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The potential suppression of copepods on appendicularians was found in field and experimental conditions. The abundance and distribution of appendicularians and planktonic copepods were studied with reference to their correlations during summer on the northwest continental shelf of the South China Sea (SCS). Based on the topography and water mass of the surveyed region, it was divided into three sub-regions: Region I (inshore waters of the east Leizhou Peninsula) with low temperature, salinity and high chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentration, Region II (inshore waters of the east and southeast Hainan Island) with low temperature, high salinity and moderate Chl a concentration and Region III (offshore waters from the Leizhou Peninsula to Hainan Island) with high temperature, high salinity and low Chl a concentration. The species richness of appendicularians and copepods increased from the inshore to offshore waters, and high values were observed in Region III. The distribution of appendicularian and copepod abundance decreased generally from the inshore to offshore waters, with the highest values at Region I. Our results suggest that the distribution patterns of appendicularians and copepods differed significantly, as a result of the influence of physical and biological factors. The negative impact of pelagic copepods on appendicularians was not found based on in situ data in the northwest continental shelf of SCS.  相似文献   

We tracked the duration and intensity of the euphausiid spawning season through biweekly sampling along a transect off Newport, OR (latitude 44°40′N) over a six year period from 1996 to 2001. Our sampling consisted of vertical plankton tows, CTD casts, and collection of water for determination of chlorophyll a. Here, we report on data collected from two stations, 5 and 15 nautical miles (9.3 and 27.8 km) offshore. The density of euphausiid eggs in our samples was highly variable spatially and temporally; we saw the most striking differences in egg densities and length of the spawning season, when we compared spawning before and after 1999. This year corresponded to the time when the Pacific Decadal Oscillation switched from warm phase (pre-1999) to cool phase (1999–present). The years 1996 and 1997 were characterized by one large, late summer peak in egg density at our inshore station. 1998, an El Niño year, followed this pattern for our offshore station, but eggs were nearly absent at our inshore station. Starting in 1999, we saw multiple peaks in egg density and found that the spawning season extended from spring through early fall. For example, in spring (March–May) at the inshore station, the abundance of eggs increased from an average of 0.4 m−3 (1996–1998) to 51.3 m−3 (1999–2001), and for summer (July–September), 27.8 m−3 to 132.6 m−3 for the same time period. At the offshore station, egg abundances doubled over the same two time periods: 7 m−3 versus 11 m−3 (spring) and 55 m−3 versus 186 m−3 (summer). Peaks in egg densities were often associated with phytoplankton blooms, but not in a predictable way. Peaks in egg densities often followed cold-water upwelling events, especially at the inshore station. It is not yet clear whether this connection is due to changes in advection or changes in upwelling-induced productivity.  相似文献   

The accumulation and retention of 241Am by the pelagic tunicate Oikopleura dioica were examined using laboratory cultures and radiotracer methodology. Animals (i.e., trunks and tails) and discarded empty houses accumulated Am from seawater, giving volume/volume concentration factors of 59±8 and 10±1, respectively. The half-time for retention of Am in empty labelled houses transferred to non-contaminated seawater was 29 h; the retention half-time of Am in houses discarded by larvaceans feeding on Am-labelled diatoms was 219 h; the half-time of Am in fecal pellets produced by animals feeding on a monospecific diet of diatoms was 134 h, and 247 h for fecal pellets from animals fed a mixed diet. Approximately 30% of filtered cells remained in houses after the houses were discarded. Sinking rates of discarded houses and fecal pellets were found to vary with temperature and size, ranging from 26–157 m day?1 (house) and from 25–166 m day?1 (fecal pellets). The ubiquity and abundance of appendicularians, together with their prodigious production of houses (e.g., 10±2 houses day?1 at 17°C for each experimental animal) point to their potential significance in the vertical transport of Am, and probably other reactive metals, to intermediate depths in the ocean.  相似文献   

