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A moderately violent phreatomagmatic explosive eruption of Taal Volcano, Philippines, occurred from 28 to 30 September, 1965. The main phreatic explosions, which were preceded by ejection of basaltic spatter, opened a new crater 1.5 km long and 0.3 km wide on the southwest side of Volcano Island in Lake Taal. The eruption covered an area of about 60 square kilometers with a blanket of ash more than 25 cm thick and killed approximately 200 persons. The clouds that formed during the explosive eruption rose to heights of 15 to 20 km and deposited fine ash as far as 80 km west of the vent. At the base of the main explosion column, flat, turbulent clouds spread radially, with hurricane velocity, transporting ash, mud, lapilli and blocks. The horizontally moving, debris-laden clouds, sandblasted trees, coated the blast side of trees and houses with mud, and deposited coarse ejecta with dune-type bedding in a zone roughly 4 km in all directions from the explosion crater.  相似文献   

We present results from a numerical investigation of subaqueous eruptions involving superheated steam released through a lake mimicking the volcanic setting at Mt. Ruapehu. The simulations were conducted using an adaptive mesh, multi-material, hydrodynamics code with thermal conduction SAGE, (Simple Adaptive Grid Eulerian). Parameters investigated include eruption pressure, lake level and mass of superheated vapor. The simulations produced a spectrum of eruption styles from vapor cavities to radial jets that resulted in hazards that ranged from small-scale waves to high amplitude surges that reached and cascaded over the edge of the crater rim. There was an overall tendency for lake surface activity to increase (including wave amplitude) with increasing mass of superheated vapor and eruption pressure. Surface waves were induced by the formation and collapse of a gas cavity. The collapse of the cavity is considered to play a major role in the characteristic features observed during a subaqueous eruption. The additional mass of superheated vapor produced a larger cavity that displaced a larger area of the lake surface resulting in fast moving surges upon the collapse of the cavity. High lake levels (>90 m) appear to suppress the development of explosive jetting activity when eruption pressures are <10 MPa. At very large eruption pressures (>10 MPa), vertical jets and radial ejections of steam and water can occur in water depths >90 m. Less explosive eruption styles can produce hazardous events such as lahars by the outward movement of surface waves over the crater rim.  相似文献   

