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The Sunsás–Aguapeí province (1.20–0.95 Ga), SW Amazonian Craton, is a key area to study the heterogeneous effects of collisional events with Laurentia, which shows evidence of the Grenvillian and Sunsás orogens. The Sunsás orogen, characterized by an allochthonous collisional-type belt (1.11–1.00 Ga), is the youngest and southwesternmost of the events recorded along the cratonic fringe. Its evolution occurred after a period of long quiescence and erosion of the already cratonized provinces (>1.30 Ga), that led to sedimentation of the Sunsás and Vibosi groups in a passive margin setting. The passive margin stage was roughly contemporary with intraplate tectonics that produced the Nova Brasilândia proto-oceanic basin (<1.21 Ga), the reactivation of the Ji-Paraná shear zone network (1.18–1.12 Ga) and a system of aborted rifts that evolved to the Huanchaca–Aguapeí basin (1.17–1.15 Ga). The Sunsás belt is comprised by the metamorphosed Sunsás and Vibosi sequences, the Rincón del Tigre mafic–ultramafic sill and granitic intrusive suites. The latter rocks yield εNd(t) signatures (?0.5 to ?4.5) and geochemistry (S, I, A-types) suggesting their origin associated with a continental arc setting. The Sunsás belt evolution is marked by “tectonic fronts” with sinistral offsets that was active from c. 1.08 to 1.05 Ga, along the southern edge of the Paraguá microcontinent where K/Ar ages (1.27–1.34 Ga) and the Huanchaca–Aguapeí flat-lying cover attest to the earliest tectonic stability at the time of the orogen. The Sunsás dynamics is coeval with inboard crustal shortening, transpression and magmatism in the Nova Brasilândia belt (1.13–1.00 Ga). Conversely, the Aguapeí aulacogen (0.96–0.91 Ga) and nearby shear zones (0.93–0.91 Ga) are the late tectonic offshoots over the cratonic margin. The post-tectonic to anorogenic stages took place after ca. 1.00 Ga, evidenced by the occurrences of intra-plate A-type granites, pegmatites, mafic dikes and sills, as well as of graben basins. Integrated interpretation of the available data related to the Sunsás orogen supports the idea that the main nucleus of Rodinia incorporated the terrains forming the SW corner of Amazonia and most of the Grenvillian margin, as a result of two independent collisional events, as indicated in the Amazon region by the Ji-Paraná shear zone event and the Sunsás belt, respectively.  相似文献   

The survey of high-P metamorphic rocks in Antarctica can help clarify the geodynamic evolution of the continent by pointing out palaeo-suture zones and constraining the age of subduction and collision events. There are eclogite-facies rocks along the eastern margin of the ‘Mawson block’ (e.g., in the Nimrod Glacier region and George V Land). Some of these have been long forgotten (George V Land; Eyre Peninsula in Australia). Stillwell (1918) described rocks from George V Land containing glaucophane, lawsonite, garnet coronas and symplectites possibly after omphacite. These high-P rocks were apparently involved in the Nimrod-Kimban orogenic cycle and therefore provide a record of convergence along the eastern margin of the Mawson block at ~ 1700 Ma; they could represent one of the oldest blueschist-facies imprint. Many terranes in East Antarctica underwent a tectonometamorphic evolution during the Grenvillian (1300–900 Ma) and/or the Pan-African (600–500 Ma) orogenies, corresponding to the amalgamation of Rodinia and Gondwana, respectively. High-P relicts have been described or are suspected to occur in these terranes. Garnet-bearing coronitic metagabbros, in some cases possibly containing omphacite, are common in Dronning Maud Land and the Rayner Complex. They formed under high-P granulite-facies or eclogite-facies conditions and recall similar metabasites from the Grenville mobile belt of Canada. Note that some reconstructions of the Rodinia supercontinent consider these two Antarctic regions as an extension of the Grenvillian belt of Canada. Other eclogite-facies metamorphic rocks and ophiolites (Shackleton Range and possibly Sverdrupfjella) belong to the Pan-African mobile belt extending from Tanzania to East Antarctica. Since the Cambrian, the terranes of West Antarctica have been accreted along the palaeo-Pacific margin of Gondwana/Antarctica during several subduction-accretion orogenies. The ultrahigh-P metamorphic rocks of Northern Victoria Land formed through the accretion of an arc-backarc system during the Cambrian-Ordovician Ross orogeny; eclogites of the same orogeny also exist in Tasmania and Australia. Lastly, on the western edge of the Antarctic Peninsula, the Mesozoic–Cenozoic Andean orogeny generated a subduction-accretionary complex containing blueschist-facies rocks.  相似文献   