To examine the relationship between near-bottom larval surfclam concentrations and surfclam settlement at an inner continental shelf site off New Jersey (USA), four consecutive sets of settlement experiments were carried out at three stations at the Long-term Ecosystem Observatory (LEO-15) from 14 to 31 July 1997 during upwelling and downwelling. Two inshore stations were on the landward and seaward sides of Beach Haven Ridge at ∼12 m depth, and a third station was 8 km further offshore at ∼20 m depth. In each experiment, four replicate trays of azoic sand from Beach Haven Ridge were placed flush with the seafloor and exposed for 3–7 days. Larval surfclam concentrations were measured every 4 h at 1 m above the bottom (mab) using Moored, Automated, Serial Zooplankton Pumps at the three stations. At all three stations, larval surfclam concentrations (1 mab) were low during upwelling, and higher during and after downwelling. Pulses of highest larval surfclam concentrations coincided with the initial arrival of downwelled warm water. In addition, larval surfclam concentrations were higher at the two inshore stations than at the offshore station. Larval surfclam settlement in the trays was higher during and following downwelling than during upwelling at one inshore station and at the offshore station. At the other inshore station (landward of Beach Haven Ridge), surfclam settlement did not increase during and following downwelling. Overall, surfclam settlement was higher inshore than offshore. The results indicate that spatial and temporal variation in larval surfclam supply was controlled by upwelling and downwelling circulation and that surfclam settlement was influenced by larval supply. Bottom flows across Beach Haven Ridge during a storm may have reduced larval surfclam settlement on the upcurrent side of the ridge, affecting initial densities on a small (∼1 km) scale.  相似文献   

Sampling was conducted within inshore and offshore sites, characterized by highly dissimilar hydrodynamic and hydrobiological conditions, in the Eastern English Channel. The eutrophic inshore site was dominated by the influence of a dense bloom of the Prymnesiophyceae phytoplankton species Phaeocystis globosa, while the offshore site was characterized by more oceanic conditions. Within each site the microscale distributions of chlorophyll a and several flow cytometrically-defined subpopulations of heterotrophic bacteria and viruses were measured at a spatial resolution of 5 cm. The inshore site was characterized by comparatively high levels of microscale spatial variability, with concentrations of chlorophyll a, heterotrophic bacteria, and viruses varying by 8, 11 and 3.5-fold respectively across distances of several centimeters. Within the offshore site, microscale distributions of chlorophyll a and bacteria were markedly less variable than within the inshore site, although viruses exhibited slightly higher levels of heterogeneity. Significant mesoscale variability was also observed when mean microbial parameters were compared between the inshore and offshore sites. However, when the extent of change (max/min and coefficient of variation) was compared between meso- and microscales, the variability observed at the microscale, particularly in the inshore site, was substantially greater. This pattern suggests that microscale processes associated with Phaeocystis globosa bloom dynamics can generate heterogeneity amongst microbial communities to a greater degree than large scale oceanographic discontinuities.  相似文献   

Cross-shelf distribution and abundance of copepod nauplii and copepodids were measured during three summer upwelling seasons (2000–2002) in a coastal upwelling zone off northern California. These 3 years varied considerably in the intensity of winds, abundance of chlorophyll, and water temperature. The cruises in 2000 were characterized by relaxation conditions, with generally high levels of chlorophyll and high water temperature. The cruises in 2001 and 2002 were dominated by strong and persistent upwelling events, leading to lower chlorophyll and water temperatures. The copepod assemblage was dominated by Oithona spp., Acartia spp. and Pseudocalanus spp., with Metridia pacifica (lucens), Microsetella rosea, Oncaea spp. and Tortanus discaudatus also common during all 3 years. The cross-shelf distribution of copepods was generally shifted offshore during upwelling and onshore during relaxation events, although some variability between species occurred. Abundance of all life stages generally exhibited a negative correlation with cross-shelf transport averaged over at least 1–4 days and lagged by 0–3 days, indicating lower abundances during and immediately after active upwelling. However, copepod nauplii seemed to respond positively to wind events lasting 1–5 days followed by a period of relaxation lasting 6 or 7 days. These rapid rates of change in abundance are probably too great to be due to in situ growth and reproduction alone; physical processes must also play a role. These results suggest a highly dynamic relationship between copepods and upwelling events off northern California, with species-specific responses to upwelling to be expected.  相似文献   