Concentrations of chloride and sulfate and pH in the hot crater lake (Laguna Caliente) at Poás volcano and in acid rain varied over the period 1993–1997. These parameters are related to changes in lake volume and temperature, and changes in summit seismicity and fumarole activity beneath the active crater. During this period, lake level increased from near zero to its highest level since 1953, lake temperature declined from a maximum value of 70°C to a minimum value of 25°C, and pH of the lake water increased from near zero to 1.8. In May 1993 when the lake was nearly dry, chloride and sulfate concentrations in the lake water reached 85,400 and 91,000 mg l−1, respectively. Minimum concentrations of chloride and sulfate after the lake refilled to its maximum volume were 2630 and 4060 mg l−1, respectively. Between January 1993 and May 1995, most fumarolic activity was focused through the bottom of the lake. After May 1995, fumarolic discharge through the bottom of the lake declined and reappeared outside the lake within the main crater area. The appearance of new fumaroles on the composite pyroclastic cone coincided with a dramatic decrease in type B seismicity after January 1996. Between May 1995 and December 1997, enhanced periods of type A seismicity and episodes of harmonic tremor were associated with an increase in the number of fumaroles and the intensity of degassing on the composite pyroclastic cone adjacent to the crater lake. Increases in summit seismic activity (type A, B and harmonic tremor) and in the height of eruption plumes through the lake bottom are associated with a period of enhanced volcanic activity during April–September 1994. At this time, visual observations and remote fumarole temperature measurements suggest an increase in the flux of heat and gases discharged through the bottom of the crater lake, possibly related to renewed magma ascent beneath the active crater. A similar period of enhanced seismic activity that occurred between August 1995 and January 1996, apparently caused fracturing of sealed fumarole conduits beneath the composite pyroclastic cone allowing the focus of fumarolic degassing to migrate from beneath the lake back to the 1953–1955 cone. Changes in the chemistry of summit acid rain are correlated changes in volcanic activity regardless of whether fumaroles are discharging into the lake or are discharging directly into the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Besides their common use in atmospheric studies, Doppler radars are promising tools for the active remote sensing of volcanic eruptions but were little applied to this field. We present the observations made with a mid-power UHF Doppler radar (Voldorad) during a 7-h Strombolian eruption at the SE crater of Mount Etna on 11–12 October 1998. Main characteristics of radar echoes are retrieved from analysis of Doppler spectra recorded in the two range gates on either side of the jet axis. From the geometry of the sounding, the contribution of uprising and falling ejecta to each Doppler spectrum can be discriminated. The temporal evolution of total power backscattered by uprising targets is quite similar to the temporal evolution of the volcanic tremor and closely reproduces the overall evolution of the eruption before, during and after its paroxysm. Moreover, during the sharp decrease of eruptive activity following the paroxysm, detailed analysis of video (from camera recording), radar and seismic measurements reveals that radar and video signals start to decrease simultaneously, approximately 2.5 min after the tremor decline. This delay is interpreted as the ascent time through a magma conduit of large gas slugs from a shallow source roughly estimated at about 500 m beneath the SE crater. Detailed analysis of eruptive processes has been also made with Voldorad operating in a high sampling rate mode. Signature of individual outburst is clearly identified on the half part of Doppler spectra corresponding to rising ejecta: temporal variations of the backscattered power exhibit quasi periodic undulations, whereas the maximum velocity measured on each spectrum displays a sharp peak at the onset of each outburst followed by a slow decay with time. Periodicity of power variations (between 3.8 and 5.5 s) is in agreement with the occurrence of explosions visually observed at the SE vent. Maximum vertical velocities of over 160 m s–1 were measured during the paraoxysmal stage and the renewed activity. Finally, by using a simplified model simulating the radar echoes characteristics, we show that when Voldorad is operating in high sampling rate mode, the power and maximum velocity variations are directly related to the difference in size and velocity of particles crossing the antenna beam.Editorial responsibility: A. Woods  相似文献   

The initial phase of the eruption forming Ukinrek Maars during March and April 1977 were explosions from the site of West Maar. These were mainly phreatomagmatic and initially transitional to strombolian. Activity at West Maar ceased after three days upon the initiation of the East Maar. The crater quickly grew by strong phreatomagmatic explosions. During the first phases of phreatomagmatic activity at East Maar, large exotic blocks derived from a subsurface till were ejected. Ballistic studies indicate muzzle velocities for these blocks of 80–90 m s−1.Phreatomagmatic explosions ejected both juvenile and non-juvenile material which formed a low rim of ejecta (< 26 mhigh) around the crater and a localized, coarse, wellsorted (σφ = 1−1.5) juvenile and lithic fall deposit. Other fine ash beds, interstratified with the coarse beds, are more poorly sorted (σφ = 2−3) and are interpreted as fallout of wet, cohesive ash from probably milder phases of activity in the crater. Minor base surge activity damaged trees and deposited fine ash, including layers plastered on vertical surfaces. Viscous basalt lava appeared in the center of the East Maar crater almost immediately and a lava dome gradually grew in the crater despite phreatomagmatic eruptions adjacent to it.The development of these maars appears to be mainly controlled by gradual collapse of crater and conduit walls, and blasting-out of the slumped debris by phreatomagmatic explosions when rising magma contacted groundwater beneath the regional water table and a local perched aquifer.Ballistic analysis on the ejected blocks indicates a maximum muzzle velocity of 100–150 m s-1, values similar to those obtained from other ballistic studies on maar ejecta.  相似文献   

