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The central Iberian Peninsula (Spain) is made up of three main tectonic units: a mountain range, the Spanish Central System and two Tertiary basins (those of the rivers Duero and Tajo). These units are the result of widespread foreland deformation of the Iberian plate interior in response to Alpine convergence of European and African plates. The present study was designed to investigate thermal structure and rheological stratification in this region of central Spain. Surface heat flow has been described to range from 80 to 60 mW m−2. Highest surface heat flow values correspond to the Central System and northern part of the Tajo Basin. The relationship between elevation and thermal state was used to construct a one-dimensional thermal model. Mantle heat flow drops from 34 mW m−2 (Duero Basin) to 27 mW m−2 (Tajo Basin), and increases with diminishing surface heat flow. Strength predictions made by extrapolating experimental data indicate varying rheological stratification throughout the area. In general, in compression, ductile fields predominate in the middle and lower crusts and lithospheric mantle. Brittle behaviour is restricted to the first 8 km of the upper crust and to a thin layer at the top of the middle crust. In tension, brittle layers are slightly more extended, while the lower crust and lithospheric mantle remain ductile in the case of a wet peridotite composition. Discontinuities in brittle and ductile layer thickness determine lateral rheological anisotropy. Tectonic units roughly correspond to rheological domains. Brittle layers reach their maximum thickness beneath the Duero Basin and are of least thickness under the Tajo Basin, especially its northern area. Estimated total lithospheric strength shows a range from 2.5×1012 to 8×1012 N m−1 in compression, and from 1.3×1012 to 1.6×1012 N m−1 in tension. Highest values were estimated for the Duero Basin.Depth versus frequency of earthquakes correlates well with strength predictions. Earthquake foci concentrate mainly in the upper crust, showing a peak close to maximum strength depth. Most earthquakes occur in the southern margin of the Central System and southeast Tajo Basin. Seismicity is related to major faults, some bounding rheological domains. The Duero Basin is a relative quiescence zone characterised by higher total lithospheric strength than the remaining units.  相似文献   

On the southern border of the Central Iberian Zone there are two sectors with different styles of deformation. To the south-west, in the Hornachos sector, large-scale recumbent folds associated with ductile shearing can be seen. This shearing is characterized by a direction of movement parallel to the fold axes and can be correlated for 150 km along strike. The K-values of the strain ellipsoid range from 0.8 to 2.0. Stretching in the X direction, parallel to the recumbent fold axes, is more than 100%. To the north-east, in the Oliva sector, first-phase folds are upright and the strain intensity is lower than in the Hornachos sector. Metamorphic, geometric and kinematic considerations lead us to conclude that the shearing in the Hornachos sector is better explained as conjugate to a main shear zone along which the southern border of the Central Iberian Zone is moved onto the Ossa-Morena Zone. This main thrust is at present obliterated by a left-lateral extensional shear zone that affects a high pressure exotic unit located between the Central Iberian and the Ossa-Morena Zones. This high pressure unit constitutes a suture of the Variscan belt in the Iberian Peninsula.  相似文献   

