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Satellite altimetry and GRACE observations carry both the signature of ocean tides and have in general complementary potential to resolve tidal constituents. It is therefore straightforward to perform a combined estimation of a global ocean tide model based on these two data sources. The present paper develops and applies a three step procedure for generating such a combined ocean tide model. First, the processing of multi-mission altimetry data is described along with the harmonic analysis applied to derive initially a pure empirical ocean tide model. Then the capability of GRACE to sense particular tidal constituents is elaborated and an approach to estimate tidal constituents from GRACE is outlined. In a third step a combination strategy with optimal stochastic data treatment is developed and applied to the altimetry-only tide model EOT08a and four years of GRACE observations, leading to the combined model EOT08ag. The differential contributions of GRACE to EOT08ag remain small and are mainly concentrated to the Arctic Ocean, an area with little or poor altimetry data. In comparison with other tide models, EOT08ag is validated by K-band range residuals, the impact on gravity field modelling and on precise orbit determination and by variance reduction of crossover differences. None of these comparison exhibits a significant improvement over the altimetry-only tide model except for a few areas above 60°N. Overall the improvements of the combination remain small and appear to stay below the current GRACE baseline accuracy.  相似文献   

The finite element ocean tide model of Le Provost and Vincent (1986) has been applied to the simulation of the M2 and K1 components over the South Atlantic Ocean. The discretisation of the domain, of the order of 200 km over the deep ocean, is refined down to 15 km along the coasts, such refinement enables wave propagation and damping over the continental shelves to be correctly solved. The marine boundary conditions, from Dakar to Natal, through the Drake passage and from South Africa to Antarctica, are deduced from in situ data and from Schwiderski’s solution and then optimised following a procedure previously developed by the authors. The solutions presented are in very good agreement with in situ data: the root mean square deviations from a standard subset of 13 pelagic stations are 1.4 cm for M2 and 0.45 cm for K1, which is significantly better overall than solutions published to date in the literature. Zooms of the M2 solution are presented for the Falkland Archipelago, the Weddell Sea and the Patagonian Shelf. The first zoom allows detailing of the tidal structure around the Falklands and its interpretation in terms of a stationary trapped Kelvin wave system. The second zoom, over the Weddell Sea, reveals for the first time what must be the tidal signal under the permanent ice shelf and gives a solution over that sea which is generally in agreement with observations. The third zoom is over the complex Patagonian Shelf. This zoom illustrates the ability of the model to simulate the tides, even over this area, with a surprising level of realism, following purely hydrodynamic modelling procedures, within a global ocean tide model. Maps of maximum associated tidal currents are also given, as a first illustration of a by-product of these simulations.  相似文献   

The vertical thermohaline structure in the western equatorial Pacific is examined with a Gravest Empirical Mode (GEM) diagnosis of in-situ mooring measurements. The poor GEM performance in estimating deep thermohaline variability from satellite altimetry confirms a lack of vertical coherence in the equatorial ocean. Mooring observation reveals layered equatorial water with phase difference up to 6 months between thermocline and sub-thermocline variations. The disjointed layers reflect weak geostrophy and resemble pancake structures in non-rotating stratified turbulence. A coherency theorem is then proved, stating that traditional stationary GEM represents in-phase coherent structure and can not describe vertically out-of-phase variability. The fact that stationary GEM holds both spatial and temporal coherence makes it a unique tool to diagnose vertical coherent structure in geophysical flows. The study also develops a non-stationary GEM projection that captures more than 40% of the thermohaline variance in the equatorial deep water.  相似文献   

3/He4He measurements at two stations in the Atlantic show that the deep water (> 2 km) contains far less excess3He than our previous measurements have shown for the Pacific Ocean. The3/He4He ratio anomaly (relative to atmospheric3/He4He) is approximately 5% for the deep Atlantic compared to about 20% for the deep Pacific. The North Atlantic3He profile shows much more structure than the South Atlantic profile, with maxima observed at 500 m, 1900 m, and 3200 m. The maxima at 500 m and 1900 m are probably due to in situ tritium decay, whereas the 3200 m maximum cannot be due to tritium, and is probably due to leakage of3He into the Atlantic water from the mantle. It seems significant that maxima in the trace elements Cu, Zn and Fe have also been observed at 3200 m at this station by Brewer, Spencer and Robertson.  相似文献   