Karymskii Volcano typically shows explosive activity with great variations in the frequency and energy of explosions. This is demonstrated here for three time segments of the volcano’s activity (1970–1973, 1976–1980, and 1996–2000). We examine various types of seismic and acoustic emission as controlled by crater morphology and the character of activity. The explosion funnels migrated over the crater area, and the 1976 effusive-explosive eruption occurred at two centers of lava flow effusion; this is here explained by the fact that magma as it was moving along the conduit was stratified to form a set of vertical filaments. The shape of shock waves in air recorded in August 2011 favors the hypothesis that the leading explosive mechanism during that period was a fragmentation wave that was produced in a gas-charged, viscous, porous magma during decompression. One notices that the shape of some shock waves in air recorded in 2011 indicates the occurrence of air blasts above the crater. The air blasts may have been caused by combustible volcanic gases such as carbon monoxide and hydrogen (CO and H2), which entered the atmosphere in sufficient amounts.  相似文献   

During the 2000 activity of Miyake-jima volcano, Japan, we detected long period seismic signals with initial pulse widths of 1-2 s, accompanied by infrasonic pulses with almost the same pulse widths. The seismic signals were observed from 13 July 2000, a day before the second summit eruption. The occurrences of the seismic signals were intermittent with a gradual increase in their magnitudes and numbers building toward a significant explosive eruption on 18 August. After the eruption, the seismic and infrasonic events ceased. The results of a waveform inversion show that the initial motions were excited by an isotropic inflation source beneath the south edge of the caldera at a depth of 1.4 km. On the other hand, the sources of the infrasonic pulses were located in the summit caldera area. The times at which the infrasonic pulses were emitted at the surface were delayed by about 3 s from the origin times of the seismic events. It is suggested that small isotropic inflations excited seismic waves in the crust and simultaneously caused acoustic waves that traveled in the conduit and produced infrasonic pulses at the crater bottom. Considering the observed time differences and gas temperatures emitted from the vent, the conduit should have been filled with vapor mixed with SO2 gas and volcanic ash. The change of the time differences between the seismic and infrasonic signals suggests that the seismic source became shallower within half a day before the August 18 explosive eruption. We interpret the source process as a fragmentation process of magma in which gas bubbles burst and quickly released part of the pressure that had been sustained by the tensional strength of magma.  相似文献   

Augustine, an island volcano in Lower Cook Inlet, southern Alaska, erupted in January, 1976, after 12 years of dormancy. By April, when the eruptions ended, a new lava dome had been extruded into the summit crater and about 0.1 km3 of pyroclastics had been deposited on the island, mainly as pyroclastic debris avalanches and pumice flows. The ventclearing phase in January was highly explosive and we have been able to document 13 major vulcanian eruptions.The timing, thermal energy, mass loading of fine particles and the horizontal dispersion of these eruption clouds were determined from radar measurements of cloud height, reports of pilots flying in plumes, satellite photography, seismic records and infrasonic detection of air waves. A lower estimate of the mass of fine (r < 68 μm) particles injected into the troposphere from the 13 main eruptions in January is 5.5–18 × 1012 g. The corresponding mass loading of fine particles within individual eruption clouds is 0.3–1 g m−3. We calculated thermal energies of 4 × 1014 to 35 × 1014 J for individual eruptions by applying convective plume rise theory to observed cloud heights and seismically determined eruption durations. This energy range compares favorably with the 4–16 × 1014 J of thermal energy, calculated from the cooling of juvenile material contained in a typical eruption cloud.The vulcanian eruption clouds stayed intact for at least 700 km downwind. Satellite images in both visible and infrared wavebands, showing the Gulf of Alaska just after sunrise on January 23, reveal a series of puffs strung out downwind from the volcano, 20–30 km in diameter and with their tops at altitudes of about 8 km, overlying a continuous plume at altitude 4 km. Each puff corresponded to a seismically and infrasonically timed eruption. A substantial portion of the material injected into the atmosphere between January 22 and 25 was rapidly transported by the subpolar jet stream through southwestern Canada and the western United States, then northeast across the States into the Atlantic. The clouds were observed passing over Tucson, Arizona, on January 25 at an elevation of 7 km.Several of the eruptions penetrated into the stratosphere. Sun photometer measurements, taken at Mauna Loa, Hawaii, six weeks after the eruption, showed an increased stratospheric optical thickness of 0.01 (wavelength 0.5 μm), which decayed in about 5 months. The maximum column mass loading of the veil was 4–10 × 10−7 g cm−2. The mass of the veil, spread-ever a fourth of the earth's surface, is 10 to 100 times larger than can be accounted for by assuming that injected ash and converted sulfate particles from the 13 main Augustine eruptions are the only components contributing to the stratospheric turbidity observed at Mauna Loa.  相似文献   