We investigated the seasonal variation of the neustonic zooplankton community in the surface layer (above 30 cm in depth) of 16 stations in southern waters of Korea from April 2002 to April 2003. In the neustonic community, copepods accounted for 59% of total organisms, as the most predominant group, while other dominant groups were invertebrate larvae, cladocerans, tunicates and fish eggs. Pontellid copepods, a major group of neustonic zooplankton, showed a marked seasonal variation and displayed a significant positive correlation with temperature (P < 0.05). Fish eggs appeared from spring to early summer in the inshore waters while tunicates and oceanic copepods (Eucalanus spp. and Euchaeta spp.) were dominant in the offshore waters during high temperature periods. This suggests that the distribution pattern of the neustonic zooplankton is seasonally affected by the hydrological conditions of in- and offshore waters. The abundance of zooplankton was higher in the surface layer (< 15 cm) than in the subsurface layer (15–30 cm), and was also higher at night than during the daytime. Of the dominant copepod families, the density of acartiid and pontellid copepods was higher in the surface layer than the subsurface layer. The density of acartiid and corycaeid copepods was significantly higher during daytime than nighttime. This indicates that the surface layer in temperate regions may provide a favorable habitat for neustonic copepods despite the dynamic environmental fluctuations.  相似文献   

Main features of the zooplankton distribution and the ecological characteristics of the dominant species in the northern Benguela during different phases of upwelling are discussed. The composition of the zooplankton between 17 and 27°S was similar each year. Among the 20°30 most abundant species, 3°4 copepods dominated, influencing the distribution of total zooplankton biomass. During quiescent upwelling, zooplankton abundance was low and there were no significant differences in the inshore-offshore distribution of zooplankton biomass, the maximum occurring over the slope. During active upwelling, zooplankton biomass increased significantly, the maximum over the shelf being constituted almost entirely of developmental stages of herbivorous copepods. Over the inner shelf, all stages of the copepod Calanoides carinatus were feeding actively, removing up to 5 per cent per day of the standing stock of phytoplankton. Comparison of daily ration, respiration rate and biochemical composition of C. carinatus revealed active storage of energy inshore. Offshore populations of C. carinatus, found deeper than 200 m, comprised mainly copepodite stage V, which were not feeding and were characterized by decreased mobility and respiration and a high lipid content. It is estimated that the energy stored during active upwelling enables copepods to survive up to six months without any additional source of energy.  相似文献   

The goal of studies described here was to determine the responses of zooplankton taxa to phytoplankton patches which develop in and near intrusions of cold, nutrient-rich Gulf Stream water. To achieve this goal we determined the horizontal and vertical distributions of abundant mesozooplankton taxa on the south-eastern continental shelf of the USA between 29°30′ and 31°N. The study period was from June 23 to August 16, 1981. Highest concentrations of zooplankton usually occurred in and near patches of phytoplankton. Increased phytoplankton appeared to trigger the formation of patches of the calanoid copepod Temora turbinata and the cyclopoid copepods Oithona spp. and Oncaea spp. The patches of zooplankton had greater alongshore than cross-shelf dimensions. T. turbinata responded rapidly to increased concentrations of phytoplankton by reproducing and aggregating in and above intruded waters. Oithonidae which were often, but not always, abundant in phytoplankton patches eventually attained high concentrations over most of the middle and part of the inner shelf. Their concentration and that of Oncaeidae increased steadily. Oncaeidae were not abundant in recently upwelled waters, as was T. turbinata but reached high concentrations in older intrusions when the abundance of T. turbinata remained level or decreased slowly. Both cyclopoid taxa are thought to reproduce slowly (egg sacs) compared to T. turbinata. Another taxon, the doliolids, became abundant far more rapidly in intruded waters (by asexual reproduction) than did the other three taxa. Doliolids were the most opportunistic intrusion zooplankton form. They do not regularly occur in low abundance on the shelf, as do the three copepod taxa, but develop in pulses in regions where T. turbinata and Oncaea are not abundant. Of the four taxa studied the abundance of doliolids increased and decreased most rapidly, whereas Oithona and Oncaea increased slowly and did not decrease during the study period. T. turbinata and Oncaea were most abundant at 60% of all stations in the intruding water. Doliolids and Oithona on the other hand, were mostly in the thermocline and intrusion. Whereas phytoplankton patches, which developed in intrusions, were physically induced (PAFFENHÖFER and LEE, 1988), patches of zooplankton were biologically induced.  相似文献   

