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集装箱运价的波动使得探讨运费保值的方法成为运输各方关注的重要问题。针对国际集装箱运输市场的特点,并借鉴国际上创设的多种运费衍生市场的经验,提出了集装箱运费保值市场的双层构架:创设以做市商为中心的、零售性质的远期运费合同市场,以利于中小型外贸公司、货代公司和船公司规避运价的不确定性,并建立集装箱远期运价协议市场,以便做市商、大货主和大船运公司在衍生市场进行运费保值。  相似文献   

5月上旬纽约商品交易所黄金期货(6月份交货)价格每盎司达312.5美元,创过去2年零3个月来的最高价格水平。同期香港、东京等市场的黄金价格也纷纷暴涨。动荡不定的国际社会局势使越来越多的人开始囤购黄金保值,日本黄金投资尤其升温,这被认为是导致国际市场黄金价格暴涨的最主要原因。  相似文献   

评价了当今跨国公司在跨国经营中所采用的各种典型开拓模式 ,着重探索了一种新市场开拓模式。这种新模式将对组建和发展在国际市场中参与竞争并立于不败之地的跨国集团公司产生积极的促进作用  相似文献   

<正>一、基本情况原有的义乌国际物流中心,占地约400亩,建于2002年10月,设计年集装箱吞吐能力为10万标箱。由于义乌国际物流发展势头强劲,至2008年义乌出口集装箱已达每年50万标箱,大大超出设计能力,影响海关通关查验,致使集装箱运输车辆常排长队,堵塞城市交通,严重制约义乌国际物流健康有序发展。  相似文献   

据业内人士分析,除非遇到政治、经济形势的重大变化,黄金市场放开后金价不会大起大落,只会随着国际行情波动。 目前,黄金配售价和收购价格仍然由央行调控,近日放开的是黄金饰品的批发价和零售价。而这一价格在明文规定以前实际已放开,国内金价基本与国际接轨。另外,国内消费者对黄金的消费观念正在改变,黄金的保值功能日趋弱化,所以业内人士普遍认为,黄金饰品不会爆发价格战。金属矿物市场唯我独秀 由于受全球经济放缓的影响,目前全球金属和矿产市场低迷不振。基本金属下降 10%~30%,其中铜和铝降至两年来的最低点。并且…  相似文献   

土地收购储备制度是一种政府和市场相结合配置土地资源的新机制,是一种经营土地、经营城市,促进国有土地资产保值增值行之有效的方法。土地储备制度在完善土地市场,控制土地供应情况,促进城市产业结构调整和基础设施建设等方面的作用日益显现出来。  相似文献   

依托广西自身的区位优势、技术优势和中国—东盟矿业合作论坛暨推介展示会这个国际大平台,秉持着充分利用好国际国内两个市场、两种资源的理念,面对前景美好的东盟各国矿业市场,广西正在大力实施"走出去"战略——  相似文献   

土地收购储备制度是一种政府和市场相结合配置土地资源的新机制,是促进国有土地资产保值增值行之有效地方法,对培育和规范城市土地市场,盘活企业存量土地,落实城市规划,增加政府土地收益,显化土地资产,合理利用土地资源,加快城市建设步伐等方面具有积极地作用。  相似文献   

土地作为生产要素,作为不动产增值是其本质,而流动是实现保值增值的根本途径。但是,流动所带来巨大收益的分配问题一直是个争议的焦点,正是基于此,笔者根据地域经济发展特点、土地市场的发育程度、政府与市场的主导情况来对这个热点问题进行讨论。  相似文献   

土地收购储备制度是一种政府和市场相结合配置土地资源的新机制,是一种经营土地、经营城市,促进国有土地资产保值增值的行之有效的方法。它对培育和规范城市土地市场,盘活企业存量土地,落实城市规划,增加政府土地收益,显化土地资产,合理利用土地资源,加快城市建设步伐等方面具有积极的作用。[第一段]  相似文献   

The Changjiang River (Yangtze) is one of the fastest growth areas of container transportation in Chi-na. Rail, road and water transportation have competed against each other for container transportation in the Chang-jiang River main line and its delta area. It is of significance to assess these different transportation modes scientifi-cally in order to organize container transportation efficiently in this area and make decision for integral plan and construction of transportation system in this area. This paper outlines application of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation to appraise different modes of typical direction of containers. Twelve assessment indexes were decided. Membership functions were formulated. Evaluation results indicated that road transportation was optimal mode in the Changjiang River delta area, however water transportation was the primary way in the Changjiang River main line.  相似文献   

Land bridge transportation means transportation from one seaport to another by railway across continents instead of by ocean ship. At present, there are two common routes for using land bridge transportation in the world. One is Asia-America-Europe land bridge, the other is Europe-Asia land bridge.Eurasia land bridge has obvious advantages over Asia-America-Europe land bridge due to its shorter distance, shorter transportation time and special freight rate. China started Eurasia land bridge transportation business in 1980. It mainly used the mode of railway-railway combined transportation. The comparison between using Eurasia land bridge and using shipping transportation from China to Northern and Western Europe shows that Euraria land bridge transportation can save time and get foreign exchange in time, and commodity turnover will be speeded up. According to the port layout and railway network structure, China's land bridge transportation projects are proposed. They are Suifenhe project, Dalian project  相似文献   

