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An exact analysis of the effects of mass transfer on the flow of a viscous incompressible fluid past an uniformly accelerated vertical porous and non-porous plate has been presented on taking into account the free convection currents. The results are discussed with the effects of the Grashof number Gr, the modified Grashof number Sc, the Schmidt number Sc, and the suction parametera for Pr (the Prandtl number)=0.71 representating air at 20°C.Nomenclature a suction parameter - C species concentration - C species concentration at the free stream - g acceleration due gravity - Gc modified Grashof number (vg*(C C )/U 0 3 ) - Pr Prandtl number (C p/K) - T temperature of the fluid near the plate - T dimensionless temperature near the plate ((T-T )/(T -T )) - U(t) dimensionless velocity of the plate (U/U 0) - v normal velocity component - v 0 suction/injection velocity - x, y coordinate along and normal to the plate - v kinematic viscosity (/gr) - C p specific heat at constant pressure - C w species concentration at the plate - C non-dimensional species concentration ((C-C )/(C w -C )) - Gr Grashof number (g(T w -T )/U 0 3 ) - D chemical molecular diffusivity - K thermal conductivity - Sc Schmidt number (/D) - T w temperature of the plate - T free stream temperature - t time variable - t dimensionless time (tU 0 2 /) - U 0 reference velocity - u velocity of the fluid near the plate - u non-dimensional velocity (u/U 0) - v dimensionless velocity (v/U 0) - v 0 non-dimensionalv 0 (v 0 /U0)=–at–1/2 - y dimensionless ordinate (yU 0/) - density of the fluid - coefficient of viscosity  相似文献   

Comparison of the large-scale density and velocity fields in the local universe shows detailed agreement, strengthening the standard paradigm of the gravitational origin of these structures. Quantitative analysis can determine the cosmological density parameter, , and biasing factor,b; there is virtually no sensitivity in any local analyses to the cosmological constant,. Comparison of the dipole anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background with the acceleration due to theIRAS galaxies puts the linear growth factor in the range 0.6 /b = 0.6 –0.3 +0.7 (95% confidence). A direct comparison of the density and velocity fields of nearby galaxies gives = 1.3 –0.6 +0.7 , and from nonlinear analysis the weaker limit > 0.45 forb > 0.5 (again 95% confidence). A tighter limit, > 0.3 (4–6), is obtained by a reconstruction of the probability distribution function of the initial fluctuations from which the structures observed today arose. The last two methods depend critically on the smooth velocity field determined from the observed velocities of nearby galaxies by thePOTENT method. A new analysis of these velocities, with more than three times the data used to obtain the above quoted results, is now underway and promises to tighten the uncertainties considerably, as well as reduce systematic bias.  相似文献   

The present attempt aims to predict the dependence of the spin parameter, , the angular momentum,J, and the typical radius,a vir, on the mass,M, which have been found inN-body simulations of expanding density perturbations in hierarchical clustering, when virialization is attained. We show that M 0 for systems with same adimensional density distribution and velocity distribution, and in particular for scale-free density perturbations in hierarchical clustering. In the special case of ellipsoidal perturbations, it is also found:J M 7/4,a vir M 1/2. All these results turn out to be in close agreement withN-body simulations, despite the simple model adopted. Expanding and virialized perturbations are modelled, respectively, by homogeneous and heterogeneous, similar ellipsoids which allow flat rotation curves far from the centre. Both energy and angular momentum maintain from a given time on, lying between the beginning of strong decoupling from the Hubble flow and the occurrence of maximum volume. Then the whole set of virialized ellipsoidal configurations with same energy and angular momentum are derived, and the dependence of the spin parameter on the anisotropy parameter, pec is investigated. Turning our attention to the formation of galaxies, we derive the total mass as a function of the collapse factor, using the empirical anticorrelation between dark to visible mass ratio within the optical radius of disk galaxies and their luminous masses. Observational data related to a sample of elliptical galaxies provide evidence that the contraction in these bodies occurred in proportion to the square root of the ratio of total to luminous mass. On the contrary, it is deduced that dissipation of angular momentum in elliptical galaxies occurred more or less at the same rate. If both shape and anisotropy parameter are preserved during the collapse, typical axis rations 21 = 0.98, 31 = 0.69, are found to correspond to a moderate anisotropy, pec 0.27, with a small dependence on the spin parameter in the range allowed.  相似文献   

