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文章对采自华北板块山东潍坊、河北唐山和辽宁大连的寒武系开腔骨类化石的新材料进行了研究,这些化石鉴定为 Chancelloria 属。辽宁大连地区的Chancelloria 产自寒武系第二统第四阶馒头组下部的黄绿色页岩;山东潍坊地区的 Chancelloria 产自苗岭统乌溜阶馒头组上部的黄绿色页岩和鼓山阶张夏组的深灰色中厚层灰岩;河北唐山地区的Chancelloria 产于芙蓉统江山阶长山组的薄层灰岩,该层位是目前Chancelloria 属在中国产出的最高层位,也是全球的最高层位之一。这 些来自华北寒武系第二统-芙蓉统的Chancelloria 骨片与早期的骨片相比,展现出骨片形态趋于规则、基面从浑圆趋于平 整、骨片整合度提升的特点,进一步印证了之前关于此类问题的研究结论。  相似文献   

为了确定我国华北寒武系苗岭统鼓山阶和芙蓉统排碧阶的底界,对豫北沙滩剖面碳酸盐岩碳同位素组成演化趋势进行了研究.结果表明寒武系δ13C演化表现出3次正漂移和2次负漂移,正漂移分布于张夏组下部、中部和炒米店组上部,δ13C分别达到最大值2.0‰、1.0‰和3.0‰;负漂移分布于张夏组底部和中下部,δ13C分别降到最低值-3.4‰和-1.0‰.炒米店组上部的δ13C正漂移起始于三叶虫Chuangia带底部,相当于美国、澳大利亚、西伯利亚及我国华南地区的芙蓉统排碧阶的SPICE正漂移.张夏组底部的δ13C负漂移对应于三叶虫Bailiella-Lioparia带,相当于鼓山阶底部的DICE负漂移.这2次δ13C漂移事件不仅可作为区域地层对比的依据,还可作为我国华北寒武系苗岭统鼓山阶和芙蓉统排碧阶底界确定的标志.寒武纪δ13C漂移事件与海平面变化、古生态环境演化密切相关,因海侵作用导致的古生态环境扩大及海洋初始生产力的繁盛可能是海相碳酸盐岩δ13C正漂移演化的主要原因.   相似文献   

梅冥相  张瑞  李屹尧  接雷 《岩石学报》2017,33(4):1073-1093
华北地台东北缘的芙蓉统,大致为长山组和凤山组所组成,可以进一步划分为3个三级沉积层序;层序划分主要基于沉积相序列的旋回性所代表的沉积趋势,较深水的陆棚相钙质泥岩和深缓坡相条带状泥晶灰岩和泥灰岩组成的凝缩作用序列、与高水位体系域和强迫型海退体系域的中至浅缓坡相碳酸盐岩组成的总体向上变浅序列,是这些三级沉积层序的基本构成,从而形成了较为典型的淹没不整合型层序。那些典型的叠层石生物丘,类似于微生物礁,主要发育在长山组和凤山组下部构成的三级层序的强迫型海退体系域之中,代表了缓坡型台地中相对海平面下降阶段的沉积记录。这些叠层石生物丘中的叠层石,泥晶和微亮晶是其基本构成,最为特征的是发育着一些典型的钙化蓝细菌化石,表明了这些寒武纪芙蓉世的叠层石生长于蓝细菌主导的微生物席的钙化作用之中。最为重要的是,在构成叠层石生物丘的粗糙纹层柱状和穹窿状叠层石中,较为普遍地发育着"石松藻(Lithocodium)";这种谜一样的钙化蓝细菌化石,与其他的钙化蓝细菌化石一起,表明了寒武纪叠层石形成过程中复杂的微生物沉淀作用,成为窥视叠层石生长和石化过程中重要的微生物作用信号。就像其名称所蕴含着的高级绿藻中的松藻(Codium)的涵义一样,"石松藻(Lithocodium)"状的钙化蓝细菌,多描述于中生代的微生物碳酸盐岩中,而且还常常被解释为结壳状有孔虫或"海绵骨针的网状物",其生物亲和性还存在着剧烈的争论。因此,华北地台东北缘寒武系芙蓉统中的叠层石生物丘,特殊的层序地层位置代表了较为典型的强迫型海退沉积记录,特别的钙化微生物构成代表着叠层石生长和石化过程中复杂的微生物作用信号,成为深入了解"寒武纪-早奥陶世微生物碳酸盐岩复苏期"和"显生宙早期第一幕蓝细菌钙化作用事件"中的微生物造礁和成丘作用的典型实例。  相似文献   

