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张程  杨洪祥  冯嘉  刘俊来 《岩石学报》2019,35(9):2926-2942
中下地壳的底辟上升是地壳中物质运移和热传递的一种重要机制,由这种机制产生的一系列穹窿构造不仅为揭示区域构造环境和构造演化提供了重要的线索,而且还提供了一个了解地壳深部物质流动的窗口。辽东半岛的古元古代造山带内就发育有这样一套花岗片麻岩穹窿构造,为了深入理解这套花岗片麻岩穹窿的成因以及对造山带演化的影响,本文对其不同构造层次进行了详细的构造特点和变形演化研究。结果显示,典型的花岗片麻岩穹窿可分为三层结构:混合岩化的花岗岩内核、发育顺层韧性剪切带的幔部以及含大型构造透镜体的外壳。其中核部花岗岩塑性流动变形发育,并具有明显的交代现象。顺层韧性剪切带的变形环境由靠近岩体的角闪岩相到远离岩体的低绿片岩相,并且没有明显的退化变质特点,拉伸线理具有统一的NW-SE方向。根据年代学数据与区域构造分析,花岗片麻岩穹窿构造是在区域收缩体制下花岗岩底辟形成的产物,其出现标志着辽东古元古代造山带变为一个由垂向和横向对流作用为主导的热造山带。  相似文献   

The Alto Moxotó Terrane of the Borborema Province presents a wide exposure of Paleoproterozoic crust, but unlike other continental blocks of South America, its orogenic history is strongly obliterated by late Neoproterozoic deformation. New isotopic and geochemical studies were conducted in mafic-ultramafic (Fazenda Carmo Suite) and granitic-gneissic rocks (Riacho do Navio Suite) within the terrane. The former present zircon U-Pb crystallization ages at ca. 2.13 Ga, whereas Sm-Nd data suggests a juvenile origin via melting of early Paleoproterozoic to Archean peridotitic sources. Geochemical data for these rocks are compatible with tholeiitic magmas with some degree of crustal contamination and trace element distribution points to a continental-arc related setting interpreted as remnants of the early stages of subduction. In contrast, the Riacho do Navio Suite was emplaced at ca. 2.08 Ga and has highly negative εNd(t) values indicating crustal reworking. The suite displays calc-alkali to alkali-calcic and ferroan geochemical signatures compatible with Cordilleran magmas. In addition, trace-element distribution as well as discriminant diagrams suggest that the precursor magmas were generated during the later stages of a continental arc or in a syn-collisional setting. Based on our results, we suggest that the studied units might represent missing pieces of a Paleoproterozoic accretionary orogen that formed the crustal framework of the Alto Moxotó Terrane, and that this represents a block associated with assembly of the Nuna/Columbia supercontinent, which is now largely hidden within the Neoproterozoic orogenic belts of West Gondwana.  相似文献   

苏鲁造山带古元古代超高温麻粒岩及其构造意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雷恒聪  向华  张泽明  祁敏  董昕  林彦蒿 《岩石学报》2014,30(8):2435-2445
本文报道了在苏鲁超高压变质带北端威海地区识别出的古元古代超高温泥质麻粒岩。泥质麻粒岩与大理岩、钙硅酸盐岩和片麻岩等变质表壳岩伴生。这些表壳岩以透镜体的形式产于经历了三叠纪超高压变质的新元古代正片麻岩中。泥质麻粒岩由石榴石、夕线石、斜长石、钾长石、反条纹长石、石英、黑云母、白云母和金红石组成。黑云母和白云母呈石榴石和夕线石的冠状体产出,为退变质矿物。相平衡模拟结果表明,麻粒岩峰期变质的温度和压力条件为~940℃和~1.2GPa。泥质麻粒岩中的锆石近等粒状或椭圆形,具有扇状或冷杉状分带,大多数具有平坦甚至亏损的重稀土配分模式,并有Eu负异常,为典型的麻粒岩相变质锆石。锆石的LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年结果给出了1845±9Ma的207Pb/206Pb加权平均年龄,表明超高温麻粒岩形成于古元古代。结合现有的其他研究结果,我们推测扬子板块北缘经历了古元古代的增生造山作用。  相似文献   