Larval feeding and survival strategies are described on a Japanese sand lance, Ammodytes personatus Girard, collected in the vicinity of a thermohaline front in the Ise Bay, in comparison with those of other predominant larvae, Hexagrammos spp. and Sebastiscus marmoratus (Cuvier). First-feeding A. personatus larvae (3.1–3.9 mm NL) fed primarily on tintinnid ciliates, subsequently switching to copepod nauplii (4.0–7.9 mm NL larvae) and post-naupliar copepods (8.0–11.3 mm NL larvae). First-feeding Hexagrammos spp. larvae (6.5–6.9 mm NL) fed primarily on post-naupliar copepods, and first-feeding S. marmoratus larvae (<4.0 mm NL), mostly on copepod nauplii. The different food preferences of these species at first-feeding were related to their different mouth widths (0.15–0.19, 0.52–0.56 and 0.32–0.40 mm, respectively) and/or body size (3.1–3.9, 6.5–6.9 and 3.2–3.9 mm NL, respectively). Ciliate-feeding by first-feeding A. personatus larvae was strongly related to the convergence of the larvae and their prey near the thermohaline front, densities of both being greater on the inshore side of the frontal zone. In conclusion, the aggregation of ciliates near the thermohaline front may have improved feeding conditions and survival of first-feeding A. personatus larvae.  相似文献   

The copepods Neocalanus plumchrus, N. flemingeri, N. cristatus, and Eucalanus bungii dominate the net zooplankton throughout the subarctic Pacific Ocean. All four species have an extensive seasonal ontogenetic vertical migration, completing most or all of their feeding and somatic growth in spring and early summer. We used stratified tows with MOCNESS and BIONESS instrumented net systems to resolve their upper ocean vertical distributions in May and June of 1984, 1987 and 1988. In each year the feeding copepodite stages of all four species were concentrated above the permanent halocline (roughly from 0 to 150m). However, the four species showed strong vertical species zonation and segregation within this layer. We consistently found a near-surface pair (N. plumchrus and N. flemingeri) and a subsurface pair (N. cristatus and E. bungii). The boundary between these groups shifts vertically, but was sharply defined and was very often coincident with a weak and transient thermocline marking the base of the layer actively mixed by surface wind and wave energy. Diel vertical migration was very limited during our sampling periods.The data suggest that the vertical distribution patterns of the copepods could be set by responses to the local intensity of turbulent mixing in the watercolumn. N. plumchrus and N. flemingeri occupied a stratum characterized by strong turbulence. N. cristatus and E. bungii occupied a stratum that was a local minimum in turbulence profiles. The depth of the boundary between the species pairs was deeper when winds and surface energy inputs were strong. The vertical partition pattern may also be determined by a difference in feeding strategy between the species pairs. N. plumchrus and N. flemingeri may feed on the enhanced protozoan population of the mixed layer, while N. cristatus and E. bungii feed on particle aggregates settling from above.  相似文献   

The feeding, egg production, and respiration rate of the dominant pteropod Limacina helicina have been studied in Russia’s Arctic seas. The sinking rates of fecal pellets and dead individuals have been measured to estimate their role in vertical carbon flux. As has been shown, the rate of ecophysiological processes taking place in the pteropods is higher than that of copepods, the main consumers of phytoplankton. The gut pigment content in Limacina (3084 ng ind–1 as a maximum) was two orders of magnitude higher than in copepods. The egg production rate in Limacina even without feeding reached 4000 eggs ind–1 versus 350–450 egg ind–1 typical of the dominant copepods even with excess food. A close correlation between the pteropod feeding rate and individual body weight was observed for Limacina rather than a correlation with food concentration. The experimentally estimated sinking rate of Limacina fecal pellets was 270 m day–1, higher than for most copepods. The sinking rate of dead pteropods reaches 2000 m day–1. According to the literature, discarded mucous feeding nets sink at a rate of 80 to 1080 m day–1. Evidently, pteropods play a significant role in biogeochemical cycles by accelerating sedimentation. High rates of all studied processes suggest that Limacina are an important component of plankton communities and play the most important role in trophodynamics at sites of their accumulation.  相似文献   

