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Long (>30 years) monthly records of relative sea-level heights from tide gauges in the Baltic sea are analyzed. Time series clustering based on forecast densities is applied in order to describe regional sea-level variability in the Baltic Sea in terms of future relative heights. The tide gauge records are clustered on the basis of forecasts at 3-month and 6-month horizons. For the 3-month horizon, the results of the cluster analysis show a fairly spatial coherency in terms of grouping together locations from the same sub-basin, with the northern records in the Bothnian Sea and Gulf of Finland clustering together, followed by the tide gauges in the Baltic Proper and lastly the southernmost stations in the western Baltic. For the 6-month horizon, the results show a higher degree of homogeneity between different locations, but a clear separation between the stations at the Baltic entrance and the tide gauges inside the Baltic basin. Moreover, when considering detrended records, reflecting mainly the seasonal cycle, the clustering results are more homogeneous and suggest a distinct response of coastal sea-level in spring and in summer.  相似文献   

东海陆架冰后期潮流沙脊地貌与内部结构特征   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
印萍 《海洋科学进展》2003,21(2):181-187
东海陆架以宽平的地形、充分的陆源沉积物供应、快速沉降和强动力场为特征,中外陆架发育大规模潮流沙脊地貌。潮流沙脊走向大致为NW—SE向分布,与区域潮流主方向一致或成较小交角。东海陆架冰后期潮流沙脊以不对称横剖面为特征,陡坡倾向SW。沙脊内部发育典型的高角度前积斜层理,倾向与沙脊横剖面陡坡方向一致。这些斜层理可以划分为高达4组不同特征的组合,分别代表潮流沙脊发育的不同阶段,对应于冰后期海平面上升的不同时期。东海陆架潮流沙脊主体形成于冰后期海侵阶段,目前仍然受到陆架潮流场的影响,沙脊顶部为再沉积活动层。  相似文献   

The sedimentary history of Kachchh offshore (central western Indian margin), especially since the eruption of the Deccan Traps (∼65 Ma), has remained scantily studied despite an area with promising resource potential. Of late, new marine surveys combined with industrial drilling along the Kachchh shelf are beginning to elucidate the depositional history of this region. Here, we attempt to synthesize interpretation of new offshore seismic data, along with borehole information and long-term sea-level variations to provide a coherent sedimentological and lithostratigraphic framework over the past ∼65 Ma in this area.  相似文献   

A suite of organic geochemical, micropaleontological and palynological proxies was applied to sediments from Southwest Florida, to study the Holocene environmental changes associated with sea-level rise. Sediments were recovered from Hillsborough Bay, part of Tampa Bay, and studied using biomarkers, pollen, organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts and diatoms. Analyses show that the site flooded around 7.5 ka as a consequence of Holocene transgression, progressively turning a fresh/brackish marl-marsh into a shallow, restricted marine environment. Immediately after the marine transgression started, limited water circulation and high amounts of runoff caused stratification of the water column. A shift in dinocysts and diatom assemblages to more marine species, increasing concentrations of marine biomarkers and a shift in the Diol Index indicate increasing salinity between 7.5 ka and the present, which is likely a consequence of progressing sea-level rise. Reconstructed sea surface temperatures for the past 4 kyrs are between 25 and 26 ° C, and indicate stable temperatures during the Late Holocene. A sharp increase in sedimentation rate in the top ∼50 cm of the core is attributed to human impact. The results are in agreement with parallel studies from the area, but this study further refines the environmental reconstructions having the advantage of simultaneously investigating changes in the terrestrial and marine environment.  相似文献   