Palynological studies undertaken in the mountainous regions of the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula are few in number and have been concerned largely with the second half of the Holocene. New pollen data from two Galician sierras, the Courel and Queixa Sierras, provide a 10000‐yr record of vegetation and climate change. In the Courel Sierra before 9750 yr BP, Laguna Lucenza (1420 m a.s.l.) reflects a period of open landscape covered by Poaceae and heliophilous plants, which may be correlated with the Younger Dryas. The onset of the Holocene is characterised by the expansion of oak woodland, prior to 9300 yr BP, following a short phase of birch along with the gradual decline of pine. The oak values reach a peak at 8350 ± 80 yr BP. Towards 8800 yr BP Corylus begins to expand, followed by Alnus (7500 yr BP) and Ulmus. During this period, the Fraga pollen assemblage (Queixa Sierra, 1360 m a.s.l.) indicates Betula woodland surrounding the site, masking the regional predominance of oak. After 5000 yr BP there is a gradual decrease in arboreal pollen values in both Sierras. Castanea appears in Laguna Lucenza (Courel Sierra) at 4075 ± 75 yr BP. There is widespread deforestation during the last 4000 yr. During this period the presence of large quantities of microcharcoal particles points to the occurrence of fire. The reduction in forest is associated with the arrival of cultivation at 4000 yr BP at low altitudes in the Queixa Sierra. At higher altitudes the first agricultural activity is dated at later than 2000 yr BP. This coincides with the first record of cereal cultivation at high altitude in the Courel Sierra. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Thermochronological studies of Variscan basement in Iberia yield cooling ages typically younger than ~ 200 Ma. In this paper, we explore the regional implications of this recurrent age maximum by examination of low and high temperature thermochronological datasets from all over Iberia. Based on these results, we show that in general the lack of cooling ages older than 200 Ma is the result of several important regional periods of thermal resetting. Resetting took place in areas of extension and burial during the Mesozoic break-up of Pangea. Evidence for large scale magmatism and mineralisation is found in Iberia during the Mesozoic, since at that time Iberia formed part of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province and a large mineralization province extending from North Africa to Western Europe. Numerical modelling allows us to assess the conditions under which rocks in the upper crust may have been thermally reset and the mechanisms likely involved. Results show that active rifting combined with shallow magmatism, and to a lesser extent deep sedimentary burial, could have led to an increase of the geothermal gradient up to ~ 73 °C/km and the reset of thermochronometers with closure temperatures up to 200 °C. Yet, we suggest that also hydrothermal activity, associated to extensional basins, played an important role to the increase of temperatures of some basement rocks above 300 °C.  相似文献   

New 10Be dates for glacial landforms in the Fuentes Carrionas area (Cantabrian Mountains, nothern Spain) are presented. Mapped and dated landforms in Fuentes Carrionas made possible a palaeoglacier reconstruction for four glacial stages. Results were compared to other nearby palaeoenvironmental proxies, so a final approximation on the mean annual temperature and annual precipitation that caused the four glacial advance stages is proposed. Glaciers reached their maximum extension at 36 ka, in a cold and dry environment. A second advance stage took place between 18.5 and 19.5 ka, during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), when glaciers advanced in a wet environment, with positive rainfall anomalies. A third glacial advance was dated during the Oldest Dryas, in which climate shifted to extremely cold and dry conditions. Finally, a last stage has been identified and proposed to the Younger Dryas, in which precipitation anomalies are negligible. Our results confirm some of the previously made palaeoglacial and palaeoenvironmental inferences for the Iberian Peninsula, as well as provide valuable and accurate anomalies, which are useful for climate modelling.  相似文献   

By subsidence analysis on eighteen surface sections and 6 wells, which cover large part of the Iberian Basin (E Spain) and which are marked by high-resolution stratigraphy of the Permian, Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous, we quantify the complex Permian and Mesozoic tectonic subsidence history of the basin. Backstripping analysis of the available high resolution and high surface density of the database allows to quantify spatial and temporal patterns of tectonically driven subsidence to a much higher degree than previous studies. The sections and wells have also been forward modelled with a new ‘automated' modelling technique, with unlimited number of stretching phases, in order to quantify variations in timing and magnitude of rifting. It is demonstrated that the tectonic subsidence history in the Iberian Basin is characterized by pulsating periods of stretching intermitted by periods of relative tectonic quiescence and thermal subsidence. The number of stretching phases appears to be much larger than found by earlier studies, showing a close match with stretching phases found in other parts of the Iberian Peninsula and allowing a clear correlation with discrete phases in the opening of the Tethys and Atlantic.  相似文献   

