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We report results from a systematic study of X-ray emission from black hole transients in quiescence. In this state, mass accretion is thought to follow the geometry of an outer optically thick, geometrically thin disc and an inner optically thin, geometrically thick radiatively inefficient accretion flow (RIAF). The inner flow is likely also coupled to the jets near the black hole that are often seen in such systems. The goal of the study is to see whether the X-ray emission in the quiescent state is mainly powered by the accretion flow or by the jets. Using data from deep XMM – Newton observations of selected black hole transients, we have found that the quiescent X-ray spectra are, to a high precision, of power-law shape in the cases of GRO J1655-40 and V404 Cyg. Such spectra deviate significantly from the expected X-ray spectrum of the RIAF at very low-accretion rates. On the other hand, they can naturally be explained by emission from the jets, if the emitting electrons follow a power-law spectral distribution (as is often assumed). The situation remains ambiguous in the case of XTE J1550-564, due to the relatively poorer quality of the data. We discuss the implication of the results.  相似文献   

We present an XMM–Newton observation of the bright, narrow-line, ultrasoft type 1 Seyfert galaxy Ton S180. The  0.3–10 keV  X-ray spectrum is steep and curved, showing a steep slope above 2.5 keV  (Γ∼ 2.3)  and a smooth, featureless excess of emission at lower energies. The spectrum can be adequately parametrized using a simple double power-law model. The source is strongly variable over the course of the observation but shows only weak spectral variability, with the fractional variability amplitude remaining approximately constant over more than a decade in energy. The curved continuum shape and weak spectral variability are discussed in terms of various physical models for the soft X-ray excess emission, including reflection off the surface of an ionized accretion disc, inverse Compton scattering of soft disc photons by thermal electrons, and Comptonization by electrons with a hybrid thermal/non-thermal distribution. We emphasize the possibility that the strong soft excess may be produced by dissipation of accretion energy in the hot, upper atmosphere of the putative accretion disc.  相似文献   

We present simultaneous ASCA and RXTE observations of Ark 564, the brightest known 'narrow-line' Seyfert 1 in the 2–10 keV band. The measured X-ray spectrum is dominated by a steep (Γ≈2.7) power-law continuum extending to at least 20 keV, with imprinted Fe K-line and edge features and an additional 'soft excess' below ∼1.5 keV. The energy of the iron K-edge indicates the presence of highly ionized material, which we identify in terms of reflection from a strongly irradiated accretion disc. The high reflectivity of this putative disc, together with its strong intrinsic O  viii Ly α and O  viii recombination emission, can also explain much of the observed soft excess flux. Furthermore, the same spectral model also provides a reasonable match to the very steep 0.1–2 keV spectrum deduced from ROSAT data. The source is much more rapidly variable than 'normal' Seyfert 1s of comparable luminosity, increasing by a factor of ∼50 per cent in 1.6 h, with no measurable lag between the 0.5–2 keV and 3–12 keV bands, consistent with much of the soft excess flux arising from reprocessing of the primary power-law component in the inner region of the accretion disc. We note, finally, that if the unusually steep power-law component is a result of Compton cooling of a disc corona by an intense soft photon flux, then the implication is that the bulk of these soft photons lie in the unobserved extreme ultraviolet.  相似文献   

We model the optical to X-ray continuum spectrum of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy RE J1034+396. We show that the flat optical spectrum is consistent with emission from an irradiated accretion disc. The X-ray emission can be modelled with a disc blackbody and a Comptonized component. The temperature at the inner edge of the disc     Using this constraint, we show that the flat optical spectrum is consistent with emission from the irradiatively heated outer part of the accretion disc. We constrain the outer radius of the optically thick disc     and the inner radius of the irradiation-dominated region     . Our optical and X-ray spectral fits indicate a mass     , and do not rule out a low (i.e. face-on) inclination angle for the system.  相似文献   

Strong evidence for the presence of a warped Keplerian accretion disc in NGC 4258 (M 106) has been inferred from the kinematics of water masers detected at subparsec scales. Assuming a power-law accretion disc and using constraints on the disc parameters derived from observational data, we have analysed the relativistic Bardeen–Petterson effect driven by a Kerr black hole as the potential physical mechanism responsible for the disc warping. We found that the Bardeen–Petterson radius is comparable to or smaller than the inner radius of the maser disc (independent of the allowed value for the black hole spin parameter). Numerical simulations for a wide range of physical conditions have shown that the evolution of a misaligned disc due to the Bardeen–Petterson torques usually produces an inner flat disc and a warped transition region with a smooth gradient in the tilt and twist angles. Since this structure is similar to that seen in NGC 4258, we propose that the Bardeen–Petterson effect may be responsible for the disc warping in this galaxy. We estimated the time-scale necessary for the disc inside of the Bardeen–Petterson radius to align with the black hole's equator, as a function of the black hole spin. Our results show that the Bardeen–Petterson effect can align the disc within a few billion years in the case of NGC 4258. Finally, we show that if the observed curvature of the outer anomalous arms in the galactic disc of NGC 4258 is associated with the precession of its radio jet/counterjet, then the Bardeen–Petterson effect can provide the required precession period.  相似文献   