试论华北板块寒武纪地层的穿时性   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
华北板块寒武系馒头组和毛庄组,徐庄组和张夏组,崮山组、长山组和凤山组分别以紫红色泥质白云岩及页岩、鲕粒灰岩和竹叶状灰岩为特征,依次形成于湖—塞卜哈、鲕滩和滩外斜坡环境。若按传统的时代划分,必然得出互相矛盾的古地理解释。按Walther相律,应有大量的紫红色泥质白云岩和页岩,鲕粒灰岩与竹叶状灰岩是同时形成的。无论泥质白云岩和页岩,鲕粒灰岩还是竹叶状灰岩都是随着海侵、相迁移而一个地区,一个地区依次形成,并且它们都是穿时的。  相似文献   

华北地台南缘寒武系苗岭统碳酸盐岩硬底发育在核形石灰岩和鲕粒灰岩之上,并明显截断下伏的碳酸盐沉积物。本文通过对硬底界面之下颗粒间的放射纤维状方解石胶结物和等厚环边的微晶胶结物分析,表明其形成于早期海底胶结作用,该时期早期胶结区靠近沉积物—水界面,易受潮汐和波浪冲刷而暴露海底,并在持续搅动的高能环境中经历磨蚀和平整,形成硬底。由于硬底形成后几乎没有受到强烈改造和持续生物侵蚀的影响,通常表现出简单、平坦的表面形态。研究区馒头组二段含硬底层段形成于低、高能交替的潮间—潮下水道环境,以微晶方解石为主要的胶结剂沉淀;张夏组含硬底层段形成于台内鲕粒滩高速建造期,以物理化学沉淀和早期海底胶结作用为主。研究区出现的硬底表明,该时期海水化学条件和海底生态环境利于碳酸盐沉积物的早期胶结。硬底作为早期海底胶结作用的突出证据,对于研究碳酸盐沉积物的早期成岩作用及岩化特征具有重要意义,其形成过程及成因也为古海洋化学条件和底栖生态系统的变化提供了主要依据。  相似文献   

全球寒武系年代地层再划分的新建议   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:9  
介绍最近提交国际地层委员会寒武系分会的全球寒武系年代地层划分方案 ,划分为 4个统级单位和 10个阶级单位 ,同时提出划分芙蓉统的两个新点位 ,即球接子类三叶虫 Agnostote orientalis和 L otagnostusamericanus的首现。  相似文献   

华北克拉通北缘寒武系碳酸盐岩作为区域油气勘探的重要目标,其沉积环境演化和层序地层格架的研究对区域地层及有利储层定位具有重要指导意义,也为华北地区寒武系油气勘探提供线索。以大量露头剖面实测分析为基础,结合典型井录井、测井、微观显微镜下分析以及地化测试等数据资料,在年代地层框架下进行旋回性地层分析研究,对华北克拉通北缘寒武系岩性、岩相以及地层叠置样式进行详细剖析,研究沉积趋势变化,总结寒武系层序地层划分样式。研究认为:在全球海平面变化控制下,华北地区自府君山组开始,发育广泛的由南向北的持续海侵,在陆源碎屑供给以及碳酸盐岩加积作用的相互制约下,华北地区表现为碳酸盐台地的形成-发展-镶边过程;以张夏组为界,中-下寒武统表现为缓坡-陆棚的沉积环境,上寒武统为具镶边的台地沉积背景;在不同层位不同层序边界类型(I型、Ⅱ型、Ⅲ型)的分隔作用下,将华北克拉通北缘寒武系划分为7个可区域性对比的三级层序,各三级层序高水位体系域多表现厚层清水碳酸盐岩沉积的特点,且受不同程度白云石化作用,成为区域寒武系重要的有利油气储集层。  相似文献   

贺兰山寒武系早期苏屿口组为砂、砾混杂和不等粒结构的水下冲积扇沉积;五道塘组为下古生界碳酸盐台地沉积,其下部为含泥中、细粒砂屑和生物碎屑,中、上部为含不同形态的核形石碳酸盐岩组成;陶思沟组为发育水下流动波痕和水上暴露泥裂构造碳酸盐岩与细碎屑岩系的混合沉积;胡鲁斯台组和阿不切亥组为陆表海与“风暴海”沉积.根据该区与华北地台的对比,首次提出贺兰山寒武纪早期的苏屿口组古地理面貌应是西低东高,而非传统认为的西高东低;寒武纪早期的五道塘组、陶思沟组古地理面貌则为西高东低.  相似文献   

