nonzero and the corresponding vector rotates from the vicinity of one geographical pole to the other. A thorough discussion concerning the definition of the mean magnetic moment, which is used in this concept, is presented. Since the behavior of the geomagnetic field during the reversal is far from stationary, the ensemble average instead of the time average has to be considered.  相似文献   

Polarity zones of sedimentary sections reflect a pattern of alternating polarity of the geomagnetic field recorded by the remanent magnetization of rocks. Unfortunately, this pattern can have been modified by the variable sedimentation rate, which complicates the identification of polarity zones against the reference geomagnetic polarity time scale. To avoid this obstacle, the present paper suggests a transform applied to both the sequence of levels of polarity reversal horizons and the sequence of ages of polarity reversals before computing their cross-correlation. This transform usually reduces the impact of the variable sedimentation rate so that a sequence of more than eight polarity reversal horizons may be identified without biostratigraphic constraints. Numerical experiments involving random processes to simulate both the duration of polarity reversals and the sedimentation rate proved, however, that not all the parts of a hypothetical stratigraphic section spanning the past 165 Ma would be equally suitable for dating by magnetic polarity stratigraphy. A program performing both the compilation of polarity zones from the directions of the primary magnetization sampled along a section and subsequent identification of these polarity zones is made available online.  相似文献   

Marine magnetic anomalies 33 and 34, corresponding to the first two reversals following the long normal polarity interval in the Cretaceous, are anomalously skewed by 30° to 40° throughout the North and South Atlantic. This phenomenon is most likely related to some aspect of the dipole paleomagnetic field. Specifically the magnetic field at the time of anomalies 33 and 34 appears to be characterized by the following: the dipole field gradually decreases in average intensity between reversals and/or there is an increase in the frequency or duration of undetected short polarity events toward the end of long periods (>106 years) of predominantly one polarity. Such long-period trends in the field are in conflict with the popular model for the generation of the earth's magnetic field that treats reversals as a Poisson process and assumes that the core has no memory greater than about 104 years.  相似文献   

The pelagic limestones exposed in the valley of the Cismon river (near Feltre) appear to represent continuous deposition from Valanginian to Campanian, apart from a short hiatus in the Early Albian. Detrital magnetite is the carrier of remanence in these predominantly white-grey limestones, and a well-defined magnetic stratigraphy has been obtained. The Cretaceous quiet zone at Cismon is totally normal in polarity and stretches from Early Aptian to Early Campanian. Below the Lower Aptian, the Early Cretaceous mixed polarity interval is tentatively correlated with the sequence of geomagnetic reversals derived from the oceanic magnetic anomalies.  相似文献   

Paleomagnetic studies of the basalt samples of Mid-Atlantic Ridge recovered during DSDP Leg 45 and the FAMOUS Project have led to a revision of our view of the oceanic igneous crust as a recorder of geomagnetic field reversals. The discovery of several magnetic polarity reversals with depth in the crust has indicated that oceanic igneous basement should not necessarily be considered magnetized uniformly in direction, or even polarity, in a given vertical cross section. Statistical arguments, based on the ratio of the average time of crustal formation to the average length of a magnetic polarity interval, indicate that magnetic reversals with depth are to be expected in typical ocean crust, but also that this does not conflict with current theories of plate tectonics or exclude the upper layers of the crust from making a major contribution to the overlying linear magnetic anomalies. Certain ratios of average crustal formation time to average polarity interval do, however, result in an effective zero magnetization for the oceanic crust and these conditions may be responsible for the reduced amplitude of magnetic anomalies in some areas.  相似文献   

The behavior of the main magnetic field components during a polarity transition is investigated using the α2-dynamo model for magnetic field generation in a turbulent core. It is shown that rapid reversals of the dipole field occur when the helicity, a measure of correlation between turbulent velocity and vorticity, changes sign. Two classes of polarity transitions are possible. Within the first class, termed component reversals, the dipole field reverses but the toroidal field does not. Within the second class, termed full reversals, both dipole and toroidal fields reverse. Component reversals result from long term fluctuations in core helicity; full reversals result from short term fluctuations. A set of time-evolution equations are derived which govern the dipole field behavior during an idealized transition. Solutions to these equations exhibit transitions in which the dipole remains axial while its intensity decays rapidly toward zero, and is regenerated with reversed polarity. Assuming an electrical conductivity of 3 × 105 mho m?1 for the fluid core, the time interval required to complete the reversal process can be as short as 7500 years. This time scale is consistent with paleomagnetic observations of the duration of reversals. A possible explanation of the cause of reversals is proposed, in which the core's net helicity fluctuates in response to fluctuations in the level of turbulence produced by two competing energy sources—thermal convection and segregation of the inner core. Symmetry considerations indicate that, in each hemisphere, helicity generated by heat loss at the core-mantle boundary may have the opposite sign of helicity generated by energy release at the inner core boundary. Random variations in rates of energy release can cause the net helicity and the α-effect to change sign occasionally, provoking a field reversal. In this model, energy release by inner core formation tends to destabilize stationary dynamo action, causing polarity reversals.  相似文献   

The ages of polarity chrons in previous M-sequence magnetic polarity time scales were interpolated using basal sediment ages in suitably drilled DSDP holes. This method is subject to several sources of error, including often large paleontological age ranges. Magnetostratigraphic results have now tied the Early Cretaceous and Late Jurassic paleontological stage boundaries to the M-sequence of magnetic polarity. The numeric ages of most of these boundaries are inadequately known and some have been determined largely by intuition. An examination of relevant data suggests that 114 Ma, 136 Ma and 146 Ma are optimum estimates for the ages of the Aptian/Barremian, Cretaceous/Jurassic and Kimmeridgian/Oxfordian stage boundaries, respectively. Each of these boundaries has a good correlation to the M-sequence of magnetic reversals. The magnetostratigraphic tie-level ages are linearly related to the spreading distance and have been used to calculate a new magnetic polarity time scale for the Early Cretaceous and Late Jurassic. All stage boundaries in this time interval were correlated by magnetic stratigraphy to the proposed new time scale which was then used to estimate their numeric ages. These are, with the approximate relative errors of placement within the M-sequence:The absolute errors of these interpolated stage boundary ages depend on the accuracy of the tie-level ages.  相似文献   

It has been indicated that the Rao-Cramer inequality can be used to estimate the resolvability of intervals with opposite geomagnetic field polarity based on marine anomalies and for measurement planning. Specifically, it has been elucidated that the width of a detected interval of one polarity is determined more exactly than its center.  相似文献   

A method is proposed for quantified structuring of a magnetochronological scale of the Phanerozoic, i.e., the construction of a magnetostratigraphic timescale on the basis of a cumulative function of geomagnetic field asymmetry with regard for the polarity sign. Analysis of the cumulative curve reveals basic characteristic patterns of the field evolution in the Phanerozoic: the reversed polarity being predominant in this epoch, three megachrons of variable polarity are identified against this background: Paleozoic R13 (468-315 Ma), Mesozoic N6 (258-123 Ma), and Cenozoic R10 (83-0 Ma). The megachrons are subdivided into hyper-and superchrons and are separated by single polarity hyperchrons. Most important are changes in the general trend of the polarity bias in the Middle Triassic and at the Paleogene/Cretaceous boundary. Data of fractal and wavelet analyses suggest the presence of two regimes of geomagnetic field generation: chaotically distributed frequent reversals (geodynamo) and a stable polarity.  相似文献   

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