Data on a statistic derived from the angular covariance function show that (contrary to the claim of Peebles that galaxies are distributed continuously with no distinct scales), superclusters and the maximum size of clusters are probably defined at scales of 15 and 2.0h –1 Mpc. This suggests some stepped-density profile like the idealized models of de Vaucouleurs and Wertz: consideration is therefore given to a semi-continuous hierarchy in which there are galaxies outside clusters, clusters outside superclusters etc. Theories of the origin of clustering by gravitational clumping and the escape of galaxies from clusters suggests the hypothesis that the average mass (m g) of galaxies outside clusters is smaller than that of those inside (=fractionf of the total), a hypothesis supported by results on the continuity of the angular and spatial covariance functions. In a semi-continuous hierarchy, the overall packing fractionf e and the fraction (1-f) of galaxies outside clusters both appear to increase as the distancer from a local origin increases, because a line-of-sight to greater depths intersects systems of the hierarchy of continually greater size (R i). If the hypothesis is valid thatm g inside clusters is slightly larger thanm g outside, the apparent effect is to makem g systematically distance-dependent from a local origin with and 10.3. No direct data on galaxy masses exist to refute such a small trend, but since the absolute magnitudes of galaxies are known to be correlated (very weakly) with their masses, a semi-continuous hierarchy has a location-dependent luminosity function, (M). Within uncertainties as to the steepness of (M) at the bright end, the model is consistent with optical number counts to a limiting photographic magnitudem pg (isotropic slope,q=0.6; semicontinuous modelq=0.64; observation,q=0.67±0.03, standard error.) this removes the discrepancy between the determinations by de Vaucouleurs and Sandageet al. of the thinning factor (1.7). Predictions of the semi-continuous model are made which are at present observationally feasible to carry out. In particular, it is predicted thatq(20<|M|<22)/q(14<|M|<19)2(±0.2).  相似文献   

The location and the stability of the libration points in the restricted problem have been studied when small perturbation and are given to the Coriolis and the centrifugal forces respectively. It is seen that the pointsL 4 andL 5 form nearly equilateral triangles with the primaries and the pointsL 1,L 2,L 3 remain collinear. It is further observed that for the pointsL 4 andL 5, the range of stability increases or decreases depending upon whether the point (, ) lies in one or the other of the two parts in which the (, ) plane is divided by the line 36-19=0 and the stability of the collinear points is not influenced by the perturbations and they remain unstable.  相似文献   

The correlations angular momentaL to massesM are studied for different types of spectroscopic binaries. The functionsL=AM b have the coefficientb with the values expected from a Keplerian mechanics, but the valuesA(q, T), A(q, a), A(q, v), associated tob=5/3, 3/2, and 2, respectively, are given (statistically speaking) by multiples or submultiples of discrete values of: the mass ratiosq, the semi-major axesa, periodsT, and velocitiesv of the reduced mass. This indicates the existence of a discrete unit of actionL=(1/2)×potential energy xperiod. Postulates about equivalent states of angular momenta for different orbital parameters are introduced, being this coherent with the analysis of the up-to-date data. Among other examples of the application of such equivalence postulates, we haveL(M) (W-type of the WUMa systems)L(M) (main group of the Algol binaries). The quantum units of action seen here are equivalent to those seen in the solar system in one of our previous works. From comparisons with galaxies and single stars, it is evidence that there is not an unique universal functionL=AM b, when the fine structure of the relation is analysed: each type of object has its own coefficients,A, b. It sems to be that there are an upper and a lower limit for all the possible functions. The upper limit isL=A gM5/3, withA g1 associated to periodsT Hubble time, and the lower limit isL=GM 2/c, with 1. The existence of the upper limit can be investigated with studies of pairs of galaxies, and the lower limit can be tested with analysis of single G, K, M stars. The quantical hypothesis introduced here can be checked definitely, when available larger samples of data with low errors, with similar quality as the selected list of almost 80 eclipsing binaries (mainly detached systems) analysed here.  相似文献   

