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介绍了一种取出式改进型偏心楔的侧钻方法、工艺措施及侧钻效果。与传统偏心楔侧钻法比较,具有偏孔速度快、可取出斜面岩心、无专程扩孔工序、不留事故隐患、不影响后续绳索取心钻进、偏心楔可重复使用等优点。解决了某矿区ZK901孔在坚硬岩中侧钻处理烧钻事故的关键技术难题。  相似文献   

潘小志 《探矿工程》2020,47(6):42-45
绳索取心钻进中,钻具断脱常会导致内管总成掉入孔内,打捞内管总成无疑是一个非常棘手的问题。本文分析了存在的施工难点及应采取的施工措施,针对2个钻孔不同的实际情况设计的2套内管总成打捞工具,成功把全部裸露于孔内的内管总成打捞上来,避免了钻孔报废,节约了时间,降低了经济损失。实践证明这2种工具是有效的。  相似文献   

新疆西南天山萨尔干矿区地层极其破碎复杂,近年来施工的钻孔多全孔破碎、漏失,钻进过程中时有掉块、卡钻、钻孔坍塌等现象发生,严重时发生孔内事故,施工难度较大。本文结合该区一例钻孔施工案例,介绍了破碎复杂地层取心钢丝绳断裂导致岩心内管脱落,进而引发严重跑钻事故的处理过程以及注意事项。结合现场事故情况,通过导向扩孔钻进等方法有效地处理了该起复杂事故,使钻孔得以顺利终孔,取得了所需地质资料,挽回了经济损失。  相似文献   

鱼群识别是渔业科学和管理上的重要课题之一。本文以海鱼和逥遊鱼的具体研究为例,扼要地阐明鱼耳石的氧、碳稳定同位素成分研究,特别是δ18O和δ13C的关联分析,在鱼群识别方面的效果和应用。鱼耳石是一种存在于真骨鱼类内耳中层状的,矿物成分以文石为主的钙碳酸盐岩结构体。与基因分析方法相比,鱼耳石的氧、碳稳定同位素方法具有两个显著的优点,一是耳石的微结构能提供鱼类不同生长阶段的时间序列和细节;二是耳石的形成机制能提供鱼类生活的周围环境和历史信息。因此,鱼耳石中δ18O和δ13C的关联分析在鱼群识别中发挥着独特的作用。  相似文献   

不对称鱼嘴构造研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
比较对称型鱼嘴构造和不对称鱼嘴构造的形成机制,建立鱼嘴构造类型与剪切作用方式之间的关系,认识到剪切作用方式是产生对称和不对称鱼嘴香构造的外在原因。运用应变分解的原则,提出计算不对称鱼嘴构造纯剪切应变和简单剪切应变的方法,在此基础上提出了计算不对称鱼嘴构造的剪切应变计;并在前人研究基础上,分析了不对称鱼嘴构造的应变折射现象,认识到基质与能干层的粘性差异是产生不对称鱼嘴构造的内在动因,提出了计算相邻介质的粘度比的新方法,在此基础上提出了不对称鱼嘴构造的应变折射流变计。  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - The mechanisms of biogeochemical adaptation of fish to survival in the historically contaminated Imandra Lake were studied. The role of trace elements in the protective...  相似文献   

祁民 《地质与勘探》2009,45(6):676-682
在草原覆盖的勘查盲区,如何选择有效、合理、经济的技术方法组合寻找隐伏的矿产资源,是目前国内外矿产勘查领域共同面临的重要问题.本文以内蒙古镶黄旗道郎和都格矿区为例,采用地质填图、地面高精度磁测、放射性、高密度电法、甚低频、x荧光测量、钻孔等多种方法对研究区进行了初步勘查,结果表明该区存在广阔的铜钨矿找矿前景,其中详细介绍勘查该类型矿床的技术方法与组合顺序特征,实践表明,对应该类型覆盖区,应用地质填图、磁法扫描、Niton荧光仪快速化探测量和高密度电阻率法是有效的方法组合.  相似文献   