The morphology of Carbonate platforms may be influenced by tectonic activity and eustatic variations. 3D seismic data and satellite imagery are used in order to investigate the morphological similarities between present-day carbonates platforms, East of Borneo Island and Miocene carbonate platforms of the South China Sea. The morphological similarities exhibit platform fragmentation, that could be caused by subtle faulting, sufficient to drown reef rims; platform contraction, which is a result of back-stepping of the reef margin during a relative sea level rise and polygonal patterns in internal lagoons, described as mesh reefs in modern platforms and possibly interpreted as karst in Miocene platforms.Vertical movements may trigger the formation of new geomorphological conditions that modify the distribution of coral growth with respect to the new hydrodynamic conditions in space and time. These movements (uplift and tilting) reduce and localize the space necessary for the coral ecosystem, explaining the contraction leading to drowning of parts of and, ultimately, the whole platform.  相似文献   

Sedimentary, isotopic and bulk geochemical proxies measured in sediment samples of five gravity cores collected in the distal part of the Ogooue turbidite system (around 4000 m-depth) were used to develop a conceptual model to describe the accumulation of terrigenous organic matter (OM) during the last 200,000 yrs BP in the eastern part of the Gulf of Guinea. This model takes into account the influence of the different depositional processes (turbiditic vs hemipelagic sedimentation), geomorphological features and sea-level variations.Total organic carbon (TOC) and the stable organic carbon isotopes of the OM (δ13C) variability follow the highstand/lowstand (interglacial/glacial) cyclicity with a very low accumulation rate of terrigenous OM during periods of high sea-level and higher accumulation rate during period of low sea-level. A sea-level of 80–120 m below present day seems to favor the transfer of terrigenous sediments to the deep offshore environment through the turbidite system and thanks to the connection of the canyons heads with the river system presently located at the shelf edge at −120 m water depth.In this system, terrigenous OM matter delivered by the river accumulate in the sediments via two main processes. Indeed, a part of the terrigenous OM settles in combination with the finest particles forming hemipelagites, while another part, formed of very well preserved land plant debris, is transported and deposited far offshore with turbidity currents. The proportion of terrigenous OM accumulated due to turbidity currents is important as it can represent more than 70% of the carbon accumulated during sea-level lowstand. Moreover, terrigenous OM seems to preferentially accumulate in the levees and the lobes of the system notably due to the higher frequency of organic-rich turbidites.This study demonstrates that gravity flows, influenced by the sea-level variations, can significantly affect the terrigenous OM budget of the deep offshore Atlantic margins and that channel-levee complexes as well as turbidite lobes can be regarded as good sink for terrestrial organic carbon. These processes should be taken into consideration in the context of source rocks exploration but also for the estimation of the general carbon accumulation in ocean sediment.  相似文献   

动力定位系统发展状况及研究方法   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:21  
动力定位系统(Dynamic Positioning System)是一种闭环的控制系统,其采用推力器来提供抵抗风、浪、流等作用在船上的环境力,从而使船尽可能地保持在海平面上要求的位置上,其定位成本不会随着水深增加而增加,并且操作也比较方便。本文对动力定位系统发展及各组成部分进行了介绍,以期对动力定位系统有个比较完整的认识。  相似文献   

The Korea (Tsushima) Strait is an important seaway through which the warm Tsushima Current flows into the East Sea (Japan Sea). A paleogeographic map constrained by a regional sea-level curve developed on the basis of a number of recent 14C radiocarbon dates suggests that the Korea Strait was not closed during the last glacial period. Rather, it was open as a channel-like seaway linking the western North Pacific and the East Sea. Some fraction of the paleo-Tsushima Current inflow presumably continued at that time through the Korea Strait. The activity of the paleo-Tsushima Current is evidenced by the distribution pattern of river-derived lowstand deposits, consisting of a beach/shoreface complex and lowstand deltaic wedges. Received: 16 April 1999 / Revision accepted: 25 February 2000  相似文献   

针对海面变化预测时间序列模型中趋势组份和周期(准周期)组份的提取和预测问题,基于吴淞站1955~2001年月平均潮位序列,采用小波分析(WA)与自回归(AR)模型相结合的方案,对小波分解的不同尺度分量序列,借助于时间序列模型进行分量预测,再对它们进行叠加建立预测模型,进行了月平均潮位预测试验.以1955~1996年数据为基础建立模型,1997~2001年数据作为验证,结果表明两种方法的结合使用显示了较好的效果,具有较高的精度.  相似文献   

