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A quantitative study of trace fossil abundance in the Middle Eocene deep-marine clastic systems, Ainsa-Jaca basin, Spanish Pyrenees, shows that they are powerful discriminators of submarine fan and related environments. Sixteen fan and related environments are recognized from upper-slope gully to the distal basin-floor. For each environment, the degree of bioturbation (density), trace-fossil diversity, number of pre-depositional and post-depositional trace fossils, as well as the number of graphoglyptid ichnospecies were quantified. In the more laterally confined and channel-dominated Ainsa basin, there is a trend of increasing bioturbation intensity and trace-fossil diversity away from channel-axis to off-axis environments. In the more unconfined and distal Jaca basin, there is a trend of increasing trace-fossil diversity and number of pre-depositional trace fossils including graphoglyptids from the channel-lobe transition to the fan-fringe. The trace-fossil assemblages of the Ainsa-Jaca basin are characteristic of a number of sub-ichnofacies of the Nereites ichnofacies. In the distal Jaca basin, the Paleodictyon sub-ichnofacies occurs in the lobe-fringe and fan-fringe, whereas the distal basin-floor has a trace-fossil assemblage typical of the Paleodictyon sub-ichnofacies, but with a high proportion of post-depositional fodinichnia . Trace-fossil assemblages of proximal basin, axial, environments are characteristic of the Ophiomorpha rudis sub-ichnofacies, whilst proximal off-axis environments, have a mixed Paleodictyon-Ophiomorpha rudis sub-ichnofacies trace-fossil assemblage.  相似文献   

The ca 300 m thick Guaso system is the youngest part of the ca 4 km thick deep-marine fill of the Middle Eocene Ainsa basin, Spanish Pyrenees. It is overlain by 150 to 200 m of fine-grained slope, prodelta and deltaic sediments. The ca 25 discrete deep-marine sandbodies within the Ainsa basin accumulated over ca 10 Myr, making eustasy the most likely control for coarse sand deposition (probably the ca 400 kyr Milankovitch mode). The first-order control on basin-scale accommodation, however, was tectonically-driven subsidence. Previously, the Guaso sandbodies were interpreted as linked to deep erosional, canyon-like features, but here it is argued that they are laterally extensive sandbodies, built by lateral-switching of 3 to 10 m deep erosional channels, and confined only by basin structure during deposition. The Guaso system represents the end of deep-marine deposition in a structurally-confined, delta-fed, low-gradient clastic system. The critical end-signature of deep-marine deposition was a phase of differential tectonic uplift above the underlying (Boltaña) thrust creating a narrower and shallower basin morphology, thus allowing sedimentation to create a low-gradient clastic system. Then, the next eustatic sea-level fall was insufficient to permit the cutting of canyons or deeply-incised slope channels, as had been the case earlier when the topographic relief between shelf and basin was at least several hundred metres greater. Such low-gradient clastic systems may characterize the end-signature for the infill of other shallowing-up deep-marine basins where a tectonic driver on subsidence is removed and/or differential uplift/subsidence leads to reduced sea floor gradients, leaving eustasy and sediment flux as the principal control on sediment supply.  相似文献   

This study illustrates how decoupling of quartz and zircon can be used advantageously in provenance research. Thirty‐eight fine‐grained to coarse‐grained arkose samples of the Early Triassic intracontinental Buntsandstein Group from the Central European Basin in Germany were analysed for their petrography and 1200 grains in 23 of these for their detrital quartz cathodoluminescence characteristics. The samples represent the Hessian and Thuringian sub‐basins and the Eichsfeld–Altmark Swell separating them. The Hessian Sub‐basin includes more metamorphic lithoclasts with a larger content of plutonic grains than are found further east in the Thuringian Sub‐basin. More than 90% of the detrital quartz from the eastern Thuringian Sub‐basin produce medium to bright blue cathodoluminescence colours and corresponding spectra that are typical for igneous or high‐temperature metamorphic origin. Differently, the quartz from the Hessian Sub‐basin mostly luminesces brown and dark to medium blue, typical for a low‐temperature metamorphic origin. Quartz from the Eichsfeld–Altmark Swell and the western Thuringian Sub‐basin is a mixture between these origins. The quartz indicates different catchments for the sub‐basins, possibly the Bohemian Massif and the Massif Central, with converging transport routes on and close to the eastern fringe of the swell. Taking published zircon data from the same samples into account, light mineral‐zircon grain‐size shifts are up to 2 Φ units. That can be explained by mineral decoupling due to different transport modes for quartz and zircon and different zircon‐size availability in the source areas, exaggerated by combined aqueous–aeolian transport, as well as sample preparation‐induced sorting. This study concludes that submerged highs significantly can influence continental sediment transport. Hence, vast, flat continental areas with submerged morphological highs and a seemingly straightforward transportation pattern may be more complex than expected. The results also illustrate that analysis of detritus that has been affected by different dominating transport modes, and further sorting during sampling and preparation can reveal additional source information.  相似文献   