The Iberian Peninsula hosts the world-class Hg mining district of Almadén. Besides pre-Hercynian ore bodies, alpine-cycle Hg-bearing veins are also present in the eastern Iberian Ranges (Espadán deposits). We present both the first absolute ages (84±4 and 85±3 Ma) for a post-Hercynian Hg deposit in Spain, obtained from primary muscovites, and a complete compilation of published Mesozoic radiometric absolute ages of the Iberian Peninsula. We deduce that there are three main thermal episodes that affected the Iberian Peninsula, which have been revealed after the comparison among the magmatic, metamorphic and hydrothermal ages. Moreover, the Espadán hydrothermal system was active when both the Cretaceous alkalic magmatism took place in Southern Portugal and in the Pyrenees, and during the opening of the Bay of Biscay.  相似文献   

The Navalpino Anticline is a major Variscan structure in the Central Iberian Zone of Spain. Three lithological groups are defined in the pre-Ordovician rocks of this anticline. The Rifean or Lower Vendian Extremeño Dome Group is unconformably overlain by the Upper Vendian Ibor-Navalpino Group. This latter group presents two different facies separated by a NW-SE trending synsedimentary fault. The Lower Cambrian Valdelacasa Group unconformably overlies both the Extremeno Dome and the Ibor-Navalpino Groups.Three pre-Variscan episodes of deformation have been defined in the area of the Navalpino Anticline. A major asymmetrical fold with a subvertical east-west-striking limb is the result of the first deformation event of pre-Late Vendian age. The second deformation event is of Cadomian (Late Precambrian) age and is composed of two stages; (i) an early extensional stage including NW - SE trending extensional fault and basin development in the north-eastern block; and (ii) a second compressive stage giving rise to north-south trending upright folds. This second compressive stage possibly inverted the basin. A final pre-Variscan deformation event took place between the Early Cambrian and the Early Ordovician resulting in a 5–10° tilting to the north-east.There are two main phases of Variscan deformation in the area. The first deformation event (Dv1) gave rise to a upright WNW - ESE trending folds on all scales, whereas the second (Dv2) gave rise to a brittle—ductile sinistral strike-slip shear zone tending subparallel to the axial trace of the Dv1 folds.  相似文献   

Seismic investigations to determine the crustal structure in the southwestern part of the Iberian Peninsula have been initiated in 1970. First experiments were carried out during July 1970, when a series of ten shots was fired off Cabo de Sines (Portugal) in shallow water and recorded up to distances of 185 km along a SE-profile towards Huelva (Spain). The profile was reversed in December 1970, when a series of twelve shots was fired off the south coast near Fuzeta (east of Faro) and recorded up to distances of about 260 km along a NW-profile towards Cabo da Roca west of Lisboa. A considerable increase in the seismic efficiency of the explosions could be achieved by generating standing waves in the water.

The structure deduced exhibits some peculiar features. Below the Palaeozoic sediments a fairly high velocity of 6.4 km/sec is found for the dome-shaped basement in that area. The lower crust, which is separated from the upper crust by a distinct velocity inversion (with a minimum velocity of about 5.3–5.6 km/sec), is characterized by a velocity of 7.1 km/sec. From the geological evidence and the sequence of seismic velocities it must be concluded that the upper crustal block in the southwestern part of the Iberian Peninsula has been uplifted by about 2–5 km since Permo-Triassic time, thus emphasizing the significance of vertical movement in tectonic activity.

The top of the upper mantle (8.15 km/sec) was detected at a depth of 30 km close to the Atlantic coast in the west, while near the Algarve coast in the south the depth to the M-discontinuity is about 34–35 km. This result in conjunction with studies of earthquake focal mechanisms confirms the suggestion that the Iberian block is being underthrust under the African plate.  相似文献   

We present the first platinum group elements (PGE) data on seven massive sulfide deposits in the Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB), one of the world largest massive sulfide provinces. Some of these deposits can contain significant PGE values. The highest PGE values were identified in the Cu-rich stockwork ores of the Aguas Teñidas Este (Σ PGE 350 ppb) and the Neves Corvo (Σ PGE 203 ppb) deposits. Chondrite normalized PGE patterns and Pd/Pt and Pd/Ir ratios in the IPB massive, and stockwork ores are consistent with the leaching of the PGE from the underlying rock sequence.  相似文献   