Vulcanian-type eruptive activity has occurred from the summit crater of Sakurajima volcano, Japan, since 1955. Over this period, harmonic tremors have commonly occurred either several hours after swarms of B-type earthquakes (herein termed HTB: Harmonic Tremor following B-type earthquake swarm) or immediately after explosive eruptions (herein termed HTE: Harmonic Tremor after an Eruption). In this study, we analyzed the spectra and particle motions of HTBs and HTEs. Both HTBs and HTEs have spectra with peaks at fundamental frequencies and higher frequencies that are integer multiples of the fundamental frequencies. The peak frequencies of HTBs remained within a certain range, whereas those of HTEs showed a gradual increase. The spectra of an HTB that occurred on 20 July 1990 had stable fundamental frequencies of 1.46–1.66 Hz and at least 9 peaks of higher modes; in contrast, the HTE that occurred 3 minutes after an explosive eruption at 11 h 15 m (JST) on 11 October 2002 showed clear frequency gliding from 0.8 to 3.7 Hz in the fundamental mode. The peak frequencies of higher modes of the HTE also showed an increase corresponding to the shift of the fundamental mode towards a higher frequency. Particle motion analysis mainly identified Rayleigh waves from the prograde elliptical motion at the deepest borehole station (HAR) and retrograde motions at the other shallower stations. Love waves were dominant at the stations north and south of the crater. The distribution patterns of Rayleigh and Love waves of HTBs are similar to those of HTEs. The nature of the dominant surface waves of both HTBs and HTEs suggest that the sources of harmonic tremors are located at a shallow depth, corresponding to a gas pocket in the uppermost part of the volcanic conduit. Differences in the temporal characteristics of the HTB and HTE spectra reflect the internal condition of the gas pocket: HTBs are associated with inflation of the conduit, whereas HTEs occur following an eruption, associated with deflationary ground deformation. HTBs are caused by resonance of the gas pocket embedded beneath the lava dome. Although HTEs occur within the open conduit, the small size of vents enables resonance within the bubbly magma conduit. The positive gliding of dominant peaks toward higher frequencies is interpreted to result from shortening of the bubbly magma conduit due to a rise in the bubble nucleation level; this rise results from the re-pressurization that accompanies the ascent of magma from deep within the reservoir.  相似文献   

The maximum height attained by a volcanic eruption cloud is principally determined by the convective buoyancy of the mixture of volcanic gas + entrained air + fine-sized pyroclasts within the cloud. The thermal energy supplied to convection processes within an eruption cloud is derived from the cooling of pyroclastic material and volcanic gases discharged by an explosive eruption. Observational data from six recent eruptions indicates that the maximum height attained by volcanic eruption clouds is positively correlated with the rate at which pyroclastic material is produced by an explosive eruption (correlation coefficient r = + 0.97). The ascent of industrial hot gas plumes is also governed by the thermal convection process. Empirical scaling relationships between plume height and thermal flux have been developed for industrial plumes. Applying these scaling relationships to volcanic eruption clouds suggests that the rate at which thermal energy is released into the atmosphere by an explosive eruption increases in an approximately linear manner as an eruption's pyroclastic production rate increases.  相似文献   