Occurrences and distribution of extremely scarce eognathodontids do not facilitate reliable correlation across the European regions. The correlation of the traditional early Pragian of the Prague Synform (a part of the classical Barrandian area) and the Spanish Central Pyrenees (section Segre 1) is based on conodont taxa of the Icriodus steinachensis and the Pelekysgnathus serratus stocks. This correlation has the potential to be extended to other peri‐Gondwanan regions where this scarcity of eognathodontid faunas exists as well. Application of the morphotype subdivision in I. steinachensis enables approximation of the beginning of the Pragian in the Pyrenees. It is based on the entry of I. steinachensis beta morphotype; it enters together with early eognathodontid taxa in the Barrandian sections. These correlations show that routine application of certain zonal concepts can lead to misleading conclusions. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper documents a subsurface trace fossil and ichnofabric study of the proximal parts of a structurally confined and channelized sand‐rich, lower slope and proximal basin‐floor deep‐marine system in the Middle Eocene Ainsa basin, Spanish Pyrenees. Five depositional environments are recognized based on sedimentary facies associations, depositional architecture and stratigraphic context (channel axis, channel off‐axis, channel margin, leveé‐overbank and interfan), as well as a channel abandonment phase. Each environment is characterized by distinct and recurring ichnofabrics. Ichnological measurements and observations were recorded from six cores recovered from six wells drilled at a spacing of between 400 m and 500 m at outcrop, and totalling 1213 m in length. From channel axis to levée‐overbank environments, there is a trend of increasing bioturbation intensity and ichnodiversity. Ichnofabrics in channel axis and channel off‐axis environments are characterized by low bioturbation intensity and low ichnodiversity. Thalassinoides‐dominated firmground ichnofabrics associated with erosive sediment gravity flows are common in these environments. In contrast, channel margin and levée‐overbank environments are characterized by ichnofabrics associated with high bioturbation intensity and ichnodiversity. Sediments of the interfan are characterized by the highest bioturbation intensity, associated with burrow mottling and an absence of primary sedimentary structures. This paper demonstrates that in core‐based studies, ichnofabric analysis is an important and valuable tool in discriminating between different environments in channelized deep‐marine siliciclastic systems. The results of this study should find wide applicability in reservoir characterization studies in the petroleum industry, in field‐based analogue ichnofabric studies and other core‐based studies in deep‐water siliciclastic systems worldwide such as the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program.  相似文献   