Cratons are generally assumed to be regions of long-lasting tectonic stability. In particular the study of the Phanerozoic exhumation history of cratons has been largely hampered by the scarcity of suitable stratigraphic controls onshore. This fact is even more pronounced in terranes lacking Mesozoic or younger penetrative structural fabrics and metamorphic overprinting. Our study in the Limpopo belt shows that modern apatite fission track thermochronology provides a hitherto unavailable perspective in the study of these rocks, and has profound implications for the crustal evolution of the Zimbabwe Craton.Apatite fission track data from 35 samples taken along two transects, in the southern edge of the Zimbabwe Craton and in the Central Zone of the Limpopo Belt, suggest that extensive regions experienced kilometer-scale exhumation in two discrete events, as recently as the Cretaceous. The first occurred at around 130 Ma, and the second at around 90 Ma. Basin subsidence and sedimentation loads on the Mozambique margin support the timing of these events and provide strong indications of the source and pathways for the eroded material. Further, the results indicate that young and old “surfaces” (in a geomorphological sense) may be structurally juxtaposed in regions of high elevation in Zimbabwe. This is contrary to early ideas of surface chronologies based on summit accordances or invoking pediplanation.  相似文献   

Triassic igneous and sedimentary rocks exposed within the basement of the Andes were deposited in a series of rifts, and may record the early disassembly of western Pangaea. These rocks are sporadically exposed along almost the entire length of western South America, although reliable geochronological and isotopic data are sparse. We combine new geochronological (zircon U–Pb), isotopic (Hf, Nd) and geochemical data with stratigraphic observations to constrain the age and tectonic setting of the Mitu Rift of southern Peru. The Peruvian Mitu Rift is compared with other Triassic rifts in Colombia and Ecuador (Palanda Rift; 240–225 Ma), Bolivia (Mitu Rift; Triassic), Bolivia, Chile and Argentina (e.g. Cuyo Basin; 246–230 Ma), and conclusions are reached regarding the relationship between Triassic extension along the western margin of Pangaea, and the eventual formation of the Proto-Caribbean and Central Atlantic oceans. The Mitu Rift (Peru) was active during ~ 245–240 to ~ 220 Ma and was synchronous with rifting along the Pacific margin of Colombia and Ecuador, along the Chilean margin and western Argentina, and probably rifting within Bolivia. Rifting north of the Huancabamba Deflection was accompanied by subduction and led to seafloor spreading, whereas rifting along the Peruvian and Chilean margins mainly occurred in the absence of subduction and terminated prior to the formation of extensive transitional crust. Extension within Peru and Chile probably occurred via a combination of transtension, steepening and detachment of an arrested slab. We propose that plate tectonic forces initiated the early break-up of Pangaea by attenuating its margins and enhancing mantle upwelling. Prolonged extension may have propagated along pre-existing weak zones that extended into the continental interior, captured melts derived from the upwelled mantle forming a LIP (e.g. Central Atlantic Magmatic Province), became hot and weak and eventually lead to the formation of a juvenile ocean (e.g. Central Atlantic).  相似文献   

The North Tianshan orogenic belt in Kyrgyzstan consists predominantly of Neoproterozoic to early Paleozoic assemblages and tectonically interlayered older Precambrian crystalline complexes and formed during early Paleozoic accretionary and collisional events. One of the oldest continental fragments of late Mesoproterozoic (Grenvillian) age occurs within the southern part of the Kyrgyz North Tianshan. Using SHRIMP zircon ages, we document two magmatic events at ~ 1.1 and ~ 1.3 Ga. The younger event is characterized by voluminous granitoid magmatism between 1150 and 1050 Ma and is associated with deformation and metamorphism. The older event is documented by ~ 1.3 Ga felsic volcanism of uncertain tectonic significance and may reflect a rifting episode. Geochemical signatures as well as Nd and Hf isotopes of the Mesoproterozoic granitoids indicate melting of still older continental crust with model ages of ca 1.2 to 2.4 Ga.The Mesoproterozoic assemblages are intruded by Paleozoic diorites and granitoids, and Nd and Hf isotopic systematics suggest that the diorites are derived from melts that are mixtures of the above Mesoproterozoic basement and mantle-derived material; their source is thus distinct from that of the Mesoproterozoic rocks. Emplacement of these plutons into the Precambrian rocks occurred between 461 and 441 Ma. This is much younger than previously assumed and indicates that small plutons and large batholiths in North Tianshan were emplaced virtually synchronously in the late Ordovician to early Silurian.The Mesoproterozoic rocks in the North Tianshan may be remnants of a once larger continental domain, whose fragments are preserved in adjacent blocks of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Comparison with broadly coeval terranes in the Kokchetav area of northern Kazakhstan, the Chinese Central Tianshan and the Tarim craton point to some similarities and suggests that these may represent fragments of a single Mesoproterozoic continent characterized by a major orogenic event at ~ 1.1 Ga, known as the Tarimian orogeny.  相似文献   