The 1977–1978 eruption of Usu volcano is discussed from the geophysical standpoint as a classic example of dacite volcanism. The activities of dacitic volcanoes are characterized by persistent earthquake swarms and remarkable crustal deformations due to the high viscosity of the magmas; the former include shocks felt near the volcanoes and the latter accompany formation of lava domes or cryptodomes.The hypocenters of the earthquakes occurring beneath Usu volcano have been located precisely. Their distribution defines an earthquake-free zone which underlies the area of doming within the summit crater. This zone is regarded as occupied by viscous magma. The domings within the summit crater forming the cryptodomes have amounted to about 160 m. In addition to uplift they showed thrusting towards the northeast. As a result, the northeastern foot of the volcano has contracted by about 150 m. The relation between crustal deformation and earthquake occurrence is examined, and it is found that the abrupt domings are accompanied by the larger earthquakes (M = 3–4.3). Both the seismic activity and the ground deformation are shown to have a unique and common energy source.The energy of activities of Usu volcano consists of the explosive type, the deformation type and the seismic type; the second and the third are in parallel with each other in discharges, and both energies are complementary to the explosive energy. The explosive energy and the seismic energy have been calculated for an explosion sequence, and it is concluded that the deformation energy is about 10 times greater than the seismic energy. The discharge rate of the seismic energy and the upheaval rates of the cryptodomes have continued to decrease since the outburst of the eruption, except for a small increase at the end of January 1978. Eruptions are governed not only by the supply of the energies but also by the depth of the magma, which has gradually approached the surface. The last eruption occurred in October 1978; however, the crustal deformations and the earthquake swarms are still proceeding as of January 1980, albeit at a lower rate of activity.  相似文献   

Eighteen digital AVHRR (advanced very high resolution radiometer) data sets from NOAA-6 and NOAA-9 polar-orbiting satellites recorded between 27 March and 7 April 1986 depict the eruptive activity of Augustine volcano, located 280 km SW of Anchorage, Alaska. The synoptic view (resolution of either 1.1 or 4.4 km), frequent coverage (often twice a day), and multispectral coverage (five bands: 0.58–0.68; 0.72–1.1; 3.55–3.93; 10.5–11.3; and 11.5–12.5 m) makes the AVHRR broadly applicable to analyzing explosive eruption clouds. The small scale of the Augustine activity (column heights of 2–13 km and eruption rates of 2x106–8x107 metric tonnes/day) facilitated intensive multispectral study because the plumes generally covered areas within the 550x550 km area of one easily manipulated image field. Hourly ground weather data and twice-daily radiosonde measurements from stations surrounding the volcano plus numerous volcanological observations were made throughout the eruption, providing important ground truth with which to calibrate the satellite data. The total erupted volume is estimated to be at least 0.102 km3. The pattern of changing eruption rates determined by satellite observations generally correlate with more detailed estimates of explosion magnitudes. Multispectral processing techniques were used to distinguish eruption clouds from meteorological clouds. Variable weather during the Augustine eruption offered an opportunity to test various trial algorithms. A ratio between thermal IR channels four and five, served to delineate the ashbearing eruption plumes from ordinary clouds. Future work is needed to determine whether the successful multispectral discrimination is caused by wavelength-dependent variable emission of silicate ash or reflects a spectral role of sulfuric acid aerosol in the plume.  相似文献   