The mantle plume/rift system model developed by three of the present authors (v. C., d. T., K.) for the northern Hesperian Massif is expanded to that of an aulacogen/ensialic orogen for the entire massif. The first author (v. d. M. M.) contributes a review of the supracrustal history of the massif and its predrift adjacent areas, summarized in a time-stratigraphic table of the Cambro-Ordovician and a palinspastic-palaeogeographic sketch map of the general region in Middle Cambrian times. The infrastructural history is also reviewed, and it is concluded that the early Palaeozoic features of the Massif are consistent with those of an aulacogen oriented at a high angle to the Iapetus ocean. In the Late Palaeozoic its features changed into those of an ensialic orogen without appreciable loss of continuity as shown by the facies- and age record of sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic events.
Zusammenfassung Das Graben-Mantelkissen-Modell, welches für das nördliche Hesperische Massiv von drei der Autoren (v. C., d. T., K.) entwickelt wurde, wird zu dem eines aulacogenen ensialischen Orogens für das ganze Massiv weiterentwickelt. Der erste Autor (v. d. M. M.) liefert eine Übersicht der suprakrustalen Entwicklungsgeschichte des Massivs und seiner Umrandung vor der Driftung, zusammengefaßt in einer stratigraphischen Tabelle des Kambro-Ordoviziums und in einer palinspastisch-paleogeographischen Skizze der Region während des Mittelkambriums.Die infrastrukturale Entwicklungsgeschichte wird ebenfalls beleuchtet, und es wird daraus geschlossen, daß die frühpaläozoischen Konfigurationen des Massivs mit denen eines Aulacogens übereinstimmen, unter Einschluß eines großen Winkels mit dem Iapetus Ozean. Im Jungpaläozoikum veränderten sich die Charakteristika zu denen eines ensialischen Orogens, ohne daß, im weiteren Verlauf der Erdgeschichte, dieser Prozeß unterbrochen wurde, wie sedimentäre Fazies, Altersdatierungen und kristalline und metamorphe Entwicklung dokumentieren.

Résumé Le modèle d'un panache mantélique avec son système de rift, développé par les trois derniers auteurs pour le Massif Hespérique septentrional, est étendu à un modèle d'aulacogène/orogène ensialique pour le massif entier. Le premier auteur y contribue par un aperçu de l'histoire supracrustale du massif et de ses régions limitrophes avant l'ouverture du présent Océan Atlantique. Cette histoire est résumée dans un tableau chronostratigraphique et exprimée dans un croquis palinspastique/paléogéographique de la région circum-Hespérique à l'époque du Cambrien Moyen. L'histoire infracrustale est passée également en revue. On en conclut que les traits caractéristiques du massif pendant le Paléozoique inférieur correspondent avec ceux d'un aulacogène orienté quasi-perpendiculairement à l'Océan proto-Atlantique, dit Iapetus. Au Paléozoique supérieur ces traits se sont transformés de façon à ressembler à ceux d'un orogène ensialique sans perdre sa continuité, ce que montre l'étalement ininterrompu, dans le temps comme dans l'espace, des événements sédimentaires, ignés et métamorphiques.

/ , (v. C., d. ., .) / . (v. d. m. M.) , -, . , , . , , , .

Relict eclogites and associated high-pressure rocks are present in the Eastern Segment of the SW Swedish gneiss region (the tectonic counterpart of the Parautochthonous Belt of the Canadian Grenville). These rocks give evidence of Sveconorwegian eclogite facies metamorphism and subsequent pervasive reworking and deformation at granulite and amphibolite facies conditions. The best-preserved eclogite relics suggest a clockwise PT t history, beginning in the amphibolite facies, progressing through the eclogite facies, decompressing and partially reequilibrating through the high- and medium-pressure granulite facies, before cooling through the amphibolite facies. Textures demonstrate the former coexistence of the plagioclase-free assemblages garnet+clinopyroxene+quartz+rutile+ilmenite, garnet+clinopyroxene+ kyanite+rutile, and garnet+kyanite+quartz+rutile. The former existence of omphacite is evidenced by up to 45 vol.% plagioclase expelled as small grains within large clinopyroxene. Matrix plagioclase is secondary and occurs expelled from clinopyroxene or in fine-grained, granulite facies reaction domains formed during resorption of garnet and kyanite. Garnet shows preserved prograde growth zoning with rimward increasing pyrope content, decreasing spessartine content and decreasing Fe/(Fe+Mg) ratio, but is partly resorbed and reequilibrated at the rims. PT estimates from microdomains with clinopyroxene+plagioclase+quartz+garnet indicate pressures of 9.5–12 kbar and temperatures of 705–795 °C for a stage of the granulite facies decompression. The preservation of the prograde zoning suggests that the rocks did not reside at these high temperatures for more than a few million years, and chemical disequilibrium and ‘frozen’ reaction textures indicate heterogeneous reaction progress and overstepping of reactions during the decompression through the granulite facies. Together these features suggest a rapid tectonic exhumation. The eclogite relics occur within a high-grade deformation zone with WNW–ESE stretching and associated oblique normal-sense, top-to-the-east (sensu lato) displacement, suggesting that extension was a main cause for the decompression and exhumation. Probable tectonic scenarios for this deformation are Sveconorwegian late-orogenic gravitational collapse or overall WNW–ESE extension.  相似文献   