The sedimentary sequences since the Late Pleistocene can be divided into Layers E, D, C, B, A from old to young according to systematic analysis of grain-size, pollen and spore, diatom, foraminifera, radiocarbon dating and paleogeomagnetism of 16 sedimentary cores from the sea area of the western Taiwan Strait. The results proved the existences of the Langqi transgression (upper section of Layer D) formed in middle and late stages of early Wurm glacial period, Fuzhou transgression (Layer C) formed in Wurm sub-interglacial period and Changle transgression (Layer A) formed in postglacial period. It was also the first time to discover the Jinmen transgression (Layer E) formed in Riss -Wurm interglacial period. In this paper it is proposed that most part of the Taiwan Strait emerged as land in the early stage of early Wurm glacial period, and was still under sublittoral environment in late Wurm glacial period, as well as the existence of Dongshan Continental Bridge was in 8×103 a BP.  相似文献   

珊瑚礁地层中的暴露面是海平面变化的忠实记录, 对地层层序的划分和研究珊瑚礁体的生长发育过程具有重要意义。本文基于手标本观察与薄片鉴定、碳氧同位素和矿物组成分析, 识别了南沙美济岛南科1井第四纪生物礁碳酸盐岩地层中的典型暴露面, 剖析了主要暴露面与海平面变化及珊瑚礁发育演化的关系。在南科1井(NK-1)第四纪地层中典型暴露面附近以出现大量溶蚀孔穴和红褐色或锈黄色钙质结核为特征, 其碳氧同位素偏负, 并富集Al、Th、Fe和稀土元素, 具有典型碳酸盐岩风化壳的特征。南科1井全新世礁体发育在晚更新世暴露面之上, AMS14C和U-Th年龄数据证实美济岛全新世珊瑚礁生长时段与南海其他珊瑚岛礁一致, 主要发育在8.2~4.7ka时期, 该时段海平面的缓慢上升为珊瑚礁连续垂向生长提供了有利环境。Sr同位素和古地磁年龄标定的南科1井更新世地层中的主要暴露面时代与南沙永暑礁和西沙群岛珊瑚礁地层中的暴露面时代基本一致, 主要暴露面对应于全球第四纪低海平面时期。  相似文献   

By using the relationships between the measurement error of hydrostatic CTD sea-level meters, the errors of measuring channels of hydrostatic pressure, temperature, and conductivity, and the errors of determination of the gravitational acceleration, we estimate the admissible measurement errors for separate channels. Simplified relations for the evaluation of salinity and density of water corresponding to the class of accuracy of the level meter are presented. Possible differences between the readings of the level meters mounted at coastal level-measuring posts and the actual sea level in the coastal zone caused by the weak water exchange in the sea-well system are estimated. __________ Translated from Morskoi Gidrofizicheskii Zhurnal, No. 1, pp. 62–76, January–February, 2006.  相似文献   