The fluctuating-accretion model of Lyubarskii and its extension by Kotov, Churazov & Gilfanov seek to explain the spectral-timing properties of the X-ray variability of accreting black holes in terms of inward-propagating mass accretion fluctuations produced at a broad range of radii. The fluctuations modulate the X-ray emitting region as they move inwards and can produce temporal-frequency-dependent lags between energy bands, and energy-dependent power spectral densities (PSDs) as a result of the different emissivity profiles, which may be expected at different X-ray energies. Here, we use a simple numerical implementation to investigate in detail the X-ray spectral-timing properties of the model and their relation to several physically interesting parameters, namely the emissivity profile in different energy bands, the geometrical thickness and viscosity parameter of the accretion flow, the strength of damping on the fluctuations and the temporal coherence (measured by the 'quality factor', Q ) of the fluctuations introduced at each radius. We find that a geometrically thick flow with large viscosity parameter is favoured, and we confirm that the predicted lags are quite robust to changes in the emissivity profile and physical parameters of the accretion flow, which may help to explain the similarity of the lag spectra in the low/hard and high/soft states of Cyg X-1. We also demonstrate the model regime where the light curves in different energy bands are highly spectrally coherent. We compare model predictions directly to X-ray data from the narrow line Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 4051 and the black hole X-ray binary (BHXRB) Cyg X-1 in its high/soft state, and we show that this general scheme can reproduce simultaneously the time lags and energy-dependence of the PSD.  相似文献   

We report on an analysis in the  3–10 keV  X-ray band of the long 1999 ASCA observation of MCG–6-30-15. The time-averaged broad iron K line is well described by disc emission near a Schwarzschild black hole, confirming the results of earlier analyses on the ASCA 1994 and 1997 data. The time-resolved iron-line profile is remarkably stable over a factor of 3 change in source flux, and the line and continuum fluxes are uncorrelated. Detailed fits to the variable iron-line profile suggest that the active region (parametrized by the best-fitting inner and outer radii of the accretion disc) responsible for iron-line emission actually narrows with increasing flux to a region around  4–5 r g  . In contrast with the iron line, the power-law continuum exhibits significant variability during the 1999 observation. Time-resolved spectral analysis reveals a new feature in the well-known photon index (Γ) versus flux correlation: Γ appears to approach a limiting value of  Γ∼2.1  at high flux. Two models are proposed to explain both the new feature in the Γ versus flux correlation and the uncorrelated iron-line flux: a phenomenological two power-law model, and the recently proposed 'thundercloud' model of Merloni & Fabian . Both models are capable of reproducing the data well, but because they are poorly constrained by the observed Γ versus flux relation, they cannot at present be tested meaningfully by the data. The various implications and the physical interpretation of these models are discussed.  相似文献   

There may exist a transition region from the geometrically thick outer region to the geometrically thin inner region in accretion discs. In this paper we calculate the spectra emitted by the portions of the inner region which are not occulted by the transition region, and deduce the emergent spectra of accretion discs to be observed, taking into account the reflection effect of radiation by the transition region. Our results show that the difference between these emergent spectra of discs and the standard ones of steady accretion disc models is significant when the central portion of discs is occulted by the transition region. It might play a role in the explanation of continuous spectra for some dwarf novae.  相似文献   

We find a new two-temperature hot branch of equilibrium solutions for stationary accretion discs around black holes. In units of Eddington accretion rate defined as 10 L Edd c 2, the accretion rates to which these solutions correspond are within the range ̇ 1≲ ̇ ≲1, where ̇ 1 is the critical rate of advection-dominated accretion flow (ADAF). In these solutions, the energy loss rate of the ions by Coulomb energy transfer between the ions and electrons is larger than the viscously heating rate and it is the advective heating together with the viscous dissipation that balances the Coulomb cooling of ions. When ̇ 1≲ ̇ ≲ ̇ 2, where ̇ 2∼5 ̇ 1<1, the accretion flow remains hot throughout the disc. When ̇ 2≲ ̇ ≲1, Coulomb interaction will cool the inner region of the disc within a certain radius ( r tr∼several tens of Schwarzschild radii or larger depending on the accretion rate and the outer boundary condition) and the disc will collapse on to the equatorial plane and form an optically thick cold annulus. Compared with ADAF, these hot solutions are much more luminous because of the high accretion rate and efficiency; therefore, we call them luminous hot accretion discs.  相似文献   