The seismic analysis of the volcanic tremors preceding and accompanying the Etnean eruption of March–August, 1983 has shown a significant variation in the spectral content before the beginning of the eruption, the tremor peaks at 1.4 and 1.6 Hz — which might be associated with the feeding pipes of the NE crater (Schick et al., 1982a) — being the dominant feature of the spectra.A model of eruption mechanism is proposed where a feeder dyke would connect the NE crater with the effusive fracture.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of two seismic experiments aimed at determining the wave field of explosion quakes at Stromboli Island (Mediterranean Sea, Southern Italy). The typical Strombolian activity mostly consists of explosive phenomena causing pyroclastic, materials to be emitted together with jets of volcanic gases from one or more craters. Stromboli is an active volcano characterized by persistent seismic activity consisting of explosion quakes that are seismic events associated with the explosive volcanic phenomena. Explosion quakes are short lived seismic events occurring intermittently whose amplitude tends to decrease with distance from the vent. A distinctive feature of explosion quakes is the presence on seismograms of two, often clearly distinct, seismic phases. The first, low-frequency seismic phase (<2 Hz) is in fact usually followed by a high-frequency seismic phase (>3–4 Hz) after one second or more. The first seismic phase of explosion quakes has been shown to be characterized by a nearly radial linear polarization and by an apparent propagation velocity estimated at 600–800 m/s. The second phase is characterized by a more chaotic motion and a lower apparent propagation velocity of 150–450 m/s. The wavefield associated with the first low-frequency seismic phase appears to be generated by a resonating P-wave seismic source accompanying gas explosion and emission of pyroclastic materials. The wavefield associated with the second high-frequency seismic phase of explosion quakes appears to be mainly composed of scattered and converted waves due to the critical topography of the volcano.  相似文献   

During the initial explosive phase of the eruption of Arenal volcano small projectiles were thrown a maximum distance of 5 km. Considering the effect of atmospheric drag these projectiles must have had initial velocities of at least 600 m/sec. For this velocity, the gas pressure in the magma chamber must have reached at least 4700 bars and the kinetic energy of the initial explosion is estimated as 2.4 ± 1.2 × 10a ergs. Had the effect of aerodynamic braking been ignored in making these calculations, as has always been done in the past, the calculated initial velocity would have been 220 m/sec; chamber pressure and kinetic energy estimates would thus be substantially lower. Clearly, velocities of ejecta, chamber pressures and kinetic energies for many explosive volcanic events have been seriously underestimated in the recent past, as has been the ability of overlying materials to contain, in certain cases, tremendous overpressures for short periods of time. A projectile with an initial velocity of 600 m/sec would have a maximum range of more than 200 km on the moon. Thus, the presence of far-reaching secondary crater fields on the moon cannot, at this time, be considered evidence for an impact origin of the parent crater. 600 m/sec is not the upper limit for initial velocities of volcanic ejecta. There is some indication that such velocities could reach values greater than 2 km/sec, suggesting that volcanic as well as impact mechanisms may be able to impart escape velocity to lunar materials.  相似文献   

The 1st crater of Naka-dake, Aso volcano, is one of the most active craters in Japan, and known to have a characteristic cycle of activity that consists of the formation of a crater lake, drying-up of the lake water, and finally a Strombolian-type eruption. Recent observations indicate an increase in eruptive activity including a decrease in the level of the lake water, mud eruptions, and red hot glows on the crater wall. Temporal variations in the geomagnetic field observed around the craters of Naka-dake also indicate that thermal demagnetization of the subsurface rocks has been occurring in shallow subsurface areas around the 1st crater. Volcanic explosions act to release the energy transferred from magma or volcanic fluids. Measurement of the subsurface electrical resistivity is a promising method in investigating the shallow structure of the volcanic edifices, where energy from various sources accumulates, and in investigating the behaviors of magma and volcanic fluids. We carried out audio-frequency magnetotelluric surveys around the craters of Naka-dake in 2004 and 2005 to determine the detailed electrical structure down to a depth of around 1 km. The main objective of this study is to identify the specific subsurface structure that acts to store energy as a preparation zone for volcanic eruption. Two-dimensional inversions were applied to four profiles across the craters, revealing a strongly conductive zone at several hundred meters depth beneath the 1st crater and surrounding area. In contrast, we found no such remarkable conductor at shallow depths beneath the 4th crater, which has been inactive for 70 years, finding instead a relatively resistive body. The distribution of the rotational invariant of the magnetotelluric impedance tensor is consistent with the inversion results. This unusual shallow structure probably reflects the existence of a supply path of high-temperature volcanic gases to the crater bottom. We propose that the upper part of the conductor identified beneath the 1st crater is mainly composed of hydrothermally altered zone that acts both as a cap to upwelling fluids supplied from deep-level magma and as a floor to infiltrating fluid from the crater lake. The relatively resistive body found beneath the 4th crater represents consolidated magma. These results suggest that the shallow conductor beneath the active crater is closely related to a component of the mechanism that controls volcanic activity within Naka-dake.  相似文献   