FLATModel is a two-dimensional shallow-water approximation code with corrections and modifications that create a simulation tool adapted to debris-flows behaviour. FLATModel uses the finite volume method with the numerical implementation of the Godunov scheme and includes correction terms regarding the effect of flow over high slopes and curvature. Additionally, the stop-and-go phenomenon, the basal entrainment and a correction regarding the front inclination of the final deposit are incorporated into FLATModel. In addition, different flow resistance laws were integrated in the numerical code including Bingham, Herschel–Bulkley and Voellmy fluid model. Firstly, our numerical model was validated using analytical solutions of a dam-break scenario and published data on a laboratory experiment. Secondly, three real events, which occurred in the northeastern part of the Iberian Peninsula, were back-calculated. Although field observations of the three events are not very detailed, the back-analyses revealed interesting patterns on the flow dynamics, and the numerical results generally showed good agreement with field data. Comparing the different flow resistance laws, the Voellmy fluid model presents the best behaviour regarding both the flow behaviour and the deposit characteristics. Preliminary simulation runs incorporating the effect of basal entrainment offered satisfactory results, although the final volume is rather sensitive on the selected friction angle of channel-bed material. The outcomes regarding the correction of the calculated front inclination of the final deposit showed that this implementation strongly improves the simulation results and better represents steep fronts of final deposits.  相似文献   

Buntsandstein deposits generated in a slowly subsiding basin on the western margin of the Iberian Chain are represented by a stratigraphic succession of fluvial deposits less than 100 m thick (conglomerates, sandstones, and shales). Diagenetic processes in sandstones can be grouped as eodiagenetic, mesodiagenetic, and telodiagenetic. Eodiagenesis can be associated with Muschelkalk, Keuper, and probably early Jurassic times. Mesodiagenesis is probably related to Jurassic times. Diagenetic chemical reactions suggest a maximum burial less than 1.5 km and low temperatures (<120°C). Patterns of porosity reduction by compaction and cementation suggest four diagenetic stages: (1) Loss of primary porosity by early mechanical compaction; (2) early cementation (K-feldspar and dolomite); (3) dissolution of cements; and (4) framework collapse by re-compaction. These stages are manifested by the presence of two types of sandstone. Type I sandstones present high intergranular volume (mean, 30%). Type II sandstones are characterized by high compactional porosity loss and exhibit low values of intergranular volume (mean, 16.9%). Type II sandstones are associated with the dissolution of cement and later re-compaction of type I sandstones. An intermediate telodiagenetic phase is deduced and related to the sharp unconformity between Lower Cretaceous sediments and the underlying sediments. This suggests that a mechanically unstable framework collapsed during the Cretaceous, generating type II sandstones. The analyzed diagenetic paths have a wide applicability on similar marginal areas of rift basins.  相似文献   