As part of a joint workshop organised by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) on biological effects monitoring techniques. dad (Limanda limanda) were examined from six spaced stations along a 200 km transect extending from near the mouth of the Elbe River out to the Dogger Bank in the North Sea. Based on historical data, differences in contaminant concentrations in sediments exist along the transect (lipophilic organic xenobiotics at the inshore sites and heavy metals offshore over the Dogger Bank). The most contaminated site sampled was the most inshore, the least contaminated was approximately midway along the transect, with contamination building up again over the farthest point along the transect, over the Dogger Bank. Multiple organs and tissues were examined for full pathology from each fish sampled. Only liver data are presented here (11–20 livers per station). The most significant lesions were considered to be well-developed foci of cellular alteration, high mitotic activity and high neutral lipid accumulation in livers from dab sampled from the most inshore site examined. Livers from the least-contaminated station showed minimal evidence of such changes. Foci of cellular alteration and neutral lipid accumulation were also seen in dab liver sampled from fish from the Dogger Bank site. Thus far, the hepatic changes seen correlate well with the most contaminated sites along the transect. The value of comprehensively examining the histopathology of an organ of toxicological significance, such as the liver in a European species of flatfish, is demonstrated.  相似文献   

A time-series sediment trap deployment was carried out in the marginal ice zone (MIZ) of the Antarctic Ocean (64°42′ S, 139°58′E; sea depth of 2930 m), during the austral summer. Cylindrical fecal pellets were the predominant sinking particles at 537 m in the middle of January and most of them disappeared below that depth, the loss of which were 25.3 mg C m−2 day−1 in the depth range of 537–796 m. Small-sized sinking particles other than fecal pellets increased in that depth range. Analyses of fecal pellets for remnant DNA corresponding to 16S mitochondrial RNA and 28S ribosomal RNA suggested that the large cylindrical fecal pellets at 537 m were produced by Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) and copepods. According to the presence of the DNA associated with sinking particles, E. superba fecal pellets rapidly disappeared below 537 m, while copepod fecal pellets still remained in the mesopelagic and bathypelagic layers. Small-sized amorphous sinking particles at 537 m also contained E. superba- and copepod-derived DNA. The abundance of trap-collected copepods (Oithona spp. and Oncaea spp.) which are known to be coprophagous increased at 796 m where many fecal pellets disappeared. We suggest that those rapidly sinking pellets were fragmented by copepods with intensified coprorhexy activity (fragmentation of fecal pellets) in the mesopelagic layers, reducing their sinking rates. These smaller and slower sinking particles can be important food sources for detritivorus or coprophagous animals in mesopelagic and bathypelagic layers in the MIZ. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Pigment indices were used to investigate the distribution and composition of phytoplankton in the northern Benguela during the austral spring of 2000, with sampling being conducted on five transect lines between 19°S and 25°S and at other inshore stations on the shelf. Total chlorophyll a concentrations (TChla) at the surface ranged from 18.4mg m?3 at shallow inshore stations to 0.58mg m?3 at offshore localities in deeper water. Phytoplankton communities in the inshore environment were characterised by elevated biomass levels and the dominance of diatoms (high FucDP indices). These diatom populations were associated with cool, higher density, nutrient-rich waters near the coast. Phytoplankton biomass declined with increasing distance offshore and the communities changed to a mixed population where small flagellates were generally dominant (high FlagDP indices). These flagellate communities were associated with warmer, lower density waters. Whereas dinoflagellates (PerDP Index) and prokaryotes (ZeaDP Index) were observed throughout the region, their contribution to the communities was of secondary importance.  相似文献   

《Progress in Oceanography》2007,72(2-3):249-258
Centropages typicus and Centropages hamatus are two of the most abundant copepods on the continental shelf in the mid-Atlantic region of the western North Atlantic. Their range extends from the Scotian Shelf (C. typicus) and the Grand Banks (C. hamatus) in the north to Cape Hatteras in the south. South of Cape Hatteras they have only been observed in inshore waters of North and South Carolina and not offshore on the continental shelf or in coastal waters of eastern Florida. However, C. hamatus has been observed in western Florida. Abundances of both species are greatest in inshore regions in the mid-Atlantic Bight with C. hamatus tending to have a more coastal distribution. In this region seasonal variability is low with high abundances from late fall through mid-summer. In the north year-round presence of both species is confined to inshore areas and offshore banks such as Georges Bank, and Browns Bank, Emerald Bank and Western Bank on the Scotian Shelf. In this northern region there is a pronounced seasonal cycle in abundance with high abundances during late summer and fall. Periods of high reproductive rates are closely linked to blooms of large phytoplankton and food availability rather than temperature appears to be controlling population abundances.  相似文献   

