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The effects of thermal and compressional treatment on40Ar-39Ar systematics have been investigated on three artificially heated biotite samples (heated for 1 hour at 700°C and 860°C in air and 700°C in vacuum respectively) and uniaxially compressed granite (p = 1400bar) and basalt samples (p = 1650bar). The40Ar-39Ar results for the disturbed samples are compared with those for undisturbed samples. Except for the vacuum-heating case, the effects of the disturbances may be interpreted as the combined effect of a partial loss of radiogenic40Ar from the sample and an incorporation of air Ar into the sample. Common diagnostic effects are (1) reduction of the total fusion age, (2) distortion of the age spectrum and, if the degree of the partial Ar loss is small, (3) approximate preservation of the isochron age, and (4) reduction of the intercept value (40Ar/36Ar) in the isochron plot.The features observed in the age spectra of artificially disturbed samples are rather common in geologically disturbed samples, suggesting that the artificial disturbances simulate the effects of geological disturbances on40Ar-39Ar systematics.  相似文献   

New strontium isotopic data of calc-alkaline Pliocene-to-Quaternary lavas (southern Peru) confirm their anomalous isotopic composition compared to those of calc-alkaline rocks from active margins where continental crust is not involved. Gradual enrichment of radiogenic Sr occurs during fractional crystallization of calc-alkaline magma. The variation of the isotopic composition of these lavas as well as87Sr/86Sr versus 1/(86Sr) diagrams form the basis for a model involving processes of fractional crystallization combined with mixing and addition of radiogenic Sr that originated in continental crust and was transported by a fluid phase.  相似文献   

Zircons separated from the Cambrian Potsdam sandstone of New York yield four distinct populations which can be defined by a number of analytical techniques. U-Pb isotopic analyses of small samples and monozircons of each population reveal a fine chronology not apparent in milligram-sized sample analysis, and define source area ages of 1180, 1320, 2100 and 2700 m.y. for the Cambrian detrital suite. These ages correspond to well-defined sources in the Superior and Grenville Provinces of the Canadian Shield (2700 and 2100 m.y.) and the well established Grenville age rocks of the Adirondack Mountains (1180 m.y.). The 1320-m.y. age appears to be derived from the Adirondacks, and suggests the existence of pre-Grenville basement in that massif. Our techniques allow the interpretation of the Precambrian history of a large portion of eastern North America from a single sample, and thus should be valuable in the definition of source areas in paleogeographic reconstruction, and in studies of continental crustal evolution.  相似文献   

Ten whole-rock samples from the Tudor Gabbro, Grenville Province, Ontario, Canada have been dated by the KAr method. The ages calculated by the conventional method range from 900 m.y. to 2040 m.y. On an isochron plot, three samples from a sampling site near the northern border of the gabbro lie along a 670-m.y. isochron with an initial40Ar/36Ar ratio of about 17,300 whereas all other samples lie along another 670-m.y. isochron with an initial ratio of about 5000. Although it is not certain yet as to what geological event the isochron age represents, the results clearly demonstrate that the effect of initial argon can be significant even on old samples such as these.  相似文献   

Whole-rock samples of metamorphic and granitic cobbles and boulders from the Kamiaso conglomerate in central Japan yield well-defined RbSr isochron ages of 1985 ± 25 my and 1820 ± 40 my. These ages are the oldest yet obtained for rocks in the Japanese Islands, and provide key evidence for the middle Precambrian metamorphic and igneous events in the provenance of these rocks. The age of 1985 my defined by six samples of quartzo-feldspathic gneiss may be the time of emplacement of the original granitic rocks. The 1820 my age indicates the time of extensive regional metamorphism and igneous activity. Precambrian episodes in the provenance of the Kamiaso conglomerate are summarized as follows: (1) 2000 my — formation of granitic rocks, (2) 1800–1600 my — high grade metamorphism accompanied by igneous activity, (3) 1200–1000 my — some significant thermal event.Judging from rock types and geochronological data, it can be said that metamorphic rocks in the Kamiaso conglomerate are remarkably similar to those of the Matenrei and Nangnim systems in North Korea. The Precambrian complex from which the metamorphic and granitic rocks were derived, was exposed to the north not far from the present site of the Kamiaso conglomerate in the late Paleozoic time, and it was probably a part of the large Precambrian continent in East Asia.  相似文献   