Over the last few years X-ray observations of broad-line radio galaxies (BLRGs) by ASCA , RXTE and BeppoSAX have shown that these objects seem to exhibit weaker X-ray reflection features (such as the iron K α line) than radio-quiet Seyferts. This has lead to speculation that the optically thick accretion disc in radio-loud active galactic nuclei (AGN) may be truncated to an optically thin flow in the inner regions of the source. Here, we propose that the weak reflection features are a result of reprocessing in an ionized accretion disc. This would alleviate the need for a change in accretion geometry in these sources. Calculations of reflection spectra from an ionized disc for situations expected in radio-loud AGN (high accretion rate, moderate-to-high black hole mass) predict weak reprocessing features. This idea was tested by fitting the ASCA spectrum of the bright BLRG 3C 120 with the constant density ionized disc models of Ross & Fabian. A good fit was found with an ionization parameter of   ξ ∼4000 erg cm s-1  and the reflection fraction fixed at unity. If observations of BLRGs by XMM-Newton show evidence for ionized reflection then this would support the idea that a high accretion rate is likely required to launch powerful radio jets.  相似文献   

We present XMM–Newton /EPIC spectra for the Laor et al. sample of Palomar Green (PG) quasars. We find that a power law provides a reasonable fit to the 2–5 keV region of the spectra. Excess soft X-ray emission below 2 keV is present for all objects, with the exception of those known to contain a warm absorber. However, a single power law is a poor fit to the 0.3–10.0 keV spectrum and instead we find that a simple model, consisting of a broken power law (plus an iron line), provides a reasonable fit in most cases. The equivalent width of the emission line is constrained in just 12 objects but with low (<2σ) significance in most cases. For the sources whose spectra are well fitted by the broken-power-law model, we find that various optical and X-ray line and continuum parameters are well correlated; in particular, the power-law photon index is well correlated with the FWHM of the Hβ line and the photon indices of the low- and high-energy components of the broken power law are well correlated with each other. These results suggest that the 0.3–10 keV X-ray emission shares a common (presumably non-thermal) origin, as opposed to suggestions that the soft excess is directly produced by thermal disc emission or via an additional spectral component. We present XMM–Newton Optical Monitor (OM) data, which we combine with the X-ray spectra so as to produce broad-band spectral energy distributions (SEDs), free from uncertainties due to long-term variability in non-simultaneous data. Fitting these optical–UV spectra with a Comptonized disc model indicates that the soft X-ray excess is independent of the accretion disc, confirming our interpretation of the tight correlation between the hard and soft X-ray spectra.  相似文献   

We present a full set of model atmosphere equations for the accretion disc around a supermassive black hole irradiated by a hard X-ray lamp of power-law spectral distribution. Model equations allow for multiple Compton scattering of radiation on free electrons, and for large relative photon–electron energy exchange at the time of scattering. We present spectra in specific intensities integrated over the disc surface. Theoretical outgoing intensity spectra show soft X-ray excess below 1 keV, and distinct Kα and Kβ fluorescent lines of iron. We demonstrate the existence of the Compton Shoulder and claim that it can contribute to the asymmetry and equivalent widths of some observed Fe Kα lines in active galactic nuclei. Our models exhibit the effect of limb-brightening in reflected X-rays.  相似文献   

With the launch of XMM‐Newton in 1999, two Narrow‐Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies (NLS1s) have been detected (IRAS 13224–3809 and 1H 0707–495) showing sharp spectral drops at energies equal or above the neutral Fe K edge at 7.1 keV without any narrow Fe K reemission. In this paper I summarize our present knowledge on the observed properties of sharp high‐energy spectral drops. I list the problems presently arising from the reflection dominated and the optically thick disc models. Finally, I present an alternative solution which consists of a combination of the accretion disc model and the reflection dominated model. This might solve the problems of the standard accretion disc model. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present XMM-Newton European Photon Imaging Camera (EPIC) observations of the bright Seyfert 1 galaxy MCG–6-30-15, focusing on the broad Fe K α line at ∼6 keV and the associated reflection continuum, which is believed to originate from the inner accretion disc. We find these reflection features to be extremely broad and redshifted, indicating an origin in the very central regions of the accretion disc. It seems likely that we have caught this source in the 'deep minimum' state first observed by Iwasawa et al. The implied central concentration of X-ray illumination is difficult to understand in any pure accretion disc model. We suggest that we are witnessing the extraction and dissipation of rotational energy from a spinning black hole by magnetic fields connecting the black hole or plunging region to the disc.  相似文献   