内蒙古自治区桌子山煤田赋存着较为稀缺的煤种一焦煤,煤田内存在的火区不仪烧掉了宝贵的焦性煤炭资源,给煤矿生产带来严重的事故隐患,对当地生态环境也造成极大的破坏。经查明区内有26处子火区,分布面积约760万m^2,通过煤田地质特征、煤质特征、地表指示特征、同位素氡气的浓度相对分布特征、物性特征分析了区内煤层发火原因,根据桌子山煤田火区特点,建议采用浅剥、深灌与覆盖相结合的灭火方法,并对火区进行动态监测。  相似文献   

内蒙古中东部草原景观区成矿地质条件有利,但由于风成砂等的覆盖,导致常规地球化学勘查在该地区找矿中受到限制。在内蒙古东乌旗1017高地进行了土壤热磁组分测量、土壤细粒级组分测量和铁锰氧化物态测量方法的对比试验,结果表明,3种方法均能有效地圈出地球化学异常,而且3种方法圈定的异常吻合程度很好。相比较而言,土壤热磁组分测量能够显著提高异常强度,有利于发现微弱的地球化学异常信息,显示出该方法在草原景观区良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

The heavily eutrophicated Limfjorden (Denmark) provides a good illustration of the value of long-term monitoring, especially if this is combined with an experimental, interdisciplinary research approach. Here, we first give a short overview of the environmental status of Limfjorden, including the historical development of nutrient overloading and subsequent oxygen depletion in near-bottom water, and how the annual landings of edible bottom-dwelling fish species (plaice, flounder, eel and others) caught in Limfjorden have decreased from about 2,500 t in the early 1920s to only about 20 t in recent years where the fish have been replaced by an increasing number of especially the moon jellyfish, Aurelia aurita, which mainly preys on zooplankton. Next, we evaluate the ecological consequences of the present high number of jellyfish, based on data from recent years’ research on the abundance of jellyfish, their population dynamics and predation impact. In Limfjorden, the benthic polyp stage of A. aurita ensures a large number of small ephyrae in the early spring and subsequently a large population of adult medusae that control the zooplankton during summer and autumn. The holopelagic invasive ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi, which was observed in Limfjorden for the first time in 2007, is a second carnivore adding additional predation pressure of the indigenous A. aurita so that copepods and other mesozooplankton organisms may be virtually absent, as observed in 2008 and 2009 where ciliates made up a substantial part of the zooplankton biomass. Marine environmental management programmes should be aware of the increasing importance of both indigenous and new invasive jellyfish species that may show mass occurrence in especially eutrophicated and over-fished areas.  相似文献   

To assess possible impacts on Lake Pontchartrain fishes from the 2005 hurricanes, we compared trawl, beach seine, and gillnet collections taken before (2000–2003, 2005) and after (2006–2009) to determine if significant assemblage changes occurred. We also compared basic environmental variables to test for hurricane-related changes. Significant post-hurricane changes in fish assemblages occurred in trawl (analysis of similarity (ANOSIM), R?<?0.090, p?<?0.05) and beach seine (ANOSIM, R?<?0.120, p?<?0.05) collections across all seasons. Gillnet assemblages exhibited changes in only one season (ANOSIM, R?=?0.045, p?<?0.05). These consistently low global R values (all R?<?0.120) across all gears suggest only minor compositional changes in species. When peak abundance periods were compared for individual species, Gulf menhaden (Brevoortia patronus) declined in trawl collections after the hurricanes (Friedman's test, χ 2?=?6.00, p?=?0.014) but increased in gillnet collections (Friedman's test, χ 2?=?5.00, p?=?0.025). Hardhead catfish (Ariopsis felis) increased in trawl collections, but Gulf pipefish (Syngnathus scovelli), naked gobies (Gobiosoma bosc), and rough silverside (Membras martinica) all declined in beach seine samples and Atlantic croakers (Micropogonias undulatus), Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus maculatus), and sand seatrout (Cynoscion arenarius) all declined in gillnet samples. In general, salinity increased and water clarity and dissolved oxygen decreased after the hurricanes. While the overall composition of Lake Pontchartrain fish assemblages remains stable, the significant decline of some species and changes in certain environmental variables are cause for concern. Future monitoring should determine if all elements of this estuary will recover from these impacts.  相似文献   

谈单位内部会计监督制度的建立健全   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
建立健全内部会计监督制度,对于规范单位的会计行为,保证会计资料的真实、完整,提高经济效益,维护社会主义市场经济有着十分重要的意义。论述了内部会计监督制度的内容,提出了保证会计监督制度执行的措施。  相似文献   

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