Six samples of metamorphic rocks from three essentially coeval stratigraphic units, two of which contain Precambrian microfossils, have been analyzed by the Rb-Sr whole-rock radiometric method. Least-squares regression of the data yields an isochron date of 934 ± 80m.y. with initial 87Sr/86Sr= 0.7007 ± 0.0011. This date may reflect the approximate age of formation of these rocks or, alternately, a time of major metamorphism. Regardless, the date is significant in that it (a) is in agreement with the 900-m.y. date for rocks containing similar types of fossils from Bitter Springs, Australia, and (b) coupled with structural evidence, supports the time equivalence of these rocks with 1000-m.y. old rocks (“Kibaran cycle”) of Saudi Arabia.  相似文献   

Olivine crystals in mare basalts 12004,8 and 12022,12 are normally zoned with Cr-poor rims. The Ni content of rare 2–10-μm metal inclusions in olivine decreases markedly as Fe/Mg in their immediate olivine hosts increases. Each metal grain appears to have been enclosed by late olivine almost immediately after it crystallized. The fractionation trend for the olivine and metal contrasts with the subsolidus equilibration trend for pallasites. For the basalts, not even local equilibration of Fe, Ni and Co at metal/olivine interfaces can be detected by microprobe. Ni and Co concentrations range from about 300 ppm in olivine cores to about 70 ppm in rims. The limits of detection, at 95% confidence, are 36 ppm (Ni) and 25 ppm (Co). The distribution of Ni and Co in olivine, like that of Mg and Cr, records the depletion of these elements in the melt.Fractional solidification models, using the Ni and Co concentrations of the whole rock, and Ni and Co concentrations of the earliest formed olivine, metal and “opaques” as initial compositions, allow metal and olivine compositions to be predicted if the order of crystallization is known. Conversely the order of crystallization can be established if known olivine and metal compositions are reproduced. Calculated Ni and Co contents for metal and olivine in these basalts correspond to observed concentrations only where metal precipitation is delayed until the liquid has crystallized 4–5 wt.% olivine.  相似文献   

A new analysis of palaeomagnetic data for igneous rocks from Deception Island, 25 de Mayo Island (King George Island) and Cape Spring, are given.K-Ar age determinations indicate that most of the igneous samples from 25 de Mayo Island included in the palaeomagnetic study are of Late Mesozoic/Early Tertiary age. The significance of these palaeomagnetic-radiometric data on the hypothesis of oroclinal bending of the Antarctic Peninsula and on the apparent polar movement of Antarctica is discussed.The positions of palaeomagnetic poles for the Andean igneous complex indicate that there has not been any apparent post-Late Cretaceous/Early Tertiary oroclinal bending in the Antarctic Peninsula from 74°S to 62°S.A comparison of the positions of palaeomagnetic poles for Antarctica and Australia suggests that the direction of apparent polar movement relative to Antarctica reversed after the Miocene.  相似文献   

Comparative UPb dating of zircon, xenotime and monazite from two different samples of the Himalayan “Makalu” granite shows the two U decay series to be in disequilibrium, particularly in monazite. This disequilibrium is due to excess or deficit amounts of radiogenic206Pb which originate from an excess or deficit of230Th, respectively, occurring initially in the mineral. Such an initial disequilibrium is caused by UTh fractionation between the crystallising mineral and the magma. Therefore, the UPb ages of Th-rich minerals such as monazite (and allanite) have to be corrected for excess206Pb due to excess230Th, whereas Th-poor minerals such as zircon and xenotime require a correction for a deficit of206Pb due to deficiency of230Th. The extent of this correction depends on the degree of ThU fractionation and on the age of the rock. For the two monazite populations analysed here, these excess amounts of206Pb were, with reference to the amount of radiogenic206Pb, 8–10% and 15–20% respectively, and less than 1% for zircon and xenotime. The varying degrees of Th enrichment relative to U in monazite show that the ThU partition coefficients for this mineral are not constant within a single granite. Furthermore, for monazite there is evidence for excess amounts of radiogenic207Pb originating from the decay of initial excess231Pa, also enriched during crystal growth.The very low Th/U ratios of 0.196 and 0.167, determined for thetwo whole rocks from which the minerals have been extracted, substantiate the view that granite formation is a fundamental mechanism for ThU fractionation in continental crust.The different ages of 21.9 ± 0.2m.y. and24.0 ± 0.4m.y., obtained by averaging the corrected238U206Pb ages of the monazites, suggest that the apparently homogeneous Makalu granite was generated over a period of at least 2 m.y.  相似文献   