The Trans-Amazonian cycle was an important rock-forming event in South America, generating voluminous juvenile and reworked fractions of continental crust. The Bacajá domain, in the southern sector of the Maroni-Itacaiúnas Province in the Amazonian craton, is an example of the Trans-Amazonian terranes adjacent to the Archean Carajás block. Zircon Pb-evaporation and whole-rock Sm–Nd analyses were carried out on representative samples of six lithological units, and allowed the proposal of a comprehensive tectonic-magmatic evolutionary sequence for the central and eastern parts of this domain, from the Neoarchean to the Rhyacian. Gneisses with ages of ca. 2.67 and 2.44 Ga are the oldest rocks recorded in the region, and probably represent remnants of island and continental arcs. The Três Palmeiras succession, emplaced between 2.36 and 2.34 Ga, hosts gold deposits and represents the first record of Siderian supracrustal rocks in the Amazonian craton. It was probably part of an island arc/ocean floor accreted to a craton margin. Rhyacian granitogenesis lasted for ca. 140 My (2.22–2.08 Ga), marking different stages of the Trans-Amazonian cycle. The first stage is represented by continental arc granitoids formed by melting of Archean crust at 2.22–2.18 Ga. The second is characterized by the production of juvenile material between 2.16 and 2.13 Ga. The third and final stage at ca. 2.08 Ga is represented by a large volume of granitoids originated from either juvenile material or reworked crust during compressive stresses. Nd isotopes reveal that juvenile rocks dominated in the northern part of the domain, whereas those formed from reworked crust predominate in the south. The present-day configuration of the Bacajá domain results from collision against the Archean Carajás block at the end of the Trans-Amazonian cycle.  相似文献   

This paper presents 14 zircon U–Pb determinations (SHRIMP and LA-MC-ICP-MS) for key geological units from the Rio Apa Cratonic Terrane (RACT), which is considered the southernmost exposed part of the Amazonian Craton in southwestern Brazil. The zircon U–Pb ages and geological data indicate that the RACT was formed by the accretion of magmatic arcs in a continental margin active from 1950 to 1720 Ma. The RACT is composed of three major terranes (Western, Eastern and Southeastern Terranes) with distinct evolution histories. The Western Terrane presents orthogneisses and granites formed at ~ 1950–1940 Ma and subduction-related granites and volcanic rocks formed at 1900–1880 Ma and 1840–1830 Ma. These basement rocks are covered by a greenschist facies metavolcano-sedimentary succession (Rio Naicata Formation) with basal volcanic rocks formed at 1813 ± 18 Ma. A gabbronoritic dyke of the Rio Perdido Suite hosted by the Rio Naitaca Formation yields an age of 1589 ± 44 Ma. The Eastern and Southeastern Terranes present deformed leucogranites generated within the intervals 1780–1720 Ma and 1810–1790 Ma, respectively. Both terranes are covered by a metavolcano-sedimentary succession (Alto Tererê Formation) dominated by Barrovian-type amphibolite facies metamorphic assemblages, suggestive of a collisional event. Available 40Ar–39Ar data (hornblende, muscovite and biotite) indicate that the proto-RACT evolved to a collisional orogen between 1310 and 1270 Ma and behaved as a cratonic mass after 1270 Ma, preceding the assembly of Rodinia. The available data allow us to interpret the RACT as a part of the Ventuari–Tapajós Province of the Amazonian Craton, which was fragmented and dispersed as a microcontinent. It was subsequently reincorporated into the SW Amazonian Craton, along the Sunsás Belt, as an allochthonous terrane. In a global perspective, the tectono-magmatic events of the RACT are consistent with a long-lived accretionary orogen possibly related to an active margin of Columbia.  相似文献   

The relationship of the Yangtze Block with other continental blocks of the Rodinia and Gondwana supercontinents is hotly debated. Here we report U–Pb and Lu–Hf isotopic data for zircons from the latest Neoproterozoic Yanjing Group and the overlying Silurian–Devonian rocks on the western margin of Yangtze Block, which provide critical constraints on the provenance of these sediments and further shed light on the crustal evolution and tectonic affinity of the western Yangtze Block in the context of Rodinia and the subsequent Gondwanaland. Mica schist from the middle part of the Yanjing Group contains dominant Neoproterozoic detrital zircons (0.72–0.80 Ga) with a pronounced age peak at 0.75 Ga. Based on the euhedral to subhedral shapes, high Th/U ratios and exclusively positive εHf(t) values (+ 6 to + 14) for the zircon crystals, and the lack of ancient zircons, we consider the sediments as products of proximal deposition near a Neoproterozoic subduction system in western Yangtze. Combined with the age of rhyolite from the lower part of the Yanjing Group, these strata were estimated to have been deposited in a period between 0.72 and 0.63 Ga. In contrast, the Silurian–Devonian sediments exhibit dominant Grenvillian ages (0.9–1.0 Ga), with middle Neoproterozoic (0.73–0.85 Ga), Pan-African (0.49–0.67 Ga) and Neoarchean (~ 2.5 Ga) age populations, suggesting a significant change of sedimentary provenance and thus a different tectonic setting. Although the shift occurred in the Silurian, the age spectra turn to be consistent along the western margin of the Yangtze Block until the Devonian, indicating persistence of the same sedimentary environment. However, the related provenance of these Paleozoic sediments cannot be found in South China. The presence of abundant Grenvillian, Pan-African and Neoarchean ages, along with their moderately to highly rounded shapes, indicates the possibility of exotic continental terrane(s) as a possible sedimentary provenance. Considering the potential source areas around the Yangtze Block when it was part of the Rodinia or Gondwana, we suggest that the source of these Paleozoic sediments had typical Gondwana affinities such as the Himalaya region, north India, which is also supported by their stratigraphic similarity, newly published paleomagnetic data and the tectono-thermal events of northwestern fragments of Gondwana. This implies that after a prolonged subduction in the Neoproterozoic, the western margin of the Yangtze Block began to incorporate into the assembly of the Gondwana supercontinent and was able to accept sediments from northwestern margin of Gondwanaland as a result of early Paleozoic orogeny.  相似文献   