对于变质岩 Sm-Nd 和 Rh-Sr 同位素年代学来说,其中一个重要问题是等时线矿物之间在一特定的变质事件过程中是否达到并在随后保持同位素平衡。矿物 O 同位素地质测温也是如此。由于许多情况下 Nd、Sr 和 O 在变质矿物中的扩散速率具有可比性,变质矿物之间 O 同位素平衡状况能够为矿物 Sm-Nd 和 Rb-Sr 内部等时线定年结果的有效性提供制约。为了验证其适用性,本文对大别造山带双河超高压榴辉岩和片麻岩 Sm-Nd 和 Rh-Sr 等时线矿物进行了 O 同位素地质测温。尽管Sm-Nd 等时线给出一致的三叠纪年龄(213~238Ma),同一样品 Rb-Sr 等时线却给出侏罗纪年龄(171~174Ma)。片麻岩、榴辉岩和榴闪岩矿物对 O 同位素测温得到600~720℃和420~550℃两组温度,分别对应于约225±5Ma 榴辉岩相变质和约 175±5Ma 角闪岩相退变质条件下停止同位素扩散交换的温度。同一样品三叠纪 Sm-Nd 等时线年龄的保存、侏罗纪 Rh-Sr 等时线年龄的出现以及有规律的 O 同位素温度,表明在角闪岩相退变质过程中,Sr 和 O 在含水矿物(如黑云母和角闪石)中的扩散速率在手标本尺度上比石榴石 Nd 和多硅白云母 Sr 的扩散速率快。在退变质作用过程中,等时线矿物之间的初始同位素比值均一化速率主要受扩散速率慢的矿物控制,而矿物等时线时钟的启动主要受具有高母/子体比值的矿物控制。只有当高母/子体比值矿物具有快的放射成因同位素扩散速率时,才能够应用合理的矿物等时线确定变质再造的时间。  相似文献   

徐鸣  刘君安  郭维民  曾勇 《地质通报》2017,36(12):2235-2242
秘鲁阿蒂科矿床是一个铁氧化物铜金矿床。含矿石英脉的流体包裹体均一温度为107~389℃,盐度为2.2%~23.18%NaCl。均一温度数据呈近似正态分布,但是,盐度数据总体不呈正态分布,且盐度较低,主要集中于0~10%NaCl和20%~30%NaCl之间。矿床δD_(V-SMOW)和δ ~(18)O_(H_2O)的组成投影点靠近雨水线,反映该矿床成矿流体为大气降水来源。  相似文献   

Inliers of 1.0–1.3 Ga rocks occur throughout Mexico and form the basement of the Oaxaquia microcontinent. In the northern part of the largest inlier in southern Mexico, rocks of the Oaxacan Complex consist of the following structural sequence of units (from bottom to top), which protolith ages are: (1) Huitzo unit: a 1012±12 Ma anorthosite–mangerite–charnockite–granite (AMCG) suite; (2) El Catrı́n unit: ≥1350 Ma orthogneiss migmatized at 1106±6 Ma; and (3) El Marquez unit: ≥1140 Ma para- and orthogneisses. These rocks were affected by two major tectonothermal events that are dated using U–Pb isotopic analyses of zircon: (a) the 1106±6 Ma Olmecan event produced a migmatitic or metamorphic differentiation banding folded by isoclinal folds; and (b) the 1004–978±3 Ma Zapotecan event produced at least two sets of structures: (Z1) recumbent, isoclinal, Class 1C/3 folds with gently NW-plunging fold axes that are parallel to mineral and stretched quartz lineations under granulite facies metamorphism; and (Z2) tight, upright, subhorizontal WNW- to NNE-trending folds accompanied by development of brown hornblende at upper amphibolite facies metamorphic conditions. Cooling through 500 °C at 977±12 Ma is documented by 40Ar/39Ar analyses of hornblende. Fold mechanisms operating in the northern Oaxacan Complex under Zapotecan granulite facies metamorphism include flexural and tangential–longitudinal strain accompanied by intense flattening and stretching parallel to the fold axes. Subsequent Phanerozoic deformation includes thrusting and upright folding under lower-grade metamorphic conditions. The Zapotecan event is widespread throughout Oaxaquia, and took crustal rocks to a depth of 25–30 km by orogenic crustal thickening, and is here designated as Zapotecan Orogeny. Modern analogues for Zapotecan granulite facies metamorphism and deformation occur in middle to lower crustal portion of subduction and collisional orogens. Contemporaneous tectonothermal events took place throughout Oaxaquia, and in various parts of the Genvillian orogen in Laurentia and Amazonia.  相似文献   