Provenance and tectonic history of the late Eocene‐early Oligocene submarine fans and shelf deposits on Lemnos Island, NE Greece, were studied using sandstone framework composition, sedimentological data and sandstone and mudstone geochemistry. The resulting tectonic–sedimentological model is based on the late Eocene–early Oligocene Lemnos Island being in a forearc basin with the outer arc ridge as a major sediment source. Modal petrographic analysis of the studied sandstones shows that the source area comprises sedimentary, metamorphic and plutonic igneous rocks deposited in the studied area in a recycled orogenic environment. Moreover, within the above sediments, the minor occurrence of volcanic fragments suggests little or no influence of a volcanic source. Provenance results, based on major, trace and rare earth element (REE) data, suggest an active continental margin/continental island arc signature. All the samples are LREE, enriched relative to HREE, with a flat HREE pattern and positive Eu anomalies, suggesting that the processes of intracrustal differentiation (involving plagioclase fractionation) were not of great importance. Results derived from the multi‐element diagrams also suggest an active margin character, and a mafic/ultramafic source rock composition, while the positive anomaly of Zr that can be attributed to a passive continental margin source, is most likely associated with reworking and sorting during sediment transfer. Palaeocurrents, with a NE–NNE direction, indicate a northeast flow, towards the location of the late Eocene–early Oligocene magmatic belt in the north‐east Aegean region. Conglomerates are composed of chert, gneiss and igneous fragments, such as basalts and gabbros, suggesting this outer arc ridge as a likely source area. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Petrographic and geochemical characteristics of the Upper Triassic sandstones in the western Ordos Basin were studied to provide insight into weathering characteristics, provenance, and tectonic implications. Petrographic features show that the sandstones are characterized by low-medium compositional maturity and textural maturity. The CIA and CIW values reveal weak and moderate weathering history in the source area. The geochemical characteristics together with palaeocurrent data show that the northwestern sediments were mainly derived from the Alxa Block with a typical recycled nature, while the provenance of the western and southwestern sediments were mainly from the Qinling-Qilian Orogenic Belt. The tectonic setting discrimination diagrams signify that the parent rocks of sandstones in the western and southern Ordos Basin were mainly developed from continental island arc, which is closely related to the evolution of the Qinling-Qilian Orogenic Belt. However, the sandstones in the northwestern Ordos Basin show complex features, which may be resulted from a typical recycling process. Overall evidence from petrography, geochemistry and sedimentology, together with previous researches suggest the Kongtongshan and Helanshan areas were the southwestern and northwestern boundary of the Ordos Basin, respectively, and there was no clear boundary between the Hexi Corridor Belt and Ordos Basin, where a large, uniform sediment dispersal system developed during the Late Triassic.  相似文献   