A regional model of tides in the Eastern North Pacific Ocean is developed through the use of inversion with two-dimensional finite element codes. Since global tide models are least accurate in coastal environments, modeling tides on a regional scale allows tidal propagation and interaction along the coast to be more accurately represented. In this respect, a regional model can act as a liaison between open ocean dynamics and physical processes more pertinent to coastal systems. The region of interest in this study extends from the Aleutian Islands to Southern California and includes deep ocean, continental shelf, and shallow water features. Boundary conditions are determined from nonlinear inversion of harmonic data from both shallow water and deep ocean tide gauges. Spatial patterns of amplitudes and phases from the model are examined for major constituents. Results are also compared to global tide models at selected stations.  相似文献   

卫星测高混合边值问题的球谐级数解法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
研究了球界面下卫星测高问题的解法,利用有限逼近方法得到了下列结论:若陆地部分是球冠,则卫星测高问题的解可以转换成关于球谐级数位系数的线性方程组,并且位系数的阶和次是以分离形式出现的,从而确保该解法具有实用意义. 利用重力场360阶模型进行模拟计算的结果表明:该解法得到的位系数的相对精度达到了10-11. 同时证明了常用的Stokes问题、Dirichlet问题、Neumann问题可以看成卫星测高问题的特殊情况.  相似文献   

Total dissolved chromium concentrations have been determined for four vertical profiles from Baffin Bay, the Labrador Sea and the northwest Atlantic Ocean. Chromium concentrations of 3.3 to 5.2 nM are found. While the vertical distribution of chromium in the study area is largely controlled by advective processes, the profiles show a small depletion in surface water with increase to a more constant level at depth. Surface depletion and correlations between chromium and nutrients indicate biogeochemical cycling of chromium. At one station, close to the Gibbs fracture zone, a distinct chromium maximum is observed. This feature centred at 3200 m is deeper than the core of the ambient water mass which is advected westward from the Eastern Basin of the Atlantic Ocean through the Gibbs fracture zone.  相似文献   

A230Th profile (dissolved + particulate) measured in the eastern central Atlantic at 24°45′N, 26°57′W displays a linear increase with depth. Values range between 0.2 dpm230Th/104 l at the surface and 2.0 dpm230Th/104 l at 4000 m. This concentration is 5 times lower than total230Th in the central Pacific and is similar to230Th measured on suspended matter in the Pacific and Indian Ocean. The lower concentration in the eastern Atlantic must either reflect a higher scavenging activity at the West African margin or be a consequence of a higher particle flux through the water column, yielding an average settling velocity of particulate matter of 6.2 × 10−3 cm/s.Despite the lower concentration, the equilibrium coefficient between dissolved and adsorbed230Th is similar to the one derived for the central Pacific. This shows that the equilibrium model for230Th scavenging from the water column derived by Nozaki et al. [1] and Bacon and Anderson [2] applies as well in the eastern Atlantic.  相似文献   

Ocean Dynamics - The sea level observations from satellite altimetry are characterised by a sparse spatial and temporal coverage. For this reason, along-track data are routinely interpolated into...  相似文献   