Metamorphism of Grenvillian age (ca. 1.2 Ga; U–Pb zircon dating) is recognized for the first time in the Western Sierras Pampeanas (Sierra de Maz). Conditions reached granulite facies (ca. 780 °C and ca. 780 MPa). Comparing geochronological and petrological characteristics with other outcrops of Mesoproterozoic basement, particularly in the northern and central Arequipa-Antofalla craton, we suggest that these regions were part of a single continental crustal block from Mesoproterozoic times, and thus autochthonous or parautochthonous to Gondwana.  相似文献   

纳木那尼穹窿位于特提斯喜马拉雅带西段,属变质杂岩体,由黑云母片麻岩、花岗片麻岩、糜棱岩、混合岩、变杂砂岩、角闪岩、大理岩及后期侵位的电气石花岗岩和二云母花岗岩组成。本次研究对穹隆核部出露的混合岩、花岗片麻岩、电气石花岗岩及边缘出露的二云母花岗岩和黑云母片麻岩进行了岩相学、锆石U-Pb定年及地球化学研究,结果表明:(1)混合岩(T0768-4A-4C)锆石~(206)Pb/~(238)U谐和图上交点年龄为1873±28Ma,~(207)Pb/~(206)Pb加权平均年龄为1877±21Ma。混合岩Sr同位素比值(1.25018~1.44452)和ε_(Nd)(t)值(-28.8~-28.5)指示其具其有低喜马拉雅岩石单元的地球化学属性;(2)花岗片麻岩锆石核部~(206)Pb/~(238)U谐和图上交点年龄为1878±9Ma,下交点年龄为10.9±0.5Ma。个别震荡环带边记录有13.1±0.3Ma的年龄数据,表明古元古代花岗片麻岩可能经历了~10Ma左右的熔融事件;(3)侵位于古元古代混合岩和花岗片麻岩之中的电气石花岗岩(T0768-LG)具有与深熔事件相一致的年龄,其~(206)Pb/~(238)U谐和年龄为9.0±0.2Ma;(4)穹隆核部电气石花岗岩ε_(Nd)(t)值集中在(-18.9~-16.1),显著低于穹隆边缘的二云母花岗岩(ε_(Nd)(t)=-14.4~-10.3),指示电气石花岗岩部分熔融源区有更多成熟地壳物质的加入;(5)个别电气石花岗岩ε_(Nd)(t)值为-12.6,可能是岩浆上升过程中受到变泥质岩的混染所致。本次在纳木那尼穹隆的研究结果支持19~13Ma左右喜马拉雅造山带发生构造转换的模型(Zhang et al.,2012),并表明这种构造转化可能进一步引发了淡色花岗岩部分熔融源区的变化。南北伸展阶段为深度相对较浅的高喜马拉雅变泥质岩和杂砂岩等发生部分熔融,形成穹隆边缘的二云母花岗岩(~16Ma);进入东西向伸展阶段后,深熔作用导致深部主中央逆冲断层(MCT)附近的古元古代岩石单元和变泥质岩混合源区发生部分熔融,岩浆沿着南北向断裂带上升,形成电气石花岗岩体(~9Ma)。  相似文献   

A new model of the tectonic evolution of the Losevo Suture Zone is advanced based on the composition of the rocks occurring therein, the U/Pb age of the Voronezh Formation, and the specified age of collision. The model comprises the destruction of the Sarmatia continent; the formation of active continental margins of the West Pacific and Andean types, replacing one another en echelon from north to south; and the collision of Sarmatia and Volgo-Uralia with a distinctly expressed late orogenic stage marked by deposition of the Voronezh Formation crowned by the Baigora volcanic-plutonic structure.  相似文献   