宋博  闫全人  向忠金  陈辉明  李继亮 《地质通报》2014,33(12):2032-2050
岩相学特征表明,广西凭祥盆地砾岩可分为颗粒支撑和基质支撑2种,砾石成分主要为生物碎屑灰岩,其次为砂岩和泥岩。盆地砂岩主要由成分成熟度和结构成熟度较低的亚岩屑(杂)砂岩和岩屑(杂)砂岩组成,物源区为碰撞造山带或再旋回造山带。碎屑岩地球化学特征表明,凭祥中三叠世盆地中的砂岩和泥岩样品SiO2含量为61.71%~74.85%,接近于上地壳的平均值。具有高的K2O/Na2O值(6.50~0.51)和高的TFe2O3+MgO含量(7.29%~10.31%),TFe2O3/K2O值为2.05%~5.54%,矿物稳定性较差。稀土元素标准化配分曲线呈现出轻稀土元素富集、重稀土元素平坦和明显的Eu、Ce负异常特征,类似于上地壳和典型的太古宙页岩,具有海相沉积的特征。砂岩风化蚀变指数CIA高(71~88),Th/U值为3.68~9.53,表明砂岩和泥岩经历了较强的风化作用。砂岩物源区判别图表明,凭祥盆地物源与酸性岛弧具明显的亲缘性,增生楔和活动陆缘是主要的物源区。这些特征综合表明,凭祥盆地是一个伴随古特提斯分支洋盆闭合、经强烈构造改造的残余弧前盆地。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地东南缘下—中侏罗统煤层沿阿尔金山前断续分布,其煤岩、煤质与典型的西北侏罗纪煤层具有明显不同。通过对和田布雅、于田普鲁、且末红柳沟等煤矿主采煤层样品进行煤岩、煤质鉴定及煤化指标等一系列综合研究分析,结果表明,主采煤层以光亮煤、半亮煤为主,其次是半暗煤、暗淡煤;煤岩组分以镜质组为主,壳质组含量少,具中-高镜惰比。因成煤沼泽的还原程度促进了无机硫分的形成,煤中全硫含量随镜质组含量的增加呈现逐渐增高的趋势,且煤层硫分与灰分整体具有明显的负相关关系。此外,煤层挥发分受不同种类硫分的影响,亦有明显差异性变化。在民丰凹陷中-高硫煤中,硫分以无机硫为主,随着硫分的升高挥发分亦有升高趋势;瓦石峡凹陷中-低硫煤受有机硫控制,对挥发分产率的影响不明显。民丰凹陷煤层的灰分指数高于瓦石峡凹陷,可见后者的成煤沼泽环境潜水面要比前者高得多。针对上述诸多因素分析,进一步揭示塔东南地区煤岩、煤质多样性变化受断陷湖盆以及局部水体较深的还原型沼泽环境控制,最终形成了中-高挥发分、中-低灰分、中-低硫分的煤质及富镜贫惰的煤岩特征。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the provenance of Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous sediments in the Kutch Basin, western India, on the basis of mineralogical investigations of sandstones composition(Quartz-Feldspar-Lithic(QFL)fragment), Zircon-Tourmaline-Rutile(ZTR) index, and mineral chemistry of heavy detrital minerals of the framework.The study also examines the compositional variation of the sandstone in relation to the evolution of the Kutch Basin, which originated as a rift basin during the Late Triassic and evolved into a passive margin basin by the end Cretaceous. This study analyzes sandstone samples of Jhumara, Jhuran and Bhuj Formations of Middle Jurassic,Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous, respectively, in the Kutch Mainland. Sandstones record a compositional evolution from arkosic to subarkosic as the feldspar content decreases from 68% in the Jhumara Formation to 27%in the Bhuj Formation with intermediate values in the Jhuran Formation. The QFL modal composition indicates basement uplifted and transitional continental settings at source. Heavy mineral content of these sandstones reveals the occurrence of zircon, tourmaline, rutile, garnet, apatite, monazite and opaque minerals. Sub-rounded to well-rounded zircon grains indicate a polycyclic origin. ZTR indices for samples in Jhumara, Jhuran and Bhuj Formations are 25%, 30% and 50% respectively. Chemistry of opaque minerals reveals the occurrence of detrital varieties such as ilmenite, rutile, hematite/magnetite and pyrite, in a decreasing order of abundances. Chemistry of ilmenites in the Jhumara Formation reveals its derivation from dual felsic igneous and metabasic source, while those in Jhuran and Bhuj Formations indicate a metabasic derivation. Chemistry of garnet reveals predominantly Fe-rich(almandine) variety of metabasic origin. X-ray microscopic study provides the percentage of heavy minerals ranging from 3% to 5.26%. QFL detrital modes reflect the evolution of the basin from an active rift to a passive margin basin during the Mesozoic. Integration of results from QFL modal composition of the sandstones, heavy mineral analysis and mineral chemistry, suggests sediment supply from both northern and eastern highlands during the Middle Jurassic. The uplift along the Kutch Mainland Fault in the Early Cretaceous results in curtailment of sediment input from north.  相似文献   

利用岩石地球化学示踪技术,对内蒙古东北地区中二叠统哲斯组砂岩的物源区和构造背景进行了研究.对研究区中二叠统哲斯组砂岩常量元素、微量以及稀土元素的分析表明,哲斯组砂岩样品的常量元素整体上SiO2、Al2O3、Fe2O3含量高(分别为67.87% ~71.94%、14.57%~15.61%、2.61% ~6.20%),CaO、MgO含量低(分别为0.31% ~0.58%和0.80%~1.93%).微量元素上呈大离子亲石元素Ba、Sr相对富集,高场强元素除Zr、Y外相对较低,并且具有轻稀土元素富集、重稀土元素亏损和明显负Eu异常的特点,其中(La/Yb)n=5.08~8.67,Eu/Eu* -0.56~0.77.认为研究区哲斯组砂岩的物源主要来自于上地壳长英质源区,源岩可能为花岗岩,其物源区的构造背景为大陆岛弧环境.  相似文献   