We have used in-situ pumps which filter large volumes of sea water through a 1 μm cartridge prefilter and two MnO2-coated cartridges to obtain information on dissolved and particulate radionuclide distributions in the oceans. Two sites in the northwest Atlantic show subsurface maxima of the fallout radionuclides137Cs,239,240Pu and241Am. Although the processes of scavenging onto sinking particles and release at depth may contribute to the tracer distributions, comparison of predicted and measured water column inventories suggests that at least 35–50% of the Pu and241Am are supplied to the deep water by advection.The depth distributions of the naturally occurring radionuclides232Th,228Th and230Th reflect their sources to the oceans.232Th shows high dissolved concentrations in surface waters, presumably as a result of atmospheric or riverine supply. Activities of232Th decrease with depth to values 0.01 dpm/1000 l.228Th shows high activities in near surface and near bottom water, due to the distribution of its parent,228Ra. Dissolved230Th, produced throughout the water column from234U decay, increases with depth to 3000 m. Values in the deep water (> 3000 m) are nearly constant ( 0.6–0.7 dpm/1000 l), and the distribution of this tracer (and perhaps other long-lived particle-reactive tracers as well) may be affected by the advection inferred from Pu and241Am data.The ratio of particulate to dissolved activity for both230Th and228Th is 0.15–0.20. This similarity precludes the calculation of sorption rate constants using a simple model of reversible sorption equilibrium. Moreover, in mid-depths228Th tends to have a higher particulate/dissolved ratio than230Th, suggesting uptake and release of230Th and228Th by different processes. This could occur if228Th, produced in surface water, were incorporated into biogenic particles formed there and released as those particles dissolved or decomposed during sinking.230Th, produced throughout the water column, may more closely approach a sorption equilibrium at all depths.230Th,241Am and239,240Pu are partitioned onto particles in the sequence Th > Am > Pu with 15% of the230Th on particles compared with 7% for Am and 1% for Pu. Distribution coefficients (Kd) are 1.3–1.6 × 107 for Th, 5–6 × 106 for Am and 7–10 × 105 for Pu. The lower reactivity for Pu is consistent with analyses of Pu oxidation states which show 85% oxidized (V + VI) Pu. However, theKd value for Pu may be an upper limit because Pu, like228Th, may be incorporated into particles in surface waters and released at depth only by destruction of the carrier phase.  相似文献   

The iodine content of marine suspended matter obtained from thirteen stations in the Atlantic between 75°N and 55°S has been measured. The concentration of particulate iodine is high in the surface, up to 127 ng/kg of seawater being observed. Below the euphotic zone, it drops sharply to 1–2 ng/kg. The iodine-containing particles are probably biogenic. A simple box-model calculation shows that only 3% of the particulate iodine produced in the surface water may reach the deep sea and that the residence time of these particles in the surface water is about 0.1 year.  相似文献   

The Kane fracture zone has been traced as a distinct topographic trough from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near 24°N to the 80-m.y. B.P. isochron (magnetic anomaly 34) on either side of the ridge axis for a total of approximately 2800 km. Major changes in trend of the fracture zone occur at approximately 72 m.y. B.P. (anomaly 31 time) and approximately 53–63 m.y. B.P. (anomaly 21–25 time) which are the result of major reorientations in spreading directions in the central Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

We have determined the dry weight of suspended particulate matter in seawater in a section through the western Atlantic Ocean from 75°N to 52°S. The concentrations, operationally defined as that weight retained on 0.6-μm and 0.4-μm pore size Nuclepore filters, contained in 1 kg of seawater, range from 5 to 300 μg/kg and show readily explainable regional features. High concentrations are found in surface waters and in association with radpidly moving bottom waters in the Denmark Straits overflow and in Antarctic bottom waters to 15°S. Low concentrations, <12 μg/kg, characterize the mid-water regions of the sub-tropical gyres. High concentrations are seen in sinking Labrador Sea water and in a plume extending at least a kilometer off the bottom at 35°N–40°N where the cruise track intersects the North Atlantic gyre. It is doubtful whether this important phenomenon could be observed by any means other than through particulate observations, either optical or gravimetric, and this provides a unique insight into the scale of vertical turbulent processes.  相似文献   

Our goal is to determine vertical crustal movement rates from tide gauge and satellite altimetry measurements. Tide gauges measure sea level, but as they are fixed to the crust, they sense both sea surface height variations and vertical crustal movements. The differential sea level rates of sufficiently nearby stations are a good means to determine differential crustal movement rates, when sea level height variations can be assumed to be homogeneous. Satellite altimetric measurements determine sea surface height variations directly and can be used to separate the crustal signal from the sea surface height variations in tide gauge measurements. The correction of the tide gauge sea level rates for the sea surface height contribution requires collocation of the satellite pass and the tide gauge station. We show that even if this is not the case, the satellite altimetric observations enable correction of differential tide gauge rates for the effects of sea surface rate inhomogeneities.  相似文献   