华北寒武系层序地层格架及碳酸盐台地演化   总被引:21,自引:4,他引:21  
梅幂相  马永生 《现代地质》1997,11(3):275-282
华北寒武系包括两大套岩系,即辛集组至徐庄组以碎屑岩与碳酸盐岩交互沉积为特征的岩系,代表碳酸盐台地的发展阶段;张夏组至上寒武统的碳酸盐岩系,代表台地的成熟阶段,其中张夏组代表平顶型台地发育阶段,晚寒武世地层形成缓坡型台地的发育阶段。在岩性、岩相、相序研究的基础上,在寒武纪地层中识别出8个三级层序,它们在碳酸盐台地不同的发育阶段,具有不同的相序特征,以及由不同的相序组构代表的、不同的地层堆积作用特点。  相似文献   

华北地台东部寒武系层序地层年代格架   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
北地台寒武系属稳定的克拉通盆地陆表海沉积。其沉积层序表现为复合层序,主要受全球海平面变化和沉积物补给因素的控制。自下而上可划分为17个正层序,归并为6个正层序组和2个中层序。大部分正层序的边界与生物地层单位一致,与岩石地层单位略有出入。每个正层序的平均时间延续约为3Ma,含两个三叶虫化石带。根据层序地层的研究,可以建立华北寒武系层序地层年代格架,并提出各统和阶的界线参考年龄。  相似文献   

华北地台中、上寒武统露头层序地层学研究的新认识   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
在生物地层对比基础之上通过对河北顺平清醒剖面、山东张夏和河北赵各庄标准剖面以及北京西山剖面的层序地层研究,将华北地台张夏阶和上寒武统自下而上划分并命名了5个总体向上变浅、以间断加深面为界的层序:张夏层序、崮山层序、崮长层序、长山层序和风山层序,并将上寒武统的4个层序与美国的相应层序进行了对比;阐述了层序地层单位与原来的生物地层、岩石地层和年代地层单位之间的关系,并用层序界面对原有岩石地层和年代地层单位的界线进行了优化;同时探讨了在克拉通陆表海背景下层序地层的发育特征以及相应的地质填图方法。  相似文献   

Currently, sedimentologists focus on the challenging issue of microbial carbonates, which are regarded as "one of the sedimentary rocks most difficult to study", having complicated sedimentary fabric. Their characteristic features closely related to microbial activity, distributed over a long period of geological time, and formed in diversified sedimentary environments. The main research concentrations are the calcified microbial mats and biofilms in geological records as the products of lithification and diagenesis. Starting from the origin, this paper systematically reviewed and explained the processes dwelling within two types of microbial communities, the thinner biofilm and the thicker microbial mat, which enabled them to convert into microbial carbonates through biomineralization and lithification. This study proposed that the existence of multiple microbial mats was another important cause for the diversification and complexity of microbial carbonates in addition to its complex depositional process. Moreover, the sedimentary characteristics and classification of different types of microbial carbonates were reviewed, exemplifying the Cambrian microbial carbonates in the North China Platform. These microbial carbonates are suggested to be placed under "bindstone" after Embry and Kloven, which can be further divided into 5 types, stromatolites, thrombolites, oncolites, laminites and leiolites. Dendrolite is not categorized as a separate class, instead attributed to thrombolites. The microbial carbonates may possess good source rock potential because of the enriched organic content, and may also serve as hydrocarbon reservoirs because of certain microbial textures and fabrics leading to significant porosity and permeability. Because of their biomineralization processes related to microbial activity, the microbial carbonates are not only an important window to understand the evolution of the earth's surface environment, but also capable of forming large-scale reservoirs, and their scientific and economic values are self-evident.  相似文献   

华北地区下寒武统的划分对比及其沉积演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
祝有海  马丽芳 《地质论评》2008,54(6):731-740
华北地区下寒武统具有明显的“两灰两红”四套岩石组合,代表两个潮湿—干旱的沉积旋回,据此自下而上可分成辛集组、硃砂洞组、昌平组和馒头组四个岩石地层单元和Husaspis、Megapalaeolenus fengyangensis和Redlichia chinesis三个化石带,并可能分别与南方的筇竹寺阶、沧浪铺阶红井哨段、乌龙箐段和龙王庙阶相对比。早寒武世沉积时,华北地台具有“北高南低、西高东低”的古地貌格局,海水沿地台西南缘的贺兰—六盘坳陷和地台南缘的晋豫裂坳陷及豫—皖陆块依次北侵,并在早寒武世末期浸漫了大部分华北古陆。早寒武世时,郯庐断裂带东侧的吉南辽东地区可能位于地台南缘,其沉积特征与断裂带西侧的豫皖苏鲁地区非常相似,只是中生代发生了大规模的郯庐断裂左行平移才形成现今的地质构造格局。  相似文献   