漠河盆地位于蒙古—鄂霍茨克褶皱带中的额尔古纳微板块的北缘,地处西伯利亚板块与华北板块碰撞拼合部位。二十二站组是漠河盆地中生代沉积地层之一,前人对其形成时代和物源进行了探讨,但仍存在很大争议,本文在前人研究的基础上,通过碎屑锆石年代学和岩石地球化学再次厘定其形成时代,并对物源及源区大地构造背景进行探讨。碎屑锆石年代学研究表明,二十二站组碎屑锆石大部分为岩浆结晶锆石,少部分锆石颗粒为增生-混合型锆石,显示出经历了后期构造-热事件改造。此外,少部分锆石颗粒磨圆好,显示出其经历了多次搬运、沉积过程的特征,从而指示早先形成的古老沉积岩为二十二站组提供了物源。获得最年轻的锆石年龄为134±1Ma,结合前人区域地质调查报告中发现了时期的古生物化石,将二十二站组的沉积下限限定为早白垩世早期,同时也说明了研究区存在早白垩世早期火成岩物源。主、微量元素构造环境判别及物源分析揭示二十二站组物源主要为活动大陆边缘及大陆岛弧环境的上地壳长英质、安山质源区,并混有下地壳深部物质(基性岩)。锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年结果表明,二十二站组碎屑锆石有随着时代变新锆石保存数量增多的趋势,其年龄分布整体上可被划分为四个时期:新太古代(2711±10Ma,N=1),说明额尔古纳地块存在新太古代的基底信息;中元古代-古元古代(2428~1238Ma,N=11),指示兴华渡口岩群为二十二站沉积物提供了部分物源;新元古代(921-561Ma,N=7),是晋宁期古亚洲洋向额尔古纳-兴安地块俯冲形成大陆岩浆弧(活动大陆边缘)构造事件在研究区的记录;中生代-晚古生代(540-134Ma,N=280),是蒙古-鄂霍茨克洋俯冲、闭合过程中形成的花岗质岩浆在研究区的物质记录,且显生宙花岗岩质岩浆为二十二站组提供了最为丰富的物源。  相似文献   

Lakes developed in the inner depressions of tufa mounds are rare geomorphic features and still poorly understood. Sedimentation in this unusual type of endorheic lake with a very restricted catchment area is highly sensitive to environmental and hydrological changes. The Isona tufa mound complex, north‐eastern Iberian Peninsula, is associated with the discharge zone of a confined artesian aquifer and comprises 11 tufa mounds consisting of an annular rimstone enclosing a central depression filled with lake deposits. Data gathered from trenches excavated in four palaeolakes located within three different morphostratigraphic units permitted a precise analysis of the geometrical characteristics and stratigraphic relationships of the deposits and provided a sedimentation model for the Late Quaternary infilling of the spring‐fed lakes. The work illustrates that trenches allow a precise characterization of the stratigraphic arrangements, lateral facies changes and deformation structures, which are not apparent in studies relying solely on borehole records, and facilitate sampling for dating and geochemical analyses. The five sedimentary facies described represent different evolutionary stages of the lakes, including: (i) carbonate‐rich palustrine deposits probably related to periods with strong hydrological seasonality; (ii) massive highly bioturbated organic ooze; (iii) banded organic carbonate‐rich facies associated with an increase in the regional effective moisture; (iv) fine‐grained quartz‐rich aeolian/slope‐wash sediments; and (v) colluvial facies deposited following the desiccation of the lakes located at higher altitudes. Geochemical and sedimentological analyses of the lacustrine sequences provided information on the palaeohydrological evolution of the Isona tufa mound complex and the palaeoenvironmental conditions of the area over the last 28 ka. Radiometric dating suggests that deposition occurred simultaneously at ca 22 ka in palaeolakes situated at different elevations. A drop in the piezometric level prompted by the opening of springs at lower altitudes probably caused the deactivation of the upper springs and the desiccation of the lakes. Arid conditions prevailed in the area during the Late Glacial and the early Holocene (28·0 to 8·5 ka bp ). More humid conditions recorded from 8·5 to 4·2 ka and again since 1·7 ka are in accordance with palaeoenvironmental reconstructions available in the Western Mediterranean since the Last Glacial Maximum.  相似文献   