In the theory of supergravity (N=1), the supersymmetric version of general relativity, and for the Kasner cosmological model (Bianchi type I) we find a non-trivial solution (for the metric and spinor-vector) under the most simple assumption =11 + 22; 12+21=0 and for a special choosed gaugeN=1,N j=0, 0=0. This method could be also applied to other cosmological metrics and extended to enlarged Grassmann basis.O. Obregón was partially supported by the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung.  相似文献   

By combining two two-dimensional subspaces, closed into themselves due to curvature, it is possible to create a model of three-dimensional space of the same properties. If the Universe is a space of this type, its effect is that of a monstrous lens. Close objects are observed to diminish according to the normal law of perspective; however, the remote galaxies are seen to be very highly magnified.The apparent angular size2 of a galaxy is more than the size1 in flat space according to relation:2 =1 cosec , where is the angular distance from the observer to the galaxy. The diameter2 d of a galaxy in curved space must be in the same relation to a diameter1 d with no curvature of space:2 d=1 d cosec . The apparent angular size2 and diameter2 d are distorted shapes in consequence of an optical illusion caused by the spatial curvature.It is necessary to distribute the multitude of galaxies into two parts in accordance with their location on the close or reverse hemihypersphere of the Universe. The minimum of apparent angular size2 of a galaxy of diameter1 d is at the equatorial zone.The most likely candidates for location in the reverse hemi-hypersphere are cD's of apparent supergiant sizes due, probably, to the curvature of space. The existence of supergiant sizes of galaxies is the second indirect proof, besides superluminal velocities, that the Universe is closed into itself through curvature. The third indirect evidence, i.e., inductive confirmation of the same fact, is the superposition of galaxies which need not inevitably be a new alternative to the present theories of collisions, cannibalism, merger, etc.The fourth indirect proof of the positive curvature of the Universe is the occurrence of background radiation, because that must vanish in hyperbolic space irrespective of its origin. The gravitational lens effect acquires another theoretical form, as usual, in the case of remote galaxies, because it is impossible to distinguish between gravitator and lensing image.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider effects of the general relativity and an accreting black hole in a globular cluster by studying the evolution of a globular cluster core as a whole, i.e., without the partition of the core into the so-called cusp and isothermal core regions. The globular cluster core is assumed to contain a massive black hole at its center. We show that the final fate of the evolution of a globular cluster core depends on the mass of the black hole at its center. When the massM of the black hole is greater than 3×103 M , there will be a contraction of the core. On the other hand, if the mass of the black hole is smaller (102 M M3×103 M ) in the center, the core will expand until complete dissolution.  相似文献   

Main results of computations of evolution for massive close binaries (10M +9.4M , 16M +15M , 32M +30M , 64M +60M ) up to oxygen exhaustion in the core are described. Mass exchange starting in core hydrogen, shell hydrogen and core helium burning stages was studied. Computations were performed assuming both the Ledoux and Schwarzschild stability criteria for semiconvection. The influence of UFI-neutrino emission on evolution of close binaries was investigated. The results obtained allow to outline the following evolutionary chain: two detached Main-Sequence stars — mass exchange — Wolf-Rayet star or blue supergiant plus main sequence star — explosion of the initially more massive star appearing as a supernova event — collapsed or neutron star plus Main-Sequence star, that may be observed as a runaway star — mass exchange leading to X-rays emission — collapsed or neutron star plus WR-star or blue supergiant — second explosion of supernova that preferentially disrupts the system and gives birth to two single high spatial velocity pulsars.Numerical estimates concerning the number and properties of WR-stars, pulsars and X-ray sources are presented. The results are in favour of the existence of UFI-neutrino and of the Ledoux criterion for describing semiconvection. Properties of several well-known X-ray sources and the binary pulsar are discussed on base of evolutionary chain of close binaries.  相似文献   