In the city of Venice, where the average altitude is only a few tens of centimetres, there has been a dangerous increase in the frequency of flooding during the past few decades.Since 1872, the average increase in flooding levels (“acqua alta”) has been about 40cm: 27cm of this is due to the local rise in mean sea-level (of which some 14cm are related to man-induced subsidence of land, and 3–7cm to geological factors), and at least 14cm are caused by hydrodynamical factors, of which about 10cm can be ascribed to man-induced tidal changes. These latter are due above all to the dredging of deep artificial channels, the reclamation of wide areas of tidal flats, and the diking of fish ponds (“valli”), which have changed the ratio between the surface of the lagoon and that of the inlets. Since the latest modification (1963–1969), the lagoon has been open to large oil tankers, thereby allowing an easier entry of storm surges arising out at sea.Indeed an incompatibility exists between the accessibility of very large boats to the lagoon and the safeguard of Venice. Several engineering projects have been proposed with a view to improving the present critical situation. These projects include underground injections to raise the islands, the construction of new embankments, a reduction in the size of the passes, new access to wide areas for the tide, and the construction of flood gates at the passes. The reliability and effects of these projects are analysed and discussed.In conclusion, the removal of the oil terminal from the lagoon and a stricter control of water pollution are considered the most urgent preliminary actions for a long term solution of the flooding problem. This would enable a decrease in the exchanges between the lagoon and the sea, without, however, reducing the depth of the navigation channels to levels inconsistent with most of the present non-oil traffic. A final measure would be the construction of mobile gates at the passes which would permanently protect the lagoon against flooding.The solution put forward here differs however from the project proposed by a group of experts appointed by the Italian government, which aims at keeping the oil terminal inside the lagoon, thus maintaining the navigation channels at depths which increase hydrodynamic effects and make any sedimetological equilibrium in the lagoon impossible.  相似文献   

H.R Kudrass  H.U Schlüter   《Marine Geology》1994,120(3-4):175-202
Cassiterite-bearing sediments were surveyed in the central parts of the Straits of Malacca by high-resolution seismic profiling and vibrocoring. Placer deposits of cassiterite were found in the tidal scour channel of Cape Rachado and a Pleistocene river valley. According to sedimentological parameters the cassiterite derived from a local primary mineralization of granite and from long-distance fluvial transport. The basement, consisting of granites and metamorphites, is covered by four sedimentary sequences which are separated by major erosional unconformities. The last two unconformities were attributed to the regressional periods of the last and previous glaciations. Based on the distribution of the sequences deposited during periods of high sea level, the Malaysian peninsula is subsiding.  相似文献   

卵形鲳鳆消化系统的胚后发育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用形态学和连续组织切片技术,研究了孵化后31d前的卵形鲳够(Trachinotusoyatus)仔、稚、幼鱼的消化系统发育,描述了其消化器官发育过程和组织学结构特征.研究表明,在水温为23—28℃的培育条件下,消化系统发育可划分为4个阶段,第1阶段(0—2d):初孵仔鱼消化管仅为一细长的线状管,位于卵黄囊上方,不具备摄食和消化能力,为内源性营养阶段.第2阶段(3—5d):口和肛门形成,消化道与外界相通,开始摄食.5d仔鱼卵黄囊完全吸收,出现肝脏、胰脏,为混合营养阶段,消化道分化成口咽腔、食道、胃、前肠和后肠.第3阶段(6—17d):随着鱼体的生长,消化系统从结构和功能上逐步发育完善,进入到外源性营养阶段.仔鱼前肠中出现空泡,后肠中发现有嗜伊红颗粒,表明肠上皮细胞吸收了脂肪和蛋白质.17—18d仔鱼出现胃腺和幽门盲囊,标志着稚鱼期的开始.第4阶段(18—22d):胃腺、幽门盲囊、肝胰脏等消化器官发育完成,鱼苗进入幼鱼期.结果表明,卵形鲳碜消化系统的发育是与仔、稚鱼的生长、形态发育和功能的完善相一致的.  相似文献   

Late Cenozoic sedimentation from four varied sites on the continental slopes off southeastern Canada has been analysed using high-resolution airgun multichannel seismic profiles, supplemented with some single channel data. Biostratigraphic ties are available to exploratory wells at three of the sites. Uniform, slow accumulation of hemipelagic sediments was locally terminated by the late Miocene sea-level lowering, which is also reflected in changes in foraminiferan faunas on the continental shelf. Data are very limited for the early Pliocene but suggest a return to slow hemipelagic sedimentation. At the beginning of the late Pliocene, there was a change in sedimentation style marked by a several-fold increase in accumulation rates and cutting of slope valleys. This late Pliocene cutting of slope valleys corresponds to the onset of late Cenozoic growth of the Laurentian Fan and the initiation of turbidite sedimentation on the Sohm Abyssal Plain. Although it corresponds to a time of sea-level lowering, the contrast with the late Miocene lowstand indicates that there must also have been a change in sediment delivery to the coastline, perhaps as a result of increased rainfall or development of valley glaciers. High sedimentation rates continued into the early Pleistocene, but the extent of slope dissection by gullies increased. Gully-cutting episodes alternated with sediment-draping episodes. Throughout the southeastern Canadian continental margin, there was a change in sedimentation style in the middle Pleistocene that resulted from extensive ice sheets crossing the continental shelf and delivering coarse sediment directly to the continental slope.  相似文献   