The landslide and cataclysmic eruption of Mount St. Helens on May 18, 1980 triggered a sequence of explosive eruptions over the following five months. The volume of explosive products from each of these eruptions decreased uniformly over this period, and the character for each eruption progressed from a fairly continuous eruption lasting more than eight hours on May 18 to a series of short bursts, some of which were spaced 12 hours apart, on October 16–18. The transition in the character of these eruption sequences can be explained by a difference between the magma supply rate and the magma discharge rate from a shallow reservoir.The magma supply rate (MSR) is the rate with which magma is supplied to the level where disruption due to vesiculation occurs. It is determined by dividing the dense-rock-equivalent volume of eruptive products by the total duration of each eruption sequence. The magma discharge rate (MDR) is the rate with which the disrupted magma is discharged through the vent. It is determined by dividing the volume of erupted products by the duration of each explosive burst. The relative magnitude of these two quantities controls the temporal evolution of an explosive event. When MDRMSR the explosive phase of the eruption lasts for several hours as a single continuous event. When MDR>MSR, an eruption is characterized by a series of short explosive bursts at intervals of several minutes to several days. The MSR of the eruptions of 1980 decreased with time from 5500 m' s−1 on May 18 to 7 m3 s−2 on October 16–18 and approximately fits an exponential decay. The MDR for the same events remained approximately constant at 2000 m3 s−1. Each explosive event has been followed by an aftershock-like series of earthquakes located beneath the volcano at depth mostly between 7 and 14 km. The seismic energy released during each of these series is proportional to the corresponding volume of erupted magma. Deformation data between June and November, 1980 indicate a subsidence of the volcanic structure which can be modeled by a volume collapse of 0.25 km3 located at 9 km depth.We propose a model in which magma is supplied from depths of 7–14 km through a narrow conduit during each eruption. It erupts to the surface at a uniform rate during each eruption. The deep seismic activity following each eruption is related to a readjustment and volume decrease in the deep feeding system. The decrease of the MSR over time is explained by an increase in the viscosity of a progressively water-depleted magma. The amount of water necessary to explain the observed decrease of the MSR is of the order of 4.6%.  相似文献   

The Hekla eruption cloud on 26–27 February 2000 was the first volcanic cloud to be continuously and completely monitored advecting above Iceland, using the C-band weather radar near the Keflavík international airport. Real-time radar observations of the onset, advection, and waning of the eruption cloud were studied using time series of PPI (plan-position indicator) radar images, including VMI normal, Echotop, and Cappi level 2 displays. The reflectivity of the entire volcanic cloud ranges from 0 to >60 dBz. The eruption column above the vent is essentially characterised by VMI normal and Cappi level 2 values, >30 dBz, due to the dominant influence of lapilli and ash (tephra) on the overall reflected signal. The cloud generated by the column was advected downwind to the north-northeast. It is characterised by values between 0 and 30 dBz, and the persistence of these reflections likely result from continuing water condensation and freezing on ash particles. Echotop radar images of the eruption onset document a rapid ascent of the plume head with a mean velocity of ~30 to 50 m s–1, before it reached an altitude of ~11–12 km. The evolution of the reflected cloud was studied from the area change in pixels of its highly reflected portions, >30 dBz, and tied to recorded volcanic tremor amplitudes. The synchronous initial variation of both radar and seismic signals documents the abrupt increase in tephra emission and magma discharge rate from 18:20 to 19:00 UTC on 26 February. From 19:00 the >45 dBz and 30–45 dBz portions of the reflected cloud decrease and disappear at about 7 and 10.5 h, respectively, after the eruption began, indicating the end of the decaying explosive phase. The advection and extent of the reflected eruption cloud were compared with eyewitness accounts of tephra fall onset and the measured mass of tephra deposited on the ground during the first 12 h. Differences in the deposit map and volcanic cloud radar map are due to the fact that the greater part of the deposit originates by fallout off the column margins and from the base of the cloud followed by advection of falling particle in lower level winds.Editorial responsibility: P. Mouginis-Mark  相似文献   