The Palaeozoic to Mesozoic igneous and metamorphic basement rocks exposed in the Mérida Andes of Venezuela and the Santander Massif of Colombia are generally considered to define allochthonous terranes that accreted to the margin of Gondwana during the Ordovician and the Carboniferous. However, terrane sutures have not been identified and there are no published isotopic data that support the existence of separate crustal domains. A general paucity of geochronological data led to published tectonic reconstructions for the evolution of the northwestern corner of Gondwana that do not account for the magmatic and metamorphic histories of the basement rocks of the Mérida Andes and the Santander Massif. We present new zircon U–Pb (ICP-MS) data from 52 igneous and metamorphic rocks, which we combine with whole rock geochemical and Pb isotopic data to constrain the tectonic history of the Precambrian to Mesozoic basement of the Mérida Andes and the Santander Massif. These data show that the basement rocks of these massifs are autochthonous to Gondwana and share a similar tectono-magmatic history with the Gondwanan margin of Peru, Chile and Argentina, which evolved during the subduction of oceanic lithosphere of the Iapetus Ocean. The oldest Palaeozoic arc magmatism is recorded at ~ 500 Ma, and was followed shortly by Barrovian metamorphism. Peak metamorphic conditions at upper amphibolite facies are recorded by anatexis at ~ 477 Ma and the intrusion of synkinematic granitoids until ~ 472 Ma. Subsequent retrogression resulted from localised back-arc or intra-arc extension at ~ 453 Ma, when volcanic tuffs and interfingered sedimentary rocks were deposited over the amphibolite facies basement. Continental arc magmatism dwindled after ~ 430 Ma and terminated at ~ 415 Ma, coevally with most of the western margin of Gondwana. After Pangaea amalgamation in the Late Carboniferous to Early Permian, a magmatic arc developed on its western margin at ~ 294 Ma as a result of subduction of oceanic crust of the palaeo-Pacific ocean. Intermittent arc magmatism recorded between ~ 294 and ~ 225 Ma was followed by the onset of the Andean subduction cycle at ~ 213 Ma, in an extensional regime. Extension was accompanied by slab roll-back which led to the migration of the arc axis into the Central Cordillera of Colombia in the Early Jurassic.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2013,23(3-4):855-865
The ages of detrital zircon grains from one paragneiss and inherited zircon cores from two augen gneisses from the amphibolite facies basement of the Peloritani Mountains (southern Italy) measured by SHRIMP U–Pb constrain the previously unknown deposition age of the original sediments and help to elaborate a model for their provenance and subsequent evolution. The deposition age is latest Neoproterozoic to Cambrian (~ 545 Ma), bracketed by the combined ages of the youngest detrital/inherited zircon populations and of zircon from virtually coeval granitoids that intrude the metasediments. This is consistent with the subgreenschist facies Palaeozoic volcano–sedimentary sequences exposed in the southern Peloritani Mountains being the original cover rocks of the northern Peloritani late Neoproterozoic to early Cambrian basement. The age spectra of the detrital/inherited zircon grains show that the Neoproterozoic/Cambrian sediments were derived from the erosion of sources dominated by Neoproterozoic rocks with ages in the range of 0.85–0.54 Ga, with other main components aged 1.1–0.9 and ~ 2.7–2.4 Ga, and a minor one aged ~ 1.6 Ga, as typically found in peri-Gondwanan terranes. The presence of a large amount of Grenvillian-aged zircon contradicts previous models that propose a West African affinity for the Calabria–Peloritani Terrane, and the absence of 2.2–1.9 Ga Trans Amazonian/Tapajós–Parima/Eburnean zircon rules out an Amazonian provenance. The age spectra are more consistent with the basement sediments having an East African origin, similar to that of the early Palaeozoic sandstones in southern Israel and Jordan, part of a “provenance regionality” shared with other terranes currently located in the eastern Mediterranean area.  相似文献   

Detailed mapping, coupled with geochronological and geochemical investigations, has revealed the presence of a 1917–1913 Ma gabbro–monzodiorite–monzonite suite along the southeast margin of the Hearne Craton in northern Saskatchewan, Canada. The predominantly plutonic suite is also characterised by 1915 Ma old trachyandesitic subvolcanic and volcaniclastic inclusions. The rocks are hornblende–epidote–titanite ± augite bearing and collectively termed the Porter Bay Complex. The plutonic rocks cut the 2569 Ma Lueaza River granitoid suite, a component of the Hearne Craton and are themselves intruded by 1859 Ma pegmatitic diorite, 1856 Ma layered gabbro-anorthosite, and 1853 Ma quartz-diorite belonging to the Wathaman Batholith, one of the world's largest Paleoproterozoic Andean-type continental arcs. Wholerock major element geochemistry characterises the Porter Bay Complex as calc-alkalic to alkali-calcic, metaluminous and variable from ferroan to magnesian. Trace element concentrations are characterised by negative high field strength element anomalies, suggesting emplacement along a destructive plate margin. The geochemical signatures of the Wathaman Batholith and the Porter Bay Complex are largely identical. The geographic location, map relationships, and geochronological, geochemical and petrographic constraints are consistent with the Porter Bay Complex having formed in a subduction-related continental arc setting. The southeastern margin of the Hearne Craton was therefore a long-lived active continental margin with two separate periods of continental arc magmatism between 1.92–1.91 Ga and 1.86–1.85 Ga.  相似文献   