One of the main tectonic boundaries of the Variscan Belt in the Iberian Peninsula is the Ossa-Morena/Central Iberian contact. This contact is marked by a highly deformed unit (Central Unit) which recorded an initial high-pressure/high-temperature metamorphic evolution. Rb-Sr whole-rock isotopic data from three gneissic bodies cropping out in the Central Unit yield two Late Proterozoic ages (690 ± 134 and 632 ± 103 Ma) and an early Palaeozoic age (495 ± 13 Ma), which we interpret as protolith ages. The two Late Proterozoic orthogneisses show initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios typical of mantle-derived materials or those with significant mantle participation (87Sr/86Sr > 0.709). These new radiometric data, together with ages previously published and the structural evolution of the Central Unit, lead to the conclusions that: (1) there are magmatic protoliths of Late Proterozoic and Early Palaeozoic ages; (2) the metamorphic evolution of this area, including the high-pressure event, belongs to the Variscan orogenic cycle; (3) the deformations observed affect the rocks of the entire Central Unit, accordingly they are post-Ordovician, i.e. Variscan; and (4) consequently, the Ossa-Morena/Central Iberian contact is interpreted here as a Variscan suture.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(2):131-144
An extensional event affected the southwest Margin of Iberia during Late Triassic to Early Cretaceous times, giving place to the Algarve basin. This basin was subjected to tectonic instability and it became infilled with siliciclastic and carbonate sequences with abundant interspersed volcanic rocks. Normal and strike-slip faults accommodated the deformation in the Algarve basin. The presence of a single flat or listric detachment surface is inferred from the study of hanging-wall structures. The dynamic and kinematic analyses of fault systems in the Spanish exposure of the Algarve basin allow us to establish three extensional phases. 1) A Late Triassic to Hettangian NE-SW directed extension associated with the initial breaking of Pangea and the opening of the Tethys in the eastern Mediterranean. 2) NW-SE extension from the Sinemurian to the Callovian, interpreted as a result of the activity as a sinistral fault of the Azores-Gibraltar transform boundary. 3) Finally, E-W extension during the Late Jurassic and Cretaceous, related to the North Atlantic rifting process.  相似文献   

In the Central Iberian Zone (CIZ) of the Iberian Massif large volumes of granitoids were emplaced during the post-collisional stage of the Hercynian orogeny (syn- to post-D3, the last ductile deformation phase). Twelve granitic units and a quartz monzodiorite were selected for a U–Pb zircon and monazite geochronological study. They represent successive stages of the D3 event. The Ucanha-Vilar, Lamego, Sameiro and Refoios do Lima plutons are coeval (313±2 Ma, 319±4 Ma, 316±2 Ma and 314±2 Ma, respectively) and belong to the earliest stage. Later on the Braga massif was emplaced, its different units yielding the same age: 309±3 Ma for the Braga granite, 309±1 Ma for the Gonça granite and 311±5 Ma for a related quartz monzodiorite. The Braga massif is subcontemporaneous with the Agrela and Celeirós plutons (307±3.5 Ma and 306±2 Ma, respectively), in agreement with field data. The Briteiros granite is younger (300±1 Ma), followed by the emplacement of the Peneda–Gerês massif (Gerês, Paufito, Illa and Carris granites). The Gerês granite, emplaced at 296±2 Ma, seems to represent a first magmatic pulse immediately followed by the intrusion of the Paufito granite at 290±2.5 Ma. For the Carris granite a minimum emplacement age of 280±5 Ma was obtained. Based on these results the following chronology is proposed: (1) syn-D3 biotite granitoids, 313–319 Ma; (2) late-D3 biotite-dominant granitoids, 306–311 Ma; (3) late- to post-D3 granitoids, ca. 300 Ma; (4) post-D3 granitoids, 290–296 Ma. These chronological data indicate that successive granitic intrusions were emplaced in the CIZ during a short time span of about 30 Ma that corresponds to the latest stages of the Hercynian orogeny. A rapid and drastic change occurred at about 300 Ma, between a compressive ductile tectonic regime (D3, ca. 300–320 Ma) associated to calc-alkaline, monzonitic and aluminopotassic plutonism and a fragile phase of deformation (D4) which controlled the emplacement of the subalkaline ferro-potassic plutonism at 290–296 Ma.  相似文献   