To investigate the relationship between volatile abundances and eruption style, we have analyzed major element and volatile (H2O, CO2, S) concentrations in olivine-hosted melt inclusions in tephra from the 2000 yr BP eruption of Xitle volcano in the central Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt. The Xitle eruption was dominantly effusive, with fluid lava flows accounting for 95% of the total dense rock erupted material (1.1 km3). However, in addition to the initial, Strombolian, cinder cone-building phase, there was a later explosive phase that interrupted effusive activity and deposited three widespread ash fall layers. Major element compositions of olivine-hosted melt inclusions from these ash layers range from 52 to 58 wt.% SiO2, and olivine host compositions are Fo84–86. Water concentrations in the melt inclusions are variable (0.2–1.3 wt.% H2O), with an average of 0.45±0.3 (1σ) wt.% H2O. Sulfur concentrations vary from below detection (50 ppm) to 1000 ppm but are mostly ≤200 ppm and show little correlation with H2O. Only the two inclusions with the highest H2O have detectable CO2 (310–340 ppm), indicating inclusion entrapment at higher pressures (700–900 bars) than for the other inclusions (≤80 bars). The low and variable H2O and S contents of melt inclusions combined with the absence of less soluble CO2 indicates shallow-level degassing before olivine crystallization and melt inclusion formation. Olivine morphologies are consistent with the interpretation that most crystallization occurred rapidly during near-surface H2O loss. During cinder cone eruptions, the switch from initial explosive activity to effusive eruption probably occurs when the ascent velocity of magma becomes slow enough to allow near-complete degassing of magma at shallow depths within the cone as a result of buoyantly rising gas bubbles. This allows degassed lavas to flow laterally and exit near the base of the cone while gas escapes through bubbly magma in the uppermost part of the conduit just below the crater. The major element compositions of melt inclusions at Xitle show that the short-lived phase of renewed explosive activity was triggered by a magma recharge event, which could have increased overpressure in the storage reservoir beneath Xitle, leading to increased ascent velocities and decreased time available for degassing during ascent.  相似文献   

During the 1971–1972 eruption of Soufrière volcano on St. Vincent Island, a lava mass was extruded subaqueously in the crater lake. An investigation of the chemistry of the lake indicates that over 50,000 tons of dissolved solids were taken into solution during the eruption, in addition to 9000 tons of iron precipitated as ferric oxide in syngenetic metalliferous sediments on the crater floor. Leaching of hot disintegrating lava and volcanic glass is the principal source of cations dissolved in the lake (Na, Ca, Mg, Si and K), whereas chlorine and sulfur were introduced during injection of acid volcanic gases from the submerged lava mass. Concentrations of the common cations in the lake are not affected by mineral solubility, except in the case of Fe3+, but rather by the rate of leaching, evaporation, and water-rock reactions. Variations in Cl/Na, total Cl and acidity have aided in identification of distinct fumarolic phases during the eruption, which may correlate with observed increase in frequency of minor volcanic tremors in the crater. Accumulation of ferric oxide in sediments on the crater floor is thought to be due to leaching of ferrous iron at high temperature from the lava mass, followed by oxidation and precipitation of hematite in the cooler lake.  相似文献   

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