New paleomagnetic data on Paleoproterozoic complexes of the Central Karelian and Vodlozero terranes of the Karelian Craton were obtained. A new key paleomagnetic pole (1.98 Ga) was calculated for rocks of the Vodlozero terrane. The positions of Central Karelian and Vodlozero terranes 1.98 Ga ago in subtropical and moderate latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, respectively, were reconstructed. The latitudinal difference (1.98 Ga) between the positions of Central Karelian and Vodlozero terranes supports the existence of oceanic basins between separate terranes of the Karelian Craton.  相似文献   

The Pering deposit is the prime example of Zn–Pb mineralisation hosted by stromatolitic dolostones of the Neoarchean to Paleoproterozoic Transvaal Supergroup. The hydrothermal deposit centers on subvertical breccia pipes that crosscut stromatolitic dolostones of the Reivilo Formation, the lowermost portion of the Campbellrand Subgroup. Four distinct stages of hydrothermal mineralisation are recognised. Early pyritic rock matrix brecciation is followed by collomorphous sphalerite mineralisation with replacive character, which, in turn, is succeeded by coarse grained open-space-infill of sphalerite, galena, sparry dolomite, and quartz. Together, the latter two stages account for ore-grade Zn–Pb mineralisation. The fourth and final paragenetic stage is characterised by open-space-infill by coarse sparry calcite. The present study documents the results of a detailed geochemical study of the Pering deposit, including fluid inclusion microthermometry, fluid chemistry and stable isotope geochemistry of sulphides (δ34S) and carbonate gangue (δ13C and δ18O). Microthermometric fluid inclusion studies carried out on a series of coarsely grained crystalline quartz and sphalerite samples of the latter, open-space-infill stage of the main mineralisation event reveal the presence of three major fluid types: (1) a halite–saturated aqueous fluid H2O–NaCl–CaCl2 (>33 wt% NaCl equivalent) brine, (2) low-salinity meteoric fluid (<7 wt% NaCl) and (3) a carbonic CH4–CO2–HS fluid that may be derived from organic material present within the host dolostone. Mixing of these fluids have given rise to variable mixtures (H2O–CaCl2–NaCl ±(CH4–CO2–HS), 2 to 25 wt% NaCl+CaCl2). Heterogeneous trapping of the aqueous and carbonic fluids occurred under conditions of immiscibility. Fluid temperature and pressure conditions during mineralisation are determined to be 200–210°C and 1.1–1.4 kbar, corresponding to a depth of mineralisation of 4.1–5.2 km. Chemical analyses of the brine inclusions show them to be dominated by Na and Cl with lesser amounts of Ca, K and SO4. Fluid ratios of Cl/Br indicate that they originated as halite saturated seawater brines that mixed with lower salinity fluids. Analyses of individual brine inclusions document high concentrations of Zn and Pb (∼1,500 and ∼200 ppm respectively) and identify the brine as responsible for the introduction of base metals. Stable isotope data were acquired for host rock and hydrothermal carbonates (dolomite, calcite) and sulphides (pyrite, sphalerite, galena and chalcopyrite). The ore-forming sulphides show a trend to 34S enrichment from pyrite nodules in the pyritic rock matrix breccia (δ34S = −9.9 to +3.7‰) to paragenetically late chalcopyrite of the main mineralisation event (δ34S = +30.0‰). The observed trend is attributed to Rayleigh fractionation during the complete reduction of sulphate in a restricted reservoir by thermochemical sulphate reduction, and incremental precipitation of the generated sulphide. The initial sulphate reservoir is expected to have had an isotopic signature around 0‰, and may well represent magmatic sulphur, oxidised and leached by the metal-bearing brine. The δ18O values of successive generations of dolomite, from host dolostone to paragenetically late saddle dolomite follow a consistent trend that yields convincing evidence for extensive water rock interaction at variable fluid–rock ratios. Values of δ13C remain virtually unchanged and similar to the host dolostone, thus suggesting insignificant influx of CO2 during the early and main stages of mineralisation. On the other hand, δ13C and δ18O of post-ore calcite define two distinct clusters that may be attributed to changes in the relative abundance in CH4 and CO2 during waning stages of hydrothermal fluid flow.  相似文献   