Spectra of Seyfert 1s are commonly modelled as emission from an X-ray-illuminated flat accretion disc orbiting a central black hole. This provides both reprocessed and direct components of the X-ray emission, as required by observations of individual objects, and possibly a fraction of the cosmological X-ray background. There is some observational motivation for us to at least consider the role that an effectively concave disc surface might play: (1) a reprocessed fraction ≳1/2 in some Seyferts and possibly in the X-ray background, and (2) the commonality of a sharp iron line peak for Seyferts at 6.4 keV despite a dependence of peak location on inclination angle for flat disc models. Here it is shown that a concave disc may not only provide a larger total fraction of reprocessed photons, but can also reprocess a much larger fraction of photons in its outer regions compared with a flat disc. This reduces the sensitivity of the 6.4-keV peak location to the inner disc inclination angle because the outer regions are less affected by Doppler and gravitational effects. If the X-ray source is isotropic, the reprocessed fraction is directly determined by the concavity. If the X-ray source is anisotropic, the location of iron line peak can still be determined by concavity but the total reflected fraction need not be as large as for the isotropic emitter case. The geometric calculations herein are applicable to general accretion disc systems illuminated from the centre.  相似文献   

We consider the effects of accretion stream overflow on the viscous dynamics of accretion discs in dwarf novae. If the stream from the secondary star is geometrically thick enough, some fraction of its material can flow over and under the disc. The mass and specific angular momentum of the stream are then deposited not only at the point of collision with the outer disc, but also at those radii in the inner disc with geometric heights that are large enough to intercept the residual stream, or near the radius where the disc has the same specific angular momentum as the stream. The overflowing stream can alter the behaviour of heating fronts and cooling fronts in the disc. If the mass fraction of the overflowing stream is of order tens of per cent, the deposition of mass in the inner parts of the disc is sufficient to change the character of the eruption light curves significantly.  相似文献   

We consider a thin accretion disc warped due to the Bardeen–Petterson effect, presenting both analytical and numerical solutions for the situation in which the two viscosity coefficients vary with radius as a power law, with the two power-law indices not necessarily equal. The analytical solutions are compared with numerical ones, showing that our new analytical solution is more accurate than the previous one, which overestimated the inclination change in the outer disc. Our new analytical solution is appropriate for moderately warped discs, while for extremely misaligned discs only a numerical solution is appropriate.  相似文献   

The accretion disc in active galactic nucleus (AGN) is expected to produce strong outflows, in particular an ultraviolet (UV)-line-driven wind. Several observed spectral features, including the soft X-ray excess, have been associated with the accretion disc wind. However, current spectral models of the X-ray spectrum of AGN observed through an accretion disc wind, known to provide a good fit to the observed X-ray data, are ad hoc in their treatment of the outflow velocity and density of the wind material. In order to address these limitations we adopt a numerical computational method that links a series of radiative transfer calculations, incorporating the effect of a global velocity field in a self-consistent manner { xstar Simulation Chain for Outflows with Radiative Transfer ( xscort )}. We present a series of example spectra from the xscort code that allow us to examine the shape of AGN X-ray spectra seen through a smooth wind with terminal velocity of 0.3 c , as appropriate for a UV-line-driven wind. We calculate spectra for a range of different acceleration laws, density distributions, total column densities and ionization parameters, but all these have sharp features that contrast strongly with both the previous 'smeared absorption' models, and with the observed smoothness of the soft X-ray excess. This rules out absorption in a radiatively driven accretion disc wind as the origin of the soft X-ray excess, though a larger terminal velocity, possibly associated with material in a magnetically driven outflow/jet, may allow outflow models to recover a smooth excess.  相似文献   

We present a critical analysis of the usual interpretation of the multicolour disc model parameters for black hole candidates in terms of the inner radius and temperature of the accretion disc. Using a self-consistent model for the radiative transfer and the vertical temperature structure in a Shakura–Sunyaev disc, we simulate the observed disc spectra, taking into account Doppler blurring and gravitational redshift, and fit them with multicolour models. We show not only that such a model systematically underestimates the value of the inner-disc radius, but that when the accretion rate and/or the energy dissipated in the corona are allowed to change, the inner edge of the disc, as inferred from the multicolour model, appears to move even when it is in fact fixed at the innermost stable orbit.  相似文献   

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