This paper investigates the sources of goods being shipped through the Arctic passages, and trade generated in the Arc- tic, including oil and gas exploitation. Furthermore, it assesses the present situation for maritime cargo shipped from the Far East to Northwestern Europe and North America. Two main types of cargo are predicted to pass through the Arctic passages in the future. First, about 10 million t of liquefied natural gas will be delivered from Russia and the Nordic Arctic to the Far East by 2030. Second, there will be two-way trade flow of containerized cargo from the Far East to Europe and the United States through the North- east, Central and Northwest Passages. This will relieve pressure on present routes from the Far East to Northwestern Europe and North America. If Arctic navigation is technically possible in all seasons and shipping costs fall to those of ordinary ships, then assuming an equal share of shipping volume with the traditional canal routes, the maximum container freight passing through the Arctic passages by 2030 will be approximately 17.43 million TEUs (Twenty-foot Equivalent Units) per year, which is 85% of the volume transported on traditional canal routes in 2011. We conclude that there will be large-scale gas transportation through the Northeast Passage in the near future, and transit shipping across the Arctic will focus more on container transportation. The differences in shipping costs between Arctic routes and traditional canal routes are also compared.  相似文献   

东营凹陷古近纪济阳群沙河街组内的介形虫化石在平面上的分布有多种形式;就介形虫化石本身的保存特征而言,壳体充填物有5大类型,壳体颜色丰富多彩。对介形虫化石保存特征进行成因探讨,有助于恢复古环境。  相似文献   

For the supply of fish and shellfish to consumers in fresh condition, clean handling after catch from the sea is essential. According to HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points), it is important to meet such requirement by keeping fish and shellfish under a certain low temperature and clean conditions after catching. The deep ocean water (DOW) characterized by low temperature and cleanliness has been chosen for fish and shellfish handlings, particularly for salmon, cod, and sea urchin in Town 'Rausu' in Hokkaido, Japan. DOW below 2.9℃ of an amount of nearly 5 000 m^3 is planned to be pumped up every day from a depth of about 350 m, and temporarily stored in a large simulated tank on land. DOW is then supplied to fish boats through hydrants distributed throughout the harbor and used for keeping salmon in clean and cold conditions. Ice made from DOW is also used for lowering temperature if necessary. DOW and ice made from DOW are also used during the transportation of fish and shellfish. The entire system is scheduled to be completed by the summer of 2005.  相似文献   

文章分析了湛江经济发展的优势所在 ,认为湛江具有较好的基础设施条件 ;有较好的工业基础、原材料市场和产品市场 ;拥有一批地理位置优越 ,条件良好的港口 ,具有发展海洋运输业的优势 ;海洋生物资源丰富 ,具有发展海水养殖加工的条件 ;并且有多处独具特色的亚热带旅游风光 ,具有发展海滨旅游业的潜力。在此基础上用主导产业的选择准则判断和分析并提出湛江经济发展应以海洋运输业作为其主导产业。同时 ,要协调好主导产业与前向、后向及旁侧产业之间的关系 ,使各产业在非均衡发展中协同推进 ,实现整个湛江经济的良性循环  相似文献   

首先根据原始资料构造货物配送方案的数学模型,其中考虑了行车距离和成本,同时对有时间窗的情况进行了分类处理,然后利用编程进行软件的实现,最后得到了一个可用于教学和科研的货物配送方案管理系统。  相似文献   

Maritime transportation has become an important part of the international trade system.To promote its sustainable de-velopment,it is necessary to reduce the fuel consumption of ships,decrease navigation risks,and shorten the navigation time.Ac-cordingly,planning a multi-objective route for ships is an effective way to achieve these goals.In this paper,we propose a multi-ob-jective optimal ship weather routing system framework.Based on this framework,a ship route model,ship fuel consumption model,and navigation risk model are established,and a non-dominated sorting and multi-objective ship weather routing algorithm based on particle swarm optimization is proposed.To fasten the convergence of the algorithm and improve the diversity of route solutions,a mutation operation and an elite selection operation are introduced in the algorithm.Based on the Pareto optimal front and Pareto optimal solution set obtained by the algorithm,a recommended route selection criterion is designed.Finally,two sets of simulated navigation simulation experiments on a container ship are conducted.The experimental results show that the proposed multi-objective optimal weather routing system can be used to plan a ship route with low navigation risk,short navigation time,and low fuel consumption,fulfilling the safety,efficiency,and economic goals.  相似文献   

以OMS平台模型为研究对象,提出了一种地理分析模型服务化封装策略,以减少在模型提供者和模型使用者之间共享模型时遇到的障碍。通过设计模型描述接口、模型执行接口和模型部署接口,实现OMS平台模型的封装策略,形成标准化部署包。相关部署包可以部署到模型服务容器上,并发布为网络空间可重用共享的服务,以支撑分布式模型集成与模拟。本文以OMS平台下的AgES-W模型为案例,验证了模型封装策略的可行性和实用性,为网络环境下模型共享与集成奠定了基础。  相似文献   

北部湾临港工业圈的布局构想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代临港工业要求港口的区位条件、海陆运输条件良好,腹地广阔,依托城市的工业基础良好。环北部湾海岸线长,港口资源丰富,具有发展临港工业的优势。环北部湾在选择发展临港工业方面竞争多于合作,需要通过各地政府协调,培育“环北部湾”意识,制订临港工业发展规划,扩大开发和开放,科学合理布局海洋油气业、燃气发电及滨海电力业、重化工业、船舶制造业、海水产品加工业等产业,促进环北部湾临港工业的发展。  相似文献   

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