Mid to late Cambrian thrombolites and maze-like maceriate reefs from the western North China Platform, Wuhai, Inner Mongolia, northwestern China, occur in the middle of a succession dominated by thin-bedded lime mudstone-shale/marlstone alternations, and are laterally surrounded by limestone conglomerate and/or grainstone. Thrombolite, characterized by meter-scale lenticular mounds composed of millimeter- to centimeter-scale mesoclots and wackestone matrix, occurs in the lower middle part of the sequence. Thrombolite mesoclots are composed of microstromatolites with alternating dark gray and light gray micritic laminae. The maze-like maceriate reefs occur in the middle to the upper part of the sequence, commonly forming lenticular mounds up to 1 m thick. They are characterized by centimeter- to decimeter-scale branched maze-like structures, whose biogenic portions (maceria) are selectively dolomitized. The maceriae are composed of poorly preserved microstromatolites and siliceous sponges. Inter-macerial sediments consist of lime mud and scattered bioclasts. These Wuhai reefs are generally similar to but older than various other Cambrian reefs previously reported from the Shandong region, northeastern China.  相似文献   

In the Late Cambrian, the North China Platform was a typical carbonate ramp platform. The Upper Cambrian of the northern part of the North China Platform is famous for the development of bioherm limestones and storm calcirudites and can be divided from bottom to top into the Gushan, Changshan and Fengshan formations. In this set of strata, the deep-ramp mudstone and marls and the shallow-ramp packstones and grainstones constitute many carbonate meter-scale cycles of subtidal type. More tidal-flat dolomites axe developed in the Upper Cambrian of the southern margin of the North China platform, in which limestone and dolomite beds also constitute many carbonate meter-scale cycles of the peritidal type. These cycles are marked by a variety of litho-facies successions. There are regularly vertical stacking patterns of meter-scale cycles in long-term third-order sequences, which is the key to discerning such sequences. Third-order sequence is marked by a particular sedimentary-facies succession that is the result of the environment-changing process of deepening and shoaling, which is genetically related to third-order sea level changes. Furthermore, four third-order sequences can be grouped in the Upper Cambrian of the North China Platform. The main features of these four third-order sequences in the northern part of the platform can be summarized as follows: firstly, sequence-boundaries are characterized by drowning unconformities; secondly, the sedimentary-facies succession is generally constituted by one from deep-ramp facies to shallow-ramp facies; thirdly, a succession of “CS (?) HST” (i.e., “condensed section and highstand system”) forms these four third-order sequences. The chief features for the third-order sequences in the southern part of the North China Platform comprises: more dolomites are developed in the HSTs of third-order sequences and also developed more carbonate meter-scale cycles of peritidal types; the sedimentary-facies succession of the third-order sequences is marked by “shallow ramp-tidal flat”; the sequence boundaries are characterized by exposure punctuated surfaces. According to the changes for the third-order sequences from the north to the south, a regular sequence-stratigraphic framework can be established. From cycles to sequences, the study of sequence stratigraphy from litho-facies successions to sedimentary-facies successions exposes that as follows: meter-scale cycles that are used as the basic working unit actually are litho-facies successions formed by the mechanism of a punctuated aggradational cycle, and third-order sequences that are constituted by regularly vertical stacking patterns of meter-scale cycles are marked by sedimentary-facies successions. On the basis of the changing curve of water depth at each section, the curve of the relative third-order sea level changes in the late Cambrian of the North China Platform can be integrated qualitatively from changing curve of water depth. The correlation of Late Cambrian long-term sea level changes between North China and North America demonstrates that there are not only similarities but also differences, reflecting control of long-term sea level changes both by global eustacy and by regional factors.  相似文献   

TheNorthChinaplatformisoneofthemostimportantcratonicbasinsinChina.SinceitwasupliftedattheearlyNeoproterozoic,theplatformhadbe...  相似文献   

The Guole biota contains common shelly fossils and some exceptionally well-preserved soft-bodied fossils. Stratigraphically, it is located in the mudstones and siltstones of the Sandu Formation near Guole Town, Jingxi County, Guangxi, South China. It is the first Furongian (late Cambrian) Burgess Shale-type biota found in the world, thereby filling the gap between middle Cambrian and Lower Ordovician Burgess Shale-type Lagerst?tten. Preliminary studies suggest that the Guole biota includes approximately seven metazoan groups as well as algae. These will provide important new evolutionary and ecological information.  相似文献   

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