The Tarim Craton is one of three large cratons in China. Presently, there is only scant information concerning its crustal evolutionary history because most of the existing geochronological studies have lacked a combined isotopic analysis, especially an in situ Lu–Hf isotope analysis of zircon. In this study, Precambrian basement rocks from the Kuluketage and Dunhuang Blocks in the northeastern portion of the Tarim Craton have been analyzed for combined in situ laser ablation ICP-(MC)-MS zircon U–Pb and Lu–Hf isotopic analyses, as well as whole rock elements, to constrain their protoliths, forming ages and magma sources. Two magmatic events from the Kuluketage Block at ∼2.4 Ga and ∼1.85 Ga are revealed, and three stages of magmatic events are detected in the Dunhuang Block, i.e., ∼2.0 Ga, ∼1.85 Ga and ∼1.75 Ga. The ∼1.85 Ga magmatic rocks from both areas were derived from an isotopically similar crustal source under the same tectonic settings, suggesting that the Kuluketage and Dunhuang Blocks are part of the uniform Precambrian basement of the Tarim Craton. Zircon Hf model ages of the ∼2.4 Ga magmatism indicate that the crust of the Tarim Craton may have been formed as early as the Paleoarchean period. The ∼2.0 Ga mafic rock from the Dunhuang Block was formed in an active continental margin setting, representing an important crustal growth event of the Tarim Craton in the mid-Paleoproterozoic that coincides with the global episode of crust formation during the assembly of the Columbia supercontinent. The ∼1.85 Ga event in the Kuluketage and Dunhuang Blocks primarily involved the reworking of the old crust and most likely related to the collisional event associated with the assembly of the Columbia supercontinent, while the ∼1.75 Ga magmatism in the Dunhuang Block resulted from a mixture of the reworked Archean crust with juvenile magmas and was most likely related to a post-collisional episode.  相似文献   

U–Pb detrital zircon geochronology has been used to identify provenance and document sediment delivery systems during the deposition of the early Late Triassic Yanchang Formation in the south Ordos Basin. Two outcrop samples of the Yanchang Formation were collected from the southern and southwestern basin margin respectively. U–Pb detrital zircon geochronology of 158 single grains (out of 258 analyzed grains) shows that there are six distinct age populations, 250–300 Ma, 320–380 Ma, 380–420 Ma, 420–500 Ma, 1.7–2.1 Ga, and 2.3–2.6 Ga. The majority of grains with the two oldest age populations are interpreted as recycled from previous sediments. Multiple sources match the Paleozoic age populations of 380–420 and 420–500 Ma, including the Qilian–Qaidam terranes and the North Qilian orogenic belt to the west, and the Qinling orogenic belt to the south. However, the fact that both samples do not have the Neoproterozoic age populations, which are ubiquitous in these above source areas, suggests that the Late Triassic Yanchang Formation in the south Ordos Basin was not derived from the Qilian–Qaidam terranes, the North Qilian orogenic belt, and the Qinling orogenic belt. Very similar age distribution between the Proterozoic to Paleozoic sedimentary rocks and the early Late Triassic Yanchang Formation in the south Ordos Basin suggests that it was most likely recycled from previous sedimentary rocks from the North China block instead of sediments directly from two basin marginal deformation belts.  相似文献   

《Precambrian Research》2006,144(1-2):92-125
This paper presents a plate tectonic model for the evolution of the Australian continent between ca. 1800 and 1100 Ma. Between ca. 1800 and 1600 Ma episodic orogenesis occurred along the southern margin of the continent above a north-dipping subduction system. During this interval multiple orogenic events occurred. The West Australian Craton collided with the North Australian Craton (ca. 1790–1770 Ma), the Archaean nucleus of the Gawler Craton amalgamated with the North Australian Craton (ca. 1740–1690 Ma), and numerous smaller terranes accreted along the western Gawler Craton and the southern Arunta Inlier (ca. 1690–1640 Ma). The pattern of accretion suggests southward migration of the plate margin, which occurred due to a combination of slab rollback and back stepping of a subduction system behind the accreted continental blocks. Coeval with subduction a series of continental back-arc basins formed in the interior of the North Australian Craton and parts of the South Australian Craton, which were attached to the North Australian Craton prior to 1500 Ma. Extension of the North Australian Craton led to the opening of an oceanic basin along the eastern margin of the continent at ca. 1660 Ma. Continuing divergence was accommodated by oceanic spreading whereas the continental basins thermally subsided resulting in the development of sag-phase basins throughout the North Australian Craton. This oceanic basin was subsequently consumed during convergence, which ultimately led to development of a ca. 1600–1500 Ma orogenic belt along the eastern margin of Proterozoic Australia. Between ca. 1470 and 1100 Ma, the South Australian Craton, consisting of the Curnamona Province and the Gawler Craton rifted from the North Australian Craton and was re-attached in its present configuration during episodic ca. 1330–1100 Ma orogenesis, which is preserved in the Albany-Fraser Belt and the Musgrave Block.  相似文献   