87Rb87Sr analyses of LL chondrites have been made in 10 whole rock meteorites, chondrules from Chainpur (LL3) and Soko Banja (LL4), density separates and chondrules from Guidder (LL5) and density separates from Jelica (LL6) and Ensisheim (LL6). Whole rocks define an isochron of age 4.486±0.020 Ga 87Rb=1.42×10?11a?1) and initial ratio (87Sr/86Sr)I=0.69887±0.00012. This is in agreement with the results for H- and E-type chondrites. Analyses for chondrules from Soko Banja yield a very good isochron of age 4.452±0.020 Ga and strontium initial ratio 0.69954±0.00024, and give an interval for metamorphism of (37±10)×106 a. A more poorly defined isochron is obtained for Jelica; the age is 4.423±0.041 Ga and the strontium initial ratio 0.69959±0.00029, indicating an interval for metamorphism of (70±60)×106 a. No isochron could be obtained for Chainpur. This could be due to terrestrial alteration or to a late isotopic disturbance of the meteorite. The87Rb-87Sr system is also disturbed in Guidder and Ensisheim, probably as a consequence of shock. These results are discussed in comparison with our former studies, and in relation with thermal metamorphism in the LL chondrite parent body(ies).  相似文献   

Rb and Sr concentrations and Sr isotopic composition have been measured in thermo-mineral waters from the Massif Central in France. Rocks and mineral fractions which are thought to be important Sr contributors were also analyzed. The results suggest the waters to be mixtures of two or three components from different reservoirs, which can be associated with possible source rock types like granite and syenodiorite occurring in the region. The strontium isotopic ratios found in the separated minerals of the syenodiorite stratum indicate no chemical fractionation during the water-rock interaction. A RbSr internal isochron age of(265 ± 10) × 106yr is inferred for the Roche d'Enval syenodiorite.  相似文献   

The Sm-Nd systematics of lunar KREEP basalt 15386 reflects two chronologically distinct events in the development of the incompatible element-rich materials of the moon. The measured Sm-Nd mineral isochron of 15386 indicates an age of 3.85 ± 0.08 AE which is consistent with the reported Rb-Sr and39Ar-40Ar ages of many other KREEP-rich samples. This age is interpreted as the time at which 15386 crystallized from a liquid on or near the lunar surface. The frequent occurrence of this age for KREEP-dominated samples, as well as the restricted location of KREEP near major lunar near-side impact basins, suggests that the eruption of these incompatible element-rich liquids was related to deep impact events during the postulated final bombardment phase of the surface of the moon. However, the lower than chrondritic initial143Nd/144Nd of 15386 and the essentially identical Sm-Nd evolution of other KREEP-rich samples require that the light REE enrichment which characterizes KREEP was established considerably before 3.85 AE. Within the limits imposed by model assumptions in the various radiometric systems, it is concluded that the extremely narrow spread of Sm-Nd model ages for these samples around 4.36 AE, and the compatibility of this age with that indicated by the U-Pb and Rb-Sr systems, indicate that the source of later KREEP volcanism was produced in the closing stages of an early global scale lunar differentiation episode.  相似文献   

Conventional K-Ar dating was carried out on mineral separates, mostly plagioclases, from Middle Tertiary volcanics of Sardinia along with paleomagnetic studies. the close agreement of dates from the two methods establishes the rotation age of Sardinia relative to Europe within a rather short time span of 1.5 Ma between 20.5 and 19 Ma. From correlation of our results with the geomagnetic time scale, it is suggested that the rotation took place shortly after the magnetic anomaly 6.  相似文献   

RbSr measurements on the Yatsushiro granite and gneiss, which had been considered stratigraphically to be of possible Precambrian age, are reported. The whole rock isochron for the granite gives an age of 352 ± 8 my with a low initial87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.7037 ± 0.0006. Data for constituent minerals of the granites are dispersed irregularly around the whole rock isochron (possibly by later tectonic events). For the gneiss, a metamorphic event around 410 my is indicated by the muscovite RbSr ages. The present results do not support the possibility that the Yatsushiro granite and gneiss are Precambrian in age.  相似文献   