The Main-Sequence positions as well as the evolutionary behavior of Population III stars up to an evolution age of 2×1010 yr, taking this time as the age of the Universe, have been investigated in the mass range 0.2 and 0.8M . While Population III stars with masses greater than 0.3M develop a radiative core during the approach to the Main Sequence, stars with masses smaller than 0.3M reach the Main Sequence as a wholly convective stars. Population III stars with masses greater than 0.5M show a brightening of at most 2.2 in bolometric magnitude when the evolution is terminated as compared to the value which corresponds to zero-age Main Sequence. The positions of stars with masses smaller than 0.5M remain almost the same in the H-R diagram.If Population III stars have formed over a range of redshifts, 6相似文献   

Simple two-component (dark+bright) models are built up for the Milky Way, where both the density distribution and the rotation curve are deduced from known observations. The derived dark to bright mass ratio turns out to be in the range 10, in close agreement with the results of more refined approaches, with a weak dependence on the geometry of the model. The related angular momentum appears to be well in agreement with theoretical predictions, if proto-galaxies gain angular momentum via either gravitational interactions or peculiar velocities of their own sub-units, according to a logarithmic distribution of the squared fractional angular momenta close to a Maxwellian one. The rougher assumption that the whole system is represented by a rigidly rotating polytrope leads to dark components rounder than D 0.7 if proto-galaxies gain angular momentum via gravitational interactions, and to much more flattened dark components if proto-galaxies gain angular momentum via peculiar velocities of their own sub-units and few (4) sub-units are present at the beginning. To fit the observed positions of several galaxies on the ( B q B ) plane-ê B representing the ellipticity andq B close to the ratio of maximum rotational to central peculiar velocity, averaged for all the inclinations to the line of sight — galaxies are modelled by two-component (dark+bright) rigidly rotating, concentric, co-polar, homogeneous spheroids and the Galaxy is assumed to be a typical system. An acceptable fit is produced only under the assumption that protogalaxies gain their angular momentum in late stages of evolution, i.e., after having decoupled from the Hubble flow.  相似文献   

A detailed theory of high-entropy supermassive oblique rotator is developed on the basis of the results of our previous work on the structure and evolution of supermassive rotating magnetic polytropes. Particular attention is paid to the problem of transformation of rotational energy into observable radiation. It is shown that a rather long duration of the quasi-stationary phase in combination with a considerably high value of magnetic dipole radiationL md in comparison with that of thermal radiationL th imposes substantial limitations on the character of the model. This combination is realized in the model of an oblique rotator with a rigid rotation and a poloidal magnetic field. Moreover, the magnetic energy must be comparable, in order of magnitude, with the module of the gravitational energy.The magnitude of the torque acting on the rotator by means of the magnetic field is influenced neither by the external plasma thrown out by the low-frequency radiation pressure, nor by the plasma ejected electrostatically, nor by that flowing out due to rotational instability. For definiteness we assume below that the rotational energy is lost by the rotator in the form of a low-frequency magnetic dipole radiation though many of the conclusions drawn in this paper are also valid for the case when the energy is liberated in some other forms (for example, in magnetohydrodynamic waves).Plasma outflow under rotational instability is considered in detail. This is a pulsating outflow. Near the light cylinder the plasma spreads out and begins to interact intensively with the magnetic dipole radiation. As a result, the particles are accelerated up to relativistic energies. Accelerated electrons radiate by synchrotron mechanism with the radiation maximum in the far infra-red region (Figure 4). Compton scattering of this radiation is in the X-ray and gamma regions. The character of the non-thermal radiation calculated accounts for the essential features of the observable radiation from quasars and active galactic nuclei.A secular variation of the magnetic dipole radiation in the course of evolution of a supermassive oblique rotator (Figure 1) with the account taken of the influence of magnetic dipole losses on the value of the angle between magnetic and rotational axes is discussed in the vacuum approximation substantiated in Section 3. For a wide interval of initial values of this angle the non-thermal (synchrotron and Compton) radiation increases in the course of a quasi-static contraction of the rotator, reaches its maximum at whichL nthL th, and then decreases considerably due to rapprochement of the magnetic and rotational axes. Such a behaviour ofL nth corresponds to the expected secular change of the activity of galactic and quasar nuclei as a certain flaring up, reaching the maximum of their activity and subsequent dying out.Some essential properties of quasars and quasar-like phenomena in galactic and quasar nuclei are explained on the basis of the theory presented. As an illustration, the parameters of a supermassive rotator modelling the source of activity in quasar 3C 273 are calculated (Table I). The estimate of the frequency of occurrence of rotators withL nth>L th andL nthL th is in a reasonable correspondence with the statistics of active phenomena in the nuclei of galaxies of different morphological types.Observational tests for this theory are suggested. The most important one called upon to ascertain the presence in the nuclei of galaxies and quasars of a supermassive body as a source of their activity is the variability of infra-red radiation near its spectral maximum.Similarity and difference between a supermassive oblique rotator and a pulsar, the model of a quasar nucleus as a cluster of pulsars, an axysymmetric rotator and a low-entropy configuration (disk) as stages of the evolution of an oblique rotator as well as the problems of its genesis and fate are discussed at the end of the paper (Section 9). The main results of the paper are listed in Section 10.  相似文献   