U–Pb–Hf of detrital zircons from diverse Cambrian units in Morocco and Sardinia were investigated in order to clarify the sandstone provenance and how it evolved with time, to assess whether the detrital spectra mirror basement crustal composition and whether they are a reliable pointer on the ancestry of peri-Gondwanan terranes. Coupled with Hf isotopes, the detrital age spectra allow a unique perspective on crustal growth and recycling in North Africa, much of which is concealed below Phanerozoic sediments.In Morocco, the detrital signal of Lower Cambrian arkose records local crustal evolution dominated by Ediacaran (0.54–0.63 Ga) and Late-Paleoproterozoic (1.9–2.2 Ga; Eburnian) igneous activity. A preponderance of the Neoproterozoic detrital zircons possess positive εHf(t) values and their respective Hf model ages (TDM) concentrate at 1.15 Ga. In contrast, rather than by Ediacaran, the Neoproterozoic detrital signal from the Moroccan Middle Cambrian quartz-rich sandstone is dominated by Cryogenian-aged detrital zircons peaking at 0.65 Ga alongside a noteworthy early Tonian (0.95 Ga) peak; a few Stenian-age (1.0–1.1 Ga) detrital zircons are also distinguished. The majority of the Neoproterozoic zircons displays negative εHf(t), indicating the provenance migrated onto distal Pan-African terranes dominated by crustal reworking. Terranes such as the Tuareg Shield were a likely provenance. The detrital signal of quartz–arenites from the Lower and Middle Cambrian of SW Sardinia resembles the Moroccan Middle Cambrian, but 1.0–1.1 Ga as well as ~ 2.5 Ga detrital zircons are more common. Therefore, Cambrian Sardinia may have been fed from different sources possibly located farther to the east along the north Gondwana margin. 1.0–1.1 Ga detrital zircons abundant in Sardinia generally display negative εHf(t) values while 0.99–0.95 Ga detrital zircons (abundant in Morocco) possess positive εHf(t), attesting for two petrologically-different Grenvillian sources. A paucity of detrital zircons younger than 0.6 Ga is a remarkable feature of the detrital spectra of the Moroccan and Sardinian quartz-rich sandstones. It indicates that late Cadomian orogens fringing the northern margin of North Africa were low-lying by the time the Cambrian platform was deposited. About a quarter of the Neoproterozoic-aged detrital zircons in the quartz-rich sandstones of Morocco (and a double proportion in Sardinia) display positive εHf(t) values indicating considerable juvenile crust addition in North Africa, likely via island arc magmatism. A substantial fraction of the remaining Neoproterozoic zircons which possess negative εHf(t) values bears evidence for mixing of old crust with juvenile magmas, implying crustal growth in an Andean-type setting was also significant in this region.  相似文献   

We present a synopsis of detrital zircon U–Pb ages of sandstones from North Africa and neighboring Israel and Jordan, which allows us to identify zones with characteristic sediment provenance along the northern Gondwana margin (in present-day coordinates) in Cambrian–Ordovician times, and helps us to unravel the peri-Gondwana jigsaw puzzle. A special feature of the early Paleozoic cover sequence of North Africa is the eastward increase of 1.1–0.95 Ga detrital zircons, which become ubiquitous in the early Paleozoic sandstones of the Saharan Metacraton. Detrital zircons aged about 2.7–2.5, 2.15–1.75 and 0.75–0.53 Ga are also present. Early Paleozoic sandstones with similar provenance are known from peri-Gondwana terranes in the Eastern and Western Mediterranean and from NW Iberia. These terranes need not be transported from western Gondwana (Amazonia) as suggested previously. They were likely located to the north of the Saharan Metacraton during the early Paleozoic before they rifted off from Gondwana. Furthermore, we recognize an increase, as stratigraphic ages get younger, of ca. 1.0 Ga detrital zircons at some point between the Late Cambrian and late Middle Ordovician. We speculate that this might be linked to far-field tectonics and regional uplift in central Gondwana related to plate-tectonic reorganization along the Gondwana margin, leading to erosion of ca. 1.0 Ga basement and country rocks of the Transgondwanan supermountain and fluvial dispersal of detritus toward the Gondwana margin.  相似文献   