The Haymana basin in central Anatolia (Turkey) formed on a Late Cretaceous to Middle Eocene fore-arc accretionary wedge. A sequential model is proposed for the 1-km-thick Lutetian Yamak turbidite complex (YTC) which is the youngest paleotectonic unit of the basin. The YTC represents a prograding submarine fan subdivided into three depositional sequences (DS), each several hundred meters thick. Each depositional sequence consists of a turbidite system (TS), with sandstone and conglomeratic sandstone beds alternating with mudstones, overlain by basin plain mudstones. In each turbidite system, the sandstone and mudstone sequential organization allows the distinction of smaller subdivisions, namely, basic sequences (BS) and basic units (BU), with each basic sequence being composed of several basic units. This subdivision, associated with a two-dimensional geometric reconstruction of the YTC, leads to a better understanding of the evolution in time and space of the submarine fan system. Lower to middle fan depositional lobes, and upper fan and slope channels, are represented. As a whole, the YTC progressed from a sand-poor to a sand-rich system. Depositional sequences (DS) of the YTC may correspond to third-order sea-level cycles of tectonic origin. Accordingly, fourth- and fifth-order cycles might be proposed for the BS and BU, respectively. However, partly because of the limited extent of exposures, the allocyclic origin of these finer subdivisions remains problematic.  相似文献   

南天山在晚古生代以来经历的一系列碰撞和微板块的拼合事件在塔里木盆地北缘的沉积作用和构造演化中都有明显的反映,而沉积物物源分析是认识盆地演化、解释构造背景的重要途径和方法。根据对塔里木盆地北缘地区多个剖面的研究,上石炭统阿依里河组砂岩碎屑组分以石英为主,其次是长石及各种岩屑,有时含有机质杂基及云母。其中石英平均含量为70.7%(53%~86%),长石平均含量7.1%(5%~17%),岩屑平均含量为22.5%(20%~30%)。物源分析结果表明,砂岩物源主要来自再旋回造山带,并且主要具俯冲消减的缝合带和碰撞造山属性,少量具弧造山属性。结合塔里木北缘晚石炭世的岩相古地理特征,认为物源可能来自于北侧的古天山造山带。  相似文献   


始新世暖期可作为当代全球变暖的历史相似型,研究始新世气候变化及其机制对于理解现代气候变暖的幅度和速率具有重要意义。卢氏盆地位于中国中部秦岭东段,发育了连续的、富含碳酸盐矿物的始新世湖相沉积物,是重建始新世暖期陆地气候的良好材料。本研究在卢氏盆地郑家山-三角沟一带(34°04'N,111°10'E)采集了张家村组中上部和卢氏组的样品,采样层厚约288 m,共采集样品505个。根据岩石薄片镜下鉴定,卢氏盆地中始新世湖相沉积物物质组成以碳酸盐、粘土和粉砂为主,其中碳酸盐沉积为表生条件下封闭或半封闭淡水湖或微咸水湖化学作用自生成因。使用傅里叶红外光谱(FTIR)漫反射法测定沉积物碳酸盐含量,发现其与磁化率具有一定的负相关关系,分别指示了内源化学沉积和外源碎屑输入的贡献量,受控于流域蒸发量与降水量的共同作用,揭示了中始新世卢氏盆地的干湿变化。当流域更加湿润,即降水量增加(蒸发量减少)时,径流量相应增加,不利于碳酸盐沉淀而有利于外源碎屑输入,表现为沉积物碳酸盐含量降低、磁化率数值升高,反之同理。在已有年代框架的基础上,建立了卢氏盆地湖相沉积物碳酸盐含量时间序列,其记录了在中始新世气候适宜期(MECO)卢氏盆地较为湿润的气候环境,并且具有多旋回变化,与地球运动轨道的周期变化相关。