The quartzo-feldspathic charnockitic orthogneisses within the Bamble sector of the so-called Sveconorwegian (1.2–0.9 b.y.) zone are highly fractionated in K and Rb such that they comprise two chemically contrasting zones — one highly K, Rb-deficient and the other with values of the same order as upper crustal lithologies.Eight series of samples, each collected from single outcrops, have yielded Rb-Sr total rock apparent ages in two distinct groups, at ~1540 and ~1060 m.y. Outcrops in both the K-deficient and normal-K suites have produced examples of each age. The older age relates to the high-grade charnockite event, and the younger to a superimposed low-grade event which occurred at the same time as the intrusion of undeformed granite sheets and pegmatite dikes; one of the granites has yielded an isochron age of 1063 ± 20 m.y. The low-grade event involved only the partial alteration of orthopyroxenes to chlorite and/or serpentine, coupled with some corrosion of biotite; the alterations were initiated along narrow, irregularly spaced, cracks and it was their development which facilitated open system behaviour of the total rock isotopic systems at some localities. The degree of rehomogenisation is a function of the intensity of the secondary alterations.Confirmation of resetting at ~1060 m.y. is given by four mineral + host rock isochrons all yielding ages within error of the age for the intrusive granite; two of these are from outcrops where the rocks retain the older ~1540-m.y. age.The secondary total rock isotopic homogenisation cannot be explained adequately by Rb mobility or by simple mixing with a fluid having its own initial87Sr/86Sr composition. The primary mineralogy may have determined whether individual localities and/or samples suffered net increases or net decreases in87Sr/86Sr.An important implication of the results is that in this, or any similar geological situation, there would be a very real possibility of drawing erroneous conclusions from regionally-collected samples, particularly if the full significance of the later, relatively minor P-T event remained undetected and/or the scale of isotopic (re-)homogenisation, were unknown. It is only because of the methods adopted that it can be stated that there is no isotopic evidence for a high grade Sveconorwegian (Grenvillian) event in this part of southern Norway.  相似文献   

The distribution of Ca and Mg among coexisting olivine, clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene has been studied in a piston-cylinder apparatus in the temperature range 1100–1300°C and pressure range 9–41 kbar. Ca in olivine decreases with increasing pressure and decreasing temperature. The pressure effect is the result of Ca going into the higher-coordination M2 site in clinopyroxene as pressure is increased. For the CaMg exchange reaction between olivine and clinopyroxene, ΔV°=0.249J bar?1 mole?1; this is sufficient for pressure estimates accurate to ±3kbar if temperatures of equilibration are independently known. CaMg exchange between olivine and orthopyroxene is not sufficiently pressure dependent to be used as a geobarometer.Application of the olivine-clinopyroxene geobarometer to coarse garnet lherzolites from southern Africa gives P-T results consistent with a continental geotherm. For spinel lherzolites from southwestern United States, the geotherm appears to be displaced to higher temperatures indicating oceanic affinities. Application of the geobarometer to natural systems requires assumptions about activity relationships in clinopyroxene which should be checked by experiment.  相似文献   

The Abitibi Volcanic Belt in eastern Superior Province of the Canadian Shield is the largest continuous greenstone belt in the world and is a key example of late Archean crust. This belt has, in general, suffered a low intensity of metamorphism and deformation, and, as a result, the stratigraphy and geology are well established. Tholeiitic and calc-alkaline series of igneous rocks are present in this belt in about equal proportions. However, the undersaturated potassic and leucitic volcanics of the Timiskaming Group are a unique feature of this belt.SmNd systematics were determined for twelve Timiskaming volcanic rocks. These rocks show nepheline, diopside and/or olivine plus leucite in the norm and a highly fractionated REE pattern. Sm and Nd concentrations range from 25 to 160 and 45 to 300 times the chondritic abundance, respectively. The Sm and Nd isotopic data yield an isochron age of 2702±105Ma for these volcanic rocks with an initial εNd of +1.9±1.6. This age establishes the Timiskaming alkalic rock to be one of the oldest of their kind. From stratigraphic relations, 2705 Ma is an upper limit for the age and the εNd values of +1.8 to +2.2 at this age for the twelve rocks are also upper limits. Further, this small but positive εNd value for the isochron, when compared to other mantle-derived Archean rocks in the Superior Province, indicates that the Archean mantle was heterogeneous beneath the Canadian Shield and that the Timiskaming alkalic lavas were derived from a depleted mantle.  相似文献   

KAr age determination on whole rocks, biotites, quartz-feldspar separates and pegmatitic muscovites from a small quartz dioritic stock give a complex discordant age pattern. KAr dates from whole rocks and mineral separates define a single 116 my isochron with positive intercept, whereas muscovites from pegmatites fit a 180 my isochron with a probable negative intercept.Both ages are younger than the probable crystallization age of the stock (around 300 my), indicating a complex post-crystallization history. The fit of different mineral phases and whole rocks to a single isochron with positive intercept suggests that a thermal event caused rehomogenization of Ar among different mineral phases.  相似文献   

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