抛载系统是水下机器人安全工作的核心关键部分。以“思源号”全海深ARV(自治缆控水下机器人)为研究对象,开展ARV作业过程中压载水下释放问题研究。通过在ARV底盘下侧布置下潜抛载模块,上艇体两侧对称布置上浮抛载模块,设计了一套基于电磁驱动的超高压水下抛载系统。利用Maxwell 2D电磁场有限元分析软件对非接触式电磁铁作了静磁场数值分析,得到电磁铁的磁力线与磁通密度分布图,验证了抛载电磁铁可以满足压载吸附和抛弃的功能。设计了一种非磁性钛合金隔离片,用于消除电磁铁断电后存在的吸附效应,解决了抛载失败的问题。开展了电磁吸力测试、可靠性试验、超高压试验以及深海试验,试验结果验证了所设计的全海深ARV抛载系统能够在深海环境下实现水下释放压载,为全海深ARV实现上浮下潜和水下浮态控制提供重要保障。  相似文献   

姜静波  王鑫  于非 《海洋科学》2020,44(7):165-170
提出了一种基于海洋仪器测试海区所开发的环境信息监测系统设计方法,通过无线网络获取海区内台站、浮标等观测单元所采集的环境要素数据,实现数据的存储、查询和管理。长时间测试表明,该系统工作稳定,可为仪器设备的海上测试与评价提供基础实测数据。  相似文献   

The late glacial to Holocene sedimentary record of the northern shelf of the Sea of Marmara (SoM) has been documented by detailed seismo-, chrono-, and biostratigraphic analyses using sub-bottom (Chirp) profiles and sediment cores. During MIS 3 and the main part of MIS 2 (60–15 14C ka b.p.), disconnection from the Mediterranean and Black seas together with a dry climate resulted in a regression in the SoM, when the Sea was transformed into a brackish lake. The river incisions below 105 m water depth along the northern shelf took place during the last glacial maximum, when the lake level was modulated by stillstands at −98 and −93 m. The post-glacial freshwater transgressive stage of the Marmara ‘Lake’ occurred between 15 and 13.5 14C ka b.p., leading to a rise in water level to −85 m by 13.0 14C ka b.p., as evidenced by broad wave-cut terraces along the northern shelf. Since 12 14C ka b.p., high-frequency sea-level fluctuations have been identified at the SoM entrance to the Strait of İstanbul (SoI). Thus, wave-cut terraces have been recorded at water depths of −76 and −71 m that, according to an age model for core MD04-2750, have ages of 11.5 and 10.5 14C ka b.p., respectively. Ancient shoreline at −65 m along the northern shelf presumably formed soon after the Younger Dryas (YD) at ca. 10.1 14C ka b.p. Moreover, there is compelling evidence of Holocene outflow from the Sea of Marmara to the Black Sea. At the SoM entrance to the SoI, the existence of bioherms on the reflector surface together with abundant Brizalina spathulata and Protoglobulimina pupoides in a core suggests a return to higher salinities due to strong Mediterranean water incursion into the SoM at ∼8.8 14C ka b.p. This finding is consistent with earlier suggestions that, after the YD, the Black Sea was flooded by outflow from the SoM as a result of global sea-level rise.  相似文献   

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