This study examined monthly feeding rates and grazing impact on phytoplankton biomass, as well as diel feeding rhythms of four key copepod species in a tidally well mixed estuary (Asan Bay, Korean Peninsula). Monthly ingestion rates estimated based on gut pigment analysis were closely associated with their peak densities, but not with phytoplankton biomass, implying high ingestion may be related to reproductive output for population growth. The three smaller copepods, Acartia hongi, Acartia pacifica and Paracalanus parvus, showed feeding preference for smaller phytoplankton (<20 μm) with higher clearance rates, whereas the larger Calanus sinicus preferred larger phytoplankton. Acartia pacifica and P. parvus showed distinct increased nocturnal feeding rates as measured with gut fluorescence, whereas A. hongi showed no significant day–night differences. Copepod diel feeding patterns were not associated with food quantity, and endogenous physiological rhythm might be hypothesized as responsible for the observed diel feeding patterns. Grazing impact on phytoplankton biomass by the four copepods in the estuary was on average 8% (range 0.2–29.8%) of the phytoplankton standing stock, similar to values reported in other coastal waters. Very high copepod abundances but low daily carbon ration (<20% for all copepods) provided by feeding on phytoplankton indicate that copepods also grazed on other non‐phytoplankton foods in Asan Bay.  相似文献   

In order to preserve diversity it is essential to understand how assemblages change across space. Despite this fact, we still know very little about how marine diversity is spatially distributed, especially among lesser‐studied invertebrate taxa. In the present study beta‐diversity patterns of sea urchins, sponges, mushroom corals and larger foraminifera were assessed in the Spermonde Archipelago (Indonesia). Using ordinations we showed that the inshore zone (<5 km offshore), midshore zone (5 < x < 30 km offshore) and distance offshore zone (>30 km offshore) all contained distinct assemblages of sponges and corals, while only foraminifera assemblages from the inshore (<5 km offshore) zone were distinct. There was a significant spatial pattern of community similarity for all taxa surveyed, but this pattern proved to be wholly related to environmental variables for sponges and foraminifera, and primarily for mushroom corals and sea urchins. The lack of a pure spatial component suggests that these taxa may not be dispersal limited within the spatial scales of this study (c. 1600 km2). The analyses of the corals and foraminifera were additionally tested at two spatial scales of sampling. Both taxa were primarily associated with local‐scale environmental variables at the local scale and larger‐scale variables at the larger scale. Mean inter‐plot similarity was also higher and variation lower at the larger scale. The results suggest that substantial variation in similarity can be predicted using simple locally assessed environmental variables combined with remotely sensed parameters.  相似文献   

The effects of tropical storm Dennis were documented in the coastal waters of South Carolina during August 1981. Phytoplankton photosynthesis vs. irradiance curves showed initial depression of the parameter a followed by three- to five-fold increase of both a and the asymptotic maximum rate of photosynthesis PmB. Productivity rates were depressed in most samples immediately after the storm. Surface samples at the inshore stations were around 50 mg C m?3 h?1 at saturating light intensities, while the offshore station rates were around 10 mg C m?3 h?1. After a 10-day lag these rates had increased to about 200 mg C m?3 h?1 inshore and 75 mg C m?3 h?1 offshore. These changes are thought to be primarily caused by changes in species composition. Some of the dominant diatom species changed and dinoflagellate species were introduced. No significant changes in nutrient concentrations were observed. Transient depressions of water temperature, salinity and light intensity may have contributed to the observed changes.  相似文献   

Plankton community net and gross production and dark respiration were determined from in vitro changes in dissolved inorganic carbon and dissolved oxygen during September 1994 along a southeast offshore transect in the Arabian Sea. Surface rates of gross production decreased from 17±0.7 mmol C m-3 d-1 at a coastal upwelling station to 3±0.8 mmol C m-3 d-1 at the most offshore station. The euphotic zone at the time of sampling was predominantly heterotrophic, with integrated net community production values ranging from 15±7 mmol C m-2 d-1 inshore to −253±32 mmol C m-2 d-1 offshore. Calculations of the respiration attributable to the major plankton groups could account for 61–87% of the dark community respiration measured at the inshore stations, but only 15–26% of the community respiration determined offshore. Comparison of the fluxes of dissolved inorganic carbon and oxygen revealed a tendency for higher respiratory quotients than those calculated for organic metabolism prevailing at the offshore stations.  相似文献   

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