The Borborema Province in northeastern South America is a typical Brasiliano-Pan-African branching system of Neoproterozoic orogens that forms part of the Western Gondwana assembly. The province is positioned between the São Luis-West Africa craton to the north and the São Francisco (Congo-Kasai) craton to the south. For this province the main characteristics are (a) its subdivision into five major tectonic domains, bounded mostly by long shear zones, as follows: Médio Coreaú, Ceará Central, Rio Grande do Norte, Transversal, and Southern; (b) the alternation of supracrustal belts with reworked basement inliers (Archean nuclei + Paleoproterozoic belts); and (c) the diversity of granitic plutonism, from Neoproterozoic to Early Cambrian ages, that affect supracrustal rocks as well as basement inliers. Recently, orogenic rock assemblages of early Tonian (1000–920 Ma) orogenic evolution have been recognized, which are restricted to the Transversal and Southern domains of the Province.Within the Transversal Zone, the Alto Pajeú terrane locally includes some remnants of oceanic crust along with island arc and continental arc rock assemblages, but the dominant supracrustal rocks are mature and immature pelitic metasedimentary and metavolcaniclastic rocks. Contiguous and parallel to the Alto Pajeú terrane, the Riacho Gravatá subterrane consists mainly of low-grade metamorphic successions of metarhythmites, some of which are clearly turbiditic in origin, metaconglomerates, and sporadic marbles, along with interbedded metarhyolitic and metadacitic volcanic or metavolcaniclastic rocks. Both terrane and subterrane are cut by syn-contractional intrusive sheets of dominantly peraluminous high-K calc-alkaline, granititic to granodioritic metaplutonic rocks. The geochemical patterns of both supracrustal and intrusive rocks show similarities with associations of mature continental arc volcano-sedimentary sequences, but some subordinate intra-plate characteristics are also found.In both the Alto Pajeú and Riacho Gravatá terranes, TIMS and SHRIMP U–Pb isotopic data from zircons from both metavolcanic and metaplutonic rocks yield ages between 1.0 and 0.92 Ga, which define the time span for an event of orogenic character, the Cariris Velhos event. Less extensive occurrences of rocks of Cariris Velhos age are recognized mainly in the southernmost domains of the Province, as for example in the Poço Redondo-Marancó terrane, where arc-affinity migmatite-granitic and meta-volcano-sedimentary rocks show U–Pb ages (SHRIMP data) around 0.98–0.97 Ga. For all these domains, Sm–Nd data exhibit TDM model ages between 1.9 and 1.1 Ga with corresponding slightly negative to slightly positive εNd(t) values. These domains, along with the Borborema Province as a whole, were significantly affected by tectonic and magmatic events of the Brasiliano Cycle (0.7–0.5 Ga), so that it is possible that there are some other early Tonian rock assemblages which were completely masked and hidden by these later Brasiliano events.Cariris Velhos processes are younger than the majority of orogenic systems at the end of Mesoproterozoic Era and beginning of Neoproterozoic throughout the world, e.g. Irumide belt, Kibaride belt and Namaqua-Natal belt, and considerably younger than those of the youngest orogenic process (Ottawan) in the Grenvillian System. Therefore, they were probably not associated with the proposed assembly of Rodinia. We suggest, instead, that Cariris Velhos magmatism and tectonism could have been related to a continental margin magmatic arc, with possible back-arc associations, and that this margin may have been a short-lived (<100 m.y.) leading edge of the newly assembled Rodinia supercontinent.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2013,24(4):1241-1260
An overview is presented for the formation and evolution of Precambrian continental lithosphere in South China. This is primarily based on an integrated study of zircon U–Pb ages and Lu–Hf isotopes in crustal rocks, with additional constraints from Re–Os isotopes in mantle-derived rocks. Available Re–Os isotope data on xenolith peridotites suggest that the oldest subcontinental lithospheric mantle beneath South China is primarily of Paleoproterozoic age. The zircon U–Pb ages and Lu–Hf isotope studies reveal growth and reworking of the juvenile crust at different ages. Both the Yangtze and Cathaysia terranes contain crustal materials of Archean U–Pb ages. Nevertheless, zircon U–Pb ages exhibit two peaks at 2.9–3.0 Ga and ~ 2.5 Ga in Yangtze but only one peak at ~ 2.5 Ga in Cathaysia. Both massive rocks and crustal remnants (i.e., zircon) of Archean U–Pb ages occur in Yangtze, but only crustal remnants of Archean U–Pb ages occur in Cathaysia. Zircon U–Pb and Lu–Hf isotopes in the Kongling complex of Yangtze suggest the earliest episode of crustal growth in the Paleoarchean and two episodes of crustal reworking at 3.1–3.3 Ga and 2.8–3.0 Ga. Both negative and positive εHf(t) values are associated with Archean U–Pb ages of zircon in South China, indicating both the growth of juvenile crust and the reworking of ancient crust in the Archean. Paleoproterozoic rocks in Yangtze exhibit four groups of U–Pb ages at 2.1 Ga, 1.9–2.0 Ga, ~ 1.85 Ga and ~ 1.7 Ga, respectively. They are associated not only with reworking of the ancient Archean crust in the interior of Yangtze, but also with the growth of the contemporaneous juvenile crust in the periphery of Yangtze. In contrast, Paleoproterozoic rocks in Cathaysia were primarily derived from reworking of Archean crust at 1.8–1.9 Ga. The exposure of Mesoproterozoic rocks are very limited in South China, but zircon Hf model ages suggest the growth of juvenile crust in this period due to island arc magmatism of the Grenvillian oceanic subduction. Magmatic rocks of middle Neoproterozoic U–Pb ages are widespread in South China, exhibiting two peaks at about 830–800 Ma and 780–740 Ma, respectively. Both negative and positive εHf(t) values are associated with the middle Neoproterozoic U–Pb ages of zircon, suggesting not only growth and reworking of the juvenile Mesoproterozoic crust but also reworking of the ancient Archean and Paleoproterozoic crust in the middle Neoproterozoic. The tectonic setting for this period of magmatism would be transformed from arc–continent collision to continental rifting with reference to the plate tectonic regime in South China.  相似文献   