Data from the H I Parkes All-Sky Survey (HIPASS) of the southern sky in the neutral hydrogen line are used to determine the radial velocities and widths of the H I line for flat spiral galaxies of the Revised Flat-Galaxy Catalog (RFGC) seen edge-on. The sample of 103 flat galaxies detected in HIPASS is characterized by a median radial velocity of +2037 km/sec and a median width of the H I line at the level of 50% of maximum of 242 km/sec. For RFGC galaxies the 50% detection level in HIPASS corresponds to an apparent magnitude B t = 14 m .5 or an angular diameter a = 2.9. The relative number of detected galaxies increases from 2% for the morphological types Sbc and Sc to 41% for the type Sm. The median value of the ratio of hydrogen mass to total mass for RFGC galaxies is 0.079. With allowance for the average internal extinction for edge-on galaxies, <B t< = 0 m .75, the median ratio of hydrogen mass to luminosity, M H I/L B = 0.74 M /L , is typical for late-type spirals. Because of its small depth, HIPASS reveals only a few RFGC galaxies with previously unknown velocities and line widths.  相似文献   

The nonlinear self-excited pulsations of population-II stars with mass 0.6M and luminosities from 128 to 1280L are studied. The pulsation periods are found to be in the range of 1.3 to 19 days. An increase of the stellar luminosity is shown to be accompanied by an increasing nonadiabaticity and decreasing efficiency of the radiative damping region. This leads to both an increase of the growth rate while pulsations are exciting and an increase of the oscillation amplitude of the limit cycle. In the models withL800L the efficiency of the radiative damping region becomes so small that amplitude growth ceases due to a dissipation of the mechanical energy by shocks in the stellar atmosphere. The models with periods of from 1.3 to 3 days show the bump on their light curves. The bump is connected with a travelling pulse generated at the antinode of the second overtone at maximum compression. The time delays estimated for the pulses reflected of the stellar core are in a good agreement with the pulse resonance condition proposed by Aikawa and Whitney (1983). The model with the period of 2.1 days revealed double resonance 0 = 22, 20 = 31 causing alternating oscillations with slightly different periods and amplitudes. The models with period of 10 days and longer reveal the resonance 0 = 21. This resonance causes the flat top on the light curve at a period of about 10 days and appearance of a shallow alternating minimum at longer periods, as is observed in RV Tau variables. The theoretical period-luminosity relation proposed for population-II cepheids is in good agreement with that obtained from observations.  相似文献   

The plot of the X-ray luminosity (in 0.5–4.5 KeV band and for Friedmann universe withq 0=+1) of the brightest X-ray QSO at each redshift against redshift shows that the X-ray luminosity increases more or less monotonically with redshift uptoz3. This result has been attributed to the selection effect known as the volume effect. When this selection effect is taken into account in the optical, radio and X-ray windows of the electromagnetic spectrum, a sample of the brightest X-ray QSO's is obtained which shows a small dispersion in X-ray luminosity: logL 1=46.15±0.25. The redshift-X-ray flux density plot for this sample gives slopes of both regression lines which agree, at a confidence level of 95% or greater, with the slopes expected theoretically if the redshifts of the QSO's are cosmological in nature.  相似文献   