西湖凹陷是东海陆架盆地重要的富生烃凹陷之一,平湖组是主要烃源岩和油气富集层系。为了探讨平湖组沉积期构造背景、源区性质及古环境,本文对平湖组泥质岩地球化学特征进行了研究。地球化学分析结果表明,平湖组沉积期同时具有大陆岛弧和活动大陆边缘构造背景。平湖组泥质岩的物源区母岩主要由上地壳岩石演化而来,并通过对比周围隆起区母岩特征,认为西侧的海礁隆起为西湖凹陷西部斜坡区平湖组沉积期的主要物源区,母岩主要以上地壳的长英质火成岩为主,并受到少量来自幔源岩浆和上地壳古生界变质岩系的影响,母岩类型主要为花岗闪长岩和英安质凝灰岩,少量安山岩和变质岩。泥质岩CIA分析表明,平湖组泥质岩的母岩经历了中等—强烈的风化作用,结合Sr/Cu值分析,推断西湖凹陷在平湖组沉积期古气候较为温暖湿润。微量元素和古盐度分析结果以及对盆地古地貌特征分析表明,西湖凹陷平湖组沉积期自北向南沉积背景有明显的地区差异性,北部(A- 1)沉积水体为淡水,主要发育河控三角洲沉积体系,而中部(A- 2)和南部(B- 1)表现为淡水和半咸水交替演化的特征,主要发育受潮汐影响三角洲沉积体系。平湖组泥质岩主要形成于含氧环境中。  相似文献   

沉积物中重矿物分布受物源区、构造抬升与剥蚀作用、古地貌以及沉积古气候、古环境等多种因素影响,因此沉积重砂矿物的研究可应用于物源区、沉积环境的分析,阐明构造旋回与沉积作用的响应关系。本文通过对塔中地区中1井等6口探井上泥盆统东河砂岩和志留系柯坪塔格组砂岩中重砂矿物分析,提出了塔中东河砂岩重砂矿物主要来自稳定的基底再沉积及花岗岩来源,但受近源的基性火山岩及岩浆期后热液作用影响较大;志留系下砂岩重砂矿物主要来自下覆碳酸盐岩、花岗岩和搬运再沉积物,总体形成于稳定的、多物源的构造-沉积环境,物源方向可能是东南至西北方向。  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(17):2118-2142

The Late Cretaceous-Paleogene Mexican foreland basin (MFB), defined herein, represents the southern continuation of the late Mesozoic Cordilleran foreland basin. Sandstone petrography, new detrital-zircon (DZ) U-Pb geochronology, and paleocurrent data indicate that much of the sedimentary fill of the basin was derived from an active Late Cretaceous-Paleogene magmatic arc, termed here the Mexican Cordilleran arc, on the western continental margin of Mexico. The oldest known strata of the proximal foreland basin in the Mesa Central consist of Cenomanian-Turonian turbidites. Sampled sandstones are compositional volcanic litharenites with abundant neovolcanic grains and a dominant, approximately syndepositional DZ age group ranging ~98–92 Ma that records a major magmatic event in the Mexican Cordilleran arc. Santonian-Campanian strata in the distal MFB consist of carbonate pelagites with abundant interbedded tuffs and tuffaceous sandstones. Represented by the Caracol and San Felipe formations deposited in the forebulge and back-bulge depozones, respectively, these strata form an arcuate outcrop belt ~700 km in length. DZ ages ranging ~85–74 Ma in the arc-derived tuffaceous strata record a second prominent magmatic event.

Two principal transport mechanisms delivered volcanogenic sediment to the MFB from multiple, simultaneously active arc sources during Late Cretaceous time: (1) Cenomanian-Turonian east-directed transverse fluvial systems transported volcanic-lithic sand rich in young zircon grains; and (2) airborne ash clouds transported Santonian-Campanian zircon grains to the distal foreland basin in prevailing Late Cretaceous northwesterly winds. Axial transport of sediment derived from active arc sources, Proterozoic basement and derivative sedimentary rocks in northwestern Mexico, in addition to transverse transport from the thrust orogen itself, represents a younger sediment-routing system, modified by advance of the foreland fold-thrust belt, to the Maastrichtian-Paleogene foreland of northeastern Mexico.  相似文献   

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