Over the past century, there is an increased contribution of non climatic factors to the flood formation processes in the Kura River. Non climatic factors of floods refer to factors that are related to reductions in channel capacity and result in floods. More recently, there are numerous non climatic factors occurring in and around the Kura River basin that have increased the frequency of floods. Sediment accumulation in the riverbed over a long period of time has led to the reduction of channel capacity and has raised the elevation of the riverbed above the surrounding territory. It is illustrated that construction of dykes and levees do not actually prevent flooding, where hydrologic connections between groundwater and surface water are high, since infiltrated waters from channel results in raising of ground waters, causing an effect of “underground flood.” Since underground floods occur when water going from channels raises the level of ground waters, there is an urgent need to carefully investigate the groundwater–surface water connections. With the purpose of predicting floods, the authors suggest defining maximal acceptable flows (MAFs) rather than channel capacities. Results show that high rates of hydraulic conductivity of soils will decrease MAF rates. MAF computations before high-water season allow for further regulation of outlets further downstream in order to prevent flooding and enable flood forecasting. While the study focuses on a specific region, the overall approach suggested is generic and may be applied elsewhere.  相似文献   

降雨因子对湖北省山地灾害影响的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
毛以伟  周月华  陈正洪  谌伟  金琪  王仁乔  王珏 《岩土力学》2005,26(10):1657-1662
根据湖北省1950~2003年726个山洪地质灾害样本,分析了其时空分布特征。滑动t-检验显示,逐年灾害数在1974年、1988年前后出现两次显著性突变增多(其中山洪、滑坡增多最明显),逐年降雨量也相应有两次增加,二者相关系数可达0.3。表明我省年降雨量趋势性增加是灾害增多的主要诱因。进一步分析表明,暴雨以上强降雨是山洪、滑坡、泥石流、塌陷的主要诱因,连阴雨是崩塌的主要诱因,同时对滑坡、泥石流、塌陷有重要影响,对山洪灾害影响则较小。  相似文献   

The attributes of a ‘four-systems-tract’ sequence are at times difficult to identify in outcrop-scale carbonate successions. Poor exposure conditions, variable rates of sediment production, erosion and/or superposition of surfaces that are intrinsic to the nature of carbonate systems frequently conceal or remove its physical features. The late Early–Middle Aptian platform carbonates of the western Maestrat Basin (Iberian Chain, Spain) display facies heterogeneity enabling platform, platform-margin and slope geometries to be identified, and provide a case study that shows all the characteristics of a quintessential four systems tract-based sequence. Five differentiated systems tracts belonging to two distinct depositional sequences can be recognized: the Highstand Systems Tract (HST) and Forced Regressive Wedge Systems Tract (FRWST) of Depositional Sequence A; and the Lowstand Prograding Wedge Systems Tract (LPWST), Transgressive Systems Tract (TST) and subsequent return to a highstand stage of sea-level (HST) of Depositional Sequence B. An extensive carbonate platform of rudists and corals stacked in a prograding pattern marks the first HST. The FRWST is constituted by a detached, slightly cross-bedded calcarenite situated at the toe of the slope in a basinal position. The LPWST is characterized by a small carbonate platform of rudists and corals downlapping over the FRWST and onlapping landwards. The TST exhibits platform backstepping and marly sedimentation. Resumed carbonate production in shelf and slope settings characterizes the second HST. A basal surface of forced regression, a subaerial unconformity, a correlative conformity, a transgressive surface and a maximum flooding surface bound these systems tracts, and are well documented and widely mappable across the platform-to-basin transition area analyzed. Moreover, the sedimentary succession studied is made up of four types of parasequence that constitute stratigraphic units deposited within a higher-frequency sea-level cyclicity. Ten lithofacies associations form these basic accretional units. Each facies assemblage can be ascribed to an inferred depositional environment in terms of bathymetry, hydrodynamic conditions and trophic level. The architecture of the carbonate platform systems reflects a flat-topped non-rimmed depositional profile. Furthermore, these carbonate shelves are interpreted as having been formed in low hydrodynamic conditions. The long-term relative fall in sea-level occurred during the uppermost Early Aptian, which subaerially exposed the carbonate platform established during the first HST and resulted in the deposition of the FRWST, is interpreted as one of global significance. Moreover, a possible relationship between this widespread sea-level drop and glacio-eustasy seems plausible, and could be linked to the cooling event proposed in the literature for the late Early Aptian. Because of the important implications in sequence stratigraphy of this study, the sedimentary succession analyzed herein could serve as an analogue for the application of the four-systems-tract sequence stratigraphic methodology to carbonate systems.  相似文献   