According to the convention normally followed the redshifts of the galaxies in a cluster are assumed to be of purely dopplerian origin. The resulting velocity dispersion, when used in the virial theorem, leads to a very large proportion of dark matter to be present in the galaxy clusters. However, the recently proposed model of velocity dependent cosmic drag cause redshifts of photons and it is necessary to develop a procedure to determine the true velocity dispersion from the gross redshift data. A method for this has been presented in the paper. Coma and Perseus clusters have been investigated using this procedure and theM/L ratios for both were found to be approximately of the order of 30, i.e., approximately the order ofM/L ratios for individual galaxies. A study of them -z relation indicates that the galaxies with higher redshifts have fainter magnitudes. Distortion of the redshift plots and the typical elongation of the core regions along the line-of-sight is also explained.  相似文献   

We examine the relation between the global parameters of spiral galaxies and their morphological type. We have represented the rotational velocityV at a radius of 25 mag arc sec–2 against this radiusR for a sample of 56 galaxies. Different types of galaxies appear separated on this diagram. We have plotted above theV-R diagram isolines of total mass, angular momentum and mean surface density for isolated galaxies with circular motion in centrifugal equilibrium showing: (1) That the parameter that represents the morphological type is the mean surface density or its observational parameterV 2/R. (2) From aV-R diagram we can easily see what kinds of correlations we expect to find between the global properties of galaxies and their morphological type. (3) For every morphological type of galaxies there is a critical mass above which there is a change in its dynamical behaviour. Finally, consideringV 2/R as representative of the morphological type, we can deduce theoretically the empirical Tully-Fisher relation and the dependence of the slope and the zero point on the morphological type. The separation in logV that we expect to find for different types of galaxies for a constant luminosity is the same order as the experimental errors in the determination of logV. This explains the tight power-law relationship observed between this and the luminosity.  相似文献   

The physical properties in the coronal disturbance (CD) (W90, N25°) associated with an active prominence are investigated on the basis of the intensities and profiles of 5694 Å Caxv and 6702 Å Nixv lines and continuum measured in the eclipse coronal spectra of 31 July, 1981. The spectrograms have been taken with a dispersion of between 7 to 10 Å mm-1 and a solar image of 15 mm in diameter. The following characteristics of the CD have been deduced. The CD occurred cospatially with an active prominence and consisted of two discrete regions with different temperatures penetrating each other. (1) Caxv region: T e= 3.8 × 106 K, the length along the slit of the spectrograph Z 65000 km, the effective line-of-sight length L 20000 km, the average electron density , nonthermal velocities V t= (20–32) km s-1. (2)Nixv-Caxiii region: T e= 2.3 × 106 K, Z 37000 km, L 35000 km, n e 1 × 109 cm-3, V t= (23–30) km s-1. A macroscopic mass motion has been discovered within the Nixv region of the CD from the Doppler shifts of the 6702 Å Nixv line: V r= + 27 km s-1 on the lower and V r= - 12 km s-1 on the upper border of the CD. The average height of the CD was H 0.08 R . The radial velocities in the prominence found from the emission line tilts are + 12 and - 8 km s-1 on its lower and upper borders. A similar picture of the mass motion in the CD and the prominence speaks in favour of an intimate relation between them.  相似文献   

Pre-Main-Sequence contracting objects, post-Main-Sequence expanding stars and mass-losing components of semi-detached systems all occupy more or less the same region in the conventional H-R-diagram. We make a transformation to variables (logL) and (logT e), where is the difference between the observed quantity, logL or logT e, and the value of that quantity which a star of the same mass would have on the empirical Main Sequence. It is demonstrated that a plot between the new variables clearly separates the mass-losing stars from other objects which is essentially an effect of the increasing abundance of helium relative to hydrogen.Paper presented at the Lembang-Bamberg IAU Colloquium No. 80 on Double Stars: Physical Properties and Generic Relations, held at Bandung, Indonesia, 3–7 June, 1983.  相似文献   

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