We have identified two contrasting styles of Paleoproterozoic metamorphism in the northern part of the Fennoscandian Shield. The Karelia and Lapland-Kola Provinces, comprising Archean and overlying Paleoproterozoic supracrustal rocks, show a typical medium pressure Barrovian-style metamorphism with commonly found kyanite-bearing mineral assemblages and ITD (isothermal decompression) PT paths. In the juxtaposed Svecofennia Province metamorphism represents low pressure-high temperature Buchan style with garnet-cordierite migmatites and intercalated andalusite-cordierite and andalusite-staurolite schists and sillimanite-muscovite gneisses. The retrograde PT paths show only a moderate uplift during cooling.

U-Pb age determinations on monazite were made using the LA-ICP-MS from more than 80 samples from metasedimentary rocks. The sampling covered most parts of the Paleoproterozoic bedrock in Finland. The analyses reveal three peaks at c. 1.91 Ga, 1.86–1.88 Ga and at 1.79–1.81 Ga. The oldest, c. 1.91 Ga monazites are mostly found in the Lapland-Kola Province which is located in the northernmost Finland. In the Karelia Province where the Paleoproterozoic is underlain by Archean bedrock monazite yielded ages of 1.76?1.81 Ga with only a few older exceptions in samples showing a spread of 207Pb/206Pb ages from c. 1.92–1.81 Ga. The Karelia Province underwent tectonic thickening, where monazite ages of around 1.80 Ga mostly represent exhumation near the temperature maximum.

In the Svecofennia Province monazite ages vary from c. 1.89 to 1.78 Ga. In the Western Finland Subprovince the monazite ages in high-grade migmatites are mostly 1.86?1.88 Ga but within the older migmatite areas there are lower grade zones where monazite yields ages of c. 1.80 Ga. Some samples also show a spread of 207Pb/206Pb ages from 1.89?1.86 Ga to c. 1.78 Ga. In the Southern Finland Subprovince most ages are either 1.80?1.78 Ga, especially in the andalusite grade schists, or the sample shows a spread of 207Pb/206Pb ages from c. 1.88 to 1.78 Ga. Only in the eastern part of the Southern Finland Subprovince there are rocks which yield merely 1.86?1.89 Ga ages. Low pressure-high temperature metamorphism and lack of high or medium P/T rocks in the Svecofennia Province refers rather to accretionary than collisional processes.  相似文献   

Understanding the physical vulnerability of buildings and infrastructure to natural hazards is an essential step in risk assessment for large cities. We have interpreted high spatial resolution images, conducted field surveys, and utilized numerical simulations, in order to assess vulnerability across Arequipa, south Peru, close to the active El Misti volcano. The emphasis of this study was on flash floods and volcanic or non-volcanic hyperconcentrated flows, which recur on average every 3.5 years across the city. We utilized a geographic information system to embed vulnerability and hazard maps as a step to calculate risk for buildings and bridges along the Río Chili valley and two tributaries. A survey of ~1,000 buildings from 46 city blocks, different in age, construction materials, and land usage, provided architectural and structural characteristics. A similar survey of twenty bridges across the three valleys was based on structural, hydraulic, and strategic parameters. Interpretation of high spatial resolution (HSR) satellite images, which allows for quick identification of approximately 69 % of the structural building types, effectively supplemented field data collection. Mapping vulnerability has led us to pinpoint strategic areas in case of future destructive floods or flows. Calculated vulnerability is high if we examine structural criteria alone. We further consider physical setting with the most vulnerable city blocks located on the lowermost terraces, perpendicular or oblique to the flow path. Statistical analysis conducted on 3,015 city blocks, considering nine criteria identified from HSR images, indicated that building-type heterogeneity and the shape of the city blocks, along with building and street network density, are the most discriminant parameters for assessing vulnerability.  相似文献   

Pegmatite dyke swarms are exposed within the easternmost Pyrenees at Cabo de Creus. These dykes were emplaced into high-grade metamorphosed sedimentary strata of Cambro-Ordovician age, but lack obvious field relationship to Hercynian intrusive rocks. Together with structural and geochemical data, equilibrium oxygen isotope fractionations at temperatures of ≈ 600°C, the lack of obvious subsolidus exchange, and the H- and O-isotopic signatures of water in equilibrium with pegmatite mica and quartz are interpreted to indicate a derivation from anatexis of a metapelitic source at shallow crustal levels.  相似文献   

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