方益志  薛梅 《地震学报》2021,43(2):204-214
本文对大西洋中北部两侧五个地震台站2015年记录到的地震数据进行处理,计算噪声功率谱密度和概率密度函数,并通过极化分析对双频微地动不同周期的主导源区方位角分布进行了分析.研究结果显示:大西洋中北部台站双频微地动发生显著分裂,各台站的峰值周期各不同,且来自相同方向和不同方向的双频微地动都有可能产生双频微地动分裂;大西洋中...  相似文献   

A knowledge of the vertical component of the oceanic tidal load to a precision of at least one microgal is essential for the geophysical exploitation of the high-precision absolute and differential gravity measurements which are being made at ground level and in deep boreholes. On the other hand the ocean load and attraction signal contained in Earth tide gravity measurements can be extracted with a precision which is sufficient to characterize the behaviour of the oceanic tides in different basins and this provides a check of the validity of the presently proposed cotidal maps. The tidal gravity profiles made since 1971 from Europe to Polynesia, through East Africa, Asia and Australia, with correctly intercalibrated gravimeters, comprise information from 91 tidal gravity stations which is used in this paper with this goal in mind.A discussion of all possible sources of error is presented which shows that at the level of 0.5 μgal the observed effects cannot be ascribed to computational or instrumental errors. Cotidal maps which generate computed loads in agreement with the Earth tide gravity measurements over a sufficiently broad area can be used with confidence as a working standard to apply tidal corrections to high-precision measurements made by using new techniques in geodesy, geophysics and geodynamics, satellite altimetry, very long baseline interferometry, Moon and satellite laser ranging and absolute gravity. The recent cotidal maps calculated by Schwiderski for satellite altimetry reductions agree very well with land-based gravimeter observations of the diurnal components of the tides (O1, K1 and P1 waves) but his semi-diurnal component maps (M2, S2 and N2 waves) strangely appear less satisfactory in some large areas. The maps of Hendershott and Parke give good results in several large areas but not everywhere. More detailed investigations are needed not only for several coastal stations but mainly in the Himalayas.  相似文献   

Ocean Dynamics - Accurate simulations of significant wave height (Hs) are extremely important for the safety of navigation, port operations, and oil and gas exploration. Thus, accurate forecasts of...  相似文献   

Successful development of geodetic satellite missions has aroused new interest in determining global and regional gravity field based on satellite data. Satellite altimetry data enable direct determination of the geoid over sea regions. In Egypt, where land and marine geophysical data are inadequate because of rough topography and economic reasons, the use of satellite altimetry data is of special importance. The northern Red Sea region has been selected as a site for case study of the current research, after applying spectral analysis to reveal near-surface structure, the residual geoid of the studied region shows a good correlation with the known geologic features. Moreover, satellite-based gravity data enhance small-scale features and agrees well with land and marine gravity data. Thus, geoid undulation and satellite gravity data can be a complementary source of data to determine near-surface and deep structures.  相似文献   

G. Chen  R. Ezraty 《Annales Geophysicae》1997,15(11):1478-1488
It is becoming well known that aliasing associated with ocean tides could be a major source of systematic error in altimeter sea-level measurements, due to asynoptic sampling and imperfect tide modelling. However, it has been shown that signals of non-tidal origin may also contribute significantly to the observed aliasing. In this paper, numerical simulations are performed to demonstrate the full aliasing potential associated with altimeter observations of seasonal sea-level variability and annual Rossby waves. Our results indicate that ignorance of non-tidal aliasing may lead to the possibility of underestimating the total aliasing and misinterpreting or overlooking existing geophysical phenomena. Therefore, it is argued that an entire aliasing picture should be kept in mind when satellite altimeter data are analysed.  相似文献   

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