Analysis of zircons from Australian affinity Permian–Triassic units of the Timor region yield age distributions with large age peaks at 230–400 Ma and 1750–1900 Ma, which are similar to zircon age spectra found in rocks from NE Australia and crustal fragments now found in Tibet and SE Asia. It is likely that these terranes, which are now widely separated, were once part of the northern edge of Gondwana near what is now the northern margin of Australia. The Cimmerian Block rifted from Gondwana in the Early Permian during the initial formation of the Neo-Tethys Ocean. The zircon age spectra of the Gondwana Sequence of NE Australia and in the Timor region are most similar to the terranes of northern Tibet and Malaysia, further substantiating a similar tectonic affinity. A large 1750–1900 Ma zircon peak is also very common in other terranes in SE Asia.Hf analysis of zircon from the Aileu Complex in Timor and Kisar Islands shows a bimodal distribution (both radiogenically enriched and depleted) in the Gondwana Sequence at ~ 300 Ma. The magmatic event from which these zircons were derived was likely bimodal (i.e. mafic and felsic). This is substantiated by the presence of Permian mafic and felsic rocks interlayered with the sandstone used in this study. Similar rock types and isotopic signatures are also found in Permian–Triassic igneous units throughout the Cimmerian continental block.The Permian–Triassic rocks of the Timor region fill syn-rift intra-cratonic basins that successfully rifted in the Jurassic to form the NW margin of Australia. This passive continental margin first entered the Sunda Trench in the Timor region at around 7–8 Ma causing the Permo-Triassic rocks to accrete to the edge of the Asian Plate and emerge as a series of mountainous islands in the young Banda collision zone. Eventually, the Australian continental margin will collide with the southern edge of the Asian plate and these Gondwanan terranes will rejoin.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2013,23(3-4):828-842
Whether any Grenvillian magmatic records are preserved in the North China Craton (NCC) is a key issue to understand the Proterozoic tectonic evolution of the NCC and its correlation to the supercontinent Rodinia. Meso- to Neo-proterozoic sedimentary series is well exposed in the NCC, but magmatic events in this period, especially of 1.3–1.0 Ga, have seldom been reported. New U–Pb isotopic dating and Hf isotopic composition analyses have been carried out in this study using SIMS and LA–ICP-MS methods on detrital zircons from sandstones of the Tumen Group in the Shandong Peninsula and quartz sandstones of the Sangwon System in the Phyongnam Basin, North Korea. The age populations of the detrital zircons of the Tumen Group are at ~ 2.5 Ga, ~ 1.85 Ga, ~ 1.7 Ga, ~ 1.58 Ga, ~ 1.5 Ga, ~ 1.36 Ga and ~ 1.2 Ga and those of the Sangwon System are at 1.88–1.86 Ga, ~ 1.78 Ga, 1.62–1.58 Ga, 1.46–1.41 Ga, ~ 1.32 Ga, ~ 1.17 Ga and ~ 980 Ma. Most of the age peaks of Neoarchean and Proterozoic correspond to the significant tectonic-magmatic-thermal events previously recognized in the NCC, revealing that the main provenances of the Tumen Group and the Sangwon System are Early Precambrian basement and Late Paleo- to Meso-proterozoic magmatic rocks of the NCC. Furthermore, the youngest detrital zircon ages of ~ 1.1 Ga from the Tumen Group and 984 Ma from the Sangwon System, as well as 910 Ma Rb–Sr whole rock isochron age of a limestone from the Tumen Group and 899 Ma mafic sills intruding the Sangwon System suggest that both groups were deposited in the Neoproterozoic, coevally with the Qingbaikou System in the Yanliao Aulacogen. The common zircon ages of 1.3–1.0 Ga from the Tumen Group and the Sangwon System, as well as the contemporaneous Penglai and Yushulazi Group in the eastern margin of the NCC, indicate that during the deposition of these sediments there have been significant contributions from Grenvillian magmatic rocks in the eastern NCC. This may provide clues to understand the possible relationship of the NCC and the supercontinent Rodinia. Moreover, the positive εHf (t) and ~ 2.8 Ga crust model ages of detrital magmatic zircons of 2.8–2.4 Ga suggest that there have been significant crustal growth at ~ 2.8 Ga in the eastern margin of the NCC, same as in other areas of the NCC.  相似文献   

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