胶东地块西部变质岩锆石U-Pb定年和氧同位素研究   总被引:9,自引:10,他引:9  
对胶东地块西部变质岩作了系统的锆石U-Pb定年和矿物氧同位素分析,结果对这些变质岩的原岩性质和变质时代提供了制约。研究得到:(2)2个TTG片麻岩的原岩谐和年龄分别为2692±14Ma和2691±12Ma,部分锆石记录了1.7Ga~1.8Ga左右的变质事件。岩浆锆石δ~(18)O值为5.11~5.55‰,指示TTG岩浆在成因上与幔源岩石关系密切;(2)呈透镜状包体分布于TTG片麻岩中的斜长角闪岩全岩δ~(18)O估计值总体在6.0~6.5‰之间,表明斜长角闪岩原岩同样具幔源性质,其原岩初始氧同位素组成总体未受后期变质作用改造,但局部有低δ~(18)O值(3.6‰)斜长角闪岩分布,指示胶东地块西部同样存在δ~(18)O亏损事件;(3)粉子山群长英质副片麻岩具有较高的氧同位素组成,全岩δ~(18)O估计值在12.3~14.5‰之间,锆石δ~(18)O值高达9.92‰,指示其源区物质为高δ~(18)O值表壳岩。粉子山群斜长角闪岩全岩δ~(18)O估计值在5.5‰左右,表明其原岩具有幔源性质,原岩初始氧同位素组成也未受后期变质作用的明显改造;(4)粉子山群混合岩化变质作用时间为1748±22Ma,斜长角闪质混合岩中变质新生锆石δ~(18)O值为6.07‰,长英质混合岩中变质新生锆石δ~(18)O值为6.88~7.67‰,指示在混合岩化变质作用过程中有外部高δ~(18)O值流体加入,引起混合岩氧同位素组成不同程度地升高;(5)粉子山群中橄榄大理岩岩浆核锆石U-Pb不一致线上、下交点年龄分别为769±48Ma和215±34Ma,分别代表岩浆锆石结晶年龄和变质年龄,说明胶东地块西部同样存在新元古代岩浆活动,并遭受到三叠纪变质作用;(6)分布于TTG片麻岩中的基性麻粒岩原岩年龄为2379±54Ma,麻粒岩相变质作用时间为1794±41Ma,与混合岩化变质作用时间基本一致。麻粒岩相变质锆石δ~(18)O值为4.75‰,氧同位素研究表明基性麻粒岩原岩具幔源性质,其原岩氧同位素组成未受到后期变质作用改造。胶东地块西部新元古代岩浆活动、印支期变质时代和~(18)O亏损事件的产出指示,胶东地块西部有可能属于扬子板块,对应于扬子板块北缘新元古代裂谷岩浆侵位时裂谷肩部的北翼古老围岩。在印支期陆壳俯冲过程中,整个胶东地块西部可能并没有俯冲到地幔深度。  相似文献   

The Lower–Middle Albian coaly clay bed of the Escucha Formation, which is exposed at Rubielos de Mora (eastern Iberian Ranges, Spain), contains a diverse fossil plant assemblage. Among the taxa present in this layer, Mirovia gothanii Gomez sp. nov. differs from other species of the genus by its greater leaf length, margins typically overhanging the depressed stomatal groove, a single short, blunt, papilla borne by each subsidiary cell, non-stomatal cells inside the groove and margins, and a higher number of resin ducts in the mesophyll. Morphological study of the well-preserved cuticles demonstrates that the species also occurs in Lower Cretaceous coals of Santa Maria de Meià (Pyrenees, Spain) where Gothan (1954) described it as Sciadopitytes sp. Both localities constitute the southernmost extent of the genus in Laurasia when the family was likely to have reached its climax in terms of abundance and diversity.  相似文献   

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